/* * Copyright (c) 2021, The OpenThread Authors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @file * This file implements a TCP CLI tool. */ #include "openthread-core-config.h" #include "cli_config.h" #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TCP_ENABLE && OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_CLI_TCP_ENABLE #include "cli_tcp.hpp" #include <openthread/nat64.h> #include <openthread/tcp.h> #include "cli/cli.hpp" #include "common/encoding.hpp" #include "common/timer.hpp" #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE #include <mbedtls/debug.h> #include <mbedtls/ecjpake.h> #include "crypto/mbedtls.hpp" #endif namespace ot { namespace Cli { #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE const int TcpExample::sCipherSuites[] = {MBEDTLS_TLS_ECJPAKE_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8, MBEDTLS_TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8, 0}; #endif TcpExample::TcpExample(otInstance *aInstance, OutputImplementer &aOutputImplementer) : Utils(aInstance, aOutputImplementer) , mInitialized(false) , mEndpointConnected(false) , mEndpointConnectedFastOpen(false) , mSendBusy(false) , mUseCircularSendBuffer(true) , mUseTls(false) , mTlsHandshakeComplete(false) , mBenchmarkBytesTotal(0) , mBenchmarkBytesUnsent(0) , mBenchmarkTimeUsed(0) { mEndpointAndCircularSendBuffer.mEndpoint = &mEndpoint; mEndpointAndCircularSendBuffer.mSendBuffer = &mSendBuffer; } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE void TcpExample::MbedTlsDebugOutput(void *ctx, int level, const char *file, int line, const char *str) { TcpExample &tcpExample = *static_cast<TcpExample *>(ctx); tcpExample.OutputLine("%s:%d:%d: %s", file, line, level, str); } #endif /** * @cli tcp init * @code * tcp init tls * Done * @endcode * @cparam tcp init [@ca{mode}] [@ca{size}] * * The `mode` has three possible values: * * `tls`: Specifies that the TCP connection between two nodes should also * use the TLS protocol on top of TCP. When two nodes communicate over TCP, * both nodes must either use TLS or neither node should use TLS because * a non-TLS endpoint cannot communicate with a TLS endpoint. * * `linked` or `circular`: Either one of these options means that TLS * is not to be used, and the specified buffering type should be used for TCP * buffering. The behavior of `linked` and `circular` is identical. Examine the code * for the differences between these two buffering types. * Two endpoints of a TCP connection are not required to use the same buffering type. * * The `size` parameter sets the size of the receive buffer to associate with the * example TCP endpoint. If left unspecified, the maximum size is used. The * maximum size is set in `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_CLI_TCP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE`. * @par * Initializes the example TCP listener and the example TCP endpoint provided * by the `tcp` CLI. * @sa otTcpListenerInitialize * @sa otTcpEndpointInitialize */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("init")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE; size_t receiveBufferSize; VerifyOrExit(!mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_ALREADY); if (aArgs[0].IsEmpty()) { mUseCircularSendBuffer = true; mUseTls = false; receiveBufferSize = sizeof(mReceiveBufferBytes); } else { if (aArgs[0] == "linked") { mUseCircularSendBuffer = false; mUseTls = false; } else if (aArgs[0] == "circular") { mUseCircularSendBuffer = true; mUseTls = false; } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE else if (aArgs[0] == "tls") { mUseCircularSendBuffer = true; mUseTls = true; mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&mSrvCert); mbedtls_pk_init(&mPKey); mbedtls_ssl_init(&mSslContext); mbedtls_ssl_config_init(&mSslConfig); mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng(&mSslConfig, Crypto::MbedTls::CryptoSecurePrng, nullptr); mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE); mbedtls_ssl_conf_ciphersuites(&mSslConfig, sCipherSuites); #if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x03020000) mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_tls_version(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERSION_TLS1_2); mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_tls_version(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERSION_TLS1_2); #else