1 /*
2  * Copyright 2021-2023 NXP
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5  */
7 #ifndef CANEXCEL_IP_H_
8 #define CANEXCEL_IP_H_
10 /**
11 *   @file CanEXCEL_Ip.h
12 *
13 *   @addtogroup CanEXCEL
14 *   @{
15 */
17 #ifdef __cplusplus
18 extern "C"{
19 #endif
20 /*==================================================================================================
21 *                                        INCLUDE FILES
22 * 1) system and project includes
23 * 2) needed interfaces from external units
24 * 3) internal and external interfaces from this unit
25 ==================================================================================================*/
26 #include "CanEXCEL_Ip_DevReg.h"
27 #include "CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h"
29 /*==================================================================================================
30 *                              SOURCE FILE VERSION INFORMATION
31 ==================================================================================================*/
32 #define CANEXCEL_IP_VENDOR_ID_H                      43
36 #define CANEXCEL_IP_SW_MAJOR_VERSION_H               1
37 #define CANEXCEL_IP_SW_MINOR_VERSION_H               0
38 #define CANEXCEL_IP_SW_PATCH_VERSION_H               0
40 /*==================================================================================================
41 *                                     FILE VERSION CHECKS
42 ==================================================================================================*/
43 /* Check if current file and CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h are of the same vendor */
45     #error "CanEXCEL_Ip.h and CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h have different vendor ids"
46 #endif
47 /* Check if current file and CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h are of the same Autosar version */
51     )
52     #error "AutoSar Version Numbers of CanEXCEL_Ip.h and CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h are different"
53 #endif
54 /* Check if current file and CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h are of the same Software version */
58     )
59     #error "Software Version Numbers of CanEXCEL_Ip.h and CanEXCEL_Ip_Types.h are different"
60 #endif
61 /*==================================================================================================
62 *                                          CONSTANTS
63 ==================================================================================================*/
65 /*==================================================================================================
66 *                                      DEFINES AND MACROS
67 ==================================================================================================*/
68 #define CANEXCEL_IP_MB_RXFIFO    255U
69 /*==================================================================================================
70 *                                GLOBAL VARIABLE DECLARATIONS
71 ==================================================================================================*/
73 #include "Can_43_CANEXCEL_MemMap.h"
74 /* Calling the external Configuration symbols defined by CanExcel_Ip_Cfg.h */
77 #include "Can_43_CANEXCEL_MemMap.h"
80 #include "Can_43_CANEXCEL_MemMap.h"
83 #include "Can_43_CANEXCEL_MemMap.h"
84 /*==================================================================================================
85 *                                    FUNCTION PROTOTYPES
86 ==================================================================================================*/
88 #include "Can_43_CANEXCEL_MemMap.h"
89 /**
90  *  @brief Initializes the CanEXCEL peripheral.
91  *  @details This function will config CanEXCEL module and will leave the module in freeze mode.
92  *  @param[in] instance              A CanEXCEL instance number
93  *  @param[in\out] pState            Pointer to the CanEXCEL driver state structure.
94  *  @param[in] Config                The CanEXCEL platform configuration data
95  *  @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull;<br>
96  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if other error occurred;<br>
97  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
98  */
99 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_Init(uint8 instance, const Canexcel_Ip_ConfigType * Config, Canexcel_Ip_StateType * pState);
100 /**
101  *  @brief     Sets the CanEXCEL Rx individual mask for descriptor
102  *  @details   This function will set directly the mask value as is provided.
103  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
104  *  @param[in] descNo    Index of the message descriptor
105  *  @param[in] frameType Message format type
106  *  @param[in] mask      Mask value
107  *  @note      This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
108  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
109  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the instance is not in Freeze Mode.
110  */
111 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetRxIndividualMask(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, Canexcel_Ip_FrameType frameType, uint32 mask);
112 /**
113  *  @brief     CanEXCEL config XL Message for Tx with Id, SDT, VCAN, length
114  *  @details   This function will config transmit parameters form Canexcel_DataInfoType and
115  *             the message Id
116  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
117  *  @param[in] mbIdx     Index of the message descriptor
118  *  @param[in] id        ID of the message to transmit
119  *  @param[in] info      Data info
120  *  @param[in\out] TxMsg The CanEXCEL transmit message buffer pointer.
