1 /***************************************************************************//**
2 * \file cy_sysint.h
3 * \version 1.90.1
4 *
5 * \brief
6 * Provides an API declaration of the SysInt driver
7 *
8 ********************************************************************************
9 * \copyright
10 * Copyright (c) (2016-2022), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
11 * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
12 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
13 *
14 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
15 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
16 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
17 *
18 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
19 *
20 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
21 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
22 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
23 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *******************************************************************************/
27 /**
28 * \addtogroup group_sysint
29 * \{
30 * The SysInt driver provides an API to configure the device peripheral interrupts.
31 * It provides a lightweight interface to complement
32 * the <a href="https://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/Core/html/group__NVIC__gr.html">CMSIS core NVIC API</a>.
33 * The provided functions are applicable for all cores in a device and they can
34 * be used to configure and connect device peripheral interrupts to one or more
35 * cores.
36 *
37 * The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_sysint.h.
38 * You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions
39 * and declarations in the PDL.
40 *
41 * \section group_sysint_vector_table Vector Table
42 * \subsection group_sysint_CM0_CM4 CM0+/CM4
43 * The vector table defines the entry addresses of the processor exceptions and
44 * the device specific interrupts. It is located at the start address of the flash
45 * and is copied by the startup code to RAM. The symbol code __Vectors is the
46 * address of the vector table in the startup code and the register SCB->VTOR
47 * holds the start address of the vector table. See \ref group_system_config_device_vector_table
48 * section for the implementation details.
49 * The default interrupt handler functions are defined as weak functions to a dummy handler
50 * in the startup file. The naming convention is \<interrupt_name\>_IRQHandler.
51 *
52 * Defining these in the user application allows the linker to place them in
53 * the vector table in flash/ROM. For example:
54 * \code
55 * void ioss_interrupts_gpio_0_IRQHandler(void)
56 * {
57 *     ...
58 * }
59 * \endcode
60 * And can be used like this:
61 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_flashVT
62 * Using this method avoids the need for a RAM vector table. However in this scenario,
63 * interrupt handler re-location at run-time is not possible, unless the vector table is
64 * relocated to RAM.
65 *
66 * \subsection group_sysint_CM33 CM33
67 * CM33 with Security extension supports two vector tables, one for secure world and another
68 * for non-secure world. Secure interrupt vector table is placed in the secure ROM/FLASH, where as
69 * non-secure interrupt vector table is placed in the non-secure ROM/FLASH. In both scenarios,
70 * vector tables are copied by the startup code to secure and non-secure RAM respectively.
71 * The symbol code __s_vector_table is the address of the secure vector table and
72 * __ns_vector_table is for the non-secure world in the startup code. The register SCB->VTOR
73 * holds the start address of the vector table. See \ref group_system_config_device_vector_table
74 * section for the implementation details.
75 *
76 * CM33 without Security extension will support only non-secure interrupts.
77 *
78 * The default interrupt handler functions are defined to a dummy handler in the startup file.
79 * The naming convention is \<interrupt_name\>_IRQHandler.
80 *
81 * \subsection group_sysint_CM55 CM55
82 * CM55 is without Security extension and will support only non-secure interrupts. It is similar to CM33 non-secure part.
83 * Additionally CM55 core has support to block EWIC (External Wakeup Interrupt Controller). EWIC is a peripheral to the processor
84 * and it can be a source of wakeup in the system. EWIC block is disabled by default and needs to be enabled in order for the DS
85 * wakeup source to work.
86 *
87 * \subsection group_sysint_CM0_CM7 CAT1C CM0+/CM7
88 * The vector table defines the entry addresses of the processor exceptions and
89 * the device specific interrupts. Interrupt vector table is placed in the ROM/FLASH. The
90 * vector table is copied by the startup code to RAM. The symbol code __ramVectors is the address of the vector table.
91 * The register SCB->VTOR holds the start address of the vector table. See \ref group_system_config_device_vector_table
92 * section for the implementation details.
93 * Each system interrupt has to be mapped onto one out of eight external CPU interrupts. When a system interrupt is triggered, corresponding mapped
94 * CPU IRQ gets triggered which results in the execution of the default CPU IRQ handler. In this handler the system interrupt mapped to this
95 * CPU interrupt will be fetched and executed.
96 *
97 * The default CPU IRQ handler functions are defined as weak functions in the startup file.
98 * The naming convention followed is \<core\>_CpuIntr\<interrupt_number\>_Handler.
99 * Below is the code snippet.
100 * \code
101 * void Interrupt_Handler_Port0(void)
102 * {
103 *     ... //User interrupt handler
104 * }
105 * \endcode
107 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_Init
108 *
109 * \section group_sysint_driver_usage Driver Usage
110 *
111 * \subsection group_sysint_initialization Initialization
112 *
113 * Interrupt numbers are defined in a device-specific header file, such as
114 * cy8c68237bz_ble.h, and are consistent with interrupt handlers defined in the
115 * vector table.
116 *
117 * To configure an interrupt, call Cy_SysInt_Init(). Populate
118 * the configuration structure (cy_stc_sysint_t) and pass it as a parameter
119 * along with the ISR address. This initializes the interrupt and
120 * instructs the CPU to jump to the specified ISR vector upon a valid trigger.
121 * For CM0+ core, the configuration structure (cy_stc_sysint_t)
122 * must specify the device interrupt source (cm0pSrc) that feeds into the CM0+ NVIC
123 * mux (intrSrc).
