1# Copyright (c) 2017 Linaro Limited.
2# Copyright (c) 2023 Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6'''Runner base class for flashing with nrf tools.'''
8import abc
9import contextlib
10import functools
11import os
12import shlex
13import subprocess
14import sys
15from collections import deque
16from pathlib import Path
17from re import escape, fullmatch
19from zephyr_ext_common import ZEPHYR_BASE
22import zephyr_module
24from runners.core import RunnerCaps, ZephyrBinaryRunner
27    from intelhex import IntelHex
28except ImportError:
29    IntelHex = None
31ErrNotAvailableBecauseProtection = 24
32ErrVerify = 25
35    'nrf53': {
36        'Application': (0x00FF8000, 0x00FF8800),
37        'Network': (0x01FF8000, 0x01FF8800),
38    },
39    'nrf54h': {
40        'Application': (0x0FFF8000, 0x0FFF8800),
41        'Network': (0x0FFFA000, 0x0FFFA800),
42    },
43    'nrf54l': {
44        'Application': (0x00FFD000, 0x00FFDA00),
45    },
46    'nrf91': {
47        'Application': (0x00FF8000, 0x00FF8800),
48    },
49    'nrf92': {
50        'Application': (0x0FFF8000, 0x0FFF8800),
51        'Network': (0x0FFFA000, 0x0FFFA800),
52    },
55# Relative to the root of the hal_nordic module
56SUIT_STARTER_PATH = Path('zephyr/blobs/suit/bin/suit_manifest_starter.hex')
59def _get_suit_starter():
60    path = None
61    modules = zephyr_module.parse_modules(ZEPHYR_BASE)
62    for m in modules:
63        if 'hal_nordic' in m.meta.get('name'):
64            path = Path(m.project)
65            break
67    if not path:
68        raise RuntimeError("hal_nordic project missing in the manifest")
70    suit_starter = path / SUIT_STARTER_PATH
71    if not suit_starter.exists():
72        raise RuntimeError("Unable to find suit manifest starter file, "
73                           "please make sure to run \'west blobs fetch "
74                           "hal_nordic\'")
76    return str(suit_starter.resolve())
78class NrfBinaryRunner(ZephyrBinaryRunner):
79    '''Runner front-end base class for nrf tools.'''
81    def __init__(self, cfg, family, softreset, pinreset, dev_id, erase=False,
82                 reset=True, tool_opt=None, force=False, recover=False):
83        super().__init__(cfg)
84        self.hex_ = cfg.hex_file
85        # The old --nrf-family options takes upper-case family names
86        self.family = family.lower() if family else None
87        self.softreset = softreset
88        self.pinreset = pinreset
89        self.dev_id = dev_id
90        self.erase = bool(erase)
91        self.reset = bool(reset)
92        self.force = force
93        self.recover = bool(recover)
95        # Only applicable for nrfutil
96        self.suit_starter = False
98        self.tool_opt = []
99        if tool_opt is not None:
100            for opts in [shlex.split(opt) for opt in tool_opt]:
101                self.tool_opt += opts
103    @classmethod
104    def _capabilities(cls, mult_dev_ids=False):
105        return RunnerCaps(commands={'flash'}, dev_id=True,
106                          mult_dev_ids=mult_dev_ids, erase=True, reset=True,
107                          tool_opt=True)
109    @classmethod
110    def _dev_id_help(cls) -> str:
111        return '''Device identifier. Use it to select the J-Link Serial Number
112                  of the device connected over USB. '*' matches one or more
113                  characters/digits'''
115    @classmethod
116    def do_add_parser(cls, parser):
117        parser.add_argument('--nrf-family',
118                            choices=['NRF51', 'NRF52', 'NRF53', 'NRF54L',
119                                     'NRF54H', 'NRF91', 'NRF92'],
120                            help='''MCU family; still accepted for
121                            compatibility only''')
122        # Not using a mutual exclusive group for softreset and pinreset due to
123        # the way dump_runner_option_help() works in run_common.py
124        parser.add_argument('--softreset', required=False,
125                            action='store_true',
126                            help='use softreset instead of pinreset')
127        parser.add_argument('--pinreset', required=False,
128                            action='store_true',
129                            help='use pinreset instead of softreset')
130        parser.add_argument('--snr', required=False, dest='dev_id',
131                            help='obsolete synonym for -i/--dev-id')
132        parser.add_argument('--force', required=False,
133                            action='store_true',
134                            help='Flash even if the result cannot be guaranteed.')