121  *  @return    none
122  */
123 void Canexcel_Ip_ConfigXlTx(uint8 instance, uint8 mbIdx, uint32 id,const Canexcel_Ip_DataInfoType * info, Canexcel_TxXlMsgType * TxMsg);
124 /**
125  *  @brief     CanEXCEL receive message descriptor field configuration
126  *  @details   This function will config receive parameters form Canexcel_DataInfoType and
127  *             the message Id, and can overwritte another MB status.
128  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
129  *  @param[in] descNo   Index of the message descriptor
130  *  @param[in] info     Data info
131  *  @param[in] msg_id   ID of the message to transmit
132  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
133  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
134  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_BUSY if the descriptor is full.
135  */
136 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigRx(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, uint32 msgId,const Canexcel_Ip_DataInfoType * info);
137 /**
138  *  @brief     Set the CanEXCEL message buffer storage pointer for the descriptor
139  *  @details   This function will config receive message address for the descriptor where the CanEXCEL to store the received data.
140  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
141  *  @param[in] descNo   Index of the message descriptor
142  *  @param[in] rxPtrList Pointer to the message buffer
143  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
144  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
145  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the descriptor is not empty or inactive.
146  */
147 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_RxDescriptor(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, uint32 rxPtrList);
149 /**
150  *  @brief     Set the CanEXCEL message buffer storage pointer for the descriptor
151  *  @details   This function will config transmit message address for the descriptor where the CanEXCEL data to be sent are stored.
152  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
153  *  @param[in] descNo   Index of the message descriptor
154  *  @param[in] txPtrList Pointer to the message buffer in ram
155  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
156  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
157  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the descriptor is not empty or inactive.
158  */
159 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_TxDescriptor(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, uint32 txPtrList);
160 /**
161  *  @brief Receives a CAN Classic or FD frame using the specified message buffer.
162  *  @details This function receives a CAN frame using a configured message descriptor. The function
163  *           returns immediately.
164  *  @param[in] instance  A CanEXCEL instance number
165  *  @param[in] descNo    Index of the message descriptor
166  *  @param[out] RxMsg    The CanEXCEL receive message buffer pointer.
167  *  @param[in] isPolling If the message will be received using pooling(true) or interrupt(false).
168  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
169  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
170  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the descriptor is not empty or inactive.
171  */
172 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ReceiveFD(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, const Canexcel_RxFdMsg * RxMsg, boolean isPolling);
173 /**
174  *  @brief Receives a CAN XL frame using the specified message buffer.
175  *  @details This function receives a CAN frame using a configured message descriptor. The function
176  *           returns immediately.
177  *  @param[in] instance  A CanEXCEL instance number
178  *  @param[in] descNo    Index of the message descriptor
179  *  @param[out] RxMsg    The CanEXCEL receive message buffer pointer.
180  *  @param[in] isPolling If the message will be received using pooling(true) or interrupt(false).
181  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
182  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
183  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the descriptor is not empty or inactive.
184  */
185 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ReceiveXL(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, const Canexcel_RxXlMsg * RxMsg, boolean isPolling);
186 /**
187  *  @brief     Sends a CAN Classic or FD frame using the specified message buffer.
188  *  @details   This function configure parameters form Canexcel_DataInfoType, ID and sends data as CAN frame using a specified message buffer.
189  *  @note      This function doesn't support to work with Transceiver mode PWM.
190  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
191  *  @param[in] mbIdx   Index of the message descriptor
192  *  @param[in] info  Data info
193  *  @param[in] id   ID of the message to transmit
194  *  @param[in] dataPtr  Data Bytes of the CAN message .
195  *  @param[in] TxMsg    Pointer of the FD Tx Message.
196  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
197  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
198  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if listen only mode or PWM transceiver mode is active.
199  */
200 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SendFDMsg(uint8 instance, uint8 mbIdx,const Canexcel_Ip_DataInfoType * info, uint32 id,const uint8 * dataPtr, Canexcel_TxFdMsgType * TxMsg);
201 /**
202  *  @brief     Sends a CAN XL frame using the specified message buffer.
