1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 /*! \file driver_FXAS21002.c
10     \brief Provides init() and read() functions for the FXAS21002 gyroscope
11 */
13 #include "board.h"          // generated by Kinetis Expert.  Long term - merge sensor_board.h into this file
14 #include "sensor_fusion.h"  // Sensor fusion structures and types
15 #include "sensor_drv.h"
16 #include "sensor_io_i2c.h"  // Low level IS-SDK prototype driver
17 #include "drivers.h"        // Device specific drivers supplied by NXP (can be replaced with user drivers)
18 #include "fxas21002.h"
20 // Includes support for pre-production FXAS21000 registers and constants which are not supported via IS-SDK
21 #define FXAS21000_STATUS                0x00
22 #define FXAS21000_F_STATUS              0x08
23 #define FXAS21000_F_SETUP               0x09
24 #define FXAS21000_WHO_AM_I              0x0C
25 #define FXAS21000_CTRL_REG0             0x0D
26 #define FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1             0x13
27 #define FXAS21000_CTRL_REG2             0x14
28 #define FXAS21000_WHO_AM_I_VALUE        0xD1    // engineering and production
29 #define FXAS21000_COUNTSPERDEGPERSEC    20      // 1600dps range
30 #define FXAS21002_COUNTSPERDEGPERSEC    16      // for 2000dps=32000 counts
32 #define FXAS21002_GYRO_FIFO_SIZE  32	///< FXAX21000, FXAS21002 have 32 element FIFO
36 // Command definition to read the WHO_AM_I value.
37 const registerreadlist_t    FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_READ[] =
38 {
39     { .readFrom = FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I, .numBytes = 1 }, __END_READ_DATA__
40 };
42 // Command definition to read the number of entries in the gyro status register.
43 const registerreadlist_t    FXAS21002_F_STATUS_READ[] =
44 {
45     { .readFrom = FXAS21002_STATUS, .numBytes = 1 }, __END_READ_DATA__
46 };
48 // Command definition to read the number of entries in the accel FIFO.
49 registerreadlist_t          FXAS21002_DATA_READ[] =
50 {
51     { .readFrom = FXAS21002_OUT_X_MSB, .numBytes = 1 }, __END_READ_DATA__
52 };
54 // Each entry in a RegisterWriteList is composed of: register address, value to write, bit-mask to apply to write (0 enables)
55 const registerwritelist_t   FXAS21000_Initialization[] =
56 {
57     // write 0000 0000 = 0x00 to CTRL_REG1 to place FXOS21000 in Standby
58     // [7]: ZR_cond=0
59     // [6]: RST=0
60     // [5]: ST=0 self test disabled
61     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=000 for 200Hz ODR
62     // [1]: Active=0 for Standby mode
63     // [0]: Ready=0 but irrelevant since Active bit over-rides
64     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x00, 0x00 },        // write 0100 0000 = 0x40 to F_SETUP to enable FIFO in continuous mode
66     // [7-6]: F_MODE[1-0]=01 for FIFO continuous mode
67     // [5-0]: F_WMRK[5-0]=000000 for no FIFO watermark
68     { FXAS21000_F_SETUP, 0x40, 0x00 },
70     // write 0000 0000 = 0x00 to CTRL_REG0 to configure range
71     // [7-6]: unused=00
72     // [5]: SPIW=0 4 wire SPI (irrelevant)
73     // [4-3]: SEL[1-0]=00 for HPF cutoff but disabled in HPF_EN
74     // [2]: HPF_EN=0 disable HPF
75     // [1-0]: FS[1-0]=00 for 1600dps
76     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG0, 0x00, 0x00 },
78     // write 000X XX10 to CTRL_REG1 to configure ODR and enter Active mode
79     // [7]: Reserved=0
80     // [6]: RST=0 for no reset
81     // [5]: ST=0 self test disabled
82     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=111 also for 12.5Hz ODR giving 0x1E
83     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=110 for 12.5Hz ODR giving 0x1A
84     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=101 for 25Hz ODR giving 0x16
85     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=100 for 50Hz ODR giving 0x12
86     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=011 for 100Hz ODR giving 0x0E
87     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=010 for 200Hz ODR giving 0x0A
88     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=001 for 400Hz ODR giving 0x06
89     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=000 for 800Hz ODR giving 0x02
90     // [1]: Active=1 for Active mode
91     // [0]: Ready=0 but irrelevant since Active bit over-rides
92 #if (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 1)                      // select 1.5625Hz ODR
