/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon * company) or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights * reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * */ /***********{{utilities.donotedit_warning}}***********/ #include #include #include "config_tfm.h" #include "region.h" #include "region_defs.h" #include "spm.h" #include "load/interrupt_defs.h" #include "load/partition_defs.h" #include "load/service_defs.h" #include "load/asset_defs.h" #include "tfm_peripherals_def.h" #include "psa_manifest/pid.h" #include "psa_manifest/sid.h" #include "psa_manifest/{{manifest_out_basename}}.h" {% set counter = namespace() %} {% set counter.dep_counter = manifest.dependencies|count + manifest.weak_dependencies|count %} #define {{"%-55s"|format(manifest.name|upper + "_NDEPS")}} ({{"%d"|format(counter.dep_counter)}}) {% set counter.service_counter = manifest.services|count %} #define {{"%-55s"|format(manifest.name|upper + "_NSERVS")}} ({{"%d"|format(counter.service_counter)}}) {% set counter.asset_counter = manifest.mmio_regions|count %} #if TFM_ISOLATION_LEVEL == 3 #define {{"%-55s"|format(manifest.name|upper + "_NASSETS")}} ({{"%d"|format(counter.asset_counter)}} + 1) #else #define {{"%-55s"|format(manifest.name|upper + "_NASSETS")}} ({{"%d"|format(counter.asset_counter)}}) #endif {% set counter.irq_counter = manifest.irqs|count %} #define {{"%-55s"|format(manifest.name|upper + "_NIRQS")}} ({{"%d"|format(counter.irq_counter)}}) /* Memory region declaration */ #if TFM_ISOLATION_LEVEL == 3 REGION_DECLARE(Image$$, PT_{{manifest.name}}_PRIVATE, _DATA_START$$Base); REGION_DECLARE(Image$$, PT_{{manifest.name}}_PRIVATE, _DATA_END$$Base); #endif {% if config_impl['CONFIG_TFM_SPM_BACKEND_IPC'] == '1' or manifest.model == "IPC" %} extern uint8_t {{manifest.name|lower}}_stack[]; {% endif %} {% if manifest.model == "IPC" %} /* Entrypoint function declaration */ extern void {{manifest.entry_point}}(void); {% elif manifest.entry_init %} extern psa_status_t {{manifest.entry_init}}(void); {% endif %} /* Interrupt init functions */ {% if counter.irq_counter > 0 %} {% for irq in manifest.irqs %} {% if irq.source is number %}} extern enum tfm_hal_status_t {{"irq_" + irq.source|string + "_init"}}(void *p_pt, const struct irq_load_info_t *p_ildi); {% else %} extern enum tfm_hal_status_t {{irq.source|lower + "_init"}}(void *p_pt, const struct irq_load_info_t *p_ildi); {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} /* partition load info type definition */ struct partition_{{manifest.name|lower}}_load_info_t { /* common length load data */ struct partition_load_info_t load_info; /* per-partition variable length load data */ uintptr_t stack_addr; uintptr_t heap_addr; {% if counter.dep_counter > 0 %} uint32_t deps[{{(manifest.name|upper + "_NDEPS")}}]; {% endif %} {% if counter.service_counter > 0 %} struct service_load_info_t services[{{(manifest.name|upper + "_NSERVS")}}]; {% endif %} #if TFM_ISOLATION_LEVEL == 3 struct asset_desc_t assets[{{(manifest.name|upper + "_NASSETS")}}]; #else {% if counter.asset_counter > 0 %} struct asset_desc_t assets[{{(manifest.name|upper + "_NASSETS")}}]; {% endif %} #endif {% if