1 /***************************************************************************//**
2 * \file cy_pra.h
3 * \version 2.30
4 *
5 * \brief The header file of the PRA driver. The API is not intended to
6 * be used directly by the user application.
7 *
8 ********************************************************************************
9 * \copyright
10 * Copyright 2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
11 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
12 *
13 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
14 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
16 *
17 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18 *
19 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23 * limitations under the License.
24 *******************************************************************************/
27 /**
28 * \addtogroup group_pra
29 * \{
30 * \note The Protection Register Access (PRA) driver is intended for the PSoC 64
31 * devices only and provides other PDL drivers access to the registers that have
32 * secure access restrictions. It is not intended to be used directly by user
33 * application.
34 *
35 * The PRA driver is used to protect the system from invalid configurations that
36 * could potentially cause the system to be unstable or indirectly allow access
37 * to registers and memory that are protected. This is done using several
38 * methods:
39 * * Allow only valid register settings.
40 * * Force a specified sequence of operations when writing to a register.
41 * * Totally block access to registers that are deemed critical to security.
42 * * Allow only known, well defined system configurations.
43 * * Allow access to non-critical registers that are protected by a fixed PPU.
44 *
45 *   On PSoC 64 devices, secure firmware protects entire regions of registers
46 *   with the fixed PPUs, however there are some registers within that regions
47 *   that should not be protected but, are protected due to fixed PPU
48 *   granularity.
49 *
50 *   The list of the registers that can be accessed by PRA driver directly is
51 *   defined in the cy_pra.h file with the CY_PRA_INDX_ prefix.
52 *
53 * Most PDL drivers are not affected or use the PRA driver. Only the following
54 * PDL drivers are affected by this driver:
55 * * \ref group_lvd
56 * * \ref group_syslib
57 * * \ref group_sysclk
58 * * \ref group_syspm
59 * * \ref group_arm_system_timer
60 * * \ref group_wdt
61 * * \ref group_flash
62 * * \ref group_sysint (PSoC 64 CYB06xx7 devices only)
63 * * \ref group_prot (PSoC 64 CYB06xx7 devices only)
64 * * \ref group_gpio
65 *
66 * The execution time of the functions that access the protected registers is
67 * increased on the PSoC 64 devices because the access is performed on Cortex-M0+
68 * via the IPC command (both CPU cores run at 8 MHz):
69 * * The access to the protected register may take about 50 us, while access
70 *   to the unprotected one may take about 3 us.
71 * * The initial device configuration may take up to 1.75 ms for PSoC 64 devices,
72 *   while for the other devices it may take about 0.3 ms.
73 * * The transition Active to DeepSleep to Active may take about 2 times longer.
74 *
75 * \section group_pra_basic_operation Basic Operation
76 * The PRA driver uses an IPC channel to transfer register data between the user
77 * application running on the Cortex-CM4 and the secure Cortex-CM0+ CPU. The
78 * secure processor performs the data validation and correct register write
79 * sequence to ensure proper stable operation of the system. Function status and
80 * requested data is also returned via the IPC channel.
81 *
82 * The PDL driver that accesses protected registers, generates request to the
83 * PRA driver and it passes request over the IPC to secure Cortex-M0+, where
84 * request is validated and executed, and, then, reports result back to the
85 * driver on Cortex-M4 side.
86 *
87 * \image html pra_high_level_diagram.png
88 *
89 * \section group_pra_device_config Device Configuration
90 * For PSoC 64 device, device configuration (like system clock settings and
91 * power modes) is applied on the secure Cortex-M0+. The device configuration
92 * can be initiated from either of the core or both the cores. The device
93 * configuration structure \ref cy_stc_pra_system_config_t is initialized
94 * with Device Configurator. For Cortext-M4 application, it passed to the
95 * secure Cortex-M0+ core through IPC for validation and register the update
96 * in the cybsp_init() function. For Cortext-M0+ application, this device
97 * configuration structure is directly validated and applied.
98 *
99 * \note The external clocks (ECO, WCO, and EXTCLK) require
100 * additional configuration to be allowed to source CLK_HF0 (clocks both
101 * Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 CPUs) in order to prevent clock tampering.
102 * See \ref group_pra_external_clocks for details.
103 *
104 * \note The ALTHF (BLE ECO) is not allowed to source CLK_HF0 (clocks both
105 * Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 CPUs) in order to prevent clock tampering.
106 *
107 * \note The internal low-frequency clocks (ILO and PILO) are not allowed to
108 * source the CLK_HF0 directly and through PLL or FLL.
109 *
110 * \note The clock source for Cortex-M4 SysTick cannot be configured with
111 * the Device Configurator. Enabling CLK_ALT_SYS_TICK will result in a
112 * compilation error. SysTick still can be configured in run-time with
113 * some limitations. For more details, refer to \ref Cy_SysTick_SetClockSource()
114 * in \ref group_arm_system_timer.
115 *
116 * \note
117 * When EXT_CLK is source to HF0 then the drive mode for EXT_CLK pin is hard coded
118 * to CY_GPIO_DM_HIGHZ. So user has to make sure this pin configuration is not
119 * overwritten from secure application.
120 *
121 *\section group_pra_external_clocks External Clock Sources
122 * The PSoC 64 devices must be provisioned with the external clocks
123 * (ECO, WCO, and EXTCLK) configuration before routing these
124 * clocks to CLK_HF0. To do that, update the JSON
125 * file (delivered with CySecureTools) with the "extclk" node in the
126 * custom data section as shown below. The configuration fields in the
127 * JSON file match the fields in the Device Configurator.
128 *
129 * For more details, refer to the PSoC 64 Secure MCU Secure Boot SDK User Guide.
