1 /***************************************************************************//**
2 * \file cy_sysclk.h
3 * \version 3.70
4 *
5 * Provides an API declaration of the sysclk driver.
6 *
7 ********************************************************************************
8 * \copyright
9 * Copyright (c) (2016-2022), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
10 * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
11 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
12 *
13 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
14 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
16 *
17 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18 *
19 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23 * limitations under the License.
24 *******************************************************************************/
26 /**
27 * \addtogroup group_sysclk
28 * \{
29 * The System Clock (SysClk) driver contains the API for configuring system and
30 * peripheral clocks.
31 *
32 * The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_sysclk.h.
33 * You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions
34 * and declarations in the PDL.
35 *
36 * Firmware uses the API to configure, enable, or disable a clock.
37 *
38 * The clock system includes a variety of resources that can vary per device, including:
39 * - Internal clock sources such as internal oscillators
40 * - External clock sources such as crystal oscillators or a signal on an I/O pin
41 * - Generated clocks such as an FLL, a PLL, and peripheral clocks
42 *
43 * Consult the Technical Reference Manual for your device for details of the
44 * clock system.
45 *
46 * The PDL defines clock system capabilities in:\n
47 * devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>/include/\<series\>_config.h. (E.g.
48 * devices/COMPONENT_CAT1A/include/psoc6_01_config.h).
49 *
50 * As an illustration of the clocking system, the following diagram shows the
51 * PSoC 63 series clock tree. The actual tree may vary depending on the device series.
52 * Consult the Technical Reference Manual for your device for details.
53 * ![](sysclk_tree.png)
54 *
55 * The sysclk driver supports multiple peripheral clocks, as well as the fast
56 * clock, slow clock, backup domain clock, timer clock, and pump clock. The API
57 * for any given clock contains the functions to manage that clock. Functions
58 * for clock measurement and trimming are also provided.
59 *
60 * \section group_sysclk_configuration Configuration Considerations
61 * The availability of clock functions depend on the availability of the chip
62 * resources that support those functions. Consult the device TRM before
63 * attempting to use these functions.
64 * For PSoC 64  devices the clocks configurations are restricted and limited.
65 * Refer to the PRA driver, and the TRM and datasheet for details.
66 *
67 * \warning
68 * On the diagram above, the yellow muxes are glitch-safe. All glitch-safe
69 * mux transitions take four cycles of the source clock.
70 * It is not allowed to turn off the source clock during that time.
71 *
72 * PSoC 6 power modes limit the maximum clock frequency.
73 * Refer to the SysPm driver and the TRM for details.
74 *
75 * \section group_sysclk_more_information More Information
76 * Refer to the technical reference manual (TRM) and the device datasheet.
77 *
78 * \section group_sysclk_changelog Changelog
79 * <table class="doxtable">
80 *   <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
81 *   <tr>
82 *     <td>3.70</td>
83 *     <td>Added new APIs \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetDivider, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetDivider, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetSource, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetSource. \n and enum \ref cy_en_clkpwr_in_sources_t </td>
84 *     <td>Support Added for future devices of the CAT1B.</td>
85 *   </tr>
86 *  <tr>
87 *     <td rowspan="2">3.60</td>
88 *     <td>Support for CAT1D devices is added</td>
89 *     <td>New devices support added</td>
90 *   </tr>
91 *   <tr>
92 *     <td>Remove local structure initialization to avoid optimization</td>
93 *     <td>Code cleanup</td>
94 *   </tr>
95 *   <tr>
96 *     <td>3.50</td>
97 *     <td>
98 *         Bug fixes and few new APIs addition.<br>Newly added APIs:
99 *         \n Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency() for CAT1A,CAT1C and CAT1D devices,
100 *         \n Cy_SysClk_Pll200MGetFrequency() for CAT1C devices,
101 *         \n Cy_SysClk_Pll400MGetFrequency() for CAT1C devices,
102 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ImoEnable() for CAT1D devices,
103 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ImoDisable() for CAT1D devices,
104 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ImoIsEnabled() for CAT1D devices,
105 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ImoDeepsleepEnable() for CAT1D devices,
106 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ImoIsDeepsleepEnabled() for CAT1D devices,
107 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ImoDeepsleepDisable() for CAT1D devices,
108 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcGetDivider() for CAT1C devices,
109 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcSetDivider() for CAT1C devices,
110 *         \n Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcGetFrequency() for CAT1C devices,
111 *     </td>
112 *     <td>Bug fixes and new devices support.</td>
113 *   </tr>
114 *   <tr>
115 *     <td rowspan="3">3.40</td>
116 *     <td>
117 *         Added CAT1C and CAT1D devices support.
118 *     </td>
119 *     <td>Support for new devices.</td>
120 *   </tr>
121 *   <tr>
122 *     <td>New API's for PLL400M and PLL200M.</td>
123 *     <td>To handle the new PLL's for CAT1C devices.</td>
124 *   </tr>
125 *   <tr>
126 *     <td>New API's Added
127 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MConfigure()
128 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MManualConfigure()
129 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MGetConfiguration()
130 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MEnable()
131 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MIsEnabled()
132 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MLocked()
133 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MLostLock()
134 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MDisable()
135 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MConfigure()
136 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MManualConfigure()
137 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MGetConfiguration()
138 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MEnable()
139 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MIsEnabled()
140 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MLocked()
141 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll400MLostLock()
142 *         * Cy_SysClk_Pll200MDisable()
143 *         * Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepEnable()
144 *         * Cy_SysClk_IhoIsDeepsleepEnabled()
145 *         * Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepDisable()
146 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloSrcEnable()
147 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloSrcIsEnabled()
148 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloSrcDisable()
149 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloSrcHibernateOn()
150 *         * Cy_SysClk_PiloBackupEnable()
151 *         * Cy_SysClk_PiloBackupDisable()
152 *         * Cy_SysClk_PiloTcscEnable()
153 *         * Cy_SysClk_PiloTcscDisable()
154 *         * Cy_SysClk_AltHfEnable()
155 *         * Cy_SysClk_IsAltHfEnabled()
156 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloSetTrim()
157 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloGetTrim()
158 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetSource()
159 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetSource()
160 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDirectSel()
161 *         * Cy_SysClk_IsClkHfDirectSelEnabled()
162 *         * Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupGetSlaveCtl()
163 *         * Cy_SysClk_IsPeriGroupSlaveCtlSet()
164 *         * Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFrequency()
165 *         * Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDividerEnabled()
166 *         * Cy_Sysclk_PeriPclkGetClkHfNum()
167 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkMemSetDivider()
168 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkMemGetDivider()
169 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkMemGetFrequency()
170 *
171 *     </td>
172 *     <td>New API's to handle CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.</td>
173 *   </tr>
174 *   <tr>
175 *     <td rowspan="3">3.30</td>
176 *     <td>
177 *         For PSoC64 device, allow CM0+ to call CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_X_X API in functions
178 *         accessing FUNCTION_POLICY registers. So that System Configuration structure is
179 *         updated with new parameters.
180 *     </td>
181 *     <td>For PSoC64 device, System configuration can be done from CM0+ application.</td>
182 *   </tr>
183 *   <tr>
184 *     <td>Fixed MISRA 2012 violations.</td>
185 *     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance.</td>
186 *   </tr>
187 *   <tr>
188 *     <td>Return type doxygen updated for PSoC64 devices.</td>
189 *     <td>Doxygen update for PSoC64 devices.</td>
190 *   </tr>
191 *   <tr>
192 *     <td>3.20</td>
193 *     <td>Added new API's \ref Cy_SysClk_FllGetFrequency and \ref Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency.</td>
194 *     <td>Fetch the FLL and PLL frequency.</td>
195 *   </tr>
196 *   <tr>
197 *     <td>3.10</td>
198 *     <td>Support for CM33.</td>
199 *     <td>New devices support.</td>
200 *   </tr>
201 *   <tr>
202 *     <td rowspan="2">3.0</td>
203 *     <td>The behavior of \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable and \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable is changed -
204 *         these functions disable the resource in case of enabling failure (timeout).</td>
205 *     <td>Usability enhancement.</td>
206 *   </tr>
207 *   <tr>
208 *     <td>The implementation of \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetSource,
209 *                               \ref Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure,
210 *                               \ref Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration,
211 *                               \ref Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure
212 *                           and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq
213 *         is updated in accordance to the MISRA 2012 requirements. No behavioral changes.</td>
214 *     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance.</td>
215 *   </tr>
216 *   <tr>
217 *     <td>2.20.1</td>
218 *     <td>Updated source code comments.</td>
219 *     <td>Documentation update.</td>
220 *   </tr>
221 *   <tr>
222 *     <td rowspan="3">2.20</td>
223 *     <td>Added the assertion mechanism to the following functions:
224 *         * Cy_SysClk_EcoDisable()
225 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloEnable()
226 *         * Cy_SysClk_IloHibernateOn()
227 *         * Cy_SysClk_PiloEnable()
228 *         * Cy_SysClk_PiloDisable()
229 *         * Cy_SysClk_WcoDisable()
230 *         * Cy_SysClk_WcoBypass()
231 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSetDivider()
232 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriSetDivider()
233 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource()
234 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource()
235 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetDivider()
236 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerEnable()
237 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerDisable()
238 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource()
239 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetDivider()
240 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpEnable()
241 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpDisable()
242 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkBakSetSource()
243 *
244 *         Now, the functions described above halt in assertion when a PRA
245 *         request returns not successful operation. This change is
246 *         applicable only for the PSoC 64 family devices.
247 *     </td>
248 *     <td>Enhancements for the debugging process.</td>
249 *   </tr>
250 *   <tr>
251 *     <td>Added \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrim and \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloUpdateTrimStep functions.
252 *         Extended the \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloTrim function to use the step-size value calculated for PILO
253 *         based on the \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrim and \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloUpdateTrimStep
254 *         functions call. </td>
255 *     </td>
256 *     <td>User experience enhancement.</td>
257 *   </tr>
258 *   <tr>
259 *     <td>
260 *          * Added the warning that during a glitch-safe mux, the transition is not allowed
261 *            to disable the previous clock source. See more info
262 *            in the \ref group_sysclk_configuration.
263 *          * Removed Known Issues table.
264 *     </td>
265 *     <td>Documentation updates.</td>
266 *   </tr>
267 *   <tr>
268 *     <td rowspan="3">2.10</td>
269 *     <td>Updated SysClk functions for PSoC 64 devices. Now the SysClk functions can return
270 *         PRA driver status value.</td>
271 *     <td>The SysClk driver uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers.
272 *         A SysClk driver function that calls a PRA driver function will return the PRA
273 *         error status code if the called PRA function returns an error. In these cases,
274 *         refer to PRA return statuses. Refer to functions description for details.</td>
275 *   </tr>
276 *   <tr>
277 *     <td>Updated the code of \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetFrequency function.</td>
278 *     <td>Make the code more error-resistant to user errors for some corner cases.</td>
279 *   </tr>
280 *   <tr>
281 *     <td>Minor documentation updates.</td>
282 *     <td>Documentation enhancement.</td>
283 *   </tr>
284 *   <tr>
285 *     <td>2.0</td>
286 *     <td>Updated the ECO trimming values calculation algorithm in the \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure implementation. \n
287 *         This change may invalidate the already used crystals, in cases: \n
288 *         * The crystal frequency is less than 16 MHz. \n
289 *         * The maximum amplitude (internal calculation value) is less than 0.65 V. \n
290 *
291 *         For detail, refer the \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure documentation and the ECO Trimming section of the device TRM.</td>
292 *     <td>Enhanced the ECO performance for high-noise conditions that result from simultaneous switching of GPIOs and/or high switching activity on the chip.</td>
293 *   </tr>
294 *   <tr>
295 *     <td>1.60</td>
296 *     <td>Added the following functions: \ref Cy_SysClk_ExtClkGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoGetFrequency,\n
297 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathMuxGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_IloIsEnabled.\n
298 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloIsEnabled, \ref Cy_SysClk_AltHfGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfIsEnabled,\n
299 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerIsEnabled, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpIsEnabled and\n
300 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetFrequency.</td>
301 *     <td>API enhancement.</td>
302 *   </tr>
303 *   <tr>
304 *     <td>1.50</td>
305 *     <td>\ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetFrequency is updated to reuse the \ref cy_BleEcoClockFreqHz global system variable.</td>
306 *     <td>API enhancement.</td>
307 *   </tr>
308 *   <tr>
309 *     <td>1.40.2</td>
310 *     <td>Update documentation based on collateral review feedback.</td>
311 *     <td>User experience enhancement.</td>
312 *   </tr>
313 *   <tr>
314 *     <td>1.40.1</td>
315 *     <td>Fix compiler warning.</td>
316 *     <td></td>
317 *   </tr>
318 *   <tr>
319 *     <td rowspan="4">1.40</td>
320 *     <td>Updated the following functions implementation: \ref Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure and \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable.</td>
321 *     <td>
322 *       Fixed the \ref Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure API function behaviour when it is called with a bypass mode, \n
323 *       Fixed the \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable API function behaviour when it is called with a zero timeout.
324 *     </td>
325 *   </tr>
326 *   <tr>
327 *     <td>Added the following functions: \ref Cy_SysClk_MfoEnable, \ref Cy_SysClk_MfoIsEnabled,\n
328 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_MfoDisable, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfIsEnabled,\n
329 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetDivider, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetDivider,\n.
330 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetFrequency</td>
331 *     <td>New device support.</td>
332 *   </tr>
333 *   <tr>
334 *     <td>Added the following new API functions \ref Cy_SysClk_FllIsEnabled, \ref Cy_SysClk_PllIsEnabled,\n
335 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetFrequency, \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkFastGetFrequency,\n
336 *         \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriGetFrequency and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowGetFrequency</td>
337 *     <td>Enhancement based on usability feedback</td>
338 *   </tr>
339 *   <tr>
340 *     <td>Deprecated the following macros: CY_SYSCLK_DIV_ROUND and CY_SYSCLK_DIV_ROUNDUP</td>
341 *     <td>Macros were moved into \ref group_syslib</td>
342 *   </tr>
343 *   <tr>
344 *     <td rowspan="2">1.30</td>
345 *     <td>Updated the following functions implementation: \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure and \ref Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure.</td>
346 *     <td>Math library dependency is removed, the floating-point math is replaced with integer math.</td>
347 *   </tr>
348 *   <tr>
349 *     <td>Updated the following functions implementation: \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable, \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoGetStatus, \ref Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration \n
350 *         and \ref Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback. \n
351 *         The \ref Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback now implements all four SysPm callback modes \ref cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t. \n
352 *         The actions that were done in \ref CY_SYSPM_CHECK_READY case are moved to \ref CY_SYSPM_BEFORE_TRANSITION. \n
353 *         So the \ref cy_stc_syspm_callback_t::skipMode must be set to 0UL.</td>
354 *     <td>Defect fixing.</td>
355 *   </tr>
356 *   <tr>
357 *     <td rowspan="4">1.20</td>
358 *     <td>Flattened the organization of the driver source code into the single
359 *         source directory and the single include directory.
360 *     </td>
361 *     <td>Driver library directory-structure simplification.</td>
362 *   </tr>
363 *   <tr>
364 *     <td>Updated \ref Cy_SysClk_FllLocked function description</td>
365 *     <td>The SRSS_ver1 HW details clarification</td>
366 *   </tr>
367 *   <tr>
368 *     <td>Removed the following functions:
369 *         - Cy_SysClk_FllLostLock
370 *         - Cy_SysClk_WcoConfigureCsv
371 *         - Cy_SysClk_ClkHfConfigureCsv
372 *     </td>
373 *     <td>No hardware support for the removed functions.</td>
374 *   </tr>
375 *   <tr>
376 *     <td>Added register access layer. Use register access macros instead
377 *         of direct register access using dereferenced pointers.</td>
378 *     <td>Makes register access device-independent, so that the PDL does
379 *         not need to be recompiled for each supported part number.</td>
380 *   </tr>
381 *   <tr>
382 *     <td>1.11</td>
383 *     <td>Updated the following functions. Now they use a semaphore when
384 *         try to read the status or configure the SysClk measurement counters:
385 *         * Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters()
386 *         * Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq()
387 *
388 *         Now Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq() returns zero value,
389 *         if during measurement device was in the Deep Sleep or partially
390 *         blocking flash operation occurred </td>
391 *     <td>Added arbiter mechanism for correct usage of the SysClk measurement
392 *         counters</td>
393 *   </tr>
394 *   <tr>
395 *     <td>1.10.1</td>
396 *     <td>Renamed Power Management section to Low Power Callback section</td>
397 *     <td>Documentation update and clarification</td>
398 *   </tr>
399 *   <tr>
400 *     <td rowspan="5">1.10</td>
401 *     <td>Updated FLL parameter calculation</td>
402 *     <td>Support low frequency sources</td>
403 *   </tr>
404 *   <tr>
405 *     <td>Added Cy_SysClk_PiloSetTrim() and Cy_SysclkPiloGetTrim() functions</td>
406 *     <td>Support PILO manual trims</td>
407 *   </tr>
408 *   <tr>
409 *     <td>Made Cy_SysClk_FllLostLock() function dependent on SRSS v1</td>
410 *     <td>Feature is not supported in SRSS v1</td>
411 *   </tr>
412 *   <tr>
413 *     <td>Updated Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback() to save/restore both FLL and PLL settings</td>
414 *     <td>The function should return when the lock is established or a timeout has occurred</td>
415 *   </tr>
416 *   <tr>
417 *     <td>General documentation updates</td>
418 *     <td></td>
419 *   </tr>
420 *   <tr>
421 *     <td>1.0</td>
422 *     <td>Initial version</td>
423 *     <td></td>
424 *   </tr>
425 * </table>
426 *
427 * \defgroup group_sysclk_macros           Macros
428 * \{
429 * \}
430 * \defgroup group_sysclk_enums           General Enumerated Types
431 * \{
432 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_returns         Function return values
433 * \}
434 * \defgroup group_sysclk_ext             External Clock Source (EXTCLK)
435 * \{
436 *   The External Clock Source (EXTCLK) is a clock source routed into SOC
437 *   through a GPIO pin. The EXTCLK is a source clock that can be used to
438 *   source one or more clock paths (Refer to \ref group_sysclk_path_src).
439 *   These clock paths can then source the processors and peripherals in
440 *   the device.
441 *
442 *   The EXTCLK relies on the presence of an external clock signal applied
443 *   to the GPIO pin. The pin must be configured to operate in Digital
444 *   High-Z drive mode with input buffer on and HSIOM connection
445 *   set to HSIOM_SEL_ACT_4.
446 *
447 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_ext_funcs       Functions
448 * \}
449 * \defgroup group_sysclk_eco             External Crystal Oscillator (ECO)
450 * \{
451 *   The External Crystal Oscillator (ECO) is a clock source that consists
452 *   of an oscillator circuit that drives an external crystal through its
453 *   dedicated ECO pins. The ECO is a source clock that can be used to
454 *   source one or more clock paths (Refer to \ref group_sysclk_path_src).
455 *   These clock paths can then source the processors and peripherals in
456 *   the device.
457 *
458 *   The ECO relies on the presence of an external crystal. The pins
459 *   connected to this crystal must be configured to operate in analog
460 *   drive mode with HSIOM connection set to GPIO control (HSIOM_SEL_GPIO).
461 *
462 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_eco_funcs       Functions
463 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_eco_enums     Enumerated Types
464 * \}
465 * \defgroup group_sysclk_path_src           Clock Path Source
466 * \{
467 *   Clock paths are a series of multiplexers that allow a source clock
468 *   to drive multiple clocking resources down the chain. These paths are
469 *   used for active domain clocks that are not operational during chip
470 *   Deep Sleep, hibernate and off modes. Illustrated below is a diagram
471 *   of the clock paths for the PSoC 63 series, showing the first three
472 *   clock paths. The source clocks for these paths are highlighted in
473 *   the red box.
474 *
475 *   - IMO: 8 MHz Internal Main Oscillator (Default)
476 *   - EXTCLK: External clock (signal brought in through dedicated pins)
477 *   - ECO: External Crystal Oscillator (requires external crystal on dedicated pins)
478 *   - ALTHF: Select on-chip signals (e.g. \ref group_ble_clk)
479 *   - Digital Signal (DSI): Digital signal from a UDB source
480 *
481 *   Some clock paths such as path 0 and path 1 have additional resources
482 *   that can be utilized to provide a higher frequency clock. For example,
483 *   path 0 source clock can be used as the reference clock for the FLL and
484 *   path 1 source clock can be used as the reference clock for the PLL.
485 *
486 *   ![](sysclk_path_source.png)
487 *
488 *   \note The PDL driver cannot configure a clock path to use Digital Signal
489 *   Interconnect (DSI) outputs as sources. This must be done through DSI
490 *   configuration tool such as PSoC Creator.
491 *
492 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_path_src_funcs     Functions
493 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_path_src_enums     Enumerated Types
494 * \}
495 * \defgroup group_sysclk_fll             Frequency Locked Loop (FLL)
496 * \{
497 *   The FLL is a clock generation circuit that can be used to produce a
498 *   higher frequency clock from a reference clock. The output clock exhibits
499 *   some characteristics of the reference clock such as the accuracy of the
500 *   source. However other attributes such as the clock phase are not preserved.
501 *   The FLL is similar in purpose to a (Phase locked loop) PLL but they are
502 *   not equivalent.
503 *
504 *   - They may have different frequency ranges.
505 *   - The FLL starts up (locks) faster and consumes less current than the PLL.
506 *   - The FLL accepts a source clock with lower frequency than PLL, such as the WCO (32 KHz).
507 *   - The FLL does not lock phase. The hardware consist of a counter with a
508 *     current-controlled oscillator (CCO). The counter counts the number of output
509 *     clock edges in a reference clock period and adjusts the CCO until the
510 *     expected ratio is achieved (locked). After initial lock, the CCO is
511 *     adjusted dynamically to keep the ratio within tolerance. The lock tolerance
512 *     is user-adjustable.
513 *   ![](sysclk_fll.png)
514 *
515 *   The SysClk driver supports two models for configuring the FLL. The first
516 *   model is to call the Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure() function, which calculates the
517 *   necessary parameters for the FLL at run-time. This may be necessary for dynamic
518 *   run-time changes to the FLL. However this method is slow as it needs to perform
519 *   the calculation before configuring the FLL. The other model is to call
520 *   Cy_SysClk_FllManualConfigure() function with pre-calculated parameter values.
521 *   This method is faster but requires prior knowledge of the necessary parameters.
522 *   Consult the device TRM for the FLL calculation equations.
523 *
524 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_fll_funcs       Functions
525 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_fll_structs     Data Structures
526 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_fll_enums       Enumerated Types
527 * \}
528 * \defgroup group_sysclk_pll             Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
529 * \{
530 *   The PLL is a clock generation circuit that can be used to produce a
531 *   higher frequency clock from a reference clock. The output clock exhibits
532 *   characteristics of the reference clock such as the accuracy of the source
533 *   and its phase. The PLL is similar in purpose to a (Frequency locked loop) FLL
534 *   but they are not equivalent.
535 *
536 *   - They may have different frequency ranges.
537 *   - The PLL starts up more slowly and consumes more current than the FLL.
538 *   - The PLL requires a higher frequency source clock than FLL.
539 *   ![](sysclk_pll.png)
540 *
541 *   The SysClk driver supports two models for configuring the PLL. The first
542 *   model is to call the Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure() function, which calculates the
543 *   necessary parameters for the PLL at run-time. This may be necessary for dynamic
544 *   run-time changes to the PLL. However this method is slow as it needs to perform
545 *   the calculation before configuring the PLL. The other model is to call
546 *   Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure() function with pre-calculated parameter values.
547 *   This method is faster but requires prior knowledge of the necessary parameters.
548 *   Consult the device TRM for the PLL calculation equations.
549 *
550 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_pll_funcs       Functions
551 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_pll_structs     Data Structures
552 * \}
553 * \defgroup group_sysclk_ilo             Internal Low-Speed Oscillator (ILO)
554 * \{
555 *   The ILO operates with no external components and outputs a stable clock at
556 *   32.768 kHz nominal. The ILO is relatively low power and low accuracy. It is
557 *   available in all power modes and can be used as a source for the Backup domain clock.
558 *   ![](sysclk_backup.png)
559 *
560 *   To ensure the ILO remains active in Hibernate mode, and across power-on-reset
561 *   (POR) or brown out detect (BOD), firmware must call Cy_SysClk_IloHibernateOn().
562 *
563 *   Additionally, the ILO clock can be trimmed to +/- 1.5% of nominal frequency using
564 *   a higher precision clock source. Use the \ref group_sysclk_calclk API to measure
565 *   the current ILO frequency before trimming.
566 *
567 *   \note The ILO is always the source clock for the \ref group_wdt. Therefore:
568 *   - The WDT must be unlocked when making an ILO function call in the PDL
569 *   - It is recommended to always have the ILO enabled
570 *
571 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_ilo_funcs       Functions
572 * \}
573 * \defgroup group_sysclk_pilo            Precision Internal Low-Speed Oscillator (PILO)
574 * \{
575 *   PILO provides a higher accuracy 32.768 kHz clock than the \ref group_sysclk_ilo "ILO".
576 *   When periodically calibrated using a high-accuracy clock such as the
577 *   \ref group_sysclk_eco "ECO", the PILO can achieve 250 ppm accuracy of nominal frequency.
578 *   The PILO is capable of operating in device Active, Sleep and Deep-Sleep power modes.
579 *   It is not available in Hibernate mode.
580 *
581 *   The PILO can be used as a source for the \ref group_sysclk_clk_lf. However,
582 *   because PILO is disabled in Hibernate mode, RTC timers cannot operate in this mode
583 *   when clocked using the PILO. Instead, either the \ref group_sysclk_ilo "ILO" or
584 *   \ref group_sysclk_wco "WCO" should be used when hibernate operation is required.
585 *
586 *   ![](sysclk_backup.png)
587 *
588 *   Periodic calibration to a high-accuracy clock (such as ECO) is required to
589 *   maintain accuracy. The application should use the functions described in the
590 *   \ref group_sysclk_calclk API to measure the current PILO frequency before trimming.
591 *
592 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_pilo_funcs      Functions
593 * \}
594 * \defgroup group_sysclk_calclk          Clock Measurement
595 * \{
596 *   These functions measure the frequency of a specified clock relative to a
597 *   reference clock. They are typically called in the following order:
598 *
599 *   1. Specify the measured clock, the count, and the reference clock
600 *   2. Start the counters
601 *   3. Wait for the measurement counter to finish counting
602 *   4. Retrieve the measured frequency
603 *
604 *   \note These functions may also be used as part of a clock trimming
605 *   process. Refer to the \ref group_sysclk_trim "Clock Trim" API.
606 *
607 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_calclk_funcs    Functions
608 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_calclk_enums    Enumerated Types
609 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_calclk_structs  Data Structures
610 * \}
611 * \defgroup group_sysclk_trim            Clock Trim (ILO, PILO)
612 * \{
613 *   These functions perform a single trim operation on the ILO or PILO. Each
614 *   function's parameter is the actual frequency of the clock. To measure the
615 *   frequency, use the functions described in the \ref group_sysclk_calclk API.
616 *
617 *   To trim the clock as close as possible to the target frequency, multiple
618 *   calls to the trim function may be needed. A typical usage example is to:
619 *   1. Call the clock measurement functions to get the actual frequency of the clock
620 *   2. Call the trim function, passing in the measured frequency
621 *   3. Repeat the above until the trim function reports that the clock is trimmed to within limits.
622 *
623 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_trim_funcs      Functions
624 * \}
625 * \defgroup group_sysclk_pm              Low Power Callback
626 * \{
627 *   Entering and exiting low power modes require compatible clock configurations
628 *   to be set before entering low power and restored upon wake-up and exit. The
629 *   SysClk driver provides a Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback() function to support
630 *   Deep Sleep mode entry.
631 *
632 *   This function can be called either by itself before initiating low-power mode
633 *   entry or it can be used in conjunction with the SysPm driver as a registered
634 *   callback. To do so, register this function as a callback before calling
635 *   Cy_SysPm_DeepSleep(). Specify \ref CY_SYSPM_DEEPSLEEP as the callback type,
636 *   and call Cy_SysPm_RegisterCallback().
637 *
638 *   \note If the FLL or PLL source is the ECO, this function must be called.
639 *
640 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_pm_funcs        Functions
641 * \}
642 * \defgroup group_sysclk_wco             Watch Crystal Oscillator (WCO)
643 * \{
644 *   The WCO is a highly accurate 32.768 kHz clock source capable of operating
645 *   in all power modes (excluding the Off mode). It is the primary clock source for
646 *   the backup domain clock, which is used by the real-time clock (RTC). The
647 *   WCO can also be used as a source for the low-frequency clock to support other
648 *   low power mode peripherals.
649 *
650 *   ![](sysclk_backup.png)
651 *
652 *   The WCO requires the configuration of the dedicated WCO pins (SRSS_WCO_IN_PIN,
653 *   SRSS_WCO_OUT_PIN). These must be configured as Analog Hi-Z drive modes and the
654 *   HSIOM selection set to GPIO. The WCO can also be used in bypass mode, where
655 *   an external 32.768 kHz square wave is brought in directly through the
656 *   SRSS_WCO_OUT_PIN pin.
657 *
658 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_wco_funcs       Functions
659 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_wco_enums       Enumerated Types
660 * \}
661 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_hf          High-Frequency Clocks
662 * \{
663 *   Multiple high frequency clocks (CLK_HF) are available in the device. For example,
664 *   PSoC 63 series has five high-frequency root clocks. Each CLK_HF has a particular
665 *   connection and chip-specific destination on the device.
