1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2023 Wuerth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  */
7 /**
8  * @file
9  * @brief Header file for the WSEN-ITDS sensor driver.
10  */
12 #ifndef _WSEN_ITDS_H
13 #define _WSEN_ITDS_H
15 /*         Includes         */
17 #include <stdint.h>
19 #include <WeSensorsSDK.h>
22 /*         ITDS 2533020201601 DEVICE_ID         */
24 #define ITDS_DEVICE_ID_VALUE              0x44      /**< This is the expected answer when requesting the ITDS_DEVICE_ID_REG */
27 /*         Available ITDS I2C slave addresses         */
29 #define ITDS_ADDRESS_I2C_0                0x18      /**< When SAO of ITDS is connected to ground */
30 #define ITDS_ADDRESS_I2C_1                0x19      /**< When SAO of ITDS is connected to positive supply voltage */
33 /* Register address definitions */
35 #define ITDS_T_OUT_L_REG                  0x0D      /**< Temperature output LSB value register */
36 #define ITDS_T_OUT_H_REG                  0x0E      /**< Temperature output MSB value register */
37 #define ITDS_DEVICE_ID_REG                0x0F      /**< Device ID register */
38 /* Registers 0x10 - 0x1F are reserved. They contain factory calibration values that shall not be changed */
39 #define ITDS_CTRL_1_REG                   0x20      /**< Control register 1 */
40 #define ITDS_CTRL_2_REG                   0x21      /**< Control register 2 */
41 #define ITDS_CTRL_3_REG                   0x22      /**< Control register 3 */
42 #define ITDS_CTRL_4_REG                   0x23      /**< Control register 4 */
43 #define ITDS_CTRL_5_REG                   0x24      /**< Control register 5 */
44 #define ITDS_CTRL_6_REG                   0x25      /**< Control register 6 */
45 #define ITDS_T_OUT_REG                    0x26      /**< Temperature output data in 8 bit resolution register */
46 #define ITDS_STATUS_REG                   0x27      /**< Status register */
47 #define ITDS_X_OUT_L_REG                  0x28      /**< X axis acceleration output LSB value register */
48 #define ITDS_X_OUT_H_REG                  0x29      /**< X axis acceleration output MSB value register */
49 #define ITDS_Y_OUT_L_REG                  0x2A      /**< Y axis acceleration output LSB value register */
50 #define ITDS_Y_OUT_H_REG                  0x2B      /**< Y axis acceleration output MSB value register */
51 #define ITDS_Z_OUT_L_REG                  0x2C      /**< Z axis acceleration output LSB value register */
52 #define ITDS_Z_OUT_H_REG                  0x2D      /**< Z axis acceleration output MSB value register */
53 #define ITDS_FIFO_CTRL_REG                0x2E      /**< FIFO control register */
54 #define ITDS_FIFO_SAMPLES_REG             0x2F      /**< FIFO samples register */
55 #define ITDS_TAP_X_TH_REG                 0x30      /**< Tap recognition threshold in X direction register */
56 #define ITDS_TAP_Y_TH_REG                 0x31      /**< Tap recognition threshold in Y direction register */
57 #define ITDS_TAP_Z_TH_REG                 0x32      /**< Tap recognition threshold in Z direction register */
58 #define ITDS_INT_DUR_REG                  0x33      /**< Interrupt duration register */
59 #define ITDS_WAKE_UP_TH_REG               0x34      /**< Wake-up threshold register */
60 #define ITDS_WAKE_UP_DUR_REG              0x35      /**< Wake-up duration register */
61 #define ITDS_FREE_FALL_REG                0x36      /**< Free-fall register */
62 #define ITDS_STATUS_DETECT_REG            0x37      /**< Status detect register */
63 #define ITDS_WAKE_UP_EVENT_REG            0x38      /**< Wake-up event register */
64 #define ITDS_TAP_EVENT_REG                0x39      /**< Tap event register  */
65 #define ITDS_6D_EVENT_REG                 0x3A      /**< 6D (orientation change) event register */
66 #define ITDS_ALL_INT_EVENT_REG            0x3B      /**< All interrupts event register */
67 #define ITDS_X_OFS_USR_REG                0x3C      /**< Offset value for X axis register */
68 #define ITDS_Y_OFS_USR_REG                0x3D      /**< Offset value for Y axis register */
69 #define ITDS_Z_OFS_USR_REG                0x3E      /**< Offset value for Z axis register */
70 #define ITDS_CTRL_7_REG                   0x3F      /**< Control register 7 */
73 /* Register type definitions */
75 /**
76  * @brief CTR_1_REG
77  *
78  * Address 0x20
79  * Type  R/W
80  * Default value: 0x00
81  *
82  * ODR[3:0]  |       Power down / data rate configuration
83  * --------------------------------------------------------------
84  *   0000    | Power down
85  *           |
86  *           | High performance    Normal mode   Low power mode
87  *   0001    |    12.5 Hz            12.5 Hz        1.6 Hz
88  *   0010    |    12.5 Hz            12.5 Hz        12.5 Hz
89  *   0011    |    25 Hz              25 Hz          25 Hz
90  *   0100    |    50 Hz              50 Hz          50 Hz
91  *   0101    |    100 Hz             100 Hz         100 Hz
92  *   0110    |    200 Hz             200 Hz         200 Hz
93  *   0111    |    400 Hz             200 Hz         200 Hz
94  *   1000    |    800 Hz             800 Hz         200 Hz
95  *   1001    |    1600Hz             1600Hz         200 Hz
96  *
97  *
98  * MODE[1:0] |                      Operating mode and resolution
99  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100  *   00      |    Normal mode (14-bit resolution) / Low power mode (12-bit resolution)
101  *   01      |    High performance mode (14-bit resolution)
102  *   10      |    Single data conversion on demand mode (12/14-bit resolution)
103  *   11      |    Unused
104  */
105 typedef struct
106 {
107   uint8_t powerMode : 2;          /**< LP_MODE[1:0]: Select normal mode or low power mode. Default 00 [00: low power mode; 10: normal mode] */
108   uint8_t operatingMode : 2;      /**< MODE[1:0]: Select the operating mode and resolution. Default 00 */
109   uint8_t outputDataRate : 4;     /**< ODR[3:0]: Output data rate selection. Default 0000 */
110 } ITDS_ctrl1_t;
112 /**
113  * @brief CTR_2_REG
114  *
115  * Address 0x21
116  * Type  R/W
117  * Default value: 0x00
118  */
119 typedef struct
120 {
121   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;        /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device. */
122   uint8_t i2cDisable : 1;       /**< I2C_DISABLE: Disable I2C digital Interface. Default: 0 (0: enabled; 1: disabled). */
