1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
3  * Copyright (c) 2019 Piotr Mienkowski
4  * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Ltd
5  * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation.
6  *
7  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8  */
10 /**
11  * @file
12  * @brief Public APIs for GPIO drivers
13  */
18 #include <errno.h>
20 #include <zephyr/sys/__assert.h>
21 #include <zephyr/sys/slist.h>
23 #include <zephyr/types.h>
24 #include <stddef.h>
25 #include <zephyr/device.h>
26 #include <zephyr/dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 extern "C" {
30 #endif
32 /**
33  * @brief GPIO Driver APIs
34  * @defgroup gpio_interface GPIO Driver APIs
35  * @since 1.0
36  * @version 1.0.0
37  * @ingroup io_interfaces
38  * @{
39  */
41 /**
42  * @name GPIO input/output configuration flags
43  * @{
44  */
46 /** Enables pin as input. */
47 #define GPIO_INPUT              (1U << 16)
49 /** Enables pin as output, no change to the output state. */
50 #define GPIO_OUTPUT             (1U << 17)
52 /** Disables pin for both input and output. */
55 /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
57 /* Initializes output to a low state. */
58 #define GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_LOW    (1U << 18)
60 /* Initializes output to a high state. */
61 #define GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_HIGH   (1U << 19)
63 /* Initializes output based on logic level */
64 #define GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_LOGICAL (1U << 20)
66 /** @endcond */
68 /** Configures GPIO pin as output and initializes it to a low state. */
70 /** Configures GPIO pin as output and initializes it to a high state. */
72 /** Configures GPIO pin as output and initializes it to a logic 0. */
76 /** Configures GPIO pin as output and initializes it to a logic 1. */
77 #define GPIO_OUTPUT_ACTIVE      (GPIO_OUTPUT |			\
81 /** @} */
83 /**
84  * @name GPIO interrupt configuration flags
85  * The `GPIO_INT_*` flags are used to specify how input GPIO pins will trigger
86  * interrupts. The interrupts can be sensitive to pin physical or logical level.
87  * Interrupts sensitive to pin logical level take into account GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW
88  * flag. If a pin was configured as Active Low, physical level low will be
89  * considered as logical level 1 (an active state), physical level high will
90  * be considered as logical level 0 (an inactive state).
91  * The GPIO controller should reset the interrupt status, such as clearing the
92  * pending bit, etc, when configuring the interrupt triggering properties.
93  * Applications should use the `GPIO_INT_MODE_ENABLE_ONLY` and
94  * `GPIO_INT_MODE_DISABLE_ONLY` flags to enable and disable interrupts on the
95  * pin without changing any GPIO settings.
96  * @{
97  */
99 /** Disables GPIO pin interrupt. */
100 #define GPIO_INT_DISABLE               (1U << 21)
102 /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
104 /* Enables GPIO pin interrupt. */
105 #define GPIO_INT_ENABLE                (1U << 22)
107 /* GPIO interrupt is sensitive to logical levels.
108  *
109  * This is a component flag that should be combined with other
110  * `GPIO_INT_*` flags to produce a meaningful configuration.
111  */
112 #define GPIO_INT_LEVELS_LOGICAL        (1U << 23)
114 /* GPIO interrupt is edge sensitive.
115  *
116  * Note: by default interrupts are level sensitive.
117  *
118  * This is a component flag that should be combined with other
119  * `GPIO_INT_*` flags to produce a meaningful configuration.
120  */
121 #define GPIO_INT_EDGE                  (1U << 24)
123 /* Trigger detection when input state is (or transitions to) physical low or
124  * logical 0 level.
125  *
126  * This is a component flag that should be combined with other
127  * `GPIO_INT_*` flags to produce a meaningful configuration.
128  */
129 #define GPIO_INT_LOW_0                 (1U << 25)
131 /* Trigger detection on input state is (or transitions to) physical high or
132  * logical 1 level.
133  *
134  * This is a component flag that should be combined with other
135  * `GPIO_INT_*` flags to produce a meaningful configuration.
136  */
137 #define GPIO_INT_HIGH_1                (1U << 26)
140 /* Disable/Enable interrupt functionality without changing other interrupt
141  * related register, such as clearing the pending register.
142  *
143  * This is a component flag that should be combined with `GPIO_INT_ENABLE` or
144  * `GPIO_INT_DISABLE` flags to produce a meaningful configuration.
145  */
146 #define GPIO_INT_ENABLE_DISABLE_ONLY   (1u << 27)
149 #define GPIO_INT_MASK                  (GPIO_INT_DISABLE | \
150 					GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
152 					GPIO_INT_EDGE | \
153 					GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | \
154 					GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)
156 /** @endcond */
158 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin rising edge and enables it.
159  */
160 #define GPIO_INT_EDGE_RISING           (GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
161 					GPIO_INT_EDGE | \
162 					GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)
164 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin falling edge and enables
165  * it.
166  */
167 #define GPIO_INT_EDGE_FALLING          (GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
168 					GPIO_INT_EDGE | \
169 					GPIO_INT_LOW_0)
171 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin rising or falling edge and
172  * enables it.
173  */
174 #define GPIO_INT_EDGE_BOTH             (GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
175 					GPIO_INT_EDGE | \
176 					GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | \
177 					GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)
179 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin physical level low and
180  * enables it.
181  */
182 #define GPIO_INT_LEVEL_LOW             (GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
183 					GPIO_INT_LOW_0)
185 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin physical level high and
186  * enables it.
187  */
188 #define GPIO_INT_LEVEL_HIGH            (GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
189 					GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)
191 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin state change to logical
192  * level 0 and enables it.
193  */
196 					GPIO_INT_EDGE | \
197 					GPIO_INT_LOW_0)
199 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin state change to logical
200  * level 1 and enables it.
201  */
204 					GPIO_INT_EDGE | \
205 					GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)
207 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin logical level 0 and enables
208  * it.
209  */
212 					GPIO_INT_LOW_0)
214 /** Configures GPIO interrupt to be triggered on pin logical level 1 and enables
215  * it.
216  */
217 #define GPIO_INT_LEVEL_ACTIVE          (GPIO_INT_ENABLE | \
219 					GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)
221 /** @} */
223 /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
225 /** @endcond */
227 /**
228  * @brief Identifies a set of pins associated with a port.
229  *
230  * The pin with index n is present in the set if and only if the bit
231  * identified by (1U << n) is set.
232  */
233 typedef uint32_t gpio_port_pins_t;
235 /**
236  * @brief Provides values for a set of pins associated with a port.
237  *
238  * The value for a pin with index n is high (physical mode) or active
239  * (logical mode) if and only if the bit identified by (1U << n) is set.
240  * Otherwise the value for the pin is low (physical mode) or inactive
241  * (logical mode).
242  *
243  * Values of this type are often paired with a `gpio_port_pins_t` value
244  * that specifies which encoded pin values are valid for the operation.
245  */
246 typedef uint32_t gpio_port_value_t;
248 /**
249  * @brief Provides a type to hold a GPIO pin index.
250  *
251  * This reduced-size type is sufficient to record a pin number,
252  * e.g. from a devicetree GPIOS property.
253  */
254 typedef uint8_t gpio_pin_t;
256 /**
257  * @brief Provides a type to hold GPIO devicetree flags.
258  *
259  * All GPIO flags that can be expressed in devicetree fit in the low 16
260  * bits of the full flags field, so use a reduced-size type to record
261  * that part of a GPIOS property.
262  *
263  * The lower 8 bits are used for standard flags. The upper 8 bits are reserved
264  * for SoC specific flags.
