1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2001-2019, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5  */
7 #ifndef _CC_COMMON_MATH_H
8 #define _CC_COMMON_MATH_H
10 #include "cc_common_error.h"
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C"
15 {
16 #endif
19 /************************ Defines ******************************/
21 /************************ Macros *******************************/
22 #ifndef IS_ALIGNED
23 #define IS_ALIGNED(val, align)      \
24 (((CCVirtAddr_t)(val) & ((align) - 1)) == 0)
25 #endif
26 /* converts size given in bits to size in 32-bit words, rounded up */
27 #define BIT_SIZE_UP_TO_32BIT_WORDS(x)  (((x)>>5UL) + (((x)&31)!=0))
29 /* rotate right 32-bits word by n bits */
30 #define CC_COMMON_ROTR32(x, n) ( ((x) >> (n)) | ((x) << ( 32 - (n) )) )
31 /* rotate 32-bits word by 16 bits */
32 #define CC_COMMON_ROT32(x) ( (x) >> 16 | (x) << 16 )
34 /* inverse the bytes order in a word */
35 #define CC_COMMON_REVERSE32(x)  ( ((CC_COMMON_ROT32((x)) & 0xff00ff00UL) >> 8) | ((CC_COMMON_ROT32((x)) & 0x00ff00ffUL) << 8) )
37 #define SHIFT_LEFT(x, nBits)  ( (x) >> (nBits) )
38 #define SHIFT_RIGHT(x, nBits)  ( (x) << (nBits) )
39 #define CONVERT_LE_2_CPU_E(x)  (x)
40 #define CONVERT_CPU_E_2_BE(x)  CC_COMMON_REVERSE32(x)
42 /* inverse the bytes order in words of array */
43 #define CC_COMMON_INVERSE_UINT32_IN_ARRAY( Array, SizeWords ) \
44 {  \
45 uint32_t ii2; \
46 for( ii2 = 0; ii2 < (SizeWords); ii2++ ) \
47 { \
48     (Array)[ii2] = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32( (Array)[ii2] ); \
49 } \
50 }
52 #ifndef BIG__ENDIAN
53 /* define word endiannes*/
55 #else
57 #endif
59 #ifdef BIG__ENDIAN
60 #define CC_COMMON_CONVERT_TO_LE32(in32_ptr, out32_ptr, size_words) \
61 { \
62 uint32_t i; \
63 for (i = 0; i < size_words; i++) { \
64     (out32_ptr)[i] = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[i]); \
65 } \
66 }
67 #else
68 #define CC_COMMON_CONVERT_TO_LE32(in32_ptr, out32_ptr, size_words) \
69 { \
70 uint32_t i; \
71 if((in32_ptr) != (out32_ptr)) { \
72     for (i = 0; i < size_words; i++) { \
73         (out32_ptr)[i] = (in32_ptr)[i]; \
74     } \
75 } \
76 }
77 #endif
79 /* get a bit val from a word array */
80 #define CC_COMMON_GET_BIT_VAL_FROM_WORD_ARRAY( ptr , bit_pos ) \
81 (((ptr)[(bit_pos)>>5] >> ((bit_pos) & 0x1FUL)) & 1UL)
83 /* exchange a bit on a word array */
84 #define CC_COMMON_EXCHANGE_BIT_ON_WORD_ARRAY(ptr,bit_pos) ((ptr)[(bit_pos)>>5] ^= (1UL << ((bit_pos) & 0x1FUL)))
86 /* macros for copying 4 words to non aligned output according to macine endianness.
