1 /******************************************************************************
2  * @file     qspi.h
3  * @version  V3.00
4  * @brief    M2354 series QSPI driver header file
5  *
6  * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
8  *****************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef __QSPI_H__
10 #define __QSPI_H__
12 #ifdef __cplusplus
13 extern "C"
14 {
15 #endif
18 /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
19   @{
20 */
22 /** @addtogroup QSPI_Driver QSPI Driver
23   @{
24 */
26 /** @addtogroup QSPI_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS QSPI Exported Constants
27   @{
28 */
30 #define QSPI_MODE_0        (QSPI_CTL_TXNEG_Msk)                             /*!< CLKPOL=0; RXNEG=0; TXNEG=1 */
31 #define QSPI_MODE_1        (QSPI_CTL_RXNEG_Msk)                             /*!< CLKPOL=0; RXNEG=1; TXNEG=0 */
32 #define QSPI_MODE_2        (QSPI_CTL_CLKPOL_Msk | QSPI_CTL_RXNEG_Msk)       /*!< CLKPOL=1; RXNEG=1; TXNEG=0 */
33 #define QSPI_MODE_3        (QSPI_CTL_CLKPOL_Msk | QSPI_CTL_TXNEG_Msk)       /*!< CLKPOL=1; RXNEG=0; TXNEG=1 */
35 #define QSPI_SLAVE         (QSPI_CTL_SLAVE_Msk)                             /*!< Set as slave */
36 #define QSPI_MASTER        (0x0UL)                                          /*!< Set as master */
38 #define QSPI_SS                (QSPI_SSCTL_SS_Msk)                          /*!< Set SS */
39 #define QSPI_SS_ACTIVE_HIGH    (QSPI_SSCTL_SSACTPOL_Msk)                    /*!< SS active high */
40 #define QSPI_SS_ACTIVE_LOW     (0x0UL)                                      /*!< SS active low */
42 /* QSPI Interrupt Mask */
43 #define QSPI_UNIT_INT_MASK                (0x001UL)                        /*!< Unit transfer interrupt mask */
44 #define QSPI_SSACT_INT_MASK               (0x002UL)                        /*!< Slave selection signal active interrupt mask */
45 #define QSPI_SSINACT_INT_MASK             (0x004UL)                        /*!< Slave selection signal inactive interrupt mask */
46 #define QSPI_SLVUR_INT_MASK               (0x008UL)                        /*!< Slave under run interrupt mask */
47 #define QSPI_SLVBE_INT_MASK               (0x010UL)                        /*!< Slave bit count error interrupt mask */
48 #define QSPI_SLVTO_INT_MASK               (0x020UL)                        /*!< Slave Mode Time-out interrupt mask */
49 #define QSPI_TXUF_INT_MASK                (0x040UL)                        /*!< Slave TX underflow interrupt mask */
50 #define QSPI_FIFO_TXTH_INT_MASK           (0x080UL)                        /*!< FIFO TX threshold interrupt mask */
51 #define QSPI_FIFO_RXTH_INT_MASK           (0x100UL)                        /*!< FIFO RX threshold interrupt mask */
52 #define QSPI_FIFO_RXOV_INT_MASK           (0x200UL)                        /*!< FIFO RX overrun interrupt mask */
53 #define QSPI_FIFO_RXTO_INT_MASK           (0x400UL)                        /*!< FIFO RX time-out interrupt mask */
55 /* QSPI Status Mask */
56 #define QSPI_BUSY_MASK                    (0x01UL)                         /*!< Busy status mask */
57 #define QSPI_RX_EMPTY_MASK                (0x02UL)                         /*!< RX empty status mask */
58 #define QSPI_RX_FULL_MASK                 (0x04UL)                         /*!< RX full status mask */
59 #define QSPI_TX_EMPTY_MASK                (0x08UL)                         /*!< TX empty status mask */
60 #define QSPI_TX_FULL_MASK                 (0x10UL)                         /*!< TX full status mask */
61 #define QSPI_TXRX_RESET_MASK              (0x20UL)                         /*!< TX or RX reset status mask */
62 #define QSPI_SPIEN_STS_MASK               (0x40UL)                         /*!< SPIEN status mask */
63 #define QSPI_SSLINE_STS_MASK              (0x80UL)                         /*!< QSPIx_SS line status mask */
65 /* QSPI Status2 Mask */
66 #define QSPI_SLVBENUM_MASK                (0x01UL)                         /*!< Effective bit number of uncompleted RX data status mask */
68 /**@}*/ /* end of group QSPI_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
71 /** @addtogroup QSPI_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS QSPI Exported Functions
72   @{
73 */
75 /**
76   * @brief      Clear the unit transfer interrupt flag.
77   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
78   * @return     None.