265  */
266 typedef uint16_t gpio_dt_flags_t;
268 /**
269  * @brief Provides a type to hold GPIO configuration flags.
270  *
271  * This type is sufficient to hold all flags used to control GPIO
272  * configuration, whether pin or interrupt.
273  */
274 typedef uint32_t gpio_flags_t;
276 /**
277  * @brief Container for GPIO pin information specified in devicetree
278  *
279  * This type contains a pointer to a GPIO device, pin number for a pin
280  * controlled by that device, and the subset of pin configuration
281  * flags which may be given in devicetree.
282  *
285  * @see GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET
286  * @see GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_OR
287  */
288 struct gpio_dt_spec {
289 	/** GPIO device controlling the pin */
290 	const struct device *port;
291 	/** The pin's number on the device */
292 	gpio_pin_t pin;
293 	/** The pin's configuration flags as specified in devicetree */
294 	gpio_dt_flags_t dt_flags;
295 };
297 /**
298  * @brief Static initializer for a @p gpio_dt_spec
299  *
300  * This returns a static initializer for a @p gpio_dt_spec structure given a
301  * devicetree node identifier, a property specifying a GPIO and an index.
302  *
303  * Example devicetree fragment:
304  *
305  *	n: node {
306  *		foo-gpios = <&gpio0 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>,
307  *			    <&gpio1 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
308  *	}
309  *
310  * Example usage:
311  *
312  *	const struct gpio_dt_spec spec = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n),
313  *								 foo_gpios, 1);
314  *	// Initializes 'spec' to:
315  *	// {
316  *	//         .port = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(gpio1)),
317  *	//         .pin = 2,
318  *	//         .dt_flags = GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW
319  *	// }
320  *
321  * The 'gpio' field must still be checked for readiness, e.g. using
322  * device_is_ready(). It is an error to use this macro unless the node
323  * exists, has the given property, and that property specifies a GPIO
324  * controller, pin number, and flags as shown above.
325  *
326  * @param node_id devicetree node identifier
327  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
328  * @param idx logical index into "prop"
329  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
330  */
331 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)			       \
332 	{								       \
333 		.port = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_GPIO_CTLR_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)),\
334 		.pin = DT_GPIO_PIN_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx),		       \
335 		.dt_flags = DT_GPIO_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx),	       \
336 	}
338 /**
339  * @brief Like GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(), with a fallback to a default value
340  *
341  * If the devicetree node identifier 'node_id' refers to a node with a
342  * property 'prop', this expands to
343  * <tt>GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)</tt>. The @p
344  * default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
345  *
346  * Otherwise, this expands to @p default_value.
347  *
348  * @param node_id devicetree node identifier
349  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
350  * @param idx logical index into "prop"
351  * @param default_value fallback value to expand to
352  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property,
353  *         or default_value if the node or property do not exist
354  */
355 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, idx, default_value)	\
356 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, prop),			\
357 		    (GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)),	\
358 		    (default_value))
360 /**
361  * @brief Equivalent to GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0).
362  *
363  * @param node_id devicetree node identifier
364  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
365  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
366  * @see GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX()
367  */
368 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(node_id, prop) \
369 	GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0)
371 /**
372  * @brief Equivalent to
373  *        GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, 0, default_value).
374  *
375  * @param node_id devicetree node identifier
376  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
377  * @param default_value fallback value to expand to
378  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
379  * @see GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX_OR()
380  */
381 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_OR(node_id, prop, default_value) \
382 	GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX_OR(node_id, prop, 0, default_value)
384 /**
385  * @brief Static initializer for a @p gpio_dt_spec from a DT_DRV_COMPAT
386  * instance's GPIO property at an index.
387  *
388  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
389  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
390  * @param idx logical index into "prop"
391  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
392  * @see GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX()
393  */
394 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX(inst, prop, idx) \
395 	GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)
397 /**
398  * @brief Static initializer for a @p gpio_dt_spec from a DT_DRV_COMPAT
399  *        instance's GPIO property at an index, with fallback
400  *
401  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
402  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
403  * @param idx logical index into "prop"
404  * @param default_value fallback value to expand to
405  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
406  * @see GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX()
407  */
408 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX_OR(inst, prop, idx, default_value)		\
409 	COND_CODE_1(DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx),		\
410 		    (GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, idx)),	\
411 		    (default_value))
413 /**
414  * @brief Equivalent to GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX(inst, prop, 0).
415  *
416  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
417  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
418  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
420  */
421 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET(inst, prop) \
422 	GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX(inst, prop, 0)
424 /**
425  * @brief Equivalent to
426  *        GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX_OR(inst, prop, 0, default_value).
427  *
428  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
429  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores property name
430  * @param default_value fallback value to expand to
431  * @return static initializer for a struct gpio_dt_spec for the property
433  */
434 #define GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_OR(inst, prop, default_value) \
435 	GPIO_DT_SPEC_INST_GET_BY_IDX_OR(inst, prop, 0, default_value)
437 /*
438  * @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
439  */
441 /**
442  * Auxiliary conditional macro that generates a bitmask for the range
443  * from @p "prop" array defined by the (off_idx, sz_idx) pair,
444  * or 0 if the range does not exist.
445  *
446  * @param node_id devicetree node identifier
447  * @param prop lowercase-and-underscores array property name
448  * @param off_idx logical index of bitmask offset value into "prop" array
449  * @param sz_idx logical index of bitmask size value into "prop" array
450  */
451 #define Z_GPIO_GEN_BITMASK_COND(node_id, prop, off_idx, sz_idx)		     \
452 	COND_CODE_1(DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(node_id, prop, off_idx),		     \
453 		(COND_CODE_0(DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, sz_idx),	     \
454 			(0),						     \
455 			(GENMASK64(DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, off_idx) +  \
456 				DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, sz_idx) - 1,   \
457 				DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, off_idx))))    \
458 		), (0))
460 /**
461  * A helper conditional macro returning generated bitmask for one element
462  * from @p "gpio-reserved-ranges"
463  *
464  * @param odd_it the value of an odd sequential iterator
465  * @param node_id devicetree node identifier
466  */
467 #define Z_GPIO_GEN_RESERVED_RANGES_COND(odd_it, node_id)		      \
468 	COND_CODE_1(DT_PROP_HAS_IDX(node_id, gpio_reserved_ranges, odd_it),   \
469 		(Z_GPIO_GEN_BITMASK_COND(node_id,			      \
470 			gpio_reserved_ranges,				      \
471 			GET_ARG_N(odd_it, Z_SPARSE_LIST_EVEN_NUMBERS),	      \
472 			odd_it)),					      \
473 		(0))
475 /**
476  * @endcond
477  */
479 /**
480  * @brief Makes a bitmask of reserved GPIOs from DT @p "gpio-reserved-ranges"
481  *        property and @p "ngpios" argument
482  *
483  * This macro returns the value as a bitmask of the @p "gpio-reserved-ranges"
484  * property. This property defines the disabled (or 'reserved') GPIOs in the
485  * range @p 0...ngpios-1 and is specified as an array of value's pairs that
486  * define the start offset and size of the reserved ranges.
487  *
488  * For example, setting "gpio-reserved-ranges = <3 2>, <10 1>;"
489  * means that GPIO offsets 3, 4 and 10 cannot be used even if @p ngpios = <18>.
490  *
491  * The implementation constraint is inherited from common DT limitations:
492  * a maximum of 64 pairs can be used (with result limited to bitsize
493  * of gpio_port_pins_t type).
