/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2019, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #ifndef _CC_FFCDH_H #define _CC_FFCDH_H #include "cc_pal_types.h" #include "cc_pka_defs_hw.h" #include "cc_pal_types.h" #include "cc_pal_compiler.h" #include "cc_hash_defs.h" #include "mbedtls_cc_hkdf.h" #include "cc_ffc_domain.h" #include "cc_rnd_common.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! @file @brief This file defines the API that supports FFC Diffie-Hellman key exchange, as defined in NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard. @defgroup cc_ffcdh CryptoCell FFCDH APIs @{ @ingroup cryptocell_api */ /************************ Defines ******************************/ /*! Definition for DH public key.*/ /*!< Size limitation according to NIST SP 56A ver.2 standard */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_VALID_KEY_SIZE_VALUE_IN_BITS 2048 /*! Maximal valid key size in bits.*/ /*! Minimal valid key size in bits.*/ #define CC_FFCDH_MIN_VALID_KEY_SIZE_VALUE_IN_BITS 1024 /*!< Size limitation according to NSI standard */ /*! Maximal prime P (modulus) size in bytes.*/ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_MAX_VALID_KEY_SIZE_VALUE_IN_BITS / CC_BITS_IN_BYTE) /*! Maximal prime P (modulus) size in words.*/ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_BYTES / CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE) /*! Prime P (modulus) buffer size in words.*/ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS + 2) #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS * CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE) /*! Maximal FFC subgroup order size. */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BITS CC_FFC_DOMAIN_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BITS #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BITS / CC_BITS_IN_BYTE) #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BITS / CC_BITS_IN_32BIT_WORD) /*!< Maximal size of buffer for Generator order (added 2 words for internal using) */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_BUFF_SIZE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_WORDS + 2) /* Size in bytes of Length-counter (used for TLS data transfer etc. in form Len||Data) */ #define CC_FFCDH_LENGTH_COUNTER_SIZE_IN_BYTES 2 #define CC_FFCDH_KDF_COUNTER_SIZE_IN_BYTES 4 /* counter used in some KDF functions and concatenated with OtherInfo */ #define CC_FFCDH_PUBL_KEY_TMP_BUFF_IN_WORDS CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS #define CC_FFCDH_PRIV_KEY_TMP_BUFF_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_BUFF_SIZE_IN_WORDS) /*! Number of other info entries */ #define CC_FFCDH_COUNT_OF_OTHER_INFO_ENTRIES 13 #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_ALG_ID_ENTRY_BYTES 32 /*!< Algorithm ID in bytes.*/ /*! Maximal size of supplied Private or Public data entry. */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_SUPPL_ENTRY_BYTES 64 /*!< Size is in bytes */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_ID_BYTES 32 /*!< implementation limit, in bytes. */ /*! Size of Nonce for Key Confirmation (if it is used) should be equal to FFC sub-group order size (meets to SP 800-56Arev.2, sec. 5.4) */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_NONCE_SUB_ENTRY_BYTES CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BYTES #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PUBL_KEY_DATA_BYTES CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_BYTES /*!< Party Public Key max. size in bytes. */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_INFO_OTHER_DATA_BYTES 64 /*!< Party Public Keys Info max. size in bytes.*/ /*!< Count of concatenated sub-entries of Party (U or V) Info */ #define CC_FFCDH_COUNT_OF_PARTY_INFO_ENTRIES 5 /*! Maximal size of PartyInfo (U or V). Note: Buffers for Nonce and Ephemeral key * are joined, because only one of them is used actually */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_INFO_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_ID_BYTES + 2*CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PUBL_KEY_DATA_BYTES + \ CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_NONCE_SUB_ENTRY_BYTES + CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_INFO_OTHER_DATA_BYTES + \ CC_FFCDH_COUNT_OF_PARTY_INFO_ENTRIES * CC_FFCDH_LENGTH_COUNTER_SIZE_IN_BYTES) /*! Maximal size of OtherInfo buffer, including KDF Counter and all entries of actual OtherInfo data */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_DATA_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_LENGTH_COUNTER_SIZE_IN_BYTES + CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_ALG_ID_ENTRY_BYTES + \ 2 * (CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_INFO_BYTES + CC_FFCDH_LENGTH_COUNTER_SIZE_IN_BYTES + CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_SUPPL_ENTRY_BYTES)) /*! Extended KDF data buffer: containing: Counter||SharedSecretZZ||OtherInfo */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_KDF_DATA_BUFFER_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_KDF_COUNTER_SIZE_IN_BYTES + 2*CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_BYTES/*ZZ size*/ + \ CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_DATA_BYTES) #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_KDF_DATA_BUFFER_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_KDF_DATA_BUFFER_BYTES / CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE) #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_KEYING_MATERIAL_BYTES 1024 /*!