1# Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http:#www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
16DUT provides 3 major groups of features:
18* DUT port feature, provide basic open/close/read/write features
19* DUT tools, provide extra methods to control the device, like download and start app
20* DUT expect method, provide features for users to check DUT outputs
22The current design of DUT have 3 classes for one DUT: BaseDUT, DUTPort, DUTTool.
24* BaseDUT class:
25    * defines methods DUT port and DUT tool need to overwrite
26    * provide the expect methods and some other methods based on DUTPort
27* DUTPort class:
28    * inherent from BaseDUT class
29    * implements the port features by overwriting port methods defined in BaseDUT
30* DUTTool class:
31    * inherent from one of the DUTPort class
32    * implements the tools features by overwriting tool methods defined in BaseDUT
33    * could add some new methods provided by the tool
35This module implements the BaseDUT class and one of the port class SerialDUT.
36User should implement their DUTTool classes.
37If they using different port then need to implement their DUTPort class as well.
40from __future__ import print_function
42import copy
43import functools
44import re
45import sys
46import threading
47import time
49# python2 and python3 queue package name is different
51    import Queue as _queue
52except ImportError:
53    import queue as _queue  # type: ignore
56    from typing import Callable, List
57except ImportError:
58    # Only used for type annotations
59    pass
61import serial
62from serial.tools import list_ports
64from . import Utility
67class ExpectTimeout(ValueError):
68    """ timeout for expect method """
69    pass
72class UnsupportedExpectItem(ValueError):
73    """ expect item not supported by the expect method """
74    pass
77def _expect_lock(func):
78    @functools.wraps(func)
79    def handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
80        with self.expect_lock:
81            ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
82        return ret
83    return handler
86def _decode_data(data):
87    """ for python3, if the data is bytes, then decode it to string """
88    if isinstance(data, bytes):
89        # convert bytes to string. This is a bit of a hack, we know that we want to log this
90        # later so encode to the stdout encoding with backslash escapes for anything non-encodable
91        try:
92            return data.decode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'backslashreplace')
93        except UnicodeDecodeError:  # Python <3.5 doesn't support backslashreplace
94            return data.decode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace')
95    return data
98def _pattern_to_string(pattern):
99    try:
100        ret = 'RegEx: ' + pattern.pattern
101    except AttributeError:
102        ret = pattern
103    return ret
106class _DataCache(_queue.Queue):
107    """
108    Data cache based on Queue. Allow users to process data cache based on bytes instead of Queue."
109    """
111    def __init__(self, maxsize=0):
112        _queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize=maxsize)
113        self.data_cache = str()
115    def _move_from_queue_to_cache(self):
116        """
117        move all of the available data in the queue to cache
119        :return: True if moved any item from queue to data cache, else False
120        """
121        ret = False
122        while True:
123            try:
124                self.data_cache += _decode_data(self.get(0))
125                ret = True
126            except _queue.Empty:
127                break
128        return ret
130    def get_data(self, timeout=0.0):
131        """
132        get a copy of data from cache.
134        :param timeout: timeout for waiting new queue item
135        :return: copy of data cache
136        """
137        # make sure timeout is non-negative
138        if timeout < 0:
139            timeout = 0
141        ret = self._move_from_queue_to_cache()
143        if not ret:
144            # we only wait for new data if we can't provide a new data_cache
145            try:
146                data = self.get(timeout=timeout)
147                self.data_cache += _decode_data(data)
148            except _queue.Empty:
149                # don't do anything when on update for cache
150                pass
151        return copy.deepcopy(self.data_cache)
153    def flush(self, index=0xFFFFFFFF):
154        """
155        flush data from cache.
