1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The OpenThread Authors.
3  *  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6  *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
7  *  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9  *  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
10  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
11  *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
12  *  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
13  *     names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
14  *     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
15  *
27  */
29 /**
30  * @file
31  * @brief
32  *  This file defines the OpenThread Thread API (FTD only).
33  */
38 #include <openthread/link.h>
39 #include <openthread/message.h>
40 #include <openthread/thread.h>
42 #ifdef __cplusplus
43 extern "C" {
44 #endif
46 /**
47  * @addtogroup api-thread-router
48  *
49  * @{
50  */
52 /**
53  * Holds diagnostic information for a Thread Child
54  */
55 typedef struct
56 {
57     otExtAddress mExtAddress;           ///< IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address
58     uint32_t     mTimeout;              ///< Timeout
59     uint32_t     mAge;                  ///< Seconds since last heard
60     uint64_t     mConnectionTime;       ///< Seconds since attach (requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_UPTIME_ENABLE`)
61     uint16_t     mRloc16;               ///< RLOC16
62     uint16_t     mChildId;              ///< Child ID
63     uint8_t      mNetworkDataVersion;   ///< Network Data Version
64     uint8_t      mLinkQualityIn;        ///< Link Quality In
65     int8_t       mAverageRssi;          ///< Average RSSI
66     int8_t       mLastRssi;             ///< Last observed RSSI
67     uint16_t     mFrameErrorRate;       ///< Frame error rate (0xffff->100%). Requires error tracking feature.
68     uint16_t     mMessageErrorRate;     ///< (IPv6) msg error rate (0xffff->100%). Requires error tracking feature.
69     uint16_t     mQueuedMessageCnt;     ///< Number of queued messages for the child.
70     uint16_t     mSupervisionInterval;  ///< Supervision interval (in seconds).
71     uint8_t      mVersion;              ///< MLE version
72     bool         mRxOnWhenIdle : 1;     ///< rx-on-when-idle
73     bool         mFullThreadDevice : 1; ///< Full Thread Device
74     bool         mFullNetworkData : 1;  ///< Full Network Data
75     bool         mIsStateRestoring : 1; ///< Is in restoring state
76     bool         mIsCslSynced : 1;      ///< Is child CSL synchronized
77 } otChildInfo;
79 #define OT_CHILD_IP6_ADDRESS_ITERATOR_INIT 0 ///< Initializer for otChildIP6AddressIterator
81 typedef uint16_t otChildIp6AddressIterator; ///< Used to iterate through IPv6 addresses of a Thread Child entry.
83 /**
84  * Defines the EID cache entry state.
85  */
86 typedef enum otCacheEntryState
87 {
88     OT_CACHE_ENTRY_STATE_CACHED      = 0, // Entry is cached and in-use.
89     OT_CACHE_ENTRY_STATE_SNOOPED     = 1, // Entry is created by snoop optimization (inspection of received msg).
90     OT_CACHE_ENTRY_STATE_QUERY       = 2, // Entry represents an ongoing query for the EID.
91     OT_CACHE_ENTRY_STATE_RETRY_QUERY = 3, // Entry is in retry wait mode (a prior query did not get a response).
92 } otCacheEntryState;
94 /**
95  * Represents an EID cache entry.
96  */
97 typedef struct otCacheEntryInfo
98 {
99     otIp6Address      mTarget;             ///< Target EID
100     otShortAddress    mRloc16;             ///< RLOC16
101     otCacheEntryState mState;              ///< Entry state
102     bool              mCanEvict : 1;       ///< Indicates whether the entry can be evicted.
103     bool              mRampDown : 1;       ///< Whether in ramp-down mode while in `OT_CACHE_ENTRY_STATE_RETRY_QUERY`.
104     bool              mValidLastTrans : 1; ///< Indicates whether last transaction time and ML-EID are valid.
105     uint32_t          mLastTransTime;      ///< Last transaction time (applicable in cached state).
106     otIp6Address      mMeshLocalEid;       ///< Mesh Local EID (applicable if entry in cached state).
107     uint16_t          mTimeout;            ///< Timeout in seconds (applicable if in snooped/query/retry-query states).
108     uint16_t          mRetryDelay;         ///< Retry delay in seconds (applicable if in query-retry state).