666 *
667 *   |Name     |Description                                             |
668 *   |:--------|:-------------------------------------------------------|
669 *   |CLK_HF[0]| Root clock for CPUs, PERI, and AHB infrastructure      |
670 *   |CLK_HF[1]| Root clock for the PDM/PCM and I2S audio subsystem     |
671 *   |CLK_HF[2]| Root clock for the Serial Memory Interface subsystem   |
672 *   |CLK_HF[3]| Root clock for USB communications                      |
673 *   |CLK_HF[4]| Clock output on clk_ext pin (when used as an output)   |
674 *
675 *   ![](sysclk_hf.png)
676 *
677 *   Note this is a particular example. The actual tree may vary depending on the device series.
678 *   Consult the Technical Reference Manual for your device for details.
679 *
680 *   High frequency clocks are sourced by path clocks, which should be configured
681 *   first. An exception to this rule is CLK_HF[0], which cannot be disabled.
682 *   This divided clock drives the core processors and the peripherals in the system.
683 *   In order to update its clock source, CLK_HF[0] source must be selected without
684 *   disabling the clock.
685 *
686 *   ![](sysclk_hf_dist.png)
687 *
688 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_hf_funcs    Functions
689 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_hf_enums    Enumerated Types
690 * \}
691 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_fast        Fast Clock
692 * \{
693 *   The fast clock drives the "fast" processor (e.g. Cortex-M4 processor in PSoC 6).
694 *   This clock is sourced by CLK_HF[0] (\ref group_sysclk_clk_hf "HF Clocks").
695 *   A divider value of 1~256 can be used to further divide the CLK_HF[0] to a
696 *   desired clock speed for the processor.
697 *
698 *   ![](sysclk_fast.png)
699 *
700 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_fast_funcs  Functions
701 * \}
702 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_peri        Peripheral Clock
703 * \{
704 *   The peripheral clock is a divided clock of CLK_HF0 (\ref group_sysclk_clk_hf "HF Clocks").
705 *   It is the source clock for the \ref group_sysclk_clk_slow, and most active domain
706 *   peripheral clocks (\ref group_sysclk_clk_peripheral). A divider value of 1~256
707 *   can be used to further divide the CLK_HF[0] to a desired clock speed for the peripherals.
708 *
709 *   ![](sysclk_peri.png)
710 *
711 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_peri_funcs  Functions
712 * \}
713 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral  Peripherals Clock Dividers
714 * \{
715 *   There are multiple peripheral clock dividers that, in effect, create
716 *   multiple separate peripheral clocks. The available dividers vary per device
717 *   series. As an example, for the PSoC 63 series there are 29 dividers:
718 *
719 *   - eight 8-bit dividers
720 *   - sixteen 16-bit dividers
721 *   - four fractional 16.5-bit dividers (16 integer bits, 5 fractional bits)
722 *   - one fractional 24.5-bit divider (24 integer bits, 5 fractional bits)
723 *
724 *
725 *   The 8-bit and 16-bit dividers are integer dividers. A divider value of 1
726 *   means the output frequency matches the input frequency (that is, there is
727 *   no change). Otherwise the frequency is divided by the value of the divider.
728 *   For example, if the input frequency is 50 MHz, and the divider is value 10,
729 *   the output frequency is 5 MHz.
730 *
731 *   The five fractional bits supports further precision in 1/32nd increments. For
732 *   example, a divider with an integer value of 3 and a fractional value of
733 *   4 (4/32) results in a divider of 3.125. Fractional dividers are useful when
734 *   a high-precision clock is required, for example, for a UART/SPI serial
735 *   interface.
736 *
737 *   ![](sysclk_peri_divs.png)
738 *
739 *   Each peripheral can connect to any one of the programmable dividers. A
740 *   particular peripheral clock divider can drive multiple peripherals.
741 *
742 *   The SysClk driver also supports phase aligning two peripheral clock dividers using
743 *   Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnablePhaseAlignDivider(). Alignment works for both integer
744 *   and fractional dividers. The divider to which a second divider is aligned
745 *   must already be enabled.
746 *
747 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_funcs Functions
748 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_enums Enumerated Types
749 * \}
750 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_slow        Slow Clock
751 * \{
752 *   The slow clock is the source clock for the "slow" processor (e.g. Cortex-M0+ in PSoC 6).
753 *   This clock is a divided version of the \ref group_sysclk_clk_peri, which in turn is
754 *   a divided version of CLK_HF[0] (\ref group_sysclk_clk_hf "HF Clocks"). A divider
755 *   value of 1~256 can be used to further divide the Peri clock to a desired clock speed
756 *   for the processor.
757 *
758 *   ![](sysclk_slow.png)
759 *
760 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_slow_funcs  Functions
761 * \}
762  * \defgroup group_sysclk_alt_hf Alternative High-Frequency Clock
763 * \{
764 *   In the BLE-enabled PSoC6 devices, the \ref group_ble_clk clock is
765 *   connected to the system Alternative High-Frequency Clock input. In CAT1B devices,
766 *   the BTSS IP will provide clock input to ALTHF.
767 *
768 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_alt_hf_funcs    Functions
769 * \}
770 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_lf          Low-Frequency Clock
771 * \{
772 *   The low-frequency clock is the source clock for the \ref group_mcwdt
773 *   and can be the source clock for \ref group_sysclk_clk_bak, which drives the
774 *   \ref group_rtc.
775 *
776 *   The low-frequency clock has three possible source clocks:
777 *   \ref group_sysclk_ilo "ILO", \ref group_sysclk_pilo "PILO", and
778 *   \ref group_sysclk_wco "WCO".
779 *
780 *   ![](sysclk_lf.png)
781 *
782 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_lf_funcs    Functions
783 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_lf_enums    Enumerated Types
784 * \}
785 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_timer       Timer Clock
786 * \{
787 *   The timer clock can be a source for the alternative clock driving
788 *   the \ref group_arm_system_timer. It can also be used as a reference clock
789 *   for a counter in the \ref group_energy_profiler "Energy Profiler".
790 *
791 *   The timer clock is a divided clock of either the IMO or CLK_HF[0]
792 *   (\ref group_sysclk_clk_hf "HF Clocks").
793 *
794 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_timer_funcs Functions
795 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_timer_enums Enumerated Types
796 * \}
797 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_pump        Pump Clock
798 * \{
799 *   The pump clock is a clock source used to provide analog precision in low voltage
800 *   applications. Depending on the usage scenario, it may be required to drive the
801 *   internal voltage pump for the Continuous Time Block mini (CTBm) in the analog
802 *   subsystem. The pump clock is a divided clock of one of the clock paths
803 *   (\ref group_sysclk_path_src).
804 *
805 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_pump_funcs  Functions
806 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_pump_enums  Enumerated Types
807 * \}
808 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_bak         Backup Domain Clock
809 * \{
810 *   The backup domain clock drives the \ref group_rtc.
811 *   This clock has two possible source clocks: \ref group_sysclk_wco "WCO"
812 *   or the \ref group_sysclk_clk_lf. In turn the low frequency clock is sourced by
813 *   \ref group_sysclk_ilo "ILO", \ref group_sysclk_pilo "PILO", or
814 *   \ref group_sysclk_wco "WCO". Typically the ILO is not suitable as an RTC source,
815 *   because of its low accuracy. However the ILO does operate in hibernate mode and
816 *   may be used as an alternative to the WCO with a tradeoff in precision.
817 *
818 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_bak_funcs   Functions
819 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_bak_enums   Enumerated Types
820 * \}
821 * \defgroup group_sysclk_mf         Medium Frequency Domain Clock
822 * \{
823 *   The Medium Frequency Domain Clock is present only in SRSS_ver1_3.
824 *   Consists of MFO - the Medium Frequency Oscillator,
825 *   and CLK_MF - the Medium Frequency Clock divider.
826 *   This clock chain is designed to source the LCD block
827 *   in Deep Sleep mode, see \ref cy_en_seglcd_lsclk_t.
828 *
829 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_mf_funcs   Functions
830 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_mf_enums    Enumerated Types
831 * \}
832 * \defgroup group_sysclk_iho         Internal High Frequency(IHO) Clock
833 * \{
834 *   The IHO Clock is Internal High-speed Oscillator, which is present in CAT1B(48MHz)
835 *   and CAT1D(50MHz) devices.
836 *
837 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_iho_funcs   Functions
838 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_iho_enums    Enumerated Types
839 * \}
840 * \defgroup group_sysclk_imo         Internal Main Oscillator(IMO) Clock
841 * \{
842 *   The IMO Clock is Internal Main Oscillator, which is present in CAT1A/CAT1B/CAT1C and
843 *   CAT1D devices, where as it is it is 8MHz in CAT1A/CAT1B/CAT1C, and CAT1D supports
844 *   two instances of IMO i.e. 2MHz frequency (deep sleep capable) and separate
845 *   instance with 4Mhz for LPPASS.
846 *
847 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_imo_funcs   Functions
848 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_imo_enums    Enumerated Types
849 * \}
850 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_mem         Mem Clock
851 * \{
852 *   Clock for the Memories
854 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_mem_funcs   Functions
855 * \}
856 * \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_pwr         Power Clock
857 * \{
858 *   Clock for the power architecture components.
860 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_pwr_funcs   Functions
861 *   \defgroup group_sysclk_clk_pwr_enums    Enumerated Types
862 * \}
864 */
866 #if !defined (CY_SYSCLK_H)
867 #define CY_SYSCLK_H
869 #include "cy_device.h"
871 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
872 #include <stdbool.h>
873 #include "cy_syslib.h"
874 #include "cy_syspm.h"
876 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE)
877     #include "cy_pra.h"
878 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE) */
881 #if defined(__cplusplus)
882 extern "C" {
883 #endif /* __cplusplus */
885 /**
886 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_macros
887 * \{
888 */
889 /** Driver major version */
891 /** Driver minor version */
893 /** Sysclk driver identifier */
894 #define CY_SYSCLK_ID   CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x12U)
896 /** ILO clock frequency */
897 #define CY_SYSCLK_ILO_FREQ  (32768UL)   /* Hz */
898 /** WCO clock frequency */
899 #define CY_SYSCLK_WCO_FREQ  (32768UL)   /* Hz */
900 /** PILO clock frequency */
901 #define CY_SYSCLK_PILO_FREQ (32768UL)   /* Hz */
903 /** IMO clock frequency */
904 #define CY_SYSCLK_IMO_FREQ  (8000000UL) /* Hz */
906 /** MFO clock frequency */
907 #define CY_SYSCLK_MFO_FREQ  (2000000UL) /* Hz */
909 /** CY_SYSCLK_PILO_TRIM_STEP is the default PILO TRIM Step value */
910 #define CY_SYSCLK_PILO_TRIM_STEP  (5UL) /* Default PILO TRIM Step size */
912 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
913 /**
914 * \note
915 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
916 **/
917 /** IHO clock frequency */
918 #define CY_SYSCLK_IHO_FREQ  (48000000UL) /* Hz */
919 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS*/
922 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
923 /**
924 * \note
925 * This macro is available for CAT1A devices.
926 **/
927 /** ECO clock frequency */
928 #define CY_SYSCLK_ECO_FREQ  (4000000UL) /* Hz */
929 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS40SRSS */
932 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)|| defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
933 /** FLL BYPASS configure Delay , As per SAS
934 * "When changing BYPASS_SEL, do not turn off the reference clock
935 * or CCO clock for ten cycles (whichever is slower)"
936 * Slower if IMO, so delay = (10 * 1/(IMO freq in Mhz))  = 1.25 micro seconds,
937 * approximated to 2 micro second
938  **/
939 #define CY_SYSCLK_BYPASS_CONFIGURE_DELAY  (2UL) /* micro seconds */
941 /** FLL Disable Timeout value
942 **/
943 #define CY_SYSCLK_FLL_DISABLE_TIMEOUT     (100UL) /* micro seconds */
945 #else
947 /** FLL BYPASS configure Delay , As per SAS
948 * "When changing BYPASS_SEL, do not turn off the reference clock
949 * or CCO clock for seven cycles (whichever is slower)"
950 * Slower if IMO, so delay = (7 * 1/(IMO freq in Mhz))  = 0.875 micro seconds,
951 * approximated to 1 micro second
952 **/
953 #define CY_SYSCLK_BYPASS_CONFIGURE_DELAY  (1UL) /* micro seconds */
955 /** FLL Disable Timeout value
956 **/
957 #define CY_SYSCLK_FLL_DISABLE_TIMEOUT     (100UL) /* micro seconds */
959 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)|| defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
962 /*******************************************************************************
963 *       Internal Defines
964 *******************************************************************************/
965 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
966 /**
967 * \note
968 * This macro is valid for CAT1D devices.
969 **/
970 /* Macro to validate parameters in Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() function */
971 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_CLKPATH_SOURCE_VALID(clkSrc)        (((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IHO) || \
972                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT)  || \
973                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO) || \
974                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO)  || \
975                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO) || \
976                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO))
977 #elif defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)
978 /**
979 * \note
980 * This macro is valid for CAT1C devices.
981 **/
982 /* Macro to validate parameters in Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() function */
983 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_CLKPATH_SOURCE_VALID(clkSrc)        (((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO) || \
984                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT)  || \
985                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO) || \
986                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO0)  || \
987                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO) || \
988                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO1))
989 #elif defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)
990 /**
991 * \note
992 * This macro is valid for CAT1B devices.
993 **/
994 /* Macro to validate parameters in Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() function */
995 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_CLKPATH_SOURCE_VALID(clkSrc)        (((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO) || \
996                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT)  || \
997                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF) || \
998                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IHO)  || \
999                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO)  || \
1000                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO) || \
1001                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO))
1002 #else
1003 /**
1004 * \note
1005 * This macro is valid for CAT1A devices.
1006 **/
1007 /* Macro to validate parameters in Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() function */
1008 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_CLKPATH_SOURCE_VALID(clkSrc)        (((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO) || \
1009                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT)  || \
1010                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF) || \
1011                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO) || \
1012                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO)  || \
1013                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO) || \
1014                                                          ((clkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO)
1015 #endif
1017 /** \} group_sysclk_macros */
1020 /**
1021 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_returns
1022 * \{
1023 */
1024 /** Defines general-purpose function return values */
1025 typedef enum
1026 {
1027     CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS           = 0x00UL, /**< Command completed with no errors */
1028     CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM         = (CY_SYSCLK_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x01UL), /**< Invalid function input parameter */
1029     CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT           = (CY_SYSCLK_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x02UL), /**< Timeout occurred */
1030     CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE     = (CY_SYSCLK_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x03UL), /**< Clock is in an invalid state */
1031     CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE = (CY_SYSCLK_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x04UL) /**< Feature Unsupported */
1032 } cy_en_sysclk_status_t;
1033 /** \} group_sysclk_returns */
1036 /* ========================================================================== */
1037 /* ===========================    EXT SECTION    ============================ */
1038 /* ========================================================================== */
1040 /** \cond INTERNAL */
1041 #if ((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) && (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE)))
1042     /* Internal storage for external clock frequency user setting */
1043     extern uint32_t cySysClkExtFreq;
1044 #endif /* ((CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) && (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE))) */
1045 /** \endcond */
1047 /**
1048 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_ext_funcs
1049 * \{
1050 */
1051 /*******************************************************************************
1052 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency
1053 ****************************************************************************//**
1054 *
1055 * Sets the signal frequency of the External Clock Source (EXTCLK) into the
1056 * internal storage to be used in \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetFrequency.
1057 *
1058 * \param freq The frequency of the External Clock Source.
1059 *
1060 * \funcusage
1061 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency
1062 *
1063 *******************************************************************************/
1064 void Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency(uint32_t freq);
1067 /*******************************************************************************
1068 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ExtClkGetFrequency
1069 ****************************************************************************//**
1070 *
1071 * Returns the frequency of the External Clock Source (EXTCLK) from the
1072 * internal storage.
1073 *
1074 * \return The frequency of the External Clock Source.
1075 *
1076 * \funcusage
1077 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ExtClkSetFrequency
1078 *
1079 *******************************************************************************/
1080 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ExtClkGetFrequency(void);
1081 /** \} group_sysclk_ext_funcs */
1083 /* ========================================================================== */
1084 /* ===========================    ECO SECTION    ============================ */
1085 /* ========================================================================== */
1087 /**
1088 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_macros
1089 * \{
1090 */
1092 /**
1093 * \defgroup group_sysclk_ecostatus ECO status
1094 * \{
1095 * Constants used for expressing ECO status.
1096 */
1097 #define CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_AMPLITUDE  0UL /**< \brief ECO does not have sufficient amplitude */
1098 #define CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_INACCURATE 1UL /**< \brief ECO may not be meeting accuracy and duty cycle specs */
1099 #define CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_STABLE     2UL /**< \brief ECO has fully stabilized */
1101 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
1102 /**
1103 * \note
1104 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
1105 **/
1106 #define CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_BLE_DISABLED 0UL /**< \brief ECO for BLE is disabled */
1107 /**
1108 * \note
1109 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
1110 **/
1111 #define CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_BLE_ENABLED  1UL /**< \brief ECO for BLE is enabled */
1112 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
1114 /** \} group_sysclk_ecostatus */
1116 # if (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE))
1117 /**
1118 * \note
1119 * This structure is available for CAT1A devices.
1120 **/
1121 /** PRA structure for Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure function parameters */
1122 typedef struct
1123 {
1124     uint32_t praClkEcofreq;                           /**< freq */
1125     uint32_t praCsum;                           /**< cSum */
1126     uint32_t praEsr;                             /**< esr */
1127     uint32_t praDriveLevel;                     /**< drivelevel */
1128 } cy_stc_pra_clk_eco_configure_t;
1129 #endif /* (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)) */
1131 /** \} group_sysclk_macros */
1133 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)  || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_ECO_PRESENT == 1UL))
1134 /** \cond */
1135 /**
1136 * \note
1137 * This macro is available for CAT1A, CAT1D, CAT1B devices.
1138 **/
1140 /** \endcond */
1141 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)  || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
1143 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
1144 /** \cond */
1145 /**
1146 * \note
1147 * It is available for CAT1B devices.
1148 **/
1151 /** \endcond */
1152 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
1156 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
1157 /**
1158 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_eco_enums
1159 * \{
1160 */
1161 /**
1162 *   ECO enable options for BLE
1163 */
1164 /**
1165 * \note
1166 * This enum is available for CAT1B devices.
1167 **/
1168 typedef enum
1169 {
1170     CY_SYSCLK_ECO_BLESS_CONTROL0    =  0U, /**< 0, 1: hardware controlled by BLESS. */
1171     CY_SYSCLK_ECO_BLESS_CONTROL1    =  1U, /**< 0, 1: hardware controlled by BLESS. */
1172     CY_SYSCLK_ECO_FORCE_ENABLE      =  2U, /**< Force ECO enabled for use by BLE */
1173     CY_SYSCLK_ECO_FORCE_DISABLE     =  3U, /**< Force ECO disabled for use by BLE */
1174 } cy_en_eco_for_ble_t;
1175 /** \} group_sysclk_eco_enums */
1176 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
1178 /**
1179 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_eco_funcs
1180 * \{
1181 */
1182 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
1183 /*******************************************************************************
1184 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoSetFrequency
1185 ****************************************************************************//**
1186 *
1187 * Stores the external crystal oscillator (ECO) frequency in a global variable
1188 * within Sysclk driver.
1189 *
1190 * \param freq Operating frequency of the crystal in Hz.
1191 * Valid range: 16000000...35000000 (16..35 MHz).
1192 *
1193 * \note
1194 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
1195 *
1196 *******************************************************************************/
1197 void Cy_SysClk_EcoSetFrequency(uint32_t freq);
1198 #endif /* (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)&& (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
1200  #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || \
1201      (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_ECO_PRESENT == 1UL))
1204 /*******************************************************************************
1205 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure
1206 ****************************************************************************//**
1207 *
1208 * Configures the external crystal oscillator (ECO) trim bits based on crystal
1209 * characteristics. This function should be called only when the ECO is disabled.
1210 *
1211 * \param freq Operating frequency of the crystal in Hz.
1212 * Valid range: 16000000...35000000 (16..35 MHz).
1213 *
1214 * \param cSum The summary capacitance of
1215 * C0 (the crystal itself shunt capacitance) and
1216 * Cload (the parallel load capacitance), in pF.
1217 * So cSum = C0 + Cload.
1218 * Valid range: 1...100.
1219 * \note
1220 * For CAT1B Devices:
1221 * cSum stands for crystal load capacitance in pF.
1222 *
1223 * \param esr Effective series resistance of the crystal in Ohms.
1224 * Valid range: 1...1000.
1225 *
1226 * \param driveLevel Crystal drive level in uW.
1227 * Valid range: 1...2000.
1228 *
1229 * \return Error / status code: \n
1230 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ECO configuration completed successfully \n
1231 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - One or more invalid parameters \n
1232 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - ECO already enabled
1233 * \note Behavior of this API is IP dependent. \n
1234 * On CAT1A device: \n
1235 *
1236 * For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when function returns
1237 * the PRA error status code. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
1238 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
1239 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
1240 * The following calculations are implemented in the 32-bit integer math:
1241 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
1242 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable call.
1243 *
1244 * \verbatim
1245 *   freqKhz = freq / 1000
1246 *   maxAmpl = sqrt(drivelevel / 2 / esr) / 3.14 / freqKhz / cSum
1247 *   ampSect = INT(5 * 4 * 3.14^2 * freqKhz^2 * cSum^2 * 4 * esr / 1000000000 / 1000000 / 9)
1248 *   As a result of the above calculations, max amplitude must be >= 0.65V, and the
1249 *   number of amplifier sections must be <= 3, otherwise this function returns with
1250 *   a parameter error.
1251 *
1252 *   atrim = 15
1253 *   agc_en = 1
1254 *   wdtrim = 7
1255 *   gtrim = ampSect > 1 ? ampSect : ampSect == 1 ? 0 : 1
1256 *   rtrim = 0
1257 *   ftrim = 3
1258 * \endverbatim
1259 *
1260 * \note
1261 * On CAT1C Device: \n
1262 *
1263 * \verbatim
1265 *   No TRIM registers configuration required for CAT1B devices, For legacy API is emptied
1266 *   The following calculations are implemented, generally in floating point:
1267 *   freqMHz = freq / 1000000
1268 *   max amplitude Vpp = 1000 * sqrt(drivelevel / 2 / esr) / 3.14 / freqMHz / cLoad
1269 *   gm_min mA/V = 5 * 4 * 3.14 * 3.14 * freqMhz^2 * cLoad^2 * 4 * esr / 1000000000
1270 *   Number of amplifier sections = INT(gm_min / 4.5)
1271 *
1272 *   As a result of the above calculations, max amplitude must be >= 0.5, and the
1273 *   number of amplifier sections must be <= 3, otherwise this function returns with
1274 *   a parameter error.
1275 *
1276 *   atrim = if (max amplitude < 0.5) then error
1277 *           else 2 * the following:
1278 *                    max amplitude < 0.6: 0
1279 *                    max amplitude < 0.7: 1
1280 *                    max amplitude < 0.8: 2
1281 *                    max amplitude < 0.9: 3
1282 *                    max amplitude < 1.15: 5
1283 *                    max amplitude < 1.275: 6
1284 *                    max amplitude >= 1.275: 7
1285 *   wdtrim = if (max amplitude < 0.5) then error
1286 *            else 2 * the following:
1287 *                     max amplitude < 1.2: INT(5 * max amplitude) - 2
1288 *                     max amplitude >= 1.2: 3
1289 *   gtrim = if (number of amplifier sections > 3) then error
1290 *           else the following:
1291 *                number of amplifier sections > 1: number of amplifier sections
1292 *                number of amplifier sections = 1: 0
1293 *                number of amplifier sections < 1: 1
1294 *   rtrim = if (gtrim = error) then error
1295 *           else the following:
1296 *                freqMHz > 26.8: 0
1297 *                freqMHz > 23.33: 1
1298 *                freqMHz > 16.5: 2
1299 *                freqMHz <= 16.5: 3
1300 *   ftrim = if (atrim = error) then error
1301 *           else INT(atrim / 2)
1302 * \endverbatim
1303 *
1304 * \note
1305 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
1306 *
1307 * \funcusage
1308 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure
1309 *
1310 *******************************************************************************/
1311 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure(uint32_t freq, uint32_t cSum, uint32_t esr, uint32_t driveLevel);
1313 /*******************************************************************************
1314 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable
1315 ****************************************************************************//**
1316 *
1317 * Enables the external crystal oscillator (ECO). This function should be called
1318 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure.
1319 *
1320 * \param timeoutus Amount of time in microseconds to wait for the ECO to stabilize.
1321 * To avoid waiting for stabilization, set this parameter to 0.
1322 *
1323 * \return Error / status code: \n
1324 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ECO locked \n
1325 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - ECO timed out and did not lock \n
1326 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - ECO already enabled \n
1327 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - ECO is not present
1328 * For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when function returns
1329 * the PRA error status code. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
1330 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
1331 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
1332 *
1333 * \note
1334 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
1335 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
1336 *
1337 * \note
1338 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
1339 *
1340 * \note
1341 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
1342 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
1343 *
1344 * \funcusage
1345 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable
1346 *
1347 *******************************************************************************/
1348 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable(uint32_t timeoutus);
1350 /*******************************************************************************
1351 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoGetFrequency
1352 ****************************************************************************//**
1353 *
1354 * Returns the frequency of the external crystal oscillator (ECO).
1355 *
1356 * \return The frequency of the ECO.
1357 *
1358 * \note If the ECO is not enabled or stable - a zero is returned.
1359 *
1360 * \funcusage
1361 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_EcoEnable
1362 *
1363 * \note
1364 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C devices.
1365 *
1366 *******************************************************************************/
1367 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_EcoGetFrequency(void);
1370 /*******************************************************************************
1371 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoDisable
1372 ****************************************************************************//**
1373 *
1374 * Disables the external crystal oscillator (ECO). This function should not be
1375 * called if the ECO is sourcing clkHf[0].
1376 *
1377 * \funcusage
1378 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_EcoDisable
1379 *
1380 * \note
1381 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C devices.
1382 *
1383 *******************************************************************************/
1384 void Cy_SysClk_EcoDisable(void);
1387 /*******************************************************************************
1388 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoGetStatus
1389 ****************************************************************************//**
1390 *
1391 * Reports the current status of the external crystal oscillator (ECO).
1392 *
1393 * \return
1394 * CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_AMPLITUDE = ECO does not have sufficient amplitude \n
1395 * CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_INACCURATE = ECO has sufficient amplitude but may not be meeting accuracy and duty cycle specifications \n
1396 * CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_STABLE = ECO has fully stabilized
1397 *
1398 * \note
1399 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C devices.
1400 *
1401 * \funcusage
1402 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_EcoGetStatus
1403 *
1404 *******************************************************************************/
1405 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_EcoGetStatus(void);
1406 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_ECO_PRESENT == 1UL))*/
1408 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_ECO_PRESENT == 1UL))
1410 /*******************************************************************************
1411 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoPrescaleConfigure
1412 ****************************************************************************//**
1413 *
1414 * Configures the external crystal oscillator (ECO) using ECO Prescaler
1415 * Configuration Register and derives clk_eco_prescaler
1416 *
1417 * \param enable ECO Prescaler enable/disable.
1418 *
1419 * \param int_div 10-bit integer value.
1420 *
1421 * \param frac_div 8-bit fraction value.
1422 *
1423 * \return Error / status code: \n
1424 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ECO configuration completed successfully \n
1425 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - One or more invalid parameters \n
1426 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - ECO already enabled \n
1427 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - ECO is not present
1428 *
1429 * \note
1430 * This API is available for CAT1C devices.
1431 *
1432 *******************************************************************************/
1433 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_EcoPrescaleConfigure(uint32_t enable, uint32_t int_div, uint32_t frac_div);
1435 /*******************************************************************************
1436 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoPrescaleIsEnabled
1437 ****************************************************************************//**
1438 *
1439 * Reports whether or not ECO Prescale is enabled.
1440 *
1441 * \return
1442 * false = disabled \n
1443 * true = enabled
1444 *
1445 * \note
1446 * This API is available for CAT1C devices.
1447 *
1448 *******************************************************************************/
1449 bool Cy_SysClk_EcoPrescaleIsEnabled(void);
1451 #endif /* (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_ECO_PRESENT == 1UL))*/
1453 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
1454 /*******************************************************************************
1455 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoBleEnable
1456 ****************************************************************************//**
1457 *
1458 * Enables the external crystal oscillator (ECO) for BlueTooth Usage. This function should be called
1459 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_EcoConfigure.
1460 *
1461 * \param control To be selected from \ref cy_en_eco_for_ble_t
1462 *
1463 * \param timeoutus timeoutus
1464 *
1465 * \return Error / status code: \n
1466 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ECO locked \n
1467 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - ECO timed out and did not lock \n
1468 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - ECO already enabled \n
1469 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - ECO is not present
1470 *
1471 * \note
1472 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
1473 *
1474 *******************************************************************************/
1475 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_EcoBleControl(cy_en_eco_for_ble_t control, uint32_t timeoutus);
1477 /*******************************************************************************
1478 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_EcoBleGetStatus
1479 ****************************************************************************//**
1480 *
1481 * Reports the current status w.r.to BLE of the external crystal oscillator (ECO).
1482 *
1483 * \return
1484 * CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_BLE_ENABLED = ECO for BLE is enabled \n
1485 * CY_SYSCLK_ECOSTAT_BLE_DISABLED = ECO for BLE is not enabled
1486 *
1487 * \note
1488 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
1489 *
1490 *******************************************************************************/
1491 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_EcoBleGetStatus(void);
1492 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) */
1494 /** \} group_sysclk_eco_funcs */
1497 /* ========================================================================== */
1498 /* ====================    INPUT MULTIPLEXER SECTION    ===================== */
1499 /* ========================================================================== */
1500 /**
1501 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_path_src_enums
1502 * \{
1503 */
1504 /**
1505 *   Input multiplexer clock sources
1506 */
1509 typedef enum
1510 {
1511 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
1512     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IHO    =     0U, /**< Select the IHO as the output of the path mux */
1513     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT    =     1U, /**< Select the EXT as the output of the path mux */
1514     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO    =     2U, /**< Select the ECO as the output of the path mux */
1515     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO    =     3U, /**< Select the IMO as the output of the path mux */
1516     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF0 =     4U, /**< Select the ALTHF0 as the output of the path mux */
1517     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF1 =     5U, /**< Select the ALTHF1 as the output of the path mux */
1518     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSIMUX =     7U, /**< Select the DSI MUX output as the output of the path mux */
1519     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSI    = 0x100U, /**< Select a DSI signal (0 - 15) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1520                                            *   Make sure the DSI clock sources are available on used device.