157        :param index: if < 0 then don't do flush, otherwise flush data before index
158        :return: None
159        """
160        # first add data in queue to cache
161        self.get_data()
163        if index > 0:
164            self.data_cache = self.data_cache[index:]
167class _LogThread(threading.Thread, _queue.Queue):
168    """
169    We found some SD card on Raspberry Pi could have very bad performance.
170    It could take seconds to save small amount of data.
171    If the DUT receives data and save it as log, then it stops receiving data until log is saved.
172    This could lead to expect timeout.
173    As an workaround to this issue, ``BaseDUT`` class will create a thread to save logs.
174    Then data will be passed to ``expect`` as soon as received.
175    """
176    def __init__(self):
177        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name='LogThread')
178        _queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize=0)
179        self.setDaemon(True)
180        self.flush_lock = threading.Lock()
182    def save_log(self, filename, data):
183        """
184        :param filename: log file name
185        :param data: log data. Must be ``bytes``.
186        """
187        self.put({'filename': filename, 'data': data})
189    def flush_data(self):
190        with self.flush_lock:
191            data_cache = dict()
192            while True:
193                # move all data from queue to data cache
194                try:
195                    log = self.get_nowait()
196                    try:
197                        data_cache[log['filename']] += log['data']
198                    except KeyError:
199                        data_cache[log['filename']] = log['data']
200                except _queue.Empty:
201                    break
202            # flush data
203            for filename in data_cache:
204                with open(filename, 'ab+') as f:
205                    f.write(data_cache[filename])
207    def run(self):
208        while True:
209            time.sleep(1)
210            self.flush_data()
213class RecvThread(threading.Thread):
215    CHECK_FUNCTIONS = []  # type: List[Callable]
216    """ DUT subclass can define a few check functions to process received data. """
218    def __init__(self, read, dut):
219        super(RecvThread, self).__init__()
220        self.exit_event = threading.Event()
221        self.setDaemon(True)
222        self.read = read
223        self.dut = dut
224        self.data_cache = dut.data_cache
225        self.recorded_data = dut.recorded_data
226        self.record_data_lock = dut.record_data_lock
227        self._line_cache = str()
229    def _line_completion(self, data):
230        """
231        Usually check functions requires to check for one complete line.
232        This method will do line completion for the first line, and strip incomplete last line.
233        """
234        ret = self._line_cache
235        decoded_data = _decode_data(data)
237        # cache incomplete line to later process
238        lines = decoded_data.splitlines(True)
239        last_line = lines[-1]
241        if last_line[-1] != '\n':
242            if len(lines) == 1:
243                # only one line and the line is not finished, then append this to cache
244                self._line_cache += lines[-1]
245                ret = str()
246            else:
247                # more than one line and not finished, replace line cache
248                self._line_cache = lines[-1]
249                ret += ''.join(lines[:-1])
250        else:
251            # line finishes, flush cache
252            self._line_cache = str()
253            ret += decoded_data
254        return ret
256    def run(self):
257        while not self.exit_event.isSet():
258            raw_data = self.read(1000)
259            if raw_data:
260                # we need to do line completion before call check functions
261                # need to call check functions first
262                # otherwise check functions could be called after cases finished
263                comp_data = self._line_completion(raw_data)
264                for check_function in self.CHECK_FUNCTIONS:
265                    check_function(self, comp_data)
267                with self.record_data_lock:
268                    self.data_cache.put(raw_data)
269                    for capture_id in self.recorded_data:
270                        self.recorded_data[capture_id].put(raw_data)
272    def exit(self):
273        self.exit_event.set()
274        self.join()
277class BaseDUT(object):
278    """
279    :param name: application defined name for port
280    :param port: comport name, used to create DUT port
281    :param log_file: log file name
282    :param app: test app instance
283    :param kwargs: extra args for DUT to create ports
284    """
288    RECV_THREAD_CLS = RecvThread
289    TARGET = None
290    """ DUT subclass can specify RECV_THREAD_CLS to do add some extra stuff when receive data.