109 } otCacheEntryInfo;
111 /**
112  * Represents an iterator used for iterating through the EID cache table entries.
113  *
114  * To initialize the iterator and start from the first entry in the cache table, set all its fields in the structure to
115  * zero (e.g., `memset` the iterator to zero).
116  */
117 typedef struct otCacheEntryIterator
118 {
119     const void *mData[2]; ///< Opaque data used by the core implementation. Should not be changed by user.
120 } otCacheEntryIterator;
122 /**
123  * Gets the maximum number of children currently allowed.
124  *
125  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
126  *
127  * @returns The maximum number of children currently allowed.
128  *
129  * @sa otThreadSetMaxAllowedChildren
130  */
131 uint16_t otThreadGetMaxAllowedChildren(otInstance *aInstance);
133 /**
134  * Sets the maximum number of children currently allowed.
135  *
136  * This parameter can only be set when Thread protocol operation has been stopped.
137  *
138  * @param[in]  aInstance     A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
139  * @param[in]  aMaxChildren  The maximum allowed children.
140  *
141  * @retval  OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the max.
142  * @retval  OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   If @p aMaxChildren is not in the range [1, OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MLE_MAX_CHILDREN].
143  * @retval  OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  If Thread isn't stopped.
144  *
145  * @sa otThreadGetMaxAllowedChildren
146  */
147 otError otThreadSetMaxAllowedChildren(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aMaxChildren);
149 /**
150  * Indicates whether or not the device is router-eligible.
151  *
152  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
153  *
154  * @retval TRUE   If device is router-eligible.
155  * @retval FALSE  If device is not router-eligible.
156  */
157 bool otThreadIsRouterEligible(otInstance *aInstance);
159 /**
160  * Sets whether or not the device is router-eligible.
161  *
162  * If @p aEligible is false and the device is currently operating as a router, this call will cause the device to
163  * detach and attempt to reattach as a child.
164  *
165  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
166  * @param[in]  aEligible  TRUE to configure the device as router-eligible, FALSE otherwise.
167  *
168  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE         Successfully set the router-eligible configuration.
169  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE  The device is not capable of becoming a router.
170  */
171 otError otThreadSetRouterEligible(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEligible);
173 /**
174  * Set the preferred Router Id.
175  *
176  * Upon becoming a router/leader the node attempts to use this Router Id. If the preferred Router Id is not set or if
177  * it can not be used, a randomly generated router id is picked. This property can be set only when the device role is
178  * either detached or disabled.
179  *
180  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
181  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
182  *
183  * @param[in]  aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
184  * @param[in]  aRouterId    The preferred Router Id.
185  *
186  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully set the preferred Router Id.
187  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Could not set (role is not detached or disabled)
188  */
189 otError otThreadSetPreferredRouterId(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aRouterId);
191 /**
192  * Represents the power supply property on a device.
193  *
194  * This is used as a property in `otDeviceProperties` to calculate the leader weight.
195  */
196 typedef enum
197 {
198     OT_POWER_SUPPLY_BATTERY           = 0, ///< Battery powered.
199     OT_POWER_SUPPLY_EXTERNAL          = 1, ///< Externally powered (mains-powered).
200     OT_POWER_SUPPLY_EXTERNAL_STABLE   = 2, ///< Stable external power with a battery backup or UPS.
201     OT_POWER_SUPPLY_EXTERNAL_UNSTABLE = 3, ///< Potentially unstable ext power (e.g. light bulb powered via a switch).
202 } otPowerSupply;
204 /**
205  * Represents the device properties which are used for calculating the local leader weight on a
206  * device.
207  *
208  * The parameters are set based on device's capability, whether acting as border router, its power supply config, etc.
209  *
210  * `mIsUnstable` indicates operational stability of device and is determined via a vendor specific mechanism. It can
211  * include the following cases:
212  *  - Device internally detects that it loses external power supply more often than usual. What is usual is
213  *    determined by the vendor.
214  *  - Device internally detects that it reboots more often than usual. What is usual is determined by the vendor.
215  */
216 typedef struct otDeviceProperties
217 {
218     otPowerSupply mPowerSupply;            ///< Power supply config.
219     bool          mIsBorderRouter : 1;     ///< Whether device is a border router.