123   uint8_t autoAddIncr : 1;      /**< IF_ADD_INC: Register address automatically incremented during a multiple byte access with I2C interface. Default: 1. (0: disable; 1: enable). */
124   uint8_t blockDataUpdate : 1;  /**< BDU: Block data update. 0 - continuous update; 1 - output registers are not updated until MSB and LSB have been read. */
125   uint8_t disCSPullUp : 1;      /**< CP_PU_DISC: Disconnect pull up to CS pin. Default: 0 (0: connected; 1: disconnected). */
126   uint8_t notUsed02 : 1;        /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device. */
127   uint8_t softReset : 1;        /**< SOFT_RESET: Software reset. 0: normal mode; 1: SW reset; Self-clearing upon completion. */
128   uint8_t boot : 1;             /**< BOOT: Set this bit to 1 to initiate boot sequence. 0: normal mode; 1: Execute boot sequence. Self-clearing upon completion. */
129 } ITDS_ctrl2_t;
131 /**
132  * @brief CTR_3_REG
133  *
134  * Address 0x22
135  * Type  R/W
136  * Default value: 0x00
137  *
138  *
139  *   ST[1:0]    |     Self-test mode
140  * -------------------------------------------
141  *   00         |     Normal mode
142  *   01         |     Positive sign self-test
143  *   10         |     Negative sign self-test
144  *   11         |              -
145  */
146 typedef struct
147 {
148   uint8_t startSingleDataConv : 1;    /**< SLP_MODE_1: Request single data conversion */
149   uint8_t singleConvTrigger : 1;      /**< SLP_MODE_SEL: Single data conversion (on-demand) trigger signal. 0: Triggered by external signal on INT_1, 1: Triggered by writing 1 to SLP_MODE_1. */
150   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;              /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
151   uint8_t intActiveLevel : 1;         /**< H_LACTIVE: Interrupt active level. Default: 0 (0: active high; 1: active low) */
152   uint8_t enLatchedInterrupt : 1;     /**< LIR: Enable latched interrupt. Default: 0. (0: disabled; 1: enabled) */
153   uint8_t intPinConf : 1;             /**< PP_OD: Push-pull/open-drain selection on interrupt pad. Default: 0 (0: push-pull; 1: open-drain) */
154   uint8_t selfTestMode : 2;           /**< ST[1:0]: Select self test mode. Default: 00. */
155 } ITDS_ctrl3_t;
157 /**
158  * @brief CTR_4_REG
159  *
160  * Address 0x23
161  * Type  R/W
162  * Default value: 0x00
163  */
164 typedef struct
165 {
166   uint8_t dataReadyINT0 : 1;      /**< INT0_DRDY: Data-ready interrupt signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
167   uint8_t fifoThresholdINT0 : 1;  /**< INT0_FTH: FIFO threshold interrupt signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled)) */
168   uint8_t fifoFullINT0 : 1;       /**< INT0_DIFF5: FIFO full interrupt signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
169   uint8_t doubleTapINT0 : 1;      /**< INT0_TAP: Double-tap recognition signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
170   uint8_t freeFallINT0 : 1;       /**< INT0_FF: Free-fall recognition signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
171   uint8_t wakeUpINT0 : 1;         /**< INT0_WU: Wake-up recognition signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
172   uint8_t singleTapINT0 : 1;      /**< INT0_SINGLE_TAP: Single-tap recognition signal is routed to INT_0 pin: Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
173   uint8_t sixDINT0 : 1;           /**< INT0_6D: 6D recognition signal is routed to INT_0 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
174 } ITDS_ctrl4_t;
176 /**
177  * @brief CTR_5_REG
178  *
179  * Address 0x24
180  * Type  R/W
181  * Default value: 0x00
182  */
183 typedef struct
184 {
185   uint8_t dataReadyINT1 : 1;              /**< INT1_DRDY: Data-ready interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
186   uint8_t fifoThresholdINT1 : 1;          /**< INT1_FTH: FIFO threshold interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled)) */
187   uint8_t fifoFullINT1 : 1;               /**< INT1_DIFF5: FIFO full interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
188   uint8_t fifoOverrunINT1 : 1;            /**< INT1_OVR: FIFO overrun interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
189   uint8_t tempDataReadyINT1 : 1;          /**< INT1_DRDY_T: Temperature data-ready interrupt signal  is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
190   uint8_t bootStatusINT1 : 1;             /**< INT1_BOOT: Boot status interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
191   uint8_t sleepStatusChangeINT1 : 1;      /**< INT1_SLEEP_CHG: Sleep change status interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
192   uint8_t sleepStateINT1 : 1;             /**< INT1_SLEEP_STATE: Sleep state interrupt signal is routed to INT_1 pin. Default: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
193 } ITDS_ctrl5_t;
195 /**
196  * @brief CTR_6_REG
197  *
198  * Address 0x25
199  * Type  R/W
200  * Default value: 0x00
201  *
202  *
203  *   BW_FILT[1:0]    |          Bandwidth selection
204  * -------------------------------------------------------------
205  *     00            |    ODR/2 (except for ODR = 1600 Hz, 400 Hz)
206  *     01            |    ODR/4 (High pass / Low pass filter)
207  *     10            |    ODR/10 (High pass / Low pass filter)
208  *     11            |    ODR/20 (High pass / Low pass filter)
209  *
210  *
211  *   FS[1:0]    |   Full scale selection
212  * ---------------------------------------
213  *       00     |          ±2g
214  *       01     |          ±4g
215  *       10     |          ±8g
216  *       11     |          ±16g
217  */
218 typedef struct
219 {
220   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;        /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
221   uint8_t notUsed02 : 1;        /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
222   uint8_t enLowNoise : 1;       /**< LOW_NOISE: low noise configuration (0: disabled; 1: enabled) */
223   uint8_t filterPath : 1;       /**< FDS: Filtered path configuration. Default value: 0. (0: low pass filter; 1: high pass filter) */
224   uint8_t fullScale : 2;        /**< FS[1:0]: Full scale selection */
225   uint8_t filterBandwidth : 2;  /**< BW_FILT[1:0]: Filter bandwidth selection  */
226 } ITDS_ctrl6_t;
228 /**
229  * @brief STATUS_REG
230  *
231  * Address 0x27
232  * Type  R
233  * Default value: 0x00
234  *
235  * Note: The status register is partially duplicated to the STATUS_DETECT_REG register.
