/* * Copyright (c) 2016, The OpenThread Authors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @file * This file implements Thread's EID-to-RLOC mapping and caching. */ #include "address_resolver.hpp" #include "coap/coap_message.hpp" #include "common/as_core_type.hpp" #include "common/code_utils.hpp" #include "common/debug.hpp" #include "common/encoding.hpp" #include "common/locator_getters.hpp" #include "common/log.hpp" #include "common/time.hpp" #include "instance/instance.hpp" #include "mac/mac_types.hpp" #include "thread/mesh_forwarder.hpp" #include "thread/mle_router.hpp" #include "thread/thread_netif.hpp" #include "thread/uri_paths.hpp" namespace ot { RegisterLogModule("AddrResolver"); AddressResolver::AddressResolver(Instance &aInstance) : InstanceLocator(aInstance) #if OPENTHREAD_FTD , mCacheEntryPool(aInstance) , mIcmpHandler(&AddressResolver::HandleIcmpReceive, this) #endif { #if OPENTHREAD_FTD IgnoreError(Get().RegisterHandler(mIcmpHandler)); #endif } #if OPENTHREAD_FTD void AddressResolver::Clear(void) { CacheEntryList *lists[] = {&mCachedList, &mSnoopedList, &mQueryList, &mQueryRetryList}; for (CacheEntryList *list : lists) { CacheEntry *entry; while ((entry = list->Pop()) != nullptr) { if (list == &mQueryList) { Get().HandleResolved(entry->GetTarget(), kErrorDrop); } mCacheEntryPool.Free(*entry); } } } Error AddressResolver::GetNextCacheEntry(EntryInfo &aInfo, Iterator &aIterator) const { Error error = kErrorNone; const CacheEntryList *list = aIterator.GetList(); const CacheEntry *entry = aIterator.GetEntry(); while (entry == nullptr) { if (list == nullptr) { list = &mCachedList; } else if (list == &mCachedList) { list = &mSnoopedList; } else if (list == &mSnoopedList) { list = &mQueryList; } else if (list == &mQueryList) { list = &mQueryRetryList; } else { ExitNow(error = kErrorNotFound); } entry = list->GetHead(); } // Update the iterator then populate the `aInfo`. aIterator.SetEntry(entry->GetNext()); aIterator.SetList(list); aInfo.Clear(); aInfo.mTarget = entry->GetTarget(); aInfo.mRloc16 = entry->GetRloc16(); if (list == &mCachedList) { aInfo.mState = MapEnum(EntryInfo::kStateCached); aInfo.mCanEvict = true; aInfo.mValidLastTrans = entry->IsLastTransactionTimeValid(); VerifyOrExit(entry->IsLastTransactionTimeValid()); aInfo.mLastTransTime = entry->GetLastTransactionTime(); AsCoreType(&aInfo.mMeshLocalEid).SetPrefix(Get().GetMeshLocalPrefix()); AsCoreType(&aInfo.mMeshLocalEid).SetIid(entry->GetMeshLocalIid()); ExitNow(); } if (list == &mSnoopedList) { aInfo.mState = MapEnum(EntryInfo::kStateSnooped); } else if (list == &mQueryList) { aInfo.mState = MapEnum(EntryInfo::kStateQuery); } else { aInfo.mState = MapEnum(EntryInfo::kStateRetryQuery); aInfo.mRampDown = entry->IsInRampDown(); } aInfo.mCanEvict = entry->CanEvict(); aInfo.mTimeout = entry->GetTimeout(); aInfo.mRetryDelay = entry->GetRetryDelay(); exit: return error; } void AddressResolver::RemoveEntriesForRouterId(uint8_t aRouterId) { Remove(Mle::Rloc16FromRouterId(aRouterId), /* aMatchRouterId */ true); } void AddressResolver::RemoveEntriesForRloc16(uint16_t aRloc16) { Remove(aRloc16, /* aMatchRouterId */ false); } AddressResolver::CacheEntry *AddressResolver::GetEntryAfter(CacheEntry *aPrev, CacheEntryList &aList) { return (aPrev == nullptr) ? aList.GetHead() : aPrev->GetNext(); } void AddressResolver::Remove(uint16_t aRloc16, bool aMatchRouterId) { CacheEntryList *lists[] = {&mCachedList, &mSnoopedList}; for (CacheEntryList *list : lists) { CacheEntry *prev = nullptr; CacheEntry *entry; while ((entry = GetEntryAfter(prev, *list)) != nullptr) { if ((aMatchRouterId && Mle::RouterIdMatch(entry->GetRloc16(), aRloc16)) || (!aMatchRouterId && (entry->GetRloc16() == aRloc16))) { RemoveCacheEntry(*entry, *list, prev, aMatchRouterId ? kReasonRemovingRouterId : kReasonRemovingRloc16); mCacheEntryPool.Free(*entry); // If the entry is removed from list, we keep the same // `prev` pointer. } else { prev = entry; } } } } AddressResolver::CacheEntry *AddressResolver::FindCacheEntry(const Ip6::Address &aEid, CacheEntryList *&aList, CacheEntry *&aPrevEntry) { CacheEntry *entry = nullptr; CacheEntryList *lists[] = {&mCachedList, &mSnoopedList, &mQueryList, &mQueryRetryList}; for (CacheEntryList *list : lists) { aList = list; entry = aList->FindMatching(aEid, aPrevEntry); VerifyOrExit(entry == nullptr); } exit: return entry; } void AddressResolver::RemoveEntryForAddress(const Ip6::Address &aEid) { Remove(aEid, kReasonRemovingEid); } void AddressResolver::Remove(const Ip6::Address &aEid, Reason aReason) { CacheEntry *entry; CacheEntry *prev; CacheEntryList *list; entry = FindCacheEntry(aEid, list, prev); VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr); RemoveCacheEntry(*entry, *list, prev, aReason); mCacheEntryPool.Free(*entry); exit: return; } void AddressResolver::ReplaceEntriesForRloc16(uint16_t aOldRloc16, uint16_t aNewRloc16) { CacheEntryList *lists[] = {&mCachedList, &mSnoopedList}; for (CacheEntryList *list : lists) { for (CacheEntry &entry : *list) { if (entry.GetRloc16() == aOldRloc16) { entry.SetRloc16(aNewRloc16); } } } } AddressResolver::CacheEntry *AddressResolver::NewCacheEntry(bool aSnoopedEntry) { CacheEntry *newEntry = nullptr; CacheEntry *prevEntry = nullptr; CacheEntryList *lists[] = {&mSnoopedList, &mQueryRetryList, &mQueryList, &mCachedList}; // The following order is used when trying to allocate a new cache // entry: First the cache pool is checked, followed by the list // of snooped entries, then query-retry list (entries in delay // retry timeout wait due to a prior query failing to get a // response), then the query list (entries actively querying and // waiting for address notification response), and finally the // cached (in-use) list. Within each list the oldest entry is // reclaimed first (the list's tail). We also make sure the entry // can be evicted (e.g., first time query entries can not be // evicted till timeout). newEntry = mCacheEntryPool.Allocate(); VerifyOrExit(newEntry == nullptr); for (CacheEntryList *list : lists) { CacheEntry *prev; CacheEntry *entry; uint16_t numNonEvictable = 0; for (prev = nullptr; (entry = GetEntryAfter(prev, *list)) != nullptr; prev = entry) { if ((list != &mCachedList) && !entry->CanEvict()) { numNonEvictable++; continue; } newEntry = entry; prevEntry = prev; } if (newEntry != nullptr) { RemoveCacheEntry(*newEntry, *list, prevEntry, kReasonEvictingForNewEntry); ExitNow(); } if (aSnoopedEntry && (list == &mSnoopedList)) { // Check if the new entry is being requested for "snoop // optimization" (i.e., inspection of a received message). // When a new snooped entry is added, we do not allow it // to be evicted for a short timeout. This allows some // delay for a response message to use the entry (if entry // is used it will be moved to the cached list). If a // snooped entry is not used after the timeout, we allow // it to be evicted. To ensure snooped entries do not // overwrite other cached entries, we limit the number of // snooped entries that are in timeout mode and cannot be // evicted by `kMaxNonEvictableSnoopedEntries`. VerifyOrExit(numNonEvictable < kMaxNonEvictableSnoopedEntries); } } exit: return newEntry; } void AddressResolver::RemoveCacheEntry(CacheEntry &aEntry, CacheEntryList &aList, CacheEntry *aPrevEntry, Reason aReason) { aList.PopAfter(aPrevEntry); if (&aList == &mQueryList) { Get().HandleResolved(aEntry.GetTarget(), kErrorDrop); } LogCacheEntryChange(kEntryRemoved, aReason, aEntry, &aList); } Error AddressResolver::UpdateCacheEntry(const Ip6::Address &aEid, uint16_t aRloc16) { // This method updates an existing cache entry for the EID (if any). // Returns `kErrorNone` if entry is found and successfully updated, // `kErrorNotFound` if no matching entry. Error error = kErrorNone; CacheEntryList *list; CacheEntry *entry; CacheEntry *prev; entry = FindCacheEntry(aEid, list, prev); VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr, error = kErrorNotFound); if ((list == &mCachedList) || (list == &mSnoopedList)) { VerifyOrExit(entry->GetRloc16() != aRloc16); entry->SetRloc16(aRloc16); } else { // Entry is in `mQueryList` or `mQueryRetryList`. Remove it // from its current list, update it, and then add it to the // `mCachedList`. list->PopAfter(prev); entry->SetRloc16(aRloc16); entry->MarkLastTransactionTimeAsInvalid(); mCachedList.Push(*entry); Get().HandleResolved(aEid, kErrorNone); } LogCacheEntryChange(kEntryUpdated, kReasonSnoop, *entry); exit: return error; } void AddressResolver::UpdateSnoopedCacheEntry(const Ip6::Address &aEid, uint16_t aRloc16, uint16_t aDest) { uint16_t numNonEvictable = 0; CacheEntry *entry; VerifyOrExit(Get().IsFullThreadDevice()); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TMF_ALLOW_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_USING_NET_DATA_SERVICES { uint16_t rloc16; VerifyOrExit(ResolveUsingNetDataServices(aEid, rloc16) != kErrorNone); } #endif VerifyOrExit(UpdateCacheEntry(aEid, aRloc16) != kErrorNone); // Skip if the `aRloc16` (i.e., the source of the snooped message) // is this device or an MTD (minimal) child of the device itself. VerifyOrExit(!Get().HasRloc16(aRloc16) && !Get().HasMinimalChild(aRloc16)); // Ensure that the destination of the snooped message is this device // or a minimal child of this device. VerifyOrExit(Get().HasRloc16(aDest) || Get().HasMinimalChild(aDest)); entry = NewCacheEntry(/* aSnoopedEntry */ true); VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr); for (CacheEntry &snooped : mSnoopedList) { if (!snooped.CanEvict()) { numNonEvictable++; } } entry->SetTarget(aEid); entry->SetRloc16(aRloc16); if (numNonEvictable < kMaxNonEvictableSnoopedEntries) { entry->SetCanEvict(false); entry->SetTimeout(kSnoopBlockEvictionTimeout); Get().RegisterReceiver(TimeTicker::kAddressResolver); } else { entry->SetCanEvict(true); entry->SetTimeout(0); } mSnoopedList.Push(*entry); LogCacheEntryChange(kEntryAdded, kReasonSnoop, *entry); exit: return; } void AddressResolver::RestartAddressQueries(void) { CacheEntry *tail; // We move all entries from `mQueryRetryList` at the tail of // `mQueryList` and then (re)send Address Query for all entries in // the updated `mQueryList`. tail = mQueryList.GetTail(); if (tail == nullptr) { mQueryList.SetHead(mQueryRetryList.GetHead()); } else { tail->SetNext(mQueryRetryList.GetHead()); } mQueryRetryList.Clear(); for (CacheEntry &entry : mQueryList) { IgnoreError(SendAddressQuery(entry.GetTarget())); entry.SetTimeout(kAddressQueryTimeout); entry.SetRetryDelay(kAddressQueryInitialRetryDelay); entry.SetCanEvict(false); } } uint16_t AddressResolver::LookUp(const Ip6::Address &aEid) { uint16_t rloc16 = Mle::kInvalidRloc16; IgnoreError(Resolve(aEid, rloc16, /* aAllowAddressQuery */ false)); return rloc16; } Error AddressResolver::Resolve(const Ip6::Address &aEid, uint16_t &aRloc16, bool aAllowAddressQuery) { Error error = kErrorNone; CacheEntry *entry; CacheEntry *prev = nullptr; CacheEntryList *list; #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TMF_ALLOW_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_USING_NET_DATA_SERVICES