1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2021 ARM Limited
3  * Copyright (c) 2020, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /**
19  * \file device_definition.c
20  * \brief This file defines exports the structures based on the peripheral
21  * definitions from device_cfg.h.
22  * This retarget file is meant to be used as a helper for baremetal
23  * applications and/or as an example of how to configure the generic
24  * driver structures.
25  */
27 #include "device_definition.h"
28 #include "platform_base_address.h"
29 #include "tfm_peripherals_def.h"
30 #include "tfm_plat_defs.h"
32 /* UART configuration */
33 const cy_stc_scb_uart_config_t KITPROG_UART_config =
34 {
35     .uartMode = CY_SCB_UART_STANDARD,
36     .enableMutliProcessorMode = false,
37     .smartCardRetryOnNack = false,
38     .irdaInvertRx = false,
39     .irdaEnableLowPowerReceiver = false,
40     .oversample = 8,
41     .enableMsbFirst = false,
42     .dataWidth = 8UL,
43     .parity = CY_SCB_UART_PARITY_NONE,
44     .stopBits = CY_SCB_UART_STOP_BITS_1,
45     .enableInputFilter = false,
46     .breakWidth = 11UL,
47     .dropOnFrameError = false,
48     .dropOnParityError = false,
49     .receiverAddress = 0x0UL,
50     .receiverAddressMask = 0x0UL,
51     .acceptAddrInFifo = false,
52     .enableCts = false,
53     .ctsPolarity = CY_SCB_UART_ACTIVE_LOW,
54     .rtsRxFifoLevel = 0UL,
55     .rtsPolarity = CY_SCB_UART_ACTIVE_LOW,
56     .rxFifoTriggerLevel = 63UL,
57     .rxFifoIntEnableMask = 0UL,
58     .txFifoTriggerLevel = 63UL,
59     .txFifoIntEnableMask = 0UL,
60 };
63 /* TCPWM Timer driver structures */
64 #if defined(CY_TCPWM0_TIMER0_S)
65 cy_stc_tcpwm_counter_config_t tcpwm_config_timer0
66 #if defined(TEST_NS_SLIH_IRQ)
68 #elif defined(TEST_NS_FLIH_IRQ)
70 #endif /* TEST_NS_SLIH_IRQ */
71     = {
72     .period             = TIMER0_MATCH, /* Upper limit (wrap around) */
73     .clockPrescaler     = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_PRESCALER_DIVBY_8, /* Clk_counter = Clk_input / 8 */
74     .runMode            = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_CONTINUOUS,  /* Wrap around */
75     .countDirection     = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_COUNT_UP,
76     .compareOrCapture   = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_MODE_COMPARE,/* match compare0 */
77     .compare0           = TIMER0_MATCH,
78     .compare1           = 0,
79     .enableCompareSwap  = false, /* swap compare0 & compare1 upon compare event */
80     .interruptSources   = CY_TCPWM_INT_ON_CC,
81     .captureInputMode   = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
82     .captureInput       = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
83     .reloadInputMode    = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
84     .reloadInput        = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
85     .startInputMode     = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
86     .startInput         = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
87     .stopInputMode      = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
88     .stopInput          = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
89     .countInputMode     = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_LEVEL,
90     .countInput         = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_1, /* count Clk_counter */
91 };
93 #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P)
94 cy_stc_sysint_t CY_TCPWM_NVIC_CFG_S
95 #if defined(TEST_NS_SLIH_IRQ)
97 #elif defined(TEST_NS_FLIH_IRQ)
99 #endif /* TEST_NS_SLIH_IRQ */
100     = {
101     .intrSrc = TFM_TIMER0_IRQ,             /* NVIC #3 */
102     .cm0pSrc = tcpwm_0_interrupts_0_IRQn,  /* IRQ 123 */
103     .intrPriority = 2U,                    /* ?: Flash is 0U, IPC is 1U */
104 };
105 #endif
106 tfm_timer_irq_test_dev_t CY_TCPWM0_TIMER0_DEV_S
107 #if defined(TEST_NS_SLIH_IRQ)
109 #elif defined(TEST_NS_FLIH_IRQ)
111 #endif /* TEST_NS_SLIH_IRQ */
112     = {
113     .is_initialized     = false,
114     .tcpwm_base         = TCPWM0,
115     .tcpwm_counter_num  = 0,
116     .timer_match_value  = TIMER0_MATCH,
117     .tcpwm_config       = &tcpwm_config_timer0,
118 };
119 #endif  /* CY_TCPWM0_TIMER0_S */
121 #if defined(CY_TCPWM0_TIMER1_NS)
122 cy_stc_tcpwm_counter_config_t tcpwm_config_timer1
123     = {
124     .period             = TIMER1_MATCH, /* Upper limit (wrap around) */
125     .clockPrescaler     = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_PRESCALER_DIVBY_8, /* Clk_counter = Clk_input / 8 */
126     .runMode            = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_CONTINUOUS,  /* Wrap around */
127     .countDirection     = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_COUNT_UP,
128     .compareOrCapture   = CY_TCPWM_COUNTER_MODE_COMPARE,/* match compare0 */
129     .compare0           = TIMER1_MATCH,
130     .compare1           = 0,
131     .enableCompareSwap  = false, /* swap compare0 & compare1 upon compare event */
132     .interruptSources   = CY_TCPWM_INT_ON_CC,
133     .captureInputMode   = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
134     .captureInput       = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
135     .reloadInputMode    = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
136     .reloadInput        = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
137     .startInputMode     = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
138     .startInput         = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
139     .stopInputMode      = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_RISINGEDGE, /* NOT used */
140     .stopInput          = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0,
141     .countInputMode     = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_LEVEL,
142     .countInput         = CY_TCPWM_INPUT_1, /* count Clk_counter */
143 };
145 tfm_timer_irq_test_dev_t CY_TCPWM0_TIMER1_DEV_NS = {
146     .is_initialized     = false,
147     .tcpwm_base         = TCPWM0,
148     .tcpwm_counter_num  = 1,
149     .timer_match_value  = TIMER1_MATCH,
150     .tcpwm_config       = &tcpwm_config_timer1,
151 };
152 #endif  /* CY_TCPWM0_TIMER1_NS */