130 *
131 *\code{json}
132 *    For EXTCLK:
133 *        "custom_data_sections": ["extclk"],
134 *        "extclk": {
135 *                "extClkEnable": 1,
136 *                "extClkFreqHz": 24000000,
137 *                "extClkPort": 0,
138 *                "extClkPinNum": 0,
139 *                "extClkHsiom": 0
140 *        }
141 *
142 *    For ECO:
143 *        "custom_data_sections": ["extclk"],
144 *        "extclk": {
145 *                "ecoEnable": 1,
146 *                "ecoFreqHz": 24000000,
147 *                "ecoLoad": 18,
148 *                "ecoEsr": 50,
149 *                "ecoDriveLevel": 100,
150 *                "ecoInPort": 12,
151 *                "ecoOutPort": 12,
152 *                "ecoInPinNum": 6,
153 *                "ecoOutPinNum": 7,
154 *        }
155 *
156 *    For WCO:
157 *        "custom_data_sections": ["extclk"],
158 *        "extclk": {
159 *                "wcoEnable": 1,
160 *                "bypassEnable": 0
161 *                "wcoInPort": 0,
162 *                "wcoOutPort": 0,
163 *                "wcoInPinNum": 0,
164 *                "wcoOutPinNum": 1
165 *        }
166 *\endcode
167 *
168 *\note The same "extclk" section is used for all external clocks. If more than
169 * one external clock source is required, please append its parameters.
170 *
171 *\section group_pra_sram_power_config SRAM Power Mode Configurations
172 * The PSoC 64 devices must be provisioned with the SRAM power mode configuration
173 * to protects secure core memory. To do that, update the JSON
174 * file (delivered with CySecureTools) with the "srampwrmode" node in the
175 * custom data section as shown below.
176 *
177 * For more details, refer to the PSoC 64 Secure MCU Secure Boot SDK User Guide.
178 *
179 *\code{json}
180 *    "custom_data_sections": ["srampwrmode"],
181 *    "sram0": [
182 *        {
183 *            "macroNum": 1,      // bits 0
184 *            "powerMode": 6,     // bit 2 = ON, bit 1 = RETAIN, bit 0 = OFF
185 *        },
186 *        {
187 *            "macroNum": 2,      // bits 1
188 *            "powerMode": 1,     // bit 2 = ON, bit 1 = RETAIN, bit 0 = OFF
189 *        },
190 *        {
191 *            "macroNum": 65532,  // bits [15-2] = 0xFFFC
192 *            "powerMode": 7,     // bit 2 = ON, bit 1 = RETAIN, bit 0 = OFF
193 *        }
194 *    ],
195 *    "sram1": [
196 *        {
197 *            "macroNum": 1,      // bit 0
198 *            "powerMode": 7,     // bit 2 = ON, bit 1 = RETAIN, bit 0 = OFF
199 *        }
200 *    ],
201 *    "sram2": [
202 *        {
203 *            "macroNum": 1,      // bit 0
204 *            "powerMode": 7,     // bit 2 = ON, bit 1 = RETAIN, bit 0 = OFF
205 *        }
206 *    ]
207 *\endcode
208 *
209 *\note If a particular configuration(either SRAM or macro section) is
210 * not present in the policy file but available in the device then SRAM MACRO
211 * can be allowed to be modified to any of power modes (ON, RETAIN and OFF).
212 *
213 * \section group_pra_standalone Using without BSPs
214 * If PDL is used in Standalone mode without Board Support Package (BSP),
215 * do the following:
216 * * 1) Call the \ref Cy_PRA_Init function prior to executing
217 *   API of any of the drivers listed above. By default, this function is
218 *   called from \ref SystemInit on both CPU cores.
219 * * 2) Call the \ref Cy_PRA_SystemConfig function with the initial
220 *   device configuration passed as a parameter. Refer to Section "Function Usage"
221 *   of the \ref Cy_PRA_SystemConfig function for more details.
222 *
223 * \section group_pra_more_information More Information
224 * See the device technical reference manual (TRM) reference manual (TRM) for
225 * the list of the protected registers.
226 *
227 * \section group_pra_changelog Changelog
228 * <table class="doxtable">
229 *   <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
230 *   <tr>
231 *     <td rowspan="4">2.30</td>
232 *     <td>System Configuration can be done from CM0+ using PRA API with
233 *         CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_SYS_CFG_FUNC and CY_PRA_FUNC_INIT_CYCFG_DEVICE arguments.</td>
234 *     <td>Enhancement based on customer feedback.</td>
235 *   </tr>
236 *   <tr>
237 *     <td>System configuration structure is updated with appropriate value, when
238 *         cm0+ applicaton calls any PDL API accessing to FUNCTION_POLICY registers.</td>
239 *     <td>Enhancement based on customer feedback.</td>
240 *   </tr>
241 *   <tr>
242 *     <td>Fixed MISRA 2012 violations.</td>
243 *     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance.</td>
244 *   </tr>
245 *   <tr>
246 *     <td>Updated doxygen for External clock source to HF0.</td>
247 *     <td>Documentation enhancement.</td>
248 *   </tr>
249 *   <tr>
250 *     <td>2.20</td>
251 *     <td>Allowing external clocks (EXT_CLK, ECO and WCO) can be source to secure core.
252 *         Provide interface for validating and configuring SRAM power modes.</td>
253 *     <td>External clock support and
254 *         SRAM power mode configuration support.</td>
255 *   </tr>
256 *   <tr>
257 *     <td rowspan="3">2.10</td>
258 *     <td>Removed include of cy_gpio.h from the driver's c source files.
