1 /** @file
2  *  @brief Generic Attribute Profile handling.
3  */
5 /*
6  * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
7  *
8  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
9  */
13 /**
14  * @brief Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
15  * @details The GATT layer manages the service database by providing APIs for
16  *          service registration and attribute declaration. For more
17  *          information, see @ref bt_gatt_client and @ref bt_gatt_server.
18  * @defgroup bt_gatt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
19  * @ingroup bluetooth
20  * @{
21  */
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 #include <stddef.h>
26 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #include <zephyr/sys/slist.h>
29 #include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
30 #include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
31 #include <zephyr/bluetooth/uuid.h>
32 #include <zephyr/bluetooth/att.h>
33 #include <zephyr/sys/iterable_sections.h>
35 #ifdef __cplusplus
36 extern "C" {
37 #endif
39 /** GATT attribute permission bit field values */
40 enum bt_gatt_perm {
41 	/** No operations supported, e.g. for notify-only */
44 	/** Attribute read permission. */
47 	/** Attribute write permission. */
50 	/** @brief Attribute read permission with encryption.
51 	 *
52 	 *  If set, requires encryption for read access.
53 	 */
56 	/** @brief Attribute write permission with encryption.
57 	 *
58 	 *  If set, requires encryption for write access.
59 	 */
62 	/** @brief Attribute read permission with authentication.
63 	 *
64 	 *  If set, requires encryption using authenticated link-key for read
65 	 *  access.
66 	 */
69 	/** @brief Attribute write permission with authentication.
70 	 *
71 	 *  If set, requires encryption using authenticated link-key for write
72 	 *  access.
73 	 */
76 	/** @brief Attribute prepare write permission.
77 	 *
78 	 *  If set, allows prepare writes with use of ``BT_GATT_WRITE_FLAG_PREPARE``
79 	 *  passed to write callback.
80 	 */
83 	/** @brief Attribute read permission with LE Secure Connection encryption.
84 	 *
85 	 *  If set, requires that LE Secure Connections is used for read access.
86 	 */
89 	/** @brief Attribute write permission with LE Secure Connection encryption.
90 	 *
91 	 *  If set, requires that LE Secure Connections is used for write access.
92 	 */
94 };
96 /**
97  *  @brief Construct error return value for attribute read and write callbacks.
98  *
99  *  @param _att_err ATT error code
100  *
101  *  @return Appropriate error code for the attribute callbacks.
102  */
103 #define BT_GATT_ERR(_att_err) (-(_att_err))
105 /** GATT attribute write flags */
106 enum bt_gatt_attr_write_flag {
107 	/** @brief Attribute prepare write flag
108 	 *
109 	 * If set, write callback should only check if the device is
110 	 * authorized but no data shall be written.
111 	 */
114 	/** @brief Attribute write command flag
115 	 *
116 	 * If set, indicates that write operation is a command (Write without
117 	 * response) which doesn't generate any response.
118 	 */
121 	/** @brief Attribute write execute flag
122 	 *
123 	 * If set, indicates that write operation is a execute, which indicates
124 	 * the end of a long write, and will come after 1 or more
126 	 */
128 };
130 /* Forward declaration of GATT Attribute structure */
131 struct bt_gatt_attr;
133 /** @typedef bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t
134  *  @brief Attribute read callback
135  *
136  *  This is the type of the bt_gatt_attr.read() method.
137  *
138  *  This function may safely assume the Attribute Permissions
139  *  are satisfied for this read. Callers are responsible for
140  *  this.
141  *
142  *  Callers may set @p conn to emulate a GATT client read, or
143  *  leave it NULL for local reads.
144  *
145  *  @note GATT server relies on this method to handle read
146  *  operations from remote GATT clients. But this method is not
147  *  reserved for the GATT server. E.g. You can lookup attributes
148  *  in the local ATT database and invoke this method.
149  *
150  *  @note The GATT server propagates the return value from this
151  *  method back to the remote client.
152  *
153  *  @param conn   The connection that is requesting to read.
154  *                NULL if local.
155  *  @param attr   The attribute that's being read
156  *  @param buf    Buffer to place the read result in
157  *  @param len    Length of data to read
158  *  @param offset Offset to start reading from
159  *
160  *  @return Number of bytes read, or in case of an error
161  *          ``BT_GATT_ERR()`` with a specific ``BT_ATT_ERR_*`` error code.
162  */
163 typedef ssize_t (*bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn,
164 					    const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
165 					    void *buf, uint16_t len,
166 					    uint16_t offset);
168 /** @typedef bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t
169  *  @brief Attribute Value write implementation
170  *
171  *  This is the type of the bt_gatt_attr.write() method.
172  *
173  *  This function may safely assume the Attribute Permissions
174  *  are satisfied for this write. Callers are responsible for
175  *  this.
176  *
177  *  Callers may set @p conn to emulate a GATT client write, or
178  *  leave it NULL for local writes.
179  *
180  *  If @p flags contains @ref BT_GATT_WRITE_FLAG_PREPARE, then
181  *  the method shall not perform a write, but instead only check
182  *  if the write is authorized and return an error code if not.
183  *
184  *  Attribute Value write implementations can and often do have
185  *  side effects besides potentially storing the value. E.g.
186  *  togging an LED.
187  *
188  *  @note GATT server relies on this method to handle write
189  *  operations from remote GATT clients. But this method is not
190  *  reserved for the GATT server. E.g. You can lookup attributes
191  *  in the local ATT database and invoke this method.
192  *
193  *  @note The GATT server propagates the return value from this
194  *  method back to the remote client.
195  *
196  *  @param conn   The connection that is requesting to write
197  *  @param attr   The attribute that's being written
198  *  @param buf    Buffer with the data to write
199  *  @param len    Number of bytes in the buffer
200  *  @param offset Offset to start writing from
201  *  @param flags  Flags of type @ref bt_gatt_attr_write_flag
202  *
203  *  @return Number of bytes written, or in case of an error
204  *          ``BT_GATT_ERR()`` with a specific ``BT_ATT_ERR_*`` error code.
205  */
206 typedef ssize_t (*bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn,
207 					     const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
208 					     const void *buf, uint16_t len,
209 					     uint16_t offset, uint8_t flags);
211 /** @brief GATT Attribute
212  *
213  *  This type primarily represents an ATT Attribute that may be
214  *  an entry in the local ATT database. The objects of this type
215  *  must be part of an array that forms a GATT service.
216  *
217  *  While the formed GATT service is registered with the local
218  *  GATT server, pointers to this type can typically be given to
219  *  GATT server APIs, like bt_gatt_notify().
220  */
221 struct bt_gatt_attr {
222 	/** @brief Attribute Type
223 	 *
224 	 *  The Attribute Type is a UUID which determines the interface that can
225 	 *  be expected from the read() and write() methods and
226 	 *  the possible permission configurations.
227 	 *
228 	 *  E.g. Attribute of type @ref BT_UUID_GATT_CPF will act as a
229 	 *  GATT Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor as
230 	 *  specified in Core Specification 3.G.
231 	 *
232 	 *  You can define a new Attirubute Type for your application specific
233 	 *  use by generating a new UUID for it.
234 	 */
235 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
237 	/** @brief Attribute Value read method
238 	 *
239 	 *  Readable Attributes must implement this method.
240 	 *
241 	 *  Must be NULL if the attribute is not readable.
242 	 *
243 	 *  The behavior of this method is determined by the Attribute
244 	 *  Type.
245 	 *
246 	 *  See @ref bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t.
247 	 */
248 	bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t read;
250 	/** @brief Attribute Value write method
251 	 *
252 	 *  Writeable Attributes must implement this method.
253 	 *
254 	 *  Must be NULL if the attribute is not writable.
255 	 *
256 	 *  The behavior of this method is determined by the Attribute
257 	 *  Type.
258 	 *
259 	 *  See @ref bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t.
260 	 */
261 	bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t write;
263 	/** @brief Private data for read() and write() implementation
264 	 *
265 	 *  The meaning of this field varies and is not specified here.
266 	 *
267 	 *  @note Attributes may have the same Attribute Type but have
268 	 *  different implementations, with incompatible user data.
269 	 *  Attribute Type alone must not be used to infer the type of
270 	 *  the user data.
271 	 *
272 	 *  @sa bt_gatt_discover_func_t about this field.
273 	 */
274 	void *user_data;
276 	/** @brief Attribute Handle
277 	 *
278 	 *  The Attribute Handle is an index corresponding to a specific
279 	 *  Attribute in the ATT database.
280 	 *
281 	 *  @note Use bt_gatt_attr_get_handle() for attributes in the
282 	 *  local ATT database.
283 	 */
284 	uint16_t handle;
286 	/** @brief Attribute Permissions
287 	 *
288 	 *  Bit field of @ref bt_gatt_perm.
289 	 *
290 	 *  The permissions are security requirements that must be
291 	 *  satisfied before calling read() or write().
292 	 */
293 	uint16_t perm: 15;
295 	/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
296 	 *  Indicates if the attribute handle was assigned automatically.
297 	 *
298 	 *  This flag is set to 1 if the attribute handle was assigned by the stack,
299 	 *  and 0 if it was manually set by the application.
300 	 *
301 	 *  @note Applications must not modify this field.
302 	 */
303 	bool _auto_assigned_handle: 1;
304 	/** @endcond */
305 };
307 /** @brief Static GATT Service structure
308  *
309  *  Allows the user the declare static GATT Services with the aim of reducing the
310  *  used RAM. The @ref BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE macro can be used to statically
311  *  define and register a service.
312  */
313 struct bt_gatt_service_static {
314 	/** Service Attributes */
315 	const struct bt_gatt_attr *attrs;
316 	/** Service Attribute count */
317 	size_t attr_count;
318 };
320 /** @brief GATT Service structure
321  *
322  *  This structure is used to define GATT services which can be registered and
323  *  unregistered at runtime. See @ref bt_gatt_service_register for when services
324  *  should be registered.
325  */
326 struct bt_gatt_service {
327 	/** Service Attributes */
328 	struct bt_gatt_attr *attrs;
329 	/** Service Attribute count */
330 	size_t attr_count;
331 	/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
332 	 *  Field used for list handling.
333 	 */
334 	sys_snode_t node;
335 	/** @endcond */
336 };
338 /** @brief Service Attribute Value.
339  *
340  *  This is the data described by the Attribute Type and indexed by the
341  *  Attribute Handle in the database.