220     bool          mSupportsCcm : 1;        ///< Whether device supports CCM (can act as a CCM border router).
221     bool          mIsUnstable : 1;         ///< Operational stability of device (vendor specific).
222     int8_t        mLeaderWeightAdjustment; ///< Weight adjustment. Should be -16 to +16 (clamped otherwise).
223 } otDeviceProperties;
225 /**
226  * Get the current device properties.
227  *
229  *
230  * @returns The device properties `otDeviceProperties`.
231  */
232 const otDeviceProperties *otThreadGetDeviceProperties(otInstance *aInstance);
234 /**
235  * Set the device properties which are then used to determine and set the Leader Weight.
236  *
238  *
239  * @param[in]  aInstance           A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
240  * @param[in]  aDeviceProperties   The device properties.
241  */
242 void otThreadSetDeviceProperties(otInstance *aInstance, const otDeviceProperties *aDeviceProperties);
244 /**
245  * Gets the Thread Leader Weight used when operating in the Leader role.
246  *
247  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
248  *
249  * @returns The Thread Leader Weight value.
250  *
251  * @sa otThreadSetLeaderWeight
252  * @sa otThreadSetDeviceProperties
253  */
254 uint8_t otThreadGetLocalLeaderWeight(otInstance *aInstance);
256 /**
257  * Sets the Thread Leader Weight used when operating in the Leader role.
258  *
259  * Directly sets the Leader Weight to the new value, replacing its previous value (which may have been
260  * determined from the current `otDeviceProperties`).
261  *
262  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
263  * @param[in]  aWeight   The Thread Leader Weight value.
264  *
265  * @sa otThreadGetLeaderWeight
266  */
267 void otThreadSetLocalLeaderWeight(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aWeight);
269 /**
270  * Get the preferred Thread Leader Partition Id used when operating in the Leader role.
271  *
272  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
273  *
274  * @returns The Thread Leader Partition Id value.
275  */
276 uint32_t otThreadGetPreferredLeaderPartitionId(otInstance *aInstance);
278 /**
279  * Set the preferred Thread Leader Partition Id used when operating in the Leader role.
280  *
281  * @param[in]  aInstance     A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
282  * @param[in]  aPartitionId  The Thread Leader Partition Id value.
283  */
284 void otThreadSetPreferredLeaderPartitionId(otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aPartitionId);
286 /**
287  * Gets the Joiner UDP Port.
288  *
289  * @param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
290  *
291  * @returns The Joiner UDP Port number.
292  *
293  * @sa otThreadSetJoinerUdpPort
294  */
295 uint16_t otThreadGetJoinerUdpPort(otInstance *aInstance);
297 /**
298  * Sets the Joiner UDP Port.
299  *
300  * @param[in]  aInstance       A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
301  * @param[in]  aJoinerUdpPort  The Joiner UDP Port number.
302  *
303  * @retval  OT_ERROR_NONE  Successfully set the Joiner UDP Port.
304  *
305  * @sa otThreadGetJoinerUdpPort
306  */
307 otError otThreadSetJoinerUdpPort(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aJoinerUdpPort);
309 /**
310  * Set Steering data out of band.
311  *
312  * Configuration option `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MLE_STEERING_DATA_SET_OOB_ENABLE` should be set to enable setting of steering
313  * data out of band.
314  *
315  * @param[in]  aInstance       A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
316  * @param[in]  aExtAddress     Address used to update the steering data.
317  *                             All zeros to clear the steering data (no steering data).
318  *                             All 0xFFs to set steering data/bloom filter to accept/allow all.
319  *                             A specific EUI64 which is then added to current steering data/bloom filter.
320  */
321 void otThreadSetSteeringData(otInstance *aInstance, const otExtAddress *aExtAddress);
323 /**
324  * Get the CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY parameter used in the Leader role.
325  *
326  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
327  *
328  * @returns The CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY value.
329  *
330  * @sa otThreadSetContextIdReuseDelay
331  */
332 uint32_t otThreadGetContextIdReuseDelay(otInstance *aInstance);
334 /**
335  * Set the CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY parameter used in the Leader role.
336  *
337  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
338  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
339  *
340  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
341  * @param[in]  aDelay    The CONTEXT_ID_REUSE_DELAY value.