494  *
495  * NB: Due to the nature of C macros, some incorrect tuple definitions
496  *    (for example, overlapping or out of range) will produce undefined results.
497  *
498  *    Also be aware that if @p ngpios is less than 32 (bit size of DT int type),
499  *    then all unused MSBs outside the range defined by @p ngpios will be
500  *    marked as reserved too.
501  *
502  * Example devicetree fragment:
503  *
504  * @code{.dts}
505  *	a {
506  *		compatible = "some,gpio-controller";
507  *		ngpios = <32>;
508  *		gpio-reserved-ranges = <0  4>, <5  3>, <9  5>, <11 2>, <15 2>,
509  *					<18 2>, <21 1>, <23 1>, <25 4>, <30 2>;
510  *	};
511  *
512  *	b {
513  *		compatible = "some,gpio-controller";
514  *		ngpios = <18>;
515  *		gpio-reserved-ranges = <3 2>, <10 1>;
516  *	};
517  *
518  * @endcode
519  *
520  * Example usage:
521  *
522  * @code{.c}
523  *	struct some_config {
524  *		uint32_t ngpios;
525  *		uint32_t gpios_reserved;
526  *	};
527  *
528  *	static const struct some_config dev_cfg_a = {
529  *		.ngpios = DT_PROP_OR(DT_LABEL(a), ngpios, 0),
530  *		.gpios_reserved = GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(DT_LABEL(a),
531  *					DT_PROP(DT_LABEL(a), ngpios)),
532  *	};
533  *
534  *	static const struct some_config dev_cfg_b = {
535  *		.ngpios = DT_PROP_OR(DT_LABEL(b), ngpios, 0),
536  *		.gpios_reserved = GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(DT_LABEL(b),
537  *					DT_PROP(DT_LABEL(b), ngpios)),
538  *	};
539  *@endcode
540  *
541  * This expands to:
542  *
543  * @code{.c}
544  *	struct some_config {
545  *		uint32_t ngpios;
546  *		uint32_t gpios_reserved;
547  *	};
548  *
549  *	static const struct some_config dev_cfg_a = {
550  *		.ngpios = 32,
551  *		.gpios_reserved = 0xdeadbeef,
552  *		               // 0b1101 1110 1010 1101 1011 1110 1110 1111
553  *
554  *	static const struct some_config dev_cfg_b = {
555  *		.ngpios = 18,
556  *		.gpios_reserved = 0xfffc0418,
557  *		               // 0b1111 1111 1111 1100 0000 0100 0001 1000
558  *		               // unused MSBs were marked as reserved too
559  *	};
560  * @endcode
561  *
562  * @param node_id GPIO controller node identifier.
563  * @param ngpios number of GPIOs.
564  * @return the bitmask of reserved gpios
565  */
566 #define GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(node_id, ngpios)			       \
567 	((gpio_port_pins_t)						       \
568 	COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, gpio_reserved_ranges),	       \
569 		(GENMASK64(BITS_PER_LONG_LONG - 1, ngpios)		       \
571 			(|),						       \
572 			node_id,					       \
574 		(0)))
576 /**
577  * @brief Makes a bitmask of reserved GPIOs from the @p "gpio-reserved-ranges"
578  *        and @p "ngpios" DT properties values
579  *
580  * @param node_id GPIO controller node identifier.
581  * @return the bitmask of reserved gpios
582  */
583 #define GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES(node_id)				       \
584 	GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(node_id, DT_PROP(node_id, ngpios))
586 /**
587  * @brief Makes a bitmask of reserved GPIOs from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's
588  *        @p "gpio-reserved-ranges" property and @p "ngpios" argument
589  *
590  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
591  * @return the bitmask of reserved gpios
592  * @param ngpios  number of GPIOs
594  */
595 #define GPIO_DT_INST_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(inst, ngpios)		       \
598 /**
599  * @brief Make a bitmask of reserved GPIOs from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's GPIO
600  *        @p "gpio-reserved-ranges" and @p "ngpios" properties
601  *
602  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
603  * @return the bitmask of reserved gpios
605  */
606 #define GPIO_DT_INST_RESERVED_RANGES(inst)				       \
609 /**
610  * @brief Makes a bitmask of allowed GPIOs from DT @p "gpio-reserved-ranges"
611  *        property and @p "ngpios" argument
612  *
613  * This macro is paired with GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(), however unlike
614  * the latter, it returns a bitmask of ALLOWED gpios.
615  *
616  * Example devicetree fragment:
617  *
618  * @code{.dts}
619  *	a {
620  *		compatible = "some,gpio-controller";
621  *		ngpios = <32>;
622  *		gpio-reserved-ranges = <0 8>, <9 5>, <15 16>;
623  *	};
624  *
625  * @endcode
626  *
627  * Example usage:
628  *
629  * @code{.c}
630  *	struct some_config {
631  *		uint32_t port_pin_mask;
632  *	};
633  *
634  *	static const struct some_config dev_cfg = {
635  *		.port_pin_mask = GPIO_DT_PORT_PIN_MASK_NGPIOS_EXC(
636  *					DT_LABEL(a), 32),
637  *	};
638  * @endcode
639  *
640  * This expands to:
641  *
642  * @code{.c}
643  *	struct some_config {
644  *		uint32_t port_pin_mask;
645  *	};
646  *
647  *	static const struct some_config dev_cfg = {
648  *		.port_pin_mask = 0x80004100,
649  *				// 0b1000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0001 00000 000
650  *	};
651  * @endcode
652  *
653  * @param node_id GPIO controller node identifier.
654  * @param ngpios  number of GPIOs
655  * @return the bitmask of allowed gpios
656  */
657 #define GPIO_DT_PORT_PIN_MASK_NGPIOS_EXC(node_id, ngpios)		       \
658 	((gpio_port_pins_t)						       \
659 	COND_CODE_0(ngpios,						       \
660 		(0),							       \
661 		(COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, gpio_reserved_ranges),  \
662 			((GENMASK64(ngpios - 1, 0) &			       \
663 			~GPIO_DT_RESERVED_RANGES_NGPIOS(node_id, ngpios))),    \
664 			(GENMASK64(ngpios - 1, 0)))			       \
665 		)							       \
666 	))
668 /**
669  * @brief Makes a bitmask of allowed GPIOs from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance's
670  *        @p "gpio-reserved-ranges" property and @p "ngpios" argument
671  *
672  * @param inst DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
673  * @param ngpios number of GPIOs
674  * @return the bitmask of allowed gpios
676  */
677 #define GPIO_DT_INST_PORT_PIN_MASK_NGPIOS_EXC(inst, ngpios)	\
680 /**
681  * @brief Maximum number of pins that are supported by `gpio_port_pins_t`.
682  */
683 #define GPIO_MAX_PINS_PER_PORT (sizeof(gpio_port_pins_t) * __CHAR_BIT__)
685 /**
686  * This structure is common to all GPIO drivers and is expected to be
687  * the first element in the object pointed to by the config field
688  * in the device structure.
689  */
690 struct gpio_driver_config {
691 	/** Mask identifying pins supported by the controller.
692 	 *
693 	 * Initialization of this mask is the responsibility of device
694 	 * instance generation in the driver.
695 	 */
696 	gpio_port_pins_t port_pin_mask;
697 };
699 /**
700  * This structure is common to all GPIO drivers and is expected to be the first
701  * element in the driver's struct driver_data declaration.
702  */
703 struct gpio_driver_data {
704 	/** Mask identifying pins that are configured as active low.
