; Copied from https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8610#appendix-D ; The entries that are commented out are handled natively in the zcbor script. ; any = # ; uint = #0 ; nint = #1 ; int = uint / nint ; bstr = #2 bytes = bstr ; tstr = #3 text = tstr tdate = #6.0(tstr) time = #6.1(number) number = int / float biguint = #6.2(bstr) bignint = #6.3(bstr) bigint = biguint / bignint integer = int / bigint unsigned = uint / biguint decfrac = #6.4([e10: int, m: integer]) bigfloat = #6.5([e2: int, m: integer]) eb64url = #6.21(any) eb64legacy = #6.22(any) eb16 = #6.23(any) encoded-cbor = #6.24(bstr) uri = #6.32(tstr) b64url = #6.33(tstr) b64legacy = #6.34(tstr) regexp = #6.35(tstr) mime-message = #6.36(tstr) cbor-any = #6.55799(any) ; float16 = #7.25 ; float32 = #7.26 ; float64 = #7.27 ; float16-32 = float16 / float32 ; float32-64 = float32 / float64 ; float = float16-32 / float64 ; false = #7.20 ; true = #7.21 ; bool = false / true ; nil = #7.22 null = nil ; undefined = #7.23