291    For example, DUT can implement exception detect & analysis logic in receive thread subclass. """
292    LOG_THREAD = _LogThread()
293    LOG_THREAD.start()
295    def __init__(self, name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs):
297        self.expect_lock = threading.Lock()
298        self.name = name
299        self.port = port
300        self.log_file = log_file
301        self.app = app
302        self.data_cache = _DataCache()
303        # the main process of recorded data are done in receive thread
304        # but receive thread could be closed in DUT lifetime (tool methods)
305        # so we keep it in BaseDUT, as their life cycle are same
306        self.recorded_data = dict()
307        self.record_data_lock = threading.RLock()
308        self.receive_thread = None
309        self.expect_failures = []
310        self._port_open()
311        self.start_receive()
313    def __str__(self):
314        return 'DUT({}: {})'.format(self.name, str(self.port))
316    def _save_expect_failure(self, pattern, data, start_time):
317        """
318        Save expect failure. If the test fails, then it will print the expect failures.
319        In some cases, user will handle expect exceptions.
320        The expect failures could be false alarm, and test case might generate a lot of such failures.
321        Therefore, we don't print the failure immediately and limit the max size of failure list.
322        """
323        self.expect_failures.insert(0, {'pattern': pattern, 'data': data,
324                                        'start': start_time, 'end': time.time()})
325        self.expect_failures = self.expect_failures[:self.MAX_EXPECT_FAILURES_TO_SAVED]
327    def _save_dut_log(self, data):
328        """
329        Save DUT log into file using another thread.
330        This is a workaround for some devices takes long time for file system operations.
332        See descriptions in ``_LogThread`` for details.
333        """
334        self.LOG_THREAD.save_log(self.log_file, data)
336    # define for methods need to be overwritten by Port
337    @classmethod
338    def list_available_ports(cls):
339        """
340        list all available ports.
342        subclass (port) must overwrite this method.
344        :return: list of available comports
345        """
346        pass
348    def _port_open(self):
349        """
350        open the port.
352        subclass (port) must overwrite this method.
354        :return: None
355        """
356        pass
358    def _port_read(self, size=1):
359        """
360        read form port. This method should not blocking for long time, otherwise receive thread can not exit.
362        subclass (port) must overwrite this method.
364        :param size: max size to read.
365        :return: read data.
366        """
367        pass
369    def _port_write(self, data):
370        """
371        write to port.
373        subclass (port) must overwrite this method.
375        :param data: data to write
376        :return: None
377        """
378        pass
380    def _port_close(self):
381        """
382        close port.
384        subclass (port) must overwrite this method.
386        :return: None
387        """
388        pass
390    # methods that need to be overwritten by Tool
391    @classmethod
392    def confirm_dut(cls, port, **kwargs):
393        """
394        confirm if it's a DUT, usually used by auto detecting DUT in by Env config.
396        subclass (tool) must overwrite this method.
398        :param port: comport
399        :return: tuple of result (bool), and target (str)
400        """
401        pass
403    def start_app(self):
404        """
405        usually after we got DUT, we need to do some extra works to let App start.
406        For example, we need to reset->download->reset to let IDF application start on DUT.
408        subclass (tool) must overwrite this method.
410        :return: None
411        """
412        pass
414    # methods that features raw port methods
415    def start_receive(self):
416        """
417        Start thread to receive data.
419        :return: None
420        """
421        self.receive_thread = self.RECV_THREAD_CLS(self._port_read, self)
422        self.receive_thread.start()
424    def stop_receive(self):
425        """
426        stop the receiving thread for the port
427        :return: None
428        """
429        if self.receive_thread:
430            self.receive_thread.exit()
431        self.LOG_THREAD.flush_data()
432        self.receive_thread = None
434    def close(self):
435        """
436        permanently close the port
437        """
438        self.stop_receive()
439        self._port_close()
441    @staticmethod
442    def u_to_bytearray(data):
443        """
444        if data is not bytearray then it tries to convert it
446        :param data: data which needs to be checked and maybe transformed
447        """
448        if isinstance(data, type(u'')):
449            try:
450                data = data.encode('utf-8')
451            except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
452                print(u'Cannot encode {} of type {}'.format(data, type(data)))
453                raise e
454        return data
456    def write(self, data, eol='\r\n', flush=True):
457        """
458        :param data: data
459        :param eol: end of line pattern.