342  *
343  * @sa otThreadGetContextIdReuseDelay
344  */
345 void otThreadSetContextIdReuseDelay(otInstance *aInstance, uint32_t aDelay);
347 /**
348  * Get the `NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT` parameter.
349  *
350  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
351  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
352  *
353  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
354  *
355  * @returns The `NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT` value.
356  *
357  * @sa otThreadSetNetworkIdTimeout
358  */
359 uint8_t otThreadGetNetworkIdTimeout(otInstance *aInstance);
361 /**
362  * Set the `NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT` parameter.
363  *
364  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
365  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
366  *
367  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
368  * @param[in]  aTimeout  The `NETWORK_ID_TIMEOUT` value.
369  *
370  * @sa otThreadGetNetworkIdTimeout
371  */
372 void otThreadSetNetworkIdTimeout(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aTimeout);
374 /**
375  * Get the ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD parameter used in the REED role.
376  *
377  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
378  *
379  * @returns The ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD value.
380  *
381  * @sa otThreadSetRouterUpgradeThreshold
382  */
383 uint8_t otThreadGetRouterUpgradeThreshold(otInstance *aInstance);
385 /**
386  * Set the ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD parameter used in the Leader role.
387  *
388  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
389  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
390  *
391  * @param[in]  aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
392  * @param[in]  aThreshold  The ROUTER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD value.
393  *
394  * @sa otThreadGetRouterUpgradeThreshold
395  */
396 void otThreadSetRouterUpgradeThreshold(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aThreshold);
398 /**
399  * Get the MLE_CHILD_ROUTER_LINKS parameter used in the REED role.
400  *
401  * This parameter specifies the max number of neighboring routers with which the device (as an FED)
402  *  will try to establish link.
403  *
404  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
405  *
406  * @returns The MLE_CHILD_ROUTER_LINKS value.
407  *
408  * @sa otThreadSetChildRouterLinks
409  */
410 uint8_t otThreadGetChildRouterLinks(otInstance *aInstance);
412 /**
413  * Set the MLE_CHILD_ROUTER_LINKS parameter used in the REED role.
414  *
415  * @param[in]  aInstance         A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
416  * @param[in]  aChildRouterLinks The MLE_CHILD_ROUTER_LINKS value.
417  *
418  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the value.
419  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  Thread protocols are enabled.
420  *
421  * @sa otThreadGetChildRouterLinks
422  */
423 otError otThreadSetChildRouterLinks(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aChildRouterLinks);
425 /**
426  * Release a Router ID that has been allocated by the device in the Leader role.
427  *
428  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
429  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
430  *
431  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
432  * @param[in]  aRouterId  The Router ID to release. Valid range is [0, 62].
433  *
434  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully released the router id.
435  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   @p aRouterId is not in the range [0, 62].
436  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  The device is not currently operating as a leader.
437  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND      The router id is not currently allocated.
438  */
439 otError otThreadReleaseRouterId(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aRouterId);
441 /**
442  * Attempt to become a router.
443  *
444  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
445  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
446  *
447  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
448  *
449  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully begin attempt to become a router.
450  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  Thread is disabled.
451  */
452 otError otThreadBecomeRouter(otInstance *aInstance);
454 /**
455  * Become a leader and start a new partition.
456  *
457  * If the device is not attached, this API will force the device to start as the leader of the network. This use case
458  * is only intended for testing and demo purposes, and using the API while the device is detached can make a production
459  * application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
460  *
461  * If the device is already attached, this API can be used to try to take over as the leader, creating a new partition.
462  * For this to work, the local leader weight (`otThreadGetLocalLeaderWeight()`) must be larger than the weight of the
463  * current leader (`otThreadGetLeaderWeight()`). If it is not, `OT_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE` is returned to indicate to the
464  * caller that they need to adjust the weight.
465  *
466  * Taking over the leader role in this way is only allowed when triggered by an explicit user action. Using this API
467  * without such user action can make a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
468  *
469  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
470  *
471  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully became a leader and started a new partition, or was leader already.
472  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  Thread is disabled.
473  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE    Device cannot override the current leader due to its local leader weight being same
474  *                                 or smaller than current leader's weight, or device is not router eligible.