87 Note: output is given by aligned down pointer and alignment of output data in bits,
88  input must be aligned to 4 bytes */
89 #ifdef BIG__ENDIAN
91 #define CC_COMMON_COPY_4WORDS_TO_BYTES( out32_ptr, outAlign, in32_ptr )  \
92 if( outAlign != 0 ) \
93 {  \
94   (out32_ptr)[0]  = ((out32_ptr)[0] & (0xFFFFFFFF << (32-(outAlign))))      | \
95               CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[0]) >> (outAlign);   \
96   (out32_ptr)[1]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[0]) << (32-(outAlign)) | \
97               CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[1]) >> (outAlign);   \
98   (out32_ptr)[2]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[1]) << (32-(outAlign)) | \
99               CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[2]) >> (outAlign);   \
100   (out32_ptr)[3]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[2]) << (32-(outAlign)) | \
101               CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[3]) >> (outAlign);   \
102   (out32_ptr)[4]  = ((out32_ptr)[4] & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (outAlign)))           | \
103               CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[3]) << (32-(outAlign)); \
104 } \
105 else  \
106 { \
107   (out32_ptr)[0]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[0]);   \
108   (out32_ptr)[1]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[1]);   \
109   (out32_ptr)[2]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[2]);   \
110   (out32_ptr)[3]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[3]);   \
111 }
113 #else  /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */
114 #define CC_COMMON_COPY_4WORDS_TO_BYTES( out32_ptr, outAlign, in32_ptr )  \
115 if( outAlign != 0 ) \
116 {  \
117   (out32_ptr)[0]  = ((out32_ptr)[0] & (0xFFFFFFFF  >> (32-(outAlign)))) | (in32_ptr)[0] << (outAlign); \
118   (out32_ptr)[1]  = (in32_ptr)[0] >> (32-(outAlign)) | (in32_ptr)[1] << (outAlign);                   \
119   (out32_ptr)[2]  = (in32_ptr)[1] >> (32-(outAlign)) | (in32_ptr)[2] << (outAlign);                   \
120   (out32_ptr)[3]  = (in32_ptr)[2] >> (32-(outAlign)) | (in32_ptr)[3] << (outAlign);                   \
121   (out32_ptr)[4]  = ((out32_ptr)[4] & (0xFFFFFFFF << (outAlign))) | (in32_ptr)[3] >> (32-(outAlign));   \
122 } \
123 else \
124 { \
125   (out32_ptr)[0]  = (in32_ptr)[0];   \
126   (out32_ptr)[1]  = (in32_ptr)[1];   \
127   (out32_ptr)[2]  = (in32_ptr)[2];   \
128   (out32_ptr)[3]  = (in32_ptr)[3];   \
129 }
130 #endif
133 /* macros for copying 16 bytes from non aligned input into aligned output according to machine endianness.
134 Note: input is given by aligned down pointer and alignment of input data in bits,
135  output must be aligned to 4 bytes */
137 #ifdef BIG__ENDIAN
139 #define CC_COMMON_COPY_16BYTES_TO_WORDS( in32_ptr, inAlign, out32_ptr )  \
140 if( inAlign != 0 ) \
141 {  \
142   (out32_ptr)[0]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32( (in32_ptr)[0] << (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[1] >> (32-(inAlign)) );  \
143       (out32_ptr)[1]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32( (in32_ptr)[1] << (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[2] >> (32-(inAlign)) );  \
144       (out32_ptr)[2]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32( (in32_ptr)[2] << (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[3] >> (32-(inAlign)) );  \
145       (out32_ptr)[3]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32( (in32_ptr)[3] << (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[4] >> (32-(inAlign)) );  \
146 } \
147 else  \
148 {  \
149       (out32_ptr)[0]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[0]); \
150       (out32_ptr)[1]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[1]); \
151       (out32_ptr)[2]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[2]); \
152       (out32_ptr)[3]  = CC_COMMON_REVERSE32((in32_ptr)[3]); \
153 }
155 #else  /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */
157 #define  CC_COMMON_COPY_16BYTES_TO_WORDS( in32_ptr, inAlign, out32_ptr )  \
158 if( inAlign != 0 ) \
159 {  \
160       (out32_ptr)[0]  = (in32_ptr)[0] >> (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[1] << (32-(inAlign));  \