203  *  @details   This function configure parameters form Canexcel_DataInfoType, ID and sends data as CAN frame using a specified message buffer.
204  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
205  *  @param[in] mbIdx   Index of the message descriptor
206  *  @param[in] info  Data info
207  *  @param[in] id   ID of the message to transmit
208  *  @param[in] dataPtr  Data Bytes of the CAN message .
209  *  @param[in] TxMsg    Pointer of the XL Tx Message.
210  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
211  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
212  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if listen only mode is active.
213  */
214 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SendXLMsg(uint8 instance, uint8 mbIdx,const Canexcel_Ip_DataInfoType * info, uint32 id,const uint8 * dataPtr, Canexcel_TxXlMsgType * TxMsg);
215 /**
216  * @brief Returns whether the previous CanEXCEL transfer has finished.
217  *
218  * When performing an async transfer, call this function to ascertain the state of the
219  * current transfer: in progress (or busy) or complete (success).
220  *
221  * @param[in] instance The CanEXCEL instance number.
222  * @param[in] descIdx  The index of the message descriptor.
223  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_NO_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS if no transfer initiated;
224  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_BUSY if a resource is busy;
225  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR in case of a OverRun error transfer;
226  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if a successful transfer finished.
227  */
228 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_GetTransferStatus(uint8 instance, uint8 descIdx);
229 /**
230  *  @brief     Enter CanEXCEL Module in Freeze Mode.
231  *  @details   This function will suspend bus activity of CanEXCEL module and
232  *             set it to Freeze Mode to allow module configuration.
233  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
234  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
235  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in the configured timeout value.<br>
236  *
237  */
238 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_EnterFreezeMode(uint8 instance);
239 /**
240  *  @brief     Exit CanEXCEL Module from Freeze Mode.
241  *  @details   This function will allow CanEXCEL module to participate to the BUS activity and
242  *             restore normal opertaion of the driver.
243  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
244  *  @note      This function should be called from FreezeMode.
245  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
246  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in the configured timeout value.<br>
247  *
248  */
249 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ExitFreezeMode(uint8 instance);
250 /**
251  *  @brief     Check a receive event.
252  *  @details   This will check if message is received and read the message buffer or RxFifo.
253  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
254  *  @param[in] mb_idx   Index of the message buffer
255  */
256 void Canexcel_Ip_MainFunctionRead(uint8 instance, uint8 mb_idx);
257 /**
258  *  @brief     Check a Transmission event.
259  *  @details   This function will check a specific Message Descriptor have been sent of CanEXCEL module and
260  *             if was sent will reset the status of Mb and clear the status flag.
261  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
262  *  @param[in] mb_idx message buffer number
263  *
264  */
265 void Canexcel_Ip_MainFunctionWrite(uint8 instance, uint8 mb_idx);
266 /**
267  *  @brief     CanEXCEL Rx FIFO field configuration
268  *  @note This function requires the module to be in Stop or Freeze Mode.
269  *  @param[in] instance        A CanEXCEL instance number
270  *  @param[in] filterConfig Pointer to the filter configuration structure.
271  *  @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the RxFifo wasn't activated by CanExcel_Init, or the CanExcel instance is not in freeze mode;
272  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful.
273  */
274 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigRxFifo(uint8 instance,const Canexcel_Ip_RxFifoFilter * filterConfig);
275 /**
276  *  @brief     Set the CanEXCEL instance in STOP mode
277  *  @details   Set the CanEXCEL instance in STOP mode, this will prevent instance to participate to
278  *  bus transactions and allow configuration of the module.
279  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
280  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
281  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
282  */
283 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetStopMode(uint8 instance);
284 /**
285  *  @brief     Get Stop Mode Status
286  *  @details   Return if the instance is in Stop Mode
287  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
288  *  @return    True instance is in STOP Mode
289  *             False instance is not in STOP Mode
290  */
291 boolean Canexcel_Ip_GetStopMode(uint8 instance);
292 /**
293  *  @brief     Get Start Mode Status
294  *  @details   Return if the instance is in Start Mode
295  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
296  *  @return    True instance is in START Mode
297  *             False instance is not in START Mode
298  *
299  */
300 boolean Canexcel_Ip_GetStartMode(uint8 instance);
301 /**
302  * @brief Enable all interrupts configured.