mbedtls_ssl_conf_min_version(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_3); mbedtls_ssl_conf_max_version(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3, MBEDTLS_SSL_MINOR_VERSION_3); #endif #if (MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x03000000) #include "crypto/mbedtls.hpp" int rv = mbedtls_pk_parse_key(&mPKey, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(sSrvKey), sSrvKeyLength, nullptr, 0, Crypto::MbedTls::CryptoSecurePrng, nullptr); #else int rv = mbedtls_pk_parse_key(&mPKey, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(sSrvKey), sSrvKeyLength, nullptr, 0); #endif if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_pk_parse_key returned %d", rv); } rv = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&mSrvCert, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(sSrvPem), sSrvPemLength); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse (1) returned %d", rv); } rv = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&mSrvCert, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(sCasPem), sCasPemLength); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse (2) returned %d", rv); } rv = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&mSslContext, &mSslConfig); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_ssl_setup returned %d", rv); } } #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE else { ExitNow(error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); } if (aArgs[1].IsEmpty()) { receiveBufferSize = sizeof(mReceiveBufferBytes); } else { uint32_t windowSize; SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[1].ParseAsUint32(windowSize)); receiveBufferSize = windowSize + ((windowSize + 7) >> 3); VerifyOrExit(receiveBufferSize <= sizeof(mReceiveBufferBytes) && receiveBufferSize != 0, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); } } otTcpCircularSendBufferInitialize(&mSendBuffer, mSendBufferBytes, sizeof(mSendBufferBytes)); { otTcpEndpointInitializeArgs endpointArgs; ClearAllBytes(endpointArgs); endpointArgs.mEstablishedCallback = HandleTcpEstablishedCallback; if (mUseCircularSendBuffer) { endpointArgs.mForwardProgressCallback = HandleTcpForwardProgressCallback; } else { endpointArgs.mSendDoneCallback = HandleTcpSendDoneCallback; } endpointArgs.mReceiveAvailableCallback = HandleTcpReceiveAvailableCallback; endpointArgs.mDisconnectedCallback = HandleTcpDisconnectedCallback; endpointArgs.mContext = this; endpointArgs.mReceiveBuffer = mReceiveBufferBytes; endpointArgs.mReceiveBufferSize = receiveBufferSize; SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpEndpointInitialize(GetInstancePtr(), &mEndpoint, &endpointArgs)); } { otTcpListenerInitializeArgs listenerArgs; ClearAllBytes(listenerArgs); listenerArgs.mAcceptReadyCallback = HandleTcpAcceptReadyCallback; listenerArgs.mAcceptDoneCallback = HandleTcpAcceptDoneCallback; listenerArgs.mContext = this; error = otTcpListenerInitialize(GetInstancePtr(), &mListener, &listenerArgs); if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE) { IgnoreReturnValue(otTcpEndpointDeinitialize(&mEndpoint)); ExitNow(); } } mInitialized = true; exit: if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE) { #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&mSslConfig); mbedtls_ssl_free(&mSslContext); mbedtls_pk_free(&mPKey); mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&mSrvCert); } #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE otTcpCircularSendBufferForceDiscardAll(&mSendBuffer); OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(otTcpCircularSendBufferDeinitialize(&mSendBuffer)); } return error; } /** * @cli tcp deinit * @code * tcp deinit * Done * @endcode * @par api_copy * #otTcpEndpointDeinitialize */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("deinit")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE; otError endpointError; otError bufferError; otError listenerError; VerifyOrExit(aArgs[0].