#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) # or an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21) SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER armclang) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER armclang) set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER armasm) set(LINKER_VENEER_OUTPUT_FLAG --import_cmse_lib_out=) set(COMPILER_CMSE_FLAG $<$:-mcmse>) # This variable name is a bit of a misnomer. The file it is set to is included # at a particular step in the compiler initialisation. It is used here to # configure the extensions for object files. Despite the name, it also works # with the Ninja generator. set(CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/set_extensions.cmake) if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_OBJCOPY) set(CMAKE_OBJCOPY ${CROSS_COMPILE}-objcopy CACHE FILEPATH "Path to objcopy") endif() macro(tfm_toolchain_reset_compiler_flags) set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "") add_compile_options( $<$,$>:-Wno-ignored-optimization-argument> $<$,$>:-Wno-unused-command-line-argument> $<$,$>:-Wall> # Don't error when the MBEDTLS_NULL_ENTROPY warning is shown $<$,$>:-Wno-error=cpp> $<$,$>:-c> $<$,$>:-fdata-sections> $<$,$>:-ffunction-sections> $<$,$>:-fno-builtin> $<$,$>:-fshort-enums> $<$,$>:-fshort-wchar> $<$,$>:-funsigned-char> $<$,$>:-masm=auto> $<$,$>:-nostdlib> $<$:-std=c99> $<$:-std=c++11> $<$:--cpu=${CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG}> $<$,$>:-g> $<$,$>:-g> ) endmacro() if(CONFIG_TFM_MEMORY_USAGE_QUIET) set(MEMORY_USAGE_FLAG "") else() set(MEMORY_USAGE_FLAG --info=summarysizes,sizes,totals,unused,veneers) endif() macro(tfm_toolchain_reset_linker_flags) set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY LINK_OPTIONS "") add_link_options( ${MEMORY_USAGE_FLAG} --strict --symbols --xref $<$,$>:--no-merge> # Suppress link warnings that are consistant (and therefore hopefully # harmless) # https://developer.arm.com/documentation/100074/0608/linker-errors-and-warnings/list-of-the-armlink-error-and-warning-messages # Empty region description --diag_suppress=6312 # Ns section matches pattern --diag_suppress=6314 # Duplicate input files --diag_suppress=6304 # Pattern only matches removed unused sections. --diag_suppress=6329 ) endmacro() macro(tfm_toolchain_set_processor_arch) if (DEFINED TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR ${TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) if (TFM_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "armv8.1-m.main") message(WARNING "MVE is not yet supported using ARMCLANG") string(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "+nomve") endif() if (DEFINED TFM_SYSTEM_DSP) if(NOT TFM_SYSTEM_DSP) string(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "+nodsp") endif() endif() # ARMCLANG specifies that '+nofp' is available on following M-profile cpus: # 'cortex-m4', 'cortex-m7', 'cortex-m33', 'cortex-m35p', 'cortex-m55' and 'cortex-m85'. # Build fails if other M-profile cpu, such as 'cortex-m23', is added with '+nofp'. # Explicitly list those cpu to align with ARMCLANG description. if (NOT CONFIG_TFM_FLOAT_ABI STREQUAL "hard" AND (TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "cortex-m4" OR TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "cortex-m7" OR TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "cortex-m33" OR TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "cortex-m35p" OR TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "cortex-m55" OR TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "cortex-m85")) string(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "+nofp") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nodsp" ".no_dsp" CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nomve" ".no_mve" CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG "${CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nofp" ".no_fp" CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG "${CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG}") else() set(CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG ${TFM_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE}) # Armasm uses different syntax than armclang for architecture targets string(REGEX REPLACE "\\armv" "" CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG "${CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\armv" "" CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG "${CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG}") # Modifiers are additive instead of subtractive (.fp Vs .no_fp) if (TFM_SYSTEM_DSP) string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG ".dsp") endif() if (CONFIG_TFM_FLOAT_ABI STREQUAL "hard") string(APPEND CMAKE_ASM_CPU_FLAG ".fp") endif() endif() # CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH is an ARMCLANG CMAKE internal variable, used to set # compile and linker flags up until CMake 3.21 where CMP0123 was introduced: # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/policy/CMP0123.html # This behavior is overwritten by setting CMAKE_C_FLAGS in # tfm_toolchain_reload_compiler. # Another use of this variable is to statisfy a requirement for ARMCLANG to # set either the target CPU or the Architecture. This variable needs to be # set to allow targeting architectures without a specific CPU. set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH ${TFM_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE}) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET arm-${CROSS_COMPILE}) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET arm-${CROSS_COMPILE}) set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_TARGET