VerifyOrExit(ResolveUsingNetDataServices(aEid, aRloc16) != kErrorNone); #endif entry = FindCacheEntry(aEid, list, prev); if ((entry != nullptr) && ((list == &mCachedList) || (list == &mSnoopedList))) { bool isFresh; list->PopAfter(prev); // If the `entry->GetRloc16()` is unreachable (there is no // valid next hop towards it), it may be a stale entry. We // clear the entry to allow new address query to be sent for // it, unless the entry has been recently updated, i.e., we // have recently received an `AddressNotify` for it and its // `FreshnessTimeout` has not expired yet. // // The `FreshnessTimeout` check prevents repeated address // query transmissions when mesh routes are not yet // discovered (e.g., after initial attach) or if there is a // temporary link issue. isFresh = (list == &mCachedList) && !entry->IsFreshnessTimeoutZero(); if (!isFresh && (Get().GetNextHop(entry->GetRloc16()) == Mle::kInvalidRloc16)) { mCacheEntryPool.Free(*entry); entry = nullptr; } if (entry != nullptr) { // Push the entry at the head of cached list. if (list == &mSnoopedList) { entry->MarkLastTransactionTimeAsInvalid(); } mCachedList.Push(*entry); aRloc16 = entry->GetRloc16(); ExitNow(); } } if (entry == nullptr) { // If the entry is not present in any of the lists, try to // allocate a new entry and perform address query. We do not // allow first-time address query entries to be evicted till // timeout. VerifyOrExit(aAllowAddressQuery, error = kErrorNotFound); entry = NewCacheEntry(/* aSnoopedEntry */ false); VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr, error = kErrorNoBufs); entry->SetTarget(aEid); entry->SetRloc16(Mle::kInvalidRloc16); entry->SetRetryDelay(kAddressQueryInitialRetryDelay); entry->SetCanEvict(false); list = nullptr; } // Note that if `aAllowAddressQuery` is `false` then the `entry` // is definitely already in a list, i.e., we cannot not get here // with `aAllowAddressQuery` being `false` and `entry` being a // newly allocated one, due to the `VerifyOrExit` check that // `aAllowAddressQuery` is `true` before allocating a new cache // entry. VerifyOrExit(aAllowAddressQuery, error = kErrorNotFound); if (list == &mQueryList) { ExitNow(error = kErrorAddressQuery); } if (list == &mQueryRetryList) { // Allow an entry in query-retry mode to resend an Address // Query again only if it is in ramp down mode, i.e., the // retry delay timeout is expired. VerifyOrExit(entry->IsInRampDown(), error = kErrorDrop); mQueryRetryList.PopAfter(prev); } entry->SetTimeout(kAddressQueryTimeout); error = SendAddressQuery(aEid); VerifyOrExit(error == kErrorNone, mCacheEntryPool.Free(*entry)); if (list == nullptr) { LogCacheEntryChange(kEntryAdded, kReasonQueryRequest, *entry); } mQueryList.Push(*entry); error = kErrorAddressQuery; exit: return error; } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TMF_ALLOW_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_USING_NET_DATA_SERVICES Error AddressResolver::ResolveUsingNetDataServices(const Ip6::Address &aEid, uint16_t &aRloc16) { // Tries to resolve `aEid` Network Data DNS/SRP Unicast address // service entries. Returns `kErrorNone` and updates `aRloc16` // if successful, otherwise returns `kErrorNotFound`. Error error = kErrorNotFound; NetworkData::Service::Manager::Iterator iterator; NetworkData::Service::DnsSrpUnicastInfo unicastInfo; NetworkData::Service::DnsSrpUnicastType type = NetworkData::Service::kAddrInServerData; VerifyOrExit(Get().GetDeviceMode().GetNetworkDataType() == NetworkData::kFullSet); while (Get().GetNextDnsSrpUnicastInfo(iterator, type, unicastInfo) == kErrorNone) { if (aEid == unicastInfo.mSockAddr.GetAddress()) { aRloc16 = unicastInfo.mRloc16; error = kErrorNone; ExitNow(); } } exit: return