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&mSslConfig); mbedtls_ssl_free(&mSslContext); mbedtls_pk_free(&mPKey); mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&mSrvCert); } #endif endpointError = otTcpEndpointDeinitialize(&mEndpoint); mSendBusy = false; otTcpCircularSendBufferForceDiscardAll(&mSendBuffer); bufferError = otTcpCircularSendBufferDeinitialize(&mSendBuffer); listenerError = otTcpListenerDeinitialize(&mListener); mInitialized = false; SuccessOrExit(error = endpointError); SuccessOrExit(error = bufferError); SuccessOrExit(error = listenerError); exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp bind * @code * tcp bind :: 30000 * Done * @endcode * @cparam tcp bind @ca{ip} @ca{port} * * `ip`: IPv6 address to bind to. If you wish to have the TCP/IPv6 stack assign * the binding IPv6 address, use the unspecified IPv6 address: `::`. * * `port`: TCP port number to bind to. * @par * Associates an IPv6 address and a port to the example TCP endpoint provided by * the `tcp` CLI. Associating the TCP endpoint to an IPv6 * address and port is referred to as "naming the TCP endpoint." This binds the * endpoint for communication. @moreinfo{@tcp}. * @sa otTcpBind */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("bind")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; otSockAddr sockaddr; VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[0].ParseAsIp6Address(sockaddr.mAddress)); SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[1].ParseAsUint16(sockaddr.mPort)); VerifyOrExit(aArgs[2].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); error = otTcpBind(&mEndpoint, &sockaddr); exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp connect * @code * tcp connect fe80:0:0:0:a8df:580a:860:ffa4 30000 * Done * TCP: Connection established * @endcode * @code * tcp connect 1234 * Connecting to synthesized IPv6 address: fdde:ad00:beef:2:0:0:ac11:1 * Done * @endcode * @cparam tcp connect @ca{ip} @ca{port} [@ca{fastopen}] * * `ip`: IP address of the peer The address can be an IPv4 address, * which gets synthesized to an IPv6 address using the preferred * NAT64 prefix from the network data. The command returns `InvalidState` * when the preferred NAT64 prefix is unavailable. * * `port`: TCP port number of the peer. * * `fastopen`: This parameter is optional. If set to `fast`, TCP Fast Open is enabled * for this connection. Otherwise, if this parameter is set to `slow` or not used, * TCP Fast Open is disabled. * @par * Establishes a connection with the specified peer. * @par * If the connection establishment is successful, the resulting TCP connection * is associated with the example TCP endpoint. @moreinfo{@tcp}. * @sa otTcpConnect */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("connect")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; otSockAddr sockaddr; bool nat64Synth; uint32_t flags; VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); SuccessOrExit(error = ParseToIp6Address(GetInstancePtr(), aArgs[0], sockaddr.mAddress, nat64Synth)); if (nat64Synth) { OutputFormat("Connecting to synthesized IPv6 address: "); OutputIp6AddressLine(sockaddr.mAddress); } SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[1].ParseAsUint16(sockaddr.mPort)); if (aArgs[2].IsEmpty()) { flags = OT_TCP_CONNECT_NO_FAST_OPEN; } else { if (aArgs[2] == "slow") { flags = OT_TCP_CONNECT_NO_FAST_OPEN; } else if (aArgs[2] == "fast") { flags = 0; } else { ExitNow(error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); } VerifyOrExit(aArgs[3].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { int rv = mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT, MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM, MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults returned %d", rv); } } #endif SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpConnect(&mEndpoint, &sockaddr, flags)); mEndpointConnected = true; mEndpointConnectedFastOpen = ((flags & OT_TCP_CONNECT_NO_FAST_OPEN) == 0); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls && mEndpointConnectedFastOpen) { PrepareTlsHandshake(); ContinueTlsHandshake(); } #endif exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp send * @code * tcp send hello * Done * @endcode * @cparam tcp send @ca{message} * The `message` parameter contains the message you want to send to the * remote TCP endpoint. * @par * Sends data over the TCP connection associated with the example TCP endpoint * that is provided with the `tcp` CLI. @moreinfo{@tcp}. */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("send")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); VerifyOrExit(mBenchmarkBytesTotal == 0, error = OT_ERROR_BUSY); VerifyOrExit(!aArgs[0].