arm-${CROSS_COMPILE}) # MVE is currently not supported in case of armclang if (TFM_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "armv8.1-m.main") string(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH "+nomve") endif() if (DEFINED TFM_SYSTEM_DSP) if(NOT TFM_SYSTEM_DSP) string(APPEND CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH "+nodsp") endif() endif() # Cmake's ARMClang support has several issues with compiler validation. To # avoid these, we set the list of supported -mcpu and -march variables to # the ones we intend to use so that the validation will never fail. include(Compiler/ARMClang) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_PROCESSOR_LIST ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARCH_LIST ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH}) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_PROCESSOR_LIST ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARCH_LIST ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH}) set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_PROCESSOR_LIST ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER_ARCH_LIST ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH}) endmacro() macro(tfm_toolchain_reload_compiler) tfm_toolchain_set_processor_arch() tfm_toolchain_reset_compiler_flags() tfm_toolchain_reset_linker_flags() unset(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT) unset(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_INIT) unset(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS) unset(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_INIT) unset(CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS) unset(__mcpu_flag_set) unset(__march_flag_set) include(Compiler/ARMClang) __compiler_armclang(C) include(Compiler/ARMCC-ASM) __compiler_armcc(ASM) if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 6.13) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please select newer Arm compiler version starting from 6.13.") endif() if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 6.15 AND CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 6.18) message(FATAL_ERROR "Armclang 6.15~6.17 may cause MemManage fault." " This defect has been fixed since Armclang 6.18." " See [SDCOMP-59788] in Armclang 6.18 release note for details." " Please use other Armclang versions instead.") endif() set(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS ${CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS_INIT}) if (DEFINED TFM_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-mcpu=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-mcpu=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "--cpu=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") set(CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS "--cpu=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") set(CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS "--cpu=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") # But armlink doesn't support this +dsp syntax string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nodsp" "" CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nodsp" "" CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nodsp" "" CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS}") # And uses different syntax for +nofp string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nofp" ".no_fp" CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nofp" ".no_fp" CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nofp" ".no_fp" CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nomve" ".no_mve" CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nomve" ".no_mve" CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_LINK_FLAGS}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\+nomve" ".no_mve" CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS "${CMAKE_ASM_LINK_FLAGS}") else() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-march=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-march=${CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH}") endif() set(BL2_COMPILER_CP_FLAG $<$:-mfpu=softvfp> $<$:--fpu=softvfp> ) # As BL2 does not use hardware FPU, specify '--fpu=SoftVFP' explicitly to use software # library functions for BL2 to override any implicit FPU option, such as '--cpu' option. # Because the implicit hardware FPU option enforces BL2 to initialize FPU but hardware FPU # is not actually enabled in BL2, it will cause BL2 runtime fault. set(BL2_LINKER_CP_OPTION --fpu=SoftVFP) set(BL1_COMPILER_CP_FLAG $<$:-mfpu=softvfp> $<$:--fpu=softvfp> ) set(BL1_LINKER_CP_OPTION --fpu=SoftVFP) if (CONFIG_TFM_FLOAT_ABI STREQUAL "hard") set(COMPILER_CP_FLAG $<$:-mfloat-abi=hard> ) if (CONFIG_TFM_ENABLE_FP) set(COMPILER_CP_FLAG $<$:-mfpu=${CONFIG_TFM_FP_ARCH};-mfloat-abi=hard> $<$:--fpu=${CONFIG_TFM_FP_ARCH_ASM}> ) # armasm and armlink have the same option "--fpu" and are both used to # specify the target FPU architecture. So the supported FPU architecture # names can be shared by armasm and armlink. set(LINKER_CP_OPTION --fpu=${CONFIG_TFM_FP_ARCH_ASM}) endif() else() set(COMPILER_CP_FLAG $<$:-mfpu=softvfp> $<$:--fpu=softvfp> ) set(LINKER_CP_OPTION --fpu=SoftVFP) endif() # Workaround for issues with --depend-single-line with armasm and Ninja if (CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Ninja") set( CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_ASM "--depend=.d") endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "-Oz -DNDEBUG") endmacro() # Configure environment for the compiler setup run by cmake at the first # `project` call in /CMakeLists.txt. After this mandatory setup is # done, all further compiler setup is done via tfm_toolchain_reload_compiler() tfm_toolchain_set_processor_arch() tfm_toolchain_reset_compiler_flags() tfm_toolchain_reset_linker_flags() # Behaviour for handling scatter files is so wildly divergent between compilers # that this macro is required. macro(target_add_scatter_file target) target_link_options(${target} PRIVATE --scatter=$ ) add_library(${target}_scatter OBJECT) foreach(scatter_file ${ARGN}) target_sources(${target}_scatter PRIVATE ${scatter_file} ) # Cmake cannot use generator expressions in the # set_source_file_properties command, so instead we just parse the regex # for the filename and set the property on all files, regardless of if # the generator expression would evaluate to true or not. string(REGEX REPLACE ".