1 /*
2  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  */
7 #pragma once
9 #ifdef __cplusplus
10 extern "C" {
11 #endif
13 /*
14 NOTE: Thread safety is the responsibility fo the HAL user. All USB Host HAL
15       functions must be called from critical sections unless specified otherwise
16 */
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <stddef.h>
20 #include "soc/usbh_struct.h"
21 #include "hal/usbh_ll.h"
22 #include "hal/usb_types_private.h"
23 #include "hal/assert.h"
25 // ------------------------------------------------ Macros and Types ---------------------------------------------------
27 // ------------------ Constants/Configs --------------------
29 #define USBH_HAL_DMA_MEM_ALIGN              512
30 #define USBH_HAL_FRAME_LIST_MEM_ALIGN       512     //The frame list needs to be 512 bytes aligned (contrary to the databook)
31 #define USBH_HAL_NUM_CHAN                   8
32 #define USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_SIZE             (sizeof(usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t))
33 #define USBH_HAL_FIFO_TOTAL_USABLE_LINES    200     //Although we have a 256 lines, only 200 lines are usuable due to EPINFO_CTL
35 /**
36  * @brief FIFO size configuration structure
37  */
38 typedef struct {
39     uint32_t rx_fifo_lines;                 /**< Size of the RX FIFO in terms the number of FIFO lines */
40     uint32_t nptx_fifo_lines;               /**< Size of the Non-periodic FIFO in terms the number of FIFO lines */
41     uint32_t ptx_fifo_lines;                /**< Size of the Periodic FIFO in terms the number of FIFO lines */
42 } usbh_hal_fifo_config_t;
44 // --------------------- HAL Events ------------------------
46 /**
47  * @brief Host port HAL events
48  */
49 typedef enum {
50     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_NONE,               /**< No event occurred, or could not decode interrupt */
51     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_CHAN,               /**< A channel event has occurred. Call the the channel event handler instead */
52     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_CONN,               /**< The host port has detected a connection */
53     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_DISCONN,            /**< The host port has been disconnected */
54     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_ENABLED,            /**< The host port has been enabled (i.e., connected to a device that has been reset. Started sending SOFs) */
55     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_DISABLED,           /**< The host port has been disabled (no more SOFs). Could be due to disable/reset request, or a port error (e.g. port babble condition. See 11.8.1 of USB2.0 spec) */
56     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_OVRCUR,             /**< The host port has encountered an overcurrent condition */
57     USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_OVRCUR_CLR,         /**< The host port has been cleared of the overcurrent condition */
58 } usbh_hal_port_event_t;
60 /**
61  * @brief Channel events
62  */
63 typedef enum {
64     USBH_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_CPLT,               /**< The channel has completed execution of a transfer descriptor that had the USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC flag set. Channel is now halted */
65     USBH_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_ERROR,              /**< The channel has encountered an error. Channel is now halted. */
66     USBH_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_HALT_REQ,           /**< The channel has been successfully halted as requested */
67     USBH_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_NONE,               /**< No event (interrupt ran for internal processing) */
68 } usbh_hal_chan_event_t;
70 // --------------------- HAL Errors ------------------------
72 /**
73  * @brief Channel errors
74  */
75 typedef enum {
76     USBH_HAL_CHAN_ERROR_XCS_XACT = 0,       /**< Excessive (three consecutive) transaction errors (e.g., no response, bad CRC etc */
77     USBH_HAL_CHAN_ERROR_BNA,                /**< Buffer Not Available error (i.e., An inactive transfer descriptor was fetched by the channel) */
78     USBH_HAL_CHAN_ERROR_PKT_BBL,            /**< Packet babbler error (packet exceeded MPS) */
79     USBH_HAL_CHAN_ERROR_STALL,              /**< STALL response received */
80 } usbh_hal_chan_error_t;
82 // ------------- Transfer Descriptor Related ---------------
84 /**
85  * @brief Flags used to describe the type of transfer descriptor to fill
86  */
87 #define USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_IN          0x01    /**< Indicates this transfer descriptor is of the IN direction */
88 #define USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_SETUP       0x02    /**< Indicates this transfer descriptor is an OUT setup */
89 #define USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC         0x04    /**< Indicates that the channel will be halted after this transfer descriptor completes */
91 /**
92  * @brief Status value of a transfer descriptor
93  *
94  * A transfer descriptor's status remains unexecuted until the entire transfer descriptor completes (either successfully
95  * or an error). Therefore, if a channel halt is requested before a transfer descriptor completes, the transfer
96  * descriptor remains unexecuted.