124 *
125 * For CM4/CM33/CM55 core, system interrupt source 'n' is connected to the
126 * corresponding IRQn. Deep-sleep capable interrupts are allocated to Deep Sleep
127 * capable IRQn channels.
128 *
129 * For CAT1C CM7/CM0+ core, the configuration structure (cy_stc_sysint_t) must specify
130 * system interrupt source, CPU IRQ and the CPU IRQ priority. The system interrupt source is mapped to bit 0-15 of intrSrc parameter
131 * and CPU IRQ is mapped to bit 16-31 of intrSrc parameter.
132 *
133 * For CM0+ core, deep Sleep wakeup-capability is determined by the CPUSS_CM0_DPSLP_IRQ_NR
134 * parameter, where the first N number of muxes (NvicMux0 ... NvicMuxN-1) have the
135 * capability to trigger Deep Sleep interrupts. A Deep Sleep capable interrupt source
136 * must be connected to one of these muxes to be able to trigger in Deep Sleep.
137 * Refer to the IRQn_Type definition in the device header.
138 *
139 * 1. For CPUSS_ver1 the CM0+ core supports up to 32 interrupt channels (IRQn 0-31). To allow all device
140 * interrupts to be routable to the NVIC of this core, there is a 240:1 multiplexer
141 * at each of the 32 NVIC channels.
142 *
143 * 2. For CPUSS_ver2 the CM0+ core supports up to 8 hardware interrupt channels (IRQn 0-7) and software-only
144 * interrupt channels (IRQn 8-15). The device has up to 1023 interrupts that can be connected to any of the
145 * hardware interrupt channels. In this structure, multiple interrupt sources can be connected
146 * simultaneously to one NVIC channel. The application must then query the interrupt source on the
147 * channel and service the active interrupt(s). The priority of these interrupts is determined by the
148 * interrupt number as defined in the cy_en_intr_t enum, where the lower number denotes higher priority
149 * over the higher number.
150 *
151 * \subsection group_sysint_enable Enable
152 *
153 * After initializing an interrupt, use the CMSIS Core
154 * <a href="https://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/Core/html/group__NVIC__gr.html#ga530ad9fda2ed1c8b70e439ecfe80591f">NVIC_EnableIRQ()</a> function
155 * to enable it. Given an initialization structure named config,
156 * the function should be called as follows:
157 * \code
158 * NVIC_EnableIRQ(config.intrSrc)
159 * \endcode
160 *
161 * \subsection group_sysint_service Writing an interrupt service routine
162 *
163 * Servicing interrupts in the Peripheral Drivers should follow a prescribed
164 * recipe to ensure all interrupts are serviced and duplicate interrupts are not
165 * received. Any peripheral-specific register that must be written to clear the
166 * source of the interrupt should be written as soon as possible in the interrupt
167 * service routine. However, note that due to buffering on the output bus to the
168 * peripherals, the write clearing of the interrupt may be delayed. After performing
169 * the normal interrupt service that should respond to the interrupting
170 * condition, the interrupt register that was initially written to clear the
171 * register should be read before returning from the interrupt service routine.
172 * This read ensures that the initial write has been flushed out to the hardware.
173 * Note, no additional processing should be performed based on the result of this
174 * read, as this read is intended only to ensure the write operation is flushed.
175 *
176 * This final read may indicate a pending interrupt. What this means is that in
177 * the interval between when the write actually happened at the peripheral and
178 * when the read actually happened at the peripheral, an interrupting condition
179 * occurred. This is ok and a return from the interrupt is still the correct
180 * action. As soon as conditions warrant, meaning interrupts are enabled and
181 * there are no higher priority interrupts pending, the interrupt will be
182 * triggered again to service the additional condition.
183 *
184 * \section group_sysint_section_configuration_considerations Configuration Considerations
185 *
186 * Certain CM0+ <a href="https://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/Core/html/group__NVIC__gr.html#ga7e1129cd8a196f4284d41db3e82ad5c8">NVIC IRQn</a>
187 * channels are reserved for system use:
188 * <table class="doxtable">
189 *   <tr><th>NVIC channel (\ref IRQn_Type)</th><th>Interrupt source (\ref cy_en_intr_t)</th><th>Purpose</th></tr>
190 *   <tr><td>#0 (NvicMux0_IRQn)</td><td>IPC Interrupt #0 (cpuss_interrupts_ipc_0_IRQn)</td><td>System Calls to ROM</td></tr>
191 *   <tr><td>#1 (NvicMux1_IRQn)</td><td>IPC Interrupt #3 (cpuss_interrupts_ipc_3_IRQn)</td><td>System IPC pipe in the default startup</td></tr>
192 * </table>
193 *
194 * \note For CPUSS_ver2, each NVIC channel can be shared between multiple interrupt sources.
195 * However it is not recommended to share the application NVIC channel with the reserved channels.
196 *
197 * \note In CAT1C, NvicMux0_IRQn and NvicMux1_IRQn are used by ROM and not meant for user.
198 *
199 * \section group_sysint_more_information More Information
200 *
201 * Refer to the technical reference manual (TRM) and the device datasheet.