705 	 *
706 	 * Management of this mask is the responsibility of the
707 	 * wrapper functions in this header.
708 	 */
709 	gpio_port_pins_t invert;
710 };
712 struct gpio_callback;
714 /**
715  * @typedef gpio_callback_handler_t
716  * @brief Define the application callback handler function signature
717  *
718  * @param port Device struct for the GPIO device.
719  * @param cb Original struct gpio_callback owning this handler
720  * @param pins Mask of pins that triggers the callback handler
721  *
722  * Note: cb pointer can be used to retrieve private data through
723  * CONTAINER_OF() if original struct gpio_callback is stored in
724  * another private structure.
725  */
726 typedef void (*gpio_callback_handler_t)(const struct device *port,
727 					struct gpio_callback *cb,
728 					gpio_port_pins_t pins);
730 /**
731  * @brief GPIO callback structure
732  *
733  * Used to register a callback in the driver instance callback list.
734  * As many callbacks as needed can be added as long as each of them
735  * are unique pointers of struct gpio_callback.
736  * Beware such structure should not be allocated on stack.
737  *
738  * Note: To help setting it, see gpio_init_callback() below
739  */
740 struct gpio_callback {
741 	/** This is meant to be used in the driver and the user should not
742 	 * mess with it (see drivers/gpio/gpio_utils.h)
743 	 */
744 	sys_snode_t node;
746 	/** Actual callback function being called when relevant. */
747 	gpio_callback_handler_t handler;
749 	/** A mask of pins the callback is interested in, if 0 the callback
750 	 * will never be called. Such pin_mask can be modified whenever
751 	 * necessary by the owner, and thus will affect the handler being
752 	 * called or not. The selected pins must be configured to trigger
753 	 * an interrupt.
754 	 */
755 	gpio_port_pins_t pin_mask;
756 };
758 /**
759  * @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
760  *
761  * For internal use only, skip these in public documentation.
762  */
764 /* Used by driver api function pin_interrupt_configure, these are defined
765  * in terms of the public flags so we can just mask and pass them
766  * through to the driver api
767  */
768 enum gpio_int_mode {
776 };
778 enum gpio_int_trig {
779 	/* Trigger detection when input state is (or transitions to)
780 	 * physical low. (Edge Falling or Active Low)
781 	 */
783 	/* Trigger detection when input state is (or transitions to)
784 	 * physical high. (Edge Rising or Active High) */
786 	/* Trigger detection on pin rising or falling edge. */
788 	/* Trigger a system wakeup. */
790 };
792 __subsystem struct gpio_driver_api {
793 	int (*pin_configure)(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin,
794 			     gpio_flags_t flags);
796 	int (*pin_get_config)(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin,
797 			      gpio_flags_t *flags);
798 #endif
799 	int (*port_get_raw)(const struct device *port,
800 			    gpio_port_value_t *value);
801 	int (*port_set_masked_raw)(const struct device *port,
802 				   gpio_port_pins_t mask,
803 				   gpio_port_value_t value);
804 	int (*port_set_bits_raw)(const struct device *port,
805 				 gpio_port_pins_t pins);
806 	int (*port_clear_bits_raw)(const struct device *port,
807 				   gpio_port_pins_t pins);
808 	int (*port_toggle_bits)(const struct device *port,
809 				gpio_port_pins_t pins);
810 	int (*pin_interrupt_configure)(const struct device *port,
811 				       gpio_pin_t pin,
812 				       enum gpio_int_mode, enum gpio_int_trig);
813 	int (*manage_callback)(const struct device *port,
814 			       struct gpio_callback *cb,
815 			       bool set);
816 	uint32_t (*get_pending_int)(const struct device *dev);
818 	int (*port_get_direction)(const struct device *port, gpio_port_pins_t map,
819 				  gpio_port_pins_t *inputs, gpio_port_pins_t *outputs);
821 };
823 /**
824  * @endcond
825  */
827 /**
828  * @brief Validate that GPIO port is ready.
829  *
830  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
831  *
832  * @retval true if the GPIO spec is ready for use.
833  * @retval false if the GPIO spec is not ready for use.
834  */
gpio_is_ready_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec)835 static inline bool gpio_is_ready_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec)
836 {
837 	/* Validate port is ready */
838 	return device_is_ready(spec->port);
839 }
841 /**
842  * @brief Configure pin interrupt.
843  *
844  * @note This function can also be used to configure interrupts on pins
845  *       not controlled directly by the GPIO module. That is, pins which are
846  *       routed to other modules such as I2C, SPI, UART.
847  *
848  * @param port Pointer to device structure for the driver instance.
849  * @param pin Pin number.
850  * @param flags Interrupt configuration flags as defined by GPIO_INT_*.
851  *
852  * @retval 0 If successful.
853  * @retval -ENOSYS If the operation is not implemented by the driver.
854  * @retval -ENOTSUP If any of the configuration options is not supported
855  *                  (unless otherwise directed by flag documentation).
856  * @retval -EINVAL  Invalid argument.
857  * @retval -EBUSY   Interrupt line required to configure pin interrupt is
858  *                  already in use.
859  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
860  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
861  */
862 __syscall int gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(const struct device *port,
863 					   gpio_pin_t pin,
864 					   gpio_flags_t flags);
z_impl_gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin,gpio_flags_t flags)866 static inline int z_impl_gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(const struct device *port,
867 						      gpio_pin_t pin,
868 						      gpio_flags_t flags)
869 {
870 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
871 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
872 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
873 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
874 	const struct gpio_driver_data *const data =
875 		(const struct gpio_driver_data *)port->data;
876 	enum gpio_int_trig trig;
877 	enum gpio_int_mode mode;
879 	if (api->pin_interrupt_configure == NULL) {
880 		return -ENOSYS;
881 	}
885 		 "Cannot both enable and disable interrupts");
888 		 "Must either enable or disable interrupts");
890 	__ASSERT(((flags & GPIO_INT_ENABLE) == 0) ||
891 		 ((flags & GPIO_INT_EDGE) != 0) ||
892 		 ((flags & (GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)) !=
893 		  (GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)),
894 		 "Only one of GPIO_INT_LOW_0, GPIO_INT_HIGH_1 can be "
895 		 "enabled for a level interrupt.");
897 	__ASSERT(((flags & GPIO_INT_ENABLE) == 0) ||
899 			 ((flags & (GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)) != 0) ||
900 			 (flags & GPIO_INT_ENABLE_DISABLE_ONLY) != 0,
901 #else
902 			 ((flags & (GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | GPIO_INT_HIGH_1)) != 0),
904 		 "At least one of GPIO_INT_LOW_0, GPIO_INT_HIGH_1 has to be "
905 		 "enabled.");
907 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
908 		 "Unsupported pin");
910 	if (((flags & GPIO_INT_LEVELS_LOGICAL) != 0) &&
911 	    ((data->invert & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0)) {
912 		/* Invert signal bits */
913 		flags ^= (GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | GPIO_INT_HIGH_1);
914 	}
916 	trig = (enum gpio_int_trig)(flags & (GPIO_INT_LOW_0 | GPIO_INT_HIGH_1 | GPIO_INT_WAKEUP));
918 	mode = (enum gpio_int_mode)(flags & (GPIO_INT_EDGE | GPIO_INT_DISABLE | GPIO_INT_ENABLE |
920 #else
921 	mode = (enum gpio_int_mode)(flags & (GPIO_INT_EDGE | GPIO_INT_DISABLE | GPIO_INT_ENABLE));
924 	return api->pin_interrupt_configure(port, pin, mode, trig);
925 }
927 /**
928  * @brief Configure pin interrupts from a @p gpio_dt_spec.