460        :param flush: if need to flush received data cache before write data.
461                      usually we need to flush data before write,
462                      make sure processing outputs generated by wrote.
463        :return: None
464        """
465        # do flush before write
466        if flush:
467            self.data_cache.flush()
468        # do write if cache
469        if data is not None:
470            self._port_write(self.u_to_bytearray(data) + self.u_to_bytearray(eol) if eol else self.u_to_bytearray(data))
472    @_expect_lock
473    def read(self, size=0xFFFFFFFF):
474        """
475        read(size=0xFFFFFFFF)
476        read raw data. NOT suggested to use this method.
477        Only use it if expect method doesn't meet your requirement.
479        :param size: read size. default read all data
480        :return: read data
481        """
482        data = self.data_cache.get_data(0)[:size]
483        self.data_cache.flush(size)
484        return data
486    def start_capture_raw_data(self, capture_id='default'):
487        """
488        Sometime application want to get DUT raw data and use ``expect`` method at the same time.
489        Capture methods provides a way to get raw data without affecting ``expect`` or ``read`` method.
491        If you call ``start_capture_raw_data`` with same capture id again, it will restart capture on this ID.
493        :param capture_id: ID of capture. You can use different IDs to do different captures at the same time.
494        """
495        with self.record_data_lock:
496            try:
497                # if start capture on existed ID, we do flush data and restart capture
498                self.recorded_data[capture_id].flush()
499            except KeyError:
500                # otherwise, create new data cache
501                self.recorded_data[capture_id] = _DataCache()
503    def stop_capture_raw_data(self, capture_id='default'):
504        """
505        Stop capture and get raw data.
506        This method should be used after ``start_capture_raw_data`` on the same capture ID.
508        :param capture_id: ID of capture.
509        :return: captured raw data between start capture and stop capture.
510        """
511        with self.record_data_lock:
512            try:
513                ret = self.recorded_data[capture_id].get_data()
514                self.recorded_data.pop(capture_id)
515            except KeyError as e:
516                e.message = 'capture_id does not exist. ' \
517                            'You should call start_capture_raw_data with same ID ' \
518                            'before calling stop_capture_raw_data'
519                raise e
520        return ret
522    # expect related methods
524    @staticmethod
525    def _expect_str(data, pattern):
526        """
527        protected method. check if string is matched in data cache.
529        :param data: data to process
530        :param pattern: string
531        :return: pattern if match succeed otherwise None
532        """
533        index = data.find(pattern)
534        if index != -1:
535            ret = pattern
536            index += len(pattern)
537        else:
538            ret = None
539        return ret, index
541    @staticmethod
542    def _expect_re(data, pattern):
543        """
544        protected method. check if re pattern is matched in data cache
546        :param data: data to process
547        :param pattern: compiled RegEx pattern
548        :return: match groups if match succeed otherwise None
549        """
550        ret = None
551        if isinstance(pattern.pattern, bytes):
552            pattern = re.compile(_decode_data(pattern.pattern))
553        match = pattern.search(data)
554        if match:
555            ret = tuple(x for x in match.groups())
556            index = match.end()
557        else:
558            index = -1
559        return ret, index
561    EXPECT_METHOD = [
562        [type(re.compile('')), '_expect_re'],
563        [type(b''), '_expect_str'],  # Python 2 & 3 hook to work without 'from builtins import str' from future
564        [type(u''), '_expect_str'],
565    ]
567    def _get_expect_method(self, pattern):
568        """
569        protected method. get expect method according to pattern type.
571        :param pattern: expect pattern, string or compiled RegEx
572        :return: ``_expect_str`` or ``_expect_re``
573        """
574        for expect_method in self.EXPECT_METHOD:
575            if isinstance(pattern, expect_method[0]):
576                method = expect_method[1]
577                break
578        else:
579            raise UnsupportedExpectItem()
580        return self.__getattribute__(method)
582    @_expect_lock
583    def expect(self, pattern, timeout=DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT, full_stdout=False):
584        """
585        expect(pattern, timeout=DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT)
586        expect received data on DUT match the pattern. will raise exception when expect timeout.