error; } #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TMF_ALLOW_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION_USING_NET_DATA_SERVICES Error AddressResolver::SendAddressQuery(const Ip6::Address &aEid) { Error error; Coap::Message *message; Tmf::MessageInfo messageInfo(GetInstance()); message = Get().NewPriorityNonConfirmablePostMessage(kUriAddressQuery); VerifyOrExit(message != nullptr, error = kErrorNoBufs); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, aEid)); messageInfo.SetSockAddrToRlocPeerAddrToRealmLocalAllRoutersMulticast(); SuccessOrExit(error = Get().SendMessage(*message, messageInfo)); LogInfo("Sent %s for %s", UriToString(), aEid.ToString().AsCString()); exit: Get().RegisterReceiver(TimeTicker::kAddressResolver); FreeMessageOnError(message, error); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_BACKBONE_ROUTER_DUA_NDPROXYING_ENABLE if (Get().IsPrimary() && Get().IsDomainUnicast(aEid)) { uint16_t selfRloc16 = Get().GetRloc16(); LogInfo("Extending %s to %s for target %s, rloc16=%04x(self)", UriToString(), UriToString(), aEid.ToString().AsCString(), selfRloc16); IgnoreError(Get().SendBackboneQuery(aEid, selfRloc16)); } #endif return error; } template <> void AddressResolver::HandleTmf(Coap::Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo) { Ip6::Address target; Ip6::InterfaceIdentifier meshLocalIid; uint16_t rloc16; uint32_t lastTransactionTime; CacheEntryList *list; CacheEntry *entry; CacheEntry *prev; VerifyOrExit(aMessage.IsConfirmablePostRequest()); SuccessOrExit(Tlv::Find(aMessage, target)); SuccessOrExit(Tlv::Find(aMessage, meshLocalIid)); SuccessOrExit(Tlv::Find(aMessage, rloc16)); switch (Tlv::Find(aMessage, lastTransactionTime)) { case kErrorNone: break; case kErrorNotFound: lastTransactionTime = 0; break; default: ExitNow(); } LogInfo("Received %s from 0x%04x for %s to 0x%04x", UriToString(), aMessageInfo.GetPeerAddr().GetIid().GetLocator(), target.ToString().AsCString(), rloc16); entry = FindCacheEntry(target, list, prev); VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr); if (list == &mCachedList) { if (entry->IsLastTransactionTimeValid()) { // Receiving multiple Address Notification for an EID from // different mesh-local IIDs indicates address is in use // by more than one device. Try to resolve the duplicate // address by sending an Address Error message. VerifyOrExit(entry->GetMeshLocalIid() == meshLocalIid, SendAddressError(target, meshLocalIid, nullptr)); VerifyOrExit(lastTransactionTime < entry->GetLastTransactionTime()); } } entry->SetRloc16(rloc16); entry->SetMeshLocalIid(meshLocalIid); entry->SetLastTransactionTime(lastTransactionTime); entry->ResetFreshnessTimeout(); Get().RegisterReceiver(TimeTicker::kAddressResolver); list->PopAfter(prev); mCachedList.Push(*entry); LogCacheEntryChange(kEntryUpdated, kReasonReceivedNotification, *entry); if (Get().SendEmptyAck(aMessage, aMessageInfo) == kErrorNone) { LogInfo("Sent %s ack", UriToString()); } Get().HandleResolved(target, kErrorNone); exit: return; } void AddressResolver::SendAddressError(const Ip6::Address &aTarget, const Ip6::InterfaceIdentifier &aMeshLocalIid, const Ip6::Address *aDestination) { Error error; Coap::Message *message; Tmf::MessageInfo messageInfo(GetInstance()); VerifyOrExit((message = Get().NewMessage()) != nullptr, error = kErrorNoBufs); message->Init(aDestination == nullptr ? Coap::kTypeNonConfirmable : Coap::kTypeConfirmable, Coap::kCodePost); SuccessOrExit(error = message->AppendUriPathOptions(PathForUri(kUriAddressError))); SuccessOrExit(error = message->SetPayloadMarker()); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, aTarget)); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, aMeshLocalIid)); if (aDestination == nullptr) { messageInfo.SetSockAddrToRlocPeerAddrToRealmLocalAllRoutersMulticast(); } else { messageInfo.SetSockAddrToRlocPeerAddrTo(*aDestination); } SuccessOrExit(error = Get().SendMessage(*message, messageInfo)); LogInfo("Sent %s for target %s", UriToString(), aTarget.ToString().AsCString()); exit: if (error != kErrorNone) { FreeMessage(message); LogInfo("Failed to send %s: %s", UriToString(), ErrorToString(error)); } } #endif // OPENTHREAD_FTD template <> void AddressResolver::HandleTmf(Coap::Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo) { Error error = kErrorNone; Ip6::Address target; Ip6::InterfaceIdentifier meshLocalIid; #if OPENTHREAD_FTD Mac::ExtAddress extAddr; Ip6::Address destination; #endif VerifyOrExit(aMessage.IsPostRequest(), error = kErrorDrop); LogInfo("Received %s", UriToString()); if (aMessage.IsConfirmable() && !aMessageInfo.GetSockAddr().IsMulticast()) { if (Get().SendEmptyAck(aMessage, aMessageInfo) == kErrorNone) { LogInfo("Sent %s ack", UriToString()); } } SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Find(aMessage, target)); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Find(aMessage, meshLocalIid)); for (Ip6::Netif::UnicastAddress &address : Get().GetUnicastAddresses()) { if (address.GetAddress() == target && Get().GetMeshLocalEid().GetIid() != meshLocalIid) { // Target EID matches address and Mesh Local EID differs #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_DUA_ENABLE if (Get().IsDomainUnicast(address.GetAddress())) { Get().NotifyDuplicateDomainUnicastAddress(); } else #endif { Get().RemoveUnicastAddress(address); } ExitNow(); } } #if OPENTHREAD_FTD meshLocalIid.ConvertToExtAddress(extAddr); for (Child &child : Get().Iterate(Child::kInStateValid)) { if (child.IsFullThreadDevice()) { continue; } if (child.GetExtAddress() != extAddr) { // Mesh Local EID differs, so check whether Target EID // matches a child address and if so remove it. if (child.RemoveIp6Address(target) == kErrorNone) { destination.SetToRoutingLocator(Get().GetMeshLocalPrefix(), child.GetRloc16()); SendAddressError(target, meshLocalIid, &destination); ExitNow(); } } } #endif // OPENTHREAD_FTD exit: if (error != kErrorNone) { LogWarn("Error %s when processing %s", ErrorToString(error), UriToString()); } } #if OPENTHREAD_FTD template <> void AddressResolver::HandleTmf(Coap::Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo) { Ip6::Address target; uint32_t lastTransactionTime; VerifyOrExit(aMessage.IsNonConfirmablePostRequest()); SuccessOrExit(Tlv::Find(aMessage, target)); LogInfo("Received %s from 0x%04x for target %s", UriToString(), aMessageInfo.GetPeerAddr().GetIid().GetLocator(), target.ToString().AsCString()); if (Get().HasUnicastAddress(target)) { SendAddressQueryResponse(target, Get().GetMeshLocalEid().GetIid(), nullptr, aMessageInfo.GetPeerAddr()); ExitNow(); } for (Child &child : Get().Iterate(Child::kInStateValid)) { if (child.IsFullThreadDevice() || child.GetLinkFailures() >= Mle::kFailedChildTransmissions) { continue; } if (child.HasIp6Address(target)) { lastTransactionTime = Time::MsecToSec(TimerMilli::GetNow() - child.GetLastHeard()); SendAddressQueryResponse(target, child.GetMeshLocalIid(), &lastTransactionTime, aMessageInfo.GetPeerAddr()); ExitNow(); } } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_BACKBONE_ROUTER_DUA_NDPROXYING_ENABLE if (Get().IsPrimary() && Get().IsDomainUnicast(target)) { uint16_t srcRloc16 = aMessageInfo.GetPeerAddr().GetIid().GetLocator(); LogInfo("Extending %s to %s for target %s rloc16=%04x", UriToString(), UriToString(), target.ToString().AsCString(), srcRloc16); IgnoreError(Get().SendBackboneQuery(target, srcRloc16)); } #endif