342  */
343 struct bt_gatt_service_val {
344 	/** Service UUID. */
345 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
346 	/** Handle of the last Attribute within the Service. */
347 	uint16_t end_handle;
348 };
350 /** @brief Include Attribute Value.
351  *
352  *  This structure represents an included service attribute in the GATT
353  *  server. An included service is a service that is referenced within another
354  *  service, allowing for the reuse of common service definitions.
355  */
356 struct bt_gatt_include {
357 	/** Service UUID. */
358 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
359 	/** Handle of the first attribute within the included service. */
360 	uint16_t start_handle;
361 	/** Handle of the last attribute within the included service. */
362 	uint16_t end_handle;
363 };
365 /** @brief GATT callback structure. */
366 struct bt_gatt_cb {
367 	/** @brief The maximum ATT MTU on a connection has changed.
368 	 *
369 	 *  This callback notifies the application that the maximum TX or RX
370 	 *  ATT MTU has increased.
371 	 *
372 	 *  @param conn Connection object.
373 	 *  @param tx Updated TX ATT MTU.
374 	 *  @param rx Updated RX ATT MTU.
375 	 */
376 	void (*att_mtu_updated)(struct bt_conn *conn, uint16_t tx, uint16_t rx);
378 	/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
379 	 *  Field used for list handling.
380 	 */
381 	sys_snode_t node;
382 	/** @endcond */
383 };
385 /** @brief GATT authorization callback structure. */
386 struct bt_gatt_authorization_cb {
387 	/** @brief Authorize the GATT read operation.
388 	 *
389 	 *  This callback allows the application to authorize the GATT
390 	 *  read operation for the attribute that is being read.
391 	 *
392 	 *  @param conn Connection object.
393 	 *  @param attr The attribute that is being read.
394 	 *
395 	 *  @retval true  Authorize the operation and allow it to execute.
396 	 *  @retval false Reject the operation and prevent it from executing.
397 	 */
398 	bool (*read_authorize)(struct bt_conn *conn,
399 			       const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr);
401 	/** @brief Authorize the GATT write operation.
402 	 *
403 	 *  This callback allows the application to authorize the GATT
404 	 *  write operation for the attribute that is being written.
405 	 *
406 	 *  @param conn Connection object.
407 	 *  @param attr The attribute that is being written.
408 	 *
409 	 *  @retval true  Authorize the operation and allow it to execute.
410 	 *  @retval false Reject the operation and prevent it from executing.
411 	 */
412 	bool (*write_authorize)(struct bt_conn *conn,
413 				const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr);
414 };
416 /** Characteristic Properties Bit field values */
418 /**
419  *  @brief Characteristic broadcast property.
420  *
421  *  If set, permits broadcasts of the Characteristic Value using Server
422  *  Characteristic Configuration Descriptor.
423  */
424 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_BROADCAST			0x01
425 /**
426  *  @brief Characteristic read property.
427  *
428  *  If set, permits reads of the Characteristic Value.
429  */
430 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_READ			0x02
431 /**
432  *  @brief Characteristic write without response property.
433  *
434  *  If set, permits write of the Characteristic Value without response.
435  */
437 /**
438  *  @brief Characteristic write with response property.
439  *
440  *  If set, permits write of the Characteristic Value with response.
441  */
442 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_WRITE			0x08
443 /**
444  *  @brief Characteristic notify property.
445  *
446  *  If set, permits notifications of a Characteristic Value without
447  *  acknowledgment.
448  */
449 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_NOTIFY			0x10
450 /**
451  *  @brief Characteristic indicate property.
452  *
453  * If set, permits indications of a Characteristic Value with acknowledgment.
454  */
455 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_INDICATE			0x20
456 /**
457  *  @brief Characteristic Authenticated Signed Writes property.
458  *
459  *  If set, permits signed writes to the Characteristic Value.
460  */
461 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_AUTH			0x40
462 /**
463  *  @brief Characteristic Extended Properties property.
464  *
465  * If set, additional characteristic properties are defined in the
466  * Characteristic Extended Properties Descriptor.
467  */
468 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_EXT_PROP			0x80
470 /** @brief Attribute Value of a Characteristic Declaration.
471  *
472  *  This is the data associated with the characteristic, and can be read from or
473  *  written to by a GATT client depending on the characteristic properties.
474  */
475 struct bt_gatt_chrc {
476 	/** Characteristic UUID. */
477 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
478 	/** Characteristic Value handle. */
479 	uint16_t value_handle;
480 	/** Characteristic properties, a bitmap of ``BT_GATT_CHRC_*`` macros. */
481 	uint8_t	properties;
482 };
484 /** Characteristic Extended Properties Bit field values */
485 #define BT_GATT_CEP_RELIABLE_WRITE		0x0001
486 #define BT_GATT_CEP_WRITABLE_AUX		0x0002
488 /** @brief Characteristic Extended Properties Attribute Value.
489  *
490  *  Used in the discovery of standard characteristic descriptor values. Shall
491  *  exist if the @ref BT_GATT_CHRC_EXT_PROP bit is set in the characteristic
492  *  properties. Can be used with the @ref BT_GATT_CEP macro to declare the CEP
493  *  descriptor.
494  */
495 struct bt_gatt_cep {
496 	/** Characteristic Extended properties, a bitmap of ``BT_GATT_CEP_*`` macros. */
497 	uint16_t properties;
498 };
500 /** Client Characteristic Configuration Values */
502 /**
503  *  @brief Client Characteristic Configuration Notification.
504  *
505  *  If set, changes to Characteristic Value shall be notified.
506  */
507 #define BT_GATT_CCC_NOTIFY			0x0001
508 /**
509  *  @brief Client Characteristic Configuration Indication.
510  *
511  *  If set, changes to Characteristic Value shall be indicated.
512  */
513 #define BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE			0x0002
515 /** @brief Client Characteristic Configuration Attribute Value
516  *
517  *  Used in the discovery of standard characteristic descriptor values.
518  */
519 struct bt_gatt_ccc {
520 	/** Client Characteristic Configuration flags, a bitmap of ``BT_GATT_CCC_*`` macros. */
521 	uint16_t flags;
522 };
524 /** Server Characteristic Configuration Values */
526 /**
527  *  @brief Server Characteristic Configuration Broadcast
528  *
529  *  If set, the characteristic value shall be broadcast in the advertising data
530  *  when the server is advertising.
531  */
532 #define BT_GATT_SCC_BROADCAST                   0x0001
534 /** @brief Server Characteristic Configuration Attribute Value
535  *
536  *  Used in the discovery of standard characteristic descriptor values.
537  */
538 struct bt_gatt_scc {
539 	/** Server Characteristic Configuration flags, a bitmap of ``BT_GATT_SCC_*`` macros. */
540 	uint16_t flags;
541 };
543 /** @brief GATT Characteristic Presentation Format Attribute Value.
544  *
545  *  Used in the discovery of standard characteristic descriptor values. Can be
546  *  used with the @ref BT_GATT_CPF macro to declare the CPF descriptor.
547  */
548 struct bt_gatt_cpf {
549 	/** @brief Format of the value of the characteristic.
550 	 *
551 	 *  The format types can be found in section 2.4.1 of the Bluetooth SIG
552 	 *  Assigned Numbers document.
553 	 */
554 	uint8_t format;
555 	/** @brief Exponent field for value formatting.
556 	 *
557 	 *  Only used on integer format types.
558 	 *  actual value = Characteristic Value x 10^Exponent
559 	 */
560 	int8_t exponent;
561 	/** @brief UUID of the unit of the characteristic.
562 	 *
563 	 *  The units can be found in section 3.5 of the Bluetooth SIG Assigned
564 	 *  Numbers document.
565 	 */
566 	uint16_t unit;
567 	/** @brief Name space of the description.
568 	 *
569 	 *  Used to identify the organization that is responsible for defining
570 	 *  the enumerations for the description field. See section 2.4.2 of the
571 	 *  Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers document.
572 	 */
573 	uint8_t name_space;
574 	/** @brief Description of the characteristic as defined in a higher layer profile.
575 	 *
576 	 *  An enumerated value defined by the organization identified by the
577 	 *  name_space field. See section of the Bluetooth SIG Assigned
578 	 *  Numbers document.
579 	 */
580 	uint16_t description;
581 };
583 /**
584  * @defgroup bt_gatt_server GATT Server APIs
585  * @ingroup bt_gatt
586  * @{
587  */
589 /** Converts a GATT error to string.
590  *
591  * The GATT errors are created with @ref BT_GATT_ERR.
592  *
593  * The error codes are described in the Bluetooth Core specification,
594  * Vol 3, Part F, Section
595  *
596  * The ATT and GATT documentation found in Vol 4, Part F and
597  * Part G describe when the different error codes are used.
598  *
599  * See also the defined BT_ATT_ERR_* macros.
600  *
601  * @return The string representation of the GATT error code.
602  *         If @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_ERR_TO_STR} is not enabled,
603  *         this just returns the empty string.
604  */
bt_gatt_err_to_str(int gatt_err)605 static inline const char *bt_gatt_err_to_str(int gatt_err)
606 {
607 	return bt_att_err_to_str((gatt_err) < 0 ? -(gatt_err) : (gatt_err));
608 }
610 /** @brief Register GATT callbacks.
611  *
612  *  Register callbacks to monitor the state of GATT. The callback struct
613  *  must remain valid for the remainder of the program.
614  *
615  *  @param cb Callback struct.
616  */
617 void bt_gatt_cb_register(struct bt_gatt_cb *cb);
619 /** @brief Register GATT authorization callbacks.
620  *
621  *  Register callbacks to perform application-specific authorization of GATT
622  *  operations on all registered GATT attributes. The callback structure must
623  *  remain valid throughout the entire duration of the Bluetooth subsys
624  *  activity.
625  *
626  *  The @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTHORIZATION_CUSTOM} Kconfig must be enabled
627  *  to make this API functional.
628  *
629  *  This API allows the user to register only one callback structure
630  *  concurrently. Passing NULL unregisters the previous set of callbacks
631  *  and makes it possible to register a new one.
632  *
633  *  @param cb Callback struct.
634  *
635  *  @return Zero on success or negative error code otherwise.
636  */
637 int bt_gatt_authorization_cb_register(const struct bt_gatt_authorization_cb *cb);
639 /** @brief Register GATT service.
