1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018-2021 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef __HAL_SPI_ADAPTER_H__
10 #define __HAL_SPI_ADAPTER_H__
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 /*!
14  * @addtogroup SPI_Adapter
15  * @{
16  */
18 /*******************************************************************************
19  * Definitions
20  ******************************************************************************/
21 /*! @brief Enable or disable Slave SPI DMA adapter mode (1 - enable, 0 - disable) */
24 #endif /* HAL_SPI_SLAVE_DMA_ENABLE */
26 /*! @brief Enable or disable master SPI DMA adapter mode (1 - enable, 0 - disable) */
29 #endif /* HAL_SPI_SLAVE_DMA_ENABLE */
31 /*! @brief Enable or disable slave SPI DMA adapter int mode (1 - enable, 0 - disable) */
36 /*! @brief Enable or disable master SPI DMA adapter int mode (1 - enable, 0 - disable) */
41 /*! @brief spi master handle size.*/
44 /*! @brief spi slave handle size.*/
48 /*! @brief spi master handle size.*/
50 /*!
51  * @brief Defines the SPI slave handle
52  *
53  * This macro is used to define the SPI slave handle.
54  * Then use "(hal_spi_slave_handle_t)name" to get the SPI slave handle.
55  *
56  * The macro should be global and could be optional. You could also define SPI slave handle by yourself.
57  *
58  * This is an example,
59  * @code
60  *   HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_DEFINE(spiMasterHandle);
61  * @endcode
62  *
63  * @param name The name string of the SPI slave handle.
64  */
66     uint32_t name[(HAL_SPI_SLAVE_DMA_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t)]
68 typedef void *hal_spi_slave_dma_handle_t;
70 #endif
73 /*! @brief spi master handle size.*/
76 /*!
77  * @brief Defines the SPI master handle
78  *
79  * This macro is used to define the SPI master handle.
80  * Then use "(hal_spi_master_handle_t)name" to get the SPI master handle.
81  *
82  * The macro should be global and could be optional. You could also define SPI master handle by yourself.
83  *
84  * This is an example,
85  * @code
86  *   HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(spiMasterHandle);
87  * @endcode
88  *
89  * @param name The name string of the SPI master handle.
90  */
92     uint32_t name[(HAL_SPI_MASTER_DMA_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t)]
94 typedef void *hal_spi_master_dma_handle_t;
96 #endif
98 /*! @brief Return status for the spi driver.*/
99 typedef enum _hal_spi_status
100 {
101     kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess = kStatus_Success,                      /*!< Successfully */
102     kStatus_HAL_SpiError   = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI, 1), /*!< spi error */
103     kStatus_HAL_SpiBusy    = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI, 2), /*!< spi bus is busy */
104     kStatus_HAL_SpiIdle    = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI, 3), /*!< spi is idle */
105 } hal_spi_status_t;
107 /*! @brief spi clock polarity configuration.*/
108 typedef enum _hal_spi_clock_polarity
109 {
110     kHAL_SpiClockPolarityActiveHigh = 0x0U, /*!< Active-high spi clock (idles low). */
111     kHAL_SpiClockPolarityActiveLow          /*!< Active-low spi clock (idles high). */
112 } hal_spi_clock_polarity_t;
114 /*! @brief spi clock phase configuration.*/
115 typedef enum _hal_spi_clock_phase
116 {
117     kHAL_SpiClockPhaseFirstEdge = 0x0U, /*!< First edge on SPSCK occurs at the middle of the first
118                                          *   cycle of a data transfer. */
119     kHAL_SpiClockPhaseSecondEdge        /*!< First edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the
120                                          *   first cycle of a data transfer. */
121 } hal_spi_clock_phase_t;
123 /*! @brief spi data shifter direction options.*/
124 typedef enum _hal_spi_shift_direction
125 {
126     kHAL_SpiMsbFirst = 0x0U, /*!< Data transfers start with most significant bit. */
127     kHAL_SpiLsbFirst         /*!< Data transfers start with least significant bit. */
128 } hal_spi_shift_direction_t;
130 /*! @brief spi master user configure structure.*/
131 typedef struct _hal_spi_master_config
132 {
133     uint32_t srcClock_Hz;                /*!< Clock source for spi in Hz */
134     uint32_t baudRate_Bps;               /*!< Baud Rate for spi in Hz */
135     hal_spi_clock_polarity_t polarity;   /*!< Clock polarity */
136     hal_spi_clock_phase_t phase;         /*!< Clock phase */