< Size is in bytes*/ /*! Maximal size of Confirmation MacData in bytes. * msg_str || IDp || IDr || EphemDataP || EphemDataR {|| TextP} * (Max.size 614 bytes */ #define CC_FFCDH_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MSG_STRING_BYTES 6 /*!< standard confirmation message string size in bytes. */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_TEXT_DATA_BYTES 32 /*!< party supplied confirmation text size in bytes. */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_DATA_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MSG_STRING_BYTES + 2*(CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_ID_BYTES + \ CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_BYTES) + CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_TEXT_DATA_BYTES) /*! Maximal size of Confirmation MacTag (according max. HASH output size) */ #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_TAG_BYTES CC_HASH_SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE_IN_BYTES /*! Minimal size in bytes of Confirmation MacTag (sec 5.9.3, tab.8) */ #define CC_FFCDH_MIN_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_TAG_BYTES 8 #define CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_HMAC_SALT_BUFF_BYTES CC_HASH_SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE_IN_BYTES /*! Constant size in bytes of Confirmation MacTag defined in this implementation; * note: minimal size according to standards is 6 bytes (112 bit - sec 5.9.3, tab.8) */ #define CC_FFCDH_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_KEY_IN_BYTES 8 /*! The size of the buffer for User ID */ //#define CC_FFCDH_USER_ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES 8 /*! Buffer for Barrett Tag - special value, used in modular multiplication */ #define CC_FFCDH_BARRETT_TAG_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS CC_FFC_DOMAIN_BARRETT_TAG_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS #define CC_FFCDH_BARRETT_TAG_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES (CC_FFCDH_BARRETT_TAG_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS * CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE) /*! Size (in 32-bit words) of additional buffer used in random generation of vector in range according to FIPS 186-4 sec. B.1.1 */ #define FFCDH_RND_ADDING_SIZE_WORDS 2 #define FFCDH_RND_ADDING_SIZE_BYTES (FFCDH_RND_ADDING_SIZE_WORDS * CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE) /*! Max. size of DH Context temp buffer in words */ #define CC_FFCDH_CTX_TMP_BUFF_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS + CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_WORDS) /* Size of FFCDH Context internal buffer */ #define CC_FFCDH_CONTEXT_BUFF_SIZE_IN_BYTES \ ROUNDUP_BYTES_TO_32BIT_WORD((FFC_DOMAIN_SIZE_BYTES + 32/*schemeInfo*/ + CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_HMAC_SALT_BUFF_BYTES + \ CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_KEYING_MATERIAL_BYTES + 4*CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_BYTES + 2*CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_ID_BYTES + \ 4*CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_BYTES + CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_KDF_DATA_BUFFER_BYTES + 2*CC_HASH_RESULT_SIZE_IN_WORDS*CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE/*MacTags*/ + \ 84/*dataOffsets*/ + 2*CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_TEXT_DATA_BYTES + 26*CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE/*separ.words*/ + \ CC_FFCDH_CTX_TMP_BUFF_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS*CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE)) #define CC_FFCDH_CONTEXT_BUFF_SIZE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_CONTEXT_BUFF_SIZE_IN_BYTES / CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE) #define CC_FFCDH_CALC_USER_MAC_TAG FALSE #define CC_FFCDH_CALC_PARTN_MAC_TAG TRUE /*! Key size used for FIPS tests.*/ #define CC_FFCDH_FIPS_PRIME_SIZE_VALUE_IN_BITS 2048 #define CC_FFCDH_FIPS_PRIME_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS (CC_FFCDH_FIPS_PRIME_SIZE_VALUE_IN_BITS / CC_BITS_IN_32BIT_WORD) #define CC_FFCDH_FIPS_ORDER_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS 32 /************************ Enums ********************************/ /*! Key derivation modes according NIST SP 800-56A ver.2 sec. 5.8.2 with reference to * SP 800-56C sec. 4, SP 800-108 and RFC 5869. */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_KDF_HMAC_RFC5869_MODE, /*!< extraction-then-expansion KDF(RFC 5869), based on HMAC function; note: input salt assumed to be NULL. */ CC_FFCDH_KDF_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_KDF_MODE_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF } CCFfcDhKdfModeSp56A_t; /*! FFC DH key Agreement Schemes enumeration according to NIST SP 56A Rev. 2, Section 6, tab. 10-12. */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_HYBRID1, /*!< dhHybrid1 C(2e, 2s, FFC DH) */ CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_HYBRID_ONE_FLOW, /*!< dhHybridOneFlow C(1e, 2s, FFC DH) */ CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_EPHEM, /*!< dhEphem C(2e, 0s, FFC DH) */ CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_ONE_FLOW, /*!