475  */
476 otError otThreadBecomeLeader(otInstance *aInstance);
478 /**
479  * Get the ROUTER_DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD parameter used in the Router role.
480  *
481  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
482  *
483  * @returns The ROUTER_DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD value.
484  *
485  * @sa otThreadSetRouterDowngradeThreshold
486  */
487 uint8_t otThreadGetRouterDowngradeThreshold(otInstance *aInstance);
489 /**
490  * Set the ROUTER_DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD parameter used in the Leader role.
491  *
492  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
493  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
494  *
495  * @param[in]  aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
496  * @param[in]  aThreshold  The ROUTER_DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD value.
497  *
498  * @sa otThreadGetRouterDowngradeThreshold
499  */
500 void otThreadSetRouterDowngradeThreshold(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aThreshold);
502 /**
503  * Get the ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER parameter used in the REED/Router role.
504  *
505  * @param[in]  aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
506  *
507  * @returns The ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER value.
508  *
509  * @sa otThreadSetRouterSelectionJitter
510  */
511 uint8_t otThreadGetRouterSelectionJitter(otInstance *aInstance);
513 /**
514  * Set the ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER parameter used in the REED/Router role.
515  *
516  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
517  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
518  *
519  * @param[in]  aInstance      A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
520  * @param[in]  aRouterJitter  The ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER value.
521  *
522  * @sa otThreadGetRouterSelectionJitter
523  */
524 void otThreadSetRouterSelectionJitter(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aRouterJitter);
526 /**
527  * Gets diagnostic information for an attached Child by its Child ID or RLOC16.
528  *
529  * @param[in]   aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
530  * @param[in]   aChildId    The Child ID or RLOC16 for the attached child.
531  * @param[out]  aChildInfo  A pointer to where the child information is placed.
532  *
533  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          @p aChildInfo was successfully updated with the info for the given ID.
534  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND     No valid child with this Child ID.
535  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS  If @p aChildInfo is NULL.
536  */
537 otError otThreadGetChildInfoById(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aChildId, otChildInfo *aChildInfo);
539 /**
540  * The function retains diagnostic information for an attached Child by the internal table index.
541  *
542  * @param[in]   aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
543  * @param[in]   aChildIndex  The table index.
544  * @param[out]  aChildInfo   A pointer to where the child information is placed.
545  *
546  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE             @p aChildInfo was successfully updated with the info for the given index.
547  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND        No valid child at this index.
548  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS     Either @p aChildInfo is NULL, or @p aChildIndex is out of range (higher
549  *                                   than max table index).
550  *
551  * @sa otGetMaxAllowedChildren
552  */
553 otError otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aChildIndex, otChildInfo *aChildInfo);
555 /**
556  * Gets the next IPv6 address (using an iterator) for a given child.
557  *
558  * @param[in]      aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
559  * @param[in]      aChildIndex  The child index.
560  * @param[in,out]  aIterator    A pointer to the iterator. On success the iterator will be updated to point to next
561  *                              entry in the list. To get the first IPv6 address the iterator should be set to
562  *                              OT_CHILD_IP6_ADDRESS_ITERATOR_INIT.
563  * @param[out]     aAddress     A pointer to an IPv6 address where the child's next address is placed (on success).
564  *
565  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully found the next IPv6 address (@p aAddress was successfully updated).
566  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND     The child has no subsequent IPv6 address entry.
567  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS  @p aIterator or @p aAddress are NULL, or child at @p aChildIndex is not valid.
568  *
569  * @sa otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex
570  */
571 otError otThreadGetChildNextIp6Address(otInstance                *aInstance,
572                                        uint16_t                   aChildIndex,
573                                        otChildIp6AddressIterator *aIterator,
574                                        otIp6Address              *aAddress);
576 /**
577  * Get the current Router ID Sequence.
578  *
579  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
580  *
581  * @returns The Router ID Sequence.
582  */
583 uint8_t otThreadGetRouterIdSequence(otInstance *aInstance);
585 /**
586  * The function returns the maximum allowed router ID
587  *
588  * @param[in]   aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
589  *
590  * @returns The maximum allowed router ID.
591  */
592 uint8_t otThreadGetMaxRouterId(otInstance *aInstance);
594 /**
595  * The function retains diagnostic information for a given Thread Router.