93     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x1E, 0x00 },
94 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 3)                    // select 3.125Hz ODR
95     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x1A, 0x00 },
96 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 6)                    // select 6.25Hz ODR
97     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x16, 0x00 },
98 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 12)                   // select 12.5Hz ODR
99     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x12, 0x00 },
100 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 25)                   // select 25.0Hz ODR
101     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x0E, 0x00 },
102 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 50)                   // select 50.0Hz ODR
103     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x0A, 0x00 },
104 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 100)                  // select 100.0Hz ODR
105     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x06, 0x00 },
106 #else // select 200Hz ODR
107     { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x02, 0x00 },
108 #endif
109     __END_WRITE_DATA__
110 };
112 // Each entry in a RegisterWriteList is composed of: register address, value to write, bit-mask to apply to write (0 enables)
113 const registerwritelist_t   FXAS21002_Initialization[] =
114 {
115     // write 0000 0000 = 0x00 to CTRL_REG1 to place FXOS21000 in Standby
116     // [7]: ZR_cond=0
117     // [6]: RST=0
118     // [5]: ST=0 self test disabled
119     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=000 for 200Hz ODR
120     // [1]: Active=0 for Standby mode
121     // [0]: Ready=0 but irrelevant since Active bit over-rides
122     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x00, 0x00 },
124     // [7-6]: F_MODE[1-0]=01 for FIFO continuous mode
125     // [5-0]: F_WMRK[5-0]=000000 for no FIFO watermark
126     { FXAS21002_F_SETUP, 0x40, 0x00 },
128     // write 0000 0000 = 0x00 to CTRL_REG0 to configure range and LPF
129     // [7-6]: BW[1-0]=00 for least aggressive LPF (0.32 * ODR cutoff for all ODR ie 64Hz cutoff at 200Hz ODR)
130     // [5]: SPIW=0 4 wire SPI (irrelevant)
131     // [4-3]: SEL[1-0]=00 for HPF cutoff but disabled in HPF_EN
132     // [2]: HPF_EN=0 to disable HPF
133     // [1-0]: FS[1-0]=00 for 2000dps
134     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG0, 0x00, 0x00 },
136     // write 0000 1000 = 0x08 to CTRL_REG3 to set FIFO address wraparound on read
137     // [7-4]: Reserved=0000
138     // [3]: WRAPTOONE=1 to permit burst FIFO read with address wrapround to OUT_X_MSB
139     // [2]: EXTCTRLEN=0 for default INT2 configuration as output
140     // [1]: Reserved=0
141     // [0]: FS_DOUBLE=0 for normal 2000dps range
142     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG3, 0x08, 0x00 },
144     // write 000X XX10 to CTRL_REG1 to configure ODR and enter Active mode
145     // [7]: Reserved=0
146     // [6]: RST=0 for no reset
147     // [5]: ST=0 self test disabled
148     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=111 also for 12.5Hz ODR giving 0x1E
149     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=110 for 12.5Hz ODR giving 0x1A
150     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=101 for 25Hz ODR giving 0x16
151     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=100 for 50Hz ODR giving 0x12
152     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=011 for 100Hz ODR giving 0x0E
153     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=010 for 200Hz ODR giving 0x0A
154     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=001 for 400Hz ODR giving 0x06
155     // [4-2]: DR[2-0]=000 for 800Hz ODR giving 0x02
156     // [1]: Active=1 for Active mode
157     // [0]: Ready=0 but irrelevant since Active bit over-rides
158     // These values are different than the FXAS21000 values
159 #if (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 12)                     // select 12.5Hz ODR
160     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x1A, 0x00 },
161 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 25)                   // select 25Hz ODR
162     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x16, 0x00 },