161       (out32_ptr)[1]  = (in32_ptr)[1] >> (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[2] << (32-(inAlign));  \
162       (out32_ptr)[2]  = (in32_ptr)[2] >> (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[3] << (32-(inAlign));  \
163       (out32_ptr)[3]  = (in32_ptr)[3] >> (inAlign) | (in32_ptr)[4] << (32-(inAlign));  \
164 }  \
165 else  \
166 {  \
167       (out32_ptr)[0]  = (in32_ptr)[0];  \
168       (out32_ptr)[1]  = (in32_ptr)[1];  \
169       (out32_ptr)[2]  = (in32_ptr)[2];  \
170       (out32_ptr)[3]  = (in32_ptr)[3];  \
171 }
172 #endif
175 /************************ Enums ********************************/
177 /* the counter comperation result enum */
178 typedef enum {
179     CC_COMMON_CmpCounter1AndCounter2AreIdentical = 0,
180     CC_COMMON_CmpCounter1GreaterThenCounter2      = 1,
181     CC_COMMON_CmpCounter2GreaterThenCounter1      = 2,
183     CC_COMMON_CmpCounterLast                    = 0x7FFFFFFF,
185 } CCCommonCmpCounter_t;
188 /************************ Typedefs  *****************************/
190 /************************ Structs  ******************************/
192 /************************ Public Variables **********************/
194 /************************ Public Functions **********************/
196 /*****************************************************************
197 * @brief This function adds a value to a large counter presented in a buffer.
198 *        The MSB of the counter is stored in the first cell in the array.
199 *
200 *        for example:
201 *
202 *        a counter of 64 bit : the value is :
203 *
204 *        byte[0] << 56 | byte[1] << 48 ............ byte[6] << 8 | byte[7]
205 *
206 * @param[in] CounterBuff_ptr - The buffer containing the counter.
207 * @param[in] Val             - this value to add.
208 * @param[in] CounterSize      - the counter size in 32bit words.
209 *
210 * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure a
211 *                        value MODULE_* as defined in ...
212 */
214 void CC_CommonIncMsbUnsignedCounter( uint32_t *CounterBuff_ptr ,
215                  uint32_t  Val,
216                  uint32_t  CounterSize);
219 /********************************************************************************
220 * @brief This function adds a value to a large counter presented in a buffer.
221 *        The LSB of the counter is stored in the first cell in the array.
222 *
223 *        for example:
224 *
225 *        a counter of 64 bit : the value is :
226 *
227 *        byte[7] << 56 | byte[6] << 48 ............ byte[1] << 8 | byte[0]
228 *
229 * @param[in] CounterBuff_ptr - The buffer containing the counter.
230 * @param[in] Val             - this value to add.
231 * @param[in] CounterSize      - the counter size in 32bit words.
232 *
233 * @return carry bit from MS word if carry occur
234 *
235 */
237 uint32_t CC_CommonIncLsbUnsignedCounter(
238                  uint32_t     *CounterBuff_ptr ,
239                  uint32_t      Val,
240                  uint32_t      CounterSize);
243 /********************************************************************************
244 * @brief This function subtracts a value from a large counter presented in a buffer.
245 *        The LSB of the counter is stored in the first cell in the array.
246 *
247 *        for example:
248 *
249 *        a counter of 64 bit : the value is :
250 *
251 *        byte[7] << 56 | byte[6] << 48 ............ byte[1] << 8 | byte[0]
252 *
253 * @param[in] CounterBuff_ptr - the buffer containing the counter.
254 * @param[in] Val             - the value to subtract.
255 * @param[in]  CounterSize      - the counter size in 32bit words.
256 *
257 * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure a
258 *                        value MODULE_* as defined in ...
259 */
261 void CC_CommonDecrLsbUnsignedCounter( uint32_t     *CounterBuff_ptr,
262                    uint32_t      Val,
263                    uint32_t      CounterSizeInWords);
266 /**************************************************************
267 * @brief This function compares a value of 2 large counter presented in a byte buffer.
268 *        The MSB of the counter is stored in the first cell in the array.