1521                                            */
1522     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO    = 0x110U, /**< Select the ILO (16) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1523     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO    = 0x111U, /**< Select the WCO (17) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1524     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTLF  = 0x112U, /**< Select the ALTLF (18) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1525                                            *   Make sure the ALTLF clock sources in available on used device.
1526                                            */
1527     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO   = 0x113U, /**< Select the PILO (19) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1528                                            *   Make sure the PILO clock sources in available on used device.
1529                                            */
1530 #elif defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)
1531     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO    =     0U, /**< Select the IMO as the output of the path mux */
1532     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT    =     1U, /**< Select the EXT as the output of the path mux */
1533     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO    =     2U, /**< Select the ECO as the output of the path mux */
1534     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF  =     3U, /**< Select the ALTHF as the output of the path mux */
1535     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSIMUX =     4U, /**< Select the DSI MUX output as the output of the path mux */
1536     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_LPECO  =     5U, /**< Select the LPECO as the output of the path mux */
1537     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSI    = 0x100U, /**< Select a DSI signal (0 - 15) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1538                                            *   Make sure the DSI clock sources are available on used device.
1539                                            */
1540     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO    = 0x110U,
1541     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO0   = CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO,/**< Select the ILO0 (16) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1542     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO    = 0x111U, /**< Select the WCO (17) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1543     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTLF  = 0x112U, /**< Select the ALTLF (18) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1544                                            *   Make sure the ALTLF clock sources in available on used device.
1545                                            */
1546     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO   = 0x113U, /**< Select the PILO (19) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1547                                            *   Make sure the PILO clock sources in available on used device.
1548                                            */
1549     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO1   = 0x114U, /**< Select the ILO1 (20) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1550 #elif defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)
1551     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO    =     0U, /**< Select the IMO as the output of the path mux */
1552     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT    =     1U, /**< Select the EXT as the output of the path mux */
1553     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO    =     2U, /**< Select the ECO as the output of the path mux */
1554     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF  =     3U, /**< Select the ALTHF as the output of the path mux */
1555     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSIMUX =     4U, /**< Select the DSI MUX output as the output of the path mux */
1556     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_LPECO  =     5U, /**< Select the LPECO as the output of the path mux */
1557     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IHO    =     6U, /**< Select the IHO as the output of the path mux */
1558     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSI    = 0x100U, /**< Select a DSI signal (0 - 15) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1559                                            *   Make sure the DSI clock sources are available on used device.
1560                                            */
1561     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO    = 0x110U, /**< Select the ILO (16) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1562     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO    = 0x111U, /**< Select the WCO (17) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1563     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTLF  = 0x112U, /**< Select the ALTLF (18) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1564                                            *   Make sure the ALTLF clock sources in available on used device.
1565                                            */
1566     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO   = 0x113U, /**< Select the PILO (19) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1567                                            *   Make sure the PILO clock sources in available on used device.
1568                                            */
1569     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO1   = 0x114U, /**< Select the ILO1 (20) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1570 #else
1571     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_IMO    =     0U, /**< Select the IMO as the output of the path mux */
1572     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_EXT    =     1U, /**< Select the EXT as the output of the path mux */
1573     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ECO    =     2U, /**< Select the ECO as the output of the path mux */
1574     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTHF  =     3U, /**< Select the ALTHF as the output of the path mux */
1575     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSIMUX =     4U, /**< Select the DSI MUX output as the output of the path mux */
1576     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_DSI    = 0x100U, /**< Select a DSI signal (0 - 15) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1577                                            *   Make sure the DSI clock sources are available on used device.
1578                                            */
1579     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ILO    = 0x110U, /**< Select the ILO (16) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1580     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_WCO    = 0x111U, /**< Select the WCO (17) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux */
1581     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_ALTLF  = 0x112U, /**< Select the ALTLF (18) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1582                                            *   Make sure the ALTLF clock sources in available on used device.
1583                                            */
1584     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPATH_IN_PILO  = 0x113U, /**< Select the PILO (19) as the output of the DSI mux and path mux.
1585                                            *   Make sure the PILO clock sources in available on used device.
1586                                            */
1587 #endif
1588 } cy_en_clkpath_in_sources_t;
1591 #if (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE))
1592 /**
1593 * \note
1594 * This structure is available for CAT1A devices.
1595 **/
1596 /** PRA structure for Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource function parameters */
1597 typedef struct
1598 {
1599     uint32_t                          clk_path;      /**< clkpath  */
1600     cy_en_clkpath_in_sources_t         source;        /**< Source */
1601 } cy_stc_pra_clkpathsetsource_t;
1602 #endif /* (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE)) */
1604 /** \} group_sysclk_path_src_enums */
1606 /**
1607 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_path_src_funcs
1608 * \{
1609 */
1610 /*******************************************************************************
1611 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource
1612 ****************************************************************************//**
1613 *
1614 * Configures the source for the specified clock path.
1615 *
1616 * \param clkPath Selects which clock path to configure; 0 is the first clock
1617 * path, which is the FLL.
1618 *
1619 * \param source \ref cy_en_clkpath_in_sources_t
1620 *
1621 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
1622 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
1623 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
1624 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
1625 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
1626 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
1627 *
1628 * \note
1629 * If calling this function changes an FLL or PLL input frequency, disable the FLL
1630 * or PLL before calling this function. After calling this function, call the FLL
1631 * or PLL configure function, for example \ref Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure().
1632 *
1633 * \note
1634 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
1635 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
1636 *
1637 * \note
1638 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
1639 * it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency and the frequency is increasing.
1640 *
1641 * \note
1642 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
1643 * it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency and the frequency is decreasing.
1644 *
1645 * \funcusage
1646 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource
1647 *
1648 * \note
1649 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
1650 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
1651 *
1652 * \note  It takes four cycles of the originally selected clock to switch away
1653 * from it.  Do not disable the original clock during this time.
1654 *
1655 *******************************************************************************/
1656 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource(uint32_t clkPath, cy_en_clkpath_in_sources_t source);
1659 /*******************************************************************************
1660 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetSource
1661 ****************************************************************************//**
1662 *
1663 * Reports which source is selected for the path mux.
1664 *
1665 * \param clkPath Selects which clock path to report; 0 is the first clock path,
1666 * which is the FLL.
1667 *
1668 * \return \ref cy_en_clkpath_in_sources_t
1669 *
1670 * \funcusage
1671 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetSource
1672 *
1673 *******************************************************************************/
1674 cy_en_clkpath_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetSource(uint32_t clkPath);
1677 /*******************************************************************************
1678 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPathMuxGetFrequency
1679 ****************************************************************************//**
1680 *
1681 * Returns the output frequency of the clock path mux.
1682 *
1683 * \return The output frequency of the path mux.
1684 *
1685 * \note If the return value equals zero, that means either:
1686 * - the selected path mux source signal frequency is unknown (e.g. dsi_out, etc.) or
1687 * - the selected path mux source is not configured/enabled/stable (e.g. ECO, EXTCLK, etc.).
1688 *
1689 * \funcusage
1690 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource
1691 *
1692 *******************************************************************************/
1693 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPathMuxGetFrequency(uint32_t clkPath);
1696 /*******************************************************************************
1697 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetFrequency
1698 ****************************************************************************//**
1699 *
1700 * Returns the output frequency of the clock path mux.
1701 *
1702 * \return The output frequency of the path mux.
1703 *
1704 * \note If the return value equals zero, that means either:
1705 * - the selected path mux source signal frequency is unknown (e.g. dsi_out, etc.) or
1706 * - the selected path mux source is not configured/enabled/stable (e.g. ECO, EXTCLK, etc.).
1707 *
1708 * \funcusage
1709 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllEnable
1710 *
1711 *******************************************************************************/
1712 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPathGetFrequency(uint32_t clkPath);
1713 /** \} group_sysclk_path_src_funcs */
1716 /* ========================================================================== */
1717 /* ===========================    FLL SECTION    ============================ */
1718 /* ========================================================================== */
1719 /**
1720 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_fll_enums
1721 * \{
1722 */
1723 /** FLL and PLL output mode.
1724 * See registers CLK_FLL_CONFIG3 and CLK_PLL_CONFIG0, bits BYPASS_SEL.
1725 */
1726 typedef enum
1727 {
1728     CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_AUTO   = 0U, /**< Output FLL/PLL input source when not locked, and FLL/PLL output when locked */
1729     CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_AUTO1  = 1U, /**< Same as AUTO */
1730     CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT  = 2U, /**< Output FLL/PLL input source regardless of lock status */
1731     CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_OUTPUT = 3U  /**< Output FLL/PLL output regardless of lock status. This can be dangerous if used to clock clkHf, because FLL/PLL output may be unstable */
1732 } cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t;
1734 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
1735 /** FLL current-controlled oscillator (CCO) frequency ranges.
1736 * See register CLK_FLL_CONFIG4, bits CCO_RANGE.
1737 */
1738 typedef enum
1739 {
1740     CY_SYSCLK_FLL_CCO_RANGE0, /**< Target frequency is in range  48 -  64 MHz */
1741     CY_SYSCLK_FLL_CCO_RANGE1, /**< Target frequency is in range  64 -  85 MHz */
1742     CY_SYSCLK_FLL_CCO_RANGE2, /**< Target frequency is in range  85 - 113 MHz */
1743     CY_SYSCLK_FLL_CCO_RANGE3, /**< Target frequency is in range 113 - 150 MHz */
1744     CY_SYSCLK_FLL_CCO_RANGE4  /**< Target frequency is in range 150 - 200 MHz */
1745 } cy_en_fll_cco_ranges_t;
1746 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
1747 /** \} group_sysclk_fll_enums */
1749 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
1751 /**
1752 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_fll_structs
1753 * \{
1754 */
1755 /** Structure containing information for manual configuration of FLL.
1756 */
1757 typedef struct
1758 {
1759     uint32_t                    fllMult;         /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG  register, FLL_MULT bits */
1760     uint16_t                    refDiv;          /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG2 register, FLL_REF_DIV bits */
1761     cy_en_fll_cco_ranges_t      ccoRange;        /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG4 register, CCO_RANGE bits */
1762     bool                        enableOutputDiv; /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG  register, FLL_OUTPUT_DIV bit */
1763     uint16_t                    lockTolerance;   /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG2 register, LOCK_TOL bits */
1764     uint8_t                     igain;           /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG3 register, FLL_LF_IGAIN bits */
1765     uint8_t                     pgain;           /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG3 register, FLL_LF_PGAIN bits */
1766     uint16_t                    settlingCount;   /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG3 register, SETTLING_COUNT bits */
1767     cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t outputMode;      /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG3 register, BYPASS_SEL bits */
1768     uint16_t                    cco_Freq;        /**< CLK_FLL_CONFIG4 register, CCO_FREQ bits */
1769 } cy_stc_fll_manual_config_t;
1771 /** \} group_sysclk_fll_structs */
1773 /**
1774 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_fll_funcs
1775 * \{
1776 *//*******************************************************************************
1777 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure
1778 ****************************************************************************//**
1779 *
1780 * Configures the FLL, for best accuracy optimization.
1781 *
1782 * \param inputFreq frequency of input source, in Hz
1783 *
1784 * \param outputFreq Desired FLL output frequency, in Hz. Allowable range is
1785 * 24 MHz to 100 MHz. In all cases, FLL_OUTPUT_DIV must be set; the output divide
1786 * by 2 option is required.
1787 *
1788 * \param outputMode \ref cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t
1789 * If output mode is bypass, then the output frequency equals the input source
1790 * frequency regardless of the frequency parameter values.
1791 *
1792 * \return  Error / status code: \n
1793 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - FLL successfully configured \n
1794 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - FLL not configured because it is enabled \n
1795 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - desired output frequency is out of valid range \n
1796 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - FLL is not present
1797 *
1798 * \note
1799 * Call this function after changing the FLL input frequency, for example if
1800 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
1801 *
1802 * \note
1803 * Do not call this function when the FLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
1804 * returns with an CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE return value and no register updates.
1805 *
1806 * \note
1807 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
1808 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
1809 *
1810 * \note
1811 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
1812 * the FLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the FLL frequency is increasing.
1813 *
1814 * \note
1815 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
1816 * the FLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the FLL frequency is decreasing.
1817 *
1818 * \note
1819 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
1820 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable call. Any call to \ref Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration
1821 * before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable returns old configuration values.
1822 *
1823 * \funcusage
1824 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure
1825 *
1826 *******************************************************************************/
1827 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_FllConfigure(uint32_t inputFreq, uint32_t outputFreq, cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t outputMode);
1830 /*******************************************************************************
1831 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllManualConfigure
1832 ****************************************************************************//**
1833 *
1834 * Manually configures the FLL based on user inputs.
1835 *
1836 * \param config \ref cy_stc_fll_manual_config_t
1837 *
1838 * \return  Error / status code: \n
1839 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - FLL successfully configured \n
1840 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - FLL not configured because it is enabled
1841 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
1842 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
1843 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
1844 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
1845 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
1846 *
1847 * \note
1848 * Call this function after changing the FLL input frequency, for example if
1849 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
1850 *
1851 * \note
1852 * Do not call this function when the FLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
1853 * returns immediately with an CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE return value and no register updates.
1854 *
1855 * \note
1856 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
1857 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
1858 *
1859 * \note
1860 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
1861 * the FLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the FLL frequency is increasing.
1862 *
1863 * \note
1864 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
1865 * the FLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the FLL frequency is decreasing.
1866 *
1867 * \note
1868 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
1869 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable call. Any call to \ref Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration
1870 * before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable returns old configuration values.
1871 *
1872 * \funcusage
1873 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllManualConfigure
1874 *
1875 *******************************************************************************/
1876 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_FllManualConfigure(const cy_stc_fll_manual_config_t *config);
1879 /*******************************************************************************
1880 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration
1881 ****************************************************************************//**
1882 *
1883 * Reports the FLL configuration settings.
1884 *
1885 * \param config \ref cy_stc_fll_manual_config_t
1886 *
1887 * \note
1888 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
1889 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable call. Any call to \ref Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration
1890 * before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable returns old configuration values.
1891 *
1892 * \funcusage
1893 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration
1894 *
1895 *******************************************************************************/
1896 void Cy_SysClk_FllGetConfiguration(cy_stc_fll_manual_config_t *config);
1899 /*******************************************************************************
1900 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllEnable
1901 ****************************************************************************//**
1902 *
1903 * Enables the FLL. The FLL should be configured before calling this function.
1904 *
1905 * \param timeoutus Amount of time in micro seconds to wait for FLL to lock.
1906 * If lock doesn't occur, the FLL is stopped. To avoid waiting for lock, set this to 0
1907 * and manually check for lock using \ref Cy_SysClk_FllLocked.
1908 *
1909 * \return Error / status code: \n
1910 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - FLL successfully enabled \n
1911 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for FLL lock
1912 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
1913 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
1914 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
1915 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
1916 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
1917 *
1918 * \note
1919 * While waiting for the FLL to lock, the FLL bypass mode is set to \ref CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT.
1920 * After the FLL is locked, the FLL bypass mdoe is then set to \ref CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_OUTPUT.
1921 *
1922 * \note
1923 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after calling this function
1924 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
1925 *
1926 * \note
1927 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
1928 * the FLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
1929 *
1930 * \note
1931 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
1932 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
1933 *
1934 * \funcusage
1935 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllEnable
1936 *
1937 *******************************************************************************/
1938 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_FllEnable(uint32_t timeoutus);
1941 /*******************************************************************************
1942 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllIsEnabled
1943 ****************************************************************************//**
1944 *
1945 * Reports whether or not the FLL is enabled.
1946 *
1947 * \return
1948 * false = disabled \n
1949 * true = enabled
1950 *
1951 * \funcusage
1952 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllDisable
1953 *
1954 *******************************************************************************/
1955 bool Cy_SysClk_FllIsEnabled(void);
1958 /*******************************************************************************
1959 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllLocked
1960 ****************************************************************************//**
1961 *
1962 * Reports whether the FLL is locked first time during FLL starting.
1963 * Intended to be used with \ref Cy_SysClk_FllEnable with zero timeout.
1964 *
1965 * \return
1966 * false = not locked \n
1967 * true = locked
1968 *
1969 * \note
1970 * The unlock occurrence may appear during FLL normal operation, so this function
1971 * is not recommended to check the FLL normal operation stability.
1972 *
1973 * \funcusage
1974 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllLocked
1975 *
1976 *******************************************************************************/
1977 bool Cy_SysClk_FllLocked(void);
1980 /*******************************************************************************
1981 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllDisable
1982 ****************************************************************************//**
1983 *
1984 * Disables the FLL and the CCO.
1985 *
1986 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
1987 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
1988 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
1989 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
1990 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
1991 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
1992 *
1993 * \note
1994 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
1995 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
1996 *
1997 * \note
1998 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
1999 * the FLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
2000 *
2001 * \funcusage
2002 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllDisable
2003 *
2004 *******************************************************************************/
2005 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_FllDisable(void);
2007 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3))
2009 /*******************************************************************************
2010 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllOutputDividerEnable
2011 ****************************************************************************//**
2012 *
2013 * Enables/Disables the FLL output divider
2014 *
2015 * \param enable
2016 *
2017 *******************************************************************************/
2018 void Cy_SysClk_FllOutputDividerEnable(bool enable);
2020 #endif
2022 /*******************************************************************************
2023 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_FllGetFrequency
2024 ****************************************************************************//**
2025 *
2026 * Returns the output frequency of the FLL.
2027 *
2028 * \return The output frequency of FLL.
2029 *
2030 * \note If the return value equals zero, that means FLL is disabled.
2031 *
2032 * \funcusage
2033 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_FllGetFrequency
2034 *
2035 *******************************************************************************/
2036 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_FllGetFrequency(void);
2038 /** \} group_sysclk_fll_funcs */
2039 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
2041 /* ========================================================================== */
2042 /* ===========================    PLL SECTION    ============================ */
2043 /* ========================================================================== */
2044 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_NUM_TOTAL_PLL > 0UL))
2045 /**
2046 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_pll_structs
2047 * \{
2048 */
2049 /** Structure containing information for configuration of a PLL.
2050 */
2051 typedef struct
2052 {
2053     uint32_t                    inputFreq;  /**< frequency of PLL source, in Hz */
2054     uint32_t                    outputFreq; /**< frequency of PLL output, in Hz */
2055     bool                        lfMode;     /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, PLL_LF_MODE bit */
2056     cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t outputMode; /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, BYPASS_SEL bits */
2057 } cy_stc_pll_config_t;
2059 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_NUM_TOTAL_PLL > 0UL)) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
2060 /** Structure containing information for configuration of a DPLL-LP.
2061 */
2062 /**
2063 * \note
2064 * This structure is available only for CAT1D devices.
2065 **/
2066 typedef struct
2067 {
2068     uint8_t                         feedbackDiv;   /**< CONFIG register, FEEDBACK_DIV (P) bits */
2069     uint8_t                         referenceDiv;  /**< CONFIG register, REFERENCE_DIV (Q) bits */
2070     uint8_t                         outputDiv;     /**< CONFIG register, OUTPUT_DIV bits */
2071     bool                            pllDcoMode;    /**< CONFIG register, PLL_DCO_MODE bit */
2072     cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t     outputMode;    /**< CONFIG register, BYPASS_SEL bits */
2073     uint32_t                        fracDiv;       /**< CONFIG2 register, FRAC_DIV bits, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2074     bool                            fracDitherEn;  /**< CONFIG2 register, FRAC_DITHER_EN bit, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2075     bool                            fracEn;        /**< CONFIG2 register, FRAC_EN bit, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2076     uint32_t                        sscgDepth;     /**< CONFIG3 register, SSCG_DEPTH bits, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2077     uint8_t                         sscgRate;      /**< CONFIG3 register, SSCG_RATE bits, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2078     bool                            sscgDitherEn;  /**< CONFIG3 register, SSCG_DITHER_EN bit, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2079     bool                            sscgMode;      /**< CONFIG3 register, SSCG_MODE bit, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2080     bool                            sscgEn;        /**< CONFIG3 register, SSCG_EN bit, only for CAT1B(B2),CAT1D devices */
2081 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
2082     uint32_t                        dcoCode;       /**< CONFIG4 register, DCO_CODE bits, only for CAT1D devices */
2083     bool                            disableBias;   /**< CONFIG4 register, PLL_CS_PB2_DIS bit, only for CAT1D devices */
2084     bool                            enableDcoSd;   /**< CONFIG4 register, DCO_SD_EN bit, only for CAT1D devices */
2085     uint32_t                        kiInt;         /**< CONFIG5 register, Gain of P/I loop filter integrator path for INT operation only for CAT1D devices */
2086     uint32_t                        kiFrac;        /**< CONFIG5 register, Gain of P/I loop filter proportional path for FRACT operation only for CAT1D devices */
2087     uint32_t                        kiSscg;        /**< CONFIG5 register, Gain of P/I loop filter proportional path for SSCG operation only for CAT1D devices */
2088     uint32_t                        kpInt;         /**< CONFIG5 register, Gain of P/I loop filter integrator path for INT operation. only for CAT1D devices */
2089     uint32_t                        kpFrac;        /**< CONFIG5 register, Gain of P/I loop filter integrator path for FRACT operation. only for CAT1D devices */
2090     uint32_t                        kpSscg;        /**< CONFIG5 register, Gain of P/I loop filter integrator path for SSCG operation. only for CAT1D devices */
2091 #else
2092     uint32_t                        dcoCode;       /**< CONFIG4 register, DCO_CODE bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2093     uint32_t                        accMode;       /**< CONFIG4 register, ACC_MODE bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2094     uint32_t                        tdcMode;       /**< CONFIG4 register, TDC_MODE bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2095     uint32_t                        pllTg;         /**< CONFIG4 register, PLL_TG bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2096     bool                            accCntLock;    /**< CONFIG4 register, ACC_CNT_LOCK bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2097     uint32_t                        kiInt;         /**< CONFIG5 register, KI_INT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2098     uint32_t                        kpInt;         /**< CONFIG5 register, KP_INT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2099     uint32_t                        kiAccInt;      /**< CONFIG5 register, KI_ACC_INT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2100     uint32_t                        kpAccInt;      /**< CONFIG5 register, KP_ACC_INT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2101     uint32_t                        kiFrac;       /**< CONFIG6 register, KI_FRACT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2102     uint32_t                        kpFrac;       /**< CONFIG6 register, KP_FRACT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2103     uint32_t                        kiAccFrac;    /**< CONFIG6 register, KI_ACC_FRACT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2104     uint32_t                        kpAccFrac;    /**< CONFIG7 register, KP_ACC_FRACT bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2105     uint32_t                        kiSscg;        /**< CONFIG7 register, KI_SSCG bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2106     uint32_t                        kpSscg;        /**< CONFIG7 register, KP_SSCG bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2107     uint32_t                        kiAccSscg;     /**< CONFIG7 register, KI_ACC_SSCG bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2108     uint32_t                        kpAccSscg;     /**< CONFIG7 register, KP_ACC_SSCG bits, only for CAT1B(B2), devices */
2109 #endif
2110 } cy_stc_dpll_lp_config_t;
2112 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
2113 /** DPLL-HP wait mode selection enum.
2114 * See CONFIG2 register, bits MODE_SEL.
2115 */
2116 typedef enum
2117 {
2118     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK4MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL     = 0U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 4MHz*/
2119     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK10MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 1U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 10MHz*/
2120     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK15MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 2U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 15MHz*/
2121     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK20MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 3U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 20MHz*/
2122     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK30MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 4U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 30MHz*/
2123     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK40MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 5U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 40MHz*/
2124     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK45MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 6U, /**< clk_dig frequency = 45MHz*/
2125     CY_SYSCLK_DPLL_HP_CLK50MHZ_1US_CNT_VAL    = 7U  /**< clk_dig frequency = 50MHz*/
2126 } cy_en_wait_mode_select_t;
2129 /** Structure containing information for configuration of a DPLL-HP.
2130 */
2131 /**
2132 * \note
2133 * This structure is available only for CAT1D devices.
2134 **/
2135 typedef struct
2136 {
2137     uint8_t                         nDiv;          /**< CONFIG register, NDIV bits, Ratio between DCO frequency and reference frequency */
2138     uint8_t                         pDiv;          /**< CONFIG register, PDIV bits, Pre-Divider for scaling the reference frequency */
2139     uint8_t                         kDiv;          /**< CONFIG register, KDIV bits, Post-Divider */
2140     cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t     outputMode;    /**< CONFIG register, BYPASS_SEL bits */
2141     bool                            pllEn;         /**< CONFIG register, ENABLE bits, Master Enable for PLL */
2143     uint32_t                        nDivFract;     /**< CONFIG2 register, NDIV_FRACT bits, N-divider division factor */
2144     cy_en_wait_mode_select_t        freqModeSel;   /**< CONFIG2 register, MODE_SEL bits, Selects the waiting time for Power Initialization sequence */
2145     uint8_t                         ivrTrim  ;     /**< CONFIG2 register, IVR_TRIM bits, Trim value for the Regulated Voltage */
2147     bool                            clkrSel;       /**< CONFIG3 register, CLKR_SEL bit, Select re-timed reference clock */
2148     bool                            fdsmSel;       /**< CONFIG3 register, FDSM_SEL bit, DSM clock division select, true - div_by_2, false - div_by_4 */
2150     uint8_t                         alphaCoarse;   /**< CONFIG4 register, LF_LC_ALPHA bits, Alpha value of the coarse filter */
2151     uint8_t                         betaCoarse;    /**< CONFIG4 register, LF_LC_BETA bits, Beta value of the coarse filter */
2152     uint8_t                         flockThresh;   /**< CONFIG4 register, FLOCK_EN_THRESH bits, PQDIFF threshold under which FINE Filtering gets enabled */
2153     uint8_t                         flockWait;     /**< CONFIG4 register, FLOCK_WAITPER bits, Period over which flock_en_thresh must be met in order for FINE Filtering enabling */
2154     uint8_t                         flockLkThres;  /**< CONFIG4 register, FLOCK_LK_THRESH bits, PQDIFF threshold under which DLL asserts Freq LOCK */
2155     uint8_t                         flockLkWait;   /**< CONFIG4 register, FLOCK_LK_WAITPER bits, Period over which flock_en_thresh must be met in order for Freq Locking */
2156     uint8_t                         flockObs;      /**< CONFIG4 register, FLOCK_OBSWIN bits, Period over which PQDIFF is computed/observed */
2158     uint8_t                         alphaExt;      /**< CONFIG5 register, LF_ALPHA bits, External Alpha value */
2159     uint8_t                         betaExt;       /**< CONFIG5 register, LF_BETA bits, External Beta value */
2160     bool                            lfEn;          /**< CONFIG5 register, LF_SET_PARAMS bit, enable for external loop filter control (alpha and beta values) */
2161     uint16_t                        dtCal;         /**< CONFIG5 register, DUTY CAL circuit status */
2163     uint16_t                        tmodFreq;      /**< TRIGMOD register, TRIMOD_FREQ bits, Triangular-Frequency Modulation: modulation frequency */
2164     uint16_t                        tmodGrad;      /**< TRIGMOD register, TRIMOD_GRD bits, Triangular-Frequency Modulation: modulation gradient */
2166     uint32_t                        tmodRate;      /**< TRIGMOD2 register, TRIMOD_RATE bits, Triangular-Frequency Modulation Rate */
2167     bool                            tmodEn;        /**< TRIGMOD2 register, TRIMOD_EN bit, Triangular-Frequency Modulation enable */
2168     bool                            tmodStop;      /**< TRIGMOD2 register, TRIMOD_STP bit, Triangular-Frequency Modulation stop */
2170     bool                            pllLocked;     /**< STATUS register, LOCKED bits, PLL Lock Indicator */
2171     bool                            pllUnlock;     /**< STATUS register, UNLOCK_OCCURRED bit, Sets whenever the PLL Lock bit goes low, and stays set until cleared by firmware*/
2172     bool                            lockDetReset;  /**< STATUS register, LOCKDET_RES bit, Restart lock detector */
2173     bool                            lockDetRstAck; /**< STATUS register, LOCKDET_RES_ACK bit, Acknowledgement for lock detection restart */
2175     uint8_t                         dcCalDelta;    /**< DUTYCAL_CTRL register, DELTA bits, Margins for the duty cycle calibration error  */
2176     bool                            dcRatioStatus; /**< DUTYCAL_CTRL register, RATIO_OK bit, Status of the duty calibration ratio*/
2177     bool                            dcStatus;      /**< DUTYCAL_CTRL register, OK bit, Status of the duty calibration*/
2178     uint16_t                        dcTarget;      /**< DUTYCAL_CTRL register, TARGET bits, Duty cycle target  */
2179     bool                            dcEnRingOsc;   /**< DUTYCAL_CTRL register, CTRL_RG_EN bit, Enables ring oscillator for duty cycle digitization */
2180     bool                            dcEn;          /**< DUTYCAL_CTRL register, EN bit, Enables duty cycle calibration */
2181 }cy_stc_dpll_hp_config_t;
2182 #endif
2183 #endif
2185 /** Structure containing information for manual configuration of a PLL.
