1 /*
2  * pdu.h -- CoAP message structure
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Olaf Bergmann <bergmann@tzi.org>
5  *
6  * This file is part of the CoAP library libcoap. Please see README for terms
7  * of use.
8  */
10 /**
11  * @file pdu.h
12  * @brief Pre-defined constants that reflect defaults for CoAP
13  */
15 #ifndef _COAP_PDU_H_
16 #define _COAP_PDU_H_
18 #include "uri.h"
20 #ifdef WITH_LWIP
21 #include <lwip/pbuf.h>
22 #endif
24 #define COAP_DEFAULT_PORT      5683 /* CoAP default UDP port */
25 #define COAP_DEFAULT_MAX_AGE     60 /* default maximum object lifetime in seconds */
26 #ifndef COAP_MAX_PDU_SIZE
27 #define COAP_MAX_PDU_SIZE      1400 /* maximum size of a CoAP PDU */
28 #endif /* COAP_MAX_PDU_SIZE */
30 #define COAP_DEFAULT_VERSION      1 /* version of CoAP supported */
31 #define COAP_DEFAULT_SCHEME  "coap" /* the default scheme for CoAP URIs */
33 /** well-known resources URI */
34 #define COAP_DEFAULT_URI_WELLKNOWN ".well-known/core"
37 /* pre-calculated hash key for the default well-known URI */
38 #define COAP_DEFAULT_WKC_HASHKEY   "\345\130\144\245"
39 #endif
41 /* CoAP message types */
43 #define COAP_MESSAGE_CON       0 /* confirmable message (requires ACK/RST) */
44 #define COAP_MESSAGE_NON       1 /* non-confirmable message (one-shot message) */
45 #define COAP_MESSAGE_ACK       2 /* used to acknowledge confirmable messages */
46 #define COAP_MESSAGE_RST       3 /* indicates error in received messages */
48 /* CoAP request methods */
50 #define COAP_REQUEST_GET       1
51 #define COAP_REQUEST_POST      2
52 #define COAP_REQUEST_PUT       3
53 #define COAP_REQUEST_DELETE    4
55 /* CoAP option types (be sure to update check_critical when adding options */
57 #define COAP_OPTION_IF_MATCH        1 /* C, opaque, 0-8 B, (none) */
58 #define COAP_OPTION_URI_HOST        3 /* C, String, 1-255 B, destination address */
59 #define COAP_OPTION_ETAG            4 /* E, opaque, 1-8 B, (none) */
60 #define COAP_OPTION_IF_NONE_MATCH   5 /* empty, 0 B, (none) */
61 #define COAP_OPTION_URI_PORT        7 /* C, uint, 0-2 B, destination port */
62 #define COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_PATH   8 /* E, String, 0-255 B, - */
63 #define COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH       11 /* C, String, 0-255 B, (none) */
64 #define COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT 12 /* E, uint, 0-2 B, (none) */
66 #define COAP_OPTION_MAXAGE         14 /* E, uint, 0--4 B, 60 Seconds */
67 #define COAP_OPTION_URI_QUERY      15 /* C, String, 1-255 B, (none) */
68 #define COAP_OPTION_ACCEPT         17 /* C, uint,   0-2 B, (none) */
69 #define COAP_OPTION_LOCATION_QUERY 20 /* E, String,   0-255 B, (none) */
70 #define COAP_OPTION_PROXY_URI      35 /* C, String, 1-1034 B, (none) */
71 #define COAP_OPTION_PROXY_SCHEME   39 /* C, String, 1-255 B, (none) */
72 #define COAP_OPTION_SIZE1          60 /* E, uint, 0-4 B, (none) */
74 /* option types from draft-ietf-coap-observe-09 */
76 #define COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE         6 /* E, empty/uint, 0 B/0-3 B, (none) */
79 /* selected option types from draft-core-block-04 */
81 #define COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2         23 /* C, uint, 0--3 B, (none) */
82 #define COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1         27 /* C, uint, 0--3 B, (none) */
84 /* selected option types from draft-tcs-coap-no-response-option-11 */
86 #define COAP_OPTION_NORESPONSE    284 /* N, uint, 0--1 B, 0 */
88 #define COAP_MAX_OPT            65535 /**< the highest option number we know */
90 /* CoAP result codes (HTTP-Code / 100 * 40 + HTTP-Code % 100) */
92 /* As of draft-ietf-core-coap-04, response codes are encoded to base
93  * 32, i.e.  the three upper bits determine the response class while
94  * the remaining five fine-grained information specific to that class.