929  *
930  * This is equivalent to:
931  *
932  *     gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(spec->port, spec->pin, flags);
933  *
934  * The <tt>spec->dt_flags</tt> value is not used.
935  *
936  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
937  * @param flags interrupt configuration flags
938  * @return a value from gpio_pin_interrupt_configure()
939  */
gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec,gpio_flags_t flags)940 static inline int gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec,
941 						  gpio_flags_t flags)
942 {
943 	return gpio_pin_interrupt_configure(spec->port, spec->pin, flags);
944 }
946 /**
947  * @brief Configure a single pin.
948  *
949  * @param port Pointer to device structure for the driver instance.
950  * @param pin Pin number to configure.
951  * @param flags Flags for pin configuration: 'GPIO input/output configuration
952  *        flags', 'GPIO pin drive flags', 'GPIO pin bias flags'.
953  *
954  * @retval 0 If successful.
955  * @retval -ENOTSUP if any of the configuration options is not supported
956  *                  (unless otherwise directed by flag documentation).
957  * @retval -EINVAL Invalid argument.
958  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
959  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
960  */
961 __syscall int gpio_pin_configure(const struct device *port,
962 				 gpio_pin_t pin,
963 				 gpio_flags_t flags);
z_impl_gpio_pin_configure(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin,gpio_flags_t flags)965 static inline int z_impl_gpio_pin_configure(const struct device *port,
966 					    gpio_pin_t pin,
967 					    gpio_flags_t flags)
968 {
969 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
970 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
971 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
972 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
973 	struct gpio_driver_data *data =
974 		(struct gpio_driver_data *)port->data;
976 	__ASSERT((flags & GPIO_INT_MASK) == 0,
977 		 "Interrupt flags are not supported");
979 	__ASSERT((flags & (GPIO_PULL_UP | GPIO_PULL_DOWN)) !=
981 		 "Pull Up and Pull Down should not be enabled simultaneously");
983 	__ASSERT(!((flags & GPIO_INPUT) && !(flags & GPIO_OUTPUT) && (flags & GPIO_SINGLE_ENDED)),
984 		 "Input cannot be enabled for 'Open Drain', 'Open Source' modes without Output");
986 	__ASSERT_NO_MSG((flags & GPIO_SINGLE_ENDED) != 0 ||
987 			(flags & GPIO_LINE_OPEN_DRAIN) == 0);
990 		 || (flags & GPIO_OUTPUT) != 0,
991 		 "Output needs to be enabled to be initialized low or high");
995 		 "Output cannot be initialized low and high");
997 	if (((flags & GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_LOGICAL) != 0)
998 	    && ((flags & (GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_LOW | GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_HIGH)) != 0)
999 	    && ((flags & GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW) != 0)) {
1001 	}
1005 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
1006 		 "Unsupported pin");
1008 	if ((flags & GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW) != 0) {
1009 		data->invert |= (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin);
1010 	} else {
1011 		data->invert &= ~(gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin);
1012 	}
1014 	return api->pin_configure(port, pin, flags);
1015 }
1017 /**
1018  * @brief Configure a single pin from a @p gpio_dt_spec and some extra flags.
1019  *
1020  * This is equivalent to:
1021  *
1022  *     gpio_pin_configure(spec->port, spec->pin, spec->dt_flags | extra_flags);
1023  *
1024  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
1025  * @param extra_flags additional flags
1026  * @return a value from gpio_pin_configure()
1027  */
gpio_pin_configure_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec,gpio_flags_t extra_flags)1028 static inline int gpio_pin_configure_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec,
1029 					gpio_flags_t extra_flags)
1030 {
1031 	return gpio_pin_configure(spec->port,
1032 				  spec->pin,
1033 				  spec->dt_flags | extra_flags);
1034 }
1036 /**
1037  * @brief Get direction of select pins in a port.
1038  *
1039  * Retrieve direction of each pin specified in @p map.
1040  *
1041  * If @p inputs or @p outputs is NULL, then this function does not get the
1042  * respective input or output direction information.
1043  *
1044  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1045  * @param map Bitmap of pin directions to query.
1046  * @param inputs Pointer to a variable where input directions will be stored.
1047  * @param outputs Pointer to a variable where output directions will be stored.
1048  *
1049  * @retval 0 If successful.
1050  * @retval -ENOSYS if the underlying driver does not support this call.
1051  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1052  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1053  */
1054 __syscall int gpio_port_get_direction(const struct device *port, gpio_port_pins_t map,
1055 				      gpio_port_pins_t *inputs, gpio_port_pins_t *outputs);
z_impl_gpio_port_get_direction(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t map,gpio_port_pins_t * inputs,gpio_port_pins_t * outputs)1058 static inline int z_impl_gpio_port_get_direction(const struct device *port, gpio_port_pins_t map,
1059 						 gpio_port_pins_t *inputs,
1060 						 gpio_port_pins_t *outputs)
1061 {
1062 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api = (const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1064 	if (api->port_get_direction == NULL) {
1065 		return -ENOSYS;
1066 	}
1068 	return api->port_get_direction(port, map, inputs, outputs);
1069 }
1072 /**
1073  * @brief Check if @p pin is configured for input
1074  *
1075  * @param port Pointer to device structure for the driver instance.
1076  * @param pin Pin number to query the direction of
1077  *
1078  * @retval 1 if @p pin is configured as @ref GPIO_INPUT.
1079  * @retval 0 if @p pin is not configured as @ref GPIO_INPUT.
1080  * @retval -ENOSYS if the underlying driver does not support this call.
1081  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1082  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1083  */
gpio_pin_is_input(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin)1084 static inline int gpio_pin_is_input(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin)
1085 {
1086 	int rv;
1087 	gpio_port_pins_t pins;
1088 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *cfg =
1089 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1091 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U, "Unsupported pin");
1093 	rv = gpio_port_get_direction(port, BIT(pin), &pins, NULL);
1094 	if (rv < 0) {
1095 		return rv;
1096 	}
1098 	return (int)!!((gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin) & pins);
1099 }
1101 /**
1102  * @brief Check if a single pin from @p gpio_dt_spec is configured for input
1103  *
1104  * This is equivalent to:
1105  *
1106  *     gpio_pin_is_input(spec->port, spec->pin);
1107  *
1108  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree.
1109  *
1110  * @return A value from gpio_pin_is_input().
1111  */
gpio_pin_is_input_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec)1112 static inline int gpio_pin_is_input_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec)
1113 {
1114 	return gpio_pin_is_input(spec->port, spec->pin);
1115 }
1117 /**
1118  * @brief Check if @p pin is configured for output
1119  *
1120  * @param port Pointer to device structure for the driver instance.
1121  * @param pin Pin number to query the direction of
1122  *
1123  * @retval 1 if @p pin is configured as @ref GPIO_OUTPUT.
1124  * @retval 0 if @p pin is not configured as @ref GPIO_OUTPUT.
1125  * @retval -ENOSYS if the underlying driver does not support this call.
1126  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1127  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1128  */
gpio_pin_is_output(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin)1129 static inline int gpio_pin_is_output(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin)
1130 {
1131 	int rv;
1132 	gpio_port_pins_t pins;
1133 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *cfg =
1134 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1136 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U, "Unsupported pin");
1138 	rv = gpio_port_get_direction(port, BIT(pin), NULL, &pins);
1139 	if (rv < 0) {
1140 		return rv;
1141 	}
1143 	return (int)!!((gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin) & pins);
1144 }
1146 /**
1147  * @brief Check if a single pin from @p gpio_dt_spec is configured for output
1148  *
1149  * This is equivalent to:
1150  *
1151  *     gpio_pin_is_output(spec->port, spec->pin);
1152  *
1153  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree.