< dhOneFlow C(1e, 1s, FFC DH) */ CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_STATIC, /*!< dhStatic C(0e, 2s, FFC DH) */ CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_SCHEM_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF } CCFfcDhSchemeId_t; /*! An enumeration ID, defining user role in DH Agreement, represented as U, V in NIST SP 56A Rev. 2, Sections 3.1,, 5.9.1, 6 */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_PARTY_U, /*!< party U of Key Agreement */ CC_FFCDH_PARTY_V, /*!< party V of Key Agreement */ CC_FFCDH_PARTY_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_PARTY_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF } CCFfcDhUserPartyIs_t; /*! DH Agreement Confirmation mode: which parts is provider or/and receiver. NIST SP 56A Rev. 2, Sections 5.9, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_CONFIRM_U_TO_V, /*!< only party U provides MacTag to V. */ CC_FFCDH_CONFIRM_V_TO_U, /*!< only party V provides MacTag to U. */ CC_FFCDH_CONFIRM_BILATERAL, /*!< each party provides MacTag to other. */ CC_FFCDH_CONFIRM_NOT_USED, /*!< the confirmation is not performed by the scheme */ CC_FFCDH_CONFIRM_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_CONFIRM_MODE_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF }CCFfcDhUserConfirmMode_t; /*! DH key status according to its life time (or purpose): static/ephemeral */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_KEY_STATIC, /*!< static (long term) key */ CC_FFCDH_KEY_EPHEMER, /*!< ephemeral (one-time) key */ CC_FFCDH_KEY_STATUS_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_KEY_STATUS_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF } CCFfcDhKeyStatus_t; /*! FFC DH Public Key validation mode definitions : (such enumerator mode should be given for each key separately). */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_KEY_VALIDAT_FULL_MODE, /*!< full validation (NIST SP 56A Rev. 2) */ CC_FFCDH_KEY_VALIDAT_PARTIAL_MODE, /*!< checking of sizes, pointers and ranges; this mode may be used on user's responsibility when he has assurance about received data */ CC_FFCDH_KEY_VALIDAT_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_KEY_VALIDAT_MODE_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF } CCFfcDhKeyValidMode_t; /*! FFC DH both PartyInfo (Public Keys) validation mode definitions (NIST SP 56A Rev. 2). Such enumerator mode might be applied to all existed Public keys, belonging to the party, namely: static and ephemeral keys. If full mode for any existed key is not defined, then it will be validated partially (checking of sizes, pointers and ranges). */ typedef enum { CC_FFCDH_STAT_KEY_FULL_VALIDAT_MODE, /*!< full validation of static key only */ CC_FFCDH_EPHEM_KEY_FULL_VALIDAT_MODE, /*!< full validation of ephemeral key only */ CC_FFCDH_BOTH_KEYS_FULL_VALIDAT_MODE, /*!< full validation of both keys */ CC_FFCDH_NO_FULL_VALIDAT_MODE, /*!< only partial validation of existed keys */ CC_FFCDH_KEYS_VALIDAT_NUM_OFF_MODE, /*!< not allowed value */ CC_FFCDH_KEYS_VALIDAT_MODE_LAST = 0x7FFFFFFF } CCFfcDhPartyInfoValidMode_t; /************************ Structures ***********************************/ /*! FFC Domain parameters structure (p,q,g,{seed,genCounter}. */ //#define CCFfcDhDomain_t CCFfcDomain_t /*! FFC DH Domain parameters sets definition: NIST SP 56A Rev. 2, sec. 5.8.1, tab.6, * Note: modulus (prime) size 3072 is not allowed in FFC DH. */ //#define CCFfcDhParamSetId_t CCFfcParamSetId_t /**************************************************************/ /*! Definition of PartyInfo entry structure. The structure (buffer) containing data, which should be supplied, to the key agreement by any Party (partyU or partyV) and used for derivation of Shared Secret Keying Data. \par The data should be constructed according to concatenation method, described in NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard sec. 5.8.1, and the following requirements: \note Said requirements are mandatory and should be agreed by both parties as a part of Key Establishment Agreement protocol. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhPartyInfo_t{ uint8_t data[CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_INFO_BYTES]; }CCFfcDhPartyInfo_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! Definition of OtherInfo structure. This structure containing "other data", shared by both key agreement parties and used for derivation of Shared Secret Keying Data. \par The data should be constructed according to concatenation method, described in NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard sec. 5.8.1, and the following requirements: \note Said requirements are mandatory and should be agreed by both parties as a part of Key Establishment Agreement protocol. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhOtherInfo_t{ uint8_t data[CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_DATA_BYTES/*884 bytes ???*/]; }CCFfcDhOtherInfo_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! Definition of MAC Data structure, containing data, known to both key agreement parties and used for key confirmation. \par The data should be constructed according to NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard, sec. 5.9, and the following requirements:
  • - total length of MacDataP shall be not great than CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_MAC_DATA bytes.