236  */
237 typedef struct
238 {
239   uint8_t dataReady : 1;        /**< DRDY: Acceleration data-ready status bit (0: not ready, 1: X-, Y- and Z-axis new data available) */
240   uint8_t freeFall : 1;         /**< FF_IA: Free-fall event detection bit (0: free-fall event not detected; 1: free-fall event detected) */
241   uint8_t sixDDetection : 1;    /**< 6D_IA: Source of change in position portrait/landscape/face-up/face-down. (0: no event detected, 1: change in position detected) */
242   uint8_t singleTap : 1;        /**< SINGLE_TAP: Single-tap event status bit (0: Single-tap event not detected, 1: Single-tap event detected) */
243   uint8_t doubleTap : 1;        /**< DOUBLE_TAP: Double-tap event status bit (0: Double-tap event not detected, 1: Double-tap event detected) */
244   uint8_t sleepState : 1;       /**< SLEEP_STATE: Sleep event status bit (0: Sleep event not detected, 1: Sleep event detected) */
245   uint8_t wakeUp : 1;           /**< WU_IA: Wake-up event detection status bit (0: Wake-up event not detected, 1: Wake-up event detected) */
246   uint8_t fifoThreshold : 1;    /**< FIFO_THS: FIFO threshold status bit (0: FIFO filling is lower than threshold level, 1: FIFO filling is equal to or higher than the threshold level) */
247 } ITDS_status_t;
249 /**
250  * @brief FIFO_CTRL_REG
251  *
252  * Address 0x2E
253  * Type  R/W
254  * Default value: 0x00
255  *
256  * FMODE[2:0]     |             Mode Description
257  * --------------------------------------------------------------------
258  * 000            |     Enable bypass mode and FIFO buffer is turned off (not active)
259  * 001            |     Enable FIFO mode
260  * 010            |     Reserved
261  * 011            |     Enable continuous to FIFO mode
262  * 100            |     Enable bypass to continuous mode
263  * 101            |     Reserved
264  * 110            |     Enable continuous mode
265  * 111            |     Reserved
266  */
267 typedef struct
268 {
269   uint8_t fifoThresholdLevel : 5;   /**< FTH[4:0]: Set the FIFO threshold level */
270   uint8_t fifoMode : 3;             /**< FMODE[2:0]: Select the FIFO mode */
271 } ITDS_fifoCtrl_t;
273 /**
274  * @brief FIFO_SAMPLES_REG
275  *
276  * Address 0x2F
277  * Type  R
278  * Default value: 0x00
279  */
280 typedef struct
281 {
282   uint8_t fifoFillLevel : 6;       /**< Diff[5:0]: Current fill level of FIFO i.e. the number of unread samples (’000000’ = FIFO empty, ’100000’ = FIFO full, 32 unread samples) */
283   uint8_t fifoOverrunState : 1;    /**< FIFO_OVR: FIFO overrun status (0: FIFO is not completely filled, 1: FIFO is completely filled and at least one sample has been overwritten) */
284   uint8_t fifoThresholdState : 1;  /**< FIFO_FTH: FIFO threshold status bit (0: FIFO filling is lower than threshold level, 1: FIFO filling is equal to or higher than the threshold level) */
285 } ITDS_fifoSamples_t;
287 /**
288  * @brief TAP_X_TH_REG
289  *
290  * Address 0x30
291  * Type  R/W
292  * Default value: 0x00
293  *
294  *   6D_THS[1:0]  |   Threshold definition (degrees)
295  * -------------------------------------------
296  *        00      |       6  (80 degrees)
297  *        01      |       11 (70 degrees)
298  *        10      |       16 (60 degrees)
299  *        11      |       21 (50 degrees)
300  *
301  */
302 typedef struct
303 {
304   uint8_t xAxisTapThreshold : 5;        /**< TAP_THSX_[4:0]: Threshold for tap recognition at FS = ±2g in X direction */
305   uint8_t sixDThreshold : 2;            /**< 6D_THS[1:0]: Threshold definition (degrees) */
306   uint8_t fourDDetectionEnabled : 1;    /**< 4D_EN: Enable 4D portrait/landscape detection. (0: 4D mode disabled; 1: portrait/landscape detection and face-up/face-down detection enabled) */
307 } ITDS_tapXThreshold_t;
309 /**
310  * @brief TAP_Y_TH_REG
311  *
312  * Address 0x31
313  * Type  R/W
314  * Default value: 0x00
315  *
316  * TAP_PRIOR[2:0]  |  Max Priority  | Mid Priority  | Min Priority
317  * ------------------------------------------------------
318  *     000         |    X           |     Y         |    Z
319  *     001         |    Y           |     X         |    Z
320  *     010         |    X           |     Z         |    Y
321  *     011         |    Z           |     Y         |    X
322  *     100         |    X           |     Y         |    Z
323  *     101         |    Y           |     Z         |    X
324  *     110         |    Z           |     X         |    Y
325  *     111         |    Z           |     Y         |    X
326  */
327 typedef struct
328 {
329   uint8_t yAxisTapThreshold : 5;  /**< TAP_THSY_[4:0]: Threshold for tap recognition at FS = ±2g in Y direction */
330   uint8_t tapAxisPriority : 3;    /**< TAP_PRIOR[2:0]: Select the axis priority for tap detection */
331 } ITDS_tapYThreshold_t;
333 /**
334  * @brief TAP_Z_TH_REG
335  *
336  * Address 0x32
337  * Type  R/W
338  * Default value: 0x00
339  */
340 typedef struct
341 {
342   uint8_t zAxisTapThreshold : 5;  /**< TAP_THSZ_[4:0]: Threshold for tap recognition at FS: ±2g in Z direction. */
343   uint8_t enTapZ : 1;             /**< TAP_Z_EN: Enables tap recognition for Z axis. (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
344   uint8_t enTapY : 1;             /**< TAP_Y_EN: Enables tap recognition for Y axis. (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
345   uint8_t enTapX : 1;             /**< TAP_X_EN: Enables tap recognition for X axis. (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
346 } ITDS_tapZThreshold_t;
348 /**
349  * @brief INT_DUR_REG
350  *
351  * Address 0x33
352  * Type  R/W
353  * Default value: 0x00
354  */
355 typedef struct
356 {
357   uint8_t shock : 2;    /**< SHOCK[1:0]: Defines the maximum duration of over-threshold event when detecting taps */
358   uint8_t quiet : 2;    /**< QUIET[1:0]: Defines the expected quiet time after a tap detection */
359   uint8_t latency : 4;  /**< LATENCY[3:0]: Defines the maximum duration time gap for double-tap recognition */
360 } ITDS_intDuration_t;
362 /**
363  * @brief WAKE_UP_TH_REG
364  *
365  * Address 0x34
366  * Type  R/W
367  * Default value: 0x00
368  */
369 typedef struct
370 {
371   uint8_t wakeUpThreshold : 6;      /**< WK_THS[5:0]: Defines wake-up threshold, 6-bit unsigned 1 LSB = 1/64 of FS. Default value: 000000 */
372   uint8_t enInactivityEvent: 1;     /**< SLEEP_ON: Enables inactivity (sleep). Default value: 0 (0: sleep disabled, 1: sleep enabled) */