counter.irq_counter > 0 %} struct irq_load_info_t irqs[{{(manifest.name|upper + "_NIRQS")}}]; {% endif %} } __attribute__((aligned(4))); /* Partition load, deps, service load data. Put to a dedicated section. */ #if defined(__ICCARM__) #pragma location = ".part_load_priority_{{numbered_priority}}" __root #endif /* __ICCARM__ */ const struct partition_{{manifest.name|lower}}_load_info_t {{manifest.name|lower}}_load __attribute__((used, section(".part_load_priority_{{numbered_priority}}"))) = { .load_info = { {% if manifest.psa_framework_version == 1.0 %} .psa_ff_ver = 0x0100 | PARTITION_INFO_MAGIC, {% elif manifest.psa_framework_version == 1.1 %} .psa_ff_ver = 0x0101 | PARTITION_INFO_MAGIC, {% endif %} .pid = {{manifest.name}}, .flags = 0 {% if manifest.model == "IPC" %} | PARTITION_MODEL_IPC {% endif %} {% if manifest.type == "PSA-ROT" %} | PARTITION_MODEL_PSA_ROT {% endif %} {% if manifest.ns_agent is sameas true %} | PARTITION_NS_AGENT_MB {% endif %} | PARTITION_PRI_{{manifest.priority}}, .entry = ENTRY_TO_POSITION({{manifest.entry}}), {% if config_impl['CONFIG_TFM_SPM_BACKEND_IPC'] == '1' or manifest.model == "IPC" %} .stack_size = {{manifest.stack_size}}, {% else %} .stack_size = 0, {% endif %} .heap_size = 0, .ndeps = {{(manifest.name|upper + "_NDEPS")}}, .nservices = {{(manifest.name|upper + "_NSERVS")}}, .nassets = {{(manifest.name|upper + "_NASSETS")}}, .nirqs = {{(manifest.name|upper + "_NIRQS")}}, {% if manifest.ns_agent is sameas true %} .client_id_base = {{manifest.client_id_base}}, .client_id_limit = {{manifest.client_id_limit}}, {% endif %} }, {% if config_impl['CONFIG_TFM_SPM_BACKEND_IPC'] == '1' or manifest.model == "IPC" %} .stack_addr = (uintptr_t){{manifest.name|lower}}_stack, {% else %} .stack_addr = 0, {% endif %} .heap_addr = 0, {% if counter.dep_counter > 0 %} .deps = { {% for dep in manifest.dependencies %} {{dep}}_SID, {% endfor %} {% for dep in manifest.weak_dependencies %} #ifdef {{dep}}_SID {{dep}}_SID, #endif {% endfor %} }, {% endif %} {% if counter.service_counter > 0 %} .services = { {% for service in manifest.services %} { .name_strid = STRING_PTR_TO_STRID("{{service.name}}"), {% if manifest.model == "SFN" %} .sfn = ENTRY_TO_POSITION({{service.name|lower}}_sfn), {% else %} .sfn = 0, {% endif %} {% if config_impl['CONFIG_TFM_SPM_BACKEND_IPC'] == '1' %} {% if manifest.model == "SFN" %} .signal = {{service.signal_value}}, {% else %} .signal = {{service.name}}_SIGNAL, {% endif %} {% endif %} .sid = {{service.sid}}, .flags = 0 {% if service.non_secure_clients is sameas true %} | SERVICE_FLAG_NS_ACCESSIBLE {% endif %} {% if service.connection_based is sameas false %} | SERVICE_FLAG_STATELESS | 0x{{"%x"|format(service.stateless_handle_index)}} {% endif %} {% if service.mm_iovec == "enable" %} | SERVICE_FLAG_MM_IOVEC {% endif %} | SERVICE_VERSION_POLICY_{{service.version_policy}}, .version = {{service.version}}, }, {% endfor %} }, {% endif %} #if TFM_ISOLATION_LEVEL == 3 .assets = { { .mem.start = (uintptr_t)®ION_NAME(Image$$, PT_{{manifest.name}}_PRIVATE, _DATA_START$$Base), .mem.limit = (uintptr_t)®ION_NAME(Image$$, PT_{{manifest.name}}_PRIVATE, _DATA_END$$Base), .attr = ASSET_ATTR_READ_WRITE, }, {% if