97  */
103 // -------------------- Object Types -----------------------
105 /**
106  * @brief Endpoint characteristics structure
107  */
108 typedef struct {
109     union {
110         struct {
111             usb_priv_xfer_type_t type: 2;   /**< The type of endpoint */
112             uint32_t bEndpointAddress: 8;   /**< Endpoint address (containing endpoint number and direction) */
113             uint32_t mps: 11;               /**< Maximum Packet Size */
114             uint32_t dev_addr: 8;           /**< Device Address */
115             uint32_t ls_via_fs_hub: 1;      /**< The endpoint is on a LS device that is routed through an FS hub.
116                                                  Setting this bit will lead to the addition of the PREamble packet */
117             uint32_t reserved2: 2;
118         };
119         uint32_t val;
120     };
121     struct {
122         usb_hal_interval_t interval;        /**< The interval of the endpoint */
123         uint32_t phase_offset_frames;       /**< Phase offset in number of frames */
124     } periodic;     /**< Characteristic for periodic (interrupt/isochronous) endpoints only */
125 } usbh_hal_ep_char_t;
127 /**
128  * @brief Channel object
129  */
130 typedef struct {
131     //Channel control, status, and information
132     union {
133         struct {
134             uint32_t active: 1;             /**< Debugging bit to indicate whether channel is enabled */
135             uint32_t halt_requested: 1;     /**< A halt has been requested */
136             uint32_t reserved: 2;
137             uint32_t chan_idx: 4;           /**< The index number of the channel */
138             uint32_t reserved24: 24;
139         };
140         uint32_t val;
141     } flags;                                /**< Flags regarding channel's status and information */
142     usb_host_chan_regs_t *regs;             /**< Pointer to the channel's register set */
143     usbh_hal_chan_error_t error;            /**< The last error that occurred on the channel */
144     usb_priv_xfer_type_t type;              /**< The transfer type of the channel */
145     void *chan_ctx;                         /**< Context variable for the owner of the channel */
146 } usbh_hal_chan_t;
148 /**
149  * @brief HAL context structure
150  */
151 typedef struct {
152     //Context
153     usbh_dev_t *dev;                            /**< Pointer to base address of DWC_OTG registers */
154     //Host Port related
155     uint32_t *periodic_frame_list;              /**< Pointer to scheduling frame list */
156     usb_hal_frame_list_len_t frame_list_len;    /**< Length of the periodic scheduling frame list */
157     union {
158         struct {
159             uint32_t dbnc_lock_enabled: 1;      /**< Debounce lock enabled */
160             uint32_t fifo_sizes_set: 1;         /**< Whether the FIFO sizes have been set or not */
161             uint32_t periodic_sched_enabled: 1; /**< Periodic scheduling (for interrupt and isochronous transfers) is enabled */
162             uint32_t reserved: 5;
163             uint32_t reserved24: 24;
164         };
165         uint32_t val;
166     } flags;
167     //Channel related
168     struct {
169         int num_allocd;                             /**< Number of channels currently allocated */
170         uint32_t chan_pend_intrs_msk;               /**< Bit mask of channels with pending interrupts */
171         usbh_hal_chan_t *hdls[USBH_HAL_NUM_CHAN];   /**< Handles of each channel. Set to NULL if channel has not been allocated */
172     } channels;
173 } usbh_hal_context_t;
175 // -------------------------------------------------- Core (Global) ----------------------------------------------------
177 /**
178  * @brief Initialize the HAL context and check if DWC_OTG is alive
179  *
180  * Entry:
181  * - The peripheral must have been reset and clock un-gated
182  * - The USB PHY (internal or external) and associated GPIOs must already be configured
183  * - GPIO pins configured
184  * - Interrupt allocated but DISABLED (in case of an unknown interupt state)
185  * Exit:
186  * - Checks to see if DWC_OTG is alive, and if HW version/config is correct
187  * - HAl context initialized
188  * - Sets default values to some global and OTG registers (GAHBCFG and GUSBCFG)
189  * - Umask global interrupt signal
190  * - Put DWC_OTG into host mode. Require 25ms delay before this takes effect.