259 *         Added some source code comments.</td>
260 *     <td>Source code cleanup.</td>
261 *   </tr>
262 *   <tr>
263 *     <td>Updated attribute usage for the linker section placement.</td>
264 *     <td>Enhancement based on usability feedback.</td>
265 *   </tr>
266 *   <tr>
267 *     <td>Fixed MISRA 2012 violations.</td>
268 *     <td>MISRA 2012 compliance.</td>
269 *   </tr>
270 *   <tr>
271 *     <td rowspan="6">2.0</td>
272 *     <td> Added PSoC 64 CYB06xx7 devices support.</td>
273 *     <td> New devices support.</td>
274 *   </tr>
275 *   <tr>
276 *     <td>
277 *          Updated Cy_PRA_Init() to compare the major and minor version of the PRA driver on the
278 *          Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 sides and halt Cortex-M4 if the versions are different.
279 *     </td>
280 *     <td> Ensure that the same PRA driver version is used on the  Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 sides.</td>
281 *   </tr>
282 *   <tr>
283 *     <td> Fixed the location of the \ref cy_stc_pra_system_config_t description in the documentation.
284 *     </td>
285 *     <td>Documentation update.</td>
286 *   </tr>
287 *   <tr>
288 *     <td> Corrected the reference to the \ref group_arm_system_timer function with the
289 *          limitation description - \ref Cy_SysTick_SetClockSource().
290 *     </td>
291 *     <td> Documentation update.</td>
292 *   </tr>
293 *   <tr>
294 *     <td> The state of the following clocks changes only when the requested state
295 *          differs from the actual state in the hardware:
296 *          HF1-HF5, TIMER, PUMP, BLE_ECO, ILO, PILO, and WCO.
297 *     </td>
298 *     <td> Improved the \ref Cy_PRA_SystemConfig() function execution time.</td>
299 *   </tr>
300 *   <tr>
301 *     <td> Renamed altHfFreq to altHFclkFreq in \ref cy_stc_pra_system_config_t.</td>
302 *     <td> Eliminated the naming conflict with the SysClk driver.</td>
303 *   </tr>
304 *   <tr>
305 *     <td>1.0</td>
306 *     <td>Initial version</td>
307 *     <td></td>
308 *   </tr>
309 * </table>
310 *
311 * \defgroup group_pra_macros        Macros
312 * \defgroup group_pra_functions     Functions
313 * \defgroup group_pra_enums         Enumerated Types
314 * \defgroup group_pra_stc           Data Structures
315 */
317 #if !defined(CY_PRA_H)
318 #define CY_PRA_H
320 #include "cy_device.h"
322 #if defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS)
324 #include <stdint.h>
325 #include <stdbool.h>
326 #include "cy_systick.h"
327 #include "cy_ble_clk.h"
328 #include "cy_device_headers.h"
330 #if defined (CY_DEVICE_SECURE) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
332 #ifdef __cplusplus
333 extern "C" {
334 #endif
336 /***************************************
337 *        Constants
338 ***************************************/
340 /** \cond INTERNAL */
342 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
343 #define CY_PRA_REG_INDEX_COUNT           (157U)
344 #else
345 #define CY_PRA_REG_INDEX_COUNT           (147U)
346 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
347 #define CY_PRA_EXTCLK_PIN_NR             (5U) /* Protected pins: EXTCLK, ECO_IN, ECO_OUT, WCO_IN,  WCO_OUT */
348 #define CY_PRA_SRAM_MAX_NR               CPUSS_SRAM_COUNT
349 #define CY_PRA_SRAM_MACRO_MAX_NR         (16U)
351 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_REG32_GET        (1U)
352 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_REG32_CLR_SET    (2U)
353 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_REG32_SET        (3U)
354 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_CM0_WAKEUP       (4U)
355 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_SYS_CFG_FUNC     (5U)
356 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_SECURE_ONLY      (6U)
357 #define CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_FUNC_POLICY      (7U)
362 /* IPC */
363 #define CY_PRA_IPC_NOTIFY_INTR          (0x1UL << CY_IPC_INTR_PRA)
364 #define CY_PRA_IPC_CHAN_INTR            (0x1UL << CY_IPC_CHAN_PRA)
365 #define CY_PRA_IPC_NONE_INTR            (0UL)
367 /* Registers Index */
368 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_PWR_LVD_CTL            (0U)
369 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_SRSS_INTR              (1U)
370 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_SRSS_INTR_SET          (2U)
371 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_SRSS_INTR_MASK         (3U)
372 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_SRSS_INTR_CFG          (4U)
373 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_ROOT_SELECT_1      (5U)
374 /* Do not change the index below abecause it is used in flash loaders */
375 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_ROOT_SELECT_2      (6U)
376 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_ROOT_SELECT_3      (7U)
377 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_ROOT_SELECT_4      (8U)
378 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_ROOT_SELECT_5      (9U)
379 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_ROOT_SELECT_6      (10U)
380 #define CY_PRA_INDX_FLASHC_FLASH_CMD            (11U)
381 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_PWR_HIBERNATE          (12U)
382 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_MFO_CONFIG         (13U)
383 #define CY_PRA_INDX_SRSS_CLK_MF_SELECT          (14U)
385 /* There are MS_NR (16) registers. The index 16 to 31 are used. */
386 #define CY_PRA_INDX_PROT_MPU_MS_CTL             (16u)
387 /* The next index should be 32. */
388 /* EXT CLK port has 21 registers. The index 32 to 52 are used. */
389 #define CY_PRA_INDX_GPIO_EXTCLK_PRT             (32U)
390 /* ECO in-Port has 21 registers. The index 53 to 73 are used */
391 #define CY_PRA_INDX_GPIO_ECO_IN_PRT             (53U)
392 /* ECO out-Port has 21 registers. The index 74 to 94 are used */
393 #define CY_PRA_INDX_GPIO_ECO_OUT_PRT            (74U)
394 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 95 to 115 are used */
395 #define CY_PRA_INDX_GPIO_WCO_IN_PRT             (95U)
396 /* WCO out-Port has 21 registers. The index 116 to 136 are used */
397 #define CY_PRA_INDX_GPIO_WCO_OUT_PRT            (116U)
398 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 137 to 138 are used */
399 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_EXTCLK_PRT           (137U)
400 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 139 to 140 are used */
401 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_ECO_IN_PRT           (139U)
402 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 141 to 142 are used */
403 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_ECO_OUT_PRT          (141U)
404 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 143 to 144 are used */
405 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_WCO_IN_PRT           (143U)
406 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 145 to 146 are used */
407 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_WCO_OUT_PRT          (145U)
409 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
410 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 147 to 148 are used */
411 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_EXTCLK_ADJ_PRT       (147U)
412 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 149 to 150 are used */
413 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_ECO_IN_ADJ_PRT       (149U)
414 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 151 to 152 are used */
415 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_ECO_OUT_ADJ_PRT      (151U)
416 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 153 to 154 are used */
417 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_WCO_IN_ADJ_PRT       (153U)
418 /* HSIOM PORT has 2 registers. The index 155 to 156 are used */
419 #define CY_PRA_INDEX_HSIOM_WCO_OUT_ADJ_PRT      (155U)
420 /* The next index should be 157 */
421 #else
422 /* The next index should be 147 */
423 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
425 /* GPIO PORT REG Sub Index */
426 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_OUT                   (0U)