303  * @details Enable all interrupts configured.
304  * @param[in]   u8Instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
305  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation;<br>
306  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the module is not in freeze Mode;<br>
307  */
308 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_EnableInterrupts(uint8 u8Instance);
309 /**
310  * @brief Disable all interrupts.
311  * @details Disable all interrupts.
312  * @param[in]   u8Instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
313  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation;<br>
314  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the module is not in freeze Mode;<br>
315  */
316 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_DisableInterrupts(uint8 u8Instance);
318 /*!
319  * @brief This function configure the timestamp settings.
320  *
321  * This function will allow to set the timestamp timer source and config the
322  * timer selected capture point for timestamp.
323  * @note  Need enable clock counter for the source selected before use Time Stamp.
324  *
325  *  @param[in] instance  A CanEXCEL instance number
326  *  @param[in] time_stamp A timestamp configuration structure
327  *  @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation;<br>
328  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if the module is not in freeze Mode;<br>
329  */
330 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigTimeStamp(uint8 instance, const Canexcel_Ip_TimeStampConf_Type * time_stamp);
331 #endif
332 /**
333  * @brief Check if the descriptor is configured for reception of XL frame or not.
334  *
335  * @param[in]   u8Instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
336  * @param[in]   descNo        A CanEXCEL decriptor number
337  */
338 boolean Canexcel_Ip_IsXLFrameType(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo);
339 /**
340  * @brief Enable\Disable an Error Interrupt
341  * @note This function need to be call after the CANXL Instance is in FreezeMode
342  *
343  * @param[in]   u8Instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
344  * @param[in]   type          Error type for wich to cofig the Interrupt
345  * @param[in]   enable        TRUE will Enable the interrupt\FALSE will disable the interrupt
346  *
347  * @return  CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS Configured successfully.<br>
348  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR   Either interface is not in Freeze mode or not a valid error type.<br>
349  */
350 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetErrorInt(uint8 u8Instance, Canexcel_Ip_ErrorIntType type, boolean enable);
351 /**
352  * @brief Get the TxError Counter
353  *
354  * @param[in]   instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
355  * @param[out]  pValue      Pointer to a variable to return the TxError Counter Value
356  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR    It can not update and get the TxError Status
357  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT  The device fail to react in configured time
358  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Successfully get the TxError counter value
359  */
360 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_GetControllerTxErrorCounter(uint8 instance, uint8 * pValue);
361 /**
362  * @brief Get the RxError Counter.
363  *
364  * @param[in]   instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
365  * @param[out]  pValue      Pointer to a variable to return the RxError Counter Value
366  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR    It can not update and get the RxError Status
367  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT  The device fail to react in configured time
368  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Successfully get the RxError counter value
369  */
370 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_GetControllerRxErrorCounter(uint8 instance, uint8 * pValue);
371 /**
372  * @brief Get the CanEXCEL Controller Status.
373  *
374  * @param[in]   instance    A CanEXCEL instance number
375  * @param[out]  pValue      Pointer to a variable to return the Controller Status
376  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR    It can not update and get the Status
377  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT  The device fail to react in configured time
378  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Successfully update and get the Controller Status
379  */
380 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_GetControllerStatus(uint8 instance, uint8 * pValue);
381 /**
382  *  @brief      Clear Error Status of CanEXCEL
383  *  @details    This function will clear the error status from SYSS register in SIC module.
384  *              For exact mapping of errors please refere to RM(Reference Manual)
385  *              on CanEXCEL SIC->SYSS register description.
386  *  @param[in]  instance: A CanEXCEL instance number
387  *  @param[in]  error: errors flags to be cleared
388  */
389 void Canexcel_Ip_ClearErrorStatus(uint8 instance, uint32 error);
390 /**
391  *  @brief     Check a bus-off event.
392  *  @details   This function will update the CanEXCEL Status and check bus activity of CanEXCEL module and
393  *             if a bus off event is detected will report it through callback CANEXCEL_EVENT_BUSOFF.