191  * - State -> USBH_HAL_PORT_STATE_OTG
192  * - Interrupts cleared. Users can now enable their ISR
193  *
194  * @param[inout] hal Context of the HAL layer
195  */
196 void usbh_hal_init(usbh_hal_context_t *hal);
198 /**
199  * @brief Deinitialize the HAL context
200  *
201  * Entry:
202  * - All channels must be properly disabled, and any pending events handled
203  * Exit:
204  * - DWC_OTG global interrupt disabled
205  * - HAL context deinitialized
206  *
207  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
208  */
209 void usbh_hal_deinit(usbh_hal_context_t *hal);
211 /**
212  * @brief Issue a soft reset to the controller
213  *
214  * This should be called when the host port encounters an error event or has been disconnected. Before calling this,
215  * users are responsible for safely freeing all channels as a soft reset will wipe all host port and channel registers.
216  * This function will result in the host port being put back into same state as after calling usbh_hal_init().
217  *
218  * @note This has nothing to do with a USB bus reset. It simply resets the peripheral
219  *
220  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
221  */
222 void usbh_hal_core_soft_reset(usbh_hal_context_t *hal);
224 /**
225  * @brief Set FIFO sizes
226  *
227  * This function will set the sizes of each of the FIFOs (RX FIFO, Non-periodic TX FIFO, Periodic TX FIFO) and must be
228  * called at least once before allocating the channel. Based on the type of endpoints (and the endpionts' MPS), there
229  * may be situations where this function may need to be called again to resize the FIFOs. If resizing FIFOs dynamically,
230  * it is the user's responsibility to ensure there are no active channels when this function is called.
231  *
232  * @note The totol size of all the FIFOs must be less than or equal to USBH_HAL_FIFO_TOTAL_USABLE_LINES
233  * @note After a port reset, the FIFO size registers will reset to their default values, so this function must be called
234  *       again post reset.
235  *
236  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
237  * @param fifo_config FIFO configuration
238  */
239 void usbh_hal_set_fifo_size(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, const usbh_hal_fifo_config_t *fifo_config);
241 // ---------------------------------------------------- Host Port ------------------------------------------------------
243 // ------------------ Host Port Control --------------------
245 /**
246  * @brief Initialize the host port
247  *
248  * - Will enable the host port's interrupts allowing port and channel events to occur
249  *
250  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
251  */
usbh_hal_port_init(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)252 static inline void usbh_hal_port_init(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
253 {
254     //Configure Host related interrupts
255     usbh_ll_haintmsk_dis_chan_intr(hal->dev, 0xFFFFFFFF);   //Disable interrupts for all channels
256     usb_ll_en_intrs(hal->dev, USB_LL_INTR_CORE_PRTINT | USB_LL_INTR_CORE_HCHINT);
257 }
259 /**
260  * @brief Deinitialize the host port
261  *
262  * - Will disable the host port's interrupts preventing further port aand channel events from ocurring
263  *
264  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
265  */
usbh_hal_port_deinit(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)266 static inline void usbh_hal_port_deinit(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
267 {
268     //Disable Host port and channel interrupts
269     usb_ll_dis_intrs(hal->dev, USB_LL_INTR_CORE_PRTINT | USB_LL_INTR_CORE_HCHINT);
270 }
272 /**
273  * @brief Toggle the host port's power
274  *