427 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_OUT_CLR               (1U)
428 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_OUT_SET               (2U)
429 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_OUT_INV               (3U)
430 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_IN                    (4U)
431 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_INTR                  (5U)
432 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_INTR_MASK             (6U)
433 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_INTR_MASKED           (7U)
434 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_INTR_SET              (8U)
435 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_INTR_CFG              (9U)
436 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_CFG                   (10U)
437 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_CFG_IN                (11U)
438 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_CFG_OUT               (12U)
439 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_PORT_CFG_SIO               (13U)
441 /* HSIOM PORT REG sub index */
442 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_HSIOM_PORT0                (0U)
443 #define CY_PRA_SUB_INDEX_HSIOM_PORT1                (1U)
446 /* Functions Index */
447 #define CY_PRA_FUNC_INIT_CYCFG_DEVICE           (0U)
449 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ECO_DISABLE             (8U)
450 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_FLL_DISABLE             (9U)
451 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PLL_DISABLE             (10U)
452 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ILO_ENABLE              (11U)
453 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ILO_DISABLE             (12U)
454 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ILO_HIBERNATE_ON        (13U)
455 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PILO_ENABLE             (14U)
456 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PILO_DISABLE            (15U)
457 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PILO_SET_TRIM           (16U)
458 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_WCO_ENABLE              (17U)
459 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_WCO_DISABLE             (18U)
460 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_WCO_BYPASS              (19U)
461 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_HF_ENABLE               (20U)
462 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_HF_DISABLE              (21U)
463 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_HF_SET_SOURCE           (22U)
464 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_HF_SET_DIVIDER          (23U)
465 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_FAST_SET_DIVIDER        (24U)
466 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PERI_SET_DIVIDER        (25U)
467 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_LF_SET_SOURCE           (26U)
468 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_TIMER_SET_SOURCE        (27U)
469 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_TIMER_SET_DIVIDER       (28U)
470 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_TIMER_ENABLE            (29U)
471 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_TIMER_DISABLE           (30U)
472 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PUMP_SET_SOURCE         (31U)
473 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PUMP_SET_DIVIDER        (32U)
474 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PUMP_ENABLE             (33U)
475 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PUMP_DISABLE            (34U)
476 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_BAK_SET_SOURCE          (35U)
477 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ECO_CONFIGURE           (36U)
478 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ECO_ENABLE              (37U)
479 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PATH_SET_SOURCE         (38U)
480 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_FLL_MANCONFIG           (39U)
481 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_FLL_ENABLE              (40U)
482 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PLL_MANCONFIG           (41U)
483 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PLL_ENABLE              (42U)
484 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_SLOW_SET_DIVIDER        (43U)
488 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_ILO_TRIM                (47U)
489 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_SET_PILO_TRIM           (48U)
492 #define CY_PRA_CLK_FUNC_PILO_INITIAL_TRIM       (51U)
494 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_HIBERNATE                (102U)
495 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_CM4_DP_FLAG_SET          (103U)
496 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_LDO_SET_VOLTAGE          (104U)
497 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_BUCK_ENABLE              (105U)
498 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_SET_MIN_CURRENT          (106U)
499 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_SET_NORMAL_CURRENT       (107U)
500 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_BUCK_ENABLE_VOLTAGE2     (108U)
502 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_BUCK_VOLTAGE2_HW_CTRL    (110U)
503 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_BUCK_SET_VOLTAGE2        (111U)
504 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_SRAM_MACRO_PWR_MODE      (112U) /* Apply power mode to particular macro */
505 #define CY_PRA_PM_FUNC_SRAM_PWR_MODE            (113U) /* Apply power mode to entire sram */
507 #define CY_PRA_BLE_CLK_FUNC_ECO_CONFIGURE       (200U)
508 #define CY_PRA_BLE_CLK_FUNC_ECO_RESET           (201U)
510 #define CY_PRA_GPIO_FUNC_SECPIN                 (300U)
512 #define CY_PRA_PM_SRAM_PWR_MODE_OFF_Pos         (0UL)
513 #define CY_PRA_PM_SRAM_PWR_MODE_OFF_Msk         (0x1UL)
514 #define CY_PRA_PM_SRAM_PWR_MODE_RETAIN_Pos      (1UL)
515 #define CY_PRA_PM_SRAM_PWR_MODE_RETAIN_Msk      (0x2UL)
516 #define CY_PRA_PM_SRAM_PWR_MODE_ON_Pos          (2UL)
517 #define CY_PRA_PM_SRAM_PWR_MODE_ON_Msk          (0x4UL)
519 #define CY_PRA_SRAM0_INDEX                      (0U) /* SRAM0 index */
520 #define CY_PRA_SRAM1_INDEX                      (1U) /* SRAM1 index */
521 #define CY_PRA_SRAM2_INDEX                      (2U) /* SRAM2 index */
523 /** Driver major version */
524 #define CY_PRA_DRV_VERSION_MAJOR       2
526 /** Driver minor version */
527 #define CY_PRA_DRV_VERSION_MINOR       30
529 /** Protected Register Access driver ID */
530 #define CY_PRA_ID                       (CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x46U))
532 /** \endcond */
534 /**
535 * \addtogroup group_pra_enums
536 * \{
537 */
538 /** Status definitions of the PRA function return values. */
539 typedef enum
540 {
541     CY_PRA_STATUS_SUCCESS                           = 0x0U,                                         /**< Returns success */
542     CY_PRA_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED                     = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFFFU,     /**< Access denied - PRA does not allow a call from Non-Secure */
543     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM                     = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFFEU,     /**< Invalid parameter */
544     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING                  = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFFDU,     /**< An error while applying the device configuration */
545     CY_PRA_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT                      = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_INFO  | 0xFFCU,     /**< The IPC message status when sent from Non-Secure to Secure */
546     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_SYSPM_FAIL                  = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFFBU,     /**< SysPM failure */