135        parser.add_argument('--recover', required=False,
136                            action='store_true',
137                            help='''erase all user available non-volatile
138                            memory and disable read back protection before
139                            flashing (erases flash for both cores on nRF53)''')
141        parser.set_defaults(reset=True)
143    @classmethod
144    def args_from_previous_runner(cls, previous_runner, args):
145        # Propagate the chosen device ID to next runner
146        if args.dev_id is None:
147            args.dev_id = previous_runner.dev_id
149    def ensure_snr(self):
150        # dev_id can be None, str or list of str
151        dev_id = self.dev_id
152        if isinstance(dev_id, list):
153            if len(dev_id) == 0:
154                dev_id = None
155            elif len(dev_id) == 1:
156                dev_id = dev_id[0]
157            else:
158                self.dev_id = [d.lstrip("0") for d in dev_id]
159                return
160        if not dev_id or "*" in dev_id:
161            dev_id = self.get_board_snr(dev_id or "*")
162        self.dev_id = dev_id.lstrip("0")
164    @abc.abstractmethod
165    def do_get_boards(self):
166        ''' Return an array of Segger SNRs '''
168    def get_boards(self):
169        snrs = self.do_get_boards()
170        if not snrs:
171            raise RuntimeError('Unable to find a board; '
172                               'is the board connected?')
173        return snrs
175    @staticmethod
176    def verify_snr(snr):
177        if snr == '0':
178            raise RuntimeError('The Segger SNR obtained is 0; '
179                                'is a debugger already connected?')
181    def get_board_snr(self, glob):
182        # Use nrfjprog or nrfutil to discover connected boards.
183        #
184        # If there's exactly one board connected, it's safe to assume
185        # the user wants that one. Otherwise, bail unless there are
186        # multiple boards and we are connected to a terminal, in which
187        # case use print() and input() to ask what the user wants.
189        re_glob = escape(glob).replace(r"\*", ".+")
190        snrs = [snr for snr in self.get_boards() if fullmatch(re_glob, snr)]
192        if len(snrs) == 0:
193            raise RuntimeError(
194                'There are no boards connected{}.'.format(
195                        f" matching '{glob}'" if glob != "*" else ""))
196        elif len(snrs) == 1:
197            board_snr = snrs[0]
198            self.verify_snr(board_snr)
199            print(f"Using board {board_snr}")
200            return board_snr
201        elif not sys.stdin.isatty():
202            raise RuntimeError(
203                f'refusing to guess which of {len(snrs)} '
204                'connected boards to use. (Interactive prompts '
205                'disabled since standard input is not a terminal.) '
206                'Please specify a serial number on the command line.')
208        snrs = sorted(snrs)
209        print('There are multiple boards connected{}.'.format(
210                        f" matching '{glob}'" if glob != "*" else ""))
211        for i, snr in enumerate(snrs, 1):
212            print(f'{i}. {snr}')
214        p = f'Please select one with desired serial number (1-{len(snrs)}): '
215        while True:
216            try:
217                value = input(p)
218            except EOFError:
219                sys.exit(0)
220            try:
221                value = int(value)
222            except ValueError:
223                continue
224            if 1 <= value <= len(snrs):
225                break
227        return snrs[value - 1]
229    def ensure_family(self):
230        # Ensure self.family is set.