373   uint8_t enDoubleTapEvent : 1;     /**< SINGLE_DOUBLE_TAP: Enable double-tap event. Default value: 0 (0: enable only single-tap, 1: enable both: single and double-tap) */
374 } ITDS_wakeUpThreshold_t;
376 /**
377  * @brief WAKE_UP_DUR_REG
378  *
379  * Address 0x35
380  * Type  R/W
381  * Default value: 0x00
382  */
383 typedef struct
384 {
385   uint8_t sleepDuration : 4;        /**< SLEEP_DUR[3:0]: Defines the sleep mode duration. Default value is SLEEP_DUR[3:0] = 0000 (which is 16 * 1/ODR) 1 LSB = 512 * 1/ODR */
386   uint8_t enStationary : 1;         /**< STATIONARY: Enables stationary detection / motion detection with no automatic ODR change when detecting stationary state. Default value: 0 (0: disabled, 1: enabled) */
387   uint8_t wakeUpDuration : 2;       /**< WAKE_DUR[1:0]: This parameter defines the wake-up duration. 1 LSB = 1 * 1/ODR */
388   uint8_t freeFallDurationMSB : 1;  /**< FF_DUR5: This bit defines the free-fall duration. Combined with FF_DUR [4:0] bit in FREE_FALL (0x36) register. 1 LSB = 1 * 1/ODR */
389 } ITDS_wakeUpDuration_t;
391 /**
392  * @brief FREE_FALL_REG
393  *
394  * Address 0x36
395  * Type  R/W
396  * Default value: 0x00
397  *
398  *   FF_TH[2:0]  |  Decoded threshold
399  * -----------------------------------------
400  *     000       |        5
401  *     001       |        7
402  *     010       |        8
403  *     011       |        10
404  *     100       |        11
405  *     101       |        13
406  *     110       |        15
407  *     111       |        16
408  */
409 typedef struct
410 {
411   uint8_t freeFallThreshold : 3;  /**< FF_TH[2:0]: Encoded free-fall threshold value. The decoded value can be multiplied with 31.25mg to get the used threshold. */
412   uint8_t freeFallDurationLSB: 5; /**< FF_DUR[4:0]: Defines free-fall duration. Is combined with FF_DUR5 bit in WAKE_UP_DUR (0x35) register. 1 LSB = 1 * 1/ODR */
413 } ITDS_freeFall_t;
415 /**
416  * @brief STATUS_DETECT_REG
417  *
418  * Address 0x37
419  * Type  R
420  * Default value: 0x00
421  *
422  * Note: This register is partially duplicated from the STATUS_REG register.
423  */
424 typedef struct
425 {
426   uint8_t dataReady : 1;            /**< DRDY: Acceleration data-ready status (0: not ready, 1: X-, Y- and Z-axis new data available) */
427   uint8_t freeFall : 1;             /**< FF_IA: Free-fall event detection status (0: Free-fall event not detected, 1: Free-fall event detected) */
428   uint8_t sixDDetection : 1;        /**< 6D_IA: Orientation change detection status (0: No event detected, 1: A change in orientation has been detected) */
429   uint8_t singleTap : 1;            /**< SINGLE_TAP: Single-tap event status (0: Single-tap event not detected; 1: Single-tap event detected) */
430   uint8_t doubleTap : 1;            /**< DOUBLE_TAP: Double-tap event status (0: Double-tap event not detected, 1: Double-tap event detected) */
431   uint8_t sleepState : 1;           /**< SLEEP_STATE_IA: Sleep event status (0: Sleep event not detected, 1: Sleep event detected) */
432   uint8_t temperatureDataReady: 1;  /**< DRDY_T: Temperature available status (0: Data not available, 1: A new set of data is available) */
433   uint8_t fifoOverrunState : 1;     /**< OVR: FIFO overrun status (0: FIFO is not completely filled, 1: FIFO is completely filled and at least one sample has been overwritten) */
434 } ITDS_statusDetect_t;
436 /**
437  * @brief WAKE_UP_EVENT_REG
438  *
439  * Address 0x38
440  * Type  R
441  * Default value: 0x00
442  */
443 typedef struct
444 {
445   uint8_t wakeUpZ : 1;        /**< Z_WU: Wake-up event on Z-axis status (0: Wake-up event on Z-axis not detected, 1: Wake-up event on Z-axis detected) */
446   uint8_t wakeUpY : 1;        /**< Y_WU: Wake-up event on Y-axis status (0: Wake-up event on Y-axis not detected, 1: Wake-up event on Y-axis detected) */
447   uint8_t wakeUpX : 1;        /**< X_WU: Wake-up event on X-axis status (0: Wake-up event on X-axis not detected, 1: Wake-up event on X-axis detected) */
448   uint8_t wakeUpState : 1;    /**< WU_IA: Wake-up event detection status (0: Wake-up event not detected, 1: Wake-up event detected) */
449   uint8_t sleepState : 1;     /**< SLEEP_STATE_IA: Sleep event status (0: Sleep event not detected, 1: Sleep event detected) */
450   uint8_t freeFallState : 1;  /**< FF_IA: Free-fall event detection status (0: FF event not detected, 1: FF event detected) */
451   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;      /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
452   uint8_t notUsed02 : 1;      /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
453 } ITDS_wakeUpEvent_t;
455 /**
456  * @brief TAP_EVENT_REG
457  *
458  * Address 0x39
459  * Type  R
460  * Default value: 0x00
461  */
462 typedef struct
463 {
464   uint8_t tapZAxis : 1;       /**< Z_TAP: Tap event detection on Z-axis status (0: Tap event on Z-axis not detected, 1: Tap event on Z-axis detected) */
465   uint8_t tapYAxis : 1;       /**< Y_TAP: Tap event detection on Y-axis status (0: Tap event on Y-axis not detected, 1: Tap event on Y-axis detected) */
466   uint8_t tapXAxis : 1;       /**< X_TAP: Tap event detection on X-axis status (0: Tap event on X-axis not detected, 1: Tap event on X-axis detected) */
467   uint8_t tapSign : 1;        /**< TAP_SIGN: Sign of acceleration detected by tap event (0: Tap in positive direction, 1: Tap in negative direction) */
468   uint8_t doubleState : 1;    /**< DOUBLE_TAP: Double-tap event status (0: Double-tap event not detected, 1: Double-tap event detected) */
469   uint8_t singleState : 1;    /**< SINGLE_TAP: Single-tap event status (0: Single-tap event not detected, 1: Single-tap event detected) */
470   uint8_t tapEventState : 1;  /**< TAP_IA: Tap event status (0: Tap event not detected, 1: Tap event detected) */
471   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;      /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
472 } ITDS_tapEvent_t;
474 /**
475  * @brief 6D_EVENT_REG
476  *
477  * Address 0x3A
478  * Type  R
479  * Default value: 0x00
480  *
481  * xhOverThreshold, yhOverThreshold, zhOverThreshold: Is set high when the face perpendicular to the
482  * Z (Y, X) axis is almost flat and the acceleration measured on the Z (Y, X) axis is positive and in
483  * the absolute value bigger than the threshold.