588        :raise ExpectTimeout: failed to find the pattern before timeout
589        :raise UnsupportedExpectItem: pattern is not string or compiled RegEx
591        :param pattern: string or compiled RegEx(string pattern)
592        :param timeout: timeout for expect
593        :param full_stdout: return full stdout until meet expect string/pattern or just matched string
594        :return: string if pattern is string; matched groups if pattern is RegEx
595        """
596        method = self._get_expect_method(pattern)
597        stdout = ''
599        # non-blocking get data for first time
600        data = self.data_cache.get_data(0)
601        start_time = time.time()
602        while True:
603            ret, index = method(data, pattern)
604            if ret is not None:
605                stdout = data[:index]
606                self.data_cache.flush(index)
607                break
608            time_remaining = start_time + timeout - time.time()
609            if time_remaining < 0:
610                break
611            # wait for new data from cache
612            data = self.data_cache.get_data(time_remaining)
614        if ret is None:
615            pattern = _pattern_to_string(pattern)
616            self._save_expect_failure(pattern, data, start_time)
617            raise ExpectTimeout(self.name + ': ' + pattern)
618        return stdout if full_stdout else ret
620    def _expect_multi(self, expect_all, expect_item_list, timeout):
621        """
622        protected method. internal logical for expect multi.
624        :param expect_all: True or False, expect all items in the list or any in the list
625        :param expect_item_list: expect item list
626        :param timeout: timeout
627        :return: None
628        """
629        def process_expected_item(item_raw):
630            # convert item raw data to standard dict
631            item = {
632                'pattern': item_raw[0] if isinstance(item_raw, tuple) else item_raw,
633                'method': self._get_expect_method(item_raw[0] if isinstance(item_raw, tuple)
634                                                  else item_raw),
635                'callback': item_raw[1] if isinstance(item_raw, tuple) else None,
636                'index': -1,
637                'ret': None,
638            }
639            return item
641        expect_items = [process_expected_item(x) for x in expect_item_list]
643        # non-blocking get data for first time
644        data = self.data_cache.get_data(0)
646        start_time = time.time()
647        matched_expect_items = list()
648        while True:
649            for expect_item in expect_items:
650                if expect_item not in matched_expect_items:
651                    # exclude those already matched
652                    expect_item['ret'], expect_item['index'] = \
653                        expect_item['method'](data, expect_item['pattern'])
654                    if expect_item['ret'] is not None:
655                        # match succeed for one item
656                        matched_expect_items.append(expect_item)
658            # if expect all, then all items need to be matched,
659            # else only one item need to matched
660            if expect_all:
661                match_succeed = len(matched_expect_items) == len(expect_items)
662            else:
663                match_succeed = True if matched_expect_items else False
665            time_remaining = start_time + timeout - time.time()
666            if time_remaining < 0 or match_succeed:
667                break
668            else:
669                data = self.data_cache.get_data(time_remaining)
671        if match_succeed:
672            # sort matched items according to order of appearance in the input data,
673            # so that the callbacks are invoked in correct order
674            matched_expect_items = sorted(matched_expect_items, key=lambda it: it['index'])
675            # invoke callbacks and flush matched data cache
676            slice_index = -1
677            for expect_item in matched_expect_items:
678                # trigger callback
679                if expect_item['callback']:
680                    expect_item['callback'](expect_item['ret'])
681                slice_index = max(slice_index, expect_item['index'])
682            # flush already matched data
683            self.data_cache.flush(slice_index)
684        else:
685            pattern = str([_pattern_to_string(x['pattern']) for x in expect_items])
686            self._save_expect_failure(pattern, data, start_time)
687            raise ExpectTimeout(self.name + ': ' + pattern)
689    @_expect_lock
690    def expect_any(self, *expect_items, **timeout):
691        """
692        expect_any(*expect_items, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
693        expect any of the patterns.
