1 // Copyright 2017-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #pragma once
17 #include "sdkconfig.h"
18 #include "esp_err.h"
19 #include "esp_event.h"
20 #include "esp_hid_common.h"
22 #ifdef __cplusplus
23 extern "C" {
24 #endif
26 #include "esp_hidd_transport.h"
28 ESP_EVENT_DECLARE_BASE(ESP_HIDD_EVENTS);        // Declare the event base for HID device
30 /**
31  * @brief HIDD callback events enum
32  */
33 typedef enum {
34     ESP_HIDD_ANY_EVENT = ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID,      /*!< HID device any event */
35     ESP_HIDD_START_EVENT = 0,                   /*!< HID device stack started */
36     ESP_HIDD_CONNECT_EVENT,                     /*!< HID device connected */
37     ESP_HIDD_PROTOCOL_MODE_EVENT,               /*!< HID device protocol mode change */
38     ESP_HIDD_CONTROL_EVENT,                     /*!< HID device control request */
39     ESP_HIDD_OUTPUT_EVENT,                      /*!< HID device output report event */
40     ESP_HIDD_FEATURE_EVENT,                     /*!< HID device feature report event */
41     ESP_HIDD_DISCONNECT_EVENT,                  /*!< HID device disconnected */
42     ESP_HIDD_STOP_EVENT,                        /*!< HID device stack stopped */
43     ESP_HIDD_MAX_EVENT,                         /*!< HID events end marker */
44 } esp_hidd_event_t;
46 /**
47  * @brief HIDD structure forward declaration
48  */
49 struct esp_hidd_dev_s;
50 typedef struct esp_hidd_dev_s esp_hidd_dev_t;
52 /**
53  * @brief HIDD callback parameters union
54  */
55 typedef union {
56     /**
57      * @brief ESP_HIDD_START_EVENT
58      * @note Used only for Classic Bluetooth.
59      */
60     struct {
61         esp_err_t status;                       /*!< HID device operation status */
62     } start;                                    /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_START_EVENT */
64     /**
65      * @brief ESP_HIDD_STOP_EVENT
66      * @note Used only for Classic Bluetooth.
67      */
68     struct {
69         esp_err_t status;                       /*!< HID device operation status */
70     } stop;                                     /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_STOP_EVENT */
72     /**
73      * @brief ESP_HIDD_CONNECT_EVENT
74      */
75     struct {
76         esp_hidd_dev_t *dev;                    /*!< HID device structure */
77         esp_err_t status;                       /*!< HID device operation status, used only for Classic Bluetooth */
78     } connect;                                  /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_CONNECT_EVENT */
80     /**
82      */
83     struct {
84         esp_hidd_dev_t *dev;                    /*!< HID device structure */
85         int reason;                             /*!< Indicate the reason of disconnection */
86         esp_err_t status;                       /*!< HID device operation status, used only for Classic Bluetooth */
87     } disconnect;                               /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_DISCONNECT_EVENT */
89     /**
90      * @brief ESP_HIDD_OUTPUT_EVENT
91      */
92     struct {
93         esp_hidd_dev_t *dev;                    /*!< HID device structure */
94         esp_hid_usage_t usage;                  /*!< HID report usage */
95         uint16_t report_id;                     /*!< HID report index */
96         uint16_t length;                        /*!< data length */
97         uint8_t  *data;                         /*!< The pointer to the data */
98         uint8_t map_index;                      /*!< HID config report map index */
99     } output;                                   /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_OUTPUT_EVENT */
101     /**
102      * @brief ESP_HIDD_FEATURE_EVENT
103      */
104     struct {
105         esp_hidd_dev_t *dev;                    /*!< HID device structure */
106         esp_hid_usage_t usage;                  /*!< HID report usage */
107         uint16_t report_id;                     /*!< HID report index */
108         uint16_t length;                        /*!< data length */
109         uint8_t  *data;                         /*!< The pointer to the data */
110         uint8_t map_index;                      /*!< HID config report map index */
111         uint8_t trans_type;                     /*!< HID device feature transaction type, used only for Classic Bluetooth */
112         uint8_t report_type;                    /*!< HID device feature report type, used only for Classic Bluetooth */
113     } feature;                                  /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_FEATURE_EVENT */
115     /**
117      */
118     struct {
119         esp_hidd_dev_t *dev;                    /*!< HID device structure */
120         uint8_t protocol_mode;                  /*!< HID Protocol Mode */
121         uint8_t map_index;                      /*!< HID config report map index */
122     } protocol_mode;                            /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_PROTOCOL_MODE_EVENT */
124     /**
125      * @brief ESP_HIDD_CONTROL_EVENT
126      */
127     struct {
128         esp_hidd_dev_t *dev;                    /*!< HID device structure */
129         uint8_t control;                        /*!< HID Control Point */
130         uint8_t map_index;                      /*!< HID config report map index */
131     } control;                                  /*!< HID callback param of ESP_HIDD_CONTROL_EVENT */
133 } esp_hidd_event_data_t;
135 /**
136  * @brief Init HID Device
137  * @param       config   : configuration for the device
138  * @param       transport: protocol that the device will use (ESP_HID_TRANSPORT_BLE/BT/USB)
139  * @param       callback : function to call when events for this device are generated.
