1.. zephyr:board:: linum 2 3Overview 4******** 5Linum is a development board released by Witte Tenology in 2023, and it was developed around the 6STM32H753BI microcontroller. The board has 2 expansion connectors used by the LCD display with 7touchscreen and another for access to other peripherals of microcontroller. Also it brings plenty 8of communications interfaces like UART with RS232 and RS485 capabillities, CAN bus compatible to 9FD standard, and networking over Ethernet. 10 11Hardware 12******** 13 14The board features: 15 - 8 to 52V power supply 16 - SWD Pins for use as STLink (Pin header) and TC2030-IDC 6-Pin Tag-Connect Plug-of-Nails™ Connector 17 - Crystal for HS 25MHz 18 - Crystal for RTC 32.768KHz 19 - 1 UART serial for debug 20 - 1 Led RGB 21 - 1 Buzzer without internal oscillator 22 - 1 Mono audio up to 3W 23 - 1 Ethernet 10/100 24 - 1 MicroSD connector supporting 1 or 4-bit bus 25 - 1 USB 2.0 Host/Device 26 - 1 EEPROM memory with 512K bits 27 - 1 External SRAM memory with 8MB 28 - 1 NOR memory with 16MB 29 - 2 On-board RS232 Transceiver with RTS/CTS 30 - 2 On-board RS485 Transceiver 31 - 2 On-board CAN-FD Transceiver 32 33Expansion connector 1 features: 34 - 1 Display RBG 888 35 - 1 Capacitive Touchscreen sensor 36 37Expansion connector 2 features. 38 - 1 SPI 39 - 1 I2C 40 - 1 One Wire 41 - 2 DACs 42 - 6 PWM Channels 43 - 10 ADCs 44 45More information about the board, can be found at the `Witte Linum website`_. 46 47Supported Features 48================== 49 50.. zephyr:board-supported-hw:: 51 52Default Zephyr Peripheral Mapping: 53---------------------------------- 54 55 56BOARD-LEDs 57---------- 58 59The LINUM-STM32H753BI has 3 software controllable LEDs. 60 61 ======= ===== 62 LED RGB PINS 63 ======= ===== 64 LED_R PG2 65 LED_G PG3 66 LED_B PB2 67 ======= ===== 68 69UART/USART 70---------- 71 72The LINUM-STM32H753BI used the USART1 for serial console. 73 74USART1 75------ 76 77 ====== ===== 78 USART1 PINS 79 ====== ===== 80 TX PB14 81 RX PB15 82 ====== ===== 83 84The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has two on-board RS-232 transceiver connected to USART2 and USART3. 85 86 ====== ===== 87 USART2 PINS 88 ====== ===== 89 TXD PD5 90 RXD PD6 91 CTS PD3 92 RTS PD4 93 ====== ===== 94 95 ====== ===== 96 USART3 PINS 97 ====== ===== 98 TXD PB10 99 RXD PB11 100 CTS PD11 101 RTS PD12 102 ====== ===== 103 104The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has two on-board RS-485 transceiver connected to USART4 and USART6. 105 106 ====== ===== 107 UART4 PINS 108 ====== ===== 109 TXD PB9 110 RXD PB8 111 DE PA15 112 ====== ===== 113 114 ====== ===== 115 USART6 PINS 116 ====== ===== 117 TXD PC6 118 RXD PC7 119 DE PG12 120 ====== ===== 121 122SDMMC 123----- 124 125The LINUM-STM32H753BI has one SDCard slot connected as below: 126 127 ========== ===== 128 SDMMC1 PINS 129 ========== ===== 130 SDMMC_D0 PC8 131 SDMMC_D1 PC9 132 SDMMC_D2 PC10 133 SDMMC_D3 PC11 134 SDMMC_DK PC12 135 ========== ===== 136 137 =============== ===== 138 GPIO PINS 139 =============== ===== 140 SDCARD_DETECTED PG7 141 SDCARD_PWR_EN PD7 142 =============== ===== 143 144ETHERNET 145-------- 146 147The LINUM-STM32H753BI has a ethernet connection using the transceiver KSZ8081RNACA. 148 149 ============ ===== 150 ETH PINS 151 ============ ===== 152 ETH_REF_CLK PA1 153 ETH_MDIO PA2 154 ETH_CRS_DV PA7 155 ETH_MDC PC1 156 ETH_RXD0 PC4 157 ETH_RXD1 PC5 158 ETH_TX_EN PG11 159 ETH_TXD0 PG13 160 ETH_TXD1 PG14 161 ETH_CLK PA8 162 ETH_RESET PI4 163 ============ ===== 164 165CAN-FD 166------ 167 168The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has two on-board CAN-FD transceiver connected to FDCAN1 and FDCAN2. 