79   * @details    Write 1 to UNITIF bit of QSPI_STATUS register to clear the unit transfer interrupt flag.
80   */
83 /**
84   * @brief      Disable 2-bit Transfer mode.
85   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
86   * @return     None.
87   * @details    Clear TWOBIT bit of QSPI_CTL register to disable 2-bit Transfer mode.
88   */
89 #define QSPI_DISABLE_2BIT_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_TWOBIT_Msk )
91 /**
92   * @brief      Disable Slave 3-wire mode.
93   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
94   * @return     None.
95   * @details    Clear SLV3WIRE bit of QSPI_SSCTL register to disable Slave 3-wire mode.
96   */
97 #define QSPI_DISABLE_3WIRE_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->SSCTL &= ~QSPI_SSCTL_SLV3WIRE_Msk )
99 /**
100   * @brief      Disable Dual I/O mode.
101   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
102   * @return     None.
103   * @details    Clear DUALIOEN bit of QSPI_CTL register to disable Dual I/O mode.
104   */
105 #define QSPI_DISABLE_DUAL_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_DUALIOEN_Msk )
107 /**
108   * @brief      Disable Quad I/O mode.
109   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
110   * @return     None.
111   * @details    Clear QUADIOEN bit of QSPI_CTL register to disable Quad I/O mode.
112   */
113 #define QSPI_DISABLE_QUAD_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_QUADIOEN_Msk )
115 /**
116   * @brief      Disable TX DTR mode.
117   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
118   * @return     None.
119   * @details    Clear TXDTREN bit of QSPI_CTL register to disable TX DTR mode.
120   */
121 #define QSPI_DISABLE_TXDTR_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_TXDTREN_Msk )
123 /**
124   * @brief      Enable 2-bit Transfer mode.
125   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
126   * @return     None.
127   * @details    Set TWOBIT bit of QSPI_CTL register to enable 2-bit Transfer mode.
128   */
129 #define QSPI_ENABLE_2BIT_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL |= QSPI_CTL_TWOBIT_Msk )
131 /**
132   * @brief      Enable Slave 3-wire mode.
133   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
134   * @return     None.
135   * @details    Set SLV3WIRE bit of QSPI_SSCTL register to enable Slave 3-wire mode.
136   */
137 #define QSPI_ENABLE_3WIRE_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->SSCTL |= QSPI_SSCTL_SLV3WIRE_Msk )
139 /**
140   * @brief      Enable Dual input mode.
141   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
142   * @return     None.
143   * @details    Clear DATDIR bit and set DUALIOEN bit of QSPI_CTL register to enable Dual input mode.
144   */
145 #define QSPI_ENABLE_DUAL_INPUT_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL = ((qspi)->CTL & (~QSPI_CTL_DATDIR_Msk)) | QSPI_CTL_DUALIOEN_Msk )
147 /**
148   * @brief      Enable Dual output mode.
149   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
150   * @return     None.
151   * @details    Set DATDIR bit and DUALIOEN bit of QSPI_CTL register to enable Dual output mode.
152   */
155 /**
156   * @brief      Enable Quad input mode.
157   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
158   * @return     None.
159   * @details    Clear DATDIR bit and set QUADIOEN bit of QSPI_CTL register to enable Quad input mode.
160   */
161 #define QSPI_ENABLE_QUAD_INPUT_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL = ((qspi)->CTL & (~QSPI_CTL_DATDIR_Msk)) | QSPI_CTL_QUADIOEN_Msk )
163 /**
164   * @brief      Enable Quad output mode.
165   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
166   * @return     None.
167   * @details    Set DATDIR bit and QUADIOEN bit of QSPI_CTL register to enable Quad output mode.
168   */
171 /**
172   * @brief      Enable TX DTR mode.
173   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
174   * @return     None.
175   * @details    Set TXDTREN bit of QSPI_CTL register to enable TX DTR mode.
176   */
177 #define QSPI_ENABLE_TXDTR_MODE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL |= QSPI_CTL_TXDTREN_Msk )
179 /**
180   * @brief      Trigger RX PDMA function.
181   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
182   * @return     None.
183   * @details    Set RXPDMAEN bit of QSPI_PDMACTL register to enable RX PDMA transfer function.
184   */
185 #define QSPI_TRIGGER_RX_PDMA(qspi)   ( (qspi)->PDMACTL |= QSPI_PDMACTL_RXPDMAEN_Msk )
187 /**
188   * @brief      Trigger TX PDMA function.
189   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
190   * @return     None.
191   * @details    Set TXPDMAEN bit of QSPI_PDMACTL register to enable TX PDMA transfer function.
192   */
193 #define QSPI_TRIGGER_TX_PDMA(qspi)   ( (qspi)->PDMACTL |= QSPI_PDMACTL_TXPDMAEN_Msk )
195 /**
196   * @brief      Trigger TX and RX PDMA function.