202 *
203 * \section group_sysint_changelog Changelog
204 * <table class="doxtable">
205 *   <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
206 *   <tr>
207 *     <td>1.90.1</td>
208 *     <td>Fixed MISRA 2012 8.5 and 8.6 violations.</td>
209 *     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance..</td>
210 *   </tr>
211 *   <tr>
212 *     <td>1.90</td>
213 *     <td>Updated \ref Cy_SysInt_Init, \ref Cy_SysInt_SetVector and \ref Cy_SysInt_GetVector APIs.</td>
214 *     <td>Code Clean up.</td>
215 *   </tr>
216 *   <tr>
217 *     <td>1.80</td>
218 *     <td>API's Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource(), Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptSource(), Cy_SysInt_DisconnectInterruptSource(),
219 *         Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource(), Cy_SysInt_GetNmiSource(), Cy_SysInt_SoftwareTrig(), Cy_SysInt_GetNvicConnection(),
220 *         Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptActive(), Cy_SysInt_InitExtIRQ(), Cy_SysInt_InitIntIRQ(), Cy_SysInt_Init(),
221 *         Cy_SysInt_SetVector(), Cy_SysInt_GetVector(), Cy_SysInt_SetSystemIrqVector(), Cy_SysInt_EnableSystemInt(), Cy_SysInt_DisableSystemInt()
222 *         modified.</td>
223 *     <td>New device support, Fix Coverity issues, Documentation enhancement.</td>
224 *   </tr>
225 *   <tr>
226 *     <td>1.70</td>
227 *     <td>Support for CAT1C, CAT1D.<br>Newly added API's Cy_SysInt_SetSystemIrqVector() to set the user ISR vector for the System Interrupt,
228 *         Cy_SysInt_GetSystemIrqVector() to get the address of the current user ISR vector for the System Interrupt,
229 *         Cy_SysInt_EnableSystemInt() to enable system interrupt, Cy_SysInt_DisableSystemInt() to disable system interrupt,
230 *         Cy_SysInt_InitExtIRQ() to initialize the referenced external interrupt by setting the CPU IRQ priority and the interrupt vector,
231 *         Cy_SysInt_InitIntIRQ() to initialize the referenced internal interrupt by setting the priority and the interrupt vector.</td>
232 *     <td>New devices support.</td>
233 *   </tr>
235 *   <tr>
236 *     <td>1.60</td>
237 *     <td>Support for CM33.</td>
238 *     <td>New devices support.</td>
239 *   </tr>
240 *   <tr>
241 *     <td>1.50</td>
242 *     <td>Fixed MISRA 2012 violations.</td>
243 *     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance.</td>
244 *   </tr>
245 *   <tr>
246 *     <td>1.40</td>
247 *     <td>Updated the CY_SYSINT_IS_PC_0 macro to access the protected register
248 *         for the secure CYB06xx7 devices via \ref group_pra driver.
249 *    </td>
250 *     <td>Added PSoC 64 devices support.</td>
251 *   </tr>
252 *   <tr>
253 *     <td>1.30.1</td>
254 *     <td>Minor documentation updates.</td>
255 *     <td>Documentation enhancement.</td>
256 *   </tr>
257 *   <tr>
258 *     <td>1.30</td>
259 *     <td>The Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource is updated with Protection Context check for CM0+.</td>
260 *     <td>User experience enhancement.</td>
261 *   </tr>
262 *   <tr>
263 *     <td>1.20.1</td>
264 *     <td>The Vector Table section is extended with a code snippet.</td>
265 *     <td>Documentation enhancement.</td>
266 *   </tr>
267 *   <tr>
268 *     <td rowspan="3">1.20</td>
269 *     <td>Flattened the organization of the driver source code into the single source directory and the single include directory.</td>
270 *     <td>Driver library directory-structure simplification.</td>
271 *   </tr>
272 *   <tr>
273 *     <td>Added CPUSS_ver2 support to the following API functions:
274 *         - \ref Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource
275 *         - \ref Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource
276 *         - \ref Cy_SysInt_GetNmiSource
277 *
278 *         Added new API functions:
279 *         - \ref Cy_SysInt_DisconnectInterruptSource
280 *         - \ref Cy_SysInt_GetNvicConnection
281 *         - \ref Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptActive
282 *
283 *         Deprecated following functions:
284 *         - Cy_SysInt_SetIntSource
285 *         - Cy_SysInt_GetIntSource
286 *         - Cy_SysInt_SetIntSourceNMI
287 *         - Cy_SysInt_GetIntSourceNMI
288 *     </td>
289 *     <td>New devices support.</td>
290 *   </tr>
291 *   <tr>
292 *     <td>Added register access layer. Use register access macros instead
293 *         of direct register access using dereferenced pointers.</td>
294 *     <td>Makes register access device-independent, so that the PDL does
295 *         not need to be recompiled for each supported part number.</td>
296 *   </tr>
297 *   <tr>
298 *     <td>1.10</td>
299 *     <td>Cy_SysInt_GetState() function is redefined to call NVIC_GetEnableIRQ()</td>
300 *     <td></td>
301 *   </tr>
302 *   <tr>
303 *     <td>1.0</td>
304 *     <td>Initial version</td>
305 *     <td></td>
306 *   </tr>
307 * </table>
308 *
309 * \defgroup group_sysint_macros Macros
310 * \defgroup group_sysint_globals Global variables
311 * \defgroup group_sysint_functions Functions
312 * \defgroup group_sysint_data_structures Data Structures
313 * \defgroup group_sysint_enums Enumerated Types
314 */
317 #if !defined (CY_SYSINT_H)
318 #define CY_SYSINT_H
320 #include "cy_device.h"
322 #if defined (CY_IP_M33SYSCPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) || defined(CY_IP_M55APPCPUSS)
324 #include <stddef.h>
325 #include "cy_syslib.h"
326 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE) && defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
327     #include "cy_pra.h"
328 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE) && defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
329 #include "cy_device_headers.h"
331 #if defined(__cplusplus)
332 extern "C" {
333 #endif
335 /***************************************
336 *       Global Variable
337 ***************************************/
339 /**
340 * \addtogroup group_sysint_globals
341 * \{
342 */
344 #if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS)
345 CY_MISRA_DEVIATE_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 8.6', 2, \
346 'Coverity does not check the .S assembly files, the definition is a part of startup_psoc6_04_cm4.s file.')