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); VerifyOrExit(aArgs[1].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); if (mUseCircularSendBuffer) { #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { int rv = mbedtls_ssl_write(&mSslContext, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(aArgs[0].GetCString()), aArgs[0].GetLength()); if (rv < 0 && rv != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE && rv != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ) { ExitNow(error = OT_ERROR_FAILED); } error = OT_ERROR_NONE; } else #endif { size_t written; SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpCircularSendBufferWrite(&mEndpoint, &mSendBuffer, aArgs[0].GetCString(), aArgs[0].GetLength(), &written, 0)); } } else { VerifyOrExit(!mSendBusy, error = OT_ERROR_BUSY); mSendLink.mNext = nullptr; mSendLink.mData = mSendBufferBytes; mSendLink.mLength = OT_MIN(aArgs[0].GetLength(), sizeof(mSendBufferBytes)); memcpy(mSendBufferBytes, aArgs[0].GetCString(), mSendLink.mLength); SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpSendByReference(&mEndpoint, &mSendLink, 0)); mSendBusy = true; } exit: return error; } template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("benchmark")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE; /** * @cli tcp benchmark result * @code * tcp benchmark result * TCP Benchmark Status: Ongoing * Done * @endcode * @code * tcp benchmark result * TCP Benchmark Status: Completed * TCP Benchmark Complete: Transferred 73728 bytes in 7056 milliseconds * TCP Goodput: 83.592 kb/s * @endcode * @par * Shows the latest result of the TCP benchmark test. Possible status values: * * Ongoing * * Completed * * Untested * @par * This command is primarily intended for creating scripts that automate * the TCP benchmark test. */ if (aArgs[0] == "result") { OutputFormat("TCP Benchmark Status: "); if (mBenchmarkBytesTotal != 0) { OutputLine("Ongoing"); } else if (mBenchmarkTimeUsed != 0) { OutputLine("Completed"); OutputBenchmarkResult(); } else { OutputLine("Untested"); } } /** * @cli tcp benchmark run * @code * tcp benchmark run * Done * TCP Benchmark Complete: Transferred 73728 bytes in 7233 milliseconds * TCP Goodput: 81.546 kb/s * @endcode * @cparam tcp benchmark run [@ca{size}] * Use the `size` parameter to specify the number of bytes to send * for the benchmark. If you do not use the `size` parameter, the default * value (`OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_CLI_TCP_DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_SIZE`) is used. * @par * Transfers the specified number of bytes using the TCP connection * currently associated with the example TCP endpoint provided by the `tcp` CLI. * @note You must establish a TCP connection before you run this command. */ else if (aArgs[0] == "run") { VerifyOrExit(!mSendBusy, error = OT_ERROR_BUSY); VerifyOrExit(mBenchmarkBytesTotal == 0, error = OT_ERROR_BUSY); if (aArgs[1].IsEmpty()) { mBenchmarkBytesTotal = OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_CLI_TCP_DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_SIZE; } else { SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[1].ParseAsUint32(mBenchmarkBytesTotal)); VerifyOrExit(mBenchmarkBytesTotal != 0, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); } VerifyOrExit(aArgs[2].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); mBenchmarkStart = TimerMilli::GetNow(); mBenchmarkBytesUnsent = mBenchmarkBytesTotal; if (mUseCircularSendBuffer) { SuccessOrExit(error = ContinueBenchmarkCircularSend()); } else { uint32_t benchmarkLinksLeft = (mBenchmarkBytesTotal + sizeof(mSendBufferBytes) - 1) / sizeof(mSendBufferBytes); uint32_t toSendOut = OT_MIN(OT_ARRAY_LENGTH(mBenchmarkLinks), benchmarkLinksLeft); /* We could also point the linked buffers directly to sBenchmarkData. */ memset(mSendBufferBytes, 'a', sizeof(mSendBufferBytes)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i != toSendOut; i++) { mBenchmarkLinks[i].mNext = nullptr; mBenchmarkLinks[i].mData = mSendBufferBytes; mBenchmarkLinks[i].mLength = sizeof(mSendBufferBytes); if (i == 0 && mBenchmarkBytesTotal % sizeof(mSendBufferBytes) != 0) { mBenchmarkLinks[i].mLength = mBenchmarkBytesTotal % sizeof(mSendBufferBytes); } error = otTcpSendByReference(&mEndpoint, &mBenchmarkLinks[i], i == toSendOut - 1 ? 