232        if self.family is not None:
233            return
235        if self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF51X'):
236            self.family = 'nrf51'
237        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF52X'):
238            self.family = 'nrf52'
239        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF53X'):
240            self.family = 'nrf53'
241        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF54LX'):
242            self.family = 'nrf54l'
243        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF54HX'):
244            self.family = 'nrf54h'
245        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF91X'):
246            self.family = 'nrf91'
247        elif self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_SERIES_NRF92X'):
248            self.family = 'nrf92'
249        else:
250            raise RuntimeError(f'unknown nRF; update {__file__}')
252    def hex_refers_region(self, region_start, region_end):
253        for segment_start, _ in self.hex_contents.segments():
254            if region_start <= segment_start <= region_end:
255                return True
256        return False
258    def hex_get_uicrs(self):
259        hex_uicrs = {}
261        if self.family in UICR_RANGES:
262            for uicr_core, uicr_range in UICR_RANGES[self.family].items():
263                if self.hex_refers_region(*uicr_range):
264                    hex_uicrs[uicr_core] = uicr_range
266        return hex_uicrs
268    def flush(self, force=False):
269        try:
270            self.flush_ops(force=force)
271        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:
272            if cpe.returncode == ErrNotAvailableBecauseProtection:
273                if self.family == 'nrf53':
274                    family_help = (
275                        '  Note: your target is an nRF53; all flash memory '
276                        'for both the network and application cores will be '
277                        'erased prior to reflashing.')
278                else:
279                    family_help = (
280                        '  Note: this will recover and erase all flash memory '
281                        'prior to reflashing.')
282                self.logger.error(
283                    'Flashing failed because the target '
284                    'must be recovered.\n'
285                    '  To fix, run "west flash --recover" instead.\n' +
286                    family_help)
287            if cpe.returncode == ErrVerify and self.hex_get_uicrs():
288                # If there is data in the UICR region it is likely that the
289                # verify failed due to the UICR not been erased before, so giving
290                # a warning here will hopefully enhance UX.
291                self.logger.warning(
292                    'The hex file contains data placed in the UICR, which '
293                    'may require a full erase before reprogramming. Run '
294                    'west flash again with --erase, or --recover.'
295                )
296            raise
299    def recover_target(self):
300        if self.family in ('nrf53', 'nrf54h', 'nrf92'):
301            self.logger.info(
302                'Recovering and erasing flash memory for both the network '
303                'and application cores.')
304        else:
305            self.logger.info('Recovering and erasing all flash memory.')
307        # The network core of the nRF53 needs to be recovered first due to the
308        # fact that recovering it erases the flash of *both* cores. Since a
309        # recover operation unlocks the core and then flashes a small image that
310        # keeps the debug access port open, recovering the network core last
311        # would result in that small image being deleted from the app core.
312        # In the case of the 54H, the order is indifferent.
313        if self.family in ('nrf53', 'nrf54h', 'nrf92'):
314            self.exec_op('recover', core='Network')
316        self.exec_op('recover')
318    def _get_core(self):
319        if self.family in ('nrf54h', 'nrf92'):
320            if (self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF54H20_CPUAPP') or
321                self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF54H20_CPUFLPR') or
322                self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF54H20_CPUPPR') or
323                self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF9280_CPUAPP')):
324                return 'Application'
325            if (self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF54H20_CPURAD') or
326                self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF9280_CPURAD')):
327                return 'Network'
328            raise RuntimeError(f'Core not found for family: {self.family}')
330        if self.family in ('nrf53'):
331            if self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF5340_CPUAPP'):
332                return 'Application'
333            if self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_SOC_NRF5340_CPUNET'):
334                return 'Network'
335            raise RuntimeError(f'Core not found for family: {self.family}')
337        return None
339    def program_hex(self):
340        # Get the command use to actually program self.hex_.
341        self.logger.info(f'Flashing file: {self.hex_}')
343        # What type of erase/core arguments should we pass to the tool?