2186 */
2187 typedef struct
2188 {
2189 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) ||defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
2190     uint8_t                         feedbackDiv;   /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, FEEDBACK_DIV (P) bits */
2191     uint8_t                         referenceDiv;  /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, REFERENCE_DIV (Q) bits */
2192     uint8_t                         outputDiv;     /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, OUTPUT_DIV bits */
2193     bool                            lfMode;        /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, PLL_LF_MODE bit */
2194     cy_en_fll_pll_output_mode_t     outputMode;    /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG register, BYPASS_SEL bits */
2195 #endif
2197 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
2198     uint32_t                        fracDiv;       /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG2 register, FRAC_DIV bits, only for CAT1C devices */
2199     bool                            fracDitherEn;  /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG2 register, FRAC_DITHER_EN bit, only for CAT1C devices */
2200     bool                            fracEn;        /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG2 register, FRAC_EN bit, only for CAT1C devices */
2201     uint32_t                        sscgDepth;     /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG3 register, SSCG_DEPTH bits, only for CAT1C devices */
2202     uint8_t                         sscgRate;      /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG3 register, SSCG_RATE bits, only for CAT1C devices */
2203     bool                            sscgEn;        /**< CLK_PLL_CONFIG3 register, SSCG_EN bit, only for CAT1C devices */
2204 #endif
2205 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_NUM_TOTAL_PLL > 0UL)) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
2206     cy_stc_dpll_lp_config_t   *lpPllCfg; /**< DPLL-LP configuration */
2207 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
2208     cy_stc_dpll_hp_config_t   *hpPllCfg; /**< DPLL-HP configuration */
2209 #endif
2210 #endif
2211 } cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t;
2212 /** \} group_sysclk_pll_structs */
2214 #if (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE))
2216 /** PRA structure for Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure function parameters */
2217 typedef struct
2218 {
2219     uint32_t                        clkPath;       /**< clkPath */
2220     cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t      *praConfig;    /**< config */
2221 } cy_stc_pra_clk_pll_manconfigure_t;
2222 #endif /* (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE)) */
2224 /**
2225 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_pll_funcs
2226 * \{
2227 *//*******************************************************************************
2228 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure
2229 ****************************************************************************//**
2230 *
2231 * Configures a given PLL.
2232 * The configuration formula used is:
2233 *   Fout = pll_clk * (P / Q / div_out), where:
2234 *     Fout is the desired output frequency
2235 *     pll_clk is the frequency of the input source
2236 *     P is the feedback divider. Its value is in bitfield FEEDBACK_DIV.
2237 *     Q is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield REFERENCE_DIV.
2238 *     div_out is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield OUTPUT_DIV.
2239 *
2240 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to configure. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2241 *
2242 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_config_t
2243 *
2244 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2245 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
2246 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2247 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - Invalid clock path number, or input or desired output frequency is out of valid range \n
2248 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2249 *
2250 * \note
2251 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency, for example if
2252 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
2253 *
2254 * \note
2255 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
2256 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
2257 *
2258 * \note
2259 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2260 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2261 *
2262 * \note
2263 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
2264 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is increasing.
2265 *
2266 * \note
2267 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
2268 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is decreasing.
2269 *
2270 * \note
2271 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
2272 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable call. Any call to \ref Cy_SysClk_PllGetConfiguration
2273 * before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable returns old configuration values.
2274 *
2275 * \note
2276 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2277 *
2278 * \funcusage
2279 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure
2280 *
2281 *******************************************************************************/
2282 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure(uint32_t clkPath, const cy_stc_pll_config_t *config);
2285 /*******************************************************************************
2286 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure
2287 ****************************************************************************//**
2288 *
2289 * Manually configures a PLL based on user inputs.
2290 *
2291 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to configure. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2292 *
2293 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
2294 *
2295 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2296 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
2297 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2298 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2299 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2300 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
2301 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
2302 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
2303 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
2304 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
2305 *
2306 * \note
2307 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency; for example if
2308 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
2309 *
2310 * \note
2311 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
2312 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
2313 *
2314 * \note
2315 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2316 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2317 *
2318 * \note
2319 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
2320 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is increasing.
2321 *
2322 * \note
2323 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
2324 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is decreasing.
2325 *
2326 * \note
2327 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
2328 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable call. Any call to \ref Cy_SysClk_PllGetConfiguration
2329 * before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable returns old configuration values.
2330 *
2331 * \note
2332 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2333 *
2334 * \funcusage
2335 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure
2336 *
2337 *******************************************************************************/
2338 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure(uint32_t clkPath, const cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
2341 /*******************************************************************************
2342 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllGetConfiguration
2343 ****************************************************************************//**
2344 *
2345 * Reports configuration settings for a PLL.
2346 *
2347 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to report. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2348 *
2349 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
2350 *
2351 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2352 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL data successfully reported \n
2353 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2354 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2355 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
2356 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
2357 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
2358 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
2359 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
2360 *
2361 * \note
2362 * On PSoC 64 devices the configuration on the PRA driver will be reflected
2363 * after \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable call. Any call to \ref Cy_SysClk_PllGetConfiguration
2364 * before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable returns old configuration values.
2365 *
2366 * \note
2367 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2368 *
2369 * \funcusage
2370 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllGetConfiguration
2371 *
2372 *******************************************************************************/
2373 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PllGetConfiguration(uint32_t clkPath, cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
2376 /*******************************************************************************
2377 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllEnable
2378 ****************************************************************************//**
2379 *
2380 * Enables the PLL. The PLL should be configured before calling this function.
2381 *
2382 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to enable. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2383 *
2384 * \param timeoutus amount of time in microseconds to wait for the PLL to lock.
2385 * If the lock doesn't occur, PLL is stopped. To avoid waiting for lock, set this to 0
2386 * and manually check for lock using \ref Cy_SysClk_PllLocked.
2387 *
2388 * \return Error / status code: \n
2389 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully enabled \n
2390 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for PLL lock \n
2391 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2392 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2393 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
2394 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
2395 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
2396 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
2397 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
2398 *
2399 * \note
2400 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2401 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2402 *
2403 * \note
2404 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
2405 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
2406 *
2407 * \note
2408 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
2409 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
2410 *
2411 * \note
2412 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2413 *
2414 * \note
2415 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
2416 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
2417 *
2418 * \funcusage
2419 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllEnable
2420 *
2421 *******************************************************************************/
2422 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PllEnable(uint32_t clkPath, uint32_t timeoutus);
2425 /*******************************************************************************
2426 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllIsEnabled
2427 ****************************************************************************//**
2428 *
2429 * Reports whether or not the selected PLL is enabled.
2430 *
2431 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to check. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2432 *
2433 * \return
2434 * false = disabled \n
2435 * true = enabled
2436 *
2437 * \note
2438 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2439 *
2440 * \funcusage
2441 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllDisable
2442 *
2443 *******************************************************************************/
2444 bool Cy_SysClk_PllIsEnabled(uint32_t clkPath);
2447 /*******************************************************************************
2448 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllLocked
2449 ****************************************************************************//**
2450 *
2451 * Reports whether or not the selected PLL is locked.
2452 *
2453 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to check. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2454 *
2455 * \return
2456 * false = not locked \n
2457 * true = locked
2458 *
2459 * \note
2460 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2461 *
2462 * \funcusage
2463 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllLocked
2464 *
2465 *******************************************************************************/
2466 bool Cy_SysClk_PllLocked(uint32_t clkPath);
2469 /*******************************************************************************
2470 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllLostLock
2471 ****************************************************************************//**
2472 *
2473 * Reports whether or not the selected PLL lost its lock since the last time this
2474 * function was called. Clears the lost lock indicator.
2475 *
2476 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to check. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2477 *
2478 * \return
2479 * false = did not lose lock \n
2480 * true = lost lock
2481 *
2482 * \note
2483 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2484 *
2485 * \funcusage
2486 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllLostLock
2487 *
2488 *******************************************************************************/
2489 bool Cy_SysClk_PllLostLock(uint32_t clkPath);
2492 /*******************************************************************************
2493 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllDisable
2494 ****************************************************************************//**
2495 *
2496 * Disables the selected PLL.
2497 *
2498 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to disable. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid.
2499 *
2500 * \return Error / status code: \n
2501 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully disabled \n
2502 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2503 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2504 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
2505 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
2506 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
2507 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
2508 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
2509 *
2510 * \note
2511 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2512 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2513 *
2514 * \note
2515 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
2516 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
2517 *
2518 * \note
2519 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
2520 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
2521 *
2522 * \sideeffect
2523 * This function sets PLL bypass mode to CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT.
2524 * If AUTO mode should be used, call \ref Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure or
2525 * \ref Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable.
2526 *
2527 * \note
2528 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2529 *
2530 * \funcusage
2531 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllDisable
2532 *
2533 *******************************************************************************/
2534 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PllDisable(uint32_t clkPath);
2536 /*******************************************************************************
2537 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency
2538 ****************************************************************************//**
2539 *
2540 * Returns the output frequency of the PLL.
2541 *
2542 * \param clkPath Selects which PLL to check. 1 is the first PLL; 0 is invalid
2543 *
2544 * \return The output frequency of the path PLL.
2545 *
2546 * \note If the return value equals zero, that means PLL is disabled.
2547 *
2548 * \note
2549 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
2550 *
2551 * \funcusage
2552 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency
2553 *
2554 *******************************************************************************/
2555 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PllGetFrequency(uint32_t clkPath);
2558 #if defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (SRSS_NUM_TOTAL_PLL > 0UL)) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
2560 /*******************************************************************************
2561 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpConfigure
2562 ****************************************************************************//**
2563 *
2564 * Configures DPLL-LP.
2565 *
2566 * The configuration formula used is:
2567 *   Fout = pll_clk * (P / Q / div_out), where:
2568 *     Fout is the desired output frequency
2569 *     pll_clk is the frequency of the input source
2570 *     P is the feedback divider. Its value is in bitfield FEEDBACK_DIV.
2571 *     Q is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield REFERENCE_DIV.
2572 *     div_out is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield OUTPUT_DIV.
2573 *
2574 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to configure
2575 *
2576 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_config_t
2577 *
2578 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2579 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
2580 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2581 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - Invalid clock path number, or input or desired output frequency is out of valid range \n
2582 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2583 *
2584 * \note
2585 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency, for example if
2586 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
2587 *
2588 * \note
2589 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
2590 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
2591 *
2592 * \note
2593 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2594 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2595 *
2596 * \note
2597 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2598 *
2599 *******************************************************************************/
2600 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllLpConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_config_t *config);
2603 /*******************************************************************************
2604 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpManualConfigure
2605 ****************************************************************************//**
2606 *
2607 * Manually configures a DPLL-LP based on user inputs.
2608 *
2609 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to configure.
2610 *
2611 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
2612 *
2613 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2614 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
2615 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2616 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2617 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2618 *
2619 * \note
2620 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency; for example if
2621 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
2622 *
2623 * \note
2624 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
2625 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
2626 *
2627 * \note
2628 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2629 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2630 *
2631 * \note
2632 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2633 *
2634 *******************************************************************************/
2635 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllLpManualConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
2638 /*******************************************************************************
2639 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpGetConfiguration
2640 ****************************************************************************//**
2641 *
2642 * Reports configuration settings for DPLL-LP.
2643 *
2644 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to report.
2645 *
2646 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
2647 *
2648 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2649 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL data successfully reported \n
2650 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2651 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2652 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2653 *
2654 * \note
2655 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2656 *
2657 *******************************************************************************/
2658 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllLpGetConfiguration(uint32_t pllNum, cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
2661 /*******************************************************************************
2662 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpEnable
2663 ****************************************************************************//**
2664 *
2665 * Enables the DPLL-LP. The PLL should be configured before calling this function.
2666 *
2667 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to enable.
2668 *
2669 * \param timeoutus amount of time in microseconds to wait for the PLL to lock.
2670 * If the lock doesn't occur, PLL is stopped. To avoid waiting for lock, set this to 0
2671 * and manually check for lock using \ref Cy_SysClk_PllLocked.
2672 *
2673 * \return Error / status code: \n
2674 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully enabled \n
2675 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for PLL lock \n
2676 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2677 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2678 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2679 *
2680 * \note
2681 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2682 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2683 *
2684 * \note
2685 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2686 *
2687 *******************************************************************************/
2688 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllLpEnable(uint32_t pllNum, uint32_t timeoutus);
2691 /*******************************************************************************
2692 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpIsEnabled
2693 ****************************************************************************//**
2694 *
2695 * Reports whether or not the selected DPLL-LP is enabled.
2696 *
2697 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to check.
2698 *
2699 * \return
2700 * false = disabled \n
2701 * true = enabled
2702 *
2703 * \note
2704 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2705 *
2706 *******************************************************************************/
2707 bool Cy_SysClk_DpllLpIsEnabled(uint32_t pllNum);
2710 /*******************************************************************************
2711 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpLocked
2712 ****************************************************************************//**
2713 *
2714 * Reports whether or not the selected DPLL-LP is locked.
2715 *
2716 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to check.
2717 *
2718 * \return
2719 * false = not locked \n
2720 * true = locked
2721 *
2722 * \note
2723 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2724 *
2725 *******************************************************************************/
2726 bool Cy_SysClk_DpllLpLocked(uint32_t pllNum);
2729 /*******************************************************************************
2730 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpLostLock
2731 ****************************************************************************//**
2732 *
2733 * Reports whether or not the selected DPLL-LP lost its lock since the last time this
2734 * function was called. Clears the lost lock indicator.
2735 *
2736 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to check.
2737 *
2738 * \return
2739 * false = did not lose lock \n
2740 * true = lost lock
2741 *
2742 * \note
2743 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2744 *
2745 *******************************************************************************/
2746 bool Cy_SysClk_DpllLpLostLock(uint32_t pllNum);
2749 /*******************************************************************************
2750 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpDisable
2751 ****************************************************************************//**
2752 *
2753 * Disables the selected DPLL-LP.
2754 *
2755 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to disable.
2756 *
2757 * \return Error / status code: \n
2758 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully disabled \n
2759 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2760 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2761 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2762 *
2763 * \note
2764 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2765 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2766 *
2767 * \sideeffect
2768 * This function sets PLL bypass mode to CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT.
2769 * If AUTO mode should be used, call \ref Cy_SysClk_DpllLpConfigure or
2770 * \ref Cy_SysClk_DpllLpManualConfigure before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_DpllLpEnable.
2771 *
2772 * \note
2773 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2774 *
2775 *******************************************************************************/
2776 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllLpDisable(uint32_t pllNum);
2778 /*******************************************************************************
2779 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllLpGetFrequency
2780 ****************************************************************************//**
2781 *
2782 * Gets the frequency of DPLL-LP
2783 *
2784 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-LP to check.
2785 *
2786 * \return
2787 * DPLL-LP Frequency
2788 *
2789 * \note
2790 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2791 *
2792 *******************************************************************************/
2793 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_DpllLpGetFrequency(uint32_t pllNum);
2795 #if defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
2797 /*******************************************************************************
2798 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpConfigure
2799 ****************************************************************************//**
2800 *
2801 * Configures DPLL-HP.
2802 *
2803 * The configuration formula used is:
2804 *   Fout = (pll_clk * NDIV) / (PDIV * KDIV), where:
2805 *     Fout is the desired output frequency
2806 *     pll_clk is the frequency of the input source
2807 *     NDIV is the Ratio between DCO frequency and reference frequency.
2808 *     PDIV is the reference divider.
2809 *     KDIV is the post divider.
2810 *
2811 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to configure
2812 *
2813 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_config_t
2814 *
2815 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2816 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
2817 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2818 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - Invalid clock path number, or input or desired output frequency is out of valid range \n
2819 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2820 *
2821 * \note
2822 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency, for example if
2823 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
2824 *
2825 * \note
2826 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
2827 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
2828 *
2829 * \note
2830 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2831 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2832 *
2833 * \note
2834 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2835 *
2836 *******************************************************************************/
2837 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllHpConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_config_t *config);
2840 /*******************************************************************************
2841 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpManualConfigure
2842 ****************************************************************************//**
2843 *
2844 * Manually configures a DPLL-HP based on user inputs.
2845 *
2846 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to configure.
2847 *
2848 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
2849 *
2850 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2851 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
2852 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2853 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2854 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2855 *
2856 * \note
2857 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency; for example if
2858 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
2859 *
2860 * \note
2861 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
2862 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
2863 *
2864 * \note
2865 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2866 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2867 *
2868 * \note
2869 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2870 *
2871 *******************************************************************************/
2872 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllHpManualConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
2875 /*******************************************************************************
2876 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpGetConfiguration
2877 ****************************************************************************//**
2878 *
2879 * Reports configuration settings for DPLL-HP.
2880 *
2881 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to report.
2882 *
2883 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
2884 *
2885 * \return  Error / status code: \n
2886 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL data successfully reported \n
2887 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2888 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2889 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2890 *
2891 * \note
2892 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2893 *
2894 *******************************************************************************/
2895 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllHpGetConfiguration(uint32_t pllNum, cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
2898 /*******************************************************************************
2899 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpEnable
2900 ****************************************************************************//**
2901 *
2902 * Enables the DPLL-HP. The PLL should be configured before calling this function.
2903 *
2904 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to enable.
2905 *
2906 * \param timeoutus amount of time in microseconds to wait for the PLL to lock.
2907 * If the lock doesn't occur, PLL is stopped. To avoid waiting for lock, set this to 0
2908 * and manually check for lock using \ref Cy_SysClk_PllLocked.
2909 *
2910 * \return Error / status code: \n
2911 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully enabled \n
2912 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for PLL lock \n
2913 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2914 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2915 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2916 *
2917 * \note
2918 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
2919 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
2920 *
2921 * \note
2922 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2923 *
2924 *******************************************************************************/
2925 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllHpEnable(uint32_t pllNum, uint32_t timeoutus);
2928 /*******************************************************************************
2929 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpIsEnabled
2930 ****************************************************************************//**
2931 *
2932 * Reports whether or not the selected DPLL-HP is enabled.
2933 *
2934 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to check.
2935 *
2936 * \return
2937 * false = disabled \n
2938 * true = enabled
2939 *
2940 * \note
2941 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2942 *
2943 *******************************************************************************/
2944 bool Cy_SysClk_DpllHpIsEnabled(uint32_t pllNum);
2947 /*******************************************************************************
2948 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpLocked
2949 ****************************************************************************//**
2950 *
2951 * Reports whether or not the selected DPLL-HP is locked.
2952 *
2953 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to check.
2954 *
2955 * \return
2956 * false = not locked \n
2957 * true = locked
2958 *
2959 * \note
2960 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2961 *
2962 *******************************************************************************/
2963 bool Cy_SysClk_DpllHpLocked(uint32_t pllNum);
2966 /*******************************************************************************
2967 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpLostLock
2968 ****************************************************************************//**
2969 *
2970 * Reports whether or not the selected DPLL-HP lost its lock since the last time this
2971 * function was called. Clears the lost lock indicator.
2972 *
2973 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to check.
2974 *
2975 * \return
2976 * false = did not lose lock \n
2977 * true = lost lock
2978 *
2979 * \note
2980 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
2981 *
2982 *******************************************************************************/
2983 bool Cy_SysClk_DpllHpLostLock(uint32_t pllNum);
2986 /*******************************************************************************
2987 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpDisable
2988 ****************************************************************************//**
2989 *
2990 * Disables the selected DPLL-HP.
2991 *
2992 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to disable.
2993 *
2994 * \return Error / status code: \n
2995 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully disabled \n
2996 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
2997 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
2998 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
2999 *
3000 * \note
3001 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3002 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3003 *
3004 * \sideeffect
3005 * This function sets PLL bypass mode to CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT.
3006 * If AUTO mode should be used, call \ref Cy_SysClk_DpllHpConfigure or
3007 * \ref Cy_SysClk_DpllHpManualConfigure before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_DpllHpEnable.
3008 *
3009 * \note
3010 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
3011 *
3012 *******************************************************************************/
3013 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_DpllHpDisable(uint32_t pllNum);
3015 /*******************************************************************************
3016 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DpllHpGetFrequency
3017 ****************************************************************************//**
3018 *
3019 * Gets the frequency of DPLL-HP
3020 *
3021 * \param pllNum Selects which DPLL-HP to check.
3022 *
3023 * \return
3024 * DPLL-LP Frequency
3025 *
3026 * \note
3027 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
3028 *
3029 *******************************************************************************/
3030 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_DpllHpGetFrequency(uint32_t pllNum);
3032 #endif
3033 #endif
3035 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)
3037 /********************************************************************************
3038 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MConfigure
3039 ****************************************************************************//**
3040 *
3041 * Configures 200M PLL.
3042 * The configuration formula used is:
3043 *   Fout = pll_clk * (P / Q / div_out), where:
3044 *     Fout is the desired output frequency
3045 *     pll_clk is the frequency of the input source
3046 *     P is the feedback divider. Its value is in bitfield FEEDBACK_DIV.
3047 *     Q is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield REFERENCE_DIV.
3048 *     div_out is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield OUTPUT_DIV.
3049 *
3050 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to configure
3051 *
3052 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_config_t
3053 *
3054 * \return  Error / status code: \n
3055 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
3056 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3057 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - Invalid clock path number, or input or desired output frequency is out of valid range \n
3058 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3059 *
3060 * \note
3061 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency, for example if
3062 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
3063 *
3064 * \note
3065 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
3066 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
3067 *
3068 * \note
3069 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3070 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3071 *
3072 * \note
3073 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3074 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is increasing.
3075 *
3076 * \note
3077 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3078 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is decreasing.
3079 *
3080 * \note
3081 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3082 *
3083 *******************************************************************************/
3084 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll200MConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_config_t *config);
3087 /*******************************************************************************
3088 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MManualConfigure
3089 ****************************************************************************//**
3090 *
3091 * Manually configures a 200M PLL based on user inputs.
3092 *
3093 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to configure.
3094 *
3095 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
3096 *
3097 * \return  Error / status code: \n
3098 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
3099 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3100 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3101 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3102 * For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when function returns
3103 * the PRA error status code. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
3104 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
3105 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
3106 *
3107 * \note
3108 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency; for example if
3109 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
3110 *
3111 * \note
3112 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
3113 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
3114 *
3115 * \note
3116 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3117 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3118 *
3119 * \note
3120 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3121 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is increasing.
3122 *
3123 * \note
3124 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3125 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is decreasing.
3126 *
3127 * \note
3128 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3129 *
3130 *******************************************************************************/
3131 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll200MManualConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
3134 /*******************************************************************************
3135 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MGetConfiguration
3136 ****************************************************************************//**
3137 *
3138 * Reports configuration settings for 200M PLL.
3139 *
3140 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to report.
3141 *
3142 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
3143 *
3144 * \return  Error / status code: \n
3145 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL data successfully reported \n
3146 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3147 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3148 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3149 *
3150 * \note
3151 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3152 *
3153 *******************************************************************************/
3154 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll200MGetConfiguration(uint32_t pllNum, cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
3157 /*******************************************************************************
3158 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MEnable
3159 ****************************************************************************//**
3160 *
3161 * Enables the 200M PLL. The PLL should be configured before calling this function.
3162 *
3163 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to enable.
3164 *
3165 * \param timeoutus amount of time in microseconds to wait for the PLL to lock.
3166 * If the lock doesn't occur, PLL is stopped. To avoid waiting for lock, set this to 0
3167 * and manually check for lock using \ref Cy_SysClk_PllLocked.
3168 *
3169 * \return Error / status code: \n
3170 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully enabled \n
3171 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for PLL lock \n
3172 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3173 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3174 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3175 *
3176 * \note
3177 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3178 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3179 *
3180 * \note
3181 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3182 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
3183 *
3184 * \note
3185 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3186 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
3187 *
3188 * \note
3189 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3190 *
3191 *******************************************************************************/
3192 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll200MEnable(uint32_t pllNum, uint32_t timeoutus);
3195 /*******************************************************************************
3196 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MIsEnabled
3197 ****************************************************************************//**
3198 *
3199 * Reports whether or not the selected 200M PLL is enabled.
3200 *
3201 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3202 *
3203 * \return
3204 * false = disabled \n
3205 * true = enabled
3206 *
3207 * \note
3208 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3209 *
3210 *******************************************************************************/
3211 bool Cy_SysClk_Pll200MIsEnabled(uint32_t pllNum);
3214 /*******************************************************************************
3215 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MLocked
3216 ****************************************************************************//**
3217 *
3218 * Reports whether or not the selected 200M PLL is locked.
3219 *
3220 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3221 *
3222 * \return
3223 * false = not locked \n
3224 * true = locked
3225 *
3226 * \note
3227 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3228 *
3229 *******************************************************************************/
3230 bool Cy_SysClk_Pll200MLocked(uint32_t pllNum);
3233 /*******************************************************************************
3234 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MLostLock
3235 ****************************************************************************//**
3236 *
3237 * Reports whether or not the selected 200M PLL lost its lock since the last time this
3238 * function was called. Clears the lost lock indicator.
3239 *
3240 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3241 *
3242 * \return
3243 * false = did not lose lock \n
3244 * true = lost lock
3245 *
3246 * \note
3247 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3248 *
3249 *******************************************************************************/
3250 bool Cy_SysClk_Pll200MLostLock(uint32_t pllNum);
3253 /*******************************************************************************
3254 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MDisable
3255 ****************************************************************************//**
3256 *
3257 * Disables the selected 200M PLL.
3258 *
3259 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to disable.
3260 *
3261 * \return Error / status code: \n
3262 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully disabled \n
3263 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3264 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3265 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3266 *
3267 * \note
3268 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3269 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3270 *
3271 * \note
3272 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3273 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
3274 *
3275 * \note
3276 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3277 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
3278 *
3279 * \sideeffect
3280 * This function sets PLL bypass mode to CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT.
3281 * If AUTO mode should be used, call \ref Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure or
3282 * \ref Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable.
3283 *
3284 * \note
3285 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3286 *
3287 *******************************************************************************/
3288 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll200MDisable(uint32_t pllNum);
3290 /*******************************************************************************
3291 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll200MGetFrequency
3292 ****************************************************************************//**
3293 *
3294 * Gets the frequency of PLL200M
3295 *
3296 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3297 *
3298 * \return
3299 * PLL200M Frequency
3300 *
3301 * \note
3302 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3303 *
3304 *******************************************************************************/
3305 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_Pll200MGetFrequency(uint32_t pllNum);
3308 /*******************************************************************************
3309 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MConfigure
3310 ****************************************************************************//**
3311 *
3312 * Configures 400M PLL.
3313 * The configuration formula used is:
3314 *   Fout = pll_clk * (P / Q / div_out), where:
3315 *     Fout is the desired output frequency
3316 *     pll_clk is the frequency of the input source
3317 *     P is the feedback divider. Its value is in bitfield FEEDBACK_DIV.
3318 *     Q is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield REFERENCE_DIV.
3319 *     div_out is the reference divider. Its value is in bitfield OUTPUT_DIV.
3320 *
3321 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to configure
3322 *
3323 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_config_t
3324 *
3325 * \return  Error / status code: \n
3326 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
3327 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3328 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - Invalid clock path number, or input or desired output frequency is out of valid range \n
3329 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3330 *
3331 * \note
3332 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency, for example if
3333 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
3334 *
3335 * \note
3336 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
3337 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
3338 *
3339 * \note
3340 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3341 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3342 *
3343 * \note
3344 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3345 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is increasing.
3346 *
3347 * \note
3348 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3349 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is decreasing.
3350 *
3351 * \note
3352 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3353 *
3354 *******************************************************************************/
3355 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll400MConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_config_t *config);
3358 /*******************************************************************************
3359 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MManualConfigure
3360 ****************************************************************************//**
3361 *
3362 * Manually configures a 400M PLL based on user inputs.
3363 *
3364 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to configure.
3365 *
3366 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
3367 *
3368 * \return  Error / status code: \n
3369 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully configured \n
3370 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3371 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3372 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3373 *
3374 * \note
3375 * Call this function after changing the PLL input frequency; for example if
3376 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource() is called.
3377 *
3378 * \note
3379 * Do not call this function when the PLL is enabled. If it is called, then this function
3380 * returns immediately with an error return value and no register updates.
3381 *
3382 * \note
3383 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3384 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3385 *
3386 * \note
3387 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3388 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is increasing.
3389 *
3390 * \note
3391 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3392 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the PLL frequency is decreasing.
3393 *
3394 * \note
3395 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3396 *
3397 *******************************************************************************/
3398 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll400MManualConfigure(uint32_t pllNum, const cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
3401 /*******************************************************************************
3402 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MGetConfiguration
3403 ****************************************************************************//**
3404 *
3405 * Reports configuration settings for 400M PLL.
3406 *
3407 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to report.
3408 *
3409 * \param config \ref cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t
3410 *
3411 * \return  Error / status code: \n
3412 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL data successfully reported \n
3413 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3414 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3415 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3416 *
3417 * \note
3418 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3419 *
3420 *******************************************************************************/
3421 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll400MGetConfiguration(uint32_t pllNum, cy_stc_pll_manual_config_t *config);
3424 /*******************************************************************************
3425 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MEnable
3426 ****************************************************************************//**
3427 *
3428 * Enables the 400M PLL. The PLL should be configured before calling this function.
3429 *
3430 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to enable.
3431 *
3432 * \param timeoutus amount of time in microseconds to wait for the PLL to lock.
3433 * If the lock doesn't occur, PLL is stopped. To avoid waiting for lock, set this to 0
3434 * and manually check for lock using \ref Cy_SysClk_PllLocked.
3435 *
3436 * \return Error / status code: \n
3437 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully enabled \n
3438 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for PLL lock \n
3439 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3440 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3441 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3442 *
3443 * \note
3444 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3445 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3446 *
3447 * \note
3448 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3449 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
3450 *
3451 * \note
3452 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3453 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
3454 *
3455 * \note
3456 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3457 *
3458 *******************************************************************************/
3459 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll400MEnable(uint32_t pllNum, uint32_t timeoutus);
3462 /*******************************************************************************
3463 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MIsEnabled
3464 ****************************************************************************//**
3465 *
3466 * Reports whether or not the selected 400M PLL is enabled.