347 extern const cy_israddress __Vectors[]; /**< Vector table in flash */
348 extern cy_israddress __ramVectors[]; /**< Relocated vector table in SRAM */
349 CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 8.6')
351 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) */
352 /** \} group_sysint_globals */
355 /***************************************
356 *       Global Interrupt
357 ***************************************/
359 /**
360 * \addtogroup group_sysint_macros
361 * \{
362 */
364 /** Driver major version */
367 /** Driver minor version */
370 /** SysInt driver ID */
371 #define CY_SYSINT_ID CY_PDL_DRV_ID     (0x15U)
373 /** \} group_sysint_macros */
376 /***************************************
377 *       Enumeration
378 ***************************************/
380 /**
381 * \addtogroup group_sysint_enums
382 * \{
383 */
385 /**
386 * SysInt Driver error codes
387 */
388 typedef enum
389 {
390     CY_SYSINT_SUCCESS   = 0x0UL,                                      /**< Returned successful */
391     CY_SYSINT_BAD_PARAM = CY_SYSINT_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x1UL, /**< Bad parameter was passed */
392 } cy_en_sysint_status_t;
394 /** NMI connection input */
395 typedef enum
396 {
397     CY_SYSINT_NMI1       = 1UL, /**< NMI source input 1 */
398     CY_SYSINT_NMI2       = 2UL, /**< NMI source input 2 */
399     CY_SYSINT_NMI3       = 3UL, /**< NMI source input 3 */
400     CY_SYSINT_NMI4       = 4UL, /**< NMI source input 4 */
401 } cy_en_sysint_nmi_t;
403 /** \} group_sysint_enums */
406 /***************************************
407 *       Configuration Structure
408 ***************************************/
410 /**
411 * \addtogroup group_sysint_data_structures
412 * \{
413 */
415 /**
416 * Initialization configuration structure for a single interrupt channel
417 */
418 typedef struct {
419 #if defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS)
420     uint32_t        intrSrc;        /**< Bit 0-15 indicate system interrupt and bit 16-31 will indicate the CPU IRQ */
421 #else /* CY_IP_M7CPUSS */
422     IRQn_Type       intrSrc;        /**< Interrupt source */
423 #endif
424 #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)
425     cy_en_intr_t    cm0pSrc;        /**< Maps cm0pSrc device interrupt to intrSrc */
426 #endif /* CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P */
427     uint32_t        intrPriority;   /**< Interrupt priority number (Refer to __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) */
428 } cy_stc_sysint_t;
430 /** \} group_sysint_data_structures */
433 /***************************************
434 *              Constants
435 ***************************************/
437 /** \cond INTERNAL */
439     #define CY_INT_IRQ_BASE            (16U)    /**< Start location of interrupts in the vector table */
440     #define CY_SYSINT_STATE_MASK       (1UL)    /**< Mask for interrupt state */
441     #define CY_SYSINT_STIR_MASK        (0xFFUL) /**< Mask for software trigger interrupt register */
442     #define CY_SYSINT_DISABLE          (0UL)    /**< Disable interrupt */
443     #define CY_SYSINT_ENABLE           (1UL)    /**< Enable interrupt */
444     #define CY_SYSINT_INT_STATUS_MSK   (0x7UL)
446 #if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)
447     /*(CY_IP_M4CPUSS_VERSION == 1u) */
448     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX_MASK    (0xFFUL) /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer mask */
449     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX_SHIFT   (2U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer shift */
450     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX_SCALE   (3U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer scaling value */
451     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX0        (0U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 0 */
452     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX1        (1U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 1 */
453     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX2        (2U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 2 */
454     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX3        (3U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 3 */
455     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX4        (4U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 4 */
456     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX5        (5U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 5 */
457     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX6        (6U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 6 */
458     #define CY_SYSINT_CM0P_MUX7        (7U)     /**< CM0+ NVIC multiplexer register 7 */
459     #define CY_SYSINT_MUX_REG_MSK      (0x7UL)
460 #endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS */
462     /* Parameter validation macros */
463     #define CY_SYSINT_IS_PRIORITY_VALID(intrPriority)     ((uint32_t)(1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) > (intrPriority))
464     #define CY_SYSINT_IS_VECTOR_VALID(userIsr)            (NULL != (userIsr))
465     #define CY_SYSINT_IS_NMI_NUM_VALID(nmiNum)            (((nmiNum) == CY_SYSINT_NMI1) || \
466                                                            ((nmiNum) == CY_SYSINT_NMI2) || \
467                                                            ((nmiNum) == CY_SYSINT_NMI3) || \
468                                                            ((nmiNum) == CY_SYSINT_NMI4))
469 #if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)
470     #if CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4 && defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE) && defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
471         #define CY_SYSINT_IS_PC_0                         (0UL == _FLD2VAL(PROT_MPU_MS_CTL_PC, \
472                                                            CY_PRA_REG32_GET(CY_PRA_INDX_PROT_MPU_MS_CTL)))
473     #else
474         #define CY_SYSINT_IS_PC_0                         (0UL == _FLD2VAL(PROT_MPU_MS_CTL_PC, PROT_MPU_MS_CTL(0U)))
475     #endif
476 #endif /* CY_IP_M4CPUSS */
477 /** \endcond */
480 /***************************************
481 *       Function Prototypes
482 ***************************************/
484 /**
485 * \addtogroup group_sysint_functions
486 * \{
487 */
490 /*******************************************************************************
491 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_Init
492 ****************************************************************************//**
493 *
494 * \brief Initializes the referenced interrupt by setting the priority and the
495 * interrupt vector.
