# Micro Speech Example for Spresense Here explaines how to build and execute this Micro Speach Example for Spresense. To try this on the Spresense, below hardware is required. Spresense Main board, which is a microcontroller board. Spresense Extention board, which is for connecting a mic like MEMS mic. Analog mic, which is like MEMS mic. To connect a mic on Spresense Extention board, the following page helps you. [How to use microphons](https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/docs/hw_docs_en.html#_how_to_use_microphones) For this example, the Mic-A is used. ## Table of contents - [How to build](#how-to-build) - [How to run](#how-to-run) ## How to build The tensorflow.git will be downloaded in build system of Spresense. ### Initial setup The Spresense SDK build system is required to build this example. The following instructions will help you to make it on your PC. [Spresense SDK Getting Started Guide:EN](https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/docs/sdk_set_up_en.html) [Spresense SDK Getting Started Guide:JA](https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/docs/sdk_set_up_ja.html) [Spresense SDK Getting Started Guide:CN](https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/docs/sdk_set_up_zh.html) And after setup the build system, download [Spresense repository](https://github.com/sonydevworld/spresense). ``` git clone --recursive https://github.com/sonydevworld/spresense.git ``` ### Configure Spresense for this example The Spresense SDK uses Kconfig mechanism for configuration of software components. So at first, you need to configure it for this example. Spresense SDK provides some default configurations, and there is a default config to build this Micro Speach example. 1. Go to sdk/ directory in the repository. ``` cd spresense/sdk ``` 2. Execute config.py to configure for this example. ``` ./tools/config.py examples/tf_example_micro_speech ``` This command creates .config file in spesense/nuttx directory. ### Build and Flash the binary into Spresense Main board After configured, execute make and then flash built image. 1. Execute "make" command in the same directory you configured. ``` make ``` 2. Flash built image into Spresense main board. If the build is successful, a file named nuttx.spk will be created in the current directory, and flash it into Spresense Main board. Make sure USB cable is connected between the board and your PC. The USB will be recognized as USB/serial device like /dev/ttyUSB0 in your PC. In this explanation, we will assume that the device is recognized as /dev/ttyUSB0. ``` ./tools/flash.sh -c /dev/ttyUSB0 nuttx.spk ``` ## How to run To run the example, connect to the device with a terminal soft like "minicom". Then you can see a "nsh>" prompt on it. (If you can't see the prompt, try to press enter.) 1. Execute tf_example command on the prompt. ``` nsh> tf_example ``` 2. Speak 'yes' or 'no' on your mic. If the Micro Speech recognized it, the log shows 'yes' or 'no'.