275  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
276  * @param power_on Whether to power ON or OFF the port
277  */
usbh_hal_port_toggle_power(usbh_hal_context_t * hal,bool power_on)278 static inline void usbh_hal_port_toggle_power(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, bool power_on)
279 {
280     if (power_on) {
281         usbh_ll_hprt_en_pwr(hal->dev);
282     } else {
283         usbh_ll_hprt_dis_pwr(hal->dev);
284     }
285 }
287 /**
288  * @brief Toggle reset signal on the bus
289  *
290  * The reset signal should be held for at least 10ms
291  * Entry:
292  * - Host port detects a device connection or Host port is already enabled
293  * Exit:
294  * - On release of the reset signal, a USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_ENABLED will be generated
295  *
296  * @note If the host port is already enabled, then issuing a reset will cause it be disabled and generate a
297  *       USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_DISABLED event. The host port will not be enabled until the reset signal is released (thus
298  *       generating the USBH_HAL_PORT_EVENT_ENABLED event)
299  *
300  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
301  * @param enable Enable/disable reset signal
302  */
usbh_hal_port_toggle_reset(usbh_hal_context_t * hal,bool enable)303 static inline void usbh_hal_port_toggle_reset(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, bool enable)
304 {
305     HAL_ASSERT(hal->channels.num_allocd == 0);  //Cannot reset if there are still allocated channels
306     usbh_ll_hprt_set_port_reset(hal->dev, enable);
307 }
309 /**
310  * @brief Enable the host port
311  *
312  * Entry:
313  * - Host port enabled event triggered following a reset
314  * Exit:
315  * - Host port enabled to operate in scatter/gather DMA mode
316  * - DMA fifo sizes configured
317  *
318  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
319  */
320 void usbh_hal_port_enable(usbh_hal_context_t *hal);
322 /**
323  * @brief Disable the host port
324  *
325  * Exit:
326  * - Host port disabled event triggered
327  *
328  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
329  */
usbh_hal_port_disable(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)330 static inline void usbh_hal_port_disable(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
331 {
332     usbh_ll_hprt_port_dis(hal->dev);
333 }
335 /**
336  * @brief Suspend the host port
337  *
338  * @param hal Context of the HAL layers
339  */
usbh_hal_port_suspend(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)340 static inline void usbh_hal_port_suspend(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
341 {
342     usbh_ll_hprt_set_port_suspend(hal->dev);
343 }
345 /**
346  * @brief Toggle resume signal on the bus
347  *
348  * Hosts should hold the resume signal for at least 20ms
349  *
350  * @note If a remote wakeup event occurs, the resume signal is driven and cleared automatically.
351  *
352  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
353  * @param enable Enable/disable resume signal
354  */
usbh_hal_port_toggle_resume(usbh_hal_context_t * hal,bool enable)355 static inline void usbh_hal_port_toggle_resume(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, bool enable)
356 {
357     if (enable) {
358         usbh_ll_hprt_set_port_resume(hal->dev);
359     } else {
360         usbh_ll_hprt_clr_port_resume(hal->dev);
361     }
362 }
364 /**
365  * @brief Check whether the resume signal is being driven
366  *
367  * If a remote wakeup event occurs, the core will automatically drive and clear the resume signal for the required
368  * amount of time. Call this function to check whether the resume signal has completed.