3467 *
3468 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3469 *
3470 * \return
3471 * false = disabled \n
3472 * true = enabled
3473 *
3474 * \note
3475 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3476 *
3477 *******************************************************************************/
3478 bool Cy_SysClk_Pll400MIsEnabled(uint32_t pllNum);
3481 /*******************************************************************************
3482 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MLocked
3483 ****************************************************************************//**
3484 *
3485 * Reports whether or not the selected 400M PLL is locked.
3486 *
3487 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3488 *
3489 * \return
3490 * false = not locked \n
3491 * true = locked
3492 *
3493 * \note
3494 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3495 *
3496 *******************************************************************************/
3497 bool Cy_SysClk_Pll400MLocked(uint32_t pllNum);
3500 /*******************************************************************************
3501 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MLostLock
3502 ****************************************************************************//**
3503 *
3504 * Reports whether or not the selected 400M PLL lost its lock since the last time this
3505 * function was called. Clears the lost lock indicator.
3506 *
3507 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3508 *
3509 * \return
3510 * false = did not lose lock \n
3511 * true = lost lock
3512 *
3513 * \note
3514 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3515 *
3516 *******************************************************************************/
3517 bool Cy_SysClk_Pll400MLostLock(uint32_t pllNum);
3520 /*******************************************************************************
3521 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MDisable
3522 ****************************************************************************//**
3523 *
3524 * Disables the selected 400M PLL.
3525 *
3526 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to disable.
3527 *
3528 * \return Error / status code: \n
3529 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - PLL successfully disabled \n
3530 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - invalid clock path number
3531 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - PLL not configured because it is already enabled \n
3532 * CY_SYSCLK_UNSUPPORTED_STATE - PLL is not present
3533 *
3534 * \note
3535 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3536 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3537 *
3538 * \note
3539 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
3540 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
3541 *
3542 * \note
3543 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
3544 * the PLL is the source of CLK_HF0 and the CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
3545 *
3546 * \sideeffect
3547 * This function sets PLL bypass mode to CY_SYSCLK_FLLPLL_OUTPUT_INPUT.
3548 * If AUTO mode should be used, call \ref Cy_SysClk_PllConfigure or
3549 * \ref Cy_SysClk_PllManualConfigure before calling \ref Cy_SysClk_PllEnable.
3550 *
3551 * \note
3552 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3553 *
3554 *******************************************************************************/
3555 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_Pll400MDisable(uint32_t pllNum);
3557 /*******************************************************************************
3558 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_Pll400MGetFrequency
3559 ****************************************************************************//**
3560 *
3561 * Gets the frequency of PLL400M
3562 *
3563 * \param pllNum Selects which PLL to check.
3564 *
3565 * \return
3566 * PLL400M Frequency
3567 *
3568 * \note
3569 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
3570 *
3571 *******************************************************************************/
3572 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_Pll400MGetFrequency(uint32_t pllNum);
3574 #endif
3576 /** \} group_sysclk_pll_funcs */
3578 #endif
3581 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
3582 /* ========================================================================== */
3583 /* ===========================    IHO SECTION    ============================ */
3584 /* ========================================================================== */
3586 /**
3587 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_iho_funcs
3588 * \{
3589 */
3591 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
3593 /*******************************************************************************
3594 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoEnable
3595 ****************************************************************************//**
3596 *
3597 * Enables the IHO.
3598 *
3599 * \note
3600 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3601 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3602 *
3603 * \note
3604 * This API is available for CAT1B and CAT1D.
3605 *
3606 * \note
3607 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
3608 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
3609 *
3610 *******************************************************************************/
3611 void Cy_SysClk_IhoEnable(void);
3614 /*******************************************************************************
3615 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoIsEnabled
3616 ****************************************************************************//**
3617 *
3618 * Reports whether or not the selected IHO is enabled.
3619 *
3620 * \return
3621 * false = disabled \n
3622 * true = enabled
3623 *
3624 * \note
3625 * This API is available for CAT1B and CAT1D.
3626 *
3627 *******************************************************************************/
3628 bool Cy_SysClk_IhoIsEnabled(void);
3630 /*******************************************************************************
3631 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoDisable
3632 ****************************************************************************//**
3633 *
3634 * Disables IHO.
3635 *
3636 * \note
3637 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3638 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3639 *
3640 * \note
3641 * This API is available for CAT1B and CAT1D.
3642 *
3643 *******************************************************************************/
3644 void Cy_SysClk_IhoDisable(void);
3646 #endif
3648 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
3650 /*******************************************************************************
3651 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepEnable
3652 ****************************************************************************//**
3653 *
3654 * Enables the IHO during deepsleep mode
3655 *
3656 * \note
3657 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3658 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3659 *
3660 * \note
3661 * This API is available for devices having CY_IP_MXS22SRSS(CAT1D) IP.
3662 *
3663 *******************************************************************************/
3664 void Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepEnable(void);
3667 /*******************************************************************************
3668 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoIsDeepsleepEnabled
3669 ****************************************************************************//**
3670 *
3671 * Reports whether or not the selected IHO is enabled during deepsleep mode.
3672 *
3673 * \return
3674 * false = disabled \n
3675 * true = enabled
3676 *
3677 * \note
3678 * This API is available for devices having CY_IP_MXS22SRSS(CAT1D) IP.
3679 *
3680 *******************************************************************************/
3681 bool Cy_SysClk_IhoIsDeepsleepEnabled(void);
3683 /*******************************************************************************
3684 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepDisable
3685 ****************************************************************************//**
3686 *
3687 * Disables IHO during deepsleep mode.
3688 *
3689 * \note
3690 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
3691 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
3692 *
3693 * \note
3694 * This API is available for devices having CY_IP_MXS22SRSS(CAT1D) IP.
3695 *
3696 *******************************************************************************/
3697 void Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepDisable(void);
3699 /*******************************************************************************
3700 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepDisable
3701 ****************************************************************************//**
3702 *
3703 * Set the trim value for IHO.
3704 *
3705 * \param trimVal Trim value to be set for IHO.
3706 *
3707 * \note
3708 * This API is available for devices having CY_IP_MXS22SRSS(CAT1D) IP.
3709 *
3710 *******************************************************************************/
3711 void Cy_SysClk_IhoSetTrim(uint32_t trimVal);
3713 /*******************************************************************************
3714 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IhoDeepsleepDisable
3715 ****************************************************************************//**
3716 *
3717 * Get the trim value configured for IHO.
3718 *
3719 * \return
3720 * Configured IHO Trim value.
3721 *
3722 * \note
3723 * This API is available for devices having CY_IP_MXS22SRSS(CAT1D) IP.
3724 *
3725 *******************************************************************************/
3726 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_IhoGetTrim(void);
3729 #endif/* CY_IP_MXS22SRSS*/
3731 /** \} group_sysclk_iho_funcs */
3732 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)*/
3734 /* ========================================================================== */
3735 /* ===========================    IMO SECTION    ============================ */
3736 /* ========================================================================== */
3738 /**
3739 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_imo_funcs
3740 * \{
3741 */
3742 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3))
3744 /*******************************************************************************
3745 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ImoEnable
3746 ****************************************************************************//**
3747 *
3748 * Enables the IMO.
3749 *
3750 * \note
3751 * This API is available for CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
3752 *
3753 *******************************************************************************/
3754 void Cy_SysClk_ImoEnable(void);
3756 /*******************************************************************************
3757 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ImoIsEnabled
3758 ****************************************************************************//**
3759 *
3760 * Reports whether or not the selected IMO is enabled.
3761 *
3762 * \return
3763 * false = disabled \n
3764 * true = enabled
3765 *
3766 * \note
3767 * This API is available for CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
3768 *
3769 *******************************************************************************/
3770 bool Cy_SysClk_ImoIsEnabled(void);
3772 /*******************************************************************************
3773 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ImoDisable
3774 ****************************************************************************//**
3775 *
3776 * Disables IMO.
3777 *
3778 *
3779 * \note
3780 * This API is available for CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
3781 *
3782 *******************************************************************************/
3783 void Cy_SysClk_ImoDisable(void);
3784 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) */
3786 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)
3788 /*******************************************************************************
3789 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ImoDeepsleepEnable
3790 ****************************************************************************//**
3791 *
3792 * Enables the IMO during deepsleep mode
3793 *
3794 * \note
3795 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
3796 *
3797 *******************************************************************************/
3798 void Cy_SysClk_ImoDeepsleepEnable(void);
3801 /*******************************************************************************
3802 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ImoIsDeepsleepEnabled
3803 ****************************************************************************//**
3804 *
3805 * Reports whether or not the selected IMO is enabled during deepsleep mode.
3806 *
3807 * \return
3808 * false = disabled \n
3809 * true = enabled
3810 *
3811 * \note
3812 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
3813 *
3814 *******************************************************************************/
3815 bool Cy_SysClk_ImoIsDeepsleepEnabled(void);
3817 /*******************************************************************************
3818 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ImoDeepsleepDisable
3819 ****************************************************************************//**
3820 *
3821 * Disables IMO during deepsleep mode.
3822 *
3823 * \note
3824 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
3825 *
3826 *******************************************************************************/
3827 void Cy_SysClk_ImoDeepsleepDisable(void);
3828 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) */
3829 /** \} group_sysclk_imo_funcs */
3831 /* ========================================================================== */
3832 /* ===========================    ILO SECTION    ============================ */
3833 /* ========================================================================== */
3834 /**
3835 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_ilo_funcs
3836 * \{
3837 */
3839 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
3840 /*******************************************************************************
3841 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloEnable
3842 ****************************************************************************//**
3843 *
3844 * Enables the ILO.
3845 *
3846 * \note The watchdog timer (WDT) must be unlocked before calling this function.
3847 *
3848 * \funcusage
3849 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloEnable
3850 *
3851 * \note
3852 * This API is available for CAT1A and CAT1B devices.
3853 *
3854 *******************************************************************************/
3855 void Cy_SysClk_IloEnable(void);
3858 /*******************************************************************************
3859 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloIsEnabled
3860 ****************************************************************************//**
3861 *
3862 * Reports the Enabled/Disabled status of the ILO.
3863 *
3864 * \return Boolean status of ILO: true - Enabled, false - Disabled.
3865 *
3866 * \funcusage
3867 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloDisable
3868 *
3869 * \note
3870 * This API is available for CAT1A and CAT1B devices.
3871 *
3872 *******************************************************************************/
3873 bool Cy_SysClk_IloIsEnabled(void);
3876 /*******************************************************************************
3877 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloDisable
3878 ****************************************************************************//**
3879 *
3880 * Disables the ILO. ILO can't be disabled if WDT is enabled.
3881 *
3882 * \return Error / status code: \n
3883 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ILO successfully disabled \n
3884 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - Cannot disable the ILO if the WDT is enabled.
3885 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
3886 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
3887 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
3888 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
3889 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
3890 *
3891 * \note The watchdog timer (WDT) must be unlocked before calling this function.
3892 * Do not call this function if the WDT is enabled, because the WDT is clocked by
3893 * the ILO.
3894 *
3895 * \funcusage
3896 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloDisable
3897 *
3898 * \note
3899 * This API is available for CAT1A and CAT1B devices.
3900 *
3901 *******************************************************************************/
3902 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_IloDisable(void);
3905 /*******************************************************************************
3906 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloHibernateOn
3907 ****************************************************************************//**
3908 *
3909 * Controls whether the ILO stays on during a hibernate, or through an XRES or
3910 * brown-out detect (BOD) event.
3911 *
3912 * \param on
3913 * true = ILO stays on during hibernate or across XRES/BOD. \n
3914 * false = ILO turns off for hibernate or XRES/BOD.
3915 *
3916 * \note Writes to the register/bit are ignored if the watchdog (WDT) is locked.
3917 *
3918 * \funcusage
3919 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloHibernateOn
3920 *
3921 * \note
3922 * This API is available for CAT1A and CAT1B devices.
3923 *
3924 *******************************************************************************/
3925 void Cy_SysClk_IloHibernateOn(bool on);
3926 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)  */
3928 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
3929 /*******************************************************************************
3930 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloSrcEnable
3931 ****************************************************************************//**
3932 *
3933 * Enables the ILO.
3934 *
3935 * \param iloNum - ILO index , 0 : ILO0, 1: ILO1
3936 *
3937 * \funcusage
3938 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloSrcEnable
3939 *
3940 * \note The watchdog timer (WDT) must be unlocked before calling this function.
3941 *
3942 * \note
3943 * This API is available for CAT1C devices.
3944 *
3945 *******************************************************************************/
3946 void Cy_SysClk_IloSrcEnable(uint32_t iloNum);
3949 /*******************************************************************************
3950 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloSrcIsEnabled
3951 ****************************************************************************//**
3952 *
3953 * Reports the Enabled/Disabled status of the ILO.
3954 *
3955 * \param iloNum - ILO index , ILO0 or ILO1
3956 *
3957 * \funcusage
3958 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloSrcIsEnabled
3959 *
3960 * \return Boolean status of ILO: true - Enabled, false - Disabled.
3961 *
3962 * \note
3963 * This API is available for CAT1C devices.
3964 *
3965 *******************************************************************************/
3966 bool Cy_SysClk_IloSrcIsEnabled(uint32_t iloNum);
3969 /*******************************************************************************
3970 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloSrcDisable
3971 ****************************************************************************//**
3972 *
3973 * Disables the ILO. ILO can't be disabled if WDT is enabled.
3974 *
3975 * \param iloNum - ILO index , 0 : ILO0, 1: ILO1
3976 *
3977 * \funcusage
3978 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloSrcDisable
3979 *
3980 * \return Error / status code: \n
3981 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ILO successfully disabled \n
3982 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE - Cannot disable the ILO if the WDT is enabled.
3983 *
3984 * \note The watchdog timer (WDT) must be unlocked before calling this function.
3985 * Do not call this function if the WDT is enabled, because the WDT is clocked by
3986 * the ILO.
3987 *
3988 * \note
3989 * This API is available for CAT1C devices.
3990 *
3991 *******************************************************************************/
3992 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_IloSrcDisable(uint32_t iloNum);
3995 /*******************************************************************************
3996 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloSrcHibernateOn
3997 ****************************************************************************//**
3998 *
3999 * Controls whether the ILO0 stays on during a hibernate, or through an XRES or
4000 * brown-out detect (BOD) event, this feature is not available for ILO1.
4001 *
4002 * \param iloNum - ILO index , 0 : ILO0, 1: ILO1(Feature not available, ignored)
4003 *
4004 * \param on
4005 * true = ILO stays on during hibernate or across XRES/BOD. \n
4006 * false = ILO turns off for hibernate or XRES/BOD.
4007 *
4008 * \funcusage
4009 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloSrcHibernateOn
4010 *
4011 * \note Writes to the register/bit are ignored if the watchdog (WDT) is locked.
4012 *
4013 * \note
4014 * This API is available for CAT1C devices.
4015 *
4016 *******************************************************************************/
4017 void Cy_SysClk_IloSrcHibernateOn(uint32_t iloNum, bool on);
4019 #endif /* (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) */
4021 /** \} group_sysclk_ilo_funcs */
4024 /* ========================================================================== */
4025 /* ===========================    PILO SECTION    =========================== */
4026 /* ========================================================================== */
4027 /**
4028 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_pilo_funcs
4029 * \{
4030 */
4032 /*******************************************************************************
4033 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloEnable
4034 ****************************************************************************//**
4035 *
4036 * Enables the PILO.
4037 *
4038 * \note This function blocks for 1 millisecond between enabling the PILO and
4039 * releasing the PILO reset.
4040 *
4041 * \funcusage
4042 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloEnable
4043 *
4044 *******************************************************************************/
4045 void Cy_SysClk_PiloEnable(void);
4048 /*******************************************************************************
4049 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloIsEnabled
4050 ****************************************************************************//**
4051 *
4052 * Reports the Enabled/Disabled status of the PILO.
4053 *
4054 * \return Boolean status of PILO: true - Enabled, false - Disabled.
4055 *
4056 * \funcusage
4057 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloDisable
4058 *
4059 *******************************************************************************/
4060 bool Cy_SysClk_PiloIsEnabled(void);
4063 /*******************************************************************************
4064 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloDisable
4065 ****************************************************************************//**
4066 *
4067 * Disables the PILO.
4068 *
4069 * \funcusage
4070 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloDisable
4071 *
4072 *******************************************************************************/
4073 void Cy_SysClk_PiloDisable(void);
4075 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4077 /*******************************************************************************
4078 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloSetTrim
4079 ****************************************************************************//**
4080 *
4081 * Sets the PILO trim bits, which adjusts the PILO frequency. This is typically
4082 * done after measuring the PILO frequency; see \ref Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters().
4083 *
4084 * \funcusage
4085 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloSetTrim
4086 *
4087 *******************************************************************************/
4088 void Cy_SysClk_PiloSetTrim(uint32_t trimVal);
4091 /*******************************************************************************
4092 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloGetTrim
4093 ****************************************************************************//**
4094 *
4095 * Reports the current PILO trim bits value.
4096 *
4097 * \funcusage
4098 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloSetTrim
4099 *
4100 *******************************************************************************/
4101 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PiloGetTrim(void);
4102 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3) */
4105 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4106 /*******************************************************************************
4107 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloBackupEnable
4108 ****************************************************************************//**
4109 *
4110 * Enables the PILO as always on if Backup Domain is present.
4111 *
4112 * \note
4113 * This API is available for CAT1B & CAT1D devices.
4114 *
4115 *******************************************************************************/
4116 void Cy_SysClk_PiloBackupEnable(void);
4118 /*******************************************************************************
4119 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloBackupDisable
4120 ****************************************************************************//**
4121 *
4122 * Disables the PILO as always on if Backup Domain is present.
4123 *
4124 * \note
4125 * This API is available for CAT1B & CAT1D devices.
4126 *
4127 *******************************************************************************/
4128 void Cy_SysClk_PiloBackupDisable(void);
4129 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
4131 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4133 /*******************************************************************************
4134 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloTcscEnable
4135 ****************************************************************************//**
4136 *
4137 * Enables the PILO TCSC(Second order temperature curvature correction) Feature.
4138 *
4139 * \note
4140 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
4141 *
4142 *******************************************************************************/
4143 void Cy_SysClk_PiloTcscEnable(void);
4146 /*******************************************************************************
4147 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloTcscDisable
4148 ****************************************************************************//**
4149 *
4150 * Disables the PILO TCSC(Second order temperature curvature correction) Feature.
4151 *
4152 * \note
4153 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
4154 *
4155 *******************************************************************************/
4156 void Cy_SysClk_PiloTcscDisable(void);
4158 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
4160 /** \} group_sysclk_pilo_funcs */
4163 /* ========================================================================== */
4164 /* ==========================    ALTHF SECTION    =========================== */
4165 /* ========================================================================== */
4166 /**
4167 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_alt_hf_funcs
4168 * \{
4169 */
4170 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4171 /*******************************************************************************
4172 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_AltHfGetFrequency
4173 ****************************************************************************//**
4174 *
4175 * Reports the frequency of the Alternative High-Frequency Clock
4176 *
4177 * \note
4178 * This API is available for CAT1A and CAT1B devices.
4179 *
4180 * \funcusage
4181 * \snippet bleclk/snippet/main.c BLE ECO clock API: Cy_BLE_EcoConfigure()
4182 *
4183 *******************************************************************************/
4184 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_AltHfGetFrequency(void);
4185 #endif
4187 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4188 /*******************************************************************************
4189 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_AltHfEnable
4190 ****************************************************************************//**
4191 *
4192 * Enables the ATLHF.
4193 *
4194 * \note
4195 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
4196 *
4197 * \return Error / status code: \n
4198 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - ALTHF successfully disabled \n
4199 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - ALTHF enabling failed due to timeout
4200 *
4201 *******************************************************************************/
4202 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_AltHfEnable(uint32_t timeoutus);
4204 /*******************************************************************************
4205 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IsAltHfEnabled
4206 ****************************************************************************//**
4207 *
4208 * Reports if ALTHF is enabled or not
4209 *
4210 * \note
4211 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
4212 *
4213 * \return Status of ALTHF \n
4214 * true = Enabled \n
4215 * false = Not Enabled
4216 *
4217 *******************************************************************************/
4218 bool Cy_SysClk_IsAltHfEnabled(void);
4220 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) */
4222 /** \} group_sysclk_alt_hf_funcs */
4225 /* ========================================================================== */
4226 /* ==========================    ALTLF SECTION    =========================== */
4227 /* ========================================================================== */
4228 /** \cond For future usage */
4229 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_AltLfGetFrequency(void);
4230 bool Cy_SysClk_AltLfIsEnabled(void);
4231 /** \endcond  */
4234 /* ========================================================================== */
4235 /* ====================    CLOCK MEASUREMENT SECTION    ===================== */
4236 /* ========================================================================== */
4237 /**
4238 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_calclk_enums
4239 * \{
4240 */
4241 /** Defines all possible clock sources */
4242 #if defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
4243 typedef enum
4244 {
4245     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_NC =                0U,
4246     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ILO =               1U,
4247     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_WCO =               2U,
4248     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_BAK =               3U,
4249     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ALTLF =             4U,
4250     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_LFCLK =             5U,
4251     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_IMO =               6U,
4252     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_SLPCTRL =           7U,
4253     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PILO =              8U,
4255     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_MF =                10U,
4256     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_FAST_CLKS =         0x100U,
4257     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_IHO =               0x101U,
4258     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_EXT =               0x102U,
4259     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ECO =               0x103U,
4260     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ALTHF0 =            0x105U,
4261     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ALTHF1 =            0x106U,
4262     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_TIMERCLK =          0x108U,
4263     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH_CLKS =         0x900U,
4264     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH0 =             0x900U,
4265     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH1 =             0x901U,
4266     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH2 =             0x902U,
4267     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH3 =             0x903U,
4268     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH4 =             0x904U,
4269     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH5 =             0x905U,
4270     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH6 =             0x906U,
4271     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH7 =             0x907U,
4272     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH8 =             0x908U,
4273     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH9 =             0x909U,
4274     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH10 =            0x90AU,
4275     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH11 =            0x90BU,
4276     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH12 =            0x90CU,
4277     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH13 =            0x90DU,
4278     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH14 =            0x90EU,
4279     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH15 =            0x90FU,
4280     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHFS =            0xA00U,
4281     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF0 =            0xA00U,
4282     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF1 =            0xA01U,
4283     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF2 =            0xA02U,
4284     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF3 =            0xA03U,
4285     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF4 =            0xA04U,
4286     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF5 =            0xA05U,
4287     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF6 =            0xA06U,
4288     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF7 =            0xA07U,
4289     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF8 =            0xA08U,
4290     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF9 =            0xA09U,
4291     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF10 =           0xA0AU,
4292     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF11 =           0xA0BU,
4293     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF12 =           0xA0CU,
4294     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF13 =           0xA0DU,
4295     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF14 =           0xA0EU,
4296     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF15 =           0xA0FU,
4297     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_LAST_CLK =          0xA10U
4298 } cy_en_meas_clks_t;
4299 #else
4300 typedef enum
4301 {
4302     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_NC =                0U,
4303     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ILO =               1U,
4304     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_WCO =               2U,
4305     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_BAK =               3U,
4306     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ALTLF =             4U,
4307     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_LFCLK =             5U,
4308     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_IMO =               6U,
4309     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_SLPCTRL =           7U,
4310     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PILO =              8U,
4311     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ILO1 =              9U,
4313     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_LPECO =             11U,
4315     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_MFO =               13U,
4316     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_FAST_CLKS =         0x100U,
4317     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ECO =               0x101U,
4318     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_EXT =               0x102U,
4319     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_ALTHF =             0x103U,
4320     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_TIMERCLK =          0x104U,
4321     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_IHO =               0x108U,
4322     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PWR =               0x109U,
4323     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH_CLKS =         0x500U,
4324     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH0 =             0x500U,
4325     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH1 =             0x501U,
4326     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH2 =             0x502U,
4327     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH3 =             0x503U,
4328     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH4 =             0x504U,
4329     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH5 =             0x505U,
4330     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH6 =             0x506U,
4331     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH7 =             0x507U,
4332     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH8 =             0x508U,
4333     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH9 =             0x509U,
4334     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH10 =            0x50AU,
4335     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH11 =            0x50BU,
4336     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH12 =            0x50CU,
4337     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH13 =            0x50DU,
4338     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH14 =            0x50EU,
4339     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_PATH15 =            0x50FU,
4340     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHFS =            0x600U,
4341     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF0 =            0x600U,
4342     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF1 =            0x601U,
4343     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF2 =            0x602U,
4344     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF3 =            0x603U,
4345     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF4 =            0x604U,
4346     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF5 =            0x605U,
4347     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF6 =            0x606U,
4348     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF7 =            0x607U,
4349     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF8 =            0x608U,
4350     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF9 =            0x609U,
4351     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF10 =           0x60AU,
4352     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF11 =           0x60BU,
4353     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF12 =           0x60CU,
4354     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF13 =           0x60DU,
4355     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF14 =           0x60EU,
4356     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_CLKHF15 =           0x60FU,
4357     CY_SYSCLK_MEAS_CLK_LAST_CLK =          0x610U
4358 } cy_en_meas_clks_t;
4359 #endif
4360 /** \} group_sysclk_calclk_enums */
4362 /**
4363 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_calclk_structs
4364 * \{
4365 */
4366 #if (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE))
4367 /** PRA structure for Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters function parameters */
4368 typedef struct
4369 {
4370     cy_en_meas_clks_t clock1;        /**< clock1 */
4371     uint32_t          count1;        /**< count  */
4372     cy_en_meas_clks_t clock2;        /**< clock2 */
4373 } cy_stc_pra_start_clk_measurement_t;
4375 #endif /* (defined(CY_DEVICE_SECURE)) */
4376 /** \} group_sysclk_calclk_structs */
4378 /**
4379 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_calclk_funcs
4380 * \{
4381 */
4382 /*******************************************************************************
4383 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters
4384 ****************************************************************************//**
4385 *
4386 * Assigns clocks to the clock measurement counters, and starts counting. The counters
4387 * let you measure a clock frequency using another clock as a reference. There are two
4388 * counters.
4389 *
4390 * - One counter (counter1), which is clocked by clock1, is loaded with an initial
4391 *   value and counts down to zero.
4392 * - The second counter (counter2), which is clocked by clock2, counts up until
4393 *   the first counter reaches zero.
4394 *
4395 * Either clock1 or clock2 can be a reference clock; the other clock becomes the
4396 * measured clock. The reference clock frequency is always known. \n
4397 * After calling this function, call \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersDone()
4398 * to determine when counting is done; that is, counter1 has counted down to zero.
4399 * Then call \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq() to calculate the frequency
4400 * of the measured clock.
4401 *
4402 * \param clock1 The clock for counter1
4403 *
4404 * \param count1 The initial value for counter1, from which counter1 counts down to zero.
4405 *
4406 * \param clock2 The clock for counter2
4407 *
4408 * \return Error / status code: \n
4409 * CY_SYSCLK_INVALID_STATE if already doing a measurement \n
4410 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM if invalid clock input parameter \n
4412 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
4413 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
4414 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
4415 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
4416 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
4417 *
4418 * \note The counters are both 24-bit, so the maximum value of count1 is 0xFFFFFF.
4419 * If clock2 frequency is greater than clock1, make sure that count1 is low enough
4420 * that counter2 does not overflow before counter1 reaches zero.
4421 * \note The time to complete a measurement is count1 / clock1 frequency.
4422 * \note The clocks for both counters must have a nonzero frequency, or
4423 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq() incorrectly reports the result of the
4424 * previous  measurement.
4425 * \note Do not enter a device low power mode (Sleep, Deep Sleep) while doing a measurement;
4426 * the measured clock frequency may not be accurate.
4427 *
4428 * \funcusage
4429 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters
4430 *
4431 *******************************************************************************/
4432 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters(cy_en_meas_clks_t clock1, uint32_t count1, cy_en_meas_clks_t clock2);
4435 /*******************************************************************************
4436 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq
4437 ****************************************************************************//**
4438 *
4439 * Calculates the frequency of the indicated measured clock (clock1 or clock2).
4440 * - If clock1 is the measured clock, its frequency is: clock1 frequency = (count1 / count2) * clock2 frequency
4441 * - If clock2 is the measured clock, its frequency is: clock2 frequency = (count2 / count1) * clock1 frequency
4442 *
4443 * Call this function only after counting is done; see \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersDone().
4444 *
4445 * \param measuredClock False (0) if the measured clock is clock1; true (1)
4446 * if the measured clock is clock2.
4447 *
4448 * \param refClkFreq The reference clock frequency (clock1 or clock2).
4449 *
4450 * \return The frequency of the measured clock, in Hz.
4451 * \warning The function returns zero, if during measurement device was in the
4452 * Deep Sleep or partially blocking flash operation occurred. It means that
4453 * current measurement is not valid and you should call the
4454 * Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters() function once again.
4455 *
4456 * \funcusage
4457 * Refer to the Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters() function usage.
4458 *
4459 *******************************************************************************/
4460 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersGetFreq(bool measuredClock, uint32_t refClkFreq);
4463 /*******************************************************************************
4464 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersDone
4465 ****************************************************************************//**
4466 *
4467 * Checks if clock measurement counting is done, that is, counter1 has counted down
4468 * to zero. Call \ref Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters() before calling this function.
4469 *
4470 * \return Status of calibration counters: \n
4471 * true = done \n
4472 * false = not done
4473 *
4474 * \funcusage
4475 * Refer to the Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters() function usage.
4476 *
4477 *******************************************************************************/
4478 bool Cy_SysClk_ClkMeasurementCountersDone(void);
4479 /** \} group_sysclk_calclk_funcs */
4482 /* ========================================================================== */
4483 /* ==========================    TRIM SECTION    ============================ */
4484 /* ========================================================================== */
4485 /**
4486 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_trim_funcs
4487 * \{
4488 */
4490 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4492 /*******************************************************************************
4493 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloTrim
4494 ****************************************************************************//**
4495 *
4496 * Trims the ILO to be as close to 32,768 Hz as possible.