  • \note Confirmation is possible (effective) only if Confirmation Receiver contribute an EphemeralKey or Nonce to the Key Agreement. \note Said requirements are mandatory and should be agreed by both parties as a part of Key Establishment Agreement protocol. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhConfirmMacData_t{ uint32_t sizeInBytes; /*!< actual size of data in the MacData buffer, in bytes */ uint8_t macData[CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_DATA_BYTES]; } CCFfcDhConfirmMacData_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! DH Key Agreement Confirmation MacTag, calculated as HMAC of MacData. See NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard, sec. 5.9. Optionally MacTag may be truncated (sec. 5.9.3) */ typedef struct CCFfcDhConfirmMacTag_t{ uint32_t sizeInBytes; uint8_t macTag[CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_TAG_BYTES]; }CCFfcDhConfirmMacTag_t; typedef struct CCFfcDhHashBlockAndDigestSizes_t{ uint32_t blockSizeInBytes; /*!< HASH function block size in bytes */ uint32_t digestSizeInBytes; /*!< HASH function digest (output) size in bytes */ } CCFfcDhHashBlockAndDigestSizes_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! The structure containing the FFC DH Public Key parameters. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhPublKey_t { size_t keySizeBits; uint32_t pubKey[CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; /*!< Public Key .*/ CCFfcDhKeyStatus_t status; /*! enumerator, defining the key status according to its lifetime or purpose: static/ephemeral/nonce */ }CCFfcDhPublKey_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! The FFC DH public key's user structure prototype. This structure must be saved by the user, and is used as input to the DH functions (such as ::CC_FfcDhGeneratePubPrv etc.). */ typedef struct CCFfcDhUserPubKey_t { uint32_t validTag; /*!< Validation tag.*/ uint32_t publKeyDbBuff[CALC_32BIT_WORDS_FROM_BYTES(sizeof(CCFfcDhPublKey_t))]; /*!< Public key data. */ }CCFfcDhUserPubKey_t; #ifdef FFC_FURTHER_USING /**************************************************************/ /*! The structure containing the FFC DH Public Keys parameters. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhCtxPublKeys_t { uint32_t statKeySizeBytes; uint8_t statPublKey[CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; uint32_t ephemKeySizeBytes; uint32_t ephemPublKey[CC_FFCDH_MAX_MOD_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; uint32_t nonceSizeBytes; uint32_t userNonce[CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; }CCFfcDhCtxPublKeys_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! The structure containing the FFC DH Private Key parameters. \note The maximal bit length of private key must be 160, 224 or 256 according to NIST SP 56A rev.2, sec. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhPrivKey_t { /*! Private Key exponent.*/ size_t keySizeBits; uint32_t key[CC_FFCDH_MAX_GENER_ORDER_SIZE_IN_WORDS + FFCDH_RND_ADDING_SIZE_BYTES]; CCFfcDhKeyStatus_t status; /*! enumerator, defining the key status according to its lifetime or purpose: static/ephemeral/nonce */ }CCFfcDhPrivKey_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! The FFC DH public key's user structure prototype. This structure must be saved by the user as secret, and is used as input to the DH functions (such as ::CC_FfcDhGeneratePubPrv etc.). */ typedef struct CCFfcDhUserPrivKey_t { uint32_t validTag; /*!< key validation tag. */ uint32_t privKeyDbBuff[CALC_32BIT_WORDS_FROM_BYTES(sizeof(CCFfcDhPrivKey_t))]; /*!< Private key data. */ }CCFfcDhUserPrivKey_t; /**************************************************************/ /*! The structure defines context temp buffer, used for internal calculations. \note The maximal bit length of private key must be 160, 224 or 256 according to NIST SP 56A rev.2, sec. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhCtxTempBuff_t { uint32_t key[CC_FFCDH_CTX_TMP_BUFF_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; }CCFfcDhCtxTempBuff_t; #endif /* temp buffer structure, used for DH functions */ typedef struct CCFfcDhTemp_t { uint32_t TempBuff[CC_FFCDH_CTX_TMP_BUFF_MAX_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; } CCFfcDhTemp_t; /* Definition of name of function that translates the FCC Domain and DH Hash modes into * HASH, KDF-Hash modes and gives HASH block and digest sizes (in bytes). Note: the function * sets on output only required parameters, which pointers are not NULL. * */ #define FfcDhGetHashMode FfcDomainGetHashMode /***************************************************************************/ /*!< Set of DH FFC parameters size approved by NIST SP 800-56A rev.2. tab.6,8 Intended for initialisation of array of structures of following type. */ #define CCFfcDhDomainParamSizes_t CCFfcDomainParamSizes_t /**************************************************************/ /*! DH Key Agreement user context structure is passed by the user to the DH APIs. The context saves the state of the operations and must be saved by the user till the end of the APIs flow. */ typedef struct CCFfcDhUserContext_t { /*! Validation tag. */ uint32_t validTag; /*! Private data context buffer. */ uint32_t contextBuff[CC_FFCDH_CONTEXT_BUFF_SIZE_IN_WORDS]; // uint32_t contextBuff[(sizeof(DhContext_t)+3)/4]; } CCFfcDhUserContext_t; /***************************************************************************/ /*! Definition of FFC-DH buffer used for FIPS Known Answer Tests. */ typedef struct { /* FFC Domain parameters */ uint32_t prime[CC_FFCDH_FIPS_PRIME_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS]; /*!< prime modulus - in KAT used 2048 bit size. */ uint32_t generator[CC_FFCDH_FIPS_PRIME_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS]; /*!