0 : OT_TCP_SEND_MORE_TO_COME); VerifyOrExit(error == OT_ERROR_NONE, mBenchmarkBytesTotal = 0); } } } else { error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp sendend * @code * tcp sendend * Done * @endcode * @par * Sends the "end of stream" signal over the TCP connection * associated with the example TCP endpoint provided by the `tcp` CLI. This * alerts the peer that it will not receive any more data over this TCP connection. * @sa otTcpSendEndOfStream */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("sendend")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); VerifyOrExit(aArgs[0].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); error = otTcpSendEndOfStream(&mEndpoint); exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp abort * @code * tcp abort * TCP: Connection reset * Done * @endcode * @par * Unceremoniously ends the TCP connection associated with the * example TCP endpoint, transitioning the TCP endpoint to the closed state. * @sa otTcpAbort */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("abort")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; VerifyOrExit(aArgs[0].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpAbort(&mEndpoint)); mEndpointConnected = false; mEndpointConnectedFastOpen = false; exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp listen * @code * tcp listen :: 30000 * Done * @endcode * @cparam tcp listen @ca{ip} @ca{port} * The following parameters are required: * * `ip`: IPv6 address or the unspecified IPv6 address (`::`) of the example * TCP listener provided by the `tcp` CLI. * * `port`: TCP port of the example TCP listener. * If no TCP connection is associated with the example TCP endpoint, then any * incoming connections matching the specified IPv6 address and port are accepted * and are associated with the example TCP endpoint. * @par * Uses the example TCP listener to listen for incoming connections on the * specified IPv6 address and port. @moreinfo{@tcp}. * @sa otTcpListen */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("listen")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; otSockAddr sockaddr; VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[0].ParseAsIp6Address(sockaddr.mAddress)); SuccessOrExit(error = aArgs[1].ParseAsUint16(sockaddr.mPort)); VerifyOrExit(aArgs[2].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpStopListening(&mListener)); error = otTcpListen(&mListener, &sockaddr); exit: return error; } /** * @cli tcp stoplistening * @code * tcp stoplistening * Done * @endcode * @par * Instructs the example TCP listener to stop listening for incoming TCP connections. * @sa otTcpStopListening */ template <> otError TcpExample::Process<Cmd("stoplistening")>(Arg aArgs[]) { otError error; VerifyOrExit(aArgs[0].IsEmpty(), error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); VerifyOrExit(mInitialized, error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE); error = otTcpStopListening(&mListener); exit: return error; } otError TcpExample::Process(Arg aArgs[]) { #define CmdEntry(aCommandString) \ { \ aCommandString, &TcpExample::Process<Cmd(aCommandString)> \ } static constexpr Command kCommands[] = { CmdEntry("abort"), CmdEntry("benchmark"), CmdEntry("bind"), CmdEntry("connect"), CmdEntry("deinit"), CmdEntry("init"), CmdEntry("listen"), CmdEntry("send"), CmdEntry("sendend"), CmdEntry("stoplistening"), }; static_assert(BinarySearch::IsSorted(kCommands), "kCommands is not sorted"); otError error = OT_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND; const Command *command; if (aArgs[0].IsEmpty() || (aArgs[0] == "help")) { OutputCommandTable(kCommands); ExitNow(error = aArgs[0].IsEmpty() ? error : OT_ERROR_NONE); } command = BinarySearch::Find(aArgs[0].GetCString(), kCommands); VerifyOrExit(command != nullptr); error = (this->*command->mHandler)(aArgs + 1); exit: return error; } void TcpExample::HandleTcpEstablishedCallback(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint) { static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpEndpointGetContext(aEndpoint))->HandleTcpEstablished(aEndpoint); } void TcpExample::HandleTcpSendDoneCallback(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, otLinkedBuffer *aData) { static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpEndpointGetContext(aEndpoint))->HandleTcpSendDone(aEndpoint, aData); } void