496 * In case of CM33 with Security Extension enabled, if this function is called
497 * from secure world then, the parameters are used to configure secure interrupt.
498 * If it is called form non-secure world then the parameters are used to configure
499 * non-secure interrupt. In case of CM33 without Security Extension, this function
500 * always configures the non-secure interrupt.
501 * In case of CM55, this function always configures the non-secure interrupt.
502 * In case of CM7/CM0+ it initializes the external system interrupt, maps it to CPU interrupt and
503 * registers the User ISR vector for the System Interrupt.
504 *
505 * Use the CMSIS core function NVIC_EnableIRQ(config.intrSrc) to enable the interrupt.
506 *
507 * \param config
508 * Interrupt configuration structure
509 *
510 * \param userIsr
511 * Address of the ISR
512 *
513 * \return
514 * Initialization status
515 *
516 * \note CM0+/CM4 <br/>
517 * The interrupt vector will be relocated only if the vector table was
518 * moved to __ramVectors in SRAM. Otherwise it is ignored.
519 *
520 * \note CM33<br/>
521 * The interrupt vector will be relocated only if the vector table was
522 * moved to __s_vector_table_rw and __ns_vector_table_rw for secure and
523 * non-secure world respectively.
524 *
525 * \note CM55<br/>
526 * The interrupt vector will be relocated only if the vector table was
527 * moved to __ns_vector_table_rw non-secure world.
528 *
529 * \funcusage
530 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_Init
531 *
532 *******************************************************************************/
533 cy_en_sysint_status_t Cy_SysInt_Init(const cy_stc_sysint_t* config, cy_israddress userIsr);
536 /*******************************************************************************
537 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SetVector
538 ****************************************************************************//**
539 *
540 * \brief Changes the ISR vector for the interrupt.
541 *
542 * CM0+/CM4:<br/>
543 * This function relies on the assumption that the vector table is
544 * relocated to __ramVectors[RAM_VECTORS_SIZE] in SRAM. Otherwise it will
545 * return the address of the default ISR location in the flash vector table.
546 *
547 * CM0+/CM7:<br/>
548 * This function relies on the assumption that the vector table is
549 * relocated to __ramVectors[RAM_VECTORS_SIZE] in SRAM. Otherwise it will
550 * return the address of the default ISR location in the flash vector table.
551 * This function is applicable only to User Interrupts (NvicMux0_IRQn - NvicMux7_IRQn)
552 * and System Interrupts (Internal0_IRQn - Internal0_IRQn).
553 *
554 * CM33:<br/>
555 * When called from secure world. this function relies on the assumption that the
556 * vector table is relocated to __s_vector_table_rw[] in secure SRAM. Otherwise it will
557 * return the address of the default ISR location in the secure flash/ROM vector table.
558 *
559 * When called from non-secure world. this function relies on the assumption that
560 * the vector table is relocated to __ns_vector_table_rw[] in non-secure SRAM.
561 * Otherwise it will return the address of the default ISR location in the non-secure
562 * flash/ROM vector table.
563 *
564 * CM55:<br/>
565 * This function relies on the assumption that
566 * the vector table is relocated to __ns_vector_table_rw[] in non-secure SRAM.
567 * Otherwise it will return the address of the default ISR location in the non-secure
568 * flash/ROM vector table.
569 *
570 * Use the CMSIS core function NVIC_EnableIRQ(config.intrSrc) to enable the interrupt.
571 * \param IRQn
572 * Interrupt source
573 *
574 * \param userIsr
575 * Address of the ISR to set in the interrupt vector table
576 *
577 * \return
578  * Previous address of the ISR in the interrupt vector table
579 *
580 * \note For CM0+, this function sets the interrupt vector for the interrupt
581 * channel on the NVIC.
582 *
583 * \note In case of CM33 with Security Extension enabled, if this function is called
584 * from secure world then, it sets the interrupt vector for the secure world.
585 * If it is called form non-secure world then it sets the interrupt vector for the
586 * non-secure world.
587 *
588 * \funcusage
589 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetVector
590 *
591 *******************************************************************************/
592 cy_israddress Cy_SysInt_SetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn, cy_israddress userIsr);
595 /*******************************************************************************
596 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetVector
597 ****************************************************************************//**
598 *
599 * \brief Gets the address of the current ISR vector for the interrupt.
600 *
601 * CM0+/CM4:<br/>
602 * This function relies on the assumption that the vector table is
603 * relocated to __ramVectors[RAM_VECTORS_SIZE] in SRAM. Otherwise it will
604 * return the address of the default ISR location in the flash vector table.