640  *
641  *  To register a GATT service, applications can make use of macros such as
643  *  ``BT_GATT_DESCRIPTOR``, etc.
644  *
645  *  When using @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS} then all services that should have
646  *  bond configuration loaded, i.e. CCC values, must be registered before
647  *  calling @ref settings_load.
648  *
649  *  When using @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_GATT_CACHING} and @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS}
650  *  then all services that should be included in the GATT Database Hash
651  *  calculation should be added before calling @ref settings_load.
652  *  All services registered after settings_load will trigger a new database hash
653  *  calculation and a new hash stored.
654  *
655  *  There are two situations where this function can be called: either before
656  *  `bt_init()` has been called, or after `settings_load()` has been called.
657  *  Registering a service in the middle is not supported and will return an
658  *  error.
659  *
660  *  @param svc Service containing the available attributes
661  *
662  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
663  *  @return -EAGAIN if ``bt_init()`` has been called but ``settings_load()`` hasn't yet.
664  */
665 int bt_gatt_service_register(struct bt_gatt_service *svc);
667 /** @brief Unregister GATT service.
668  *
669  *  @param svc Service to be unregistered.
670  *
671  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
672  */
673 int bt_gatt_service_unregister(struct bt_gatt_service *svc);
675 /** @brief Check if GATT service is registered.
676  *
677  *  @param svc Service to be checked.
678  *
679  *  @return true if registered or false if not register.
680  */
681 bool bt_gatt_service_is_registered(const struct bt_gatt_service *svc);
683 /** @brief to be used as return values for @ref bt_gatt_attr_func_t and @ref bt_gatt_read_func_t
684  *  type callbacks.
685  */
686 enum {
689 };
691 /** @typedef bt_gatt_attr_func_t
692  *  @brief Attribute iterator callback.
693  *
694  *  @param attr Attribute found.
695  *  @param handle Attribute handle found.
696  *  @param user_data Data given.
697  *
698  *  @return ``BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE`` if should continue to the next attribute.
699  *  @return ``BT_GATT_ITER_STOP`` to stop.
700  */
701 typedef uint8_t (*bt_gatt_attr_func_t)(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
702 				       uint16_t handle,
703 				       void *user_data);
705 /** @brief Attribute iterator by type.
706  *
707  *  Iterate attributes in the given range matching given UUID and/or data.
708  *
709  *  @param start_handle Start handle.
710  *  @param end_handle End handle. Often set to start_handle + attr_count or
712  *  @param uuid UUID to match, passing NULL skips UUID matching.
713  *  @param attr_data Attribute data to match, passing NULL skips data matching.
714  *  @param num_matches Number matches, passing 0 makes it unlimited.
715  *  @param func Callback function.
716  *  @param user_data Data to pass to the callback.
717  */
718 void bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle,
719 			       const struct bt_uuid *uuid,
720 			       const void *attr_data, uint16_t num_matches,
721 			       bt_gatt_attr_func_t func,
722 			       void *user_data);
724 /** @brief Attribute iterator.
725  *
726  *  Iterate attributes in the given range.
727  *
728  *  @param start_handle Start handle.
729  *  @param end_handle End handle.
730  *  @param func Callback function.
731  *  @param user_data Data to pass to the callback.
732  */
bt_gatt_foreach_attr(uint16_t start_handle,uint16_t end_handle,bt_gatt_attr_func_t func,void * user_data)733 static inline void bt_gatt_foreach_attr(uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle,
734 					bt_gatt_attr_func_t func,
735 					void *user_data)
736 {
737 	bt_gatt_foreach_attr_type(start_handle, end_handle, NULL, NULL, 0, func,
738 				  user_data);
739 }
741 /** @brief Iterate to the next attribute
742  *
743  *  Iterate to the next attribute following a given attribute.
744  *
745  *  @param attr Current Attribute.
746  *
747  *  @return The next attribute or NULL if it cannot be found.
748  */
749 struct bt_gatt_attr *bt_gatt_attr_next(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr);
751 /** @brief Find Attribute by UUID.
752  *
753  *  Find the attribute with the matching UUID.
754  *  To limit the search to a service set the attr to the service attributes and
755  *  the ``attr_count`` to the service attribute count .
756  *
757  *  @param attr        Pointer to an attribute that serves as the starting point
758  *                     for the search of a match for the UUID.
759  *                     Passing NULL will search the entire range.
760  *  @param attr_count  The number of attributes from the starting point to
761  *                     search for a match for the UUID.
762  *                     Set to 0 to search until the end.
763  *  @param uuid        UUID to match.
764  */
765 struct bt_gatt_attr *bt_gatt_find_by_uuid(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
766 					  uint16_t attr_count,
767 					  const struct bt_uuid *uuid);
769 /** @brief Get Attribute handle.
770  *
771  *  @param attr An attribute object currently registered in the
772  *  local ATT server.
773  *
774  *  @return Handle of the corresponding attribute or zero if the attribute
775  *          could not be found.
776  */
777 uint16_t bt_gatt_attr_get_handle(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr);
779 /** @brief Get the handle of the characteristic value descriptor.
780  *
781  * @param attr A Characteristic Attribute.
782  *
783  * @note The ``user_data`` of the attribute must be of type @ref bt_gatt_chrc and the ``uuid`` shall
784  * be BT_UUID_GATT_CHRC.
785  *
786  * @return the handle of the corresponding Characteristic Value. The value will
787  *         be zero (the invalid handle) if @p attr was not a characteristic
788  *         attribute.
789  */
790 uint16_t bt_gatt_attr_value_handle(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr);
792 /** @brief Generic Read Attribute value helper.
793  *
794  *  Read attribute value from local database storing the result into buffer.
795  *
796  *  @param conn Connection object.
797  *  @param attr Attribute to read.
798  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value.
799  *  @param buf_len Buffer length.
800  *  @param offset Start offset.
801  *  @param value Attribute value.
802  *  @param value_len Length of the attribute value.
803  *
804  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
805  *          case of error.
806  */
807 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
808 			  void *buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t offset,
809 			  const void *value, uint16_t value_len);
811 /** @brief Read Service Attribute helper.
812  *
813  *  Read service attribute value from local database storing the result into
814  *  buffer after encoding it.
815  *  @note Only use this with attributes which ``user_data`` is a ``bt_uuid``.
816  *
817  *  @param conn Connection object.
818  *  @param attr Attribute to read.
819  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read.
820  *  @param len Buffer length.
821  *  @param offset Start offset.
822  *
823  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
824  *          case of error.
825  */
826 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_service(struct bt_conn *conn,
827 				  const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
828 				  void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
830 /**
831  *  @brief Statically define and register a service.
832  *
833  *  Helper macro to statically define and register a service.
834  *
835  *  @param _name Service name.
836  */
837 #define BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE(_name, ...)				\
838 	const struct bt_gatt_attr attr_##_name[] = { __VA_ARGS__ };	\
839 	const STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(bt_gatt_service_static, _name) =	\
840 					BT_GATT_SERVICE(attr_##_name)
842 #define _BT_GATT_ATTRS_ARRAY_DEFINE(n, _instances, _attrs_def)	\
843 	static struct bt_gatt_attr attrs_##n[] = _attrs_def(_instances[n])
845 #define _BT_GATT_SERVICE_ARRAY_ITEM(_n, _) BT_GATT_SERVICE(attrs_##_n)
847 /**
848  *  @brief Statically define service structure array.
849  *
850  *  Helper macro to statically define service structure array. Each element
851  *  of the array is linked to the service attribute array which is also
852  *  defined in this scope using ``_attrs_def`` macro.
853  *
854  *  @param _name         Name of service structure array.
855  *  @param _instances    Array of instances to pass as user context to the
856  *                       attribute callbacks.
857  *  @param _instance_num Number of elements in instance array.
858  *  @param _attrs_def    Macro provided by the user that defines attribute
859  *                       array for the service. This macro should accept single
860  *                       parameter which is the instance context.
861  */
863 	_name, _instances, _instance_num, _attrs_def)			 \
864 	BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(_instances) == _instance_num,		 \
865 		"The number of array elements does not match its size"); \
866 	LISTIFY(_instance_num, _BT_GATT_ATTRS_ARRAY_DEFINE, (;),	 \
867 		_instances, _attrs_def);				 \
868 	static struct bt_gatt_service _name[] = {			 \
869 		LISTIFY(_instance_num, _BT_GATT_SERVICE_ARRAY_ITEM, (,)) \
870 	}
872 /**
873  *  @brief Service Structure Declaration Macro.
874  *
875  *  Helper macro to declare a service structure.
876  *
877  *  @param _attrs Service attributes.
878  */
879 #define BT_GATT_SERVICE(_attrs)						\
880 {									\
881 	.attrs = _attrs,						\
882 	.attr_count = ARRAY_SIZE(_attrs),				\
883 }
885 /**
886  *  @brief Primary Service Declaration Macro.
887  *
888  *  Helper macro to declare a primary service attribute.
889  *
890  *  @param _service Service attribute value.
891  */
892 #define BT_GATT_PRIMARY_SERVICE(_service)				\
894 			 bt_gatt_attr_read_service, NULL, (void *)_service)
896 /**
897  *  @brief Secondary Service Declaration Macro.
898  *
899  *  Helper macro to declare a secondary service attribute.
900  *
901  *  @note A secondary service is only intended to be included from a primary
902  *  service or another secondary service or other higher layer specification.
903  *
904  *  @param _service Service attribute value.
905  */
906 #define BT_GATT_SECONDARY_SERVICE(_service)				\
908 			 bt_gatt_attr_read_service, NULL, (void *)_service)
910 /** @brief Read Include Attribute helper.
911  *
912  *  Read include service attribute value from local database storing the result
913  *  into buffer after encoding it.
914  *  @note Only use this with attributes which user_data is a ``bt_gatt_include``.
915  *
916  *  @param conn Connection object.
917  *  @param attr Attribute to read.
918  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read.
919  *  @param len Buffer length.
920  *  @param offset Start offset.
921  *
922  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
923  *          case of error.
924  */
925 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_included(struct bt_conn *conn,
926 				   const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
927 				   void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
929 /**
930  *  @brief Include Service Declaration Macro.
931  *
932  *  Helper macro to declare database internal include service attribute.
933  *
934  *  @param _service_incl the first service attribute of service to include
935  */
936 #define BT_GATT_INCLUDE_SERVICE(_service_incl)				\
938 			  bt_gatt_attr_read_included, NULL, _service_incl)
940 /** @brief Read Characteristic Attribute helper.