1154  *
1155  * @return A value from gpio_pin_is_output().
1156  */
gpio_pin_is_output_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec)1157 static inline int gpio_pin_is_output_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec)
1158 {
1159 	return gpio_pin_is_output(spec->port, spec->pin);
1160 }
1162 /**
1163  * @brief Get a configuration of a single pin.
1164  *
1165  * @param port Pointer to device structure for the driver instance.
1166  * @param pin Pin number which configuration is get.
1167  * @param flags Pointer to variable in which the current configuration will
1168  *              be stored if function is successful.
1169  *
1170  * @retval 0 If successful.
1171  * @retval -ENOSYS if getting current pin configuration is not implemented
1172  *                  by the driver.
1173  * @retval -EINVAL Invalid argument.
1174  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1175  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1176  */
1177 __syscall int gpio_pin_get_config(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin,
1178 				  gpio_flags_t *flags);
z_impl_gpio_pin_get_config(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin,gpio_flags_t * flags)1181 static inline int z_impl_gpio_pin_get_config(const struct device *port,
1182 					     gpio_pin_t pin,
1183 					     gpio_flags_t *flags)
1184 {
1185 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1186 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1188 	if (api->pin_get_config == NULL)
1189 		return -ENOSYS;
1191 	return api->pin_get_config(port, pin, flags);
1192 }
1193 #endif
1195 /**
1196  * @brief Get a configuration of a single pin from a @p gpio_dt_spec.
1197  *
1198  * This is equivalent to:
1199  *
1200  *     gpio_pin_get_config(spec->port, spec->pin, flags);
1201  *
1202  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
1203  * @param flags Pointer to variable in which the current configuration will
1204  *              be stored if function is successful.
1205  * @return a value from gpio_pin_configure()
1206  */
gpio_pin_get_config_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec,gpio_flags_t * flags)1207 static inline int gpio_pin_get_config_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec,
1208 					gpio_flags_t *flags)
1209 {
1210 	return gpio_pin_get_config(spec->port, spec->pin, flags);
1211 }
1213 /**
1214  * @brief Get physical level of all input pins in a port.
1215  *
1216  * A low physical level on the pin will be interpreted as value 0. A high
1217  * physical level will be interpreted as value 1. This function ignores
1218  * GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1219  *
1220  * Value of a pin with index n will be represented by bit n in the returned
1221  * port value.
1222  *
1223  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1224  * @param value Pointer to a variable where pin values will be stored.
1225  *
1226  * @retval 0 If successful.
1227  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1228  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1229  */
1230 __syscall int gpio_port_get_raw(const struct device *port,
1231 				gpio_port_value_t *value);
z_impl_gpio_port_get_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_port_value_t * value)1233 static inline int z_impl_gpio_port_get_raw(const struct device *port,
1234 					   gpio_port_value_t *value)
1235 {
1236 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1237 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1239 	return api->port_get_raw(port, value);
1240 }
1242 /**
1243  * @brief Get logical level of all input pins in a port.
1244  *
1245  * Get logical level of an input pin taking into account GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1246  * If pin is configured as Active High, a low physical level will be interpreted
1247  * as logical value 0. If pin is configured as Active Low, a low physical level
1248  * will be interpreted as logical value 1.
1249  *
1250  * Value of a pin with index n will be represented by bit n in the returned
1251  * port value.
1252  *
1253  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1254  * @param value Pointer to a variable where pin values will be stored.
1255  *
1256  * @retval 0 If successful.
1257  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1258  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1259  */
gpio_port_get(const struct device * port,gpio_port_value_t * value)1260 static inline int gpio_port_get(const struct device *port,
1261 				gpio_port_value_t *value)
1262 {
1263 	const struct gpio_driver_data *const data =
1264 			(const struct gpio_driver_data *)port->data;
1265 	int ret;
1267 	ret = gpio_port_get_raw(port, value);
1268 	if (ret == 0) {
1269 		*value ^= data->invert;
1270 	}
1272 	return ret;
1273 }
1275 /**
1276  * @brief Set physical level of output pins in a port.
1277  *
1278  * Writing value 0 to the pin will set it to a low physical level. Writing
1279  * value 1 will set it to a high physical level. This function ignores
1280  * GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1281  *
1282  * Pin with index n is represented by bit n in mask and value parameter.
1283  *
1284  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1285  * @param mask Mask indicating which pins will be modified.
1286  * @param value Value assigned to the output pins.
1287  *
1288  * @retval 0 If successful.
1289  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1290  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1291  */
1292 __syscall int gpio_port_set_masked_raw(const struct device *port,
1293 				       gpio_port_pins_t mask,
1294 				       gpio_port_value_t value);
z_impl_gpio_port_set_masked_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t mask,gpio_port_value_t value)1296 static inline int z_impl_gpio_port_set_masked_raw(const struct device *port,
1297 						  gpio_port_pins_t mask,
1298 						  gpio_port_value_t value)
1299 {
1300 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1301 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1303 	return api->port_set_masked_raw(port, mask, value);
1304 }
1306 /**
1307  * @brief Set logical level of output pins in a port.
1308  *
1309  * Set logical level of an output pin taking into account GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1310  * Value 0 sets the pin in logical 0 / inactive state. Value 1 sets the pin in
1311  * logical 1 / active state. If pin is configured as Active High, the default,
1312  * setting it in inactive state will force the pin to a low physical level. If
1313  * pin is configured as Active Low, setting it in inactive state will force the
1314  * pin to a high physical level.
1315  *
1316  * Pin with index n is represented by bit n in mask and value parameter.
1317  *
1318  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1319  * @param mask Mask indicating which pins will be modified.
1320  * @param value Value assigned to the output pins.
1321  *
1322  * @retval 0 If successful.
1323  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1324  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1325  */
gpio_port_set_masked(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t mask,gpio_port_value_t value)1326 static inline int gpio_port_set_masked(const struct device *port,
1327 				       gpio_port_pins_t mask,
1328 				       gpio_port_value_t value)
1329 {
1330 	const struct gpio_driver_data *const data =
1331 			(const struct gpio_driver_data *)port->data;
1333 	value ^= data->invert;
1335 	return gpio_port_set_masked_raw(port, mask, value);
1336 }
1338 /**
1339  * @brief Set physical level of selected output pins to high.
1340  *
1341  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1342  * @param pins Value indicating which pins will be modified.
1343  *
1344  * @retval 0 If successful.
1345  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1346  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1347  */
1348 __syscall int gpio_port_set_bits_raw(const struct device *port,
1349 				     gpio_port_pins_t pins);
z_impl_gpio_port_set_bits_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t pins)1351 static inline int z_impl_gpio_port_set_bits_raw(const struct device *port,
1352 						gpio_port_pins_t pins)
1353 {
1354 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1355 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1357 	return api->port_set_bits_raw(port, pins);
1358 }
1360 /**
1361  * @brief Set logical level of selected output pins to active.
1362  *
1363  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1364  * @param pins Value indicating which pins will be modified.
1365  *
1366  * @retval 0 If successful.
1367  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1368  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1369  */
gpio_port_set_bits(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t pins)1370 static inline int gpio_port_set_bits(const struct device *port,
1371 				     gpio_port_pins_t pins)
1372 {
1373 	return gpio_port_set_masked(port, pins, pins);
1374 }
1376 /**
1377  * @brief Set physical level of selected output pins to low.