484  *
485  * xlOverThreshold (ylOverThreshold, zlOverThreshold): Is set high when the face perpendicular to the
486  * Z (Y, X) axis is almost flat and the acceleration measured on the Z (Y, X) axis is negative and in
487  * the absolute value bigger than the threshold.
488  */
489 typedef struct
490 {
491   uint8_t xlOverThreshold : 1;  /**< 1: XL threshold exceeded, 0: XL threshold not exceeded */
492   uint8_t xhOverThreshold : 1;  /**< 1: XH threshold exceeded, 0: XH threshold not exceeded */
493   uint8_t ylOverThreshold : 1;  /**< 1: YL threshold exceeded, 0: YL threshold not exceeded */
494   uint8_t yhOverThreshold : 1;  /**< 1: YH threshold exceeded, 0: YH threshold not exceeded */
495   uint8_t zlOverThreshold : 1;  /**< 1: ZL threshold exceeded, 0: ZL threshold not exceeded */
496   uint8_t zhOverThreshold : 1;  /**< 1: ZH threshold exceeded, 0: ZH threshold not exceeded */
497   uint8_t sixDChange : 1;       /**< 6D_IA: Orientation change detection status (0: No event detected, 1: A change in orientation has been detected) */
498   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;        /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
499 } ITDS_6dEvent_t;
501 /**
502  * @brief ALL_INT_EVENT_REG
503  *
504  * Address 0x3B
505  * Type  R
506  * Default value: 0x00
507  */
508 typedef struct
509 {
510   uint8_t freeFallState : 1;      /**< FF_IA: Free-fall event detection status (0: free-fall event not detected, 1: free-fall event detected) */
511   uint8_t wakeupState : 1;        /**< WU_IA: Wake-up event detection status (0: wake-up event not detected, 1: wake-up event detected) */
512   uint8_t singleTapState : 1;     /**< SINGLE_TAP: Single-tap event status (0: single-tap event not detected, 1: single-tap event detected) */
513   uint8_t doubleTapState : 1;     /**< DOUBLE_TAP: Double-tap event status (0: double-tap event not detected, 1: double-tap event detected) */
514   uint8_t sixDState : 1;          /**< 6D_IA: Orientation change detection status (0: No event detected, 1: A change in orientation has been detected) */
515   uint8_t sleepChangeState : 1;   /**< SLEEP_CHANGE_IA: Sleep change status (0: Sleep change not detected; 1: Sleep change detected) */
516   uint8_t notUsed01 : 1;          /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
517   uint8_t notUsed02 : 1;          /**< This bit must be set to 0 for proper operation of the device */
518 } ITDS_allInterruptEvents_t;
520 /**
521  * @brief CTRL_7_REG
522  *
523  * Address 0x3F
524  * Type  R/W
525  * Default value: 0x00
526  */
527 typedef struct
528 {
529   uint8_t lowPassOn6D : 1;         /**< 0: ODR/2 low pass filtered data sent to 6D interrupt function (default), 1: LPF_1 output data sent to 6D interrupt function */
530   uint8_t highPassRefMode : 1;     /**< HP_REF_MODE: Enables high-pass filter reference mode. Default: 0 (0: high-pass filter reference mode disabled, 1: high-pass filter reference mode enabled) */
531   uint8_t userOffset : 1;          /**< USR_OFF_W: Defines the selection of weight of the user offset words specified by X_OFS_USR[7:0], Y_OFS_USR[7:0] and Z_OFS_USR[7:0] bits (0:977 µg/LSB, 1: 15.6 mg/LSB) */
532   uint8_t applyWakeUpOffset : 1;   /**< USR_OFF_ON_WU: Enable application of user offset value to data for wake-up function only */
533   uint8_t applyOffset : 1;         /**< USR_OFF_ON_OUT: Enable application of user offset value to output data registers. FDS: bit in CTRL_6 (0x25) must be set to ’0’-logic (low-pass path selected) */
534   uint8_t enInterrupts : 1;        /**< INTERRUPTS_ENABLE: Enable interrupts */
535   uint8_t INT1toINT0 : 1;          /**< INT1_ON_INT0: Defines signal routing (0: normal mode, 1: all signals available only on INT_1 are routed to INT_0) */
536   uint8_t drdyPulse : 1;           /**< DRDY_PULSED: Switches between latched and pulsed mode for data ready interrupt (0: latched mode is used, 1: pulsed mode enabled for data-ready) */
538 } ITDS_ctrl7_t;
541 /*         Functional type definitions         */
543 typedef enum
544 {
545   ITDS_disable = 0,
546   ITDS_enable = 1
547 } ITDS_state_t;
549 typedef enum
550 {
551   ITDS_positive = 0,
552   ITDS_negative = 1
553 } ITDS_tapSign_t;
555 typedef enum
556 {
557   ITDS_odr0 = 0,    /**< Power down */
558                 /**< High performance   Normal mode   Low power mode */
559   ITDS_odr1 = 1,    /**< 12.5 Hz              12.5 Hz        1.6 Hz      */
560   ITDS_odr2 = 2,    /**< 12.5 Hz              12.5 Hz        12.5 Hz     */
561   ITDS_odr3 = 3,    /**< 25 Hz                25 Hz          25 Hz       */
562   ITDS_odr4 = 4,    /**< 50 Hz                50 Hz          50 Hz       */
563   ITDS_odr5 = 5,    /**< 100 Hz               100 Hz         100 Hz      */
564   ITDS_odr6 = 6,    /**< 200 Hz               200 Hz         200 Hz      */
565   ITDS_odr7 = 7,    /**< 400 Hz               200 Hz         200 Hz      */
566   ITDS_odr8 = 8,    /**< 800 Hz               800 Hz         200 Hz      */
567   ITDS_odr9 = 9     /**< 1600Hz               1600Hz         200 Hz      */
568 } ITDS_outputDataRate_t;
570 typedef enum
571 {
572   ITDS_normalOrLowPower = 0,
573   ITDS_highPerformance = 1,
574   ITDS_singleConversion = 2
575 } ITDS_operatingMode_t;
577 typedef enum
578 {
579   ITDS_lowPower = 0,
580   ITDS_normalMode = 1
581 } ITDS_powerMode_t;
583 typedef enum
584 {
585   ITDS_off = 0,
586   ITDS_positiveAxis = 1,
587   ITDS_negativeAxis = 2
588 } ITDS_selfTestConfig_t;
590 typedef enum
591 {
592   ITDS_pushPull = 0,
593   ITDS_openDrain = 1
594 } ITDS_interruptPinConfig_t;
596 typedef enum
597 {
598   ITDS_activeHigh = 0,
599   ITDS_activeLow = 1
600 } ITDS_interruptActiveLevel_t;
602 typedef enum
603 {
604   ITDS_externalTrigger = 0,     /**< Triggered by external signal on INT_1 */
605   ITDS_registerTrigger = 1      /**< Triggered by writing register (SLP_MODE_1 = 1) */
606 } ITDS_singleDataConversionTrigger_t;
608 typedef enum
609 {
610   ITDS_outputDataRate_2 = 0,    /**< ODR/2 (except for ODR = 1600 Hz, 400 Hz) */
611   ITDS_outputDataRate_4 = 1,    /**< ODR/4 (High pass / Low pass filter) */
612   ITDS_outputDataRate_10 = 2,   /**< ODR/10 (High pass / Low pass filter) */
613   ITDS_outputDataRate_20 = 3    /**< ODR/20 (High pass / Low pass filter) */
614 } ITDS_bandwidth_t;
616 typedef enum
617 {
618   ITDS_twoG = 0,      /**< ±2g */
619   ITDS_fourG = 1,     /**< ±4g */
620   ITDS_eightG = 2,    /**< ±8g */
621   ITDS_sixteenG = 3   /**< ±16g */
622 } ITDS_fullScale_t;
624 typedef enum
625 {
626   ITDS_lowPass = 0,
627   ITDS_highPass = 1
628 } ITDS_filterType_t;
630 typedef enum
631 {
632   ITDS_bypassMode = 0,
633   ITDS_fifoEnabled = 1,
634   ITDS_continuousToFifo = 3,
635   ITDS_bypassToContinuous = 4,
636   ITDS_continuousMode = 6
637 } ITDS_FifoMode_t;
639 typedef enum
640 {
641   ITDS_eightyDeg = 0,   /**< 6 (80 degrees) */
642   ITDS_seventyDeg = 1,  /**< 11 (70 degrees) */
643   ITDS_sixtyDeg = 2,    /**< 16 (60 degrees) */
644   ITDS_fiftyDeg = 3     /**< 21 (50 degrees) */
645 } ITDS_thresholdDegree_t;
647 typedef enum
648 {
649   ITDS_X_Y_Z = 0,
650   ITDS_Y_X_Z = 1,
651   ITDS_X_Z_Y = 2,
652   ITDS_Z_Y_X = 3,
653   ITDS_Y_Z_X = 5,
654   ITDS_Z_X_Y = 6
655 } ITDS_tapAxisPriority_t;
657 typedef enum
658 {
659   ITDS_five = 0,
660   ITDS_seven = 1,
661   ITDS_eight = 2,
662   ITDS_ten = 3,
663   ITDS_eleven = 4,
664   ITDS_thirteen = 5,
665   ITDS_fifteen = 6,
666   ITDS_sixteen = 7,
667 } ITDS_FreeFallThreshold_t;