394  *  @param[in] instance A CanEXCEL instance number
395  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful busoff and sucessfully update the status<br>
396  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if no busoff event detected;<br>
397  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to get the status in configured time<br>
398  *
399  */
400 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_MainFunctionBusOff(uint8 instance);
401 /*!
402  * @brief Recover manually from bus-off if possible.
403  * @note This function should be used when bus-off auto recovery disabled and controller is in START mode.
404  * The function Canexcel_Ip_GetErrorStatus can be used to check FLTCONF bits to check if bus-off state is exited or not.
405  *
406  * @param[in]   instance A CanEXCEL instance number
407  * @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation or the controller wasn't in bus-off.<br>
408  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if bus-off auto recovery enabled.<br>
409  *         CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to recover in configured time<br>
410  */
411 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ManualBusOffRecovery(uint8 instance);
412 /**
413  * @brief Sets the bit rate for the data phase of FD frames.
414  * @details This function requests the CanExcel module to be Freeze Mode and FD mode enabled.
415  * @param[in]   Instance            CanExcel instance number.
416  * @param[in]   TimeSeg             Pointer to the bit rate settings.
417  * @param[in]   BitRateSwitch       Enable/disable bit rate switching.
418  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
419  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
420  */
421 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetFDBaudRate(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_TimeSegmentType * TimeSeg, boolean BitRateSwitch);
422 /**
423  * @brief Sets the bit rate for the data phase of XL frames.
424  * @details This function requests the CanExcel module to be Freeze Mode and XL mode enabled.
425  * @param[in]   Instance    CanExcel instance number.
426  * @param[in]   TimeSeg     Pointer to the bit rate settings.
427  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
428  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
429  */
430 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetXLBaudRate(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_TimeSegmentType * TimeSeg);
431 /**
432  * @brief Sets the bit rate for the nomimal phase of classical frame and in the arbitration phase of a FD or XL frame.
433  * @details This function requests the CanExcel module to be Freeze Mode.
434  * @param[in]   Instance    CanExcel instance number.
435  * @param[in]   TimeSeg     Pointer to the bit rate settings.
436  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
437  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
438  */
439 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetBaudRate(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_TimeSegmentType * TimeSeg);
440 /**
441  * @brief Gets the bit rate for the data phase of FD frames.
442  * @details Gets the bit rate for the data phase of FD frames.
443  * @param[in]   Instance    CanExcel instance number.
444  * @param[out]  TimeSeg     Pointer to the bit rate settings.
445  */
446 void Canexcel_Ip_GetFDBaudRate(uint8 Instance, Canexcel_Ip_TimeSegmentType * TimeSeg);
447 /**
448  * @brief Gets the bit rate for the data phase of XL frames.
449  * @details Gets the bit rate for the data phase of XL frames.
450  * @param[in]   Instance    CanExcel instance number.
451  * @param[out]   TimeSeg     Pointer to the bit rate settings.
452  */
453 void Canexcel_Ip_GetXLBaudRate(uint8 Instance, Canexcel_Ip_TimeSegmentType * TimeSeg);
454 /**
455  * @brief Gets the bit rate for the nomimal phase of classical frame and in the arbitration phase of a FD or XL frame.
456  * @details Gets the bit rate for the nomimal phase of classical frame and in the arbitration phase of a FD or XL frame.
457  * @param[in]   Instance    CanExcel instance number.
458  * @param[out]   TimeSeg     Pointer to the bit rate settings.
459  */
460 void Canexcel_Ip_GetBaudRate(uint8 Instance, Canexcel_Ip_TimeSegmentType * TimeSeg);
461 /**
462  *  @brief     Enable\Disable listen Only Mode
463  *  @details   This function will Enable or Disable listen Only Mode.
464  *  @note      This function should be called from FreezeMode.
465  *  @param[in] Instance   Instance number
466  *  @param[in] Enable     Enable\Disable Listen Only mode
467  *  @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
468  *             CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
469  *
470  */
471 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetListenOnlyMode(uint8 Instance, boolean Enable);
472 /**
473  *  @brief     Get the Status of Listen Only Mode
474  *  @details   This function will return True if Listen Only Mode
475  *             is Enable or False if is Disable.