4497 *
4498 * \param iloFreq current ILO frequency. Call \ref Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters
4499 * and other measurement functions to obtain the current frequency of the ILO.
4500 *
4501 * \return Change in trim value - 0 if done; that is, no change in trim value.
4502 *
4503 * \note The watchdog timer (WDT) must be unlocked before calling this function.
4504 *
4505 * \funcusage
4506 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_IloTrim
4507 *
4508 *******************************************************************************/
4509 int32_t Cy_SysClk_IloTrim(uint32_t iloFreq);
4510 #endif
4512 #if  defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4513 /*******************************************************************************
4514 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloSetTrim
4515 ****************************************************************************//**
4516 *
4517 * Set ILO Trim Value
4518 *
4519 * \param trimVal Trim value to be set for ILO.
4520 *
4521 * \note
4522 * The function is applicable only for a CAT1B Devices.
4523 *
4524 *******************************************************************************/
4525 void Cy_SysClk_IloSetTrim(uint32_t trimVal);
4528 /*******************************************************************************
4529 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IloGetTrim
4530 ****************************************************************************//**
4531 *
4532 * Gets the ILO Trim Value.
4533 *
4534 * \return ILO Trim Value.
4535 *
4536 * \note
4537 * The function is applicable only for a CAT1B Devices.
4538 *
4539 *******************************************************************************/
4540 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_IloGetTrim(void);
4542 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
4544 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4546 /*******************************************************************************
4547 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloTrim
4548 ****************************************************************************//**
4549 *
4550 * Trims the PILO to be as close to 32,768 Hz as possible.
4551 *
4552 * \param piloFreq current PILO frequency. Call \ref Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters
4553 * and other measurement functions to obtain the current frequency of the PILO.
4554 *
4555 * \return Change in trim value; 0 if done, that is, no change in trim value.
4556 *
4557 * \funcusage
4558 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloTrim
4559 *
4560 *******************************************************************************/
4561 int32_t Cy_SysClk_PiloTrim(uint32_t piloFreq);
4563 /*******************************************************************************
4564 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrim
4565 ****************************************************************************//**
4566 *
4567 * Initial trims the PILO to be as close to 32,768 Hz as possible.
4568 * This function takes ECO ALTHF as reference clock and calculate Fine PILO
4569 * frequency trimming, by using binary search algorithm.
4570 *
4571 * This function requires configured BLE ECO ALTHF clock.
4572 * Use ModusToolbox Device Configurator to configure BLE ECO ALTHF clock.
4573 *
4574 * \note
4575 * This function must be call after every power-up.
4576 *
4577 * \funcusage
4578 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrimAndUpdateTrimStep
4579 *
4580 *******************************************************************************/
4581 void Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrim(void);
4583 /*******************************************************************************
4584 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PiloUpdateTrimStep
4585 ****************************************************************************//**
4586 *
4587 * Calculates and updates the PILO trim step size (stepSize variable).
4588 * The stepSize value is used by \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloTrim function during periodical
4589 * PILO calibration.
4590 *
4591 * This function requires configured BLE ECO ALTHF clock.
4592 * Use ModusToolbox Device Configurator to configure BLE ECO ALTHF clock.
4593 *
4594 * \note
4595 * This function must be call after every power-up after call of
4596 * \ref Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrim function.
4597 *
4598 * \note
4599 * To achieve best trimming results it is recommended to configure BLE ECO ALTHF
4600 * reference clock to 16 MHz.
4601 *
4602 * \funcusage
4603 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PiloInitialTrimAndUpdateTrimStep
4604 *
4605 *******************************************************************************/
4606 void Cy_SysClk_PiloUpdateTrimStep(void);
4608 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) */
4610 /** \} group_sysclk_trim_funcs */
4613 /* ========================================================================== */
4614 /* ======================    POWER MANAGEMENT SECTION    ==================== */
4615 /* ========================================================================== */
4616 /**
4617 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_pm_funcs
4618 * \{
4619 */
4620 /*******************************************************************************
4621 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback
4622 ****************************************************************************//**
4623 *
4624 * Callback function to be used when entering system Deep Sleep mode.
4625 * This function is applicable if:
4626 * - The FLL is enabled
4627 * - The PLL is enabled and is driven by ECO
4628 *
4629 * This function performs the following:
4630 *
4631 * 1. Before entering Deep Sleep, the clock configuration is saved in SRAM.
4632 *    If the FLL/PLL source is the ECO, then the FLL/PLL is bypassed and the
4633 *    source is changed to IMO. \n
4634 *    If the FLL is enabled - it is just bypassed.
4635 * 2. Upon wakeup from Deep Sleep, the function waits for ECO stabilization,
4636 *    then restores the configuration and waits for the FLL/PLL to regain their
4637 *    frequency locks. \n
4638 *    If ECO is not used and FLL is enabled - it waits for FLL lock and unbypasses it.
4639 *
4640 * The function prevents entry into Deep Sleep mode if the measurement counters
4641 * are currently counting; see \ref Cy_SysClk_StartClkMeasurementCounters.
4642 *
4643 * This function can be called during execution of \ref Cy_SysPm_CpuEnterDeepSleep.
4644 * To do so, register this function as a callback before calling
4645 * \ref Cy_SysPm_CpuEnterDeepSleep - specify \ref CY_SYSPM_DEEPSLEEP as the callback
4646 * type and call \ref Cy_SysPm_RegisterCallback.
4647 *
4648 * \note
4649 * This function is recommended to be the last callback that is registered.
4650 * Doing so minimizes the time spent on low power mode entry and exit. \n
4651 * This function implements all four SysPm callback modes \ref cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t.
4652 * So the \ref cy_stc_syspm_callback_t::skipMode must be set to 0UL. \n
4653 * This function does not support such cases as, for example, FLL is enabled
4654 * but bypassed by user code before entering Deep Sleep. \n
4655 * You can use this callback implementation as an example to design custom low-power
4656 * callbacks for certain user application.
4657 *
4658 * \param callbackParams
4659 * structure with the syspm callback parameters,
4660 * see \ref cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t.
4661 *
4662 * \param mode
4663 * Callback mode, see \ref cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t
4664 *
4665 * \return Error / status code; see \ref cy_en_syspm_status_t. Pass if not doing
4666 * a clock measurement, otherwise Fail. Timeout if timeout waiting for ECO, FLL
4667 * or PLL to get stable / regain its frequency lock.
4668 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
4669 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
4670 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
4671 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
4672 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
4673 *
4674 * \funcusage
4675 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback
4676 *
4677 *******************************************************************************/
4678 cy_en_syspm_status_t Cy_SysClk_DeepSleepCallback(cy_stc_syspm_callback_params_t * callbackParams, cy_en_syspm_callback_mode_t mode);
4679 /** \} group_sysclk_pm_funcs */
4682 /* ========================================================================== */
4683 /* ===========================    WCO SECTION    ============================ */
4684 /* ========================================================================== */
4685 /**
4686 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_wco_enums
4687 * \{
4688 */
4689 /** WCO bypass modes */
4690 typedef enum
4691 {
4692     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_NOT_BYPASSED = 0U, /**< WCO is not bypassed crystal is used */
4693     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_BYPASSED = 1U      /**< WCO is bypassed external clock must be supplied  on XTAL pin */
4694 } cy_en_wco_bypass_modes_t;
4696 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
4697 /** WCO GM Config */
4698 /**
4699 * \note
4700 * This enum is available for CAT1B devices.
4701 **/
4702 typedef enum
4703 {
4704     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_0P5    = 0U, /**< WCO GM - 0.5x */
4705     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_1P0    = 1U, /**< WCO GM - 1.0x */
4706     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_1P5    = 2U, /**< WCO GM - 1.5x */
4707     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_2P0    = 3U, /**< WCO GM - 2.0x */
4708     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_2P5    = 4U, /**< WCO GM - 2.5x */
4709     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_3P0    = 5U, /**< WCO GM - 3.0x */
4710     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_3P5    = 6U, /**< WCO GM - 3.5x */
4711     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_GM_4P0    = 7U, /**< WCO GM - 4.0x */
4712 } cy_en_wco_gain_ctrl_modes_t;
4713 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
4715 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
4716 /** \cond BWC */
4717 /**
4718 * \note
4719 * This enum is available for CAT1A devices.
4720 **/
4721 typedef enum
4722 {
4726 } cy_en_wco_csv_supervisor_clock_t;
4728 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS40SRSS */
4731 /**
4732 * Clock supervisor clock loss window. There must be one clock of the supervised
4733 * clock within this many clocks of the supervising clock.
4734 * See registers CLK_CSV_HF_CTL and CLK_CSV_WCO_CTL, bitfield CSV_LOSS_WINDOW.
4735 */
4736 typedef enum
4737 {
4738     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_4_CYCLES =   0U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 4 cycles of the supervising clock */
4739     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_8_CYCLES =   1U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 8 cycles of the supervising clock */
4740     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_16_CYCLES =  2U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 16 cycles of the supervising clock */
4741     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_32_CYCLES =  3U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 32 cycles of the supervising clock */
4742     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_64_CYCLES =  4U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 64 cycles of the supervising clock */
4743     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_128_CYCLES = 5U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 128 cycles of the supervising clock */
4744     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_256_CYCLES = 6U, /**< 1 clock must be seen within 256 cycles of the supervising clock */
4745     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_LOSS_512_CYCLES = 7U  /**< 1 clock must be seen within 512 cycles of the supervising clock */
4746 } cy_en_csv_loss_window_t;
4748 /**
4749 * Clock supervisor error actions. See register CLK_CSV_HF_CTL[CSV_FREQ_ACTION and CSV_LOSS_ACTION].
4750 */
4751 typedef enum
4752 {
4753     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_ERROR_IGNORE =      0U, /**< Ignore the error reported by the clock supervisor */
4754     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_ERROR_FAULT =       1U, /**< Trigger a fault when an error is reported by the clock supervisor */
4755     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_ERROR_RESET =       2U, /**< Trigger a reset when an error is reported by the clock supervisor */
4756     CY_SYSCLK_CSV_ERROR_FAULT_RESET = 3U  /**< Trigger a fault then reset when an error is reported by the supervisor */
4757 } cy_en_csv_error_actions_t;
4759 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
4760 /** WCO CSV supervisor clock selections */
4761 /**
4762 * \note
4763 * This enum is available for CAT1B devices.
4764 **/
4765 typedef enum
4766 {
4767     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_CSV_SUPERVISOR_ILO,   /**< WCO CSV supervisor clock source is the ILO */
4768     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_CSV_SUPERVISOR_ALTLF, /**< WCO CSV supervisor clock source is the alternate low-frequency clock (ALTLF) */
4769     CY_SYSCLK_WCO_CSV_SUPERVISOR_PILO   /**< WCO CSV supervisor clock source is the PILO */
4770 } cy_en_wco_csv_supervisor_clock_t;
4772 /** \endcond */
4774 /** \} group_sysclk_wco_enums */
4776 /** \cond BWC */
4778 /**
4779 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_wco_structs
4780 * \{
4781 */
4782 /**
4783 * This structure is used to configure the clock supervisor for the WCO.
4784 */
4785 /**
4786 * \note
4787 * This structure is available for CAT1B devices.
4788 **/
4789 typedef struct
4790 {
4791     cy_en_wco_csv_supervisor_clock_t supervisorClock; /**< supervisor clock selection */
4792     bool enableLossDetection;                         /**< 1= enabled, 0= disabled. Note that if loss detection is enabled, writes to other register bits are ignored */
4793     cy_en_csv_loss_window_t lossWindow;               /**< \ref cy_en_csv_loss_window_t */
4794     cy_en_csv_error_actions_t lossAction;             /**< \ref cy_en_csv_error_actions_t */
4795 } cy_stc_wco_csv_config_t;
4797 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
4799 /** \} group_sysclk_wco_structs */
4801 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
4802 /**
4803 * \note
4804 * This structure is available for CAT1A devices.
4805 **/
4806 typedef struct
4807 {
4808     cy_en_wco_csv_supervisor_clock_t supervisorClock;
4809     bool enableLossDetection;
4810     cy_en_csv_loss_window_t lossWindow;
4811     cy_en_csv_error_actions_t lossAction;
4812 } cy_stc_wco_csv_config_t;
4813 /** \endcond */
4814 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS40SRSS */
4816 /**
4817 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_wco_funcs
4818 * \{
4819 */
4820 /*******************************************************************************
4821 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_WcoEnable
4822 ****************************************************************************//**
4823 *
4824 * Enables the WCO.
4825 *
4826 * \param timeoutus amount of time in microseconds to wait for the WCO to be ready.
4827 * If WCO is not ready, WCO is stopped. To avoid waiting for WCO ready set this to 0,
4828 * and manually check if WCO is okay using \ref Cy_SysClk_WcoOkay.
4829 *
4830 * \return Error / status code: \n
4831 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - WCO successfully enabled \n
4832 * CY_SYSCLK_TIMEOUT - Timeout waiting for WCO to stabilize
4833 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
4834 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
4835 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
4836 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
4837 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
4838 *
4839 * \funcusage
4840 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_WcoEnable
4841 *
4842 *******************************************************************************/
4843 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_WcoEnable(uint32_t timeoutus);
4846 /*******************************************************************************
4847 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_WcoOkay
4848 ****************************************************************************//**
4849 *
4850 * Reports the status of the WCO_OK bit.
4851 *
4852 * \return
4853 * true = okay \n
4854 * false = not okay
4855 *
4856 * \funcusage
4857 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_WcoOkay
4858 *
4859 *******************************************************************************/
4860 bool Cy_SysClk_WcoOkay(void);
4863 /*******************************************************************************
4864 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_WcoDisable
4865 ****************************************************************************//**
4866 *
4867 * Disables the WCO.
4868 *
4869 * \note
4870 * We need to set writable option using Cy_RTC_WriteEnable
4871 * before disabling WCO, and clear writable option after disabling WCO.
4872 *
4873 * \funcusage
4874 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_WcoDisable
4875 *
4876 *******************************************************************************/
4877 void Cy_SysClk_WcoDisable(void);
4880 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
4881 /*******************************************************************************
4882 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_WcoGainControl
4883 ****************************************************************************//**
4884 *
4885 * Sets the GM(Loop Gain Control) for WCO.
4886 *
4887 * \param gmMode \ref cy_en_wco_gain_ctrl_modes_t
4888 *
4889 * \funcusage
4890 * TBD
4891 *
4892 * \note
4893 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
4894 *
4895 *******************************************************************************/
4896 void Cy_SysClk_WcoGainControl(cy_en_wco_gain_ctrl_modes_t gmMode);
4898 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
4900 /*******************************************************************************
4901 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_WcoBypass
4902 ****************************************************************************//**
4903 *
4904 * Sets whether the WCO is bypassed or not. If it is bypassed, then a 32-kHz clock
4905 * must be provided on the wco_out pin.
4906 *
4907 * \param bypass \ref cy_en_wco_bypass_modes_t
4908 *
4909 * \funcusage
4910 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_WcoBypass
4911 *
4912 *******************************************************************************/
4913 void Cy_SysClk_WcoBypass(cy_en_wco_bypass_modes_t bypass);
4914 /** \} group_sysclk_wco_funcs */
4917 /* ========================================================================== */
4918 /* ============================    MF SECTION    ============================ */
4919 /* ========================================================================== */
4922 /**
4923 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_mf_enums
4924 * \{
4925 */
4926 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4928 /**
4929 * \note
4930 * This Enumeration is available for CAT1B devices.
4931 **/
4932 /**
4933 * Medium frequency (clkMf) input sources. See CLK_MF_SELECT register, MFCLK_SEL bits.
4934 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetSource, and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetSource.
4935 */
4936 #if defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4938 typedef enum
4939 {
4940     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_IMO               = 0U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (IMO) */
4941     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ILO               = 1U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (ILO) */
4942     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_WCO               = 2U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the watch crystal oscillator (WCO) */
4943     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ALTLF             = 3U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the Alternate Low Frequency Clock (ALTLF) */
4944     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_PILO              = 4U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the precision low speed oscillator (PILO) */
4945     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ECO_PRESCALER     = 5U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the External Clock Oscillator (ECO Prescaler) */
4946     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_IHO               = 6U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the internal high speed oscillator (IHO) */
4947 } cy_en_clkmf_in_sources_t;
4949 #else
4951 typedef enum
4952 {
4953     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_MFO               = 0U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (MFO) */
4954     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ILO               = 1U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (ILO) */
4955     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_WCO               = 2U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the watch crystal oscillator (WCO) */
4956     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ALTLF             = 3U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the Alternate Low Frequency Clock (ALTLF) */
4957     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_PILO              = 4U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the precision low speed oscillator (PILO) */
4958     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ILO1              = 5U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the precision low speed oscillator (ILO1) */
4959     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ECO_PRESCALER     = 6U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the External Clock Oscillator (ECO Prescaler) */
4960     CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_LPECO             = 7U, /**< clkMf is sourced by the External Clock Oscillator (LPECO) */
4961 } cy_en_clkmf_in_sources_t;
4963 #endif
4965 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
4967 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_mf_enums */
4969 /**
4970 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_mf_funcs
4971 * \{
4972 */
4973 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
4975 /*******************************************************************************
4976 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_MfoEnable
4977 ****************************************************************************//**
4978 *
4979 * Enables the MFO.
4980 *
4981 * \param deepSleepEnable enables MFO operation is Deep Sleep low power mode.
4982 *
4983 * \funcusage
4984 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
4985 *
4986 *******************************************************************************/
4987 void Cy_SysClk_MfoEnable(bool deepSleepEnable);
4990 /*******************************************************************************
4991 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_MfoIsEnabled
4992 ****************************************************************************//**
4993 *
4994 * Reports whether MFO is enabled or not.
4995 *
4996 * \return
4997 * false - disabled \n
4998 * true  - enabled
4999 *
5000 * \funcusage
5001 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable
5002 *
5003 *******************************************************************************/
5004 bool Cy_SysClk_MfoIsEnabled(void);
5007 /*******************************************************************************
5008 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_MfoDisable
5009 ****************************************************************************//**
5010 *
5011 * Disables the MFO.
5012 *
5013 * \funcusage
5014 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable
5015 *
5016 *******************************************************************************/
5017 void Cy_SysClk_MfoDisable(void);
5018 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
5020 /** \cond internal */
5021 #define CY_SYSCLK_MF_DIVIDER_MIN                  (1U)
5022 #define CY_SYSCLK_MF_DIVIDER_MAX                  (256U)
5023 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_MF_DIVIDER_VALID(locDiv)     ((CY_SYSCLK_MF_DIVIDER_MIN <= (locDiv)) && ((locDiv) <= CY_SYSCLK_MF_DIVIDER_MAX))
5024 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
5025 /**
5026  * \note
5027  * This macro is available for CAT1B and CAT1D devices.
5028  **/
5029 #if defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
5030 #define CY_SYSCLK_IF_MF_SOURCE_VALID(mfClkSrc)    (((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_WCO)     || \
5031                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_PILO) || \
5032                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_IHO) || \
5033                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ECO_PRESCALER))
5035 #else
5037 #define CY_SYSCLK_IF_MF_SOURCE_VALID(mfClkSrc)    (((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_MFO)     || \
5038                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ILO) || \
5039                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_WCO) || \
5040                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ALTLF) || \
5041                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_PILO) || \
5042                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ILO1) || \
5043                                                     ((mfClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKMF_IN_ECO_PRESCALER))
5045 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)*/
5047 #endif
5048 /** \endcond */
5050 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
5051 /*******************************************************************************
5052 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
5053 ****************************************************************************//**
5054 *
5055 * Enables the CLK_MF.
5056 *
5057 * \funcusage
5058 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
5059 *
5060 *******************************************************************************/
5061 void Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable(void);
5064 /*******************************************************************************
5065 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfIsEnabled
5066 ****************************************************************************//**
5067 *
5068 * Reports whether CLK_MF is enabled or not.
5069 *
5070 * \return
5071 * false - disabled \n
5072 * true  - enabled
5073 *
5074 * \funcusage
5075 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
5076 *
5077 *******************************************************************************/
5078 bool Cy_SysClk_ClkMfIsEnabled(void);
5081 /*******************************************************************************
5082 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable
5083 ****************************************************************************//**
5084 *
5085 * Disables the CLK_MF.
5086 *
5087 * \funcusage
5088 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable
5089 *
5090 *******************************************************************************/
5091 void Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable(void);
5094 /*******************************************************************************
5095 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetDivider
5096 ****************************************************************************//**
5097 *
5098 * Sets the clock divider for CLK_MF.
5099 *
5100 * \pre If the CLK_MF is already enabled - it should be disabled
5101 * prior to use this function by \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkMfDisable.
5102 *
5103 * \param divider divider value between 1 and 256.
5104 *
5105 * \funcusage
5106 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
5107 *
5108 *******************************************************************************/
5109 void Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetDivider(uint32_t divider);
5112 /*******************************************************************************
5113 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetDivider
5114 ****************************************************************************//**
5115 *
5116 * Returns the clock divider of CLK_MF.
5117 *
5118 * \return divider value in range 1..256.
5119 *
5120 * \funcusage
5121 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
5122 *
5123 *******************************************************************************/
5124 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetDivider(void);
5127 /*******************************************************************************
5128 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetFrequency
5129 ****************************************************************************//**
5130 *
5131 * Reports the output clock signal frequency of CLK_MF.
5132 *
5133 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
5134 *
5135 * \funcusage
5136 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkMfEnable
5137 *
5138 *******************************************************************************/
5139 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetFrequency(void);
5141 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
5143 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) ||  defined(CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
5145 /*******************************************************************************
5146 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetSource
5147 ****************************************************************************//**
5148 *
5149 * Sets the source for the Medium frequency clock(clkMf).
5150 *
5151 * \param source \ref cy_en_clkmf_in_sources_t
5152 *
5153 * \note
5154 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
5155 *
5156 *******************************************************************************/
5157 void Cy_SysClk_ClkMfSetSource(cy_en_clkmf_in_sources_t source);
5160 /*******************************************************************************
5161 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetSource
5162 ****************************************************************************//**
5163 *
5164 * Reports the source for the Medium frequency clock (clkMf).
5165 *
5166 * \return \ref cy_en_clkmf_in_sources_t
5167 *
5168 * \note
5169 * This API is available for CAT1B devices.
5170 *
5171 *******************************************************************************/
5172 cy_en_clkmf_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkMfGetSource(void);
5174 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) */
5176 /** \} group_sysclk_mf_funcs */
5178 /* ========================================================================== */
5179 /* =========================    clkHf[n] SECTION    ========================= */
5180 /* ========================================================================== */
5181 /**
5182 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_hf_enums
5183 * \{
5184 */
5185 /**
5186 * Selects which clkHf input, or root mux, to configure.
5187 * See CLK_ROOT_SELECT registers, bits ROOT_MUX.
5188 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetSource.
5189 */
5190 typedef enum
5191 {
5192     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH0  = 0U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 0 */
5193     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH1  = 1U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 1 */
5194     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH2  = 2U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 2 */
5195     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH3  = 3U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 3 */
5196     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH4  = 4U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 4 */
5197     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH5  = 5U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 5 */
5198     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH6  = 6U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 6 */
5199     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH7  = 7U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 7 */
5200     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH8  = 8U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 8 */
5201     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH9  = 9U,  /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 9 */
5202     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH10 = 10U, /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 10 */
5203     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH11 = 11U, /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 11 */
5204     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH12 = 12U, /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 12 */
5205     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH13 = 13U, /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 13 */
5206     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH14 = 14U, /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 14 */
5207     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_IN_CLKPATH15 = 15U, /**< clkHf input is Clock Path 15 */
5208 } cy_en_clkhf_in_sources_t;
5210 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
5211 /**
5212 * clkHf clock supervisor input sources. See register CLK_CSV_HF_CTL[CSV_MUX].
5213 */
5214 /**
5215 * \note
5216 * This enum is available for CAT1B devices.
5217 **/
5218 typedef enum
5219 {
5220     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_CSV_SUPERVISOR_IMO   = 0U,  /**< Supervising clock is the IMO */
5221     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_CSV_SUPERVISOR_EXT   = 1U,  /**< Supervising clock is the external clock */
5222     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_CSV_SUPERVISOR_ALTHF = 2U   /**< Supervising clock is clk_althf */
5223 } cy_en_clkhf_csv_supervisor_clock_t;
5224 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
5226 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_hf_enums */
5228 /**
5229 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_hf_enums
5230 * \{
5231 */
5232 /**
5233 * clkHf divider values. See CLK_ROOT_SELECT registers, bits ROOT_DIV.
5234 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetDivider.
5235 */
5236 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_MXS40SSRSS_VER_1_2) && (CY_MXS40SSRSS_VER_1_2 > 0UL))
5237 typedef enum
5238 {
5239     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_NO_DIVIDE    = 0U,    /**< don't divide clkHf */
5240     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_2  = 1U,    /**< divide clkHf by 2 */
5241     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_3  = 2U,    /**< divide clkHf by 3 */
5242     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_4  = 3U,     /**< divide clkHf by 4 */
5243     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_5  = 4U,    /**< divide clkHf by 5 */
5244     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_6  = 5U,    /**< divide clkHf by 6 */
5245     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_7  = 6U,     /**< divide clkHf by 7 */
5246     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_8  = 7U,    /**< divide clkHf by 8 */
5247     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_9  = 8U,    /**< divide clkHf by 9 */
5248     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_10 = 9U,     /**< divide clkHf by 10 */
5249     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_11 = 10U,   /**< divide clkHf by 11 */
5250     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_12 = 11U,   /**< divide clkHf by 12 */
5251     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_13 = 12U,    /**< divide clkHf by 13 */
5252     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_14 = 13U,   /**< divide clkHf by 14 */
5253     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_15 = 14U,   /**< divide clkHf by 15 */
5254     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_16 = 15U,   /**< divide clkHf by 16 */
5255     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_MAX_DIVIDER           /**< Max divider */
5256 } cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t;
5257 #else
5258 typedef enum
5259 {
5260     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_NO_DIVIDE   = 0U,    /**< don't divide clkHf */
5261     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_2 = 1U,    /**< divide clkHf by 2 */
5262     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_4 = 2U,    /**< divide clkHf by 4 */
5263     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_DIVIDE_BY_8 = 3U,    /**< divide clkHf by 8 */
5264     CY_SYSCLK_CLKHF_MAX_DIVIDER          /**< Max divider */
5265 } cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t;
5266 #endif
5267 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_hf_enums */
5269 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
5270 /** \cond BWC */
5271 typedef enum
5272 {
5276 } cy_en_clkhf_csv_supervisor_clock_t;
5278 typedef struct
5279 {
5280     cy_en_clkhf_csv_supervisor_clock_t supervisorClock;
5281     uint16_t supervisingWindow;
5282     bool enableFrequencyFaultDetection;
5283     uint16_t frequencyLowerLimit;
5284     uint16_t frequencyUpperLimit;
5285     cy_en_csv_error_actions_t frequencyAction;
5286     bool enableLossDetection;
5287     cy_en_csv_loss_window_t lossWindow;
5288     cy_en_csv_error_actions_t lossAction;
5289 } cy_stc_clkhf_csv_config_t;
5291 #if (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE))
5292 /** PRA structure for Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource function parameters */
5293 typedef struct
5294 {
5295     uint32_t                  clkHf;         /**< clkHF  */
5296     cy_en_clkhf_in_sources_t source;        /**< Source */
5297 } cy_stc_pra_clkhfsetsource_t;
5299 /** PRA structure for Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource function parameters */
5300 typedef struct
5301 {
5302     uint32_t                  clkHf;         /**< clkHF */
5303     cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t divider;        /**< divider */
5304 } cy_stc_pra_clkhfsetdivider_t;
5305 #endif /* (defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE)) */
5307 #define altHfFreq (cy_BleEcoClockFreqHz)
5308 /** \endcond */
5309 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS40SRSS */
5311 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS)
5312 /** \cond BWC */
5313 /**
5314 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_hf_structs
5315 * \{
5316 */
5317 /**
5318 * This structure is used to configure the clock supervisor for clkHf.
5319 */
5320 /**
5321 * \note
5322 * This structure is available for CAT1B devices.
5323 **/
5324 typedef struct
5325 {
5326     cy_en_clkhf_csv_supervisor_clock_t supervisorClock; /**< \ref cy_en_clkhf_csv_supervisor_clock_t */
5327     uint16_t supervisingWindow;                         /**< Number of supervising clock cycles */
5328     bool enableFrequencyFaultDetection;                 /**< 1= enabled, 0= disabled */
5329     uint16_t frequencyLowerLimit;                       /**< Lowest frequency in kHz that supervised clock can go */
5330     uint16_t frequencyUpperLimit;                       /**< Highest frequency in kHz that supervised clock can go */
5331     cy_en_csv_error_actions_t frequencyAction;          /**< \ref cy_en_csv_error_actions_t */
5332     bool enableLossDetection;                           /**< 1= enabled, 0= disabled */
5333     cy_en_csv_loss_window_t lossWindow;                 /**< \ref cy_en_csv_loss_window_t */
5334     cy_en_csv_error_actions_t lossAction;               /**< \ref cy_en_csv_error_actions_t */
5335 } cy_stc_clkhf_csv_config_t;
5336 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_hf_structs */
5337 /** \endcond */
5339 /** \cond INTERNAL */
5340 /**
5341 * \note
5342 * It is available for CAT1B devices.
5343 **/
5344 extern uint32_t altHfFreq; /* Internal storage for BLE ECO frequency user setting */
5345 /** \endcond */
5346 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS */
5348 /**
5349 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_hf_funcs
5350 * \{
5351 */
5354 /*******************************************************************************
5355 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfEnable
5356 ****************************************************************************//**
5357 *
5358 * Enables the selected clkHf.
5359 *
5360 * \param clkHf Selects which clkHf to enable.