669 typedef enum
670 {
671   ITDS_latched = 0,
672   ITDS_pulsed = 1
673 } ITDS_drdyPulse_t;
677 #ifdef __cplusplus
678 extern "C"
679 {
680 #endif
682   /*         Function definitions         */
684   int8_t ITDS_getDefaultInterface(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface);
686   int8_t ITDS_getDeviceID(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *deviceID);
688   /* CTRL-REG 1 */
689   int8_t ITDS_setOutputDataRate(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_outputDataRate_t odr);
690   int8_t ITDS_getOutputDataRate(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_outputDataRate_t *odr);
691   int8_t ITDS_setOperatingMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_operatingMode_t opMode);
692   int8_t ITDS_getOperatingMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_operatingMode_t *opMode);
693   int8_t ITDS_setPowerMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_powerMode_t powerMode);
694   int8_t ITDS_getPowerMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_powerMode_t *powerMode);
696   /* CTRL-REG 2 */
697   int8_t ITDS_reboot(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t reboot);
698   int8_t ITDS_isRebooting(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *rebooting);
699   int8_t ITDS_softReset(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t swReset);
700   int8_t ITDS_getSoftResetState(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *swReset);
701   int8_t ITDS_setCSPullUpDisconnected(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t disconnectPU);
702   int8_t ITDS_isCSPullUpDisconnected(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *puDisconnected);
703   int8_t ITDS_enableBlockDataUpdate(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t bdu);
704   int8_t ITDS_isBlockDataUpdateEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *bdu);
705   int8_t ITDS_enableAutoIncrement(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t autoIncr);
706   int8_t ITDS_isAutoIncrementEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *autoIncr);
707   int8_t ITDS_disableI2CInterface(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t i2cDisable);
708   int8_t ITDS_isI2CInterfaceDisabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *i2cDisabled);
710   /* CTRL-REG 3 */
711   int8_t ITDS_setSelfTestMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_selfTestConfig_t selfTest);
712   int8_t ITDS_getSelfTestMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_selfTestConfig_t *selfTest);
713   int8_t ITDS_setInterruptPinType(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_interruptPinConfig_t pinType);
714   int8_t ITDS_getInterruptPinType(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_interruptPinConfig_t *pinType);
715   int8_t ITDS_enableLatchedInterrupt(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t lir);
716   int8_t ITDS_isLatchedInterruptEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *lir);
717   int8_t ITDS_setInterruptActiveLevel(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_interruptActiveLevel_t level);
718   int8_t ITDS_getInterruptActiveLevel(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_interruptActiveLevel_t *level);
719   int8_t ITDS_startSingleDataConversion(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t start);
720   int8_t ITDS_isSingleDataConversionStarted(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *start);
721   int8_t ITDS_setSingleDataConversionTrigger(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_singleDataConversionTrigger_t conversionTrigger);
722   int8_t ITDS_getSingleDataConversionTrigger(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_singleDataConversionTrigger_t *conversionTrigger);
724   /* CTRL-REG 4 */
725   int8_t ITDS_enable6DOnINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int06D);
726   int8_t ITDS_is6DOnINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int06D);
727   int8_t ITDS_enableSingleTapINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0SingleTap);
728   int8_t ITDS_isSingleTapINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0SingleTap);
729   int8_t ITDS_enableWakeUpOnINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0WakeUp);
730   int8_t ITDS_isWakeUpOnINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0WakeUp);
731   int8_t ITDS_enableFreeFallINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0FreeFall);
732   int8_t ITDS_isFreeFallINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0FreeFall);
733   int8_t ITDS_enableDoubleTapINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0DoubleTap);
734   int8_t ITDS_isDoubleTapINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0DoubleTap);
735   int8_t ITDS_enableFifoFullINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0FifoFull);
736   int8_t ITDS_isFifoFullINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0FifoFull);
737   int8_t ITDS_enableFifoThresholdINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0FifoThreshold);
738   int8_t ITDS_isFifoThresholdINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0FifoThreshold);
739   int8_t ITDS_enableDataReadyINT0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int0DataReady);
740   int8_t ITDS_isDataReadyINT0Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int0DataReady);
742   /* CTRL-REG 5 */
743   int8_t ITDS_enableSleepStatusINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1SleepStatus);
744   int8_t ITDS_isSleepStatusINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1SleepStatus);
745   int8_t ITDS_enableSleepStatusChangeINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1SleepChange);
746   int8_t ITDS_isSleepStatusChangeINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1SleepChange);
747   int8_t ITDS_enableBootStatusINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1Boot);
748   int8_t ITDS_isBootStatusINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1Boot);
749   int8_t ITDS_enableTempDataReadyINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1TempDataReady);
750   int8_t ITDS_isTempDataReadyINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1TempDataReady);
751   int8_t ITDS_enableFifoOverrunIntINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1FifoOverrun);
752   int8_t ITDS_isFifoOverrunIntINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1FifoOverrun);
753   int8_t ITDS_enableFifoFullINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1FifoFull);
754   int8_t ITDS_isFifoFullINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1FifoFull);
755   int8_t ITDS_enableFifoThresholdINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1FifoThresholdInt);
756   int8_t ITDS_isFifoThresholdINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1FifoThresholdInt);
757   int8_t ITDS_enableDataReadyINT1(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1DataReadyInt);
758   int8_t ITDS_isDataReadyINT1Enabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1DataReadyInt);
760   /* CTRL-REG 6 */
761   int8_t ITDS_setFilteringCutoff(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_bandwidth_t filteringCutoff);
762   int8_t ITDS_getFilteringCutoff(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_bandwidth_t *filteringCutoff);
763   int8_t ITDS_setFullScale(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_fullScale_t fullScale);