197   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
198   * @return     None.
199   * @details    Set TXPDMAEN bit and RXPDMAEN bit of QSPI_PDMACTL register to enable TX and RX PDMA transfer function.
200   */
203 /**
204   * @brief      Disable RX PDMA transfer.
205   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
206   * @return     None.
207   * @details    Clear RXPDMAEN bit of QSPI_PDMACTL register to disable RX PDMA transfer function.
208   */
209 #define QSPI_DISABLE_RX_PDMA(qspi)   ( (qspi)->PDMACTL &= ~QSPI_PDMACTL_RXPDMAEN_Msk )
211 /**
212   * @brief      Disable TX PDMA transfer.
213   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
214   * @return     None.
215   * @details    Clear TXPDMAEN bit of QSPI_PDMACTL register to disable TX PDMA transfer function.
216   */
217 #define QSPI_DISABLE_TX_PDMA(qspi)   ( (qspi)->PDMACTL &= ~QSPI_PDMACTL_TXPDMAEN_Msk )
219 /**
220   * @brief      Disable TX and RX PDMA transfer.
221   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
222   * @return     None.
223   * @details    Clear TXPDMAEN bit and RXPDMAEN bit of QSPI_PDMACTL register to disable TX and RX PDMA transfer function.
224   */
227 /**
228   * @brief      Get the count of available data in RX FIFO.
229   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
230   * @return     The count of available data in RX FIFO.
231   * @details    Read RXCNT (QSPI_STATUS[27:24]) to get the count of available data in RX FIFO.
232   */
233 #define QSPI_GET_RX_FIFO_COUNT(qspi)   ( ((qspi)->STATUS & QSPI_STATUS_RXCNT_Msk) >> QSPI_STATUS_RXCNT_Pos )
235 /**
236   * @brief      Get the RX FIFO empty flag.
237   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
238   * @retval     0 RX FIFO is not empty.
239   * @retval     1 RX FIFO is empty.
240   * @details    Read RXEMPTY bit of QSPI_STATUS register to get the RX FIFO empty flag.
241   */
244 /**
245   * @brief      Get the TX FIFO empty flag.
246   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
247   * @retval     0 TX FIFO is not empty.
248   * @retval     1 TX FIFO is empty.
249   * @details    Read TXEMPTY bit of QSPI_STATUS register to get the TX FIFO empty flag.
250   */
253 /**
254   * @brief      Get the TX FIFO full flag.
255   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
256   * @retval     0 TX FIFO is not full.
257   * @retval     1 TX FIFO is full.
258   * @details    Read TXFULL bit of QSPI_STATUS register to get the TX FIFO full flag.
259   */
262 /**
263   * @brief      Get the datum read from RX register.
264   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
265   * @return     Data in RX register.
266   * @details    Read QSPI_RX register to get the received datum.
267   */
268 #define QSPI_READ_RX(qspi)   ( (qspi)->RX )
270 /**
271   * @brief      Write datum to TX register.
272   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
273   * @param[in]  u32TxData The datum which user attempt to transfer through QSPI bus.
274   * @return     None.
275   * @details    Write u32TxData to QSPI_TX register.
276   */
277 #define QSPI_WRITE_TX(qspi, u32TxData)   ( (qspi)->TX = (u32TxData) )
279 /**
280   * @brief      Set QSPIx_SS pin to high state.
281   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
282   * @return     None.
283   * @details    Disable automatic slave selection function and set QSPIx_SS pin to high state.
284   */
285 #define QSPI_SET_SS_HIGH(qspi)   ( (qspi)->SSCTL = ((qspi)->SSCTL & (~QSPI_SSCTL_AUTOSS_Msk)) | (QSPI_SSCTL_SSACTPOL_Msk | QSPI_SSCTL_SS_Msk) )
287 /**
288   * @brief      Set QSPIx_SS pin to low state.
289   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
290   * @return     None.
291   * @details    Disable automatic slave selection function and set QSPIx_SS pin to low state.
292   */
293 #define QSPI_SET_SS_LOW(qspi)   ( (qspi)->SSCTL = ((qspi)->SSCTL & (~(QSPI_SSCTL_AUTOSS_Msk | QSPI_SSCTL_SSACTPOL_Msk))) | QSPI_SSCTL_SS_Msk )
295 /**
296   * @brief      Enable Byte Reorder function.
297   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
298   * @return     None.
299   * @details    Enable Byte Reorder function. The suspend interval depends on the setting of SUSPITV (QSPI_CTL[7:4]).
300   */
301 #define QSPI_ENABLE_BYTE_REORDER(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL |=  QSPI_CTL_REORDER_Msk )
303 /**
304   * @brief      Disable Byte Reorder function.