137     hal_spi_shift_direction_t direction; /*!< MSB or LSB */
138     uint8_t instance;                    /*!< Instance of the spi */
139     bool enableMaster;                   /*!< Enable spi at initialization time */
140 } hal_spi_master_config_t;
142 /*! @brief spi slave user configure structure.*/
143 typedef struct _hal_spi_slave_config
144 {
145     hal_spi_clock_polarity_t polarity;   /*!< Clock polarity */
146     hal_spi_clock_phase_t phase;         /*!< Clock phase */
147     hal_spi_shift_direction_t direction; /*!< MSB or LSB */
148     uint8_t instance;                    /*!< Instance of the spi */
149     bool enableSlave;                    /*!< Enable spi at initialization time */
150 } hal_spi_slave_config_t;
152 /*! @brief spi transfer structure */
153 typedef struct _hal_spi_transfer
154 {
155     uint8_t *txData; /*!< Send buffer */
156     uint8_t *rxData; /*!< Receive buffer */
157     size_t dataSize; /*!< Transfer bytes */
158     uint32_t flags;  /*!< spi control flag.*/
159 } hal_spi_transfer_t;
161 /*! @brief spi master handle.*/
162 typedef void *hal_spi_master_handle_t;
164 /*! @brief spi slave handle.*/
165 typedef void *hal_spi_slave_handle_t;
167 /*!
168  * @brief Defines the SPI master handle
169  *
170  * This macro is used to define the SPI master handle.
171  * Then use "(hal_spi_master_handle_t)name" to get the SPI master handle.
172  *
173  * The macro should be global and could be optional. You could also define SPI master handle by yourself.
174  *
175  * This is an example,
176  * @code
177  *   HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(spiMasterHandle);
178  * @endcode
179  *
180  * @param name The name string of the SPI master handle.
181  */
182 #define HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(name) \
183     uint32_t name[(HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t)]
185 /*!
186  * @brief Defines the SPI slave handle
187  *
188  * This macro is used to define the SPI slave handle.
189  * Then use "(hal_spi_slave_handle_t)name" to get the SPI slave handle.
190  *
191  * The macro should be global and could be optional. You could also define SPI slave handle by yourself.
192  *
193  * This is an example,
194  * @code
195  *   HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_DEFINE(spiSlaveHandle);
196  * @endcode
197  *
198  * @param name The name string of the SPI slave handle.
199  */
200 #define HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_DEFINE(name) \
201     uint32_t name[(HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t)]
203 /*! @brief spi master callback for finished transmit */
204 typedef void (*hal_spi_master_transfer_callback_t)(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle,
205                                                    hal_spi_status_t status,
206                                                    void *callbackParam);
208 /*! @brief spi slave callback for finished transmit */
209 typedef void (*hal_spi_slave_transfer_callback_t)(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle,
210                                                   hal_spi_status_t status,
211                                                   void *callbackParam);
212 #if (defined(HAL_SPI_SLAVE_DMA_ENABLE) && (HAL_SPI_SLAVE_DMA_ENABLE > 0U)) || \
214 typedef struct _dma_mux_configure_t
215 {
216     union
217     {
218         struct
219         {
220             uint8_t dma_mux_instance;
221             uint32_t rx_request;
222             uint32_t tx_request;
223         } dma_dmamux_configure;
224     };
225 } dma_mux_configure_t;
226 typedef struct _dma_channel_mux_configure_t
227 {
228     union
229     {
230         struct
231         {
232             uint32_t dma_rx_channel_mux;
233             uint32_t dma_tx_channel_mux;
234         } dma_dmamux_configure;
235     };
236 } dma_channel_mux_configure_t;
238 typedef struct _hal_spi_dma_config_t
239 {
240     uint8_t spi_instance;
241     uint8_t dma_instance;
242     uint8_t rx_channel;
243     uint8_t tx_channel;
244     void *dma_mux_configure;
245     void *dma_channel_mux_configure;
246 } hal_spi_dma_config_t;
247 #endif /* HAL_SPI_SLAVET_DMA_ENABLE */
249 #if defined(__cplusplus)
250 extern "C" {
251 #endif
253 /*******************************************************************************
254  * APIs
255  ******************************************************************************/
256 /*!