140  *                         Can be NULL, but will miss the START event.
141  * @param[out]  dev      : location to return the pointer to the device structure
142  *
143  * @return: ESP_OK on success
144  */
145 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_init(const esp_hid_device_config_t *config, esp_hid_transport_t transport, esp_event_handler_t callback, esp_hidd_dev_t **dev);
147 /**
148  * @brief Deinit HID Device
149  * @param dev : pointer to the device to deinit
150  *
151  * @return: ESP_OK on success
152  */
153 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_deinit(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev);
155 /**
156  * @brief Get the HID Device Transport
157  * @param dev : pointer to the HID Device
158  *
159  * @return: the transport of the connected device or ESP_HID_TRANSPORT_MAX
160  */
161 esp_hid_transport_t esp_hidd_dev_transport_get(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev);
163 /**
164  * @brief Check if HID Device is connected
165  * @param dev : pointer to the device
166  *
167  * @return: true if the device is connected
168  */
169 bool esp_hidd_dev_connected(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev);
171 /**
172  * @brief Set the battery level reported by the HID Device
173  * @param dev   : pointer to the device
174  * @param level : battery level (0-100)
175  *
176  * @return: ESP_OK on success
177  */
178 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_battery_set(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev, uint8_t level);
180 /**
181  * @brief Send an INPUT report to the host
182  * @param dev       : pointer to the device
183  * @param map_index : index of the device report map in the init config
184  * @param report_id : id of the HID INPUT report
185  * @param data      : pointer to the data to send
186  * @param length    : length of the data to send
187  *
188  * @return: ESP_OK on success
189  */
190 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_input_set(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, uint8_t *data, size_t length);
192 /**
193  * @brief Send a FEATURE report to the host
194  * @param dev       : pointer to the device
195  * @param map_index : index of the device report map in the init config
196  * @param report_id : id of the HID FEATURE report
197  * @param data      : pointer to the data to send
198  * @param length    : length of the data to send
199  *
200  * @return: ESP_OK on success
201  */
202 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_feature_set(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev, size_t map_index, size_t report_id, uint8_t *data, size_t length);
204 /**
205  * @brief Register function to listen for device events
206  * @param dev       : pointer to the device
207  * @param callback  : event handler function
208  * @param event     : event to listen for (ESP_HIDD_ANY_EVENT for all)
209  *
210  * @return: ESP_OK on success
211  */
212 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_event_handler_register(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev, esp_event_handler_t callback, esp_hidd_event_t event);
214 /**
215  * @brief Unregister function that is listening for device events
216  * @param dev       : pointer to the device
217  * @param callback  : event handler function
218  * @param event     : event that is listening for (ESP_HIDD_ANY_EVENT for all)
219  *
220  * @return: ESP_OK on success
221  */
222 esp_err_t esp_hidd_dev_event_handler_unregister(esp_hidd_dev_t *dev, esp_event_handler_t callback, esp_hidd_event_t event);
224 #ifdef __cplusplus
225 }
226 #endif