exit: return; } void AddressResolver::SendAddressQueryResponse(const Ip6::Address &aTarget, const Ip6::InterfaceIdentifier &aMeshLocalIid, const uint32_t *aLastTransactionTime, const Ip6::Address &aDestination) { Error error; Coap::Message *message; Tmf::MessageInfo messageInfo(GetInstance()); message = Get().NewPriorityConfirmablePostMessage(kUriAddressNotify); VerifyOrExit(message != nullptr, error = kErrorNoBufs); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, aTarget)); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, aMeshLocalIid)); SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, Get().GetRloc16())); if (aLastTransactionTime != nullptr) { SuccessOrExit(error = Tlv::Append(*message, *aLastTransactionTime)); } messageInfo.SetSockAddrToRlocPeerAddrTo(aDestination); SuccessOrExit(error = Get().SendMessage(*message, messageInfo)); LogInfo("Sent %s for target %s", UriToString(), aTarget.ToString().AsCString()); exit: FreeMessageOnError(message, error); } void AddressResolver::HandleTimeTick(void) { bool continueRxingTicks = false; for (CacheEntry &entry : mCachedList) { if (!entry.IsFreshnessTimeoutZero()) { entry.DecrementFreshnessTimeout(); continueRxingTicks = true; } } for (CacheEntry &entry : mSnoopedList) { if (entry.IsTimeoutZero()) { continue; } continueRxingTicks = true; entry.DecrementTimeout(); if (entry.IsTimeoutZero()) { entry.SetCanEvict(true); } } for (CacheEntry &entry : mQueryRetryList) { if (entry.IsTimeoutZero()) { continue; } continueRxingTicks = true; entry.DecrementTimeout(); if (entry.IsTimeoutZero()) { if (!entry.IsInRampDown()) { entry.SetRampDown(true); entry.SetTimeout(kAddressQueryMaxRetryDelay); LogInfo("Starting ramp down of %s retry-delay:%u", entry.GetTarget().ToString().AsCString(), entry.GetTimeout()); } else { uint16_t retryDelay = entry.GetRetryDelay(); retryDelay >>= 1; retryDelay = Max(retryDelay, kAddressQueryInitialRetryDelay); if (retryDelay != entry.GetRetryDelay()) { entry.SetRetryDelay(retryDelay); entry.SetTimeout(kAddressQueryMaxRetryDelay); LogInfo("Ramping down %s retry-delay:%u", entry.GetTarget().ToString().AsCString(), retryDelay); } } } } { CacheEntry *prev = nullptr; CacheEntry *entry; while ((entry = GetEntryAfter(prev, mQueryList)) != nullptr) { OT_ASSERT(!entry->IsTimeoutZero()); continueRxingTicks = true; entry->DecrementTimeout(); if (entry->IsTimeoutZero()) { uint16_t retryDelay = entry->GetRetryDelay(); entry->SetTimeout(retryDelay); retryDelay <<= 1; retryDelay = Min(retryDelay, kAddressQueryMaxRetryDelay); entry->SetRetryDelay(retryDelay); entry->SetCanEvict(true); entry->SetRampDown(false); // Move the entry from `mQueryList` to `mQueryRetryList` mQueryList.PopAfter(prev); mQueryRetryList.Push(*entry); LogInfo("Timed out waiting for %s for %s, retry: %d", UriToString(), entry->GetTarget().ToString().AsCString(), entry->GetTimeout()); Get().HandleResolved(entry->GetTarget(), kErrorDrop); // When the entry is removed from `mQueryList` // we keep the `prev` pointer same as before. } else { prev = entry; } } } if (!continueRxingTicks) { Get().UnregisterReceiver(TimeTicker::kAddressResolver); } } void AddressResolver::HandleIcmpReceive(void *aContext, otMessage *aMessage, const otMessageInfo *aMessageInfo, const otIcmp6Header *aIcmpHeader) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aMessageInfo); static_cast(aContext)->HandleIcmpReceive(AsCoreType(aMessage), AsCoreType(aMessageInfo), AsCoreType(aIcmpHeader)); } void AddressResolver::HandleIcmpReceive(Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo, const Ip6::Icmp::Header &aIcmpHeader) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aMessageInfo); Ip6::Header