764   int8_t ITDS_getFullScale(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_fullScale_t *fullScale);
765   int8_t ITDS_setFilterPath(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_filterType_t filterType);
766   int8_t ITDS_getFilterPath(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_filterType_t *filterType);
767   int8_t ITDS_enableLowNoise(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t lowNoise);
768   int8_t ITDS_isLowNoiseEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *lowNoise);
770   /* Status */
771   /* Note: The status register is partially duplicated to the STATUS_DETECT register. */
772   int8_t ITDS_getStatusRegister(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_status_t *status);
773   int8_t ITDS_isAccelerationDataReady(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *dataReady);
774   int8_t ITDS_getSingleTapState(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *singleTap);
775   int8_t ITDS_getDoubleTapState(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *doubleTap);
776   int8_t ITDS_getSleepState(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *sleepState);
778   /* Acceleration output */
779   int8_t ITDS_getRawAccelerationX(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *xRawAcc);
780   int8_t ITDS_getRawAccelerationY(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *yRawAcc);
781   int8_t ITDS_getRawAccelerationZ(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *zRawAcc);
782   int8_t ITDS_getRawAccelerations(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t numSamples,
783                                   int16_t *xRawAcc,
784                                   int16_t *yRawAcc,
785                                   int16_t *zRawAcc);
787   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerationX_float(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, float *xAcc);
788   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerationY_float(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, float *yAcc);
789   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerationZ_float(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, float *zAcc);
790   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerations_float(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t numSamples,
791                                      float *xAcc,
792                                      float *yAcc,
793                                      float *zAcc);
795   float ITDS_convertAcceleration_float(int16_t acc, ITDS_fullScale_t fullScale);
796   float ITDS_convertAccelerationFs2g_float(int16_t acc);
797   float ITDS_convertAccelerationFs4g_float(int16_t acc);
798   float ITDS_convertAccelerationFs8g_float(int16_t acc);
799   float ITDS_convertAccelerationFs16g_float(int16_t acc);
801   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerationX_int(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *xAcc);
802   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerationY_int(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *yAcc);
803   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerationZ_int(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *zAcc);
804   int8_t ITDS_getAccelerations_int(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t numSamples,
805                                    int16_t *xAcc,
806                                    int16_t *yAcc,
807                                    int16_t *zAcc);
809   int16_t ITDS_convertAcceleration_int(int16_t acc, ITDS_fullScale_t fullScale);
810   int16_t ITDS_convertAccelerationFs2g_int(int16_t acc);
811   int16_t ITDS_convertAccelerationFs4g_int(int16_t acc);
812   int16_t ITDS_convertAccelerationFs8g_int(int16_t acc);
813   int16_t ITDS_convertAccelerationFs16g_int(int16_t acc);
815   /* Temperature output */
816   int8_t ITDS_getTemperature8bit(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *temp8bit);
817   int8_t ITDS_getRawTemperature12bit(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int16_t *temp12bit);
818   int8_t ITDS_getTemperature12bit(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, float *tempDegC);
820   /* FIFO CTRL */
821   int8_t ITDS_setFifoMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_FifoMode_t fifoMode);
822   int8_t ITDS_getFifoMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_FifoMode_t *fifoMode);
823   int8_t ITDS_setFifoThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t fifoThreshold);
824   int8_t ITDS_getFifoThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *fifoThreshold);
826   /* FIFO_SAMPLES */
827   int8_t ITDS_getFifoSamplesRegister(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_fifoSamples_t *fifoSamplesStatus);
828   int8_t ITDS_isFifoThresholdReached(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *fifoThr);
829   int8_t ITDS_getFifoOverrunState(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *fifoOverrun);
830   int8_t ITDS_getFifoFillLevel(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *fifoFill);
832   /* TAP_X_TH */
833   int8_t ITDS_enable4DDetection(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t detection4D);
834   int8_t ITDS_is4DDetectionEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *detection4D);
835   int8_t ITDS_setTapThresholdX(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t tapThresholdX);
836   int8_t ITDS_getTapThresholdX(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *tapThresholdX);
837   int8_t ITDS_set6DThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_thresholdDegree_t threshold6D);
838   int8_t ITDS_get6DThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_thresholdDegree_t *threshold6D);
840   /* TAP_Y_TH */
841   int8_t ITDS_setTapThresholdY(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t tapThresholdY);
842   int8_t ITDS_getTapThresholdY(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *tapThresholdY);
843   int8_t ITDS_setTapAxisPriority(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_tapAxisPriority_t priority);
844   int8_t ITDS_getTapAxisPriority(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_tapAxisPriority_t *priority);
846   /* TAP_Z_TH */
847   int8_t ITDS_setTapThresholdZ(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t tapThresholdZ);
848   int8_t ITDS_getTapThresholdZ(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *tapThresholdZ);
849   int8_t ITDS_enableTapX(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t tapX);
850   int8_t ITDS_isTapXEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapX);
851   int8_t ITDS_enableTapY(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t tapY);
852   int8_t ITDS_isTapYEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapY);
853   int8_t ITDS_enableTapZ(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t tapZ);
854   int8_t ITDS_isTapZEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapZ);
856   /* INT_DUR */
857   int8_t ITDS_setTapLatencyTime(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t latencyTime);
858   int8_t ITDS_getTapLatencyTime(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *latencyTime);
859   int8_t ITDS_setTapQuietTime(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t quietTime);
860   int8_t ITDS_getTapQuietTime(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *quietTime);
861   int8_t ITDS_setTapShockTime(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t shockTime);