941  *
942  *  Read characteristic attribute value from local database storing the result
943  *  into buffer after encoding it.
944  *  @note Only use this with attributes which ``user_data`` is a ``bt_gatt_chrc``.
945  *
946  *  @param conn Connection object.
947  *  @param attr Attribute to read.
948  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read.
949  *  @param len Buffer length.
950  *  @param offset Start offset.
951  *
952  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
953  *          case of error.
954  */
955 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc(struct bt_conn *conn,
956 			       const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf,
957 			       uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
959 /** @brief Gatt Characterisitc Initialization Macro.
960  *
961  *  Helper macro used within the @ref BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC macro in the GATT attribute declaration
962  *  to set the attribute user data.
963  *
964  *  @param _uuid Characteristic attribute uuid.
965  *  @param _handle Characcteristic attribute handle at init.
966  *  @param _props Characteristic attribute properties,
967  *                a bitmap of ``BT_GATT_CHRC_*`` macros.
968  */
969 #define BT_GATT_CHRC_INIT(_uuid, _handle, _props) \
970 {                                                 \
971 	.uuid = _uuid,                            \
972 	.value_handle = _handle,                  \
973 	.properties = _props,                     \
974 }
976 /**
977  *  @brief Characteristic and Value Declaration Macro.
978  *
979  *  Helper macro to declare a characteristic attribute along with its
980  *  attribute value.
981  *
982  *  @param _uuid Characteristic attribute uuid.
983  *  @param _props Characteristic attribute properties,
984  *                a bitmap of ``BT_GATT_CHRC_*`` macros.
985  *  @param _perm Characteristic Attribute access permissions,
986  *               a bitmap of @ref bt_gatt_perm values.
987  *  @param _read Characteristic Attribute read callback
988  *               (@ref bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t).
989  *  @param _write Characteristic Attribute write callback
990  *                (@ref bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t).
991  *  @param _user_data Characteristic Attribute user data.
992  */
993 #define BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC(_uuid, _props, _perm, _read, _write, _user_data) \
995 			  bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc, NULL,                         \
996 			  ((struct bt_gatt_chrc[]) {                            \
997 				BT_GATT_CHRC_INIT(_uuid, 0U, _props),           \
998 						   })),                         \
999 	BT_GATT_ATTRIBUTE(_uuid, _perm, _read, _write, _user_data)
1001 /**
1002  *  @brief BT_GATT_CCC_MAX is defined depending on whether
1003  *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS_CCC_LAZY_LOADING} or @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CONN} is set.
1004  *
1006  *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN}
1007  *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CONN} will set BT_GATT_CCC_MAX to @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_MAX_PAIRED} +
1008  *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN}
1009  *  If neither are set, BT_GATT_CCC_MAX is 0.
1010  *
1011  */
1014 #elif defined(CONFIG_BT_CONN)
1016 #else
1017 	#define BT_GATT_CCC_MAX 0
1018 #endif
1020 /** @brief GATT CCC configuration entry.
1021  *
1022  *  bt_gatt_ccc_cfg is used within @ref bt_gatt_attr_read_ccc and @ref bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc to
1023  *  read and write the ccc configurations respectively.
1024  *
1025  */
1026 struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg {
1027 	/** Local identity, BT_ID_DEFAULT in most cases. */
1028 	uint8_t id;
1029 	/** Remote peer address. */
1030 	bt_addr_le_t peer;
1031 	/** @brief Configuration value
1032 	 * Value used to enable or disable notifications or indications for a specific
1033 	 * characteristic.
1034 	 */
1035 	uint16_t value;
1036 };
1038 /** Internal representation of CCC value */
1039 struct _bt_gatt_ccc {
1040 	/** Configuration for each connection */
1041 	struct bt_gatt_ccc_cfg cfg[BT_GATT_CCC_MAX];
1043 	/** Highest value of all connected peer's subscriptions */
1044 	uint16_t value;
1046 	/** @brief CCC attribute changed callback
1047 	 *
1048 	 *  @param attr   The attribute that's changed value
1049 	 *  @param value  New value
1050 	 */
1051 	void (*cfg_changed)(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, uint16_t value);
1053 	/** @brief CCC attribute write validation callback
1054 	 *
1055 	 *  @param conn   The connection that is requesting to write
1056 	 *  @param attr   The attribute that's being written
1057 	 *  @param value  CCC value to write
1058 	 *
1059 	 *  @return Number of bytes to write, or in case of an error
1060 	 *          BT_GATT_ERR() with a specific error code.
1061 	 */
1062 	ssize_t (*cfg_write)(struct bt_conn *conn,
1063 			     const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, uint16_t value);
1065 	/** @brief CCC attribute match handler
1066 	 *
1067 	 *  Indicate if it is OK to send a notification or indication
1068 	 *  to the subscriber.
1069 	 *
1070 	 *  @param conn   The connection that is being checked
1071 	 *  @param attr   The attribute that's being checked
1072 	 *
1073 	 *  @return true  if application has approved notification/indication,
1074 	 *          false if application does not approve.
1075 	 */
1076 	bool (*cfg_match)(struct bt_conn *conn,
1077 			  const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr);
1078 };
1080 /** @brief Read Client Characteristic Configuration Attribute helper.
1081  *
1082  *  Read CCC attribute value from local database storing the result into buffer
1083  *  after encoding it.
1084  *
1085  *  @param conn Connection object.
1086  *  @param attr Attribute to read.
1087  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read.
1088  *  @param len Buffer length.
1089  *  @param offset Start offset.
1090  *
1091  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
1092  *          case of error.
1093  */
1094 /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
1095  *  @note Only use this with attributes which user_data is a _bt_gatt_ccc.
1096  *  _bt_gatt_ccc being the internal representation of CCC value.
1097  */
1098  /** @endcond */
1099 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn,
1100 			      const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf,
1101 			      uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
1103 /** @brief Write Client Characteristic Configuration Attribute helper.
1104  *
1105  *  Write value in the buffer into CCC attribute.
1106  *
1107  *  @param conn Connection object.
1108  *  @param attr Attribute to read.
1109  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read.
1110  *  @param len Buffer length.
1111  *  @param offset Start offset.
1112  *  @param flags Write flags, see @ref bt_gatt_attr_write_flag.
1113  *
1114  *  @return number of bytes written in case of success or negative values in
1115  *          case of error.
1116  */
1117 /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
1118  *  @note Only use this with attributes which user_data is a _bt_gatt_ccc.
1119  *  _bt_gatt_ccc being the internal representation of CCC value.
1120  */
1121 /** @endcond */
1122 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn,
1123 			       const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *buf,
1124 			       uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t flags);
1126 /**
1127  *  @brief Initialize Client Characteristic Configuration Declaration Macro.
1128  *
1129  *  Helper macro to initialize a Managed CCC attribute value.
1130  *
1131  *  @param _changed Configuration changed callback.
1132  *  @param _write Configuration write callback.
1133  *  @param _match Configuration match callback.
1134  */
1135 #define BT_GATT_CCC_INITIALIZER(_changed, _write, _match) \
1136 	{                                            \
1137 		.cfg = {},                           \
1138 		.cfg_changed = _changed,             \
1139 		.cfg_write = _write,                 \
1140 		.cfg_match = _match,                 \
1141 	}
1143 /**
1144  *  @brief Managed Client Characteristic Configuration Declaration Macro.
1145  *
1146  *  Helper macro to declare a Managed CCC attribute.
1147  *
1148  *  @param _ccc CCC attribute user data, shall point to a _bt_gatt_ccc.
1149  *  @param _perm CCC access permissions,
1150  *               a bitmap of @ref bt_gatt_perm values.
1151  */
1152 #define BT_GATT_CCC_MANAGED(_ccc, _perm)				\
1154 			bt_gatt_attr_read_ccc, bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc,  \
1155 			_ccc)
1157 /**
1158  *  @brief Client Characteristic Configuration Declaration Macro.
1159  *
1160  *  Helper macro to declare a CCC attribute.
1161  *
1162  *  @param _changed Configuration changed callback.
1163  *  @param _perm CCC access permissions,
1164  *               a bitmap of @ref bt_gatt_perm values.
1165  */
1166 #define BT_GATT_CCC(_changed, _perm)				\
1167 	BT_GATT_CCC_MANAGED(((struct _bt_gatt_ccc[])			\
1168 		{BT_GATT_CCC_INITIALIZER(_changed, NULL, NULL)}), _perm)
1170 /** @brief Read Characteristic Extended Properties Attribute helper
1171  *
1172  *  Read CEP attribute value from local database storing the result into buffer
1173  *  after encoding it.
1174  *
1175  *  @note Only use this with attributes which user_data is a bt_gatt_cep.
1176  *
1177  *  @param conn Connection object
1178  *  @param attr Attribute to read
1179  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read
1180  *  @param len Buffer length
1181  *  @param offset Start offset
1182  *
1183  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
1184  *          case of error.
1185  */
1186 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cep(struct bt_conn *conn,
1187 			      const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf,
1188 			      uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
1190 /**
1191  *  @brief Characteristic Extended Properties Declaration Macro.
1192  *
1193  *  Helper macro to declare a CEP attribute.
1194  *
1195  *  @param _value Pointer to a struct bt_gatt_cep.
1196  */
1197 #define BT_GATT_CEP(_value)						\
1199 			  bt_gatt_attr_read_cep, NULL, (void *)_value)
1201 /** @brief Read Characteristic User Description Descriptor Attribute helper
1202  *
1203  *  Read CUD attribute value from local database storing the result into buffer
1204  *  after encoding it.
1205  *
1206  *  @note Only use this with attributes which user_data is a NULL-terminated C
1207  *        string.
1208  *
1209  *  @param conn Connection object
1210  *  @param attr Attribute to read
1211  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read
1212  *  @param len Buffer length
1213  *  @param offset Start offset
1214  *
1215  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
1216  *          case of error.
1217  */
1218 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cud(struct bt_conn *conn,
1219 			      const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf,
1220 			      uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
1222 /**
1223  *  @brief Characteristic User Format Descriptor Declaration Macro.
1224  *
1225  *  Helper macro to declare a CUD attribute.
1226  *
1227  *  @param _value User description NULL-terminated C string.