369  *
370  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
371  * @return true Resume signal is still being driven
372  * @return false Resume signal is no longer driven
373  */
usbh_hal_port_check_resume(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)374 static inline bool usbh_hal_port_check_resume(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
375 {
376     return usbh_ll_hprt_get_port_resume(hal->dev);
377 }
379 // ---------------- Host Port Scheduling -------------------
381 /**
382  * @brief Sets the periodic scheduling frame list
383  *
384  * @note This function must be called before attempting configuring any channels to be period via
385  *       usbh_hal_chan_set_ep_char()
386  *
387  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
388  * @param frame_list Base address of the frame list
389  * @param frame_list_len Number of entries in the frame list (can only be 8, 16, 32, 64)
390  */
usbh_hal_port_set_frame_list(usbh_hal_context_t * hal,uint32_t * frame_list,usb_hal_frame_list_len_t len)391 static inline void usbh_hal_port_set_frame_list(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, uint32_t *frame_list, usb_hal_frame_list_len_t len)
392 {
393     //Clear and save frame list
394     hal->periodic_frame_list = frame_list;
395     hal->frame_list_len = len;
396 }
398 /**
399  * @brief Get the pointer to the periodic scheduling frame list
400  *
401  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
402  * @return uint32_t* Base address of the periodic scheduling frame list
403  */
usbh_hal_port_get_frame_list(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)404 static inline uint32_t *usbh_hal_port_get_frame_list(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
405 {
406     return hal->periodic_frame_list;
407 }
409 /**
410  * @brief Enable periodic scheduling
411  *
412  * @note The periodic frame list must be set via usbh_hal_port_set_frame_list() should be set before calling this
413  *       function
414  * @note This function must be called before activating any periodic channels
415  *
416  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
417  */
usbh_hal_port_periodic_enable(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)418 static inline void usbh_hal_port_periodic_enable(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
419 {
420     HAL_ASSERT(hal->periodic_frame_list != NULL);
421     usbh_ll_set_frame_list_base_addr(hal->dev, (uint32_t)hal->periodic_frame_list);
422     usbh_ll_hcfg_set_num_frame_list_entries(hal->dev, hal->frame_list_len);
423     usbh_ll_hcfg_en_perio_sched(hal->dev);
424     hal->flags.periodic_sched_enabled = 1;
425 }
427 /**
428  * @brief Disable periodic scheduling
429  *
430  * Disabling periodic scheduling will save a bit of DMA bandwith (as the controller will no longer fetch the schedule
431  * from the frame list).
432  *
433  * @note Before disabling periodic scheduling, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that all periodic channels have
434  *       halted safely.
435  *
436  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
437  */
usbh_hal_port_periodic_disable(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)438 static inline void usbh_hal_port_periodic_disable(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
439 {
440     HAL_ASSERT(hal->flags.periodic_sched_enabled);
441     usbh_ll_hcfg_dis_perio_sched(hal->dev);
442     hal->flags.periodic_sched_enabled = 0;
443 }
usbh_hal_port_get_cur_frame_num(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)445 static inline uint32_t usbh_hal_port_get_cur_frame_num(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
446 {
447     return usbh_ll_get_frm_num(hal->dev);
448 }
450 // --------------- Host Port Status/State ------------------
452 /**
453  * @brief Check if a device is currently connected to the host port
454  *
455  * This function is intended to be called after one of the following events followed by an adequate debounce delay
458  *
459  * @note No other connection/disconnection event will occur again until the debounce lock is disabled via
460  *       usbh_hal_disable_debounce_lock()
461  *
462  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
463  * @return true A device is connected to the host port
464  * @return false A device is not connected to the host port
465  */
usbh_hal_port_check_if_connected(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)466 static inline bool usbh_hal_port_check_if_connected(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
467 {
468     return usbh_ll_hprt_get_conn_status(hal->dev);
469 }
471 /**
472  * @brief Check the speed (LS/FS) of the device connected to the host port
473  *
474  * @note This function should only be called after confirming that a device is connected to the host port
475  *
476  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
477  * @return usb_priv_speed_t Speed of the connected device (FS or LS only on the esp32-s2 and esp32-s3)
478  */
usbh_hal_port_get_conn_speed(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)479 static inline usb_priv_speed_t usbh_hal_port_get_conn_speed(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
480 {
481     return usbh_ll_hprt_get_speed(hal->dev);
482 }
484 /**
485  * @brief Disable the debounce lock
486  *
487  * This function must be called after calling usbh_hal_port_check_if_connected() and will allow connection/disconnection
488  * events to occur again. Any pending connection or disconenction interrupts are cleared.