269 *
270 *        for example:
271 *
272 *        a counter of 64 bit : the value is :
273 *
274 *        byte[0] << 56 | byte[1] << 48 ............ byte[6] << 8 | byte[7]
275 *
276 *
277 * @param[in] CounterBuff1_ptr - The first counter buffer.
278 * @param[in] Counter1Size     - the first counter size in bytes.
279 * @param[in] CounterBuff2_ptr - The second counter buffer.
280 * @param[in] Counter2Size     - the second counter size in bytes.
281 * @param[in] SizeUnit         - the size units. 0 - bits , 1 - bytes
282 *
283 * @return result - an enum with the compare result:
284 *                                0 - both counters are identical
285 *                                1 - counter 1 is larger.
286 *                                2 - counter 2 is larger.
287 * @note This code executes in constant time, regardless of the arguments.
288 */
290 CCCommonCmpCounter_t CC_CommonCmpMsbUnsignedCounters( const uint8_t  *CounterBuff1_ptr,
291                               uint32_t  Counter1Size,
292                               const uint8_t  *CounterBuff2_ptr,
293                               uint32_t Counter2Size );
297 /**************************************************************
298 * @brief This function compares a value of 2 large counter presented in a byte buffer.
299 *        The LSB of the counter is stored in the first cell in the array.
300 *
301 *        for example:
302 *
303 *        a counter of 64 bit : the value is :
304 *
305 *        byte[7] << 56 | byte[6] << 48 ............ byte[1] << 8 | byte[0]
306 *
307 * @param[in] CounterBuff1_ptr - The first counter buffer.
308 * @param[in] Counter1Size     - the first counter size in bytes.
309 * @param[in] CounterBuff2_ptr - The second counter buffer.
310 * @param[in] Counter2Size     - the second counter size in bytes.
311 *
312 * @return result - an enum with the compare result:
313 *                                0 - both counters are identical
314 *                                1 - counter 1 is larger.
315 *                                2 - counter 2 is larger.
316 */
318 CCCommonCmpCounter_t CC_CommonCmpLsbUnsignedCounters( const uint8_t  *CounterBuff1_ptr,
319                                  size_t  Counter1Size,
320                                  const uint8_t  *CounterBuff2_ptr,
321                                  size_t Counter2Size );
325 /**************************************************************************
326 *           CC_CommonCmpLsWordsUnsignedCounters function          *
327 **************************************************************************/
328 /**
329 * @brief This function compares a value of 2 large counter presented in a word buffer.
330 *        The LSWord of the counters is stored in the first cell in the array.
331 *
332 *
333 * @param[in] CounterBuff1_ptr  - The first counter buffer.
334 * @param[in] Counter1SizeWords - the first counter size in Words.
335 * @param[in] CounterBuff2_ptr  - The second counter buffer.
336 * @param[in] Counter2SizeWords - the second counter size in Words.
337 *
338 * @return result - an enum with the compare result:
339 *                                0 - both counters are identical
340 *                                1 - counter 1 is larger.
341 *                                2 - counter 2 is larger.
342 */
343 CCCommonCmpCounter_t CC_CommonCmpLsWordsUnsignedCounters(const uint32_t  *CounterBuff1_ptr,
344                                 uint32_t   Counter1SizeWords,
345                                 const uint32_t  *CounterBuff2_ptr,
346                                 uint32_t   Counter2SizeWords);
348 /********************************************************************************
349 *
350 * @brief This function returns the effective number of bits in the byte stream counter
351 *        ( searching the highest '1' in the counter )
352 *
353 *        The function has one implementations: for little and big endian machines.
354 *
355 *        Assumed, that LSB of the counter is stored in the first cell in the array.
356 *         For example, the value of the 8-Bytes counter B is :
357 *             B[7]<<56 | B[6]<<48 ............ B[1]<<8 | B[0] .
358 *
359 *
360 * @param[in] CounterBuff_ptr -  The counter buffer.
361 * @param[in] CounterSize     -  the counter size in bytes.
362 *
363 * @return result - The effective counters size in bits.
