# Verifying test suite on emulation platform
## Build steps for target image
To generate the target image for the virtual target, follow these steps:
cd psa-arch-tests/secure-debug/psa-adac
make native
## Build steps for host image
To build ADAC test suite, execute the following commands:
cd psa-arch-tests/secure-debug
cmake ../ -G"Unix Makefiles" -DTARGET=emulation -DSUITE=ADAC
cmake --build .
## Test Suite Execution
The current release provides a reference implementation of ADAC target which communicates with the host platform using Unix sockets.
To launch the target to run as a server instance, run the target executable in another terminal as shown:
cd psa-arch-tests/secure-debug/psa-adac
./build/native/Debug/psa_adac_server coms.socket tools/test/resources/chains/chain.EcdsaP256-3
To run the test suite, execute the following command from your host build directory :
./psa_adac_test ../psa-adac/tools/test/resources/keys/EcdsaP256Key-3.pem \../psa-adac/tools/test/resources/chains/chain.EcdsaP256-3 ../psa-adac/coms.socket
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