1# Zephyr documentation build configuration file. 2# Reference: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html 3 4import os 5import re 6import sys 7import textwrap 8from pathlib import Path 9 10ZEPHYR_BASE = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] 11ZEPHYR_BUILD = Path(os.environ.get("OUTPUT_DIR")).resolve() 12 13# Add the '_extensions' directory to sys.path, to enable finding Sphinx 14# extensions within. 15sys.path.insert(0, str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_extensions")) 16 17# Add the '_scripts' directory to sys.path, to enable finding utility 18# modules. 19sys.path.insert(0, str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_scripts")) 20 21# Add the directory which contains the runners package as well, 22# for autodoc directives on runners.xyz. 23sys.path.insert(0, str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "scripts" / "west_commands")) 24 25# Add the directory which contains the pytest-twister-pytest 26sys.path.insert(0, str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "scripts" / "pylib" / "pytest-twister-harness" / "src")) 27 28import redirects # noqa: E402 29 30try: 31 import west as west_found 32except ImportError: 33 west_found = False 34 35# -- Project -------------------------------------------------------------- 36 37project = "Zephyr Project" 38copyright = "2015-2025 Zephyr Project members and individual contributors" 39author = "The Zephyr Project Contributors" 40 41# parse version from 'VERSION' file 42with open(ZEPHYR_BASE / "VERSION") as f: 43 m = re.match( 44 ( 45 r"^VERSION_MAJOR\s*=\s*(\d+)$\n" 46 + r"^VERSION_MINOR\s*=\s*(\d+)$\n" 47 + r"^PATCHLEVEL\s*=\s*(\d+)$\n" 48 + r"^VERSION_TWEAK\s*=\s*\d+$\n" 49 + r"^EXTRAVERSION\s*=\s*(.*)$" 50 ), 51 f.read(), 52 re.MULTILINE, 53 ) 54 55 if not m: 56 sys.stderr.write("Warning: Could not extract kernel version\n") 57 version = "Unknown" 58 else: 59 major, minor, patch, extra = m.groups(1) 60 version = ".".join((major, minor, patch)) 61 if extra: 62 version += "-" + extra 63 64release = version 65 66# parse SDK version from 'SDK_VERSION' file 67with open(ZEPHYR_BASE / "SDK_VERSION") as f: 68 sdk_version = f.read().strip() 69 70# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ 71 72extensions = [ 73 "sphinx_rtd_theme", 74 "sphinx.ext.todo", 75 "sphinx.ext.extlinks", 76 "sphinx.ext.autodoc", 77 "sphinx.ext.graphviz", 78 "sphinxcontrib.jquery", 79 "zephyr.application", 80 "zephyr.html_redirects", 81 "zephyr.kconfig", 82 "zephyr.dtcompatible-role", 83 "zephyr.link-roles", 84 "sphinx_tabs.tabs", 85 "sphinx_sitemap", 86 "zephyr.doxyrunner", 87 "zephyr.doxybridge", 88 "zephyr.doxytooltip", 89 "zephyr.gh_utils", 90 "zephyr.manifest_projects_table", 91 "notfound.extension", 92 "sphinx_copybutton", 93 "sphinx_togglebutton", 94 "zephyr.external_content", 95 "zephyr.domain", 96 "zephyr.api_overview", 97] 98 99# Only use image conversion when it is really needed, e.g. LaTeX build. 100# Ensure "sphinxcontrib.rsvgconverter" is added before "sphinx.ext.imgconverter" 101# as it's better at converting SVG with extended features (like the ones from 102# draw.io) to PDF format). 103if tags.has("convertimages"): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # noqa: F821 104 extensions.append("sphinxcontrib.rsvgconverter") 105 extensions.append("sphinx.ext.imgconverter") 106 107templates_path = ["_templates"] 108 109exclude_patterns = ["_build"] 110 111if not west_found: 112 exclude_patterns.append("**/*west-apis*") 113else: 114 exclude_patterns.append("**/*west-not-found*") 115 116pygments_style = "sphinx" 117highlight_language = "none" 118 119todo_include_todos = False 120 121nitpick_ignore = [ 122 # ignore C standard identifiers (they are not defined in Zephyr docs) 123 ("c:identifier", "FILE"), 124 ("c:identifier", "int8_t"), 125 ("c:identifier", "int16_t"), 126 ("c:identifier", "int32_t"), 127 ("c:identifier", "int64_t"), 128 ("c:identifier", "intptr_t"), 129 ("c:identifier", "off_t"), 130 ("c:identifier", "size_t"), 131 ("c:identifier", "ssize_t"), 132 ("c:identifier", "time_t"), 133 ("c:identifier", "uint8_t"), 134 ("c:identifier", "uint16_t"), 135 ("c:identifier", "uint32_t"), 136 ("c:identifier", "uint64_t"), 137 ("c:identifier", "uintptr_t"), 138 ("c:identifier", "va_list"), 139] 140 141SDK_URL_BASE="https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download" 142 143rst_epilog = f""" 144.. include:: /substitutions.txt 145 146.. |sdk-version-literal| replace:: ``{sdk_version}`` 147.. |sdk-version-trim| unicode:: {sdk_version} 148 :trim: 