1228  *  @param _perm Descriptor attribute access permissions,
1229  *               a bitmap of @ref bt_gatt_perm values.
1230  */
1231 #define BT_GATT_CUD(_value, _perm)					\
1232 	BT_GATT_DESCRIPTOR(BT_UUID_GATT_CUD, _perm, bt_gatt_attr_read_cud, \
1233 			   NULL, (void *)_value)
1235 /** @brief Read Characteristic Presentation format Descriptor Attribute helper
1236  *
1237  *  Read CPF attribute value from local database storing the result into buffer
1238  *  after encoding it.
1239  *
1240  *  @note Only use this with attributes which user_data is a @ref bt_gatt_cpf.
1241  *
1242  *  @param conn Connection object
1243  *  @param attr Attribute to read
1244  *  @param buf Buffer to store the value read
1245  *  @param len Buffer length
1246  *  @param offset Start offset
1247  *
1248  *  @return number of bytes read in case of success or negative values in
1249  *          case of error.
1250  */
1251 ssize_t bt_gatt_attr_read_cpf(struct bt_conn *conn,
1252 			      const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf,
1253 			      uint16_t len, uint16_t offset);
1255 /**
1256  *  @brief Characteristic Presentation Format Descriptor Declaration Macro.
1257  *
1258  *  Helper macro to declare a CPF attribute.
1259  *
1260  *  @param _value Pointer to a struct bt_gatt_cpf.
1261  */
1262 #define BT_GATT_CPF(_value)						\
1264 			  bt_gatt_attr_read_cpf, NULL, (void *)_value)
1266 /**
1267  *  @brief Descriptor Declaration Macro.
1268  *
1269  *  Helper macro to declare a descriptor attribute.
1270  *
1271  *  @param _uuid Descriptor attribute uuid.
1272  *  @param _perm Descriptor attribute access permissions,
1273  *               a bitmap of @ref bt_gatt_perm values.
1274  *  @param _read Descriptor attribute read callback
1275  *               (@ref bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t).
1276  *  @param _write Descriptor attribute write callback
1277  *                (@ref bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t).
1278  *  @param _user_data Descriptor attribute user data.
1279  */
1280 #define BT_GATT_DESCRIPTOR(_uuid, _perm, _read, _write, _user_data)	\
1281 	BT_GATT_ATTRIBUTE(_uuid, _perm, _read, _write, _user_data)
1283 /**
1284  *  @brief Attribute Declaration Macro.
1285  *
1286  *  Helper macro to declare an attribute.
1287  *
1288  *  @param _uuid Attribute uuid.
1289  *  @param _perm Attribute access permissions,
1290  *               a bitmap of @ref bt_gatt_perm values.
1291  *  @param _read Attribute read callback (@ref bt_gatt_attr_read_func_t).
1292  *  @param _write Attribute write callback (@ref bt_gatt_attr_write_func_t).
1293  *  @param _user_data Attribute user data.
1294  */
1295 #define BT_GATT_ATTRIBUTE(_uuid, _perm, _read, _write, _user_data)	\
1296 {									\
1297 	.uuid = _uuid,							\
1298 	.read = _read,							\
1299 	.write = _write,						\
1300 	.user_data = _user_data,					\
1301 	.handle = 0,							\
1302 	.perm = _perm,							\
1303 }
1305 /** @brief Notification complete result callback.
1306  *
1307  *  @param conn Connection object.
1308  *  @param user_data Data passed in by the user.
1309  */
1310 typedef void (*bt_gatt_complete_func_t) (struct bt_conn *conn, void *user_data);
1312 /** @brief GATT notification parameters
1313  *
1314  *  See also @ref bt_gatt_notify_cb and @ref bt_gatt_notify_multiple, using this parameter.
1315  */
1316 struct bt_gatt_notify_params {
1317 	/** @brief Notification Attribute UUID type
1318 	 *
1319 	 *  Optional, use to search for an attribute with matching UUID when
1320 	 *  the attribute object pointer is not known.
1321 	 */
1322 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
1323 	/** @brief Notification Attribute object
1324 	 *
1325 	 *  Optional if uuid is provided, in this case it will be used as start
1326 	 *  range to search for the attribute with the given UUID.
1327 	 */
1328 	const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr;
1329 	/** Notification Value data */
1330 	const void *data;
1331 	/** Notification Value length */
1332 	uint16_t len;
1333 	/** Notification Value callback */
1334 	bt_gatt_complete_func_t func;
1335 	/** Notification Value callback user data */
1336 	void *user_data;
1337 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
1338 	/** Att channel options. */
1339 	enum bt_att_chan_opt chan_opt;
1340 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1341 };
1343 /** @brief Notify attribute value change.
1344  *
1345  *  This function works in the same way as @ref bt_gatt_notify.
1346  *  With the addition that after sending the notification the
1347  *  callback function will be called.
1348  *
1349  *  The callback is run from System Workqueue context.
1350  *  When called from the System Workqueue context this API will not wait for
1351  *  resources for the callback but instead return an error.
1352  *  The number of pending callbacks can be increased with the
1353  *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CONN_TX_MAX} option.
1354  *
1355  *  Alternatively it is possible to notify by UUID by setting it on the
1356  *  parameters, when using this method the attribute if provided is used as the
1357  *  start range when looking up for possible matches.
1358  *
1359  *  @param conn Connection object.
1360  *  @param params Notification parameters.
1361  *
1362  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
1363  */
1364 int bt_gatt_notify_cb(struct bt_conn *conn,
1365 		      struct bt_gatt_notify_params *params);
1367 /** @brief Send multiple notifications in a single PDU.
1368  *
1369  *  The GATT Server will send a single ATT_MULTIPLE_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF PDU
1370  *  containing all the notifications passed to this API.
1371  *
1372  *  All `params` must have the same `func` and `user_data` (due to
1373  *  implementation limitation). But `func(user_data)` will be invoked for each
1374  *  parameter.
1375  *
1376  *  As this API may block to wait for Bluetooth Host resources, it is not
1377  *  recommended to call it from a cooperative thread or a Bluetooth callback.
1378  *
1379  *  The peer's GATT Client must write to this device's Client Supported Features
1380  *  attribute and set the bit for Multiple Handle Value Notifications before
1381  *  this API can be used.
1382  *
1383  *  Only use this API to force the use of the ATT_MULTIPLE_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF PDU.
1384  *  For standard applications, `bt_gatt_notify_cb` is preferred, as it will use
1385  *  this PDU if supported and automatically fallback to ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF
1386  *  when not supported by the peer.
1387  *
1388  *  This API has an additional limitation: it only accepts valid attribute
1389  *  references and not UUIDs like `bt_gatt_notify` and `bt_gatt_notify_cb`.
1390  *
1391  *  @param conn
1392  *    Target client.
1393  *    Notifying all connected clients by passing `NULL` is not yet supported,
1394  *    please use `bt_gatt_notify` instead.
1395  *  @param num_params
1396  *    Element count of `params` array. Has to be greater than 1.
1397  *  @param params
1398  *    Array of notification parameters. It is okay to free this after calling
1399  *    this function.
1400  *
1401  *  @retval 0
1402  *    Success. The PDU is queued for sending.
1403  *  @retval -EINVAL
1404  *    - One of the attribute handles is invalid.
1405  *    - Only one parameter was passed. This API expects 2 or more.
1406  *    - Not all `func` were equal or not all `user_data` were equal.
1407  *    - One of the characteristics is not notifiable.
1408  *    - An UUID was passed in one of the parameters.
1409  *  @retval -ERANGE
1410  *    - The notifications cannot all fit in a single ATT_MULTIPLE_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF.
1411  *    - They exceed the MTU of all open ATT bearers.
1412  *  @retval -EPERM
1413  *    The connection has a lower security level than required by one of the
1414  *    attributes.
1415  *  @retval -EOPNOTSUPP
1416  *    The peer hasn't yet communicated that it supports this PDU type.
1417  */
1418 int bt_gatt_notify_multiple(struct bt_conn *conn,
1419 			    uint16_t num_params,
1420 			    struct bt_gatt_notify_params params[]);
1422 /** @brief Notify attribute value change.
1423  *
1424  *  Send notification of attribute value change, if connection is NULL notify
1425  *  all peer that have notification enabled via CCC otherwise do a direct
1426  *  notification only the given connection.
1427  *
1428  *  The attribute object on the parameters can be the so called Characteristic
1429  *  Declaration, which is usually declared with BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC followed
1430  *  by BT_GATT_CCC, or the Characteristic Value Declaration which is
1431  *  automatically created after the Characteristic Declaration when using
1433  *
1434  *  @param conn Connection object.
1435  *  @param attr Characteristic or Characteristic Value attribute.
1436  *  @param data Pointer to Attribute data.
1437  *  @param len Attribute value length.
1438  *
1439  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
1440  */
bt_gatt_notify(struct bt_conn * conn,const struct bt_gatt_attr * attr,const void * data,uint16_t len)1441 static inline int bt_gatt_notify(struct bt_conn *conn,
1442 				 const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
1443 				 const void *data, uint16_t len)
1444 {
1445 	struct bt_gatt_notify_params params;
1447 	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
1449 	params.attr = attr;
1450 	params.data = data;
1451 	params.len = len;
1452 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT)
1453 	params.chan_opt = BT_ATT_CHAN_OPT_NONE;
1454 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1456 	return bt_gatt_notify_cb(conn, &params);
1457 }
1459 /** @brief Notify attribute value change by UUID.
1460  *
1461  *  Send notification of attribute value change, if connection is NULL notify
1462  *  all peer that have notification enabled via CCC otherwise do a direct
1463  *  notification only on the given connection.
1464  *
1465  *  The attribute object is the starting point for the search of the UUID.
1466  *
1467  *  @param conn Connection object.
1468  *  @param uuid The UUID. If the server contains multiple services with the same
1469  *              UUID, then the first occurrence, starting from the attr given,
1470  *              is used.
1471  *  @param attr Pointer to an attribute that serves as the starting point for
1472  *              the search of a match for the UUID.
1473  *  @param data Pointer to Attribute data.
1474  *  @param len  Attribute value length.