862   int8_t ITDS_getTapShockTime(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *shockTime);
864   /* WAKE_UP_TH */
865   int8_t ITDS_enableDoubleTapEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t doubleTap);
866   int8_t ITDS_isDoubleTapEventEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *doubleTap);
867   int8_t ITDS_enableInactivityDetection(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t inactivity);
868   int8_t ITDS_isInactivityDetectionEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *inactivity);
869   int8_t ITDS_setWakeUpThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t wakeUpThresh);
870   int8_t ITDS_getWakeUpThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *wakeUpThresh);
872   /* WAKE_UP_DUR */
873   int8_t ITDS_setFreeFallDurationMSB(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t freeFallDurationMsb);
874   int8_t ITDS_getFreeFallDurationMSB(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *freeFallDurationMsb);
875   int8_t ITDS_setWakeUpDuration(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t duration);
876   int8_t ITDS_getWakeUpDuration(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *duration);
877   int8_t ITDS_enableStationaryDetection(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t stationary);
878   int8_t ITDS_isStationaryDetectionEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *stationary);
879   int8_t ITDS_setSleepDuration(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t duration);
880   int8_t ITDS_getSleepDuration(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *duration);
882   /* FREE_FALL */
883   int8_t ITDS_setFreeFallDuration(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t freeFallDuration);
884   int8_t ITDS_getFreeFallDuration(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *freeFallDuration);
885   int8_t ITDS_setFreeFallDurationLSB(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t freeFallDurationLsb);
886   int8_t ITDS_getFreeFallDurationLSB(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, uint8_t *freeFallDurationLsb);
887   int8_t ITDS_setFreeFallThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_FreeFallThreshold_t threshold);
888   int8_t ITDS_getFreeFallThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_FreeFallThreshold_t *threshold);
890   /* STATUS_DETECT */
891   /* Note: Most of the status bits are already covered by the STATUS_REG register. */
892   int8_t ITDS_getStatusDetectRegister(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_statusDetect_t *statusDetect);
893   int8_t ITDS_isTemperatureDataReady(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *dataReady);
895   /* WAKE_UP_EVENT */
896   int8_t ITDS_getWakeUpEventRegister(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_wakeUpEvent_t *status);
897   int8_t ITDS_isWakeUpXEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *wakeUpX);
898   int8_t ITDS_isWakeUpYEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *wakeUpY);
899   int8_t ITDS_isWakeUpZEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *wakeUpZ);
900   int8_t ITDS_isWakeUpEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *wakeUpState);
901   int8_t ITDS_isFreeFallEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *freeFall);
903   /* TAP_EVENT */
904   int8_t ITDS_getTapEventRegister(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_tapEvent_t *status);
905   int8_t ITDS_isTapEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapEventState);
906   int8_t ITDS_getTapSign(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_tapSign_t *tapSign);
907   int8_t ITDS_isTapEventXAxis(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapXAxis);
908   int8_t ITDS_isTapEventYAxis(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapYAxis);
909   int8_t ITDS_isTapEventZAxis(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *tapZAxis);
912   /* 6D_EVENT */
913   int8_t ITDS_get6dEventRegister(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_6dEvent_t *status);
914   int8_t ITDS_has6dOrientationChanged(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *orientationChanged);
915   int8_t ITDS_isXLOverThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *xlOverThreshold);
916   int8_t ITDS_isXHOverThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *xhOverThreshold);
917   int8_t ITDS_isYLOverThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *ylOverThreshold);
918   int8_t ITDS_isYHOverThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *yhOverThreshold);
919   int8_t ITDS_isZLOverThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *zlOverThreshold);
920   int8_t ITDS_isZHOverThreshold(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *zhOverThreshold);
922   /* ALL_INT_EVENT */
923   int8_t ITDS_getAllInterruptEvents(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_allInterruptEvents_t *events);
924   int8_t ITDS_isSleepChangeEvent(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *sleep);
926   /* X_Y_Z_OFS_USR */
927   int8_t ITDS_setOffsetValueX(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int8_t offsetValueXAxis);
928   int8_t ITDS_getOffsetValueX(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int8_t *offsetValueXAxis);
929   int8_t ITDS_setOffsetValueY(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int8_t offsetValueYAxis);
930   int8_t ITDS_getOffsetValueY(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int8_t *offsetValueYAxis);
931   int8_t ITDS_setOffsetValueZ(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int8_t offsetValueZAxis);
932   int8_t ITDS_getOffsetValueZ(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, int8_t *offsetValueZAxis);
934   /* CTRL_7 */
935   int8_t ITDS_setDataReadyPulsed(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_drdyPulse_t drdyPulsed);
936   int8_t ITDS_isDataReadyPulsed(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_drdyPulse_t *drdyPulsed);
937   int8_t ITDS_setInt1OnInt0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t int1OnInt0);
938   int8_t ITDS_getInt1OnInt0(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *int1OnInt0);
939   int8_t ITDS_enableInterrupts(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t interrupts);
940   int8_t ITDS_areInterruptsEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *interrupts);
941   int8_t ITDS_enableApplyOffset(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t applyOffset);
942   int8_t ITDS_isApplyOffsetEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *applyOffset);
943   int8_t ITDS_enableApplyWakeUpOffset(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t applyOffset);
944   int8_t ITDS_isApplyWakeUpOffsetEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *applyOffset);
946   int8_t ITDS_setOffsetWeight(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t offsetWeight);
947   int8_t ITDS_getOffsetWeight(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *offsetWeight);
949   int8_t ITDS_enableHighPassRefMode(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t refMode);
950   int8_t ITDS_isHighPassRefModeEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *refMode);
952   int8_t ITDS_enableLowPassOn6D(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t lowPassOn6D);
953   int8_t ITDS_isLowPassOn6DEnabled(WE_sensorInterface_t* sensorInterface, ITDS_state_t *lowPassOn6D);
955 #ifdef __cplusplus
956 }
957 #endif
959 #endif /* _WSEN_ITDS_H */