149.. |sdk-version-ltrim| unicode:: {sdk_version} 150 :ltrim: 151.. _Zephyr SDK bundle: https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/tag/v{sdk_version} 152.. |sdk-url-linux| replace:: 153 `{SDK_URL_BASE}/v{sdk_version}/zephyr-sdk-{sdk_version}_linux-x86_64.tar.xz` 154.. |sdk-url-linux-sha| replace:: 155 `{SDK_URL_BASE}/v{sdk_version}/sha256.sum` 156.. |sdk-url-macos| replace:: 157 `{SDK_URL_BASE}/v{sdk_version}/zephyr-sdk-{sdk_version}_macos-x86_64.tar.xz` 158.. |sdk-url-macos-sha| replace:: 159 `{SDK_URL_BASE}/v{sdk_version}/sha256.sum` 160.. |sdk-url-windows| replace:: 161 `{SDK_URL_BASE}/v{sdk_version}/zephyr-sdk-{sdk_version}_windows-x86_64.7z` 162""" 163 164# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- 165 166html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" 167html_theme_options = { 168 "logo_only": True, 169 "prev_next_buttons_location": None, 170 "navigation_depth": 5, 171} 172html_baseurl = "https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/" 173html_title = "Zephyr Project Documentation" 174html_logo = str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static" / "images" / "logo.svg") 175html_favicon = str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static" / "images" / "favicon.png") 176html_static_path = [str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static")] 177html_last_updated_fmt = "%b %d, %Y" 178html_domain_indices = False 179html_split_index = True 180html_show_sourcelink = False 181html_show_sphinx = False 182html_search_scorer = str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static" / "js" / "scorer.js") 183html_additional_pages = { 184 "gsearch": "gsearch.html" 185} 186 187is_release = tags.has("release") # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # noqa: F821 188reference_prefix = "" 189if tags.has("publish"): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # noqa: F821 190 reference_prefix = f"/{version}" if is_release else "/latest" 191docs_title = "Docs / {}".format(version if is_release else "Latest") 192html_context = { 193 "show_license": True, 194 "docs_title": docs_title, 195 "is_release": is_release, 196 "current_version": version, 197 "versions": ( 198 ("latest", "/"), 199 ("4.1.0", "/4.1.0/"), 200 ("4.0.0", "/4.0.0/"), 201 ("3.7.0 (LTS)", "/3.7.0/"), 202 ), 203 "display_gh_links": True, 204 "reference_links": { 205 "API": f"{reference_prefix}/doxygen/html/index.html", 206 "Kconfig Options": f"{reference_prefix}/kconfig.html", 207 "Devicetree Bindings": f"{reference_prefix}/build/dts/api/bindings.html", 208 "West Projects": f"{reference_prefix}/develop/manifest/index.html", 209 }, 210 # Set google_searchengine_id to your Search Engine ID to replace built-in search 211 # engine with Google's Programmable Search Engine. 212 # See https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/ for details. 213 "google_searchengine_id": "746031aa0d56d4912", 214} 215 216# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- 217 218latex_elements = { 219 "papersize": "a4paper", 220 "maketitle": (ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static" / "latex" / "title.tex").read_text(), 221 "preamble": (ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static" / "latex" / "preamble.tex").read_text(), 222 "makeindex": r"\usepackage[columns=1]{idxlayout}\makeindex", 223 "fontpkg": textwrap.dedent(r""" 224 \usepackage{noto} 225 \usepackage{inconsolata-nerd-font} 226 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} 227 """), 228 "sphinxsetup": ",".join( 229 ( 230 # NOTE: colors match those found in light.css stylesheet 231 "verbatimwithframe=false", 232 "VerbatimColor={HTML}{f0f2f4}", 233 "InnerLinkColor={HTML}{2980b9}", 234 "warningBgColor={HTML}{e9a499}", 235 "warningborder=0pt", 236 r"HeaderFamily=\rmfamily\bfseries", 237 ) 238 ), 239} 240latex_logo = str(ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "_static" / "images" / "logo-latex.pdf") 241latex_documents = [ 242 ("index-tex", "zephyr.tex", "Zephyr Project Documentation", author, "manual"), 243] 244latex_engine = "xelatex" 245 246# -- Options for zephyr.doxyrunner plugin --------------------------------- 247 248doxyrunner_doxygen = os.environ.get("DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE", "doxygen") 249doxyrunner_projects = { 250 "zephyr": { 251 "doxyfile": ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc" / "zephyr.doxyfile.in", 252 "outdir": ZEPHYR_BUILD / "doxygen", 253 "fmt": True, 254 "fmt_vars": { 255 "ZEPHYR_BASE": str(ZEPHYR_BASE), 256 "ZEPHYR_VERSION": version, 257 }, 258 "outdir_var": "DOXY_OUT", 259 }, 260} 261 262# -- Options for zephyr.doxybridge plugin --------------------------------- 263 264doxybridge_projects = {"zephyr": doxyrunner_projects["zephyr"]["outdir"]} 265 266# -- Options for html_redirect plugin ------------------------------------- 267 268html_redirect_pages = redirects.REDIRECTS 269 270# -- Options for zephyr.link-roles ---------------------------------------- 271 272link_roles_manifest_project = "zephyr" 273link_roles_manifest_project_broken_links_ignore_globs = [ 274 "releases/release-notes-[123].