95  */
96 #define COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(N) (((N)/100 << 5) | (N)%100)
98 /* Determines the class of response code C */
99 #define COAP_RESPONSE_CLASS(C) (((C) >> 5) & 0xFF)
102 /**
103  * Returns a human-readable response phrase for the specified CoAP response @p
104  * code. This function returns @c NULL if not found.
105  *
106  * @param code The response code for which the literal phrase should be
107  *             retrieved.
108  *
109  * @return     A zero-terminated string describing the error, or @c NULL if not
110  *             found.
111  */
112 char *coap_response_phrase(unsigned char code);
114 #define COAP_ERROR_PHRASE_LENGTH   32 /**< maximum length of error phrase */
116 #else
117 #define coap_response_phrase(x) ((char *)NULL)
119 #define COAP_ERROR_PHRASE_LENGTH    0 /**< maximum length of error phrase */
120 #endif /* SHORT_ERROR_RESPONSE */
122 /* The following definitions exist for backwards compatibility */
123 #if 0 /* this does not exist any more */
124 #define COAP_RESPONSE_100      40 /* 100 Continue */
125 #endif
126 #define COAP_RESPONSE_200      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(200)  /* 2.00 OK */
127 #define COAP_RESPONSE_201      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(201)  /* 2.01 Created */
128 #define COAP_RESPONSE_304      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(203)  /* 2.03 Valid */
129 #define COAP_RESPONSE_400      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(400)  /* 4.00 Bad Request */
130 #define COAP_RESPONSE_404      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(404)  /* 4.04 Not Found */
131 #define COAP_RESPONSE_405      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(405)  /* 4.05 Method Not Allowed */
132 #define COAP_RESPONSE_415      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(415)  /* 4.15 Unsupported Media Type */
133 #define COAP_RESPONSE_500      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(500)  /* 5.00 Internal Server Error */
134 #define COAP_RESPONSE_501      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(501)  /* 5.01 Not Implemented */
135 #define COAP_RESPONSE_503      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(503)  /* 5.03 Service Unavailable */
136 #define COAP_RESPONSE_504      COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(504)  /* 5.04 Gateway Timeout */
137 #if 0  /* these response codes do not have a valid code any more */
138 #  define COAP_RESPONSE_X_240    240   /* Token Option required by server */
139 #  define COAP_RESPONSE_X_241    241   /* Uri-Authority Option required by server */
140 #endif
141 #define COAP_RESPONSE_X_242    COAP_RESPONSE_CODE(402)  /* Critical Option not supported */
143 /* CoAP media type encoding */
145 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_TEXT_PLAIN                 0 /* text/plain (UTF-8) */
146 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT   40 /* application/link-format */
147 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_XML           41 /* application/xml */
148 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM  42 /* application/octet-stream */
149 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_RDF_XML       43 /* application/rdf+xml */
150 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_EXI           47 /* application/exi  */
151 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_JSON          50 /* application/json  */
152 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_APPLICATION_CBOR          60 /* application/cbor  */
154 /* Note that identifiers for registered media types are in the range 0-65535. We
155  * use an unallocated type here and hope for the best. */
156 #define COAP_MEDIATYPE_ANY                         0xff /* any media type */
158 /**
159  * coap_tid_t is used to store CoAP transaction id, i.e. a hash value
160  * built from the remote transport address and the message id of a
161  * CoAP PDU.  Valid transaction ids are greater or equal zero.
162  */
163 typedef int coap_tid_t;
165 /** Indicates an invalid transaction id. */
166 #define COAP_INVALID_TID -1
168 /**
169  * Indicates that a response is suppressed. This will occur for error
170  * responses if the request was received via IP multicast.