547     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_SYSPM_TIMEOUT               = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFFAU,     /**< SysPM operation timeout */
548     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PRA_VERSION                 = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFF9U,     /**< The driver version mismatch between Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 */
549     /* Reserve 0xFF9 - 0xFF0 */
551     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_ECO                 = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFEFU,     /**< Returns Error while validating the ECO parameters */
552     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_EXTCLK              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFEEU,     /**< Returns Error while validating the CLK_EXT parameters */
553     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_ALTHF               = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFEDU,     /**< Returns Error while validating the CLK_ALTHF parameters */
554     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_ILO                 = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFECU,     /**< Returns Error while validating the CLK_ILO parameters */
555     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PILO                = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFEBU,     /**< Returns Error while validating the CLK_PILO parameters */
556     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_WCO                 = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFEAU,     /**< Returns Error while validating the CLK_WCO parameters */
557     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_ECO_PROVISION             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFE9U,     /**< Returns Error while validating the provisioned CLK_ECO policy */
558     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_EXTCLK_PROVISION          = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFE8U,     /**< Returns Error while validating the provisioned CLK_EXT policy */
559     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_WCO_PROVISION             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFE7U,     /**< Returns Error while validating the provisioned CLK_WCO policy */
560     /* Reserve for other source clocks 0xFE6 - 0xFE0 */
562     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PATHMUX0            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFDFU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PATH_MUX0 */
563     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PATHMUX1            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFDEU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PATH_MUX1 */
564     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PATHMUX2            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFDDU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PATH_MUX2 */
565     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PATHMUX3            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFDCU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PATH_MUX3 */
566     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PATHMUX4            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFDBU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PATH_MUX4 */
567     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PATHMUX5            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFDAU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PATH_MUX5 */
568     /* Reserve for other path-mux 0xFD9 - 0xFD0 */
570     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_FLL0                = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFCFU,     /**< Returns Error while validating FLL */
571     /* Reserve for other FLLs 0xFCE - 0xFC0 */
573     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PLL0                = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFBFU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PLL0 */
574     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PLL1                = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFBEU,     /**< Returns Error while validating PLL1 */
575     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_PLL_NUM             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFBDU,     /**< Returns Error for the invalid PLL number */
576     /* Reserve for other PLLs 0xFBC - 0xFB0 */
578     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKLF               = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xFAFU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_LF */
579     /* Reserve for other clocks 0xFAE - 0xFA0 */
581     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKHF0              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF9FU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_HF0 */
582     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKHF1              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF9EU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_HF1 */
583     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKHF2              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF9DU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_HF2 */
584     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKHF3              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF9CU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_HF3 */
585     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKHF4              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF9BU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_HF4 */
586     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKHF5              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF9AU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_HF5 */
587     /* Reserve for other HF clocks 0xF99 - 0xF90 */
589     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKPUMP             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF8FU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_PUMP */
590     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKBAK              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF8EU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_BAK */
591     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKFAST             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF8DU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_FAST */
592     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKPERI             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF8CU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_PERI */
593     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKSLOW             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF8BU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_SLOW */
594     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_SYSTICK             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF8AU,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_ALT_SYS_TICK */
595     CY_PRA_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM_CLKTIMER            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF89U,     /**< Returns Error while validating CLK_TIMER */
596     /* Reserve for other HF clocks 0xF88 - 0xF70 */
598     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PWR              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF6FU,     /**< Returns Error while initializing power */
599     /* Reserve 0xF6E - 0xF60*/
601     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_ECO              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF5FU,     /**< Returns Error while initializing ECO */
602     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_EXTCLK           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF5EU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling CLK_EXT */