489  *
490  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
491  */
usbh_hal_disable_debounce_lock(usbh_hal_context_t * hal)492 static inline void usbh_hal_disable_debounce_lock(usbh_hal_context_t *hal)
493 {
494     hal->flags.dbnc_lock_enabled = 0;
495     //Clear Conenction and disconenction interrupt in case it triggered again
496     usb_ll_intr_clear(hal->dev, USB_LL_INTR_CORE_DISCONNINT);
497     usbh_ll_hprt_intr_clear(hal->dev, USBH_LL_INTR_HPRT_PRTCONNDET);
498     //Reenable the hprt (connection) and disconnection interrupts
499     usb_ll_en_intrs(hal->dev, USB_LL_INTR_CORE_PRTINT | USB_LL_INTR_CORE_DISCONNINT);
500 }
502 // ----------------------------------------------------- Channel -------------------------------------------------------
504 // ----------------- Channel Allocation --------------------
506 /**
507  * @brief Allocate a channel
508  *
509  * @param[in] hal Context of the HAL layer
510  * @param[inout] chan_obj Empty channel object
511  * @param[in] chan_ctx Context variable for the allocator of the channel
512  * @return true Channel successfully allocated
513  * @return false Failed to allocate channel
514  */
515 bool usbh_hal_chan_alloc(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj, void *chan_ctx);
517 /**
518  * @brief Free a channel
519  *
520  * @param[in] hal Context of the HAL layer
521  * @param[in] chan_obj Channel object
522  */
523 void usbh_hal_chan_free(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj);
525 // ---------------- Channel Configuration ------------------
527 /**
528  * @brief Get the context variable of the channel
529  *
530  * @param[in] chan_obj Channel object
531  * @return void* The context variable of the channel
532  */
usbh_hal_chan_get_context(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj)533 static inline void *usbh_hal_chan_get_context(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj)
534 {
535     return chan_obj->chan_ctx;
536 }
538 /**
539  * @brief Set the endpoint information for a particular channel
540  *
541  * This should be called when a channel switches target from one EP to another
542  *
543  * @note the channel must be in the disabled state in order to change its EP
544  *       information
545  *
546  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
547  * @param chan_obj Channel object
548  * @param ep_char Endpoint characteristics
549  */
550 void usbh_hal_chan_set_ep_char(usbh_hal_context_t *hal, usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj, usbh_hal_ep_char_t *ep_char);
552 /**
553  * @brief Set the direction of the channel
554  *
555  * This is a convenience function to flip the direction of a channel without
556  * needing to reconfigure all of the channel's EP info. This is used primarily
557  * for control transfers.
558  *
559  * @note This function should only be called when the channel is halted
560  *
561  * @param chan_obj Channel object
562  * @param is_in Whether the direction is IN
563  */
usbh_hal_chan_set_dir(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj,bool is_in)564 static inline void usbh_hal_chan_set_dir(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj, bool is_in)
565 {
566     //Cannot change direction whilst channel is still active or in error
567     HAL_ASSERT(!chan_obj->flags.active);
568     usbh_ll_chan_set_dir(chan_obj->regs, is_in);
569 }
571 /**
572  * @brief Set the next Packet ID of the channel (e.g., DATA0/DATA1)
573  *
574  * This should be called when a channel switches target from one EP to another
575  * or when change stages for a control transfer
576  *
577  * @note The channel should only be called when the channel is in the
578  *       halted state.
579  *
580  * @param chan_obj Channel object
581  * @param pid PID of the next DATA packet (DATA0 or DATA1)
582  */
usbh_hal_chan_set_pid(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj,int pid)583 static inline void usbh_hal_chan_set_pid(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj, int pid)
584 {
585     //Cannot change pid whilst channel is still active or in error
586     HAL_ASSERT(!chan_obj->flags.active);
587     //Update channel object and set the register
588     usbh_ll_chan_set_pid(chan_obj->regs, pid);
589 }
591 /**
592  * @brief Get the next PID of a channel
593  *
594  * Returns the next PID (DATA0 or DATA1) of the channel. This function should be
595  * used when the next PID of a pipe needs to be saved (e.g., when switching pipes
596  * on a channel)
597  *
598  * @param chan_obj Channel object
599  * @return uint32_t Starting PID of the next transfer (DATA0 or DATA1)
600  */
usbh_hal_chan_get_pid(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj)601 static inline uint32_t usbh_hal_chan_get_pid(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj)
602 {
603     HAL_ASSERT(!chan_obj->flags.active);
604     return usbh_ll_chan_get_pid(chan_obj->regs);
605 }
607 // ------------------- Channel Control ---------------------
609 /**
610  * @brief Activate a channel
611  *
612  * Activating a channel will cause the channel to start executing transfer descriptors.