163 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 50)                   // select 50Hz ODR
164     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x12, 0x00 },
165 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 100)                  // select 100Hz ODR
166     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x0E, 0x00 },
167 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 200)                  // select 200Hz ODR
168     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x0A, 0x00 },
169 #elif (GYRO_ODR_HZ <= 400)                  // select 400Hz ODR
170     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x06, 0x00 },
171 #else // select 800Hz ODR
172     { FXAS21002_CTRL_REG1, 0x02, 0x00 },
173 #endif
174     __END_WRITE_DATA__
175 };
177 // All sensor drivers and initialization functions have the same prototype
178 // sensor = pointer to linked list element used by the sensor fusion subsystem to specify required sensors
180 // sfg = pointer to top level (generally global) data structure for sensor fusion
FXAS21002_Init(struct PhysicalSensor * sensor,SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)181 int8_t FXAS21002_Init(struct PhysicalSensor *sensor, SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
182 {
184     int32_t status;
185     uint8_t reg;
187     status = Register_I2C_Read(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I, 1, &reg);
188     if (status==SENSOR_ERROR_NONE) {
189         sfg->Gyro.iWhoAmI = reg;
190         switch (reg) {
191         case FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_WHOAMI_PROD_VALUE:
192         case FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_WHOAMI_PRE_VALUE:
193         case FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_WHOAMI_OLD_VALUE: break;
194         default:
195             // whoAmI will retain default value of zero
196             return SENSOR_ERROR_INIT; // return with error
197         }
198     } else {
199         return status; // return with error
200     }
202     // configure FXAS21000 or FXAS21002 depending on WHOAMI value read
203     switch (sfg->Gyro.iWhoAmI) {
204     case (FXAS21000_WHO_AM_I_VALUE):
205         // Configure and start the FXAS21000 sensor.  This does multiple register writes
206         // (see FXAS21009_Initialization definition above)
207         status = Sensor_I2C_Write(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21000_Initialization );
208         sfg->Gyro.iCountsPerDegPerSec = FXAS21000_COUNTSPERDEGPERSEC;
209         sfg->Gyro.fDegPerSecPerCount = 1.0F / FXAS21000_COUNTSPERDEGPERSEC;
210         break;
211     case (FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_WHOAMI_PRE_VALUE):
212     case (FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_WHOAMI_PROD_VALUE):
213         status = Sensor_I2C_Write(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21002_Initialization );
214         sfg->Gyro.iCountsPerDegPerSec = FXAS21002_COUNTSPERDEGPERSEC;
215         sfg->Gyro.fDegPerSecPerCount = 1.0F / FXAS21002_COUNTSPERDEGPERSEC;
216         break;
217     }
218     sfg->Gyro.iFIFOCount=0;
219     sensor->isInitialized = F_USING_GYRO;
220     sfg->Gyro.isEnabled = true;
221     return (status);
222 }
224 // read FXAS21002 gyro over I2C
FXAS21002_Read(struct PhysicalSensor * sensor,SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)225 int8_t FXAS21002_Read(struct PhysicalSensor *sensor, SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
226 {
227     uint8_t     I2C_Buffer[6 * FXAS21002_GYRO_FIFO_SIZE]; // I2C read buffer
228     int8_t      j;                              // scratch
229     uint8_t     sensor_fifo_count = 1;
230     int32_t     status;
231     int16_t     sample[3];
233     if(sensor->isInitialized != F_USING_GYRO)
234     {
235         return SENSOR_ERROR_INIT;
236     }
238      // read the F_STATUS register (mapped to STATUS) and extract number of measurements available (lower 6 bits)
239     status =  Sensor_I2C_Read(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21002_F_STATUS_READ, I2C_Buffer );
240     if (status==SENSOR_ERROR_NONE) {
242         sensor_fifo_count = 1;
243 #else
244         sensor_fifo_count = I2C_Buffer[0] & FXAS21002_F_STATUS_F_CNT_MASK ;
245 #endif
246         // return if there are no measurements in the FIFO.