ip6Header; VerifyOrExit(aIcmpHeader.GetType() == Ip6::Icmp::Header::kTypeDstUnreach); VerifyOrExit(aIcmpHeader.GetCode() == Ip6::Icmp::Header::kCodeDstUnreachNoRoute); SuccessOrExit(aMessage.Read(aMessage.GetOffset(), ip6Header)); Remove(ip6Header.GetDestination(), kReasonReceivedIcmpDstUnreachNoRoute); exit: return; } // LCOV_EXCL_START #if OT_SHOULD_LOG_AT(OT_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) void AddressResolver::LogCacheEntryChange(EntryChange aChange, Reason aReason, const CacheEntry &aEntry, CacheEntryList *aList) { static const char *const kChangeStrings[] = { "added", // (0) kEntryAdded "updated", // (1) kEntryUpdated "removed", // (2) kEntryRemoved }; static const char *const kReasonStrings[] = { "query request", // (0) kReasonQueryRequest "snoop", // (1) kReasonSnoop "rx notification", // (2) kReasonReceivedNotification "removing router id", // (3) kReasonRemovingRouterId "removing rloc16", // (4) kReasonRemovingRloc16 "rx icmp no route", // (5) kReasonReceivedIcmpDstUnreachNoRoute "evicting for new entry", // (6) kReasonEvictingForNewEntry "removing eid", // (7) kReasonRemovingEid }; static_assert(0 == kEntryAdded, "kEntryAdded value is incorrect"); static_assert(1 == kEntryUpdated, "kEntryUpdated value is incorrect"); static_assert(2 == kEntryRemoved, "kEntryRemoved value is incorrect"); static_assert(0 == kReasonQueryRequest, "kReasonQueryRequest value is incorrect"); static_assert(1 == kReasonSnoop, "kReasonSnoop value is incorrect"); static_assert(2 == kReasonReceivedNotification, "kReasonReceivedNotification value is incorrect"); static_assert(3 == kReasonRemovingRouterId, "kReasonRemovingRouterId value is incorrect"); static_assert(4 == kReasonRemovingRloc16, "kReasonRemovingRloc16 value is incorrect"); static_assert(5 == kReasonReceivedIcmpDstUnreachNoRoute, "kReasonReceivedIcmpDstUnreachNoRoute value is incorrect"); static_assert(6 == kReasonEvictingForNewEntry, "kReasonEvictingForNewEntry value is incorrect"); static_assert(7 == kReasonRemovingEid, "kReasonRemovingEid value is incorrect"); LogInfo("Cache entry %s: %s, 0x%04x%s%s - %s", kChangeStrings[aChange], aEntry.GetTarget().ToString().AsCString(), aEntry.GetRloc16(), (aList == nullptr) ? "" : ", list:", ListToString(aList), kReasonStrings[aReason]); } const char *AddressResolver::ListToString(const CacheEntryList *aList) const { const char *str = ""; VerifyOrExit(aList != &mCachedList, str = "cached"); VerifyOrExit(aList != &mSnoopedList, str = "snooped"); VerifyOrExit(aList != &mQueryList, str = "query"); VerifyOrExit(aList != &mQueryRetryList, str = "query-retry"); exit: return str; } #else // #if OT_SHOULD_LOG_AT(OT_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) void AddressResolver::LogCacheEntryChange(EntryChange, Reason, const CacheEntry &, CacheEntryList *) {} #endif // #if OT_SHOULD_LOG_AT(OT_LOG_LEVEL_NOTE) // LCOV_EXCL_STOP //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddressResolver::CacheEntry void AddressResolver::CacheEntry::Init(Instance &aInstance) { InstanceLocatorInit::Init(aInstance); mNextIndex = kNoNextIndex; mFreshnessTimeout = 0; } AddressResolver::CacheEntry *AddressResolver::CacheEntry::GetNext(void) { return (mNextIndex == kNoNextIndex) ? nullptr : &Get().GetCacheEntryPool().GetEntryAt(mNextIndex); } const AddressResolver::CacheEntry *AddressResolver::CacheEntry::GetNext(void) const { return (mNextIndex == kNoNextIndex) ? nullptr : &Get().GetCacheEntryPool().GetEntryAt(mNextIndex); } void AddressResolver::CacheEntry::SetNext(CacheEntry *aEntry) { VerifyOrExit(aEntry != nullptr, mNextIndex = kNoNextIndex); mNextIndex = Get().GetCacheEntryPool().GetIndexOf(*aEntry); exit: return; } #endif // OPENTHREAD_FTD } // namespace ot