TcpExample::HandleTcpForwardProgressCallback(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, size_t aInSendBuffer, size_t aBacklog) { static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpEndpointGetContext(aEndpoint)) ->HandleTcpForwardProgress(aEndpoint, aInSendBuffer, aBacklog); } void TcpExample::HandleTcpReceiveAvailableCallback(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, size_t aBytesAvailable, bool aEndOfStream, size_t aBytesRemaining) { static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpEndpointGetContext(aEndpoint)) ->HandleTcpReceiveAvailable(aEndpoint, aBytesAvailable, aEndOfStream, aBytesRemaining); } void TcpExample::HandleTcpDisconnectedCallback(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, otTcpDisconnectedReason aReason) { static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpEndpointGetContext(aEndpoint))->HandleTcpDisconnected(aEndpoint, aReason); } otTcpIncomingConnectionAction TcpExample::HandleTcpAcceptReadyCallback(otTcpListener *aListener, const otSockAddr *aPeer, otTcpEndpoint **aAcceptInto) { return static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpListenerGetContext(aListener)) ->HandleTcpAcceptReady(aListener, aPeer, aAcceptInto); } void TcpExample::HandleTcpAcceptDoneCallback(otTcpListener *aListener, otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, const otSockAddr *aPeer) { static_cast<TcpExample *>(otTcpListenerGetContext(aListener))->HandleTcpAcceptDone(aListener, aEndpoint, aPeer); } void TcpExample::HandleTcpEstablished(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aEndpoint); OutputLine("TCP: Connection established"); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls && !mEndpointConnectedFastOpen) { PrepareTlsHandshake(); ContinueTlsHandshake(); } #endif } void TcpExample::HandleTcpSendDone(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, otLinkedBuffer *aData) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aEndpoint); OT_ASSERT(!mUseCircularSendBuffer); // this callback is not used when using the circular send buffer if (mBenchmarkBytesTotal == 0) { // If the benchmark encountered an error, we might end up here. So, // tolerate some benchmark links finishing in this case. if (aData == &mSendLink) { OT_ASSERT(mSendBusy); mSendBusy = false; } } else { OT_ASSERT(aData != &mSendLink); OT_ASSERT(mBenchmarkBytesUnsent >= aData->mLength); mBenchmarkBytesUnsent -= aData->mLength; // could be less than sizeof(mSendBufferBytes) for the first link if (mBenchmarkBytesUnsent >= OT_ARRAY_LENGTH(mBenchmarkLinks) * sizeof(mSendBufferBytes)) { aData->mLength = sizeof(mSendBufferBytes); if (otTcpSendByReference(&mEndpoint, aData, 0) != OT_ERROR_NONE) { OutputLine("TCP Benchmark Failed"); mBenchmarkBytesTotal = 0; } } else if (mBenchmarkBytesUnsent == 0) { CompleteBenchmark(); } } } void TcpExample::HandleTcpForwardProgress(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, size_t aInSendBuffer, size_t aBacklog) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aEndpoint); OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aBacklog); OT_ASSERT(mUseCircularSendBuffer); // this callback is only used when using the circular send buffer otTcpCircularSendBufferHandleForwardProgress(&mSendBuffer, aInSendBuffer); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { ContinueTlsHandshake(); } #endif /* Handle case where we're in a benchmark. */ if (mBenchmarkBytesTotal != 0) { if (mBenchmarkBytesUnsent != 0) { /* Continue sending out data if there's data we haven't sent. */ IgnoreError(ContinueBenchmarkCircularSend()); } else if (aInSendBuffer == 0) { /* Handle case where all data is sent out and the send buffer has drained. */ CompleteBenchmark(); } } } void TcpExample::HandleTcpReceiveAvailable(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, size_t aBytesAvailable, bool aEndOfStream, size_t aBytesRemaining) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aBytesRemaining); OT_ASSERT(aEndpoint == &mEndpoint); /* If we get data before the handshake completes, then this is a TFO connection. */ if (!mEndpointConnected) { mEndpointConnected = true; mEndpointConnectedFastOpen = true; #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { PrepareTlsHandshake(); } #endif } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls && ContinueTlsHandshake()) { ExitNow(); } #endif if ((mTlsHandshakeComplete || !mUseTls) && aBytesAvailable > 0) { #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { uint8_t buffer[500]; for (;;) { int rv = mbedtls_ssl_read(&mSslContext, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rv < 0) { if (rv == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ) { break; } OutputLine("TLS receive failure: %d", rv); } else { OutputLine("TLS: Received %u bytes: %.