5361 *
5362 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5363 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
5364 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
5365 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
5366 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
5367 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
5368 *
5369 * \funcusage
5370 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPathSetSource
5371 *
5372 *******************************************************************************/
5373 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfEnable(uint32_t clkHf);
5376 /*******************************************************************************
5377 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfIsEnabled
5378 ****************************************************************************//**
5379 *
5380 * Reports the Enabled/Disabled status of clkHf.
5381 *
5382 * \param clkHf Selects which clkHf to check.
5383 *
5384 * \return Boolean status of clkHf: true - Enabled, false - Disabled.
5385 *
5386 * \funcusage
5387 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDisable
5388 *
5389 * \note
5390 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
5391 *
5392 *******************************************************************************/
5393 bool Cy_SysClk_ClkHfIsEnabled(uint32_t clkHf);
5396 /*******************************************************************************
5397 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDisable
5398 ****************************************************************************//**
5399 *
5400 * Disables the selected clkHf.
5401 *
5402 * \param clkHf Selects which clkHf to enable.
5403 *
5404 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5405 *
5406 * \note clkHf[0] cannot be disabled.
5407 *
5408 * \funcusage
5409 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDisable
5410 *
5411 *******************************************************************************/
5412 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDisable(uint32_t clkHf);
5415 /*******************************************************************************
5416 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource
5417 ****************************************************************************//**
5418 *
5419 * Selects the source of the selected clkHf.
5420 *
5421 * \param clkHf selects which clkHf mux to configure.
5422 *
5423 * \param source \ref cy_en_clkhf_in_sources_t
5424 *
5425 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5426 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
5427 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
5428 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
5429 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
5430 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
5431 *
5432 * \note
5433 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
5434 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
5435 *
5436 * \note
5437 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
5438 * CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
5439 *
5440 * \note
5441 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
5442 * CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
5443 *
5444 * \funcusage
5445 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource
5446 *
5447 * \note
5448 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
5449 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
5450 *
5451 * \note  It takes four cycles of the originally selected clock to switch away
5452 * from it.  Do not disable the original clock during this time.
5453 *
5454 *******************************************************************************/
5455 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource(uint32_t clkHf, cy_en_clkhf_in_sources_t source);
5458 /*******************************************************************************
5459 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetSource
5460 ****************************************************************************//**
5461 *
5462 * Reports the source of the selected clkHf.
5463 *
5464 * \param clkHf selects which clkHf to get the source of.
5465 *
5466 * \return \ref cy_en_clkhf_in_sources_t
5467 *
5468 * \funcusage
5469 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource
5470 *
5471 *******************************************************************************/
5472 cy_en_clkhf_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetSource(uint32_t clkHf);
5475 /*******************************************************************************
5476 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider
5477 ****************************************************************************//**
5478 *
5479 * Sets the pre-divider for a clkHf.
5480 *
5481 * \param clkHf selects which clkHf divider to configure.
5482 *
5483 * \param divider \ref cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t
5484 *
5485 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5486 * CY_PRA_STATUS_* - For the PSoC 64 devices there are possible situations when
5487 * function returns the PRA error status code \ref cy_en_pra_status_t instead of
5488 * \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t. This is because for PSoC 64 devices the function
5489 * uses the PRA driver to change the protected registers. Refer to
5490 * \ref cy_en_pra_status_t for more details.
5491 *
5492 * \note Also call \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetSource to set the clkHf source.
5493 *
5494 * \note
5495 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling
5496 * if it affects the CLK_HF0 frequency.
5497 *
5498 * \note
5499 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
5500 * CLK_HF0 frequency is increasing.
5501 *
5502 * \note
5503 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
5504 * CLK_HF0 frequency is decreasing.
5505 *
5506 * \note
5507 * Take into account the possible platform specific clkHf (and further
5508 * clocking chain links) frequency limitations while using this API.
5509 *
5510 * \funcusage
5511 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider
5512 *
5513 *******************************************************************************/
5514 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider(uint32_t clkHf, cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t divider);
5517 /*******************************************************************************
5518 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetDivider
5519 ****************************************************************************//**
5520 *
5521 * Reports the pre-divider value for a clkHf.
5522 *
5523 * \param clkHf selects which clkHf to check divider of.
5524 *
5525 * \return \ref cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t
5526 *
5527 * \funcusage
5528 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider
5529 *
5530 *******************************************************************************/
5531 cy_en_clkhf_dividers_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetDivider(uint32_t clkHf);
5534 /*******************************************************************************
5535 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetFrequency
5536 ****************************************************************************//**
5537 *
5538 * Reports the frequency of the selected clkHf
5539 *
5540 * \param clkHf Selects the clkHf
5541 *
5542 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
5543 *
5544 * \note
5545 * The reported frequency may be zero, which indicates unknown. This happens if
5546 * the source input is dsi_out or clk_altlf.
5547 *
5548 * \note
5549 * Calculates the HF frequency irrespective of whether HF is enabled or not.
5550 *
5551 * \funcusage
5552 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider
5553 *
5554 *******************************************************************************/
5555 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetFrequency(uint32_t clkHf);
5557 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
5558 /*******************************************************************************
5559 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDirectSel
5560 ****************************************************************************//**
5561 *
5562 * Enable/Disable the direct source selection as IMO for CLK_HF[[n]]
5563 *
5564 * \param clkHf Selects the clkHf
5565 *
5566 * \param enable True - Selects IMO for CAT1B/CAT1C or IHO for CAT1D, False - Selects Root Mux
5567 *
5568 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5569 * CY_SYSCLK_BAD_PARAM - If clkhf is incorrect.
5570 * CY_SYSCLK_SUCCESS - If successfully Enabled/Disabled.
5571 *
5572 * \note
5573 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5574 *
5575 *******************************************************************************/
5576 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_ClkHfDirectSel(uint32_t clkHf, bool enable);
5578 /*******************************************************************************
5579 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IsClkHfDirectSelEnabled
5580 ****************************************************************************//**
5581 *
5582 * Checks if direct source selection as IMO for CLK_HF[[n]] is enabled/disabled
5583 *
5584 * \param clkHf Selects the clkHf
5585 *
5586 * \return
5587 * True - IMO selected for CAT1B/CAT1C or IHO for CAT1D, False - Root Mux is selected.
5588 *
5589 * \note
5590 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5591 *
5592 *******************************************************************************/
5593 bool Cy_SysClk_IsClkHfDirectSelEnabled(uint32_t clkHf);
5595 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
5597 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_hf_funcs */
5600 /* ========================================================================== */
5601 /* =========================    clk_fast SECTION    ========================= */
5602 /* ========================================================================== */
5603 /**
5604 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_fast_funcs
5605 * \{
5606 */
5608 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
5610 /*******************************************************************************
5611 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSetDivider
5612 ****************************************************************************//**
5613 *
5614 * Sets the clock divider for the fast clock, which sources the main processor.
5615 * The source of this divider is clkHf[0].
5616 *
5617 * \param divider divider value between 0 and 255.
5618 * Causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
5619 *
5620 * \note
5621 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling.
5622 *
5623 * \note
5624 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
5625 * CLK_FAST frequency is increasing.
5626 *
5627 * \note
5628 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
5629 * CLK_FAST frequency is decreasing.
5630 *
5631 * \note
5632 * This API is available only for CAT1A devices.
5633 *
5634 * \funcusage
5635 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSetDivider
5636 *
5637 *******************************************************************************/
5638 void Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSetDivider(uint8_t divider);
5641 /*******************************************************************************
5642 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkFastGetDivider
5643 ****************************************************************************//**
5644 *
5645 * Returns the clock divider for the fast clock.
5646 *
5647 * \return The divider value for the fast clock.
5648 * The integer division done is by (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
5649 *
5650 * \note
5651 * This API is available only for CAT1A devices.
5652 *
5653 * \funcusage
5654 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSetDivider
5655 *
5656 *******************************************************************************/
5657 uint8_t Cy_SysClk_ClkFastGetDivider(void);
5660 /*******************************************************************************
5661 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkFastGetFrequency
5662 ****************************************************************************//**
5663 *
5664 * Reports the frequency of the fast clock.
5665 *
5666 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
5667 *
5668 * \note
5669 * This API is available only for CAT1A devices.
5670 *
5671 * \funcusage
5672 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSetDivider
5673 *
5674 *******************************************************************************/
5675 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkFastGetFrequency(void);
5677 #endif /* (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
5679 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
5681 /*******************************************************************************
5682 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcSetDivider
5683 ****************************************************************************//**
5684 *
5685 * Sets the clock divider for the fast clock, which sources the main processor.
5686 * The source of this divider is clkHf[0].
5687 *
5688 * \param clkFastNum 0 for CLOCK_FAST_0 and 1 for CLOCK_FAST_1
5689 *
5690 * \param intDiv Integer divider
5691 *
5692 * \param fracDiv Fractional divider
5693 *
5694 * \note
5695 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling.
5696 *
5697 * \note
5698 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates before calling this function if
5699 * CLK_FAST frequency is increasing.
5700 *
5701 * \note
5702 * Call \ref Cy_SysLib_SetWaitStates after calling this function if
5703 * CLK_FAST frequency is decreasing.
5704 *
5705 * \note
5706 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
5707 *
5708 *******************************************************************************/
5709 void Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcSetDivider(uint32_t clkFastNum, uint8_t intDiv, uint8_t fracDiv);
5712 /*******************************************************************************
5713 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcGetDivider
5714 ****************************************************************************//**
5715 *
5716 * Returns the Integer and Fractional clock divider for the fast clock.
5717 *
5718 * \param clkFastNum 0 for CLOCK_FAST_0 and 1 for CLOCK_FAST_1
5719 *
5720 * \param dividerIntValue - Integer divider
5721 *
5722 * \param dividerFracValue - Fractional divider
5723 *
5724 * \return None. Loads pointed-to variables.
5725 *
5726 * \note
5727 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
5728 *
5729 *******************************************************************************/
5730 void Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcGetDivider(uint32_t clkFastNum, uint32_t *dividerIntValue, uint32_t *dividerFracValue);
5733 /*******************************************************************************
5734 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcGetFrequency
5735 ****************************************************************************//**
5736 *
5737 * Reports the frequency of the fast clock.
5738 *
5739 * \param clkFastNum 0 for CLOCK_FAST_0 and 1 for CLOCK_FAST_1
5740 *
5741 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
5742 *
5743 * \note
5744 * This API is available only for CAT1C devices.
5745 *
5746 *******************************************************************************/
5747 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkFastSrcGetFrequency(uint32_t clkFastNum);
5749 #endif /* (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
5751 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_fast_funcs */
5753 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3))  || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
5755 /* ========================================================================== */
5756 /* ========================    PERI SECTION    ========================== */
5757 /* ========================================================================== */
5759 /**
5760 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_enums
5761 * \{
5762 */
5763 /**
5764 * Slave control Register Numbers
5765 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfSetDivider and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkHfGetDivider.
5766 */
5767 typedef enum
5768 {
5769     CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL   = 0U,    /**<Selects SL_CTL*/
5770 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)  || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
5771     CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL2  = 1U,    /**<Selects SL_CTL2*/
5772     CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL3  = 2U,    /**<Selects SL_CTL3*/
5773 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS)  || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
5774 } cy_en_peri_grp_sl_ctl_num_t;
5776 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_enums */
5778 /** \cond internal */
5779 /* Macro to validate if the SL control register number passed */
5780 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
5781 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_SL_CTL_NUM_VALID(slaveCtl)           (((slaveCtl) == CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL) || \
5782                                                            ((slaveCtl) == CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL2) || \
5783                                                            ((slaveCtl) == CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL3))
5784 #else
5785 #define CY_SYSCLK_IS_SL_CTL_NUM_VALID(slaveCtl)           (((slaveCtl) == CY_SYSCLK_PERI_GROUP_SL_CTL))
5787 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
5789 /** \endcond */
5792 /**
5793 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_funcs
5794 * \{
5795 */
5796 /*******************************************************************************
5797 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupSetDivider
5798 ****************************************************************************//**
5799 *
5800 * Sets the divider value for a particular group
5801 *
5802 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5803 *
5804 * \param groupNum Selects the PERI Group Number
5805 * \note
5806 * Input of groupNum parameter will be
5807 * CAT1D devices - enum en_peri_grp_t(devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>
5808 * /include/\<series\>_config.h)
5809 * CAT1B/CAT1C   - group number
5810 *
5811 * \param divider Selects the divider value
5812 *
5813 * \note
5814 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5815 *
5816 * \note
5817 * Clock divider functionality is product specific, Refer to TRM before using this API
5818 * Example:-
5819 * For CAT1B devices Group-0 does not have the clock divider functionality.
5820 * For CAT1C devices Group-0,1 and 2 does not have the clock divider functionality.
5821 * For the above not supported groups this API will return success, but write will
5822 * not happen.
5823 *
5824 *******************************************************************************/
5825 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupSetDivider(uint32_t groupNum, uint32_t divider);
5828 /*******************************************************************************
5829 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupGetDivider
5830 ****************************************************************************//**
5831 *
5832 * Gets the divider value for a particular group
5833 *
5834 * \return Divider value
5835 *
5836 * \param groupNum Selects the PERI Group Number
5837 * \note
5838 * Input of groupNum parameter will be
5839 * CAT1D devices - enum en_peri_grp_t(devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>
5840 * /include/\<series\>_config.h)
5841 * CAT1B/CAT1C   - group number
5842 *
5843 * \note
5844 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5845 *
5846 * \note
5847 * Clock divider functionality is product specific, Refer to TRM before using this API
5848 * Example:-
5849 * For CAT1B devices Group-0 does not have the clock divider functionality.
5850 * For CAT1C devices Group-0,1 and 2 does not have the clock divider functionality.
5851 * For the above not supported groups this API returns zero.
5852 *
5853 *******************************************************************************/
5854 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupGetDivider(uint32_t groupNum);
5857 /*******************************************************************************
5858 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupSetSlaveCtl
5859 ****************************************************************************//**
5860 *
5861 * Sets the particular Slave Control value for a particular group
5862 *
5863 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
5864 *
5865 * \param groupNum Selects the PERI Group Number
5866 * \note
5867 * Input of groupNum parameter will be
5868 * CAT1D devices - enum en_peri_grp_t(devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>
5869 * /include/\<series\>_config.h)
5870 * CAT1B/CAT1C   - group number
5871 *
5872 * \param slaveCtl Selects the Slave Control Register Number
5873 *
5874 * \param value Value to be written
5875 *
5876 * \note
5877 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5878 *
5879 *******************************************************************************/
5880 cy_en_sysclk_status_t Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupSetSlaveCtl(uint32_t groupNum, cy_en_peri_grp_sl_ctl_num_t slaveCtl, uint32_t value);
5882 /*******************************************************************************
5883 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupGetSlaveCtl
5884 ****************************************************************************//**
5885 *
5886 * Gets the particular Slave Control value for a particular group
5887 *
5888 * \return Divider value
5889 *
5890 * \param groupNum Selects the PERI Group Number
5891 * \note
5892 * Input of groupNum parameter will be
5893 * CAT1D devices - enum en_peri_grp_t(devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>
5894 * /include/\<series\>_config.h)
5895 * CAT1B/CAT1C   - group number
5896 *
5897 * \param slaveCtl Selects the Slave Control Register Number
5898 *
5899 * \note
5900 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5901 *
5902 *******************************************************************************/
5903 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupGetSlaveCtl(uint32_t groupNum, cy_en_peri_grp_sl_ctl_num_t slaveCtl);
5905 /*******************************************************************************
5906 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_IsPeriGroupSlaveCtlSet
5907 ****************************************************************************//**
5908 *
5909 * Gets the mask value of particular slave control register for a particular group
5910 *
5911 * \return Divider value
5912 *
5913 * \param groupNum Selects the PERI Group Number
5914 * \note
5915 * Input of groupNum parameter will be
5916 * CAT1D devices - enum en_peri_grp_t(devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>
5917 * /include/\<series\>_config.h)
5918 * CAT1B/CAT1C   - group number
5919 *
5920 * \param slaveCtl Selects the Slave Control Register Number
5921 *
5922 * \param slaveMsk Selects the bit position(s) that needs to be obtained
5923 *
5924 * \note
5925 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
5926 *
5927 *******************************************************************************/
5928 bool Cy_SysClk_IsPeriGroupSlaveCtlSet(uint32_t groupNum,cy_en_peri_grp_sl_ctl_num_t slaveCtl, uint32_t slaveMsk);
5930 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
5931 /*******************************************************************************
5932 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupSlaveInit
5933 ****************************************************************************//**
5934 *
5935 * Initializes an IP
5936 *
5937 * \param periNum Selects the PERI Number
5938 *
5939 * \param groupNum Selects the PERI Group Number
5940 * \note
5941 * Input of groupNum parameter will be
5942 * CAT1D devices - enum en_peri_grp_t(devices/COMPONENT_CAT1\<subcategory\>
5943 * /include/\<series\>_config.h)
5944 * CAT1B/CAT1C   - group number
5945 *
5946 * \param slaveNum Selects the bit position of the IP that needs to be enabled
5947 *
5948 * \param clkHfNum Selects the CLK_HF number that needs to be enabled for
5949 * the IP to get enabled.
5950 *
5951 * \note
5952 * This API is available only for CAT1D devices.
5953 *
5954 *******************************************************************************/
5955 void Cy_SysClk_PeriGroupSlaveInit(uint32_t periNum, uint32_t groupNum, uint32_t slaveNum, uint32_t clkHfNum);
5957 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
5959 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_funcs */
5960 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3))  || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
5962 /* ========================================================================== */
5963 /* ========================    clk_peri SECTION    ========================== */
5964 /* ========================================================================== */
5965 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
5967 /**
5968 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_peri_funcs
5969 * \{
5970 */
5973 /*******************************************************************************
5974 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriSetDivider
5975 ****************************************************************************//**
5976 *
5977 * Sets the clock divider for the peripheral clock tree. All peripheral clock
5978 * dividers are sourced from this clock. Also the Cortex M0+ clock divider is
5979 * sourced from this clock. The source of this divider is clkHf[0]
5980 *
5981 * \param divider divider value between 0 and 255
5982 * Causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
5983 *
5984 * \note
5985 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling.
5986 *
5987 * \note
5988 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
5989 *
5990 * \funcusage
5991 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriSetDivider
5992 *
5993 *******************************************************************************/
5994 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriSetDivider(uint8_t divider);
5997 /*******************************************************************************
5998 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriGetFrequency
5999 ****************************************************************************//**
6000 *
6001 * Reports the frequency of the peri clock.
6002 *
6003 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
6004 *
6005 * \note
6006 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
6007 *
6008 * \funcusage
6009 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriSetDivider
6010 *
6011 *******************************************************************************/
6012 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriGetFrequency(void);
6015 /*******************************************************************************
6016 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriGetDivider
6017 ****************************************************************************//**
6018 *
6019 * Returns the clock divider of the peripheral (peri) clock.
6020 *
6021 * \return The divider value.
6022 * The integer division done is by (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
6023 *
6024 * \note
6025 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
6026 *
6027 * \funcusage
6028 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriSetDivider
6029 *
6030 *******************************************************************************/
6031 uint8_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPeriGetDivider(void);
6032 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_peri_funcs */
6034 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) */
6036 /* ========================================================================== */
6037 /* =====================    clk_peripherals SECTION    ====================== */
6038 /* ========================================================================== */
6039 /**
6040 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_enums
6041 * \{
6042 */
6043 /** Programmable clock divider types */
6044 typedef enum
6045 {
6046     CY_SYSCLK_DIV_8_BIT    = 0U, /**< Divider Type is an 8 bit divider */
6047     CY_SYSCLK_DIV_16_BIT   = 1U, /**< Divider Type is a 16 bit divider */
6048     CY_SYSCLK_DIV_16_5_BIT = 2U, /**< Divider Type is a 16.5 bit fractional divider */
6049     CY_SYSCLK_DIV_24_5_BIT = 3U  /**< Divider Type is a 24.5 bit fractional divider */
6050 } cy_en_divider_types_t;
6051 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_enums */
6054 /**
6055 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_funcs
6056 * \{
6057 */
6058 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
6060 /*******************************************************************************
6061 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkSetDivider
6062 ****************************************************************************//**
6063 *
6064 * Sets one of the programmable clock dividers. This is only used for integer
6065 * dividers. Use \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFracDivider for setting factional dividers.
6066 *
6067 * \pre If the specified clock divider is already enabled - it should be disabled
6068 * prior to use this function by \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider.
6069 *
6070 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6071 *
6072 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6073 *
6074 * \param dividerNum the divider number.
6075 *
6076 * \param dividerValue divider value
6077 * Causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256
6078 * (8-bit divider) or 1 to 65536 (16-bit divider).
6079 *
6080 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6081 *
6082 * \note
6083 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6084 *
6085 *******************************************************************************/
6086 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6087                 Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkSetDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType,
6088                                            uint32_t dividerNum, uint32_t dividerValue);
6091 /*******************************************************************************
6092 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDivider
6093 ****************************************************************************//**
6094 *
6095 * Returns the integer divider value for the specified divider. One works for
6096 * integer dividers. Use \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFracDivider to get the fractional
6097 * divider value
6098 *
6099 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6100 *
6101 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6102 *
6103 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6104 *
6105 * \return The divider value.
6106 * The integer division done is by (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256
6107 * (8-bit divider) or 1 to 65536 (16-bit divider).
6108 *
6109 * \note
6110 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6111 *
6112 *******************************************************************************/
6113 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6116 /*******************************************************************************
6117 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFracDivider
6118 ****************************************************************************//**
6119 *
6120 * Reports the integer and fractional parts of the divider
6121 *
6122 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6123 *
6124 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6125 *
6126 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6127 *
6128 * \param *dividerIntValue pointer to return integer divider value
6129 *
6130 * \param *dividerFracValue pointer to return fractional divider value
6131 *
6132 * \return None. Loads pointed-to variables.
6133 *
6134 * \note
6135 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6136 *
6137 *******************************************************************************/
6138 void Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFracDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum,
6139                                                     uint32_t *dividerIntValue, uint32_t *dividerFracValue);
6142 /*******************************************************************************
6143 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkSetFracDivider
6144 ****************************************************************************//**
6145 *
6146 * Sets one of the programmable clock dividers. This function should only be used
6147 * for fractional clock dividers.
6148 *
6149 * \pre If the specified clock divider is already enabled - it should be disabled
6150 * prior to use this function by \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider.
6151 *
6152 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6153 *
6154 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6155 *
6156 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6157 *
6158 * \param dividerIntValue the integer divider value
6159 * The source of the divider is peri_clk, which is a divided version of hf_clk[0].
6160 * The divider value causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division
6161 * by 1 to 65536 (16-bit divider) or 1 to 16777216 (24-bit divider).
6162 *
6163 * \param dividerFracValue the fraction part of the divider
6164 * The fractional divider can be 1-32, thus it divides the clock by 1/32 for each
6165 * count. To divide the clock by 11/32nds set this value to 11.
6166 *
6167 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6168 *
6169 * \note
6170 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6171 *
6172 *******************************************************************************/
6173 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6174                 Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkSetFracDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum,
6175                                                uint32_t dividerIntValue, uint32_t dividerFracValue);
6178 /*******************************************************************************
6179 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkAssignDivider
6180 ****************************************************************************//**
6181 *
6182 * Assigns a programmable divider to a selected IP block, such as a TCPWM or SCB.
6183 *
6184 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6185 *
6186 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6187 *
6188 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6189 *
6190 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6191 *
6192 * \note
6193 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6194 *
6195 *******************************************************************************/
6196 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6197                 Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkAssignDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock,
6198                                               cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6201 /*******************************************************************************
6202 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetAssignedDivider
6203 ****************************************************************************//**
6204 *
6205 * Reports which clock divider is assigned to a selected IP block.
6206 *
6207 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6208 *
6209 * \return The divider type and number, where bits [7:6] = type, bits[5:0] = divider
6210 * number within that type
6211 *
6212 * \note
6213 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6214 *
6215 *******************************************************************************/
6216 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetAssignedDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock);
6219 /*******************************************************************************
6220 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkEnableDivider
6221 ****************************************************************************//**
6222 *
6223 * Enables the selected divider.
6224 *
6225 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6226 *
6227 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6228 *
6229 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6230 *
6231 * \note This function also sets the phase alignment bits such that the enabled
6232 * divider is aligned to clk_peri. See \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider()
6233 * for information on how to phase-align a divider after it is enabled.
6234 *
6235 * \note
6236 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6237 *
6238 *******************************************************************************/
6239 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6240                 Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkEnableDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6243 /*******************************************************************************
6244 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkDisableDivider
6245 ****************************************************************************//**
6246 *
6247 * Disables a selected divider.
6248 *
6249 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6250 *
6251 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6252 *
6253 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure.
6254 *
6255 * \note
6256 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6257 *
6258 *******************************************************************************/
6259 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6260                 Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkDisableDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6263 /*******************************************************************************
6264 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkEnablePhaseAlignDivider
6265 ****************************************************************************//**
6266 *
6267 * First disables a selected divider (\ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider),
6268 * then aligns that divider to another programmable divider, and enables the
6269 * selected divider. The divider to align to must already be enabled in order
6270 * to align a divider to it.
6271 *
6272 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6273 *
6274 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6275 *
6276 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure.
6277 *
6278 * \param dividerTypePA type of divider to phase-align to; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6279 *
6280 * \param dividerNumPA divider number of type specified to phase align to.
6281 *
6282 * \note
6283 * To phase-align a divider to clk_peri, set dividerTypePA to 3 and dividerNumPA
6284 * to 63.
6285 *
6286 * \note
6287 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6288 *
6289 *******************************************************************************/
6290 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6291                 Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkEnablePhaseAlignDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock, cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum,
6292                                                         cy_en_divider_types_t dividerTypePA, uint32_t dividerNumPA);
6294 /*******************************************************************************
6295 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFrequency
6296 ****************************************************************************//**
6297 *
6298 * Reports the frequency of the output of a given peripheral divider.
6299 *
6300 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6301 *
6302 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6303 *
6304 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6305 *
6306 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
6307 *
6308 * \note
6309 * The reported frequency may be zero, which indicates unknown. This happens if
6310 * the source input is dsi_out or clk_altlf.
6311 *
6312 * \note
6313 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6314 *
6315 * \funcusage
6316 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFrequency
6317 *
6318 *******************************************************************************/
6319 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFrequency(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock,
6320                                        cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType,
6321                                        uint32_t dividerNum);
6323 /*******************************************************************************
6324 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDividerEnabled
6325 ****************************************************************************//**
6326 *
6327 * Reports the enabled/disabled state of the selected divider.
6328 *
6329 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6330 *
6331 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6332 *
6333 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure.
6334 *
6335 * \note
6336 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6337 *
6338 *******************************************************************************/
6339 bool Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDividerEnabled(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock,
6340                                              cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType,
6341                                              uint32_t dividerNum);
6343 /*******************************************************************************
6344 * Function Name: Cy_Sysclk_PeriPclkGetClkHfNum
6345 ****************************************************************************//**
6346 *
6347 * Reports the corresponding CLK_HF* number for a particular PERI PCLK group
6348 *
6349 * \param grpNum specifies group number of PERI PCLK block.
6350 *
6351 * \return The CLK_HF* number.
6352 *
6353 * \note
6354 * This API is available for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices.
6355 *
6356 *******************************************************************************/
6357 uint32_t Cy_Sysclk_PeriPclkGetClkHfNum(uint32_t grpNum);
6359 #endif
6361 /*******************************************************************************
6362 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetDivider
6363 ****************************************************************************//**
6364 *
6365 * Sets one of the programmable clock dividers. This is only used for integer
6366 * dividers. Use \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFracDivider for setting factional dividers.
6367 *
6368 * \pre If the specified clock divider is already enabled - it should be disabled
6369 * prior to use this function by \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider.
6370 *
6371 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6372 *
6373 * \param dividerNum the divider number.
6374 *
6375 * \param dividerValue divider value
6376 * Causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256
6377 * (8-bit divider) or 1 to 65536 (16-bit divider).
6378 *
6379 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6380 *
6381 * \note
6382 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkSetDivider.
6383 *
6384 * \funcusage
6385 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetDivider
6386 *
6387 *******************************************************************************/
6388 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6389                 Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType,
6390                                            uint32_t dividerNum, uint32_t dividerValue);
6393 /*******************************************************************************
6394 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetDivider
6395 ****************************************************************************//**
6396 *
6397 * Returns the integer divider value for the specified divider. One works for
6398 * integer dividers. Use \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFracDivider to get the fractional
6399 * divider value
6400 *
6401 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6402 *
6403 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6404 *
6405 * \return The divider value.
6406 * The integer division done is by (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256
6407 * (8-bit divider) or 1 to 65536 (16-bit divider).
6408 *
6409 * \note
6410 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDivider.
6411 *
6412 * \funcusage
6413 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetDivider
6414 *
6415 *******************************************************************************/
6416 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6419 /*******************************************************************************
6420 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFracDivider
6421 ****************************************************************************//**
6422 *
6423 * Sets one of the programmable clock dividers. This function should only be used
6424 * for fractional clock dividers.
6425 *
6426 * \pre If the specified clock divider is already enabled - it should be disabled
6427 * prior to use this function by \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider.
6428 *
6429 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6430 *
6431 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6432 *
6433 * \param dividerIntValue the integer divider value
6434 * The source of the divider is peri_clk, which is a divided version of hf_clk[0].
6435 * The divider value causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division
6436 * by 1 to 65536 (16-bit divider) or 1 to 16777216 (24-bit divider).
6437 *
6438 * \param dividerFracValue the fraction part of the divider
6439 * The fractional divider can be 1-32, thus it divides the clock by 1/32 for each
6440 * count. To divide the clock by 11/32nds set this value to 11.
6441 *
6442 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6443 *
6444 * \note
6445 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkSetFracDivider.