counter.asset_counter > 0 %} {% for region in manifest.mmio_regions %} {% if region.conditional %} #ifdef {{region.conditional}} {% endif %} {% if region.base and region.size %} { .mem.start = {{region.base}}, .mem.limit = {{region.base}} + {{region.size}}, .attr = ASSET_ATTR_NUMBERED_MMIO {% elif region.name %} { .dev.dev_ref = PTR_TO_REFERENCE({{region.name}}), .attr = ASSET_ATTR_NAMED_MMIO {% endif %} {% if region.permission == "READ-WRITE" %} | ASSET_ATTR_READ_WRITE, {% else %} | ASSET_ATTR_READ_ONLY, {% endif %} }, {% if region.conditional %} #endif {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} }, #else {% if counter.asset_counter > 0 %} .assets = { {% for region in manifest.mmio_regions %} {% if region.conditional %} #ifdef {{region.conditional}} {% endif %} {% if region.base and region.size %} { .mem.start = {{region.base}}, .mem.limit = {{region.base}} + {{region.size}}, .attr = ASSET_ATTR_NUMBERED_MMIO {% elif region.name %} { .dev.dev_ref = PTR_TO_REFERENCE({{region.name}}), .attr = ASSET_ATTR_NAMED_MMIO {% endif %} {% if region.permission == "READ-WRITE" %} | ASSET_ATTR_READ_WRITE, {% else %} | ASSET_ATTR_READ_ONLY, {% endif %} }, {% if region.conditional %} #endif {% endif %} {% endfor %} }, {% endif %} #endif {% if counter.irq_counter > 0 %} .irqs = { {% for irq in manifest.irqs %} {% set irq_info = namespace() %} {% set irq_info.source = irq.source %} {% if irq.source is number %}} {% set irq_info.source_symbol = "irq_" + irq.source|string %} {% else %} {% set irq_info.source_symbol = irq.source|lower %} {% endif %} {% if manifest.psa_framework_version == 1.1 and irq.handling == "FLIH" %} {% set irq_info.flih_func = irq.name|lower + "_flih" %} {% else %} {% set irq_info.flih_func = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if manifest.psa_framework_version == 1.0 %} {% set irq_info.signal = irq.signal %} {% else %} {% set irq_info.signal = irq.name + "_SIGNAL" %} {% endif %} {% if manifest.ns_agent is sameas true %} {% set irq_info.client_id_base = irq.client_id_base %} {% set irq_info.client_id_limit = irq.client_id_limit %} {% endif %} { .init = {{irq_info.source_symbol + "_init"}}, .flih_func = {{irq_info.flih_func}}, .pid = {{manifest.name}}, .source = {{irq_info.source}}, .signal = {{irq_info.signal}}, {% if manifest.ns_agent is sameas true %} .client_id_base = {{irq_info.client_id_base}}, .client_id_limit = {{irq_info.client_id_limit}}, {% endif %} }, {% endfor %} }, {% endif %} }; /* Placeholder for partition and service runtime space. Do not reference it. */ #if defined(__ICCARM__) #pragma location=".bss.part_runtime_priority_{{numbered_priority}}" __root #endif /* __ICCARM__ */ static struct partition_t {{manifest.name|lower}}_partition_runtime_item __attribute__((used, section(".bss.part_runtime_priority_{{numbered_priority}}"))); {% if counter.service_counter > 0 %} #if defined(__ICCARM__) #pragma location = ".bss.serv_runtime_priority_{{numbered_priority}}" __root #endif /* __ICCARM__ */ static struct service_t {{manifest.name|lower}}_service_runtime_item[{{(manifest.name|upper + "_NSERVS")}}] __attribute__((used, section(".bss.serv_runtime_priority_{{numbered_priority}}"))); {% endif %}