171  */
175 typedef struct {
176   unsigned int version:2;      /* protocol version */
177   unsigned int type:2;         /* type flag */
178   unsigned int token_length:4; /* length of Token */
179   unsigned int code:8;         /* request method (value 1--10) or response
180                                   code (value 40-255) */
181   unsigned short id;           /* message id */
182   unsigned char token[];       /* the actual token, if any */
183 } coap_hdr_t;
184 #else
185 typedef struct {
186   unsigned int token_length:4; /* length of Token */
187   unsigned int type:2;         /* type flag */
188   unsigned int version:2;      /* protocol version */
189   unsigned int code:8;         /* request method (value 1--10) or response
190                                   code (value 40-255) */
191   unsigned short id;           /* transaction id (network byte order!) */
192   unsigned char token[];       /* the actual token, if any */
193 } coap_hdr_t;
194 #endif
196 #define COAP_MESSAGE_IS_EMPTY(MSG)    ((MSG)->code == 0)
198                                        && ((MSG)->code < 32))
199 #define COAP_MESSAGE_IS_RESPONSE(MSG) ((MSG)->code >= 64)
201 #define COAP_OPT_LONG 0x0F      /* OC == 0b1111 indicates that the option list
202                                  * in a CoAP message is limited by 0b11110000
203                                  * marker */
205 #define COAP_OPT_END 0xF0       /* end marker */
207 #define COAP_PAYLOAD_START 0xFF /* payload marker */
209 /**
210  * Structures for more convenient handling of options. (To be used with ordered
211  * coap_list_t.) The option's data will be added to the end of the coap_option
212  * structure (see macro COAP_OPTION_DATA).
213  */
214 typedef struct {
215   unsigned short key;           /* the option key (no delta coding) */
216   unsigned int length;
217 } coap_option;
219 #define COAP_OPTION_KEY(option) (option).key
220 #define COAP_OPTION_LENGTH(option) (option).length
221 #define COAP_OPTION_DATA(option) ((unsigned char *)&(option) + sizeof(coap_option))
223 /**
224  * Header structure for CoAP PDUs
225  */
227 typedef struct {
228   size_t max_size;          /**< allocated storage for options and data */
229   coap_hdr_t *hdr;          /**< Address of the first byte of the CoAP message.
230                              *   This may or may not equal (coap_hdr_t*)(pdu+1)
231                              *   depending on the memory management
232                              *   implementation. */
233   unsigned short max_delta; /**< highest option number */
234   unsigned short length;    /**< PDU length (including header, options, data) */
235   unsigned char *data;      /**< payload */
237 #ifdef WITH_LWIP
238   struct pbuf *pbuf;        /**< lwIP PBUF. The package data will always reside
239                              *    inside the pbuf's payload, but this pointer
240                              *    has to be kept because no exact offset can be
241                              *    given. This field must not be accessed from
242                              *    outside, because the pbuf's reference count
243                              *    is checked to be 1 when the pbuf is assigned
244                              *    to the pdu, and the pbuf stays exclusive to
245                              *    this pdu. */
246 #endif
247 } coap_pdu_t;
249 /**
250  * Options in coap_pdu_t are accessed with the macro COAP_OPTION.
251  */
252 #define COAP_OPTION(node) ((coap_option *)(node)->options)
254 #ifdef WITH_LWIP
255 /**
256  * Creates a CoAP PDU from an lwIP @p pbuf, whose reference is passed on to this
257  * function.
258  *
259  * The pbuf is checked for being contiguous, and for having only one reference.
260  * The reference is stored in the PDU and will be freed when the PDU is freed.
261  *
262  * (For now, these are fatal errors; in future, a new pbuf might be allocated,
263  * the data copied and the passed pbuf freed).
264  *
265  * This behaves like coap_pdu_init(0, 0, 0, pbuf->tot_len), and afterwards
266  * copying the contents of the pbuf to the pdu.
267  *
268  * @return A pointer to the new PDU object or @c NULL on error.
269  */
270 coap_pdu_t * coap_pdu_from_pbuf(struct pbuf *pbuf);
271 #endif
273 /**
274  * Creates a new CoAP PDU of given @p size (must be large enough to hold the
275  * basic CoAP message header (coap_hdr_t). The function returns a pointer to the
276  * node coap_pdu_t object on success, or @c NULL on error. The storage allocated
277  * for the result must be released with coap_delete_pdu().