344        core = self._get_core()
346        if self.family in ('nrf54h', 'nrf92'):
347            erase_arg = 'ERASE_NONE'
349            generated_uicr = self.build_conf.getboolean('CONFIG_NRF_REGTOOL_GENERATE_UICR')
351            if generated_uicr and not self.hex_get_uicrs().get(core):
352                raise RuntimeError(
353                    f"Expected a UICR to be contained in: {self.hex_}\n"
354                    "Please ensure that the correct version of nrf-regtool is "
355                    "installed, then run 'west build --cmake' to try again."
356                )
358            if self.erase:
359                self.exec_op('erase', core='Application', kind='all')
360                self.exec_op('erase', core='Network', kind='all')
362            # Manage SUIT artifacts.
363            # This logic should be executed only once per build.
364            # Use sysbuild board qualifiers to select the context,
365            # with which the artifacts will be programmed.
366            if self.build_conf.get('CONFIG_BOARD_QUALIFIERS') == self.sysbuild_conf.get(
367                'SB_CONFIG_BOARD_QUALIFIERS'
368            ):
369                mpi_hex_dir = Path(os.path.join(self.cfg.build_dir, 'zephyr'))
371                # Handle Manifest Provisioning Information
372                if self.sysbuild_conf.getboolean('SB_CONFIG_SUIT_MPI_GENERATE'):
373                    app_mpi_hex_file = os.fspath(
374                        mpi_hex_dir / self.sysbuild_conf.get('SB_CONFIG_SUIT_MPI_APP_AREA_PATH'))
375                    rad_mpi_hex_file = os.fspath(
376                        mpi_hex_dir / self.sysbuild_conf.get('SB_CONFIG_SUIT_MPI_RAD_AREA_PATH')
377                    )
378                    if os.path.exists(app_mpi_hex_file):
379                        self.op_program(
380                            app_mpi_hex_file,
381                            'ERASE_NONE',
382                            None,
383                            defer=True,
384                            core='Application',
385                        )
386                    if os.path.exists(rad_mpi_hex_file):
387                        self.op_program(
388                            rad_mpi_hex_file,
389                            'ERASE_NONE',
390                            None,
391                            defer=True,
392                            core='Network',
393                        )
395                # Handle SUIT root manifest if application manifests are not used.
396                # If an application firmware is built, the root envelope is merged
397                # with other application manifests as well as the output HEX file.
398                if core != 'Application' and self.sysbuild_conf.get('SB_CONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE'):
399                    app_root_envelope_hex_file = os.fspath(
400                        mpi_hex_dir / 'suit_installed_envelopes_application_merged.hex'
401                    )
402                    if os.path.exists(app_root_envelope_hex_file):
403                        self.op_program(
404                            app_root_envelope_hex_file,
405                            'ERASE_NONE',
406                            None,
407                            defer=True,
408                            core='Application',
409                        )
411            if not self.erase and generated_uicr:
412                self.exec_op('erase', core=core, kind='uicr')
413        else:
414            if self.erase:
415                erase_arg = 'ERASE_ALL'
416            else:
417                erase_arg = 'ERASE_RANGES_TOUCHED_BY_FIRMWARE'
419        xip_ranges = {
420            'nrf52': (0x12000000, 0x19FFFFFF),
421            'nrf53': (0x10000000, 0x1FFFFFFF),
422        }
423        ext_mem_erase_opt = None
424        if self.family in xip_ranges:
425            xip_start, xip_end = xip_ranges[self.family]
426            if self.hex_refers_region(xip_start, xip_end):
427                ext_mem_erase_opt = erase_arg
429        self.op_program(self.hex_, erase_arg, ext_mem_erase_opt, defer=True, core=core)
430        self.flush(force=False)
433    def reset_target(self):
434        sw_reset = "RESET_HARD" if self.family in ('nrf54h', 'nrf92') else "RESET_SYSTEM"
435        # Default to soft reset on nRF52 only, because ICs in these series can
