1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016 - 2019 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _USB_HOST_HCI_H_
10 #define _USB_HOST_HCI_H_
12 /*******************************************************************************
13  * Definitions
14  ******************************************************************************/
16 /*! @brief USB host lock */
17 #define USB_HostLock() OSA_MutexLock(hostInstance->hostMutex, USB_OSA_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
18 /*! @brief USB host unlock */
19 #define USB_HostUnlock() OSA_MutexUnlock(hostInstance->hostMutex)
21 /*!
22  * @addtogroup usb_host_controller_driver
23  * @{
24  */
26 /*! @brief USB host controller control code */
27 typedef enum _usb_host_controller_control
28 {
29     kUSB_HostCancelTransfer = 1U,          /*!< Cancel transfer code */
30     kUSB_HostBusControl,                   /*!< Bus control code */
31     kUSB_HostGetFrameNumber,               /*!< Get frame number code */
32     kUSB_HostUpdateControlEndpointAddress, /*!< Update control endpoint address */
33     kUSB_HostUpdateControlPacketSize,      /*!< Update control endpoint maximum  packet size */
34     kUSB_HostPortAttachDisable,            /*!< Disable the port attach event */
35     kUSB_HostPortAttachEnable,             /*!< Enable the port attach event */
36     kUSB_HostL1Config,                     /*!< L1 suspend Bus control code */
37     kUSB_HostSetChargerType,               /*!< set charger type */
39     kUSB_HostTestModeInit, /*!< intialize charger type */
40 #endif
41 } usb_host_controller_control_t;
43 /*! @brief USB host controller bus control code */
44 typedef enum _usb_host_bus_control
45 {
46     kUSB_HostBusReset = 1U,    /*!< Reset bus */
47     kUSB_HostBusRestart,       /*!< Restart bus */
48     kUSB_HostBusEnableAttach,  /*!< Enable attach */
49     kUSB_HostBusDisableAttach, /*!< Disable attach */
50     kUSB_HostBusSuspend,       /*!< Suspend BUS */
51     kUSB_HostBusResume,        /*!< Resume BUS */
52     kUSB_HostBusL1SuspendInit, /*!< L1 Suspend BUS */
53     kUSB_HostBusL1Sleep,       /*!< L1 Suspend BUS */
54     kUSB_HostBusL1Resume,      /*!< L1 Resume BUS */
55 } usb_host_bus_control_t;
57 /*! @brief USB host controller interface structure */
58 typedef struct _usb_host_controller_interface
59 {
60     usb_status_t (*controllerCreate)(
61         uint8_t controllerId,
62         usb_host_handle upperLayerHandle,
63         usb_host_controller_handle *controllerHandle); /*!< Create a controller instance function prototype*/
64     usb_status_t (*controllerDestory)(
65         usb_host_controller_handle controllerHandle); /*!< Destroy a controller instance function prototype*/
66     usb_status_t (*controllerOpenPipe)(usb_host_controller_handle controllerHandle,
67                                        usb_host_pipe_handle *pipeHandle,
68                                        usb_host_pipe_init_t *pipeInit); /*!< Open a controller pipe function prototype*/
69     usb_status_t (*controllerClosePipe)(
70         usb_host_controller_handle controllerHandle,
71         usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle); /*!< Close a controller pipe function prototype*/
72     usb_status_t (*controllerWritePipe)(usb_host_controller_handle controllerHandle,
73                                         usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle,
74                                         usb_host_transfer_t *transfer); /*!< Write data to a pipe function prototype*/
75     usb_status_t (*controllerReadPipe)(usb_host_controller_handle controllerHandle,
76                                        usb_host_pipe_handle pipeHandle,
77                                        usb_host_transfer_t *transfer); /*!< Read data from a pipe function prototype*/
78     usb_status_t (*controllerIoctl)(usb_host_controller_handle controllerHandle,
79                                     uint32_t ioctlEvent,
80                                     void *ioctlParam); /*!< Control a controller function prototype*/
81 } usb_host_controller_interface_t;
83 usb_status_t USB_HostTestModeInit(usb_device_handle deviceHandle);
84 #endif
85 /*! @}*/
87 /*!
88  * @addtogroup usb_host_drv
89  * @{
90  */
92 /*! @brief USB host instance structure */
93 typedef struct _usb_host_instance
94 {
95     void *controllerHandle;                                          /*!< The low level controller handle*/
96     host_callback_t deviceCallback;                                  /*!< Device attach/detach callback*/
97     osa_mutex_handle_t hostMutex;                                    /*!< Host layer mutex*/
98     uint32_t mutexBuffer[(OSA_MUTEX_HANDLE_SIZE + 3) / 4];           /*!< Host layer mutex*/
99     usb_host_transfer_t transferList[USB_HOST_CONFIG_MAX_TRANSFERS]; /*!< Transfer resource*/
100     usb_host_transfer_t *transferHead;                               /*!< Idle transfer head*/
101     const usb_host_controller_interface_t *controllerTable;          /*!< KHCI/EHCI interface*/
102     void *deviceList;                                                /*!< Device list*/
104     void *suspendedDevice;    /*!< Suspended device handle*/
105     volatile uint64_t hwTick; /*!< Current hw tick(ms)*/
106     uint8_t sleepType;        /*!< L1 LPM device handle*/
107 #endif
108     uint8_t addressBitMap[16]; /*!< Used for address allocation. The first bit is the address 1, second bit is the
109                                   address 2*/
110     uint8_t occupied;          /*!< 0 - the instance is not occupied; 1 - the instance is occupied*/
111     uint8_t controllerId;      /*!< The controller ID*/
112 } usb_host_instance_t;
114 extern usb_host_instance_t g_UsbHostInstance[USB_HOST_CONFIG_MAX_HOST];
115 /*! @}*/
117 #endif /* _USB_HOST_HCI_H_ */