1378  *
1379  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1380  * @param pins Value indicating which pins will be modified.
1381  *
1382  * @retval 0 If successful.
1383  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1384  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1385  */
1386 __syscall int gpio_port_clear_bits_raw(const struct device *port,
1387 				       gpio_port_pins_t pins);
z_impl_gpio_port_clear_bits_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t pins)1389 static inline int z_impl_gpio_port_clear_bits_raw(const struct device *port,
1390 						  gpio_port_pins_t pins)
1391 {
1392 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1393 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1395 	return api->port_clear_bits_raw(port, pins);
1396 }
1398 /**
1399  * @brief Set logical level of selected output pins to inactive.
1400  *
1401  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1402  * @param pins Value indicating which pins will be modified.
1403  *
1404  * @retval 0 If successful.
1405  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1406  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1407  */
gpio_port_clear_bits(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t pins)1408 static inline int gpio_port_clear_bits(const struct device *port,
1409 				       gpio_port_pins_t pins)
1410 {
1411 	return gpio_port_set_masked(port, pins, 0);
1412 }
1414 /**
1415  * @brief Toggle level of selected output pins.
1416  *
1417  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1418  * @param pins Value indicating which pins will be modified.
1419  *
1420  * @retval 0 If successful.
1421  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1422  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1423  */
1424 __syscall int gpio_port_toggle_bits(const struct device *port,
1425 				    gpio_port_pins_t pins);
z_impl_gpio_port_toggle_bits(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t pins)1427 static inline int z_impl_gpio_port_toggle_bits(const struct device *port,
1428 					       gpio_port_pins_t pins)
1429 {
1430 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1431 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1433 	return api->port_toggle_bits(port, pins);
1434 }
1436 /**
1437  * @brief Set physical level of selected output pins.
1438  *
1439  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1440  * @param set_pins Value indicating which pins will be set to high.
1441  * @param clear_pins Value indicating which pins will be set to low.
1442  *
1443  * @retval 0 If successful.
1444  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1445  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1446  */
gpio_port_set_clr_bits_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t set_pins,gpio_port_pins_t clear_pins)1447 static inline int gpio_port_set_clr_bits_raw(const struct device *port,
1448 					     gpio_port_pins_t set_pins,
1449 					     gpio_port_pins_t clear_pins)
1450 {
1451 	__ASSERT((set_pins & clear_pins) == 0, "Set and Clear pins overlap");
1453 	return gpio_port_set_masked_raw(port, set_pins | clear_pins, set_pins);
1454 }
1456 /**
1457  * @brief Set logical level of selected output pins.
1458  *
1459  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1460  * @param set_pins Value indicating which pins will be set to active.
1461  * @param clear_pins Value indicating which pins will be set to inactive.
1462  *
1463  * @retval 0 If successful.
1464  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1465  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1466  */
gpio_port_set_clr_bits(const struct device * port,gpio_port_pins_t set_pins,gpio_port_pins_t clear_pins)1467 static inline int gpio_port_set_clr_bits(const struct device *port,
1468 					 gpio_port_pins_t set_pins,
1469 					 gpio_port_pins_t clear_pins)
1470 {
1471 	__ASSERT((set_pins & clear_pins) == 0, "Set and Clear pins overlap");
1473 	return gpio_port_set_masked(port, set_pins | clear_pins, set_pins);
1474 }
1476 /**
1477  * @brief Get physical level of an input pin.
1478  *
1479  * A low physical level on the pin will be interpreted as value 0. A high
1480  * physical level will be interpreted as value 1. This function ignores
1481  * GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1482  *
1483  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1484  * @param pin Pin number.
1485  *
1486  * @retval 1 If pin physical level is high.
1487  * @retval 0 If pin physical level is low.
1488  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1489  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1490  */
gpio_pin_get_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin)1491 static inline int gpio_pin_get_raw(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin)
1492 {
1493 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
1494 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1495 	gpio_port_value_t value;
1496 	int ret;
1498 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
1499 		 "Unsupported pin");
1501 	ret = gpio_port_get_raw(port, &value);
1502 	if (ret == 0) {
1503 		ret = (value & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
1504 	}
1506 	return ret;
1507 }
1509 /**
1510  * @brief Get logical level of an input pin.
1511  *
1512  * Get logical level of an input pin taking into account GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1513  * If pin is configured as Active High, a low physical level will be interpreted
1514  * as logical value 0. If pin is configured as Active Low, a low physical level
1515  * will be interpreted as logical value 1.
1516  *
1517  * Note: If pin is configured as Active High, the default, gpio_pin_get()
1518  *       function is equivalent to gpio_pin_get_raw().
1519  *
1520  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1521  * @param pin Pin number.
1522  *
1523  * @retval 1 If pin logical value is 1 / active.
1524  * @retval 0 If pin logical value is 0 / inactive.
1525  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1526  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1527  */
gpio_pin_get(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin)1528 static inline int gpio_pin_get(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin)
1529 {
1530 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
1531 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1532 	gpio_port_value_t value;
1533 	int ret;
1535 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
1536 		 "Unsupported pin");
1538 	ret = gpio_port_get(port, &value);
1539 	if (ret == 0) {
1540 		ret = (value & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
1541 	}
1543 	return ret;
1544 }
1546 /**
1547  * @brief Get logical level of an input pin from a @p gpio_dt_spec.
1548  *
1549  * This is equivalent to:
1550  *
1551  *     gpio_pin_get(spec->port, spec->pin);
1552  *
1553  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
1554  * @return a value from gpio_pin_get()
1555  */
gpio_pin_get_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec)1556 static inline int gpio_pin_get_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec)
1557 {
1558 	return gpio_pin_get(spec->port, spec->pin);
1559 }
1561 /**
1562  * @brief Set physical level of an output pin.
1563  *
1564  * Writing value 0 to the pin will set it to a low physical level. Writing any
1565  * value other than 0 will set it to a high physical level. This function
1566  * ignores GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1567  *
1568  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1569  * @param pin Pin number.
1570  * @param value Value assigned to the pin.
1571  *
1572  * @retval 0 If successful.
1573  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1574  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1575  */
gpio_pin_set_raw(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin,int value)1576 static inline int gpio_pin_set_raw(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin,
1577 				   int value)
1578 {
1579 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
1580 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1581 	int ret;
1583 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
1584 		 "Unsupported pin");
1586 	if (value != 0)	{
1587 		ret = gpio_port_set_bits_raw(port, (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin));
1588 	} else {
1589 		ret = gpio_port_clear_bits_raw(port, (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin));
1590 	}
1592 	return ret;
1593 }
1595 /**
1596  * @brief Set logical level of an output pin.
1597  *
1598  * Set logical level of an output pin taking into account GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW flag.
1599  * Value 0 sets the pin in logical 0 / inactive state. Any value other than 0
1600  * sets the pin in logical 1 / active state. If pin is configured as Active
1601  * High, the default, setting it in inactive state will force the pin to a low
1602  * physical level. If pin is configured as Active Low, setting it in inactive
1603  * state will force the pin to a high physical level.
1604  *
1605  * Note: If pin is configured as Active High, gpio_pin_set() function is
1606  *       equivalent to gpio_pin_set_raw().
1607  *
1608  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1609  * @param pin Pin number.
1610  * @param value Value assigned to the pin.
1611  *
1612  * @retval 0 If successful.