596  *
597  * @param[in]   aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
598  * @param[in]   aRouterId    The router ID or RLOC16 for a given router.
599  * @param[out]  aRouterInfo  A pointer to where the router information is placed.
600  *
601  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully retrieved the router info for given id.
602  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND     No router entry with the given id.
603  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS  @p aRouterInfo is NULL.
604  */
605 otError otThreadGetRouterInfo(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aRouterId, otRouterInfo *aRouterInfo);
607 /**
608  * Gets the next EID cache entry (using an iterator).
609  *
610  * @param[in]     aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
611  * @param[out]    aEntryInfo  A pointer to where the EID cache entry information is placed.
612  * @param[in,out] aIterator   A pointer to an iterator. It will be updated to point to next entry on success. To get
613  *                            the first entry, initialize the iterator by setting all its fields to zero
614  *                            (e.g., `memset` the iterator structure to zero).
615  *
616  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully populated @p aEntryInfo for next EID cache entry.
617  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND     No more entries in the address cache table.
618  */
619 otError otThreadGetNextCacheEntry(otInstance *aInstance, otCacheEntryInfo *aEntryInfo, otCacheEntryIterator *aIterator);
621 /**
622  * Get the Thread PSKc
623  *
624  * @param[in]   aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
625  * @param[out]  aPskc       A pointer to an `otPskc` to return the retrieved Thread PSKc.
626  *
627  * @sa otThreadSetPskc
628  */
629 void otThreadGetPskc(otInstance *aInstance, otPskc *aPskc);
631 /**
632  * Get Key Reference to Thread PSKc stored
633  *
634  * Requires the build-time feature `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_PLATFORM_KEY_REFERENCES_ENABLE` to be enabled.
635  *
636  * @param[in]   aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
637  *
638  * @returns Key Reference to PSKc
639  *
640  * @sa otThreadSetPskcRef
641  */
642 otPskcRef otThreadGetPskcRef(otInstance *aInstance);
644 /**
645  * Set the Thread PSKc
646  *
647  * Will only succeed when Thread protocols are disabled.  A successful
648  * call to this function will also invalidate the Active and Pending Operational Datasets in
649  * non-volatile memory.
650  *
651  * @param[in]  aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
652  * @param[in]  aPskc       A pointer to the new Thread PSKc.
653  *
654  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the Thread PSKc.
655  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  Thread protocols are enabled.
656  *
657  * @sa otThreadGetPskc
658  */
659 otError otThreadSetPskc(otInstance *aInstance, const otPskc *aPskc);
661 /**
662  * Set the Key Reference to the Thread PSKc
663  *
664  * Requires the build-time feature `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_PLATFORM_KEY_REFERENCES_ENABLE` to be enabled.
665  *
666  * Will only succeed when Thread protocols are disabled.  Upon success,
667  * this will also invalidate the Active and Pending Operational Datasets in
668  * non-volatile memory.
669  *
670  * @param[in]  aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
671  * @param[in]  aKeyRef     Key Reference to the new Thread PSKc.
672  *
673  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the Thread PSKc.
674  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  Thread protocols are enabled.
675  *
676  * @sa otThreadGetPskcRef
677  */
678 otError otThreadSetPskcRef(otInstance *aInstance, otPskcRef aKeyRef);
680 /**
681  * Get the assigned parent priority.
682  *
683  * @param[in]   aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
684  *
685  * @returns The assigned parent priority value, -2 means not assigned.
686  *
687  * @sa otThreadSetParentPriority
688  */
689 int8_t otThreadGetParentPriority(otInstance *aInstance);
691 /**
692  * Set the parent priority.
693  *
694  * @note This API is reserved for testing and demo purposes only. Changing settings with
695  * this API will render a production application non-compliant with the Thread Specification.
696  *
697  * @param[in]  aInstance        A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
698  * @param[in]  aParentPriority  The parent priority value.
699  *
700  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the parent priority.
701  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   If the parent priority value is not among 1, 0, -1 and -2.
702  *
703  * @sa otThreadGetParentPriority
704  */
705 otError otThreadSetParentPriority(otInstance *aInstance, int8_t aParentPriority);
707 /**
708  * Gets the maximum number of IP addresses that each MTD child may register with this device as parent.
