# Copyright (C) 2002 by Red Hat, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
# is freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.

# newlib_check_output takes the basename of the test source file, and
# a list of TCL regular expressions representing the expected output.
# It assumes one line of output per test.

proc newlib_check_output { srcfile expectlist } {
    global subdir srcdir tmpdir

    set srcfullname "$srcdir/$subdir/$srcfile"
    set test_driver "$tmpdir/[file tail [file rootname $srcfullname].x]"

    set comp_output [newlib_target_compile "$srcfullname" "$test_driver" "executable" ""]

    if { $comp_output != "" } {
	fail "$subdir/$srcfile compilation"
	unresolved "$subdir/$srcfile output"
    pass "$subdir/$srcfile compilation"

    set result [newlib_load $test_driver ""]
    set status [lindex $result 0]
    set output [lindex $result 1]

    set output_lines [split $output "\n"]

    foreach { expectedval } $expectlist {
	set gotval [string trim [lindex $output_lines 0] "\r"]
	if { ! [string match $expectedval $gotval] } {
	    verbose -log "$subdir/$srcfile: Expected: $expectedval Got: $gotval "
	    fail "$subdir/$srcfile output"
	set output_lines [lrange $output_lines 1 end]

    pass "$subdir/$srcfile output"