1475  *
1476  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
1477  */
bt_gatt_notify_uuid(struct bt_conn * conn,const struct bt_uuid * uuid,const struct bt_gatt_attr * attr,const void * data,uint16_t len)1478 static inline int bt_gatt_notify_uuid(struct bt_conn *conn,
1479 				      const struct bt_uuid *uuid,
1480 				      const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
1481 				      const void *data, uint16_t len)
1482 {
1483 	struct bt_gatt_notify_params params;
1485 	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
1487 	params.uuid = uuid;
1488 	params.attr = attr;
1489 	params.data = data;
1490 	params.len = len;
1491 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT)
1492 	params.chan_opt = BT_ATT_CHAN_OPT_NONE;
1493 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1495 	return bt_gatt_notify_cb(conn, &params);
1496 }
1498 /* Forward declaration of the bt_gatt_indicate_params structure */
1499 struct bt_gatt_indicate_params;
1501 /** @typedef bt_gatt_indicate_func_t
1502  *  @brief Indication complete result callback.
1503  *
1504  *  @param conn Connection object.
1505  *  @param params Indication params object.
1506  *  @param err ATT error code
1507  */
1508 typedef void (*bt_gatt_indicate_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn,
1509 					struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params,
1510 					uint8_t err);
1512 /** @typedef bt_gatt_indicate_params_destroy_t
1513  *  @brief Callback to destroy or clean up the GATT Indicate Value parameters.
1514  *
1515  *  This callback function is invoked to clean up any resources associated with the
1516  *  `bt_gatt_indicate_params` structure once the GATT indication operation is completed.
1517  *
1518  *  @param params Pointer to the GATT Indicate parameters structure to be cleaned up.
1519  */
1520 typedef void (*bt_gatt_indicate_params_destroy_t)(
1521 		struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params);
1523 /** @brief GATT Indicate Value parameters
1524  *
1525  *  See also @ref bt_gatt_indicate, using this parameter.
1526  *
1527  */
1528 struct bt_gatt_indicate_params {
1529 	/** @brief Indicate Attribute UUID type
1530 	 *
1531 	 *  Optional, use to search for an attribute with matching UUID when
1532 	 *  the attribute object pointer is not known.
1533 	 */
1534 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
1535 	/** @brief Indicate Attribute object
1536 	 *
1537 	 *  Optional if uuid is provided, in this case it will be used as start
1538 	 *  range to search for the attribute with the given UUID.
1539 	 */
1540 	const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr;
1541 	/** Indicate Value callback */
1542 	bt_gatt_indicate_func_t func;
1543 	/** Indicate operation complete callback */
1544 	bt_gatt_indicate_params_destroy_t destroy;
1545 	/** Indicate Value data*/
1546 	const void *data;
1547 	/** Indicate Value length*/
1548 	uint16_t len;
1549 	/** Private reference counter */
1550 	uint8_t _ref;
1551 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
1552 	/** Att channel options. */
1553 	enum bt_att_chan_opt chan_opt;
1554 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1555 };
1557 /** @brief Indicate attribute value change.
1558  *
1559  *  Send an indication of attribute value change. if connection is NULL
1560  *  indicate all peer that have notification enabled via CCC otherwise do a
1561  *  direct indication only the given connection.
1562  *
1563  *  The attribute object on the parameters can be the so called Characteristic
1564  *  Declaration, which is usually declared with BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC followed
1565  *  by BT_GATT_CCC, or the Characteristic Value Declaration which is
1566  *  automatically created after the Characteristic Declaration when using
1568  *
1569  *  Alternatively it is possible to indicate by UUID by setting it on the
1570  *  parameters, when using this method the attribute if provided is used as the
1571  *  start range when looking up for possible matches.
1572  *
1573  *  @note This procedure is asynchronous therefore the parameters need to
1574  *        remains valid while it is active. The procedure is active until
1575  *        the destroy callback is run.
1576  *
1577  *  @param conn Connection object.
1578  *  @param params Indicate parameters.
1579  *
1580  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
1581  */
1582 int bt_gatt_indicate(struct bt_conn *conn,
1583 		     struct bt_gatt_indicate_params *params);
1585 /** @brief Check if connection have subscribed to attribute
1586  *
1587  *  Check if the connection has subscribed to an attribute value change.
1588  *
1589  *  The attribute object can be the so called Characteristic Declaration,
1590  *  which is usually declared with BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC followed
1591  *  by BT_GATT_CCC, or the Characteristic Value Declaration which is
1592  *  automatically created after the Characteristic Declaration when using
1593  *  BT_GATT_CHARACTERISTIC, or the Client Characteristic Configuration
1594  *  Descriptor (CCCD) which is created by BT_GATT_CCC.
1595  *
1596  *  @param conn Connection object.
1597  *  @param attr Attribute object.
1598  *  @param ccc_type The subscription type, @ref BT_GATT_CCC_NOTIFY and/or
1599  *                  @ref BT_GATT_CCC_INDICATE.
1600  *
1601  *  @return true if the attribute object has been subscribed.
1602  */
1603 bool bt_gatt_is_subscribed(struct bt_conn *conn,
1604 			   const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, uint16_t ccc_type);
1606 /** @brief Get ATT MTU for a connection
1607  *
1608  *  Get negotiated ATT connection MTU, note that this does not equal the largest
1609  *  amount of attribute data that can be transferred within a single packet.
1610  *
1611  *  @param conn Connection object.
1612  *
1613  *  @return MTU in bytes
1614  */
1615 uint16_t bt_gatt_get_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn);
1617 /** @brief Get Unenhanced ATT (UATT) MTU for a connection
1618  *
1619  *  Get UATT connection MTU.
1620  *
1621  *  The ATT_MTU defines the largest size of an ATT PDU, encompassing the ATT
1622  *  opcode, additional fields, and any attribute value payload. Consequently,
1623  *  the maximum size of a value payload is less and varies based on the type
1624  *  of ATT PDU. For example, in an ATT_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF PDU, the Attribute Value
1625  *  field can contain up to ATT_MTU - 3 octets (size of opcode and handle).
1626  *
1627  *  @param conn Connection object.
1628  *
1629  *  @return 0 if @p conn does not have an UATT ATT_MTU (e.g: disconnected).
1630  *  @return Current UATT ATT_MTU.
1631  */
1632 uint16_t bt_gatt_get_uatt_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn);
1634 /** @} */
1636 /**
1637  * @defgroup bt_gatt_client GATT Client APIs
1638  * @ingroup bt_gatt
1639  * @{
1640  */
1642 /** @brief GATT Exchange MTU parameters
1643  *
1644  *  Used with @ref bt_gatt_exchange_mtu() to initiate an MTU exchange. The
1645  *  response is handled in the callback @p func, which is called upon
1646  *  completion from the 'config BT_RECV_CONTEXT' context.
1647  *
1648  *  @p params must remain valid until the callback executes.
1649  */
1650 struct bt_gatt_exchange_params {
1651 	/** Callback for MTU exchange response */
1652 	void (*func)(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err,
1653 		     struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params);
1654 };
1656 /** @brief Exchange MTU
1657  *
1658  *  Once per connection, this client procedure can be used to set the MTU to
1659  *  the maximum possible size the buffers can hold.
1660  *
1661  *  As the response comes in callback @p params->func, for example
1662  *  @ref bt_gatt_get_mtu can be invoked in the mtu_exchange-callback to read
1663  *  out the new negotiated ATT connection MTU. The callback is run from the
1664  *  context specified by 'config BT_RECV_CONTEXT' and @p params must remain
1665  *  valid until start of callback.
1666  *
1667  *  @param conn Connection object.
1668  *  @param params Exchange MTU parameters.
1669  *
1670  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request. Will call @p params->func on
1671  *  resolution.
1672  *
1673  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
1674  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
1675  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
1676  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
1677  *
1678  *  @retval -EALREADY The MTU exchange procedure has been already performed.
1679  */
1680 int bt_gatt_exchange_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn,
1681 			 struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params);
1683 struct bt_gatt_discover_params;
1685 /** @typedef bt_gatt_discover_func_t
1686  *  @brief Discover attribute callback function.
1687  *
1688  *  @param conn Connection object.
1689  *  @param attr Attribute found, or NULL if not found.
1690  *  @param params Discovery parameters given.
1691  *
1692  *  If discovery procedure has completed this callback will be called with
1693  *  attr set to NULL. This will not happen if procedure was stopped by returning
1695  *
1696  *  The attribute object as well as its UUID and value objects are temporary and
1697  *  must be copied to in order to cache its information.
1698  *
1699  *  @note @ref bt_gatt_attr is given as an argument to bt_gatt_discover(), but
1700  *  it's not a proper object of this type. @ref bt_gatt_attr.perm, and methods
1701  *  bt_gatt_attr.read() and bt_gatt_attr.write() are not available, and it's
1702  *  unsound to pass the pointer to GATT server APIs.
1703  *  Only the following fields of the attribute contains valid information:
1704  *   - uuid      UUID representing the type of attribute.
1705  *   - handle    Handle in the remote database.
1706  *   - user_data The value of the attribute, if the discovery type maps to an
1707  *               ATT operation that provides this information. NULL otherwise.
1708  *               See below.
1709  *
1710  *  The effective type of @c attr->user_data is determined by @c params. Note
1711  *  that the fields @c params->type and @c params->uuid are left unchanged by
1712  *  the discovery procedure.
1713  *
1714  *  @c params->type                      | @c params->uuid         | Type of @c attr->user_data
1715  *  -------------------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------
1716  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_PRIMARY        | any                     | @ref bt_gatt_service_val
1717  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_SECONDARY      | any                     | @ref bt_gatt_service_val
1718  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_INCLUDE        | any                     | @ref bt_gatt_include
1719  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_CHARACTERISTIC | any                     | @ref bt_gatt_chrc
1720  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_STD_CHAR_DESC  | @ref BT_UUID_GATT_CEP   | @ref bt_gatt_cep
1721  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_STD_CHAR_DESC  | @ref BT_UUID_GATT_CCC   | @ref bt_gatt_ccc
1722  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_STD_CHAR_DESC  | @ref BT_UUID_GATT_SCC   | @ref bt_gatt_scc
1723  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_STD_CHAR_DESC  | @ref BT_UUID_GATT_CPF   | @ref bt_gatt_cpf
1724  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_DESCRIPTOR     | any                     | NULL
1725  *  @ref BT_GATT_DISCOVER_ATTRIBUTE      | any                     | NULL
1726  *
1727  *  Also consider if using read-by-type instead of discovery is more convenient.
1728  *  See @ref bt_gatt_read with @ref bt_gatt_read_params.handle_count set to
1729  *  @c 0.