709  *
710  * @param[in]  aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
711  *
712  * @returns The maximum number of IP addresses that each MTD child may register with this device as parent.
713  *
714  * @sa otThreadSetMaxChildIpAddresses
715  */
716 uint8_t otThreadGetMaxChildIpAddresses(otInstance *aInstance);
718 /**
719  * Sets or restores the maximum number of IP addresses that each MTD child may register with this
720  * device as parent.
721  *
722  * Pass `0` to clear the setting and restore the default.
723  *
724  * Available when `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE` is enabled.
725  *
726  * @note Only used by Thread Test Harness to limit the address registrations of the reference
727  * parent in order to test the MTD DUT reaction.
728  *
729  * @param[in]  aInstance        A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
730  * @param[in]  aMaxIpAddresses  The maximum number of IP addresses that each MTD child may register with this
731  *                              device as parent. 0 to clear the setting and restore the default.
732  *
733  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set/cleared the number.
734  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   If exceeds the allowed maximum number.
735  *
736  * @sa otThreadGetMaxChildIpAddresses
737  */
738 otError otThreadSetMaxChildIpAddresses(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aMaxIpAddresses);
740 /**
741  * Defines the constants used in `otNeighborTableCallback` to indicate changes in neighbor table.
742  */
743 typedef enum
744 {
745     OT_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_EVENT_CHILD_ADDED,        ///< A child is being added.
746     OT_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_EVENT_CHILD_REMOVED,      ///< A child is being removed.
747     OT_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_EVENT_CHILD_MODE_CHANGED, ///< An existing child's mode is changed.
748     OT_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_EVENT_ROUTER_ADDED,       ///< A router is being added.
749     OT_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_EVENT_ROUTER_REMOVED,     ///< A router is being removed.
750 } otNeighborTableEvent;
752 /**
753  * Represent a neighbor table entry info (child or router) and is used as a parameter in the neighbor table
754  * callback `otNeighborTableCallback`.
755  */
756 typedef struct
757 {
758     otInstance *mInstance; ///< The OpenThread instance.
759     union
760     {
761         otChildInfo    mChild;  ///< The child neighbor info.
762         otNeighborInfo mRouter; ///< The router neighbor info.
763     } mInfo;
764 } otNeighborTableEntryInfo;
766 /**
767  * Pointer is called to notify that there is a change in the neighbor table.
768  *
769  * @param[in]  aEvent      A event flag.
770  * @param[in]  aEntryInfo  A pointer to table entry info.
771  */
772 typedef void (*otNeighborTableCallback)(otNeighborTableEvent aEvent, const otNeighborTableEntryInfo *aEntryInfo);
774 /**
775  * Registers a neighbor table callback function.
776  *
777  * The provided callback (if non-NULL) will be invoked when there is a change in the neighbor table (e.g., a child or a
778  * router neighbor entry is being added/removed or an existing child's mode is changed).
779  *
780  * Subsequent calls to this method will overwrite the previous callback.  Note that this callback in invoked while the
781  * neighbor/child table is being updated and always before the `otStateChangedCallback`.
782  *
783  * @param[in] aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
784  * @param[in] aCallback  A pointer to callback handler function.
785  */
786 void otThreadRegisterNeighborTableCallback(otInstance *aInstance, otNeighborTableCallback aCallback);
788 /**
789  * Sets whether the device was commissioned using CCM.
790  *
791  * @note This API requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE`, and is only used by Thread Test Harness
792  *       to indicate whether this device was commissioned using CCM.
793  *
794  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
795  * @param[in]  aEnabled   TRUE if the device was commissioned using CCM, FALSE otherwise.
796  */
797 void otThreadSetCcmEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled);
799 /**
800  * Sets whether the Security Policy TLV version-threshold for routing (VR field) is enabled.
801  *
802  * @note This API requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE`, and is only used by Thread Test Harness
803  *       to indicate that thread protocol version check VR should be skipped.
804  *
805  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
806  * @param[in]  aEnabled   TRUE to enable Security Policy TLV version-threshold for routing, FALSE otherwise.
807  */
808 void otThreadSetThreadVersionCheckEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled);
810 /**
811  * Enables or disables the filter to drop TMF UDP messages from untrusted origin.