605 *
606 * CM0+/CM7:<br/>
607 * This function relies on the assumption that the vector table is
608 * relocated to __ramVectors[RAM_VECTORS_SIZE] in SRAM. Otherwise it will
609 * return the address of the default ISR location in the flash vector table.
610 * This function is applicable only to User Interrupts (NvicMux0_IRQn - NvicMux7_IRQn)
611 * and System Interrupts (Internal0_IRQn - Internal0_IRQn).
612 *
613 * CM33:<br/>
614 * When called from the secure world, this function relies on the assumption that
615 * the vector table is relocated to __ns_vector_table_rw[] in non-secure SRAM.
616 * Otherwise it will return the address of the default ISR location in the
617 * flash/ROM vector table.
618 *
619 * CM55:<br/>
620 * This function relies on the assumption that
621 * the vector table is relocated to __ns_vector_table_rw[] in non-secure SRAM.
622 * Otherwise it will return the address of the default ISR location in the
623 * flash/ROM vector table.
624 *
625 * \param IRQn
626 * Interrupt source
627 *
628 * \return
629 * Address of the ISR in the interrupt vector table
630 *
631 * \note CM0+:<br/> This function returns the interrupt vector for the interrupt
632 * channel on the NVIC.
633 *
634 * \note CM33:<br/>In case of CM33 with Security Extension enabled, if this function is called
635 * from secure world then, it returns the interrupt vector for the secure world.
636 * If it is called form non-secure world then it returns the interrupt vector
637 * for the non-secure world.
638 *
639 * \funcusage
640 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetVector
641 *
642 *******************************************************************************/
643 cy_israddress Cy_SysInt_GetVector(IRQn_Type IRQn);
646 #if (((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)) && !defined(CY_IP_M0SECCPUSS))
647 /*******************************************************************************
648 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource
649 ****************************************************************************//**
650 *
651 * \brief Configures the interrupt selection for the specified NVIC channel.
652 *
653 * To disconnect the interrupt source from the NVIC channel
654 * use the \ref Cy_SysInt_DisconnectInterruptSource.
655 *
656 * \param IRQn
657 * NVIC channel number connected to the CPU core.
658 *
659 * \param devIntrSrc
660 * Device interrupt to be routed to the NVIC channel.
661 *
662 * \note This function is available for CM0+/CM7 core only.
663 *
664 * \funcusage
665 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource
666 *
667 *******************************************************************************/
668 void Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource(IRQn_Type IRQn, cy_en_intr_t devIntrSrc);
670 #if defined(CY_IP_M4CPUSS) && (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
671 /*******************************************************************************
672 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptSource
673 ****************************************************************************//**
674 *
675 * \brief Gets the interrupt source of the NVIC channel.
676 *
677 * \param IRQn
678 * NVIC channel number connected to the CPU core
679 *
680 * \return
681 * Device interrupt connected to the NVIC channel. A returned value of
682 * "disconnected_IRQn" indicates that the interrupt source is disconnected.
683 *
684 * \note This function is available for CM0+ core only.
685 *
686 * \note This function supports only devices using CPUSS_ver1. For all
687 * other devices, use the Cy_SysInt_GetNvicConnection() function.
688 *
689 * \funcusage
690 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource
691 *
692 *******************************************************************************/
693 cy_en_intr_t Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptSource(IRQn_Type IRQn);
694 #endif
696 /*******************************************************************************
697 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetNvicConnection
698 ****************************************************************************//**
699 *
700 * \brief Gets the NVIC channel to which the interrupt source is connected.
701 *
702 * \param devIntrSrc
703 * Device interrupt that is potentially connected to the NVIC channel.
704 *
705 * \return
706 * NVIC channel number connected to the CPU core. A returned value of
707 * "unconnected_IRQn" indicates that the interrupt source is disabled.
708 *
709 * \note This function is available for CM0+/CM7 core only.
710 *
711 * \note This function supports only devices using CPUSS_ver2 or higher.
712 *
713 * \funcusage
714 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource
715 *
716 *******************************************************************************/
717 IRQn_Type Cy_SysInt_GetNvicConnection(cy_en_intr_t devIntrSrc);
720 /*******************************************************************************
721 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptActive
722 ****************************************************************************//**
723 *
724 * \brief Gets the highest priority active interrupt for the selected NVIC channel.
725 *
726 * The priority of the interrupt in a given channel is determined by the index
727 * value of the interrupt in the cy_en_intr_t enum. The lower the index, the
728 * higher the priority. E.g. Consider a case where an interrupt source with value
729 * 29 and an interrupt source with value 46 both source the same NVIC channel. If
730 * both are active (triggered) at the same time, calling Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptActive()
731 * will return 29 as the active interrupt.
732 *
733 * \param IRQn
734 * NVIC channel number connected to the CPU core
735 *
736 * \return
737 * Device interrupt connected to the NVIC channel. A returned value of
738 * "disconnected_IRQn" indicates that there are no active (pending) interrupts
739 * on this NVIC channel.
740 *
741 * \note This function is available for CM0+/CM7 core only.
742 *
743 * \note This function supports only devices using CPUSS_ver2 or higher.
744 *
745 * \funcusage
746 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptActive
747 *
748 *******************************************************************************/
749 cy_en_intr_t Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptActive(IRQn_Type IRQn);
750 #endif
753 #if defined(CY_IP_M4CPUSS) && (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
754 /*******************************************************************************
755 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_DisconnectInterruptSource
756 ****************************************************************************//**
757 *
758 * \brief Disconnect the interrupt source from the specified NVIC channel.