603     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_ALTHF            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF5DU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling CLK_ALTHF */
604     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_ILO              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF5CU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_ILO */
605     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PILO             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF5BU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_ALTHF */
606     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_WCO              = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF5AU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_WCO */
607     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_ECO_ENABLED      = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF59U,     /**< Returns Error while enabling CLK_ECO */
608     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_ECO_PROVISION    = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF58U,     /**< Returns Error if failed to process the provisioned CLK_ECO policy  */
609     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_EXTCLK_PROVISION = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF57U,     /**< Returns Error if failed to process the provisioned CLK_EXT policy  */
610     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_WCO_PROVISION    = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF56U,     /**< Returns Error if failed to process the provisioned CLK_WCO policy  */
611     /* Reserve for other source clocks 0xF55 - 0xF50 */
613     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PATHMUX0         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF4FU,     /**< Returns Error while setting PATH_MUX0 */
614     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PATHMUX1         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF4EU,     /**< Returns Error while setting PATH_MUX1 */
615     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PATHMUX2         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF4DU,     /**< Returns Error while setting PATH_MUX2 */
616     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PATHMUX3         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF4CU,     /**< Returns Error while setting PATH_MUX3 */
617     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PATHMUX4         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF4BU,     /**< Returns Error while setting PATH_MUX4 */
618     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PATHMUX5         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF4AU,     /**< Returns Error while setting PATH_MUX5 */
619     /* Reserve for other path-mux 0xF49 - 0xF40 */
621     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_FLL0             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF3FU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling FLL */
622     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_FLL0_ENABLED     = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF3EU,     /**< Returns Error while trying to enable an already enabled FLL */
623     /* Reserve for other FLLs 0xF3D - 0xF30 */
625     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PLL0             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF2FU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling PLL0 */
626     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PLL1             = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF2EU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling PLL1 */
627     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_PLL_ENABLED      = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF2DU,     /**< Returns Error while trying to enable an already enabled PLL */
628     /* Reserve for other PLLs 0xF2C - 0xF20 */
630     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKLF            = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF1FU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_LF */
631     /* Reserve for other clocks 0xF1E - 0xF10 */
633     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKHF0           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF0FU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_HF0 */
634     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKHF1           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF0EU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_HF1 */
635     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKHF2           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF0DU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_HF2 */
636     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKHF3           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF0CU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_HF3 */
637     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKHF4           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF0BU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_HF4 */
638     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKHF5           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xF0AU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_HF5 */
640     /* Reserve for other HF clocks 0xF09 - 0xF00 */
641     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKPUMP          = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEFFU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_PUMP */
642     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKBAK           = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEFEU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_BAK */
643     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKFAST          = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEFDU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_FAST */
644     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKPERI          = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEFCU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_PERI */
645     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKSLOW          = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEFBU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_SLOW */
646     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_SYSTICK          = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEFAU,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_ALT_SYS_TICK */
647     CY_PRA_STATUS_ERROR_PROCESSING_CLKTIMER         = CY_PRA_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0xEF9U,     /**< Returns Error while enabling/disabling CLK_TIMER */
648 } cy_en_pra_status_t;
650 /** GPIO PIN protection type */
651 typedef enum
652 {
653     CY_PRA_PIN_SECURE,                      /**< Is a secure PIN. Can't be updated from CM4 application through register level PRA policy. This PIN can only be updated through service-level policy */
654     CY_PRA_PIN_SECURE_UNCONSTRAINED,        /**< Is a secure PIN. Can be updated from CM4 application through register level PRA policy */
655     CY_PRA_PIN_SECURE_NONE,                 /**< Not a secure PIN */
656 } cy_en_pra_pin_prot_type_t;
657 /** \} group_pra_enums */
660 /*******************************************************************************
661  * Data Structures
662  ******************************************************************************/
664 /** \cond INTERNAL */
665 /** PRA register access */
666 typedef struct
667 {
668     volatile uint32_t * addr;           /**< A protected register address */
669     uint32_t writeMask;                 /**< The write mask. Zero grants access, one - no access. */
670 } cy_stc_pra_reg_policy_t;
672 /** Message used for communication */
673 typedef struct
674 {
675     uint16_t praCommand;            /**< The message type. Refer to \ref group_pra_macros. */
676     uint16_t praIndex;              /**< The register or function index. */
677     cy_en_pra_status_t praStatus;   /**< The status */