169 170 ====== ===== 171 FDCAN1 PINS 172 ====== ===== 173 TXD PH13 174 RXD PH14 175 STD PI2 176 ====== ===== 177 178 ====== ===== 179 FDCAN2 PINS 180 ====== ===== 181 TXD PB13 182 RXD PB12 183 STD PE3 184 ====== ===== 185 186USB 187--- 188 189The LINUM-STM32H753BI has one usb port. 190 191 ========= ===== 192 USB PINS 193 ========= ===== 194 USB_VBUS PA9 195 USB_N PA11 196 USB_P PA12 197 USB_EN PI12 198 USB_FLT PI13 199 ========= ===== 200 201I2C3 202---- 203The LINUM-STM32H753BI connects the EEPROM memory and the touchscreen sensor to I2C3. 204 205 ====== ===== 206 I2C3 PINS 207 ====== ===== 208 SCL PH7 209 SDA PH8 210 ====== ===== 211 212External SDRAM 213-------------- 214The LINUM-STM32H753BI has a external SDRAM with 8Mbytes connected to FMC peripheral. 215 216 =========== ===== 217 FMC PINS 218 =========== ===== 219 FMC_A0 PF0 220 FMC_A1 PF1 221 FMC_A2 PF2 222 FMC_A3 PF3 223 FMC_A4 PF4 224 FMC_A5 PF5 225 FMC_A6 PF12 226 FMC_A7 PF13 227 FMC_A8 PF14 228 FMC_A9 PF15 229 FMC_A10 PG0 230 FMC_A11 PG1 231 FMC_BA0 PG4 232 FMC_BA1 PG5 233 FMC_D0 PD14 234 FMC_D1 PD15 235 FMC_D2 PD0 236 FMC_D3 PD1 237 FMC_D4 PE7 238 FMC_D5 PE8 239 FMC_D6 PE9 240 FMC_D7 PE10 241 FMC_D8 PE11 242 FMC_D9 PE12 243 FMC_D10 PE13 244 FMC_D11 PE14 245 FMC_D12 PE15 246 FMC_D13 PD8 247 FMC_D14 PD9 248 FMC_D15 PD10 249 FMC_NBL0 PE0 250 FMC_NBL1 PE1 251 FMC_SDCKE0 PC3 252 FMC_SDCLK PG8 253 FMC_SDNCAS PG15 254 FMC_SDNEO PC2 255 FMC_SDNRAS PF11 256 FMC_SDNWE PC0 257 =========== ===== 258 259LCD 260--- 261The LINUM-STM32H753BI use the LTDC to support one LCD with RGB connection. 262 263 ============= ===== 264 LTDC PINS 265 ============= ===== 266 LTDC_B0 PJ12 267 LTDC_B1 PJ13 268 LTDC_B2 PJ14 269 LTDC_B3 PJ15 270 LTDC_B4 PK3 271 LTDC_B5 PK4 272 LTDC_B6 PK5 273 LTDC_B7 PK6 274 LTDC_CLK PI14 275 LTDC_DE PK7 276 LTDC_G0 PJ7 277 LTDC_G1 PJ8 278 LTDC_G2 PJ9 279 LTDC_G3 PJ10 280 LTDC_G4 PJ11 281 LTDC_G5 PK0 282 LTDC_G6 PK1 283 LTDC_G7 PK2 284 LTDC_HSYNC PI10 285 LTDC_R0 PI15 286 LTDC_R1 PJ0 287 LTDC_R2 PJ1 288 LTDC_R3 PJ2 289 LTDC_R4 PJ3 290 LTDC_R5 PJ4 291 LTDC_R6 PJ5 292 LTDC_R7 PJ6 293 LTDC_VSYNC PI9 294 PWM_BACKLIGHT PH6 295 ============= ===== 296 297System Clock 298------------ 299 300Linum H753ZI System Clock could be driven by an internal or external 301oscillator, as well as the main PLL clock. By default, the System clock is 302driven by the PLL clock at 480MHz, driven by an 25MHz high-speed external clock. 303 304 305Programming and Debugging 306************************* 307 308Applications for the ``linum`` board configuration can be built and 309flashed in the usual way (see :ref:`build_an_application` and 310:ref:`application_run` for more details). 311 312.. note:: 313 314 For debugging or programming Linum you will need to use an external debug 315 debug or flash tool and connect it to the SWD Connnector. JLink or ST-Link 316 probes are examples of out of the box compatible tools. 317 318Flashing 319======== 320 321Flashing an application to the Linum board 322------------------------------------------- 323 324Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. 325 326Run a serial host program to connect with your Nucleo board. 327 328.. code-block:: console 329 330 $ minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyACM0 331 332Build and flash the application: 333 334.. zephyr-app-commands:: 335 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 336 :board: linum 337 :goals: build flash 338 339You should see the following message on the console: 340 341.. code-block:: console 342 343 $ Hello World! linum 344 345Debugging 346========= 347 348You can debug an application in the usual way. Here is an example for the 349:zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. 350 351.. zephyr-app-commands:: 352 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world 353 :board: linum 354 :maybe-skip-config: 355 :goals: debug 356 357.. _Witte Linum website: 358 https://wittetech.com/ 359