1730  *
1731  *  @return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE to continue discovery procedure.
1732  *  @return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP to stop discovery procedure.
1733  */
1734 typedef uint8_t (*bt_gatt_discover_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn,
1735 					const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
1736 					struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params);
1738 /** GATT Discover types */
1739 enum bt_gatt_discover_type {
1740 	/** Discover Primary Services. */
1742 	/** Discover Secondary Services. */
1744 	/** Discover Included Services. */
1746 	/** @brief Discover Characteristic Values.
1747 	 *
1748 	 *  Discover Characteristic Value and its properties.
1749 	 */
1751 	/** @brief Discover Descriptors.
1752 	 *
1753 	 *  Discover Attributes which are not services or characteristics.
1754 	 *
1755 	 *  @note The use of this type of discover is not recommended for
1756 	 *        discovering in ranges across multiple services/characteristics
1757 	 *        as it may incur in extra round trips.
1758 	 */
1760 	/** @brief Discover Attributes.
1761 	 *
1762 	 *  Discover Attributes of any type.
1763 	 *
1764 	 *  @note The use of this type of discover is not recommended for
1765 	 *        discovering in ranges across multiple services/characteristics
1766 	 *        as it may incur in more round trips.
1767 	 */
1769 	/** @brief Discover standard characteristic descriptor values.
1770 	 *
1771 	 *  Discover standard characteristic descriptor values and their
1772 	 *  properties.
1773 	 *  Supported descriptors:
1774 	 *   - Characteristic Extended Properties
1775 	 *   - Client Characteristic Configuration
1776 	 *   - Server Characteristic Configuration
1777 	 *   - Characteristic Presentation Format
1778 	 */
1780 };
1782 /** Handle value to denote that the CCC will be automatically discovered */
1785 /** @brief GATT Discover Attributes parameters */
1786 struct bt_gatt_discover_params {
1787 	/** Discover UUID type */
1788 	const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
1789 	/** Discover attribute callback */
1790 	bt_gatt_discover_func_t func;
1791 	union {
1792 		/** See @ref bt_gatt_include for more on included services. */
1793 		struct {
1794 			/** Include service attribute declaration handle */
1795 			uint16_t attr_handle;
1796 			/** Included service start handle */
1797 			uint16_t start_handle;
1798 			/** Included service end handle */
1799 			uint16_t end_handle;
1800 		} _included;
1801 		/** Discover start handle */
1802 		uint16_t start_handle;
1803 	};
1804 	/** Discover end handle */
1805 	uint16_t end_handle;
1806 	/** Discover type */
1807 	uint8_t type;
1808 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_DISCOVER_CCC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
1809 	/** Only for stack-internal use, used for automatic discovery. */
1810 	struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *sub_params;
1811 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_DISCOVER_CCC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) */
1812 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
1813 	/** Att channel options. */
1814 	enum bt_att_chan_opt chan_opt;
1815 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1816 };
1818 /** @brief GATT Discover function
1819  *
1820  *  This procedure is used by a client to discover attributes on a server.
1821  *
1822  *  Primary Service Discovery: Procedure allows to discover primary services
1823  *                             either by Discover All Primary Services or
1824  *                             Discover Primary Services by Service UUID.
1825  *  Include Service Discovery: Procedure allows to discover all Include Services
1826  *                             within specified range.
1827  *  Characteristic Discovery:  Procedure allows to discover all characteristics
1828  *                             within specified handle range as well as
1829  *                             discover characteristics with specified UUID.
1830  *  Descriptors Discovery:     Procedure allows to discover all characteristic
1831  *                             descriptors within specified range.
1832  *
1833  *  For each attribute found the callback is called which can then decide
1834  *  whether to continue discovering or stop.
1835  *
1836  *  The Response comes in callback @p params->func. The callback is run from
1837  *  the BT RX thread. @p params must remain valid until start of callback where
1838  *  iter `attr` is `NULL` or callback will return `BT_GATT_ITER_STOP`.
1839  *
1840  *  @param conn Connection object.
1841  *  @param params Discover parameters.
1842  *
1843  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request. Will call @p params->func on
1844  *  resolution.
1845  *
1846  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
1847  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
1848  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
1849  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
1850  */
1851 int bt_gatt_discover(struct bt_conn *conn,
1852 		     struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params);
1854 struct bt_gatt_read_params;
1856 /** @typedef bt_gatt_read_func_t
1857  *  @brief Read callback function
1858  *
1859  *  When reading using by_uuid, `params->start_handle` is the attribute handle
1860  *  for this `data` item.
1861  *
1862  *  @param conn Connection object.
1863  *  @param err ATT error code.
1864  *  @param params Read parameters used.
1865  *  @param data Attribute value data. NULL means read has completed.
1866  *  @param length Attribute value length.
1867  *
1868  *  @return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE if should continue to the next attribute.
1869  *  @return BT_GATT_ITER_STOP to stop.
1870  */
1871 typedef uint8_t (*bt_gatt_read_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err,
1872 				    struct bt_gatt_read_params *params,
1873 				    const void *data, uint16_t length);
1875 /** @brief GATT Read parameters */
1876 struct bt_gatt_read_params {
1877 	/** Read attribute callback. */
1878 	bt_gatt_read_func_t func;
1879 	/** If equals to 1 single.handle and single.offset are used.
1880 	 *  If greater than 1 multiple.handles are used.
1881 	 *  If equals to 0 by_uuid is used for Read Using Characteristic UUID.
1882 	 */
1883 	size_t handle_count;
1884 	union {
1885 		struct {
1886 			/** Attribute handle. */
1887 			uint16_t handle;
1888 			/** Attribute data offset. */
1889 			uint16_t offset;
1890 		} single;
1891 		struct {
1892 			/** Attribute handles to read with Read Multiple
1893 			 *  Characteristic Values.
1894 			 */
1895 			uint16_t *handles;
1896 			/** If true use Read Multiple Variable Length
1897 			 *  Characteristic Values procedure.
1898 			 *  The values of the set of attributes may be of
1899 			 *  variable or unknown length.
1900 			 *  If false use Read Multiple Characteristic Values
1901 			 *  procedure.
1902 			 *  The values of the set of attributes must be of a
1903 			 *  known fixed length, with the exception of the last
1904 			 *  value that can have a variable length.
1905 			 */
1906 			bool variable;
1907 		} multiple;
1908 		struct {
1909 			/** Attribute handle to start reading from. */
1910 			uint16_t start_handle;
1911 			/** Attribute handle to stop reading at. */
1912 			uint16_t end_handle;
1913 			/** 2 or 16 octet UUID. */
1914 			const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
1915 		} by_uuid;
1916 	};
1917 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
1918 	/** Att channel options. */
1919 	enum bt_att_chan_opt chan_opt;
1920 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1921 	/** Internal */
1922 	uint16_t _att_mtu;
1923 };
1925 /** @brief Read Attribute Value by handle
1926  *
1927  *  This procedure reads the attribute value and returns it to the callback.
1928  *
1929  *  When reading attributes by UUID the callback can be called multiple times
1930  *  depending on how many instances of a given UUID exists with the start_handle
1931  *  being updated for each instance.
1932  *
1933  *  To perform a GATT Long Read procedure, start with a Characteristic Value
1934  *  Read (by setting @c offset @c 0 and @c handle_count @c 1) and then return
1935  *  @ref BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE from the callback. This is equivalent to calling
1936  *  @ref bt_gatt_read again, but with the correct offset to continue the read.
1937  *  This may be repeated until the procedure is complete, which is signaled by
1938  *  the callback being called with @p data set to @c NULL.
1939  *
1940  *  Note that returning @ref BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE is really starting a new ATT
1941  *  operation, so this can fail to allocate resources. However, all API errors
1942  *  are reported as if the server returned @ref BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY. There is no
1943  *  way to distinguish between this condition and a @ref BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY
1944  *  response from the server itself.
1945  *
1946  *  Note that the effect of returning @ref BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE from the
1947  *  callback varies depending on the type of read operation.
1948  *
1949  *  The Response comes in callback @p params->func. The callback is run from
1950  *  the context specified by 'config BT_RECV_CONTEXT'.
1951  *  @p params must remain valid until start of callback.
1952  *
1953  *  @param conn Connection object.
1954  *  @param params Read parameters.
1955  *
1956  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request. Will call @p params->func on
1957  *  resolution.
1958  *
1959  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
1960  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
1961  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
1962  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
1963  */
1964 int bt_gatt_read(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params);
1966 struct bt_gatt_write_params;
1968 /** @typedef bt_gatt_write_func_t
1969  *  @brief Write callback function
1970  *
1971  *  @param conn Connection object.
1972  *  @param err ATT error code.
1973  *  @param params Write parameters used.
1974  */
1975 typedef void (*bt_gatt_write_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err,
1976 				     struct bt_gatt_write_params *params);
1978 /** @brief GATT Write parameters */
1979 struct bt_gatt_write_params {
1980 	/** Response callback */
1981 	bt_gatt_write_func_t func;
1982 	/** Attribute handle */
1983 	uint16_t handle;
1984 	/** Attribute data offset */
1985 	uint16_t offset;
1986 	/** Data to be written */
1987 	const void *data;
1988 	/** Length of the data */
1989 	uint16_t length;
1990 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
1991 	/** Att channel options. */
1992 	enum bt_att_chan_opt chan_opt;
1993 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
1994 };
1996 /** @brief Write Attribute Value by handle
1997  *
1998  *  The Response comes in callback @p params->func. The callback is run from
1999  *  the context specified by 'config BT_RECV_CONTEXT'.
2000  *  @p params must remain valid until start of callback.
2001  *
2002  *  @param conn Connection object.
2003  *  @param params Write parameters.
2004  *
2005  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request. Will call @p params->func on
2006  *  resolution.
2007  *
2008  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
2009  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
2010  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
2011  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
2012  */
2013 int bt_gatt_write(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_write_params *params);
2015 /** @brief Write Attribute Value by handle without response with callback.
2016  *
2017  *  This function works in the same way as @ref bt_gatt_write_without_response.
2018  *  With the addition that after sending the write the callback function will be
2019  *  called.
2020  *
2021  *  The callback is run from System Workqueue context.
2022  *  When called from the System Workqueue context this API will not wait for
2023  *  resources for the callback but instead return an error.
2024  *  The number of pending callbacks can be increased with the
2025  *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CONN_TX_MAX} option.