678     uint32_t praData1;              /**< The first data word. The usage depends on \ref group_pra_macros. */
679     uint32_t praData2;              /**< The second data word. The usage depends on \ref group_pra_macros. */
680 } cy_stc_pra_msg_t;
682 /* External clock pin structure */
683 typedef struct
684 {
685     GPIO_PRT_Type *port;            /**< Port Number */
686     uint32_t pinNum;                /**< Bit fields for each secure pin number */
687     uint16_t index;                 /**< GPIO Port base address index */
688     uint16_t hsiomIndex;            /**< HSIOM Port base address index */
689 } cy_stc_pra_extclk_pin_t;
691 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
692 /* External clock adjacent HSIOM index structure */
693 typedef struct
694 {
695     GPIO_PRT_Type *port;            /**< Port Number */
696     uint16_t hsiomIndex;            /**< HSIOM Port base address index */
697 } cy_stc_pra_extclk_hsiom_t;
699 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
701 /** \endcond */
703 #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
704 /** \cond INTERNAL */
705 /* contains power mode configuration of a macro */
706 typedef struct
707 {
708     uint32_t sramMacros;            /**< Bit fields for each SRAM macro number */
709     uint32_t sramPwrMode;           /**< Bit fields for SRAM power modes. bit 0->OFF, bit 1->RETAIN bit 2->ON */
710 } cy_pra_sram_pwr_macro_config_t;
712 /* contains all macro configurations of a sram */
713 typedef struct
714 {
715     cy_pra_sram_pwr_macro_config_t macroConfigs[CY_PRA_SRAM_MACRO_MAX_NR];       /**< SRAM macro configurations */
716     uint32_t macroConfigCount;                                                   /**< Number of macros present in in policy file */
717 } cy_pra_sram_pwr_mode_config_t;
719 /** \endcond */
721 /** \cond INTERNAL */
722 extern cy_pra_sram_pwr_mode_config_t sramPwrModeConfig[CY_PRA_SRAM_MAX_NR];
723 /** \endcond */
725 #endif /* (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
727 /** \cond INTERNAL */
728 /* Public for testing purposes */
729 extern cy_stc_pra_reg_policy_t regIndexToAddr[CY_PRA_REG_INDEX_COUNT];
731 extern cy_stc_pra_extclk_pin_t secExtclkPinList[CY_PRA_EXTCLK_PIN_NR];
732 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
733 extern cy_stc_pra_extclk_hsiom_t secExtClkAdjHsiomList[CY_PRA_EXTCLK_PIN_NR];
734 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
735 /** \endcond */
738 /*******************************************************************************
739 *        Function Prototypes
740 *******************************************************************************/
742 /**
743 * \addtogroup group_pra_functions
744 * \{
745 */
746 void Cy_PRA_Init(void);
748 /** \cond INTERNAL */
749 #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
750     void Cy_PRA_UpdateExtClockRegIndex(void);
751     void Cy_PRA_CloseSrssMain2(void);
752     void Cy_PRA_OpenSrssMain2(void);
753 #endif /* (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M0P) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN) */
754 /** \endcond */
756 cy_en_pra_status_t Cy_PRA_SendCmd(uint16_t cmd, uint16_t regIndex, uint32_t clearMask, uint32_t setMask);
758 #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
760     cy_en_pra_pin_prot_type_t Cy_PRA_GetPinProtType(GPIO_PRT_Type *base, uint32_t pinNum);
762     bool Cy_PRA_IsPortSecure(GPIO_PRT_Type *base);
764     uint16_t Cy_PRA_GetPortRegIndex(GPIO_PRT_Type *base, uint16_t subIndex);
766     uint16_t Cy_PRA_GetHsiomRegIndex(GPIO_PRT_Type *base, uint16_t subIndex);
768 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
769     bool Cy_PRA_IsHsiomSecure(GPIO_PRT_Type *base);
770     uint16_t Cy_PRA_GetAdjHsiomRegIndex(GPIO_PRT_Type *base, uint16_t subIndex);
771 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
773     /** \} group_pra_functions */
775     /**
776     * \addtogroup group_pra_macros
777     * \{
778     */
780 /*******************************************************************************
781 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_REG32_CLR_SET(regIndex, field, value)
782 ****************************************************************************//**
783 *
784 * Provides get-clear-modify-write operations with a name field and value and
785 * writes a resulting value to the 32-bit register.
786 *
787 * \note An attempt to access not-supported registers (not secure and
788 * not listed in the TRM) results in an error. The list of the registers that
789 * can be accessed by the PRA driver directly is defined in the cy_pra.h file
790 * with the CY_PRA_INDX_ prefix.
791 *
792 * \param regIndex The register address index.
793 *
794 * \param field The field to be updated.
795 *
796 * \param value The value to write.
797 *
798 *******************************************************************************/
799     #define CY_PRA_REG32_CLR_SET(regIndex, field, value)  \
800         (void)Cy_PRA_SendCmd(CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_REG32_CLR_SET, (regIndex), ((uint32_t)(~(field ## _Msk))), (_VAL2FLD(field, (value))))
803 /*******************************************************************************
804 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_REG32_SET(regIndex, value)
805 ****************************************************************************//**
806 *
807 * Writes the 32-bit value to the specified register.
808 *
809 * \note An attempt to access not-supported registers (not secure and
810 * not listed in the TRM) results in an error. The list of the registers that
811 * can be accessed by the PRA driver directly is defined in the cy_pra.h file
812 * with the CY_PRA_INDX_ prefix.
813 *
814 * \param regIndex The register address index.
815 *
816 * \param value The value to write.
817 *
818 *******************************************************************************/
819     #define CY_PRA_REG32_SET(regIndex, value)  \
820         (void)Cy_PRA_SendCmd(CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_REG32_SET, (regIndex), (value), 0UL)
823 /*******************************************************************************
824 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_REG32_GET(regIndex)
825 ****************************************************************************//**
826 *
827 * Reads the 32-bit value from the specified register.
828 *
829 * \note An attempt to access not-supported registers (not secure and
830 * not listed in the TRM) results in an error. The list of the registers that
831 * can be accessed by the PRA driver directly is defined in the cy_pra.h file
832 * with the CY_PRA_INDX_ prefix.
833 *
834 * \param regIndex The register address index.
835 *
836 * \return The read value.
837 *
838 *******************************************************************************/
839     #define CY_PRA_REG32_GET(regIndex)  \
840         (uint32_t) Cy_PRA_SendCmd(CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_REG32_GET, (regIndex), 0UL, 0UL)
843 /*******************************************************************************
844 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_CM0_WAKEUP()
845 ****************************************************************************//**
846 *
847 * The request to wake up the Cortex-M0+ core.
848 *
849 *******************************************************************************/
850     #define CY_PRA_CM0_WAKEUP()  \
851         (void)Cy_PRA_SendCmd(CY_PRA_MSG_TYPE_CM0_WAKEUP, (uint16_t) 0U, 0UL, 0UL)
853 #endif /* (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) */
855 /*******************************************************************************
856 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_RETURN_PARAM(msgType, funcIndex, param)
857 ****************************************************************************//**
858 *
859 * Calls the specified function with the provided parameter and returns the
860 * execution status.
861 *
862 * \param msgType The function type.
863 *
864 * \param funcIndex The function reference.
865 *
866 * \param param The pointer to the function parameter.
867 *
868 * \return The function execution status.