476  *  @param[in] Instance   instance number
477  *  @return    True if Listen Only Mode is Enabled
478  *             False if Listen Only Mode is Disabled.
479  *
480  */
481 boolean Canexcel_Ip_GetListenOnlyMode(uint8 Instance);
482 /**
483  * @brief Enables/Disables the FD Transceiver Delay Compensation feature and sets
484  * the FD Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset.
485  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
486  * When the transceiver delay measurement is enabled, the secondary sample point position is determined by the sum of the transceiver delay measurement plus the CAN XL TDC offset.
487  * When the transceiver delay measurement is disabled, the secondary sample point position is determined CAN XL TDC offset only.
488  * @param[in]   Instance        A CanExcel instance number
489  * @param[in]   TDCEnable       Enable/Disable Transceiver Delay Compensation
490  * @param[in]   TDCMEnable      Enable/Disable Transceiver Delay Compensation Measurement
491  * @param[in]   Offset          Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset
492  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
493  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
494  */
495 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetTDCOffsetFD(uint8 Instance, boolean TDCEnable, boolean TDCMEnable, uint8 Offset);
496 /**
497  * @brief Enables/Disables the XL Transceiver Delay Compensation feature and sets
498  * the XL Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset.
499  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
500  * When the transceiver delay measurement is enabled, the secondary sample point position is determined by the sum of the transceiver delay measurement plus the CAN XL TDC offset.
501  * When the transceiver delay measurement is disabled, the secondary sample point position is determined CAN XL TDC offset only.
502  * @param[in]   Instance        A CanExcel instance number
503  * @param[in]   TDCEnable       Enable/Disable Transceiver Delay Compensation
504  * @param[in]   TDCMEnable      Enable/Disable Transceiver Delay Compensation Measurement
505  * @param[in]   Offset          Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset
506  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
507  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
508  */
509 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_SetTDCOffsetXL(uint8 Instance, boolean TDCEnable, boolean TDCMEnable, uint8 Offset);
510 /**
511  * @brief Configures Pwm phases for Pwm symbol.
512  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
513  * @note    When PWM mode enabled:
514  *          -  protocol exception must be enabled also
515  *          -  PWMS must be in range [1:63]
516  *          -  PWML must be in range [1:63]
517  *          -  PWMO must be in range [0:63]
518  *
519  * @param[in]   Instance         A CanExcel instance number
520  * @param[in]   Config           Transceiver configuration data
521  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
522  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
523  */
524 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigTransceiverMode(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_TransceiverModeType * Config);
525 /**
526  * @brief Configures Acceptance Filters for MDs on FiltersBank0.
527  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
528  * @note    The filters are for every bank individualy set.
529  *
530  * @param[in]   Instance         A CanExcel instance number
531  * @param[in]   Config           Filter configurations for AFs, SDUs and VCANs
532  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
533  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
534  */
535 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigAccFltBank0(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_BankFilter * Config);
536 /**
537  * @brief Configures Acceptance Filters for MDs on FiltersBank1.
538  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
539  * @note    The filters are for every bank individualy set.
540  *
541  * @param[in]   Instance         A CanExcel instance number
542  * @param[in]   Config           Filter configurations for AFs, SDUs and VCANs
543  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
544  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
545  */
546 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigAccFltBank1(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_BankFilter * Config);
547 /**
548  * @brief Configures Rejection Filters for MDs on FiltersBank0.
549  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
550  * @note    The filters are for every bank individualy set.
551  *
552  * @param[in]   Instance         A CanExcel instance number
553  * @param[in]   Config           Filter configurations for AFs, SDUs and VCANs
554  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
555  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
556  */
557 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigRejFltBank0(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_BankFilter * Config);
558 /**
559  * @brief Configures Rejection Filters for MDs on FiltersBank1.
560  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
561  * @note    The filters are for every bank individualy set.