694        will call callback (if provided) if pattern match succeed and then return.
695        will pass match result to the callback.
697        :raise ExpectTimeout: failed to match any one of the expect items before timeout
698        :raise UnsupportedExpectItem: pattern in expect_item is not string or compiled RegEx
700        :arg expect_items: one or more expect items.
701                           string, compiled RegEx pattern or (string or RegEx(string pattern), callback)
702        :keyword timeout: timeout for expect
703        :return: None
704        """
705        # to be compatible with python2
706        # in python3 we can write f(self, *expect_items, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
707        if 'timeout' not in timeout:
708            timeout['timeout'] = self.DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT
709        return self._expect_multi(False, expect_items, **timeout)
711    @_expect_lock
712    def expect_all(self, *expect_items, **timeout):
713        """
714        expect_all(*expect_items, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
715        expect all of the patterns.
716        will call callback (if provided) if all pattern match succeed and then return.
717        will pass match result to the callback.
719        :raise ExpectTimeout: failed to match all of the expect items before timeout
720        :raise UnsupportedExpectItem: pattern in expect_item is not string or compiled RegEx
722        :arg expect_items: one or more expect items.
723                           string, compiled RegEx pattern or (string or RegEx(string pattern), callback)
724        :keyword timeout: timeout for expect
725        :return: None
726        """
727        # to be compatible with python2
728        # in python3 we can write f(self, *expect_items, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
729        if 'timeout' not in timeout:
730            timeout['timeout'] = self.DEFAULT_EXPECT_TIMEOUT
731        return self._expect_multi(True, expect_items, **timeout)
733    @staticmethod
734    def _format_ts(ts):
735        return '{}:{}'.format(time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(ts)), str(ts % 1)[2:5])
737    def print_debug_info(self):
738        """
739        Print debug info of current DUT. Currently we will print debug info for expect failures.
740        """
741        Utility.console_log('DUT debug info for DUT: {}:'.format(self.name), color='orange')
743        for failure in self.expect_failures:
744            Utility.console_log(u'\t[pattern]: {}\r\n\t[data]: {}\r\n\t[time]: {} - {}\r\n'
745                                .format(failure['pattern'], failure['data'],
746                                        self._format_ts(failure['start']), self._format_ts(failure['end'])),
747                                color='orange')
750class SerialDUT(BaseDUT):
751    """ serial with logging received data feature """
754        'baudrate': 115200,
755        'bytesize': serial.EIGHTBITS,
756        'parity': serial.PARITY_NONE,
757        'stopbits': serial.STOPBITS_ONE,
758        'timeout': 0.05,
759        'xonxoff': False,
760        'rtscts': False,
761    }
763    def __init__(self, name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs):
764        self.port_inst = None
765        self.serial_configs = self.DEFAULT_UART_CONFIG.copy()
766        for uart_config_name in self.serial_configs.keys():
767            if uart_config_name in kwargs:
768                self.serial_configs[uart_config_name] = kwargs[uart_config_name]
769        super(SerialDUT, self).__init__(name, port, log_file, app, **kwargs)
771    def _format_data(self, data):
772        """
773        format data for logging. do decode and add timestamp.
775        :param data: raw data from read
776        :return: formatted data (str)
777        """
778        timestamp = '[{}]'.format(self._format_ts(time.time()))
779        formatted_data = timestamp.encode() + b'\r\n' + data + b'\r\n'
780        return formatted_data
782    def _port_open(self):
783        self.port_inst = serial.serial_for_url(self.port, **self.serial_configs)
785    def _port_close(self):
786        self.port_inst.close()
788    def _port_read(self, size=1):
789        data = self.port_inst.read(size)
790        if data:
791            self._save_dut_log(self._format_data(data))
792        return data
794    def _port_write(self, data):
795        if isinstance(data, str):
796            data = data.encode()
797        self.port_inst.write(data)
799    @classmethod
800    def list_available_ports(cls):
801        return [x.device for x in list_ports.comports()]