613  *
614  * @note This function should only be called on channels that were previously halted
615  * @note An event will be generated when the channel is halted
616  *
617  * @param chan_obj Channel object
618  * @param xfer_desc_list A filled transfer descriptor list
619  * @param desc_list_len Transfer descriptor list length
620  * @param start_idx Index of the starting transfer descriptor in the list
621  */
622 void usbh_hal_chan_activate(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj, void *xfer_desc_list, int desc_list_len, int start_idx);
624 /**
625  * @brief Get the index of the current transfer descriptor
626  *
627  * @param chan_obj Channel object
628  * @return int Descriptor index
629  */
usbh_hal_chan_get_qtd_idx(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj)630 static inline int usbh_hal_chan_get_qtd_idx(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj)
631 {
632     return usbh_ll_chan_get_ctd(chan_obj->regs);
633 }
635 /**
636  * @brief Request to halt a channel
637  *
638  * This function should be called in order to halt a channel. If the channel is already halted, this function will
639  * return true. If the channel is still active, this function will return false and users must wait for the
640  * USBH_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_HALT_REQ event before treating the channel as halted.
641  *
642  * @note When a transfer is in progress (i.e., the channel is active) and a halt is requested, the channel will halt
643  *       after the next USB packet is completed. If the transfer has more pending packets, the transfer will just be
644  *       marked as USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_STS_NOT_EXECUTED.
645  *
646  * @param chan_obj Channel object
647  * @return true The channel is already halted
648  * @return false The halt was requested, wait for USBH_HAL_CHAN_EVENT_HALT_REQ
649  */
650 bool usbh_hal_chan_request_halt(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj);
652 /**
653  * @brief Indicate that a channel is halted after a port error
654  *
655  * When a port error occurs (e.g., discconect, overcurrent):
656  * - Any previously active channels will remain active (i.e., they will not receive a channel interrupt)
657  * - Attempting to disable them using usbh_hal_chan_request_halt() will NOT generate an interrupt for ISOC channels
658  *   (probalby something to do with the periodic scheduling)
659  *
660  * However, the channel's enable bit can be left as 1 since after a port error, a soft reset will be done anyways.
661  * This function simply updates the channels internal state variable to indicate it is halted (thus allowing it to be
662  * freed).
663  *
664  * @param chan_obj Channel object
665  */
usbh_hal_chan_mark_halted(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj)666 static inline void usbh_hal_chan_mark_halted(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj)
667 {
668     chan_obj->flags.active = 0;
669 }
671 /**
672  * @brief Get a channel's error
673  *
674  * @param chan_obj Channel object
675  * @return usbh_hal_chan_error_t The type of error the channel has encountered
676  */
usbh_hal_chan_get_error(usbh_hal_chan_t * chan_obj)677 static inline usbh_hal_chan_error_t usbh_hal_chan_get_error(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj)
678 {
679     return chan_obj->error;
680 }
682 // -------------------------------------------- Transfer Descriptor List -----------------------------------------------
684 /**
685  * @brief Fill a single entry in a transfer descriptor list
686  *
687  * - Depending on the transfer type, a single transfer descriptor may corresponds
688  *      - A stage of a transfer (for control transfers)
689  *      - A frame of a transfer interval (for interrupt and isoc)
690  *      - An entire transfer (for bulk transfers)
691  * - Check the various USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_ flags for filling a specific type of descriptor
692  * - For IN transfer entries, set the USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_IN. The transfer size must also be an integer multiple of
693  *   the endpoint's MPS
694  *
695  * @note Critical section is not required for this function
696  *
697  * @param desc_list Transfer descriptor list
698  * @param desc_idx Transfer descriptor index