759 *
760 * \param IRQn
761 * NVIC channel number connected to the CPU core.
762 * This parameter is ignored for devices using CPUSS_ver2.
763 *
764 * \param devIntrSrc
765 * Device interrupt routed to the NVIC channel.
766 * This parameter is ignored for devices using CPUSS_ver1.
767 *
768 * \note This function is available for CM0+ core only.
769 *
770 * \funcusage
771 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_DisconnectInterruptSource
772 *
773 *******************************************************************************/
774 void Cy_SysInt_DisconnectInterruptSource(IRQn_Type IRQn, cy_en_intr_t devIntrSrc);
775 #endif
777 #if defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
778 /*******************************************************************************
779 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_InitExtIRQ
780 ****************************************************************************//**
781 *
782 * \brief Initializes the referenced external interrupt by setting the CPU IRQ priority and the
783 * interrupt vector.
784 *
785 * Use the CMSIS core function NVIC_EnableIRQ(config.intrSrc) to enable the interrupt.
786 *
787 * \param config
788 * Interrupt configuration structure
789 *
790 * \param userIsr
791 * Address of the ISR
792 *
793 * \note This function is available for CAT1C CM0/CM7 core.
794 *
795 * \return
796 * Initialization status
797 *
798 * \note CM0+/CM7 <br/>
799 * The interrupt vector will be relocated only if the vector table was
800 * moved to __ramVectors in SRAM. Otherwise it is ignored.
801 *
802 *******************************************************************************/
803 cy_en_sysint_status_t Cy_SysInt_InitExtIRQ(const cy_stc_sysint_t* config, cy_israddress userIsr);
806 /*******************************************************************************
807 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_InitIntIRQ
808 ****************************************************************************//**
809 *
810 * \brief Initializes the referenced internal interrupt by setting the priority and the
811 * interrupt vector.
812 *
813 * Use the CMSIS core function NVIC_EnableIRQ(config.intrSrc) to enable the interrupt.
814 *
815 * \param config
816 * Interrupt configuration structure
817 *
818 * \param userIsr
819 * Address of the ISR
820 *
821 * \note This function is available for CAT1C CM0/CM7 core.
822 *
823 * \return
824 * Initialization status
825 *
826 * \note CM0+/CM7 <br/>
827 * The interrupt vector will be relocated only if the vector table was
828 * moved to __ramVectors in SRAM. Otherwise it is ignored.
829 *
830 *******************************************************************************/
831 cy_en_sysint_status_t Cy_SysInt_InitIntIRQ(const cy_stc_sysint_t* config, cy_israddress userIsr);
834 /*******************************************************************************
835 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SetSystemIrqVector
836 ****************************************************************************//**
837 *
838 * \brief Sets the User ISR vector for the System Interrupt.
839 *
840 * \param sysIntSrc
841 * Interrupt source
842 *
843 * \note This function is available for CAT1C CM0/CM7 core.
844 *
845 * \param userIsr
846 * Address of the ISR to set in the interrupt vector table
847 *
848 * \return none
849 *
850 *******************************************************************************/
851 void  Cy_SysInt_SetSystemIrqVector(cy_en_intr_t sysIntSrc, cy_israddress userIsr);
854 /*******************************************************************************
855 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetSystemIrqVector
856 ****************************************************************************//**
857 *
858 * \brief Gets the address of the current user ISR vector for the System Interrupt.
859 *
860 * \param sysIntSrc
861 * Interrupt source
862 *
863 * \note This function is available for CAT1C CM0/CM7 core.
864 *
865 * \return
866 * Address of the ISR in the interrupt vector table
867 *
868 *******************************************************************************/
869 cy_israddress  Cy_SysInt_GetSystemIrqVector(cy_en_intr_t sysIntSrc);
872 /*******************************************************************************
873 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_EnableSystemInt
874 ****************************************************************************//**
875 *
876 * \brief Enable system interrupt.
877 *
878 * \param sysIntSrc
879 * System interrupt source to be enabled.
880 *
881 * \note This function is available for CAT1C CM0/CM7 core.
882 *
883 * \return none
884 *
885 *******************************************************************************/
886 void Cy_SysInt_EnableSystemInt(cy_en_intr_t sysIntSrc);
889 /*******************************************************************************
890 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_DisableSystemInt
891 ****************************************************************************//**
892 *
893 * \brief Disable system interrupt.
894 *
895 * \param sysIntSrc
896 * System interrupt source to be disabled.
897 *
898 * \note This function is available for CAT1C CM0/CM7 core.
899 *
900 * \return none
901 *
902 *******************************************************************************/
903 void Cy_SysInt_DisableSystemInt(cy_en_intr_t sysIntSrc);
904 #endif
906 /***************************************
907 *           Functions
908 ***************************************/
910 /*******************************************************************************
911 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource
912 ****************************************************************************//**
913 *
914 * \brief Sets the interrupt source of the CPU core NMI.
915 *
916 * The interrupt source must be a positive number. Setting the value to
917 * "unconnected_IRQn" or "disconnected_IRQn" disconnects the interrupt source
918 * from the NMI. Depending on the device, the number of interrupt sources that
919 * can provide the NMI trigger signal to the core can vary.
920 *
921 * \param nmiNum
922 * NMI source number.