< FFC sub-group generator */ uint32_t order[CC_FFCDH_FIPS_ORDER_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS]; /*!< order of FFC sub-group - in KAT used 256 bit size*/ uint32_t privKey[CC_FFCDH_FIPS_ORDER_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS]; /*!< private key */ uint32_t pubKey[CC_FFCDH_FIPS_PRIME_SIZE_VALUE_IN_WORDS]; /*!< public key */ CCFfcDhTemp_t tmpBuff; /*!< temporary buffer */ } CCFfcDhFipsKat_t; /************************ Public Variables ******************************/ /*!< Set of DH FFC parameters sizes, approved by NIST SP 800-56A rev.2: sec. 5.8.1, 5.9.3. Intended for initialization of array of structures of type CCFfcDhFfcDomainParamSizes_t. All sizes are given in bytes. \note Index of array is given according to CCFfcDhFfcParamsSetId_t enumerator: {CC_FFCDH_PARAMS_SET_FA, CC_FFCDH_PARAMS_SET_FB, CC_FFCDH_PARAMS_SET_FC} = {0,1,2}. */ #define CC_FFCDH_DOMAIN_PARAM_SIZES_SET CC_FFC_DOMAIN_PARAM_SIZES_SET //{{80,1024,160,80},{112,2048,224,112},{112,2048,256,112}} /*! Define and init parameters array */ //CCFfcDhDomainParamSizes_t ffcDomainParamSizes[(uint32_t)CC_FFCDH_PARAMS_SET_NUM_OFF_MODE] = FFCDH_DOMAIN_PARAM_SIZES_SET; /*! Array of allowed HASH SHA-x block and digest sizes for all SHA modes (size in bytes). \note Index of array is according to CCFfcDhParamsSetId_t enumerator: {CC_HASH_SHA1_mode, CC_HASH_SHA224_mode, CC_HASH_SHA256_mode, CC_HASH_SHA384_mode, CC_HASH_SHA512_mode} = {0,1,2,3,4}. */ #define CC_DH_SHA_PARAMETERS_SIZES_IN_BYTES CC_FFC_SHA_PARAMETERS_SIZES_IN_BYTES //{{64,20},{64,28},{64,32},{128,48},{128,64}} /*! Define and initialize HASH parameters array */ //CCFfcDhHashBlockAndDigestSizes_t DhHashBlockAndDigestSizes[(uint32_t)CC_FFCDH_HASH_NUM_OFF_MODE] = // DH_SHA_PARAMETERS_SIZES_IN_BYTES; /************************ Public Functions ******************************/ /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! The functions initializes the DH Context structure:
  • zeroes context buffers, initializes 3 MS bytes of validation tag by context ID and sets LS byte to zero to prepare it for further indications of setting appropriate parts of data into context */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhInitCtx( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! The functions destroys (zeroes) the DH Context structure. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhFreeCtx( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! The function sets into DH context FFCDH Scheme agreed parameters: SchemeId, User role, Confirmation mode etc. \note The context is used in DH Agreement functions, implementing NIST SP 800-56A rev.2 standard. \note Assumed, that input FFC Domain is properly generated or imported and validated according to NIST SP 800-56A and FIPS 186-4 standards. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CEXPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhCtxSetSchemeParams( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in/out] pointer to context structure, containing all parameters and data, defining DH Key Agreement Scheme */ CCFfcDomain_t *pDomain, /*!< [in] pointer to DH FFC Domain structure. */ uint8_t *pAlgId, /*!< [in] pointer to Algorithm ID agreed by both parties and indicates how the derived secret keying material will be parsed and for which algorithms (sec. In partial, Algorithm ID should indicate also how much bits are intended for internal confirmation MAC algorithm and how much remaining bits will be returned to the user for external applications/algorithms (the total size should be equal to chosen secretKeyDataSize). */ size_t algIdSize, /*!< [in] size of Algorithm ID in bytes, should be less than CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_ALG_ID_SUB_ENTRY. */ size_t secretKeyingDataSize, /*!< [in] size in bytes of shared secret keying data, which will be extracted and in the next steps and passed to the user for using in external algorithm(s). It is used for calculation of Derived Keying material size = key size of the used HMAC function + secretKeyingDataSize. */ uint8_t *pUserId, /*!< [in] pointer to the user ID - a distinct identifier of the user. */ size_t userIdSize, /*!< [in] size of the user ID in bytes. */ uint8_t *pPartnId, /*!< [in] pointer to the partner ID - a distinct identifier of the party. */ size_t partnIdSize, /*!< [in] size of the partner ID in bytes. */ CCFfcDhUserPartyIs_t userParty, /*!< [in] enumerator, defining role of the user (function's caller) in the DH Agreement Scheme: partyU or partyV. */ CCFfcDhSchemeId_t dhSchemeId, /*!< [in] enumerator ID of used FFC DH Key Agreement Scheme, as defined in sec. 6, tab. 12. */ CCFfcParamSetId_t ffcParamSetId, /*!< [in] enumerator, defining the set of FFC domain parameters according to SP 56A rev.2 section, tab.1. */ CCFfcDhKdfModeSp56A_t kdfMode, /*!< [in] enumerator ID of used KDF function, based on HASH or HMAC algorithms. In current implementation is allowed only KDF HMAC_RFC5869 mode, according to KDF_HMAC_RFC-5869. */ CCFfcHashOpMode_t ffcHashMode, /*!< [in] enumerator ID of used SHAXXX HASH mode, supported by the product. Note: HASH SHA1 function may be used only with SA set of domain parameters (sec. 5.8.1, tab.6); with other sets the function returns an error. */ CCFfcDhUserConfirmMode_t confirmMode, /*!< enumerator, defining confirmation mode of each party: provider or/and recipient, according to sec. 5.9. */ uint8_t *pHmacSalt, /*!< [in] optional, pointer to the Salt, used as key in HMAC-KDF function on appropriate modes. If HMAC-KDF mode is set, and the pointer and size are zero, then the Salt is treated as full-zero bytes array of size equalled to block-size of used HMAC function. If HMAC-KDF mode is HMAC_RFC5869_MODE, then the Salt is treated as HMAC Key. If only one of parameters (pointer and size) is zero, but other not, then the function returns an error. */ size_t hmacSaltSize, /*!< [in] optional, size of Salt in bytes, should be equalled to the HMAC block size if salt is used. */ size_t macTagSize /*!< [in] optional, size in bytes ofof confirmation MacTag. Should be in range: [CC_FFCDH_MIN_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_TAG_BYTES, CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_CONFIRM_MAC_TAG_BYTES]. */ ); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief The function generates FFC DH key pairs according to DH Scheme and NIST SP 800-56A rev.2 standard:
    1. - count of required key pairs (one or two is dependent on DH Scheme and user Party (U or V), inserted into Context. For each of key pair the function performs the following steps:
    2. - randomly generates the private key X according to section and FIPS 184-4, B.1.1;
    3. - the sizes of primes P,Q should be taken from DH FFC sizes set previously inserted into Context;
    4. - calculates the associated public key Y = G^X mod P;
    5. - sets private and public keys in appropriate place in the Context according to user party (U,V) and keys status (static, ephemeral);
    6. - exports the public key as big endianness order of bytes.
    \note Before calling of this function, DH context should be initialized, DH Scheme parameters and DH Domain are inserted by calling appropriate functions, else the function returns an error. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h, cc_rnd_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhGeneratePublPrivKeys( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx,/*!< [in/out] pointer to DH FFC User Context structure. */ CCRndContext_t *pRndContext /*!< [in] random generation function context. */ ); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief This function validates the FFC DH public key according to NIST SP 800-56A rev.2, sec. and checking mode: \note Before calling of this function, appropriate FFC Domain parameters should be obtained and validated, else the function returns an error. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhValidatePublKey( CCFfcDomain_t *pFfcDomain, /*!< [in/out] pointer to DH FFC Context structure. */ uint8_t *pPublKeyData, /*!< [in] pointer to given DH FFC public key formatted as big endianness array; it should be in range [2, P-2], where P is the Domain Prime P. */ size_t publKeyDataSize, /*!< [in] pointer to public key size, in bytes: should be not great than Prime size. */ CCFfcDhKeyValidMode_t validatMode, /*!< [in] enumerator ID defining the validation mode: CC_FFCDH_CHECK_FULL_MODE - full validation (sec.; CC_FFCDH_CHECK_PARTIAL_MODE - check pointers, sizes and range of values. */ uint32_t *pTmpBuff); /*!< [in] temporary buffer of size not less 2*Prime size. ??? */ /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief The function checks and sets the FFC DH partner's public key into DH Context according to NIST SP 800-56A rev.2 sec. and checking mode: \note Before calling of this function, DH context should be initialized and Scheme and FFC Domain parameters are inserted by calling appropriate functions, else the function returns an error. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhValidateAndImportPublKey( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in/out] pointer to DH FFC Context structure. */ uint8_t *pPublKeyData, /*!< [in] pointer to given DH FFC public key or Nonce in big endianness; it should be in range [2, P-2], where P is the Domain Prime. */ size_t publKeyDataSize, /*!< [in] public key size, in bytes: should be not great than Domain Prime size. */ CCFfcDhKeyValidMode_t validatMode, /*!< [in] enumerator ID defining the validation mode: CC_FFCDH_CHECK_FULL_MODE - full validation (sec.; CC_FFCDH_CHECK_PARTIAL_MODE - check pointers, sizes and range of values; Note: for Nonce only size and range checking is performed. */ CCFfcDhKeyStatus_t keyStatus /*!< [in] enumerator, defining the key status according to its life time or purpose: static/ephemeral/nonce */ ); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief The function checks and sets the FFC DH user's private/public key pair into DH Context according to NIST SP 800-56A rev.2 sec. and checking mode: \note Before calling of this function, DH context should be initialized and Scheme and FFC Domain parameters are inserted by calling appropriate functions, else the function returns an error. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhValidateAndImportKeyPair( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in/out] pointer to DH FFC Context structure. */ uint8_t *pPrivKeyData, /*!< [in] pointer to given DH FFC private key in big endianness; it should be in range [1, n-1], where n is the Domain generator order. */ size_t privKeyDataSize, /*!< [in] private key size, in bytes: should be equaled Domain generator order size. */ uint8_t *pPublKeyData, /*!< [in] pointer to given DH FFC public key in big endianness; it should be in range [2, P-2], where P is the Domain Prime. */ size_t publKeyDataSize, /*!< [in] public key size, in bytes: should be equaled to Domain Prime size, including leading zeros. */ CCFfcDhKeyValidMode_t validatMode, /*!< [in] enumerator ID defining the validation mode: CC_FFCDH_CHECK_FULL_MODE - full validation (sec.; CC_FFCDH_CHECK_PARTIAL_MODE - check pointers, sizes and range of values. */ CCFfcDhKeyStatus_t keyStatus /*!< [in] enumerator, defining the key status according to its life time or purpose: static/ephemeral/nonce */ ); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief This function generates random Nonce, used in appropriate DH Schemes (NIST SP 56A rev.2 sec.5.9, 6).