257  * @name Initialization and de-initialization
258  * @{
259  */
261 /*!
262  * @brief Initializes the spi with master configuration.
263  *
264  * This function configures the spi master with user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration
265  * structure. The parameter handle is a pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE
266  * allocated by the caller.
267  *
268  * Example below shows how to use this API to configure the SPI master.
269  * @code
270  *   HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(masterHandle);
271  *   hal_spi_master_config_t userConfig;
272  *   userConfig.polarity      = kHAL_SpiClockPolarityActiveHigh;
273  *   userConfig.phase         = kHAL_SpiClockPhaseFirstEdge;
274  *   userConfig.direction     = kHAL_SpiMsbFirst;
275  *   userConfig.baudRate_Bps  = 500000U;
276  *   userConfig.enableMaster  = true;
277  *   userConfig.srcClock_Hz   = 48000000;
278  *   userConfig.instance      = 0;
279  *   HAL_SpiMasterInit((hal_spi_master_handle_t)masterHandle, &userConfig);
280  * @endcode
281  *
282  * @param handle Pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE allocated by the caller.
283  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
284  * You can define the handle in the following two ways:
286  * or
287  * uint32_t handle[((HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))];
288  * @param config pointer to master configuration structure
289  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
290  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi master initialization succeed
291  *
292  */
293 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterInit(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle, const hal_spi_master_config_t *config);
295 /*!
296  * @brief Initializes the spi with slave configuration.
297  *
298  * This function configures the spi slave with user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration
299  * structure. The parameter handle is a pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE
300  * allocated by the caller.
301  * After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer.
302  *
303  * Example below shows how to use this API to configure the SPI slave.
304  * @code
305  *   HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(slaveHandle);
306  *   hal_spi_slave_config_t userConfig;
307  *   userConfig.polarity      = kHAL_SpiClockPolarityActiveHigh;
308  *   userConfig.phase         = kHAL_SpiClockPhaseFirstEdge;
309  *   userConfig.direction     = kHAL_SpiMsbFirst;
310  *   userConfig.instance      = 0;
311  *   userConfig.enableSlave   = true;
312  *   HAL_SpiSlaveInit((hal_spi_slave_handle_t)slaveHandle, &userConfig);
313  * @endcode
314  *
315  * @param handle Pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE allocated by the caller.
316  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
317  * You can define the handle in the following two ways:
319  * or
320  * uint32_t handle[((HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))];
321  * @param config pointer to slave configuration structure
322  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
323  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi slave initialization succeed
324  */
325 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveInit(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle, const hal_spi_slave_config_t *config);
327 /*!
328  * @brief De-initializes the spi master.
329  *
330  * De-initializes the spi master.
331  * The spi master can't work unless calling the HAL_SpiMasterInit to initialize module.
332  *
333  * @param handle spi master handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
334  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi master de-initialization succeed
335  */
336 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterDeinit(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle);
338 /*!
339  * @brief De-initializes the spi slave.
340  *
341  * De-initializes the spi slave.
342  * The spi slave can't work unless calling the HAL_SpiSlaveInit to initialize module.
343  *
344  * @param handle spi slave handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
345  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi slave de-initialization succeed
346  */
347 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveDeinit(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle);
349 /*! @} */
351 /*!
352  * @name Transactional
353  * @{
354  */
356 /*!
357  * @brief Installs a callback and callback parameter.
358  *
359  * This function is used to install the callback and callback parameter for spi master module.
360  * When any status of the spi master changed, the driver will notify the upper layer by the installed callback
361  * function. And the status is also passed as status parameter when the callback is called.
362  *
363  * @param handle spi master handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
364  * @param callback Callback function.
365  * @param callbackParam The parameter of the callback function.
366  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi master handle created
367  */
368 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterTransferInstallCallback(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle,
369                                                       hal_spi_master_transfer_callback_t callback,
370                                                       void *callbackParam);
372 /*!
373  * @brief Transfers a block of data using a polling method.
374  *
375  * @param handle spi master handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
376  * @param xfer pointer to hal_spi_transfer_t structure
377  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
378  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Successfully sent all data.
379  */
380 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterTransferBlocking(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle, hal_spi_transfer_t *xfer);
382 /*!