923 * CPUSS_ver2 allows up to 4 sources to trigger the core NMI.
924 * CPUSS_ver1 allows only one source to trigger the core NMI and
925 *  the specified NMI number is ignored.
926 *
927 * \param devIntrSrc
928 * Interrupt source. This parameter can either be of type cy_en_intr_t or IRQn_Type
929 * for CM0+/CM7 and CM4/CM33/CM55 respectively.
930 *
931 * \note CM0+ may call this function only at PC=0, CM4 may set its NMI handler at any PC.
932 * \note The CM0+ NMI is used for performing system calls that execute out of ROM.
933 *
934 * \funcusage
935 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource
936 *
937 *******************************************************************************/
939 CY_MISRA_FP_BLOCK_START('MISRA C-2012 Rule 8.3', 2, 'Only one prototype will be picked for compilation')
940 #if (((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)) && !defined(CY_IP_M0SECCPUSS))
941 void Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource(cy_en_sysint_nmi_t nmiNum, cy_en_intr_t devIntrSrc);
942 #else
943 void Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource(cy_en_sysint_nmi_t nmiNum, IRQn_Type intrSrc);
944 #endif
946 /*******************************************************************************
947 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetIntSourceNMI
948 ****************************************************************************//**
949 *
950 * \brief Gets the interrupt source of the CPU core NMI for the given NMI source
951 * number.
952 *
953 * \param nmiNum
954 * NMI source number.
955 * CPUSS_ver2 allows up to 4 sources to trigger the core NMI (i.e. #1, 2, 3, 4).
956 * CPUSS_ver1 allows only 1 source to trigger the core NMI (i.e #1).
957 *
958 * \return
959 * Interrupt Source. This parameter can either be of type cy_en_intr_t or IRQn_Type
960 * for CM0+/CM7 and CM4/CM33/CM55 respectively.
961 *
962 * \funcusage
963 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource
964 *
965 *******************************************************************************/
966 #if (((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)) && !defined(CY_IP_M0SECCPUSS))
967 cy_en_intr_t Cy_SysInt_GetNmiSource(cy_en_sysint_nmi_t nmiNum);
968 #else
969 IRQn_Type Cy_SysInt_GetNmiSource(cy_en_sysint_nmi_t nmiNum);
970 #endif
971 CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 8.3')
973 #if !(defined(CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) && (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P)) && !(defined(CY_IP_M7CPUSS))
974 /*******************************************************************************
975 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SoftwareTrig
976 ****************************************************************************//**
977 *
978 * \brief Triggers an interrupt using software (Not applicable for CM0+).
979 *
980 * \param IRQn
981 * Interrupt source
982 *
983 * \funcusage
984 * \snippet sysint/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysInt_SoftwareTrig
985 *
986 * \note Only privileged software can enable unprivileged access to the
987 * Software Trigger Interrupt Register (STIR). This function is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1D devices.
988 *
989 *
990 *******************************************************************************/
991 void Cy_SysInt_SoftwareTrig(IRQn_Type IRQn);
992 #endif
995 /** \} group_sysint_functions */
997 /** \cond INTERNAL */
999 /***************************************
1000 *       Deprecated functions
1001 ***************************************/
1003 /*******************************************************************************
1004 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetState
1005 ****************************************************************************//**
1006 *
1007 * This function is deprecated. It invokes the NVIC_GetEnableIRQ() function.
1008 *
1009 *******************************************************************************/
1010 #define Cy_SysInt_GetState NVIC_GetEnableIRQ
1013 /*******************************************************************************
1014 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SetIntSource
1015 ****************************************************************************//**
1016 *
1017 * This function is deprecated. It invokes the Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource() function.
1018 *
1019 *******************************************************************************/
1020 #define Cy_SysInt_SetIntSource(intrSrc, devIntrSrc) Cy_SysInt_SetInterruptSource(intrSrc, devIntrSrc)
1023 /*******************************************************************************
1024 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetIntSource
1025 ****************************************************************************//**
1026 *
1027 * This function is deprecated. It invokes the Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptSource() function.
1028 *
1029 *******************************************************************************/
1030 #define Cy_SysInt_GetIntSource(intrSrc) Cy_SysInt_GetInterruptSource(intrSrc)
1033 /*******************************************************************************
1034 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_SetIntSourceNMI
1035 ****************************************************************************//**
1036 *
1037 * This function is deprecated. It invokes the Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource() function.
1038 *
1039 *******************************************************************************/
1040 #define Cy_SysInt_SetIntSourceNMI(srcParam) Cy_SysInt_SetNmiSource(CY_SYSINT_NMI1, srcParam)
1043 /*******************************************************************************
1044 * Function Name: Cy_SysInt_GetIntSourceNMI
1045 ****************************************************************************//**
1046 *
1047 * This function is deprecated. It invokes the Cy_SysInt_GetNmiSource() function.
1048 *
1049 *******************************************************************************/
1050 #define Cy_SysInt_GetIntSourceNMI() Cy_SysInt_GetNmiSource(CY_SYSINT_NMI1)
1052 /** \endcond */
1054 #if defined(__cplusplus)
1055 }
1056 #endif
1058 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_M33SYSCPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS) || defined (CY_IP_M7CPUSS) || defined(CY_IP_M55APPCPUSS) */
1060 #endif /* CY_SYSINT_H */
1062 /** \} group_sysint */
1064 /* [] END OF FILE */