869 *
870 *******************************************************************************/
871     #define CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_RETURN_PARAM(msgType, funcIndex, param)  \
872         Cy_PRA_SendCmd((msgType), (funcIndex), (uint32_t)(param), 0UL)
875 /*******************************************************************************
876 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_RETURN_VOID(msgType, funcIndex)
877 ****************************************************************************//**
878 *
879 * Calls the specified function without a parameter and returns the
880 * execution status.
881 *
882 * \param msgType The function type.
883 *
884 * \param funcIndex The function reference.
885 *
886 * \return The function execution status.
887 *
888 *******************************************************************************/
889     #define CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_RETURN_VOID(msgType, funcIndex)  \
890         Cy_PRA_SendCmd((msgType), (funcIndex), 0UL, 0UL)
893 /*******************************************************************************
894 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_VOID_PARAM(msgType, funcIndex, param)
895 ****************************************************************************//**
896 *
897 * Calls the specified function with the provided parameter and returns void.
898 *
899 * \param msgType The function type.
900 *
901 * \param funcIndex The function reference.
902 *
903 * \param param The pointer to the function parameter.
904 *
905 *******************************************************************************/
906     #define CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_VOID_PARAM(msgType, funcIndex, param)  \
907         (void)Cy_PRA_SendCmd((msgType), (funcIndex), (uint32_t)(param), 0UL)
910 /*******************************************************************************
911 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_VOID_VOID(msgType, funcIndex)
912 ****************************************************************************//**
913 *
914 * Calls the specified function without a parameter and returns void.
915 *
916 * \param msgType The function type.
917 *
918 * \param funcIndex The function reference.
919 *
920 *******************************************************************************/
921     #define CY_PRA_FUNCTION_CALL_VOID_VOID(msgType, funcIndex)  \
922         (void)Cy_PRA_SendCmd((msgType), (funcIndex), 0UL, 0UL)
925 #if (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
927 /*******************************************************************************
928 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_GET_PIN_PROT_TYPE(base, pinNum)
929 ****************************************************************************//**
930 *
931 * Compares the PORT and PIN number with secure PIN list and returns PIN
932 * protection type.
933 *
934 * \param base GPIO Port address
935 *
936 * \param pinNum GPIO PIN number
937 *
938 * \return The categories of PIN.
939 *
940 *******************************************************************************/
941     #define CY_PRA_GET_PIN_PROT_TYPE(base, pinNum)  \
942         Cy_PRA_GetPinProtType(base, pinNum)
944 /*******************************************************************************
945 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_IS_PORT_SECURE(base)
946 ****************************************************************************//**
947 *
948 * Compares the PORT with secure PIN list and returns PORT protection status.
949 *
950 * \param base GPIO Port address
951 *
952 * \return true if port is secure otherwise false.
953 *
954 *******************************************************************************/
955     #define CY_PRA_IS_PORT_SECURE(base)  \
956         Cy_PRA_IsPortSecure(base)
958 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
959 /*******************************************************************************
960 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_IS_HSIOM_SECURE(base)
961 ****************************************************************************//**
962 *
963 * Compares the PORT with secure adjacent HSIOM list and returns protection status.
964 *
965 * \param base GPIO Port address
966 *
967 * \return true if HSIOM is secure otherwise false.
968 *
969 *******************************************************************************/
970     #define CY_PRA_IS_HSIOM_SECURE(base)  \
971         Cy_PRA_IsHsiomSecure(base)
973 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
975 /*******************************************************************************
976 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_GET_PORT_INDEX(base, pinNum, subIndex)
977 ****************************************************************************//**
978 *
979 * Compares the PORT and PIN number with secure PIN list and returns PORT index
980 *
981 * \param base GPIO Port address
982 *
983 * \param subIndex register index of GPIO PORT
984 *
985 * \return PRA GPIO PORT register index
986 *
987 *******************************************************************************/
988     #define CY_PRA_GET_PORT_REG_INDEX(base, subIndex)  \
989         Cy_PRA_GetPortRegIndex(base, subIndex)
991 /*******************************************************************************
992 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_GET_HSIOM_REG_INDEX(base, subIndex)
993 ****************************************************************************//**
994 *
995 * Compares the PORT with secure PIN list and returns HSIOM port index
996 *
997 * \param base GPIO Port address
998 *
999 * \param subIndex register index of HSIOM PORT
1000 *
1001 * \return PRA HSIOM PORT register index
1002 *
1003 *******************************************************************************/
1004     #define CY_PRA_GET_HSIOM_REG_INDEX(base, subIndex)  \
1005         Cy_PRA_GetHsiomRegIndex(base, subIndex)
1007 #if defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2)
1008 /*******************************************************************************
1009 * Macro Name: CY_PRA_GET_ADJHSIOM_REG_INDEX(base, subIndex)
1010 ****************************************************************************//**
1011 *
1012 * Compares the PORT with adjacent HSIOM list and returns HSIOM port index
1013 *
1014 * \param base GPIO Port address
1015 *
1016 * \param subIndex register index of HSIOM PORT
1017 *
1018 * \return PRA HSIOM PORT register index
1019 *
1020 *******************************************************************************/
1021     #define CY_PRA_GET_ADJHSIOM_REG_INDEX(base, subIndex)  \
1022         Cy_PRA_GetAdjHsiomRegIndex(base, subIndex)
1023 #endif /* defined(CY_DEVICE_PSOC6ABLE2) */
1025 /** \} group_pra_macros */
1027 #endif /* (CY_CPU_CORTEX_M4) */
1029 #ifdef __cplusplus
1030 }
1031 #endif
1033 #endif /* (CY_DEVICE_SECURE) */
1035 #endif /* defined (CY_IP_MXS40SRSS) */
1037 #endif /* #if !defined(CY_PRA_H) */
1039 /** \} group_pra */
1041 /* [] END OF FILE */