247         // this will only occur when the FAST_LOOP_HZ equals or exceeds GYRO_ODR_HZ
248         if (sensor_fifo_count == 0) return(SENSOR_ERROR_READ);
249     } else {
250         return(status);
251     }
253     // at this point there must be at least one measurement in the FIFO available to read.
254     // handle the FXAS21000 and FXAS21002 differently because only FXAS21002 supports WRAPTOONE feature.
255     if (sfg->Gyro.iWhoAmI == FXAS21002_WHO_AM_I_WHOAMI_OLD_VALUE)
256     {
257         // read six sequential gyro output bytes
258         FXAS21002_DATA_READ[0].readFrom = FXAS21002_OUT_X_MSB;
259         FXAS21002_DATA_READ[0].numBytes = 6;
261         // for FXAS21000, perform sequential 6 byte reads
262         for (j = 0; j < sensor_fifo_count; j++)
263         {
264             // read one set of measurements totalling 6 bytes
265             status =  Sensor_I2C_Read(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21002_DATA_READ, I2C_Buffer );
267             if (status==SENSOR_ERROR_NONE) {
268                 // place the measurements read into the gyroscope buffer structure
269                 sample[CHX] = (I2C_Buffer[0] << 8) | I2C_Buffer[1];
270                 sample[CHY] = (I2C_Buffer[2] << 8) | I2C_Buffer[3];
271                 sample[CHZ] = (I2C_Buffer[4] << 8) | I2C_Buffer[5];
272                 conditionSample(sample);  // truncate negative values to -32767
273                 addToFifo((union FifoSensor*) &(sfg->Gyro), GYRO_FIFO_SIZE, sample);
274             }
275         }
276     }   // end of FXAS21000 FIFO read
277     else
278     {
279         // for FXAS21002, clear the FIFO in one using WRAPTOONE feature
280         FXAS21002_DATA_READ[0].readFrom = FXAS21002_OUT_X_MSB;
281         FXAS21002_DATA_READ[0].numBytes = 6 * sensor_fifo_count;
282         status =  Sensor_I2C_Read(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21002_DATA_READ, I2C_Buffer );
284         if (status==SENSOR_ERROR_NONE) {
285             for (j = 0; j < sensor_fifo_count; j++) {
286                 // place the measurements read into the gyroscope buffer structure
287                 sample[CHX] = (I2C_Buffer[6*j + 0] << 8) | I2C_Buffer[6*j + 1];
288                 sample[CHY] = (I2C_Buffer[6*j + 2] << 8) | I2C_Buffer[6*j + 3];
289                 sample[CHZ] = (I2C_Buffer[6*j + 4] << 8) | I2C_Buffer[6*j + 5];
290                 conditionSample(sample);  // truncate negative values to -32767
291                 addToFifo((union FifoSensor*) &(sfg->Gyro), GYRO_FIFO_SIZE, sample);
292             }
293         }
294     }   // end of optimized FXAS21002 FIFO read
296     return status;
297 }
300 // Each entry in a RegisterWriteList is composed of: register address, value to write, bit-mask to apply to write (0 enables)
301 const registerwritelist_t   FXAS21002_IDLE[] =
302 {
303   // Reset to Standby
304   { FXAS21000_CTRL_REG1, 0x00, 0x00 },
305     __END_WRITE_DATA__
306 };
308 // FXAS21002_Idle places the gyro into READY mode (wakeup time = 1/ODR+5ms)
FXAS21002_Idle(struct PhysicalSensor * sensor,SensorFusionGlobals * sfg)309 int8_t FXAS21002_Idle(struct PhysicalSensor *sensor, SensorFusionGlobals *sfg)
310 {
311     int32_t     status;
312     if(sensor->isInitialized == F_USING_GYRO) {
313         status = Sensor_I2C_Write(sensor->bus_driver, &sensor->deviceInfo, sensor->addr, FXAS21002_IDLE );
314         sensor->isInitialized = 0;
315         sfg->Gyro.isEnabled = false;
316     } else {
317       return SENSOR_ERROR_INIT;
318     }
319     return status;
320 }
321 #endif