1 /*
2 * Percepio Trace Recorder for Tracealyzer v4.8.1
3 * Copyright 2023 Percepio AB
4 * www.percepio.com
5 *
6 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7 */
9 /**
10  * @file
11  *
12  * @internal Public trace multicore event buffer APIs.
13  */
22 #include <trcTypes.h>
24 #ifdef __cplusplus
25 extern "C" {
26 #endif
28 /**
29  * @defgroup trace_multi_core_event_buffer_apis Trace Multi-Core Event Buffer APIs
30  * @ingroup trace_recorder_apis
31  * @{
32  */
34 /**
35  * @brief Trace Multi-Core Event Buffer Structure
36  */
37 typedef struct TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer	/* Aligned */
38 {
39 	TraceEventBuffer_t *xEventBuffer[TRC_CFG_CORE_COUNT]; /**< */
40 } TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t;
42 /**
43  * @internal Initialize multi-core event buffer.
44  *
45  * This routine initializes a multi-core trace event buffer and assignts it
46  * a memory area based on the supplied buffer.
47  *
48  * Trace event buffer options specifies the buffer behavior regarding
49  * old data, the alternatives are TRC_EVENT_BUFFER_OPTION_SKIP and
50  * TRC_EVENT_BUFFER_OPTION_OVERWRITE (mutal exclusive).
51  *
52  * @param[out] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to unitialized multi-core trace event buffer.
53  * @param[in] uiOptions Trace event buffer options.
54  * @param[in] puiBuffer Pointer to buffer that will be used by the multi-core trace event buffer.
55  * @param[in] uiSize Size of buffer.
56  *
57  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
58  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
59  */
60 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferInitialize(TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t* const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, uint32_t uiOptions,
61 	uint8_t* puiBuffer, uint32_t uiSize);
65 #if ((TRC_CFG_USE_TRACE_ASSERT) == 1)
66 /**
67  * @brief Allocates a data slot directly from the event buffer.
68  *
69  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core trace event buffer.
70  * @param[in] uiSize Allocation size
71  * @param[out] ppvData Pointer that will hold the area from the buffer.
72  *
73  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
74  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
75  */
76 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferAlloc(const TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t * const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, uint32_t uiSize, void** ppvData);
78 /**
79  * @brief Commits the last allocated block to the event buffer.
80  *
81  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core trace event buffer.
82  * @param[in] pvData Data pointer.
83  * @param[in] uiSize Data size.
84  * @param piBytesWritten The number of bytes that was written.
85  *
86  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
87  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
88  */
89 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferAllocCommit(const TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t * const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, void *pvData, uint32_t uiSize, int32_t *piBytesWritten);
91 /**
92  * @brief Pushes data into multi-core trace event buffer.
93  *
94  * This routine attempts to push data into the multi-core trace event buffer. Selection
95  * of which core the data is pushed for is managed automatically through the
96  * TRC_CFG_GET_CURRENT_CORE macro which is defined on an RTOS basis.
97  *
98  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core event buffer.
99  * @param[in] pvData Pointer to data should be pushed into multi-core event buffer.
100  * @param[in] uiSize Size of data that should be pushed into multi-core trace event buffer.
101  * @param[out] piBytesWritten Pointer to variable which the routine will write the number
102  * of bytes that was pushed into the multi-core trace event buffer.
103  *
104  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
105  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
106  */
107 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferPush(const TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t* const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize, int32_t* piBytesWritten);
109 #else
111 /**
112  * @brief Allocates a data slot directly from the event buffer.
113  *
114  * @param[in] pxTraceEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core trace event buffer.
115  * @param[in] uiSize Allocation size
116  * @param[out] ppvData Pointer that will hold the area from the buffer.
117  *
118  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
119  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
120  */
121 #define xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferAlloc(pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, uiSize, ppvData) xTraceEventBufferAlloc((pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer)->xEventBuffer[TRC_CFG_GET_CURRENT_CORE()], uiSize, ppvData)
123 /**
124  * @brief Commits the last allocated block to the event buffer.
125  *
126  * @param[in] pxTraceEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core trace event buffer.
127  *
128  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
129  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
130  */
131 #define xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferAllocCommit(pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, pvData, uiSize, piBytesWritten) xTraceEventBufferAllocCommit((pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer)->xEventBuffer[TRC_CFG_GET_CURRENT_CORE()], pvData, uiSize, piBytesWritten)
133 /**
134  * @brief Pushes data into multi-core trace event buffer.
135  *
136  * This routine attempts to push data into the multi-core trace event buffer. Selection
137  * of which core the data is pushed for is managed automatically through the
138  * TRC_CFG_GET_CURRENT_CORE macro which is defined on an RTOS basis.
139  *
140  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core event buffer.
141  * @param[in] pvData Pointer to data should be pushed into multi-core event buffer.
142  * @param[in] uiSize Size of data that should be pushed into multi-core trace event buffer.
143  * @param[out] piBytesWritten Pointer to variable which the routine will write the number
144  * of bytes that was pushed into the multi-core trace event buffer.
145  *
146  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
147  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
148  */
149 #define xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferPush(pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, pvData, uiSize, piBytesWritten) xTraceEventBufferPush((pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer)->xEventBuffer[TRC_CFG_GET_CURRENT_CORE()], pvData, uiSize, piBytesWritten)
151 #endif
153 /**
154  * @brief Transfer multi-core trace event buffer data through streamport.
155  *
156  * This routine will attempt to transfer all existing data in the multi-core trace event
157  * buffer through the streamport. New data pushed to the trace event buffer
158  * during the execution of this routine will not be transfered to
159  *
160  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core event buffer.
161  * @param[out] piBytesWritten Pointer to variable which the routine will write the number
162  * of bytes that was pushed into the multi-core trace event buffer.
163  *
164  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
165  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
166  */
167 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferTransferAll(const TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t* const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, int32_t* piBytesWritten);
169 /**
170  * @brief Transfer multi-core trace event buffer data through streamport.
171  *
172  * This routine will attempt to transfer a chunk of stored event data in the multi-core
173  * trace event buffer. Note that the chunk size is on a per-core basis with each core
174  * event buffer attempting to push up to uiChunkSize of bytes.
175  *
176  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core event buffer.
177  * @param[in] uiChunkSize Number of bytes to attempt to transfer per core.
178  * @param[out] piBytesWritten Pointer to variable which the routine will write the number
179  * of bytes that was pushed into the multi-core trace event buffer.
180  */
181 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferTransferChunk(const TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t* const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer, uint32_t uiChunkSize, int32_t* piBytesWritten);
183 /**
184  * @brief Clears all data from event buffer.
185  *
186  * @param[in] pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer Pointer to initialized multi-core trace event buffer.
187  *
188  * @retval TRC_FAIL Failure
189  * @retval TRC_SUCCESS Success
190  */
191 traceResult xTraceMultiCoreEventBufferClear(const TraceMultiCoreEventBuffer_t* const pxTraceMultiCoreEventBuffer);
193 /** @} */
195 #ifdef __cplusplus
196 }
197 #endif
201 #endif /* (TRC_USE_TRACEALYZER_RECORDER == 1) */