1613  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1614  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1615  */
gpio_pin_set(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin,int value)1616 static inline int gpio_pin_set(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin,
1617 			       int value)
1618 {
1619 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
1620 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1621 	const struct gpio_driver_data *const data =
1622 			(const struct gpio_driver_data *)port->data;
1624 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
1625 		 "Unsupported pin");
1627 	if (data->invert & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) {
1628 		value = (value != 0) ? 0 : 1;
1629 	}
1631 	return gpio_pin_set_raw(port, pin, value);
1632 }
1634 /**
1635  * @brief Set logical level of a output pin from a @p gpio_dt_spec.
1636  *
1637  * This is equivalent to:
1638  *
1639  *     gpio_pin_set(spec->port, spec->pin, value);
1640  *
1641  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
1642  * @param value Value assigned to the pin.
1643  * @return a value from gpio_pin_set()
1644  */
gpio_pin_set_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec,int value)1645 static inline int gpio_pin_set_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec, int value)
1646 {
1647 	return gpio_pin_set(spec->port, spec->pin, value);
1648 }
1650 /**
1651  * @brief Toggle pin level.
1652  *
1653  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1654  * @param pin Pin number.
1655  *
1656  * @retval 0 If successful.
1657  * @retval -EIO I/O error when accessing an external GPIO chip.
1658  * @retval -EWOULDBLOCK if operation would block.
1659  */
gpio_pin_toggle(const struct device * port,gpio_pin_t pin)1660 static inline int gpio_pin_toggle(const struct device *port, gpio_pin_t pin)
1661 {
1662 	__unused const struct gpio_driver_config *const cfg =
1663 		(const struct gpio_driver_config *)port->config;
1665 	__ASSERT((cfg->port_pin_mask & (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin)) != 0U,
1666 		 "Unsupported pin");
1668 	return gpio_port_toggle_bits(port, (gpio_port_pins_t)BIT(pin));
1669 }
1671 /**
1672  * @brief Toggle pin level from a @p gpio_dt_spec.
1673  *
1674  * This is equivalent to:
1675  *
1676  *     gpio_pin_toggle(spec->port, spec->pin);
1677  *
1678  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree
1679  * @return a value from gpio_pin_toggle()
1680  */
gpio_pin_toggle_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec)1681 static inline int gpio_pin_toggle_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec)
1682 {
1683 	return gpio_pin_toggle(spec->port, spec->pin);
1684 }
1686 /**
1687  * @brief Helper to initialize a struct gpio_callback properly
1688  * @param callback A valid Application's callback structure pointer.
1689  * @param handler A valid handler function pointer.
1690  * @param pin_mask A bit mask of relevant pins for the handler
1691  */
gpio_init_callback(struct gpio_callback * callback,gpio_callback_handler_t handler,gpio_port_pins_t pin_mask)1692 static inline void gpio_init_callback(struct gpio_callback *callback,
1693 				      gpio_callback_handler_t handler,
1694 				      gpio_port_pins_t pin_mask)
1695 {
1696 	__ASSERT(callback, "Callback pointer should not be NULL");
1697 	__ASSERT(handler, "Callback handler pointer should not be NULL");
1699 	callback->handler = handler;
1700 	callback->pin_mask = pin_mask;
1701 }
1703 /**
1704  * @brief Add an application callback.
1705  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1706  * @param callback A valid Application's callback structure pointer.
1707  * @retval 0 If successful
1708  * @retval -ENOSYS If driver does not implement the operation
1709  * @retval -errno Other negative errno code on failure.
1710  *
1711  * @note Callbacks may be added to the device from within a callback
1712  * handler invocation, but whether they are invoked for the current
1713  * GPIO event is not specified.
1714  *
1715  * Note: enables to add as many callback as needed on the same port.
1716  */
gpio_add_callback(const struct device * port,struct gpio_callback * callback)1717 static inline int gpio_add_callback(const struct device *port,
1718 				    struct gpio_callback *callback)
1719 {
1720 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1721 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1723 	if (api->manage_callback == NULL) {
1724 		return -ENOSYS;
1725 	}
1727 	return api->manage_callback(port, callback, true);
1728 }
1730 /**
1731  * @brief Add an application callback.
1732  *
1733  * This is equivalent to:
1734  *
1735  *     gpio_add_callback(spec->port, callback);
1736  *
1737  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree.
1738  * @param callback A valid application's callback structure pointer.
1739  * @return a value from gpio_add_callback().
1740  */
gpio_add_callback_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec,struct gpio_callback * callback)1741 static inline int gpio_add_callback_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec,
1742 				       struct gpio_callback *callback)
1743 {
1744 	return gpio_add_callback(spec->port, callback);
1745 }
1747 /**
1748  * @brief Remove an application callback.
1749  * @param port Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1750  * @param callback A valid application's callback structure pointer.
1751  * @retval 0 If successful
1752  * @retval -ENOSYS If driver does not implement the operation
1753  * @retval -errno Other negative errno code on failure.
1754  *
1755  * @warning It is explicitly permitted, within a callback handler, to
1756  * remove the registration for the callback that is running, i.e. @p
1757  * callback.  Attempts to remove other registrations on the same
1758  * device may result in undefined behavior, including failure to
1759  * invoke callbacks that remain registered and unintended invocation
1760  * of removed callbacks.
1761  *
1762  * Note: enables to remove as many callbacks as added through
1763  *       gpio_add_callback().
1764  */
gpio_remove_callback(const struct device * port,struct gpio_callback * callback)1765 static inline int gpio_remove_callback(const struct device *port,
1766 				       struct gpio_callback *callback)
1767 {
1768 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1769 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)port->api;
1771 	if (api->manage_callback == NULL) {
1772 		return -ENOSYS;
1773 	}
1775 	return api->manage_callback(port, callback, false);
1776 }
1778 /**
1779  * @brief Remove an application callback.
1780  *
1781  * This is equivalent to:
1782  *
1783  *     gpio_remove_callback(spec->port, callback);
1784  *
1785  * @param spec GPIO specification from devicetree.
1786  * @param callback A valid application's callback structure pointer.
1787  * @return a value from gpio_remove_callback().
1788  */
gpio_remove_callback_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec * spec,struct gpio_callback * callback)1789 static inline int gpio_remove_callback_dt(const struct gpio_dt_spec *spec,
1790 					  struct gpio_callback *callback)
1791 {
1792 	return gpio_remove_callback(spec->port, callback);
1793 }
1795 /**
1796  * @brief Function to get pending interrupts
1797  *
1798  * The purpose of this function is to return the interrupt
1799  * status register for the device.
1800  * This is especially useful when waking up from
1801  * low power states to check the wake up source.
1802  *
1803  * @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
1804  *
1805  * @retval status != 0 if at least one gpio interrupt is pending.
1806  * @retval 0 if no gpio interrupt is pending.
1807  * @retval -ENOSYS If driver does not implement the operation
1808  */
1809 __syscall int gpio_get_pending_int(const struct device *dev);
z_impl_gpio_get_pending_int(const struct device * dev)1811 static inline int z_impl_gpio_get_pending_int(const struct device *dev)
1812 {
1813 	const struct gpio_driver_api *api =
1814 		(const struct gpio_driver_api *)dev->api;
1816 	if (api->get_pending_int == NULL) {
1817 		return -ENOSYS;
1818 	}
1820 	return api->get_pending_int(dev);
1821 }
1823 /**
1824  * @}
1825  */
1827 #ifdef __cplusplus
1828 }
1829 #endif
1831 #include <zephyr/syscalls/gpio.h>