383  * @brief Performs a non-blocking spi interrupt transfer.
384  *
385  * @note If spi transfer data frame size is 16 bits, the transfer size cannot be an odd number.
386  *
387  * @param handle spi master handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
388  * @param xfer pointer to hal_spi_transfer_t structure
389  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
390  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiBusy spi is not idle, is running another transfer.
391  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Successfully start the data transmission.
392  */
393 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterTransferNonBlocking(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle, hal_spi_transfer_t *xfer);
395 /*!
396  * @brief Gets the bytes of the spi interrupt transferred.
397  *
398  * @param handle spi master handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
399  * @param spiCount Transferred bytes of spi master.
400  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
401  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Succeed get the transfer count.
402  */
403 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterTransferGetCount(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle, size_t *spiCount);
405 /*!
406  * @brief Aborts an spi transfer using interrupt.
407  *
408  * @param handle spi master handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
409  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Succeed abort the transfer.
410  */
411 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterTransferAbort(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle);
413 /*!
414  * @brief Installs a callback and callback parameter.
415  *
416  * This function is used to install the callback and callback parameter for spi slave module.
417  * When any status of the spi slave changed, the driver will notify the upper layer by the installed callback
418  * function. And the status is also passed as status parameter when the callback is called.
419  *
420  * @param handle spi slave handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
421  * @param callback Callback function.
422  * @param callbackParam The parameter of the callback function.
423  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi slave handle created
424  */
425 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveTransferInstallCallback(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle,
426                                                      hal_spi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback,
427                                                      void *callbackParam);
429 /*!
430  * @brief Performs a non-blocking spi slave interrupt transfer.
431  *
432  * @note If spi transfer data frame size is 16 bits, the transfer size cannot be an odd number.
433  *
434  * @param handle spi slave handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
435  * @param xfer pointer to hal_spi_xfer_config_t structure
436  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Successfully start a transfer.
437  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
438  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiBusy spi is not idle, is running another transfer.
439  */
440 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveTransferNonBlocking(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle, hal_spi_transfer_t *xfer);
442 /*!
443  * @brief Gets the bytes of the spi interrupt transferred.
444  *
445  * @param handle spi slave handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
446  * @param spiCount Transferred bytes of spi slave.
447  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Succeed get the transfer count.
448  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
449  */
450 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveTransferGetCount(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle, size_t *spiCount);
452 /*!
453  * @brief Aborts an spi slave transfer using interrupt.
454  *
455  * @param handle spi slave handle pointer, this should be a static variable.
456  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess Succeed abort the transfer.
457  */
458 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveTransferAbort(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle);
461 /*!
462  * @brief Initializes the spi with slave configuration.
463  *
464  * This function configures the spi slave with user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration
465  * structure. The parameter handle is a pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE
466  * allocated by the caller.
467  * After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer.
468  *
469  * Example below shows how to use this API to configure the SPI slave.
470  * @code
471  *   HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(slaveHandle);
472  *   hal_spi_slave_config_t userConfig;
473  *   userConfig.polarity      = kHAL_SpiClockPolarityActiveHigh;
474  *   userConfig.phase         = kHAL_SpiClockPhaseFirstEdge;
475  *   userConfig.direction     = kHAL_SpiMsbFirst;
476  *   userConfig.instance      = 0;
477  *   userConfig.enableSlave   = true;
478  *   HAL_SpiSlaveInit((hal_spi_slave_handle_t)slaveHandle, &userConfig);
479  *   Configure spi_slave dma settings
480  *   hal_spi_slave_dma_config_t dmaConfig;
481  *   dmaConfig.spi_slave_instance = 0;
482  *   dmaConfig.dma_instance  = 0;
483  *   dmaConfig.rx_channel    = 0;
484  *   dmaConfig.tx_channel    = 1;
485  *   dma_mux_configure_t  dma_mux;
486  *   dma_mux.dma_dmamux_configure.dma_mux_instance = 0;
487  *   dma_mux.dma_dmamux_configure.rx_request =  kDmaRequestMuxLPSPI1Rx;
488  *   dma_mux.dma_dmamux_configure.tx_request = kDmaRequestMuxLPSPI1Tx;
489  *   dmaConfig.dma_mux_configure = &dma_mux;
490  *
491  *  Init spi_slave dma
492  *  HAL_UartDMAInit((hal_spi_slave_handle_t *)g_spi_slaveHandle, (hal_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *)g_spi_slaveDmaHandle,
493  * &dmaConfig);
494  *  @endcode
495  * @endcode
496  *
497  * @param handle Pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE allocated by the caller.