*s", static_cast<unsigned>(rv), rv, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer)); } } OutputLine("(TCP: Received %u bytes)", static_cast<unsigned>(aBytesAvailable)); } else #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE { const otLinkedBuffer *data; size_t totalReceived = 0; IgnoreError(otTcpReceiveByReference(aEndpoint, &data)); for (; data != nullptr; data = data->mNext) { OutputLine("TCP: Received %u bytes: %.*s", static_cast<unsigned>(data->mLength), static_cast<unsigned>(data->mLength), reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data->mData)); totalReceived += data->mLength; } OT_ASSERT(aBytesAvailable == totalReceived); IgnoreReturnValue(otTcpCommitReceive(aEndpoint, totalReceived, 0)); } } if (aEndOfStream) { OutputLine("TCP: Reached end of stream"); } ExitNow(); exit: return; } void TcpExample::HandleTcpDisconnected(otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, otTcpDisconnectedReason aReason) { static const char *const kReasonStrings[] = { "Disconnected", // (0) OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_NORMAL "Connection refused", // (1) OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_REFUSED "Connection reset", // (2) OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_RESET "Entered TIME-WAIT state", // (3) OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_TIME_WAIT "Connection timed out", // (4) OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_TIMED_OUT }; OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aEndpoint); static_assert(0 == OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_NORMAL, "OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_NORMAL value is incorrect"); static_assert(1 == OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_REFUSED, "OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_REFUSED value is incorrect"); static_assert(2 == OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_RESET, "OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_RESET value is incorrect"); static_assert(3 == OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_TIME_WAIT, "OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_TIME_WAIT value is incorrect"); static_assert(4 == OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_TIMED_OUT, "OT_TCP_DISCONNECTED_REASON_TIMED_OUT value is incorrect"); OutputLine("TCP: %s", Stringify(aReason, kReasonStrings)); #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { mbedtls_ssl_session_reset(&mSslContext); } #endif // We set this to false even for the TIME-WAIT state, so that we can reuse // the active socket if an incoming connection comes in instead of waiting // for the 2MSL timeout. mEndpointConnected = false; mEndpointConnectedFastOpen = false; mSendBusy = false; // Mark the benchmark as inactive if the connection was disconnected. mBenchmarkBytesTotal = 0; mBenchmarkBytesUnsent = 0; otTcpCircularSendBufferForceDiscardAll(&mSendBuffer); } otTcpIncomingConnectionAction TcpExample::HandleTcpAcceptReady(otTcpListener *aListener, const otSockAddr *aPeer, otTcpEndpoint **aAcceptInto) { otTcpIncomingConnectionAction action; OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aListener); if (mEndpointConnected) { OutputFormat("TCP: Ignoring incoming connection request from "); OutputSockAddr(*aPeer); OutputLine(" (active socket is busy)"); ExitNow(action = OT_TCP_INCOMING_CONNECTION_ACTION_DEFER); } *aAcceptInto = &mEndpoint; action = OT_TCP_INCOMING_CONNECTION_ACTION_ACCEPT; #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE /* * Natural to wait until the AcceptDone callback but with TFO we could get data before that * so it doesn't make sense to wait until then. */ if (mUseTls) { int rv; rv = mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&mSslConfig, MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_SERVER, MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM, MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults returned %d", rv); } mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain(&mSslConfig, mSrvCert.next, nullptr); rv = mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert(&mSslConfig, &mSrvCert, &mPKey); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert returned %d", rv); } } #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE exit: return action; } void TcpExample::HandleTcpAcceptDone(otTcpListener *aListener, otTcpEndpoint *aEndpoint, const otSockAddr *aPeer) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aListener); OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aEndpoint); mEndpointConnected = true; OutputFormat("Accepted connection from "); OutputSockAddrLine(*aPeer); } otError TcpExample::ContinueBenchmarkCircularSend(void) { otError error = OT_ERROR_NONE; size_t freeSpace; while (mBenchmarkBytesUnsent != 0 && (freeSpace = otTcpCircularSendBufferGetFreeSpace(&mSendBuffer)) != 0) { size_t toSendThisIteration = OT_MIN(mBenchmarkBytesUnsent, sBenchmarkDataLength); uint32_t flag = (toSendThisIteration < freeSpace && toSendThisIteration < mBenchmarkBytesUnsent) ? OT_TCP_CIRCULAR_SEND_BUFFER_WRITE_MORE_TO_COME : 0; size_t written = 0; #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE if (mUseTls) { int rv = mbedtls_ssl_write(&mSslContext, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(sBenchmarkData), toSendThisIteration); if (rv > 0) { written = static_cast<size_t>(rv); OT_ASSERT(written <= mBenchmarkBytesUnsent); } else if (rv != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE && rv != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ) { ExitNow(error = OT_ERROR_FAILED); } error = OT_ERROR_NONE; } else #endif { SuccessOrExit(error = otTcpCircularSendBufferWrite(&mEndpoint, &mSendBuffer, sBenchmarkData, toSendThisIteration, &written, flag)); } mBenchmarkBytesUnsent -= written; } exit: if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE) { OutputLine("TCP Benchmark Failed"); mBenchmarkBytesTotal = 0; mBenchmarkBytesUnsent = 0; } return error; } void TcpExample::OutputBenchmarkResult(void) { uint32_t thousandTimesGoodput = (1000 * (mBenchmarkLastBytesTotal << 3) + (mBenchmarkTimeUsed >> 1)) / mBenchmarkTimeUsed; OutputLine("TCP Benchmark Complete: Transferred %lu bytes in %lu milliseconds", ToUlong(mBenchmarkLastBytesTotal), ToUlong(mBenchmarkTimeUsed)); OutputLine("TCP Goodput: %lu.%03u kb/s", ToUlong(thousandTimesGoodput / 1000), static_cast<uint16_t>(thousandTimesGoodput % 1000)); } void TcpExample::CompleteBenchmark(void) { mBenchmarkTimeUsed = TimerMilli::GetNow() - mBenchmarkStart; mBenchmarkLastBytesTotal = mBenchmarkBytesTotal; OutputBenchmarkResult(); mBenchmarkBytesTotal = 0; } #if OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE void TcpExample::PrepareTlsHandshake(void) { int rv; rv = mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname(&mSslContext, "localhost"); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname returned %d", rv); } rv = mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ecjpake_password(&mSslContext, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(sEcjpakePassword), sEcjpakePasswordLength); if (rv != 0) { OutputLine("mbedtls_ssl_set_hs_ecjpake_password returned %d", rv); } mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&mSslContext, &mEndpointAndCircularSendBuffer, otTcpMbedTlsSslSendCallback, otTcpMbedTlsSslRecvCallback, nullptr); mTlsHandshakeComplete = false; } bool TcpExample::ContinueTlsHandshake(void) { bool wasNotAlreadyDone = false; int rv; if (!mTlsHandshakeComplete) { rv = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&mSslContext); if (rv == 0) { OutputLine("TLS Handshake Complete"); mTlsHandshakeComplete = true; } else if (rv != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ && rv != MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE) { OutputLine("TLS Handshake Failed: %d", rv); } wasNotAlreadyDone = true; } return wasNotAlreadyDone; } #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE } // namespace Cli } // namespace ot #endif // OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TCP_ENABLE && OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_CLI_TCP_ENABLE