  • The function generates random vector of given size, sets it into DH context according.
  • \note Before calling of this function, DH context should be initialized and Scheme parameters and DH Domain are inserted by calling appropriate functions, else the function returns an error. \note The Nonce should be generated and the function called only if it is required by DH scheme, and the Nonce is not inserted previously, else the function returns an error. \note The function is used when the user not generates an ephemeral key, but requires key confirmation and therefore Nonce generation. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhGenerateRandomNonce( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in/out] pointer to DH FFC Context structure. */ CCRndContext_t *pRndContext); /*!< [in] random generation function context. */ /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief This function formats the UserInfo according to the user role (PartyU or PartyV) and NIST SP 56A rev.2, sec., \note Before calling of this function the User should initialize DH Context, insert FFC Domain, DH Scheme parameters and all his Private/Public Keys (or Nonce) using appropriate CC functions. \note The output from this function will be exported to the other party of the Agreement and vice versa, UserInfo, received from other party, will be used as input to DhCtxSetSchemeData() function. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhCreateUserInfo( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in/out] pointer to context structure, containing all data, used in DH Key Agreement Scheme. */ uint8_t *pUserOtherData, /*!< [in] optional, pointer to other data, which the user will insert in addition to its ID, keys and Nonce. */ size_t userOtherDataSize, /*!< [in] optional, size of additional data (in bytes), which the user will include into the UserInfo. */ uint8_t *pUserConfirmText, /*!< [in] optional, pointer to confirmation Text of the User. */ size_t userConfirmTextSize, /*!< [in] optional size of Text data of partyU, in bytes. */ CCFfcDhPartyInfo_t *pUserInfo, /*!< [out] pointer to the concatenated UserInfo (i.e. PartyU or PartyV Info). */ size_t *pUserInfoSize /*!< [in/out] pointer to the size of UserInfo, in bytes: in - given buffer size (should be not less than CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_ENTRY; out - actual size of UserInfo, including length counters */ ); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief This function checks and sets given "OtherInfo" entries, calculates shared secret value and derives the "secret keying material". The function's implementation meets to NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard requirements. \note Before calling of this function, DH Context should be initialized, DH Scheme, Domain parameters and all required user's Private, Public keys or nonces are inserted by calling appropriate CC functions. \note - the function performs the following calculations: @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined cc_dh_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhSetAndCalculateSchemeData( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in/out] pointer to context structure, containing all data, used in DH Key Agreement Scheme, required for implementation of said standard. */ /*! Partner's Data to be included into OtherInfo entry. Detailed description see in CCFfcDhOtherInfo_t. */ uint8_t *pPartnerInfo, /*!< [in] pointer to the concatenated PartnerInfo. Detailed description see in CCFfcDhOtherInfo_t. */ size_t sizeOfPartnerInfo, /*!< [in] size of PartnerInfo, in bytes, should be <= CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_PARTY_INFO_BYTES. */ CCFfcDhPartyInfoValidMode_t partnInfoValidMode, /*!< enumerator, defining which of public keys (static, ephemeral), included in the PartnerInfo, should be full validated and which partial only. */ uint8_t *pSuppPubInfo, /*!< [in] pointer to optional shared public data to be included into SuppPubInfo entry */ size_t suppPubInfoSize, /*!< [in] size of SuppPubInfo data, in bytes. */ uint8_t *pSuppPrivInfo, /*!< [in] pointer to optional shared private data to be included into SuppPrivInfo entry */ size_t suppPrivInfoSize, /*!< [in] size of other SuppPrivInfo data, in bytes (should be not great than CC_FFCDH_MAX_SIZE_OF_OTHER_INFO_SUPPL_ENTRY_BYTES */ uint8_t *pUserMacTag, /*!< [out] optional, pointer to the user-provider confirmation MacTag depending on used Key Agreement Scheme. The tag is calculated by HMAC with given hashMode, as described in SP800-56A sec. 5.9. */ size_t macTagSize /*!< [in] optional, required size in bytes of confirmation MacTag. */ ); ///******************************************************************************************/ ///*! //@brief The function calculates user's confirmation MacTags for FFC DH Schemes according to NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard. // //\note Before calling of this function the user should obtain assurance of used FFC Domain and public, private keys, //involved in the key agreement, using one of the methods, described in sec. 5.6.2 of above named standard. // // //@return CC_OK on success. //@return A non-zero value on failure as defined in cc_dh_error.h, cc_kdf_error.h or cc_hash_error.h. //*/ //CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhCalcConfirmMacTags( // CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in] pointer to the user's DH context structure, containing all data, defining // DH Key Agreement Scheme. The context shall be initialized for user's roles // (U or V; Provider or Receiver) using CC_FfcDhSetCtx function. */ // uint8_t *pUserMacTag, /*!