498  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
499  * You can define the handle in the following two ways:
501  * or
502  * uint32_t handle[((HAL_SPI_SLAVE_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))];
503  * @param config pointer to spi slave configuration structure
504  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
505  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi slave initialization succeed
506  */
508 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveDMAInit(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle,
509                                      hal_spi_slave_dma_handle_t dmaHandle,
510                                      hal_spi_dma_config_t *dmaConfig);
512 /*!
513  * @brief Deinitializes a SPI DMA instance.
514  *
515  * This function will abort spi slave dma receive/send transfer and deinitialize SPI.
516  *
517  * @param handle SPI handle pointer.
518  * @retval kStatus_HAL_UartDmaSuccess SPI DMA de-initialization succeed
519  */
520 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiSlaveDMADeinit(hal_spi_slave_handle_t handle);
521 #endif
523 /*!
524  * @brief Initializes the spi with master configuration.
525  *
526  * This function configures the spi master with user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration
527  * structure. The parameter handle is a pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE
528  * allocated by the caller.
529  * After calling this API, the master is ready to transfer.
530  *
531  * Example below shows how to use this API to configure the SPI master.
532  * @code
533  *   HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_DEFINE(masterHandle);
534  *   hal_spi_master_config_t userConfig;
535  *   userConfig.polarity      = kHAL_SpiClockPolarityActiveHigh;
536  *   userConfig.phase         = kHAL_SpiClockPhaseFirstEdge;
537  *   userConfig.direction     = kHAL_SpiMsbFirst;
538  *   userConfig.instance      = 0;
539  *   userConfig.enableMastere   = true;
540  *   HAL_SpiMastereInit((hal_spi_master_handle_t)masterHandle, &userConfig);
541  *   Configure spi_master dma settings
542  *   hal_spi_master_dma_config_t dmaConfig;
543  *   dmaConfig.spi_master_instance = 0;
544  *   dmaConfig.dma_instance  = 0;
545  *   dmaConfig.rx_channel    = 0;
546  *   dmaConfig.tx_channel    = 1;
547  *   dma_mux_configure_t  dma_mux;
548  *   dma_mux.dma_dmamux_configure.dma_mux_instance = 0;
549  *   dma_mux.dma_dmamux_configure.rx_request =  kDmaRequestMuxLPSPI1Rx;
550  *   dma_mux.dma_dmamux_configure.tx_request = kDmaRequestMuxLPSPI1Tx;
551  *   dmaConfig.dma_mux_configure = &dma_mux;
552  *
553  *  Init spi_master dma
554  *  HAL_SpiMasterDMAInit((hal_spi_master_handle_t *)g_spi_masterHandle, (hal_spi_master_dma_handle_t
555  * *)g_spi_masterDmaHandle, &dmaConfig);
556  *  @endcode
557  * @endcode
558  *
559  * @param handle Pointer to point to a memory space of size #HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE allocated by the caller.
560  * The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
561  * You can define the handle in the following two ways:
563  * or
564  * uint32_t handle[((HAL_SPI_MASTER_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))];
565  * @param config pointer to master configuration structure
566  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiError An error occurred.
567  * @retval kStatus_HAL_SpiSuccess spi master initialization succeed
568  */
570 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterDMAInit(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle,
571                                       hal_spi_master_dma_handle_t dmaHandle,
572                                       hal_spi_dma_config_t *dmaConfig);
574 /*!
575  * @brief Deinitializes a SPI DMA instance.
576  *
577  * This function will abort spi_master dma receive/send transfer and deinitialize SPI.
578  *
579  * @param handle SPI handle pointer.
580  * @retval kStatus_HAL_UartDmaSuccess SPI DMA de-initialization succeed
581  */
582 hal_spi_status_t HAL_SpiMasterDMADeinit(hal_spi_master_handle_t handle);
583 #endif
585 /*! @} */
587 #if defined(__cplusplus)
588 }
589 #endif
591 /*! @} */
593 #endif /* __HAL_SPI_ADAPTER_H__ */