278  *
279  * @param type The type of the PDU (one of COAP_MESSAGE_CON, COAP_MESSAGE_NON,
281  * @param code The message code.
282  * @param id   The message id to set or COAP_INVALID_TID if unknown.
283  * @param size The number of bytes to allocate for the actual message.
284  *
285  * @return     A pointer to the new PDU object or @c NULL on error.
286  */
287 coap_pdu_t *
288 coap_pdu_init(unsigned char type,
289               unsigned char code,
290               unsigned short id,
291               size_t size);
293 /**
294  * Clears any contents from @p pdu and resets @c version field, @c
295  * length and @c data pointers. @c max_size is set to @p size, any
296  * other field is set to @c 0. Note that @p pdu must be a valid
297  * pointer to a coap_pdu_t object created e.g. by coap_pdu_init().
298  */
299 void coap_pdu_clear(coap_pdu_t *pdu, size_t size);
301 /**
302  * Creates a new CoAP PDU.
303  * The object is created on the heap and must be released using
304  * coap_delete_pdu();
305  *
306  * @deprecated This function allocates the maximum storage for each
307  * PDU. Use coap_pdu_init() instead.
308  */
309 coap_pdu_t *coap_new_pdu(void);
311 void coap_delete_pdu(coap_pdu_t *);
313 /**
314  * Parses @p data into the CoAP PDU structure given in @p result.
315  * This function returns @c 0 on error or a number greater than zero on success.
316  *
317  * @param data   The raw data to parse as CoAP PDU.
318  * @param length The actual size of @p data.
319  * @param result The PDU structure to fill. Note that the structure must
320  *               provide space for at least @p length bytes to hold the
321  *               entire CoAP PDU.
322  *
323  * @return       A value greater than zero on success or @c 0 on error.
324  */
325 int coap_pdu_parse(unsigned char *data,
326                    size_t length,
327                    coap_pdu_t *result);
329 /**
330  * Adds token of length @p len to @p pdu.
331  * Adding the token destroys any following contents of the pdu. Hence options
332  * and data must be added after coap_add_token() has been called. In @p pdu,
333  * length is set to @p len + @c 4, and max_delta is set to @c 0. This funtion
334  * returns @c 0 on error or a value greater than zero on success.
335  *
336  * @param pdu  The PDU where the token is to be added.
337  * @param len  The length of the new token.
338  * @param data The token to add.
339  *
340  * @return     A value greater than zero on success, or @c 0 on error.
341  */
342 int coap_add_token(coap_pdu_t *pdu,
343                   size_t len,
344                   const unsigned char *data);
346 /**
347  * Adds option of given type to pdu that is passed as first
348  * parameter.
349  * coap_add_option() destroys the PDU's data, so coap_add_data() must be called
350  * after all options have been added. As coap_add_token() destroys the options
351  * following the token, the token must be added before coap_add_option() is
352  * called. This function returns the number of bytes written or @c 0 on error.
353  */
354 size_t coap_add_option(coap_pdu_t *pdu,
355                        unsigned short type,
356                        unsigned int len,
357                        const unsigned char *data);
359 /**
360  * Adds option of given type to pdu that is passed as first parameter, but does
361  * not write a value. It works like coap_add_option with respect to calling
362  * sequence (i.e. after token and before data). This function returns a memory
363  * address to which the option data has to be written before the PDU can be
364  * sent, or @c NULL on error.
365  */
366 unsigned char *coap_add_option_later(coap_pdu_t *pdu,
367                                      unsigned short type,
368                                      unsigned int len);
370 /**
371  * Adds given data to the pdu that is passed as first parameter. Note that the
372  * PDU's data is destroyed by coap_add_option(). coap_add_data() must be called
373  * only once per PDU, otherwise the result is undefined.
374  */
375 int coap_add_data(coap_pdu_t *pdu,
376                   unsigned int len,
377                   const unsigned char *data);
379 /**
380  * Retrieves the length and data pointer of specified PDU. Returns 0 on error or
381  * 1 if *len and *data have correct values. Note that these values are destroyed
382  * with the pdu.
383  */
384 int coap_get_data(coap_pdu_t *pdu,
385                   size_t *len,
386                   unsigned char **data);
388 #endif /* _COAP_PDU_H_ */