2026  *
2027  *  @param conn Connection object.
2028  *  @param handle Attribute handle.
2029  *  @param data Data to be written.
2030  *  @param length Data length.
2031  *  @param sign Whether to sign data.
2032  *  @param func Transmission complete callback.
2033  *  @param user_data User data to be passed back to callback.
2034  *
2035  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request.
2036  *
2037  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
2038  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
2039  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
2040  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
2041  */
2042 int bt_gatt_write_without_response_cb(struct bt_conn *conn, uint16_t handle,
2043 				      const void *data, uint16_t length,
2044 				      bool sign, bt_gatt_complete_func_t func,
2045 				      void *user_data);
2047 /** @brief Write Attribute Value by handle without response
2048  *
2049  *  This procedure write the attribute value without requiring an
2050  *  acknowledgment that the write was successfully performed
2051  *
2052  *  @param conn Connection object.
2053  *  @param handle Attribute handle.
2054  *  @param data Data to be written.
2055  *  @param length Data length.
2056  *  @param sign Whether to sign data.
2057  *
2058  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request.
2059  *
2060  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
2061  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
2062  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
2063  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
2064  */
bt_gatt_write_without_response(struct bt_conn * conn,uint16_t handle,const void * data,uint16_t length,bool sign)2065 static inline int bt_gatt_write_without_response(struct bt_conn *conn,
2066 						 uint16_t handle, const void *data,
2067 						 uint16_t length, bool sign)
2068 {
2069 	return bt_gatt_write_without_response_cb(conn, handle, data, length,
2070 						 sign, NULL, NULL);
2071 }
2073 struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params;
2075 /** @typedef bt_gatt_notify_func_t
2076  *  @brief Notification callback function
2077  *
2078  *  In the case of an empty notification, the @p data pointer will be non-NULL
2079  *  while the @p length will be 0, which is due to the special case where
2080  *  a @p data NULL pointer means unsubscribed.
2081  *
2082  *  @param conn Connection object. May be NULL, indicating that the peer is
2083  *              being unpaired
2084  *  @param params Subscription parameters.
2085  *  @param data Attribute value data. If NULL then subscription was removed.
2086  *  @param length Attribute value length.
2087  *
2088  *  @return BT_GATT_ITER_CONTINUE to continue receiving value notifications.
2089  *          BT_GATT_ITER_STOP to unsubscribe from value notifications.
2090  */
2091 typedef uint8_t (*bt_gatt_notify_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn,
2092 				      struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params,
2093 				      const void *data, uint16_t length);
2095 /** @typedef bt_gatt_subscribe_func_t
2096  *  @brief Subscription callback function
2097  *
2098  *  @param conn Connection object.
2099  *  @param err ATT error code.
2100  *  @param params Subscription parameters used.
2101  */
2102 typedef void (*bt_gatt_subscribe_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err,
2103 					 struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params);
2105 /** Subscription flags */
2106 enum bt_gatt_sub_flag {
2107 	/** @brief Persistence flag
2108 	 *
2109 	 *  If set, indicates that the subscription is not saved
2110 	 *  on the GATT server side. Therefore, upon disconnection,
2111 	 *  the subscription will be automatically removed
2112 	 *  from the client's subscriptions list and
2113 	 *  when the client reconnects, it will have to
2114 	 *  issue a new subscription.
2115 	 */
2118 	/** @brief No resubscribe flag
2119 	 *
2120 	 *  By default when BT_GATT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_VOLATILE is unset, the
2121 	 *  subscription will be automatically renewed when the client
2122 	 *  reconnects, as a workaround for GATT servers that do not persist
2123 	 *  subscriptions.
2124 	 *
2125 	 *  This flag will disable the automatic resubscription. It is useful
2126 	 *  if the application layer knows that the GATT server remembers
2127 	 *  subscriptions from previous connections and wants to avoid renewing
2128 	 *  the subscriptions.
2129 	 */
2132 	/** @brief Write pending flag
2133 	 *
2134 	 *  If set, indicates write operation is pending waiting remote end to
2135 	 *  respond.
2136 	 *
2137 	 *  @note Internal use only.
2138 	 */
2141 	/** @brief Sent flag
2142 	 *
2143 	 *  If set, indicates that a subscription request (CCC write) has
2144 	 *  already been sent in the active connection.
2145 	 *
2146 	 *  Used to avoid sending subscription requests multiple times when the
2147 	 *  @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_RESUBSCRIBE} quirk is enabled.
2148 	 *
2149 	 *  @note Internal use only.
2150 	 */
2154 };
2156 /** @brief GATT Subscribe parameters */
2157 struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params {
2158 	/** Notification value callback */
2159 	bt_gatt_notify_func_t notify;
2160 	/** Subscribe CCC write request response callback
2161 	 *  If given, called with the subscription parameters given when subscribing
2162 	 */
2163 	bt_gatt_subscribe_func_t subscribe;
2165 	/** Subscribe value handle */
2166 	uint16_t value_handle;
2167 	/** Subscribe CCC handle */
2168 	uint16_t ccc_handle;
2169 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_DISCOVER_CCC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
2170 	/** Subscribe End handle (for automatic discovery) */
2171 	uint16_t end_handle;
2172 	/** Discover parameters used when ccc_handle = @ref BT_GATT_AUTO_DISCOVER_CCC_HANDLE */
2173 	struct bt_gatt_discover_params *disc_params;
2174 #endif /* defined(CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_DISCOVER_CCC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) */
2175 	/** Subscribe value */
2176 	uint16_t value;
2177 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_SMP)
2178 	/** Minimum required security for received notification. Notifications
2179 	 * and indications received over a connection with a lower security
2180 	 * level are silently discarded.
2181 	 */
2182 	bt_security_t min_security;
2183 #endif
2184 	/** Subscription flags, see @ref bt_gatt_sub_flag */
2187 	/** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
2188 	 *  Field used for list handling.
2189 	 */
2190 	sys_snode_t node;
2191 	/** @endcond */
2192 #if defined(CONFIG_BT_EATT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
2193 	/** Att channel options. */
2194 	enum bt_att_chan_opt chan_opt;
2195 #endif /* CONFIG_BT_EATT */
2196 };
2198 /** @brief Subscribe Attribute Value Notification
2199  *
2200  *  This procedure subscribe to value notification using the Client
2201  *  Characteristic Configuration handle.
2202  *  If notification received subscribe value callback is called to return
2203  *  notified value. One may then decide whether to unsubscribe directly from
2204  *  this callback. Notification callback with NULL data will not be called if
2205  *  subscription was removed by this method.
2206  *
2207  *  The Response comes in callback @p params->subscribe. The callback is run from
2208  *  the context specified by 'config BT_RECV_CONTEXT'.
2209  *  The Notification callback @p params->notify is also called from the BT RX
2210  *  thread.
2211  *
2212  *  @note Notifications are asynchronous therefore the @p params must remain
2213  *        valid while subscribed and cannot be reused for additional subscriptions
2214  *        whilst active.
2215  *
2216  *  @param conn Connection object.
2217  *  @param params Subscribe parameters.
2218  *
2219  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request. Will call @p params->write on
2220  *  resolution.
2221  *
2222  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
2223  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
2224  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
2225  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
2226  *
2227  *  @retval -EALREADY if there already exist a subscription using the @p params.
2228  *
2229  *  @retval -EBUSY if @p params.ccc_handle is 0 and @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_GATT_AUTO_DISCOVER_CCC} is
2230  *  enabled and discovery for the @p params is already in progress.
2231  */
2232 int bt_gatt_subscribe(struct bt_conn *conn,
2233 		      struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params);
2235 /** @brief Resubscribe Attribute Value Notification subscription
2236  *
2237  *  Resubscribe to Attribute Value Notification when already subscribed from a
2238  *  previous connection. The GATT server will remember subscription from
2239  *  previous connections when bonded, so resubscribing can be done without
2240  *  performing a new subscribe procedure after a power cycle.
2241  *
2242  *  @note Notifications are asynchronous therefore the parameters need to
2243  *        remain valid while subscribed.
2244  *
2245  *  @param id     Local identity (in most cases BT_ID_DEFAULT).
2246  *  @param peer   Remote address.
2247  *  @param params Subscribe parameters.
2248  *
2249  *  @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
2250  */
2251 int bt_gatt_resubscribe(uint8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *peer,
2252 			struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params);
2254 /** @brief Unsubscribe Attribute Value Notification
2255  *
2256  *  This procedure unsubscribe to value notification using the Client
2257  *  Characteristic Configuration handle. Notification callback with NULL data
2258  *  will be called if subscription was removed by this call, until then the
2259  *  parameters cannot be reused.
2260  *
2261  *  The Response comes in callback @p params->func. The callback is run from
2262  *  the BT RX thread.
2263  *
2264  *  @param conn Connection object.
2265  *  @param params Subscribe parameters. The parameters shall be a @ref bt_gatt_subscribe_params from
2266  *                a previous call to bt_gatt_subscribe().
2267  *
2268  *  @retval 0 Successfully queued request. Will call @p params->write on
2269  *  resolution.
2270  *
2271  *  @retval -ENOMEM ATT request queue is full and blocking would cause deadlock.
2272  *  Allow a pending request to resolve before retrying, or call this function
2273  *  from a separate thread to get blocking behavior. Queue size is controlled
2274  *  by @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ATT_TX_COUNT}.
2275  */
2276 int bt_gatt_unsubscribe(struct bt_conn *conn,
2277 			struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params);
2279 /** @brief Try to cancel the first pending request identified by @p params.
2280  *
2281  *  This function does not release @p params for reuse. The usual callbacks
2282  *  for the request still apply. A successful cancel simulates a
2283  *  #BT_ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY response from the server.
2284  *
2285  *  This function can cancel the following request functions:
2286  *   - #bt_gatt_exchange_mtu
2287  *   - #bt_gatt_discover
2288  *   - #bt_gatt_read
2289  *   - #bt_gatt_write
2290  *   - #bt_gatt_subscribe
2291  *   - #bt_gatt_unsubscribe
2292  *
2293  *  @param conn The connection the request was issued on.
2294  *  @param params The address `params` used in the request function call.
2295  */
2296 void bt_gatt_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn, void *params);
2298 /** @} */
2300 #ifdef __cplusplus
2301 }
2302 #endif
2304 /**
2305  * @}
2306  */