*>:(.*)>$" "\\1" SCATTER_FILE_PATH "${scatter_file}") set_source_files_properties(${SCATTER_FILE_PATH} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C ) endforeach() add_dependencies(${target} ${target}_scatter ) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_DEPENDS $) target_link_libraries(${target}_scatter platform_region_defs psa_interface tfm_config ) target_compile_options(${target}_scatter PRIVATE -E -xc ) endmacro() macro(add_convert_to_bin_target target) get_target_property(bin_dir ${target} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) add_custom_target(${target}_bin SOURCES ${bin_dir}/${target}.bin ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${bin_dir}/${target}.bin DEPENDS ${target} COMMAND fromelf --bincombined $ --output=${bin_dir}/${target}.bin ) add_custom_target(${target}_elf SOURCES ${bin_dir}/${target}.elf ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${bin_dir}/${target}.elf DEPENDS ${target} COMMAND fromelf --elf $ --output=${bin_dir}/${target}.elf ) add_custom_target(${target}_hex SOURCES ${bin_dir}/${target}.hex ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${bin_dir}/${target}.hex DEPENDS ${target} COMMAND fromelf --i32combined $ --output=${bin_dir}/${target}.hex ) add_custom_target(${target}_binaries ALL DEPENDS ${target}_bin DEPENDS ${target}_elf DEPENDS ${target}_hex ) endmacro() macro(target_share_symbols target) get_target_property(TARGET_TYPE ${target} TYPE) if (NOT TARGET_TYPE STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") message(FATAL_ERROR "${target} is not an executable. Symbols cannot be shared from libraries.") endif() foreach(symbol_file ${ARGN}) FILE(STRINGS ${symbol_file} SYMBOLS LENGTH_MINIMUM 1 ) list(APPEND KEEP_SYMBOL_LIST ${SYMBOLS}) endforeach() # strip all the symbols except those proveded as arguments. Long inline # python scripts aren't ideal, but this is both portable and possibly easier # to maintain than trying to filter files at build time in cmake. add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD VERBATIM COMMAND python3 -c "from sys import argv; import re; f = open(argv[1], 'rt'); p = [x.replace('*', '.*') for x in argv[2:]]; l = [x for x in f.readlines() if re.search(r'(?=('+'$|'.join(p + ['SYMDEFS']) + r'))', x)]; f.close(); f = open(argv[1], 'wt'); f.writelines(l); f.close();" $/${target}${CODE_SHARING_OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX} ${KEEP_SYMBOL_LIST}) # Force the target to not remove the symbols if they're unused. list(TRANSFORM KEEP_SYMBOL_LIST PREPEND --undefined=) target_link_options(${target} PRIVATE ${KEEP_SYMBOL_LIST} ) # Ask armclang to produce a symdefs file that will target_link_options(${target} PRIVATE --symdefs=$/${target}${CODE_SHARING_OUTPUT_FILE_SUFFIX} ) endmacro() macro(target_link_shared_code target) get_target_property(TARGET_SOURCE_DIR ${target} SOURCE_DIR) foreach(symbol_provider ${ARGN}) if (TARGET ${symbol_provider}) get_target_property(SYMBOL_PROVIDER_TYPE ${symbol_provider} TYPE) if (NOT SYMBOL_PROVIDER_TYPE STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") message(FATAL_ERROR "${symbol_provider} is not an executable. Symbols cannot be shared from libraries.") endif() endif() add_dependencies(${target} ${symbol_provider}) target_link_options(${target} PRIVATE LINKER:$/${symbol_provider}${CODE_SHARING_INPUT_FILE_SUFFIX}) endforeach() endmacro() macro(target_strip_symbols target) set(SYMBOL_LIST "${ARGN}") list(TRANSFORM SYMBOL_LIST PREPEND --strip-symbol=) # TODO we assume that arm-none-eabi-objcopy is available - since we're using # armclang this isn't necessarily true. add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} ARGS $ --wildcard ${SYMBOL_LIST} $ ) endmacro() macro(target_strip_symbols_from_dependency target dependency) set(SYMBOL_LIST "${ARGN}") list(TRANSFORM SYMBOL_LIST PREPEND --strip-symbol=) # TODO we assume that arm-none-eabi-objcopy is available - since we're using # armclang this isn't necessarily true. add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} PRE_LINK COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} ARGS $ --wildcard ${SYMBOL_LIST} $ ) endmacro() macro(target_weaken_symbols target) set(SYMBOL_LIST "${ARGN}") list(TRANSFORM SYMBOL_LIST PREPEND --weaken-symbol=) # TODO we assume that arm-none-eabi-objcopy is available - since we're using # armclang this isn't necessarily true. add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} ARGS $ --wildcard ${SYMBOL_LIST} $ ) endmacro() macro(target_weaken_symbols_from_dependency target dependency) set(SYMBOL_LIST "${ARGN}") list(TRANSFORM SYMBOL_LIST PREPEND --weaken-symbol=) # TODO we assume that arm-none-eabi-objcopy is available - since we're using # armclang this isn't necessarily true. add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} PRE_LINK COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} ARGS $ --wildcard ${SYMBOL_LIST} $ ) endmacro()