305   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
306   * @return     None.
307   * @details    Clear REORDER bit field of QSPI_CTL register to disable Byte Reorder function.
308   */
309 #define QSPI_DISABLE_BYTE_REORDER(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_REORDER_Msk )
311 /**
312   * @brief      Set the length of suspend interval.
313   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
314   * @param[in]  u32SuspCycle Decides the length of suspend interval. It could be 0 ~ 15.
315   * @return     None.
316   * @details    Set the length of suspend interval according to u32SuspCycle.
317   *             The length of suspend interval is ((u32SuspCycle + 0.5) * the length of one QSPI bus clock cycle).
318   */
319 #define QSPI_SET_SUSPEND_CYCLE(qspi, u32SuspCycle)   ( (qspi)->CTL = ((qspi)->CTL & ~QSPI_CTL_SUSPITV_Msk) | ((u32SuspCycle) << QSPI_CTL_SUSPITV_Pos) )
321 /**
322   * @brief      Set the QSPI transfer sequence with LSB first.
323   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
324   * @return     None.
325   * @details    Set LSB bit of QSPI_CTL register to set the QSPI transfer sequence with LSB first.
326   */
327 #define QSPI_SET_LSB_FIRST(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL |= QSPI_CTL_LSB_Msk )
329 /**
330   * @brief      Set the QSPI transfer sequence with MSB first.
331   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
332   * @return     None.
333   * @details    Clear LSB bit of QSPI_CTL register to set the QSPI transfer sequence with MSB first.
334   */
335 #define QSPI_SET_MSB_FIRST(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_LSB_Msk )
337 /**
338   * @brief      Set the data width of a QSPI transaction.
339   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
340   * @param[in]  u32Width The bit width of one transaction.
341   * @return     None.
342   * @details    The data width can be 8 ~ 32 bits.
343   */
344 #define QSPI_SET_DATA_WIDTH(qspi, u32Width)   ( (qspi)->CTL = ((qspi)->CTL & ~QSPI_CTL_DWIDTH_Msk) | (((u32Width) & 0x1F) << QSPI_CTL_DWIDTH_Pos) )
346 /**
347   * @brief      Get the QSPI busy state.
348   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
349   * @retval     0 QSPI controller is not busy.
350   * @retval     1 QSPI controller is busy.
351   * @details    This macro will return the busy state of QSPI controller.
352   */
353 #define QSPI_IS_BUSY(qspi)   ( ((qspi)->STATUS & QSPI_STATUS_BUSY_Msk) >> QSPI_STATUS_BUSY_Pos )
355 /**
356   * @brief      Enable QSPI controller.
357   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
358   * @return     None.
359   * @details    Set SPIEN (QSPI_CTL[0]) to enable QSPI controller.
360   */
361 #define QSPI_ENABLE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL |= QSPI_CTL_SPIEN_Msk )
363 /**
364   * @brief      Disable QSPI controller.
365   * @param[in]  qspi The pointer of the specified QSPI module.
366   * @return     None.
367   * @details    Clear SPIEN (QSPI_CTL[0]) to disable QSPI controller.
368   */
369 #define QSPI_DISABLE(qspi)   ( (qspi)->CTL &= ~QSPI_CTL_SPIEN_Msk )
371 /* Function prototype declaration */
372 uint32_t QSPI_Open(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32MasterSlave, uint32_t u32QSPIMode, uint32_t u32DataWidth, uint32_t u32BusClock);
373 void QSPI_Close(QSPI_T *qspi);
374 void QSPI_ClearRxFIFO(QSPI_T *qspi);
375 void QSPI_ClearTxFIFO(QSPI_T *qspi);
376 void QSPI_DisableAutoSS(QSPI_T *qspi);
377 void QSPI_EnableAutoSS(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32SSPinMask, uint32_t u32ActiveLevel);
378 uint32_t QSPI_SetBusClock(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32BusClock);
379 void QSPI_SetFIFO(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32TxThreshold, uint32_t u32RxThreshold);
380 uint32_t QSPI_GetBusClock(QSPI_T *qspi);
381 void QSPI_EnableInt(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32Mask);
382 void QSPI_DisableInt(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32Mask);
383 uint32_t QSPI_GetIntFlag(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32Mask);
384 void QSPI_ClearIntFlag(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32Mask);
385 uint32_t QSPI_GetStatus(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32Mask);
386 uint32_t QSPI_GetStatus2(QSPI_T *qspi, uint32_t u32Mask);
389 /**@}*/ /* end of group QSPI_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
391 /**@}*/ /* end of group QSPI_Driver */
393 /**@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
395 #ifdef __cplusplus
396 }
397 #endif
399 #endif /* __QSPI_H__ */