812  *
813  * TMF messages are only trusted when they originate from a trusted source, such as the Thread interface. In
814  * special cases, such as when a device uses platform UDP socket to send TMF messages, they will be dropped due
815  * to untrusted origin. This filter is enabled by default.
816  *
817  * When this filter is disabled, UDP messages sent to the TMF port that originate from untrusted origin (such as
818  * host, CLI or an external IPv6 node) will be allowed.
819  *
820  * @note This API requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE` and is only used by Thread Test Harness
821  * to test network behavior by sending special TMF messages from the CLI on a POSIX host.
822  *
823  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
824  * @param[in]  aEnabled   TRUE to enable filter, FALSE otherwise.
825  */
826 void otThreadSetTmfOriginFilterEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled);
828 /**
829  * Indicates whether the filter that drops TMF UDP messages from untrusted origin is enabled or not.
830  *
831  * This is intended for testing only and available when `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE` config is enabled.
832  *
833  * @retval TRUE   The filter is enabled.
834  * @retval FALSE  The filter is not enabled.
835  */
836 bool otThreadIsTmfOriginFilterEnabled(otInstance *aInstance);
838 /**
839  * Gets the range of router IDs that are allowed to assign to nodes within the thread network.
840  *
841  * @note This API requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE`, and is only used for test purpose. All the
842  * router IDs in the range [aMinRouterId, aMaxRouterId] are allowed.
843  *
844  * @param[in]   aInstance     A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
845  * @param[out]  aMinRouterId  The minimum router ID.
846  * @param[out]  aMaxRouterId  The maximum router ID.
847  *
848  * @sa otThreadSetRouterIdRange
849  */
850 void otThreadGetRouterIdRange(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t *aMinRouterId, uint8_t *aMaxRouterId);
852 /**
853  * Sets the range of router IDs that are allowed to assign to nodes within the thread network.
854  *
855  * @note This API requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE`, and is only used for test purpose. All the
856  * router IDs in the range [aMinRouterId, aMaxRouterId] are allowed.
857  *
858  * @param[in]  aInstance     A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
859  * @param[in]  aMinRouterId  The minimum router ID.
860  * @param[in]  aMaxRouterId  The maximum router ID.
861  *
862  * @retval  OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the range.
863  * @retval  OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   aMinRouterId > aMaxRouterId, or the range is not covered by [0, 62].
864  *
865  * @sa otThreadGetRouterIdRange
866  */
867 otError otThreadSetRouterIdRange(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aMinRouterId, uint8_t aMaxRouterId);
869 /**
870  * Gets the current Interval Max value used by Advertisement trickle timer.
871  *
872  * This API requires `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_REFERENCE_DEVICE_ENABLE`, and is intended for testing only.
873  *
874  * @returns The Interval Max of Advertisement trickle timer in milliseconds.
875  */
876 uint32_t otThreadGetAdvertisementTrickleIntervalMax(otInstance *aInstance);
878 /**
879  * Indicates whether or not a Router ID is currently allocated.
880  *
881  * @param[in]  aInstance     A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
882  * @param[in]  aRouterId     The router ID to check.
883  *
884  * @retval TRUE  The @p aRouterId is allocated.
885  * @retval FALSE The @p aRouterId is not allocated.
886  */
887 bool otThreadIsRouterIdAllocated(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aRouterId);
889 /**
890  * Gets the next hop and path cost towards a given RLOC16 destination.
891  *
892  * Can be used with either @p aNextHopRloc16 or @p aPathCost being NULL indicating caller does not want
893  * to get the value.
894  *
895  * @param[in]  aInstance       A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
896  * @param[in]  aDestRloc16     The RLOC16 of destination.
897  * @param[out] aNextHopRloc16  A pointer to return RLOC16 of next hop, 0xfffe if no next hop.
898  * @param[out] aPathCost       A pointer to return path cost towards destination.
899  */
900 void otThreadGetNextHopAndPathCost(otInstance *aInstance,
901                                    uint16_t    aDestRloc16,
902                                    uint16_t   *aNextHopRloc16,
903                                    uint8_t    *aPathCost);
905 /**
906  * @}
907  */
909 #ifdef __cplusplus
910 } // extern "C"
911 #endif