*.rst", 275] 276link_roles_manifest_baseurl = "https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr" 277 278# -- Options for notfound.extension --------------------------------------- 279 280notfound_urls_prefix = f"/{version}/" if is_release else "/latest/" 281 282# -- Options for zephyr.gh_utils ------------------------------------------ 283 284gh_link_version = f"v{version}" if is_release else "main" 285gh_link_base_url = "https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr" 286gh_link_prefixes = { 287 "samples/.*": "", 288 "boards/.*": "", 289 "snippets/.*": "", 290 ".*": "doc", 291} 292gh_link_exclude = [ 293 "reference/kconfig.*", 294 "build/dts/api/bindings.*", 295 "build/dts/api/compatibles.*", 296] 297 298# -- Options for zephyr.kconfig ------------------------------------------- 299 300kconfig_generate_db = True 301kconfig_ext_paths = [ZEPHYR_BASE] 302kconfig_gh_link_base_url = "https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr" 303kconfig_zephyr_version = f"v{version}" if is_release else "main" 304 305# -- Options for zephyr.external_content ---------------------------------- 306 307external_content_contents = [ 308 (ZEPHYR_BASE / "doc", "[!_]*"), 309 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "boards/**/*.rst"), 310 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "boards/**/doc"), 311 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "samples/**/*.html"), 312 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "samples/**/*.rst"), 313 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "samples/**/doc"), 314 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "snippets/**/*.rst"), 315 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "snippets/**/doc"), 316 (ZEPHYR_BASE, "tests/**/*.pts"), 317] 318external_content_keep = [ 319 "reference/kconfig/*", 320 "develop/manifest/index.rst", 321 "build/dts/api/bindings.rst", 322 "build/dts/api/bindings/**/*", 323 "build/dts/api/compatibles/**/*", 324] 325 326# -- Options for zephyr.domain -------------------------------------------- 327 328zephyr_breathe_insert_related_samples = True 329zephyr_generate_hw_features = not tags.has("hw_features_turbo") # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # noqa: F821 330 331# -- Options for sphinx.ext.graphviz -------------------------------------- 332 333graphviz_dot = os.environ.get("DOT_EXECUTABLE", "dot") 334graphviz_output_format = "svg" 335graphviz_dot_args = [ 336 "-Gbgcolor=transparent", 337 "-Nstyle=filled", 338 "-Nfillcolor=white", 339 "-Ncolor=gray60", 340 "-Nfontcolor=gray25", 341 "-Ecolor=gray60", 342 "-Gfontname=system-ui,-apple-system,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,sans-serif", 343 "-Nfontname=system-ui,-apple-system,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,sans-serif", 344 "-Efontname=SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Courier New,Courier,monospace", 345] 346 347# -- Options for sphinx_copybutton ---------------------------------------- 348 349copybutton_prompt_text = r"\$ |uart:~\$ " 350copybutton_prompt_is_regexp = True 351 352# -- Options for sphinx-sitemap ---------------------------------------- 353 354sitemap_url_scheme = "{link}" 355 356# -- Linkcheck options ---------------------------------------------------- 357 358linkcheck_ignore = [ 359 r"https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/issues/.*" 360] 361 362extlinks = { 363 "github": ("https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/issues/%s", "GitHub #%s"), 364} 365 366linkcheck_timeout = 30 367linkcheck_workers = 10 368linkcheck_anchors = False 369 370# -- Options for zephyr.api_overview -------------------------------------- 371 372api_overview_doxygen_out_dir = str(doxyrunner_projects["zephyr"]["outdir"]) 373api_overview_base_url = "https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr" 374 375def setup(app): 376 # theme customizations 377 app.add_css_file("css/custom.css") 378 app.add_js_file("js/custom.js") 379