# OpenThread Control Interface The OpenThread Control Interface (OTCI) is a library which provides uniform python interfaces to connect and control various kinds of devices running OpenThread. ## Supported device types - OpenThread CLI - SOC device via Serial - OpenThread NCP (limited support via [pyspinel](https://pypi.org/project/pyspinel/)) - SOC device via Serial - [OpenThread Border Router](https://github.com/openthread/ot-br-posix) - OTBR device via SSH ## Example ```python import otci # Connect to an OTBR device via SSH node1 = otci.connect_otbr_ssh("") # Connect to an OpenThread CLI device via Serial node2 = otci.connect_cli_serial("/dev/ttyACM0")) # Start node1 to become Leader node1.dataset_init_buffer() node1.dataset_set_buffer(network_name='test', network_key='00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff', panid=0xface, channel=11) node1.dataset_commit_buffer('active') node1.ifconfig_up() node1.thread_start() node1.wait(5) assert node1.get_state() == "leader" # Start Commissioner on node1 node1.commissioner_start() node1.wait(3) node1.commissioner_add_joiner("TEST123",eui64='*') # Start node2 node2.ifconfig_up() node2.set_router_selection_jitter(1) # Start Joiner on node2 to join the network node2.joiner_start("TEST123") node2.wait(10, expect_line="Join success") # Wait for node 2 to become Router node2.thread_start() node2.wait(5) assert node2.get_state() == "router" ```