6446 *
6447 * \funcusage
6448 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFracDivider
6449 *
6450 *******************************************************************************/
6451 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6452                 Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFracDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum,
6453                                                uint32_t dividerIntValue, uint32_t dividerFracValue);
6456 /*******************************************************************************
6457 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFracDivider
6458 ****************************************************************************//**
6459 *
6460 * Reports the integer and fractional parts of the divider
6461 *
6462 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6463 *
6464 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6465 *
6466 * \param *dividerIntValue pointer to return integer divider value
6467 *
6468 * \param *dividerFracValue pointer to return fractional divider value
6469 *
6470 * \return None. Loads pointed-to variables.
6471 *
6472 * \note
6473 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFracDivider.
6474 *
6475 * \funcusage
6476 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphSetFracDivider
6477 *
6478 *******************************************************************************/
6479 void Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFracDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum,
6480                                                     uint32_t *dividerIntValue, uint32_t *dividerFracValue);
6483 /*******************************************************************************
6484 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphAssignDivider
6485 ****************************************************************************//**
6486 *
6487 * Assigns a programmable divider to a selected IP block, such as a TCPWM or SCB.
6488 *
6489 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6490 *
6491 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6492 *
6493 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6494 *
6495 * \return \ref cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6496 *
6497 * \note
6498 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkAssignDivider.
6499 *
6500 * \funcusage
6501 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphAssignDivider
6502 *
6503 *******************************************************************************/
6504 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6505                 Cy_SysClk_PeriphAssignDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock,
6506                                               cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6509 /*******************************************************************************
6510 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetAssignedDivider
6511 ****************************************************************************//**
6512 *
6513 * Reports which clock divider is assigned to a selected IP block.
6514 *
6515 * \param ipBlock specifies ip block to connect the clock divider to.
6516 *
6517 * \return The divider type and number, where bits [7:6] = type, bits[5:0] = divider
6518 * number within that type
6519 *
6520 * \note
6521 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetAssignedDivider.
6522 *
6523 * \funcusage
6524 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphAssignDivider
6525 *
6526 *******************************************************************************/
6527 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetAssignedDivider(en_clk_dst_t ipBlock);
6530 /*******************************************************************************
6531 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnableDivider
6532 ****************************************************************************//**
6533 *
6534 * Enables the selected divider.
6535 *
6536 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6537 *
6538 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6539 *
6540 * \note This function also sets the phase alignment bits such that the enabled
6541 * divider is aligned to clk_peri. See \ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider()
6542 * for information on how to phase-align a divider after it is enabled.
6543 *
6544 * \note
6545 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkEnableDivider.
6546 *
6547 * \funcusage
6548 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnableDivider
6549 *
6550 *******************************************************************************/
6551 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6552                 Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnableDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6555 /*******************************************************************************
6556 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider
6557 ****************************************************************************//**
6558 *
6559 * Disables a selected divider.
6560 *
6561 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6562 *
6563 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure.
6564 *
6565 * \note
6566 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkDisableDivider.
6567 *
6568 * \funcusage
6569 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider
6570 *
6571 *******************************************************************************/
6572 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6573                 Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6576 /*******************************************************************************
6577 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnablePhaseAlignDivider
6578 ****************************************************************************//**
6579 *
6580 * First disables a selected divider (\ref Cy_SysClk_PeriphDisableDivider),
6581 * then aligns that divider to another programmable divider, and enables the
6582 * selected divider. The divider to align to must already be enabled in order
6583 * to align a divider to it.
6584 *
6585 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6586 *
6587 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure.
6588 *
6589 * \param dividerTypePA type of divider to phase-align to; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6590 *
6591 * \param dividerNumPA divider number of type specified to phase align to.
6592 *
6593 * \note
6594 * To phase-align a divider to clk_peri, set dividerTypePA to 3 and dividerNumPA
6595 * to 63.
6596 *
6597 * \note
6598 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkEnablePhaseAlignDivider.
6599 *
6600 * \funcusage
6601 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnablePhaseAlignDivider
6602 *
6603 *******************************************************************************/
6604 cy_en_sysclk_status_t
6605                 Cy_SysClk_PeriphEnablePhaseAlignDivider(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum,
6606                                                         cy_en_divider_types_t dividerTypePA, uint32_t dividerNumPA);
6609 /*******************************************************************************
6610 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetDividerEnabled
6611 ****************************************************************************//**
6612 *
6613 * Reports the enabled/disabled state of the selected divider.
6614 *
6615 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t.
6616 *
6617 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure.
6618 *
6619 * \return The enabled/disabled state; \n
6620 * false = disabled \n
6621 * true = enabled
6622 *
6623 * \note
6624 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetDividerEnabled.
6625 *
6626 * \funcusage
6627 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetDividerEnabled
6628 *
6629 *******************************************************************************/
6630 bool Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetDividerEnabled(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6633 /*******************************************************************************
6634 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFrequency
6635 ****************************************************************************//**
6636 *
6637 * Reports the frequency of the output of a given peripheral divider.
6638 *
6639 * \param dividerType specifies which type of divider to use; \ref cy_en_divider_types_t
6640 *
6641 * \param dividerNum specifies which divider of the selected type to configure
6642 *
6643 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
6644 *
6645 * \note
6646 * The reported frequency may be zero, which indicates unknown. This happens if
6647 * the source input is dsi_out or clk_altlf.
6648 *
6649 * \note
6650 * This API is deprecated for CAT1B, CAT1C and CAT1D devices, use Cy_SysClk_PeriPclkGetFrequency.
6651 *
6652 * \funcusage
6653 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFrequency
6654 *
6655 *******************************************************************************/
6656 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_PeriphGetFrequency(cy_en_divider_types_t dividerType, uint32_t dividerNum);
6659 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_peripheral_funcs */
6662 /* ========================================================================== */
6663 /* =========================    clk_slow SECTION    ========================= */
6664 /* ========================================================================== */
6665 /**
6666 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_slow_funcs
6667 * \{
6668 */
6670 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
6672 /*******************************************************************************
6673 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowSetDivider
6674 ****************************************************************************//**
6675 *
6676 * Sets the clock divider for the slow clock.
6677 *
6678 * \param divider Divider value between 0 and 255.
6679 * Causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
6680 *
6681 * \note
6682 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling.
6683 *
6684 * \note
6685 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
6686 *
6687 * \funcusage
6688 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowSetDivider
6689 *
6690 *******************************************************************************/
6691 void Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowSetDivider(uint8_t divider);
6694 /*******************************************************************************
6695 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowGetDivider
6696 ****************************************************************************//**
6697 *
6698 * Reports the divider value for the slow clock.
6699 *
6700 * \return The divider value.
6701 * The integer division done is by (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
6702 *
6703 * \note
6704 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
6705 *
6706 * \funcusage
6707 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowSetDivider
6708 *
6709 *******************************************************************************/
6710 uint8_t Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowGetDivider(void);
6713 /*******************************************************************************
6714 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowGetFrequency
6715 ****************************************************************************//**
6716 *
6717 * Reports the frequency of the slow clock.
6718 *
6719 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
6720 *
6721 * \note
6722 * This API is available for CAT1A & CAT1C devices.
6723 *
6724 * \funcusage
6725 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowSetDivider
6726 *
6727 *******************************************************************************/
6728 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkSlowGetFrequency(void);
6730 #endif
6732 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_slow_funcs */
6734 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
6736 /* ========================================================================== */
6737 /* =========================    clk_mem SECTION    ========================= */
6738 /* ========================================================================== */
6739 /**
6740 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_mem_funcs
6741 * \{
6742 */
6744 /*******************************************************************************
6745 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMemSetDivider
6746 ****************************************************************************//**
6747 *
6748 * Sets the clock divider for the Mem clock. The source of this clock is clkHf[0].
6749 *
6750 * \param divider Divider value between 0 and 255.
6751 * Causes integer division of (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
6752 *
6753 * \note
6754 * Call \ref SystemCoreClockUpdate after this function calling.
6755 *
6756 * \note
6757 * This API is available for only CAT1C devices.
6758 *
6759 *******************************************************************************/
6760 void Cy_SysClk_ClkMemSetDivider(uint8_t divider);
6763 /*******************************************************************************
6764 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMemGetDivider
6765 ****************************************************************************//**
6766 *
6767 * Reports the divider value for the Mem clock.
6768 *
6769 * \return The divider value.
6770 * The integer division done is by (divider value + 1), or division by 1 to 256.
6771 *
6772 * \note
6773 * This API is available for only CAT1C devices.
6774 *
6775 *******************************************************************************/
6776 uint8_t Cy_SysClk_ClkMemGetDivider(void);
6779 /*******************************************************************************
6780 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkMemGetFrequency
6781 ****************************************************************************//**
6782 *
6783 * Reports the frequency of the Mem clock.
6784 *
6785 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
6786 *
6787 * \note
6788 * This API is available for only CAT1C devices.
6789 *
6790 *******************************************************************************/
6791 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkMemGetFrequency(void);
6793 #endif /* (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) */
6795 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_mem_funcs */
6797 /* ========================================================================== */
6798 /* ===========================    clkLf SECTION    ========================== */
6799 /* ========================================================================== */
6800 /**
6801 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_lf_enums
6802 * \{
6803 */
6804 /**
6805 * Low frequency (clkLf) input sources. See CLK_SELECT register, LFCLK_SEL bits.
6806 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource, and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkLfGetSource.
6807 */
6808 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
6809 typedef enum
6810 {
6811     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_PILO              = 0U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the precision low speed oscillator (PILO) */
6812     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_WCO               = 1U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the watch crystal oscillator (WCO) */
6813     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ALTLF             = 2U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the Alternate Low Frequency Clock (ALTLF) */
6814     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ECO_PRESCALER     = 3U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the External Clock Oscillator (ECO Prescaler) */
6815     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ILO               = 4U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (ILO) */
6816     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_MAX               = 5U  /**< clkLf MAX value*/
6817 } cy_en_clklf_in_sources_t;
6819 #else
6820 typedef enum
6821 {
6822     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ILO               = 0U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (ILO) */
6823     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_WCO               = 1U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the watch crystal oscillator (WCO) */
6824     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ALTLF             = 2U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the Alternate Low Frequency Clock (ALTLF) */
6825     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_PILO              = 3U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the precision low speed oscillator (PILO) */
6826     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ILO1              = 4U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the internal low speed oscillator (ILO1)*/
6827     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_ECO_PRESCALER     = 5U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the External Clock Oscillator (ECO Prescaler) */
6828     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_LPECO_PRESCALER   = 6U, /**< clkLf is sourced by the External Clock Oscillator (LP ECO Prescaler) */
6829     CY_SYSCLK_CLKLF_IN_MAX               = 7U  /**< clkLf MAX value*/
6830 } cy_en_clklf_in_sources_t;
6832 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
6834 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_lf_enums */
6836 /**
6837 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_lf_funcs
6838 * \{
6839 */
6840 /*******************************************************************************
6841 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource
6842 ****************************************************************************//**
6843 *
6844 * Sets the source for the low frequency clock(clkLf).
6845 *
6846 * \param source \ref cy_en_clklf_in_sources_t
6847 *
6848 * \note The watchdog timer (WDT) must be unlocked before calling this function.
6849 *
6850 * \note  It takes four cycles of the originally selected clock to switch away
6851 * from it.  Do not disable the original clock during this time.
6852 *
6853 * \funcusage
6854 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource
6855 *
6856 *******************************************************************************/
6857 void Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource(cy_en_clklf_in_sources_t source);
6860 /*******************************************************************************
6861 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkLfGetSource
6862 ****************************************************************************//**
6863 *
6864 * Reports the source for the low frequency clock (clkLf).
6865 *
6866 * \return \ref cy_en_clklf_in_sources_t
6867 *
6868 * \funcusage
6869 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource
6870 *
6871 *******************************************************************************/
6872 cy_en_clklf_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkLfGetSource(void);
6873 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_lf_funcs */
6876 /* ========================================================================== */
6877 /* ========================    clk_timer SECTION    ========================= */
6878 /* ========================================================================== */
6879 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
6881 /**
6882 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_timer_enums
6883 * \{
6884 */
6885 /**
6886 * Timer clock (clk_timer) input sources. See CLK_TIMER_CTL register, TIMER_SEL
6887 * and TIMER_HF0_DIV bits. Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource, and
6888 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetSource.
6889 */
6890 typedef enum
6891 {
6892     CY_SYSCLK_CLKTIMER_IN_IMO       = 0x000U, /**< clk_timer is sourced by the internal main oscillator (IMO) */
6893     CY_SYSCLK_CLKTIMER_IN_HF0_NODIV = 0x001U, /**< clk_timer is sourced by clkHf[0] undivided */
6894     CY_SYSCLK_CLKTIMER_IN_HF0_DIV2  = 0x101U, /**< clk_timer is sourced by clkHf[0] divided by 2 */
6895     CY_SYSCLK_CLKTIMER_IN_HF0_DIV4  = 0x201U, /**< clk_timer is sourced by clkHf[0] divided by 4 */
6896     CY_SYSCLK_CLKTIMER_IN_HF0_DIV8  = 0x301U  /**< clk_timer is sourced by clkHf[0] divided by 8 */
6897 } cy_en_clktimer_in_sources_t;
6898 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_timer_enums */
6900 /** \cond */
6903 /** \endcond */
6905 /**
6906 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_timer_funcs
6907 * \{
6908 */
6910 /*******************************************************************************
6911 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource
6912 ****************************************************************************//**
6913 *
6914 * Sets the source for the timer clock (clk_timer). The timer clock can be used
6915 * as a source for SYSTICK as an alternate clock and one or more of the energy
6916 * profiler counters.
6917 *
6918 * \param source \ref cy_en_clktimer_in_sources_t
6919 *
6920 * \note
6921 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
6922 *
6923 * \funcusage
6924 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource
6925 *
6926 *******************************************************************************/
6927 void Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource(cy_en_clktimer_in_sources_t source);
6930 /*******************************************************************************
6931 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetSource
6932 ****************************************************************************//**
6933 *
6934 * Reports the source for the timer clock (clk_timer).
6935 *
6936 * \return \ref cy_en_clktimer_in_sources_t
6937 *
6938 * \note
6939 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
6940 *
6941 * \funcusage
6942 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource
6943 *
6944 *******************************************************************************/
6945 cy_en_clktimer_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetSource(void);
6948 /*******************************************************************************
6949 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetDivider
6950 ****************************************************************************//**
6951 *
6952 * Sets the divider for the timer clock (clk_timer).
6953 *
6954 * \param divider Divider value; valid range is 0 to 255. Divides the selected
6955 * source (\ref Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetSource) by the (value + 1).
6956 *
6957 * \note
6958 * Do not change the divider value while the timer clock is enabled.
6959 *
6960 * \note
6961 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
6962 *
6963 * \funcusage
6964 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetDivider
6965 *
6966 *******************************************************************************/
6967 void Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetDivider(uint8_t divider);
6970 /*******************************************************************************
6971 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetDivider
6972 ****************************************************************************//**
6973 *
6974 * Reports the divider value for the timer clock (clk_timer).
6975 *
6976 * \return The divider value
6977 *
6978 * \note
6979 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
6980 *
6981 * \funcusage
6982 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerSetDivider
6983 *
6984 *******************************************************************************/
6985 uint8_t Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetDivider(void);
6988 /*******************************************************************************
6989 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerEnable
6990 ****************************************************************************//**
6991 *
6992 * Enables the timer clock (clk_timer). The timer clock can be used as a source
6993 * for SYSTICK and one or more of the energy profiler counters.
6994 *
6995 * \note
6996 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
6997 *
6998 *
6999 * \funcusage
7000 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerEnable
7001 *
7002 *******************************************************************************/
7003 void Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerEnable(void);
7006 /*******************************************************************************
7007 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerDisable
7008 ****************************************************************************//**
7009 *
7010 * Disables the timer clock (clk_timer).
7011 *
7012 * \note
7013 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
7014 *
7015 * \funcusage
7016 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerDisable
7017 *
7018 *******************************************************************************/
7019 void Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerDisable(void);
7022 /*******************************************************************************
7023 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerIsEnabled
7024 ****************************************************************************//**
7025 *
7026 * Reports the Enabled/Disabled status of the Timer.
7027 *
7028 * \return Boolean status of Timer: true - Enabled, false - Disabled.
7029 *
7030 * \funcusage
7031 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerDisable
7032 *
7033 * \note
7034 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
7035 *
7036 *******************************************************************************/
7037 bool Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerIsEnabled(void);
7040 /*******************************************************************************
7041 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetFrequency
7042 ****************************************************************************//**
7043 *
7044 * Reports the frequency of the timer clock (clk_timer).
7045 * \note If the the timer clock is not enabled - a zero frequency is reported.
7046 *
7047 * \funcusage
7048 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerEnable
7049 *
7050 * \note
7051 * This API is available for CAT1A devices.
7052 *
7053 *******************************************************************************/
7054 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkTimerGetFrequency(void);
7056 #endif /*(defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION < 3)) */
7059 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_timer_funcs */
7062 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
7063 /* ========================================================================== */
7064 /* =========================    clk_pump SECTION    ========================= */
7065 /* ========================================================================== */
7066 /**
7067 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_pump_enums
7068 * \{
7069 */
7071 /**
7072 * Pump clock (clk_pump) input sources. See CLK_SELECT register, PUMP_SEL bits.
7073 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource, and
7074 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetSource.
7075 */
7076 /**
7077 * \note
7078 * This enum is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7079 **/
7080 typedef enum
7081 {
7082     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH0  = 0UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 0 */
7083     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH1  = 1UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 1 */
7084     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH2  = 2UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 2 */
7085     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH3  = 3UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 3 */
7086     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH4  = 4UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 4 */
7087     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH5  = 5UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 5 */
7088     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH6  = 6UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 6 */
7089     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH7  = 7UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 7 */
7090     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH8  = 8UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 8 */
7091     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH9  = 9UL,  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 9 */
7092     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH10 = 10UL, /**< Pump clock input is clock path 10 */
7093     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH11 = 11UL, /**< Pump clock input is clock path 11 */
7094     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH12 = 12UL, /**< Pump clock input is clock path 12 */
7095     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH13 = 13UL, /**< Pump clock input is clock path 13 */
7096     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH14 = 14UL, /**< Pump clock input is clock path 14 */
7097     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_IN_CLKPATH15 = 15UL  /**< Pump clock input is clock path 15 */
7098 } cy_en_clkpump_in_sources_t;
7100 /**
7101 * Pump clock (clk_pump) divide options. See CLK_SELECT register, PUMP_DIV bits.
7102 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetDivider, and
7103 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetDivider.
7104 */
7105 /**
7106 * \note
7107 * This enum is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7108 **/
7109 typedef enum
7110 {
7111     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_NO_DIV = 0U, /**< No division on pump clock */
7112     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_2  = 1U, /**< Pump clock divided by 2 */
7113     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_4  = 2U, /**< Pump clock divided by 4 */
7114     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_8  = 3U, /**< Pump clock divided by 8 */
7115     CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_16 = 4U  /**< Pump clock divided by 16 */
7116 } cy_en_clkpump_divide_t;
7117 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_pump_enums */
7119 /** \cond */
7120 #define  CY_SYSCLK_FLL_IS_DIVIDER_VALID(div) (((div) == CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_NO_DIV) || \
7121                                               ((div) == CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_2)  || \
7122                                               ((div) == CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_4)  || \
7123                                               ((div) == CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_8)  || \
7124                                               ((div) == CY_SYSCLK_PUMP_DIV_16))
7125 /** \endcond */
7127 /**
7128 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_pump_funcs
7129 * \{
7130 */
7131 /*******************************************************************************
7132 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource
7133 ****************************************************************************//**
7134 *
7135 * Sets the source for the pump clock (clk_pump). The pump clock can be used for
7136 * the analog pumps in the CTBm block.
7137 *
7138 * \param source \ref cy_en_clkpump_in_sources_t
7139 *
7140 * \note
7141 * Do not change the source while the pump clock is enabled.
7142 *
7143 * \funcusage
7144 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource
7145 *
7146 * \note
7147 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7148 *
7149 *******************************************************************************/
7150 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource(cy_en_clkpump_in_sources_t source);
7153 /*******************************************************************************
7154 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetSource
7155 ****************************************************************************//**
7156 *
7157 * Reports the source for the pump clock (clk_pump).
7158 *
7159 * \return \ref cy_en_clkpump_in_sources_t
7160 *
7161 * \funcusage
7162 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetSource
7163 *
7164 * \note
7165 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7166 *
7167 *******************************************************************************/
7168 cy_en_clkpump_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetSource(void);
7171 /*******************************************************************************
7172 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetDivider
7173 ****************************************************************************//**
7174 *
7175 * Sets the divider of the pump clock (clk_pump).
7176 *
7177 * \param divider \ref cy_en_clkpump_divide_t
7178 *
7179 * \note
7180 * Do not change the divider value while the pump clock is enabled.
7181 *
7182 * \funcusage
7183 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetDivider
7184 *
7185 * \note
7186 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7187 *
7188 *******************************************************************************/
7189 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetDivider(cy_en_clkpump_divide_t divider);
7192 /*******************************************************************************
7193 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetDivider
7194 ****************************************************************************//**
7195 *
7196 * Reports the divider value for the pump clock (clk_pump).
7197 *
7198 * \return \ref cy_en_clkpump_divide_t
7199 *
7200 * \funcusage
7201 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpSetDivider
7202 *
7203 * \note
7204 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7205 *
7206 *******************************************************************************/
7207 cy_en_clkpump_divide_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetDivider(void);
7210 /*******************************************************************************
7211 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpEnable
7212 ****************************************************************************//**
7213 *
7214 * Enables the pump clock (clk_pump). The pump clock can be used for the analog
7215 * pumps in the CTBm block.
7216 *
7217 * \funcusage
7218 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpEnable
7219 *
7220 * \note
7221 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7222 *
7223 *******************************************************************************/
7224 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpEnable(void);
7227 /*******************************************************************************
7228 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpIsEnabled
7229 ****************************************************************************//**
7230 *
7231 * Reports the Enabled/Disabled status of the ClkPump.
7232 *
7233 * \return Boolean status of ClkPump: true - Enabled, false - Disabled.
7234 *
7235 * \funcusage
7236 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpDisable
7237 *
7238 * \note
7239 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7240 *
7241 *******************************************************************************/
7242 bool Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpIsEnabled(void);
7245 /*******************************************************************************
7246 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpDisable
7247 ****************************************************************************//**
7248 *
7249 * Disables the pump clock (clk_pump).
7250 *
7251 * \funcusage
7252 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpDisable
7253 *
7254 * \note
7255 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7256 *
7257 *******************************************************************************/
7258 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpDisable(void);
7261 /*******************************************************************************
7262 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetFrequency
7263 ****************************************************************************//**
7264 *
7265 * Reports the frequency of the pump clock (clk_pump).
7266 * \note If the the pump clock is not enabled - a zero frequency is reported.
7267 *
7268 * \funcusage
7269 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpEnable
7270 *
7271 * \note
7272 * This API is available for CAT1A, CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7273 *
7274 *******************************************************************************/
7275 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPumpGetFrequency(void);
7276 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_pump_funcs */
7277 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) */
7279 /* ========================================================================== */
7280 /* ==========================    clk_bak SECTION    ========================= */
7281 /* ========================================================================== */
7282 /**
7283 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_bak_enums
7284 * \{
7285 */
7286 /**
7287 * Backup domain clock (clk_bak) input sources. See BACKUP->CTL register,
7288 * CLK_SEL bits. Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkBakSetSource, and
7289 * \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkBakGetSource.
7290 */
7291 typedef enum
7292 {
7293     CY_SYSCLK_BAK_IN_WCO,   /**< Backup domain clock input is WCO */
7294     CY_SYSCLK_BAK_IN_CLKLF,  /**< Backup domain clock input is clkLf */
7295 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) && (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS_VERSION >= 3)) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
7296     /**
7297     * \note
7298     * This parameter is available for CAT1B and CAT1C devices.
7299     **/
7300     CY_SYSCLK_BAK_IN_ILO,               /**< Backup domain clock input is ILO */
7301     /**
7302     * \note
7303     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
7304     **/
7305     CY_SYSCLK_BAK_IN_LPECO_PRESCALER,   /**< Backup domain clock input is LPECO_PRESCALER  */
7306     /**
7307     * \note
7308     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
7309     **/
7310     CY_SYSCLK_BAK_IN_PILO               /**< Backup domain clock input is PILO */
7311 #endif /* CY_IP_MXS28SRSS, CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS  */
7313 } cy_en_clkbak_in_sources_t;
7314 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_bak_enums */
7317 /**
7318 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_bak_funcs
7319 * \{
7320 */
7321 /*******************************************************************************
7322 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkBakSetSource
7323 ****************************************************************************//**
7324 *
7325 * Sets the source for the backup domain clock (clk_bak).
7326 *
7327 * \param source \ref cy_en_clkbak_in_sources_t
7328 *
7329 * \note
7330 * clkLf is not available in all power modes.  For this reason, WCO is the
7331 * preferred source. If the WCO is routed through the clkLf multiplexer
7332 * (see \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkLfSetSource), select WCO directly - do not select clkLf.
7333 *
7334 * \funcusage
7335 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkBakSetSource
7336 *
7337 *******************************************************************************/
7338 void Cy_SysClk_ClkBakSetSource(cy_en_clkbak_in_sources_t source);
7341 /*******************************************************************************
7342 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkBakGetSource
7343 ****************************************************************************//**
7344 *
7345 * Reports the source for the backup domain clock (clk_bak).
7346 *
7347 * \return \ref cy_en_clkbak_in_sources_t
7348 *
7349 * \funcusage
7350 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkBakSetSource
7351 *
7352 *******************************************************************************/
7353 cy_en_clkbak_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkBakGetSource(void);
7354 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_bak_funcs */
7357 /** \cond */
7358 /* Deprecated macros */
7359 #define CY_SYSCLK_DIV_ROUND(a, b)   (CY_SYSLIB_DIV_ROUND((a),(b)))
7360 #define CY_SYSCLK_DIV_ROUNDUP(a, b) (CY_SYSLIB_DIV_ROUNDUP((a),(b)))
7361 /** \endcond */
7363 /* ========================================================================== */
7364 /* ==========================     Clock Power SECTION    =============================*/
7365 /* ========================================================================== */
7366 /**
7367 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_pwr_enums
7368 * \{
7369 */
7370 #if (defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) && (CY_MXS40SSRSS_VER_1_2 > 0UL)) || defined(CY_DOXYGEN)
7371 /**
7372 * \note
7373 * This Enumeration is only available for CAT1B(B2) devices.
7374 **/
7375 /**
7376 * Clock power input sources. See PWRMODE_CLK_SELECT register, PWR_MUX bits.
7377 * Used with functions \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetSource, and \ref Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetSource.
7378 */
7380 typedef enum
7381 {
7382     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPWR_IN_IMO   = 0U, /**< clkPwr is sourced by the internal main oscillator (IMO) */
7383     CY_SYSCLK_CLKPWR_IN_IHO   = 1U, /**< clkPwr is sourced by the internal high speed oscillator (IHO) */
7384 } cy_en_clkpwr_in_sources_t;
7386 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_pwr_enums */
7388 /** \cond internal */
7389 #define CY_SYSCLK_CLKPWR_DIVIDER_MIN                  (1U)
7390 #define CY_SYSCLK_CLKPWR_DIVIDER_MAX                  (256U)
7393 #define CY_SYSCLK_IF_CLKPWR_SOURCE_VALID(pwrClkSrc)    (((pwrClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPWR_IN_IMO) || \
7394                                                          ((pwrClkSrc) == CY_SYSCLK_CLKPWR_IN_IHO))
7395 /** \endcond */
7397 /**
7398 * \addtogroup group_sysclk_clk_pwr_funcs
7399 * \{
7400 */
7401 /*******************************************************************************
7402 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetDivider
7403 ****************************************************************************//**
7404 *
7405 * Sets the clock divider for Power clock.
7406 *
7407 * \param divider divider value between 1 and 256.
7408 *
7409 * \funcusage
7410 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetDivider
7411 *
7412 *******************************************************************************/
7413 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetDivider(uint32_t divider);
7415 /*******************************************************************************
7416 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetDivider
7417 ****************************************************************************//**
7418 *
7419 * Returns the clock divider of Power clock.
7420 *
7421 * \return divider value in range 1..256.
7422 *
7423 * \funcusage
7424 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetDivider
7425 *
7426 *******************************************************************************/
7427 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetDivider(void);
7430 /*******************************************************************************
7431 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetFrequency
7432 ****************************************************************************//**
7433 *
7434 * Reports the output clock signal frequency of Power clock.
7435 *
7436 * \return The frequency, in Hz.
7437 *
7438 * \funcusage
7439 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetDivider
7440 *
7441 *******************************************************************************/
7442 uint32_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetFrequency(void);
7445 /*******************************************************************************
7446 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetSource
7447 ****************************************************************************//**
7448 *
7449 * Sets the source for the Power clock.
7450 *
7451 * \param source \ref cy_en_clkpwr_in_sources_t
7452 *
7453 * \funcusage
7454 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetSource
7455 *
7456 *******************************************************************************/
7457 void Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetSource(cy_en_clkpwr_in_sources_t source);
7460 /*******************************************************************************
7461 * Function Name: Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetSource
7462 ****************************************************************************//**
7463 *
7464 * Reports the source for the Power clock.
7465 *
7466 * \return \ref cy_en_clkpwr_in_sources_t
7467 *
7468 * \funcusage
7469 * \snippet sysclk/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrSetSource
7470 *
7471 *******************************************************************************/
7472 cy_en_clkpwr_in_sources_t Cy_SysClk_ClkPwrGetSource(void);
7473 #endif
7475 /** \} group_sysclk_clk_pwr_funcs */
7477 #if defined(__cplusplus)
7478 }
7479 #endif /* __cplusplus */
7481 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS28SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS40SSRSS) || defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS) */
7483 #endif /* CY_SYSCLK_H */
7485 /** \} group_sysclk */
7488 /* [] END OF FILE */