436        # reconfigure the reset pin as a regular GPIO
437        default = sw_reset if self.family == 'nrf52' else "RESET_PIN"
438        kind = (sw_reset if self.softreset else "RESET_PIN" if
439                self.pinreset else default)
441        if self.family == 'nrf52' and kind == "RESET_PIN":
442            # Write to the UICR enabling nRESET in the corresponding pin
443            self.exec_op('pinreset-enable')
445        self.logger.debug(f'Reset kind: {kind}')
446        self.exec_op('reset', kind=kind)
448    @abc.abstractmethod
449    def do_require(self):
450        ''' Ensure the tool is installed '''
452    def _check_suit_starter(self, op):
453        op = op['operation']
454        if op['type'] not in ('erase', 'recover', 'program'):
455            return None
456        if op['type'] == 'program' and op['options']['chip_erase_mode'] != "ERASE_UICR":
457            return None
459        file = _get_suit_starter()
460        self.logger.debug(f'suit starter: {file}')
462        return file
464    def op_program(self, hex_file, erase, ext_mem_erase, defer=False, core=None):
465        args = self._op_program(hex_file, erase, ext_mem_erase)
466        self.exec_op('program', defer, core, **args)
468    def _op_program(self, hex_file, erase, ext_mem_erase):
469        args = {'firmware': {'file': hex_file},
470                'options': {'chip_erase_mode': erase, 'verify': 'VERIFY_READ'}}
471        if ext_mem_erase:
472            args['options']['ext_mem_erase_mode'] = ext_mem_erase
474        return args
476    def exec_op(self, op, defer=False, core=None, **kwargs):
478        def _exec_op(op, defer=False, core=None, **kwargs):
479            _op = f'{op}'
480            op = {'operation': {'type': _op}}
481            if core:
482                op['core'] = core
483            op['operation'].update(kwargs)
484            self.logger.debug(f'defer: {defer} op: {op}')
485            if defer or not self.do_exec_op(op, force=False):
486                self.ops.append(op)
487            return op
489        _op = _exec_op(op, defer, core, **kwargs)
490        # Check if the suit manifest starter needs programming
491        if self.suit_starter and self.family == 'nrf54h':
492            file = self._check_suit_starter(_op)
493            if file:
494                args = self._op_program(file, 'ERASE_NONE', None)
495                _exec_op('program', defer, core, **args)
497    @abc.abstractmethod
498    def do_exec_op(self, op, force=False):
499        ''' Execute an operation. Return True if executed, False if not.
500            Throws subprocess.CalledProcessError with the appropriate
501            returncode if a failure arises.'''
503    def flush_ops(self, force=True):
504        ''' Execute any remaining ops in the self.ops array.
505            Throws subprocess.CalledProcessError with the appropriate
506            returncode if a failure arises.
507            Subclasses can override this method for special handling of
508            queued ops.'''
509        self.logger.debug('Flushing ops')
510        while self.ops:
511            self.do_exec_op(self.ops.popleft(), force)
513    def do_run(self, command, **kwargs):
514        self.do_require()
516        if self.softreset and self.pinreset:
517            raise RuntimeError('Options --softreset and --pinreset are mutually '
518                               'exclusive.')
520        self.ensure_output('hex')
521        if IntelHex is None:
522            raise RuntimeError('Python dependency intelhex was missing; '
523                               'see the getting started guide for details on '
524                               'how to fix')
525        self.hex_contents = IntelHex()
526        with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError):
527            self.hex_contents.loadfile(self.hex_, format='hex')
529        self.ensure_snr()
530        self.ensure_family()
532        self.ops = deque()
534        if self.recover:
535            self.recover_target()
536        self.program_hex()
537        if self.reset:
538            self.reset_target()
539        # All done, now flush any outstanding ops
540        self.flush(force=True)
542        self.logger.info(f'Board(s) with serial number(s) {self.dev_id} '
543                          'flashed successfully.')