699  * @param xfer_data_buff Transfer data buffer
700  * @param xfer_len Transfer length
701  * @param flags Transfer flags
702  */
usbh_hal_xfer_desc_fill(void * desc_list,uint32_t desc_idx,uint8_t * xfer_data_buff,int xfer_len,uint32_t flags)703 static inline void usbh_hal_xfer_desc_fill(void *desc_list, uint32_t desc_idx, uint8_t *xfer_data_buff, int xfer_len, uint32_t flags)
704 {
705     usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t *qtd_list = (usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t *)desc_list;
706     if (flags & USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_IN) {
707         usbh_ll_set_qtd_in(&qtd_list[desc_idx],
708                            xfer_data_buff, xfer_len,
709                            flags & USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC);
710     } else {
711         usbh_ll_set_qtd_out(&qtd_list[desc_idx],
712                             xfer_data_buff,
713                             xfer_len,
714                             flags & USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_HOC,
715                             flags & USBH_HAL_XFER_DESC_FLAG_SETUP);
716     }
717 }
719 /**
720  * @brief Clear a transfer descriptor (sets all its fields to NULL)
721  *
722  * @param desc_list Transfer descriptor list
723  * @param desc_idx Transfer descriptor index
724  */
usbh_hal_xfer_desc_clear(void * desc_list,uint32_t desc_idx)725 static inline void usbh_hal_xfer_desc_clear(void *desc_list, uint32_t desc_idx)
726 {
727     usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t *qtd_list = (usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t *)desc_list;
728     usbh_ll_set_qtd_null(&qtd_list[desc_idx]);
729 }
731 /**
732  * @brief Parse a transfer decriptor's results
733  *
734  * @param desc_list Transfer descriptor list
735  * @param desc_idx Transfer descriptor index
736  * @param[out] xfer_rem_len Remaining length of the transfer in bytes
737  * @param[out] xfer_status Status of the transfer
738  *
739  * @note Critical section is not required for this function
740  */
usbh_hal_xfer_desc_parse(void * desc_list,uint32_t desc_idx,int * xfer_rem_len,int * xfer_status)741 static inline void usbh_hal_xfer_desc_parse(void *desc_list, uint32_t desc_idx, int *xfer_rem_len, int *xfer_status)
742 {
743     usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t *qtd_list = (usbh_ll_dma_qtd_t *)desc_list;
744     usbh_ll_get_qtd_status(&qtd_list[desc_idx], xfer_rem_len, xfer_status);
745     //Clear the QTD to prevent it from being read again
746     usbh_ll_set_qtd_null(&qtd_list[desc_idx]);
747 }
749 // ------------------------------------------------- Event Handling ----------------------------------------------------
751 /**
752  * @brief Decode global and host port interrupts
753  *
754  * - Reads and clears global and host port interrupt registers
755  * - Decodes the interrupt bits to determine what host port event occurred
756  *
757  * @note This should be the first interrupt decode function to be run
758  *
759  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
760  * @return usbh_hal_port_event_t Host port event
761  */
762 usbh_hal_port_event_t usbh_hal_decode_intr(usbh_hal_context_t *hal);
764 /**
765  * @brief Gets the next channel with a pending interrupt
766  *
767  * If no channel is pending an interrupt, this function will return NULL. If one or more channels are pending an
768  * interrupt, this function returns one of the channel's objects. Call this function repeatedly until it returns NULL.
769  *
770  * @param hal Context of the HAL layer
771  * @return usbh_hal_chan_t* Channel object. NULL if no channel are pending an interrupt.
772  */
773 usbh_hal_chan_t *usbh_hal_get_chan_pending_intr(usbh_hal_context_t *hal);
775 /**
776  * @brief Decode a particular channel's interrupt
777  *
778  * - Reads and clears the interrupt register of the channel
779  * - Returns the corresponding event for that channel
780  *
781  * @param chan_obj Channel object
782  * @note If the host port has an error (e.g., a sudden disconnect or an port error), any active channels will not
783  *       receive an interrupt. Each active channel must be manually halted.
784  * @return usbh_hal_chan_event_t Channel event
785  */
786 usbh_hal_chan_event_t usbh_hal_chan_decode_intr(usbh_hal_chan_t *chan_obj);
788 #ifdef __cplusplus
789 }
790 #endif