562  *
563  * @param[in]   Instance         A CanExcel instance number
564  * @param[in]   Config           Filter configurations for AFs, SDUs and VCANs
565  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
566  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
567  */
568 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigRejFltBank1(uint8 Instance, const Canexcel_Ip_BankFilter * Config);
569 /**
570  * @brief   Configures Acceptance Address filter for a desired filter number
571  * @details This function request the CanExcel module to be in Freeze Mode.
572  * @note    If the filter position is higher than the 31 it measn it is alocated in filter bank1 and is position
573  *          in the filter bank is (filterNo - 32). If is lower than 32 represents the filter position from bank0.
574  *          This function requires CanEXCEL instance to be set in FreezeMode.
575  * @param[in]       Instance         A CanExcel instance number
576  * @param[in]       filterValue      Filter configurations for AFs
577  * @param[in\out]   filterNo         The filer position allocated from memory filter bank
578  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
579  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE no available filter postion to set the filter.<br>
580  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set; Because is not in freezeMode;<br>
581  */
582 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_ConfigAccAddrFilter(uint8 Instance,const Canexcel_Ip_RxFifoFilterID_ADDR * filterValue, uint8 * filterNo);
583 /**
584  * @brief   This function return the HardWare status of a specific Message Descriptor
585  * @param[in]       Instance         A CanExcel instance number
586  * @param[in]       descNo           A descriptor Number
587  * @param[in/out]   sysPoint         Pointer where to return the number of the Pushed Messages in the descriptor
588  * @param[in/out]   hwPoint          Pointer where to return the number of the HW processed Messages already pushed.
589  * @return   CANEXCEL_DESC_STATE_INACTIVE the descriptor is not used.
590              CANEXCEL_DESC_STATE_EMPTY No pushed Messages in descriptor.
591              CANEXCEL_DESC_STATE_NOTFULL Can be push more messages in descriptor
592              CANEXCEL_DESC_STATE_FULL The descriptor is full no more Messages can't be push
593              CANEXCEL_DESC_STATE_OVERRUN Have been pushed more messages than the Depth of the Descriptor.
594  */
595 Canexcel_Ip_DescState Canexcel_Ip_GetDescriptorStatus(uint8 Instance, uint8 descNo, uint8 * sysPoint, uint8 * hwPoint);
596 /**
597  * @brief   This function Enable\Disable Interrput for a specific Message Descriptor
598  * @param[in]       Instance         A CanExcel instance number
599  * @param[in]       descNo           A descriptor Number to activate\deactivate interrupt
600  * @param[in]       enable           TRUE  Enables Interrupt
601  *                                   FALSE Disables Interrupt
602  */
603 void Canexcel_Ip_SetMsgBuffInterrupt(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo, boolean enable);
604 /**
605  * @brief   Return the Interrupt Status Flag of a Message Descriptor
606  * @param[in]       instance         A CanExcel instance number
607  * @param[in]       descNo           A descriptor Number to activate\deactivate interrupt
608  * @return       The Interrupt Status Flag Value.
609  */
610 uint8 Canexcel_Ip_GetMsgDescIntStatusFlag(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo);
611 /**
612  * @brief De-activates the given Message Descriptor.
613  * @details This function shall de-activate given Message descriptor and it can't participate in the message Tx or Rx process.
614  * @note    The system pointer and hardware pointer of the Message descriptor equal to zero after de-activation.
615  *
616  * @param[in]   instance         A CanExcel instance number
617  * @param[in]   descNo           the Message Descriptor index
618  * @return    CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
619  *            CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to set;<br>
620  */
621 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_DeactivateMD(uint8 instance, uint8 descNo);
622 /**
623  *  @brief DeInitializes the CanEXCEL peripheral.
624  *  @details This function will reset CanEXCEL module at reset Values.
625  *  @param[in] u8Instance            A CanEXCEL instance number
626  *  @return CANEXCEL_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull;<br>
627  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_ERROR if other error occurred;<br>
628  *          CANEXCEL_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
629  */
630 Canexcel_Ip_StatusType Canexcel_Ip_Deinit(uint8 u8Instance);
633 #include "Can_43_CANEXCEL_MemMap.h"
634 #ifdef __cplusplus
635 }
636 #endif /* __cplusplus */
638 /** @} */
640 #endif /* CANEXCEL_IP_H_ */