< [out] optional, pointer to the user (provider) confirmation MacTag depending // on used Key Agreement Scheme. The tag is calculated by HMAC with given // hashMode, as described in section 5.9. */ // size_t *pMacTagSize, /*!< [in/out] optional, required size of MacTag, in bytes; maximal allowed size is the // HMAC output size; minimal size is 8 bytes according to tab. 8 of said standard. */ // uint8_t *pUserConfirmText, /*!< [in] optional, pointer to confirmation Text of the User. */ // uint8_t userConfirmTextSize, /*!< [in] optional size of Text data of partyU, in bytes. */ // uint8_t *pPartnerConfirmText, /*!< [in] optional, pointer to confirmation Text of the Partner. */ // uint8_t partnerConfirmTextSize /*!< [in] optional, size of Text data of partyV, in bytes. */ //); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief This function performs DH Key Agreement Confirmation and, on success, outputs the shared keying data. The function calculates expected partner's confirmation MacTag' and compares it to value, received from the partner.
  • If the tags are not equaled, then the function returns an error and zeroes the secure sensitive data.
  • If no errors, the function puts the derived secret keying data into output buffer.
  • \note Assumed, that the user yet have obtained assurance of public and private keys, involved in the key agreement. \note Before calling this function the user should perform all required DH Key Agreement operations, including calculation of shared secret keying material by calling CC_FfcDhCalcUserConfirmMacTag function. \note If according to chosen Scheme the user is not a Confirmation Recipient, then all, the pointer and the size of MacTag should be set to zero, else the function returns an error. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined in cc_dh_error.h */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhGetSharedSecretKeyingData( CCFfcDhUserContext_t *pDhUserCtx, /*!< [in] pointer to the user's DH context structure, containing all data, defining DH Key Agreement Scheme and its results. */ uint8_t *pSecretKeyData, /*!< [out] pointer to the shared secret keying data, extracted from keying material after parsing to . */ size_t *pSecretKeyDataSize, /*!< [in/out] the pointer to the size of shared secret key data: in - size of the given output buffer, out - actual size of extracted key data */ uint8_t *pPartnerMacTag, /*!< [in] optional, pointer to the confirmation MacTag, provided by the partner */ size_t macTagSize /*!< [in] optional, size of partner's MacTag, in bytes */ ); /*******************************************************************************************/ /*! @brief This function implements FFC DH primitive according to section of NIST SP 56A rev.2 standard. The function computes the shared secret value: SharedSecretVal = partnerPublKey ^ userPrivKey modulo Prime. \note Before calling of this function the user should obtain assurance of FFC Domain, public and private keys, involved in the key agreement, using one of methods, described in section 5.6.2 of above named standard. \note For assurance of keys validity the user can use appropriate APIs for generating or building and validation, of keys, described in cc_ffcdh.h file. \note The function intended of-first for internal using in Keying Material derivation inside CC DH functions. @return CC_OK on success. @return A non-zero value on failure as defined in cc_dh_error.h or cc_rnd_error.h. */ CIMPORT_C CCError_t CC_FfcDhGetSharedSecretVal( CCFfcDomain_t *pDomain, /*!< [in/out] pointer to DH FFC Context structure. */ uint8_t *pSharedSecretVal, /*!< [out] pointer to the shared secret value in big endianness order of bytes in the array (MS-byte is a most left one). This buffer should be at least of prime (modulus) size in bytes. */ size_t *pSharedSecretValSize, /*!< [in/out] pointer to the shared secret value size: input - size of the given buffer, it should be at least prime (modulus) size bytes; output - actual size. */ uint8_t *pPrivKeyData, /*!< [in] pointer to given DH FFC private key in big endianness; the Key should be in range [1, n-1], where n is the Domain generator order. */ size_t privKeyDataSize, /*!< [in] private key size, in bytes: should be not great than Domain generator order size. */ uint8_t *pPublKeyData, /*!< [in] pointer to given DH FFC public key in big endianness; the key should be in range [2, P-2], where P is the Domain Prime. */ size_t publKeyDataSize, /*!< [in] public key size, in bytes: should be not great than Domain Prime size. */ uint32_t *pTmpBuff /*!< [in] pointer to temp buffer of size */ ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** @} */ #endif