364 */
366 uint32_t CC_CommonGetBytesCounterEffectiveSizeInBits( const uint8_t  *CounterBuff_ptr,
367                              uint32_t  CounterSize );
369 /*******************************************************************************
370 *             CC_CommonGetWordsCounterEffectiveSizeInBits                  *
371 *******************************************************************************
372 *
373 * @brief This function returns the effective number of bits in the words array
374 *        ( searching the highest '1' in the counter )
375 *
376 *        The function may works on little and big endian machines.
377 *
378 *        Assumed, that the words in array are ordered from LS word to MS word.
379 *        For LITTLE Endian machines assumed, that LSB of the each word is stored in the first
380 *        cell in the word. For example, the value of the 8-Bytes (B) counter is :
381 *             B[7]<<56 | B[6]<<48 ............ B[1]<<8 | B[0]
382 *
383 *        For BIG Endian machines assumed, that MS byte of each word is stored in the first
384 *        cell, LS byte is stored in the last place of the word.
385 *        For example, the value of the 64 bit counter is :
386 *         B[3] << 56 | B[2] << 48 B[1] << 8 | B[0],  B[7]<<56 | B[6]<<48 | B[5]<<8 | B[4]
387 *
388 *     NOTE !!: 1. For BIG Endian the counter buffer and its size must be aligned to 4-bytes word.
389 *
390 * @param[in] CounterBuff_ptr   -  The counter buffer.
391 * @param[in] CounterSizeWords  -  The counter size in words.
392 *
393 * @return result - The effective counters size in bits.
394 *
395 */
396 uint32_t CC_CommonGetWordsCounterEffectiveSizeInBits( const uint32_t  *CounterBuff_ptr,
397                              uint32_t   CounterSizeWords);
399 /********************************************************************************
400 * @brief This function divides a vector by 2 - in a secured way
401 *
402 *        The LSB of the vector is stored in the first cell in the array.
403 *
404 *        for example:
405 *
406 *        a vector of 128 bit : the value is :
407 *
408 *        word[3] << 96 | word[2] << 64 ............ word[1] << 32 | word[0]
409 *
410 * @param[in] VecBuff_ptr     -  The vector buffer.
411 * @param[in] SizeInWords     -  the counter size in words.
412 *
413 * @return result - no return value.
414 */
415 void CC_CommonDivideVectorBy2(uint32_t *VecBuff_ptr,uint32_t SizeInWords);
418 /********************************************************************************
419 * @brief This function shifts left a big endian vector by Shift - bits (Shift < 8).
420 *
421 *        The MSB of the vector is stored in the first cell in the array,
422 *
423 *        For example, a vector of 128 bit is :
424 *
425 *        byte[n-1] | byte[n-2] ... byte[1] | byte[0]
426 *
427 * @param[in] VecBuff_ptr     -  The vector buffer.
428 * @param[in] SizeInBytes     -  The counter size in bytes.
429 * @param[in] Shift           -  The number of shift left bits, must be < 8.
430 * @return no return value.
431 */
433 void CC_CommonShiftLeftBigEndVector(uint8_t *VecBuff_ptr,uint32_t SizeInBytes, int8_t Shift);
436 /*******************************************************************************
437 *                      CC_CommonShiftRightVector                            *
438 *******************************************************************************
439 * @brief This function shifts right a vector by Shift - bits (Shift < 8).
440 *
441 *        The LSB of the vector is stored in the first cell in the array.
442 *        For example, a vector of 128 bit is :
443 *
444 *        byte[n-1] | byte[n-2] ... byte[1] | byte[0]
445 *
446 * @param[in] VecBuff_ptr     -  The vector buffer.
447 * @param[in] SizeInBytes     -  The counter size in bytes.
448 * @param[in] Shift           -  The number of shift left bits, must be < 8.
449 * @return no return value.
450 */
451 void CC_CommonShiftRightVector(uint8_t *VecBuff_ptr, uint32_t SizeInBytes, int8_t Shift);
454 /******************************************************************************
455 *                      CC_CommonShiftLeftVector                            *
456 ******************************************************************************
457 * @brief This function shifts left a vector by Shift - bits (Shift < 8).
458 *
459 *        The LSB of the vector is stored in the first cell in the array.
460 *        For example, a vector of 128 bit is :
461 *
462 *        byte[n-1] | byte[n-2] ... byte[1] | byte[0]
463 *
464 * @param[in] VecBuff_ptr     -  The vector buffer.
465 * @param[in] SizeInBytes     -  The counter size in bytes.
466 * @param[in] Shift           -  The number of shift left bits, must be < 8.
467 * @return no return value.
468 */
469 void CC_CommonShiftLeftVector(uint8_t *VecBuff_ptr,uint32_t SizeInBytes, int8_t Shift);
472 /**************************************************************
473 * @brief This function adds 2 vectors ( A+B).
474 *
475 * @param[in] A_ptr       -  input vector A.
476 * @param[in] B_ptr       -  input vector B.
477 * @param[in] SizeInWords - The size in words
478 * @param[in] Res_ptr     - The result pointer
479 *
480 * @return result  - Carry from high words addition.
481 */
483 uint32_t  CC_CommonAdd2vectors (
484                            uint32_t *A_ptr,
485                uint32_t *B_ptr,
486                uint32_t SizeInWords,
487                uint32_t *Res_ptr );
490 /*******************************************************************************
491 *                      CC_CommonSubtractUintArrays                         *
492 *******************************************************************************
494 * @brief This function subtracts two little endian words arrays of length
495   SizeInWords:  Res = (A - B) and returns Borrow from subtracting of high
496   words.
497 *
498 * @param[in] A_ptr       -  input vector A.
499 * @param[in] B_ptr       -  input vector B.
500 * @param[in] SizeInWords -  size in words
501 * @param[in] Res_ptr     -  result pointer
502 *
503 * @return  Borrow from high words subtracting.
504 */
506 uint32_t CC_CommonSubtractUintArrays(const uint32_t *A_ptr,
507                   uint32_t *B_ptr,
508                   uint32_t  SizeInWords,
509                   uint32_t *Res_ptr );
511 /*******************************************************************************
512 *                      CC_CommonAddTwoLsbUint8Vectors                      *
513 *******************************************************************************
514 *
515 * @brief This function adds two little endian vectors Res = (A + B) and returns carry.
516 *
517 *
518 * @param[in] A_ptr       -  input vector A.
519 * @param[in] B_ptr       -  input vector B.
520 * @param[in] SizeInWords -  size in words
521 * @param[in] Res_ptr     -  result pointer
522 *
523 * @return - carry from adding of two high bytes.
524 */
526 uint32_t CC_CommonAddTwoLsbUint8Vectors(
527                   uint8_t  *A_ptr,
528                   uint8_t  *B_ptr,
529                   uint32_t  VectSizeInBytes,
530                   uint8_t  *Res_ptr );
533 /*******************************************************************************
534 *                      CC_CommonSubtractMSBUint8Arrays                     *
535 *******************************************************************************
537 * @brief This function subtracts two big endian byte arrays.
538 *
539 *   Assuming:  SizeA >= SizeB.
540 *              Size of result buffer is not less, than sizeA.
541 *
542 * @param[in] A_ptr       -  Pointer to input vector A.
543 * @param[in] sizeA       -  Size in bytes of each of vector A.
544 * @param[in] B_ptr       -  Pointer to input vector B.
545 * @param[in] sizeB       -  Size in bytes of each of vector B.
546 * @param[in] Res_ptr     -  result pointer
547 *
548 * @return  Borrow from high byte of vector A.
549 */
550 uint8_t CC_CommonSubtractMSBUint8Arrays(
551                   uint8_t  *A_ptr,
552                   uint32_t  sizeA,
553                   uint8_t  *B_ptr,
554                   uint32_t  sizeB,
555                   uint8_t  *Res_ptr );
559 #ifdef __cplusplus
560 }
561 #endif
563 #endif