/* * Copyright (c) 2019, The OpenThread Authors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @file * This file implements local Backbone Router service. */ #include "bbr_local.hpp" #if OPENTHREAD_FTD && OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_BACKBONE_ROUTER_ENABLE #include "common/code_utils.hpp" #include "common/instance.hpp" #include "common/locator_getters.hpp" #include "common/logging.hpp" #include "common/random.hpp" #include "thread/mle_types.hpp" #include "thread/thread_netif.hpp" namespace ot { namespace BackboneRouter { Local::Local(Instance &aInstance) : InstanceLocator(aInstance) , mState(OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED) , mMlrTimeout(Mle::kMlrTimeoutDefault) , mReregistrationDelay(Mle::kRegistrationDelayDefault) , mSequenceNumber(Random::NonCrypto::GetUint8()) , mRegistrationJitter(Mle::kBackboneRouterRegistrationJitter) , mIsServiceAdded(false) , mDomainPrefixCallback(nullptr) , mDomainPrefixCallbackContext(nullptr) { mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix().SetLength(0); // Primary Backbone Router Aloc mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc.InitAsThreadOriginRealmLocalScope(); mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc.GetAddress().GetIid().SetToLocator(Mle::kAloc16BackboneRouterPrimary); // All Network Backbone Routers Multicast Address. mAllNetworkBackboneRouters.Clear(); mAllNetworkBackboneRouters.mFields.m8[0] = 0xff; // Multicast mAllNetworkBackboneRouters.mFields.m8[1] = 0x32; // Flags = 3, Scope = 2 mAllNetworkBackboneRouters.mFields.m8[15] = 3; // Group ID = 3 // All Domain Backbone Routers Multicast Address. mAllDomainBackboneRouters.Clear(); mAllDomainBackboneRouters.mFields.m8[0] = 0xff; // Multicast mAllDomainBackboneRouters.mFields.m8[1] = 0x32; // Flags = 3, Scope = 2 mAllDomainBackboneRouters.mFields.m8[15] = 3; // Group ID = 3 } void Local::SetEnabled(bool aEnable) { VerifyOrExit(aEnable == (mState == OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED)); if (aEnable) { SetState(OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_SECONDARY); AddDomainPrefixToNetworkData(); IgnoreError(AddService()); } else { RemoveDomainPrefixFromNetworkData(); RemoveService(); SetState(OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED); } exit: return; } void Local::Reset(void) { VerifyOrExit(mState != OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED); RemoveService(); if (mState == OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_PRIMARY) { // Increase sequence number when changing from Primary to Secondary. mSequenceNumber++; Get().Signal(kEventThreadBackboneRouterLocalChanged); SetState(OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_SECONDARY); } exit: return; } void Local::GetConfig(BackboneRouterConfig &aConfig) const { aConfig.mSequenceNumber = mSequenceNumber; aConfig.mReregistrationDelay = mReregistrationDelay; aConfig.mMlrTimeout = mMlrTimeout; } Error Local::SetConfig(const BackboneRouterConfig &aConfig) { Error error = kErrorNone; bool update = false; VerifyOrExit(aConfig.mMlrTimeout >= Mle::kMlrTimeoutMin && aConfig.mMlrTimeout <= Mle::kMlrTimeoutMax, error = kErrorInvalidArgs); // Validate configuration according to Thread 1.2.1 Specification // "The Reregistration Delay in seconds MUST be lower than (0.5 * MLR Timeout). It MUST be at least 1." VerifyOrExit(aConfig.mReregistrationDelay >= 1, error = kErrorInvalidArgs); static_assert(sizeof(aConfig.mReregistrationDelay) < sizeof(aConfig.mMlrTimeout), "the calculation below might overflow"); VerifyOrExit(aConfig.mReregistrationDelay * 2 < aConfig.mMlrTimeout, error = kErrorInvalidArgs); if (aConfig.mReregistrationDelay != mReregistrationDelay) { mReregistrationDelay = aConfig.mReregistrationDelay; update = true; } if (aConfig.mMlrTimeout != mMlrTimeout) { mMlrTimeout = aConfig.mMlrTimeout; update = true; } if (aConfig.mSequenceNumber != mSequenceNumber) { mSequenceNumber = aConfig.mSequenceNumber; update = true; } if (update) { Get().Signal(kEventThreadBackboneRouterLocalChanged); IgnoreError(AddService()); } exit: LogBackboneRouterService("Set", error); return error; } Error Local::AddService(bool aForce) { Error error = kErrorInvalidState; NetworkData::Service::BackboneRouter::ServerData serverData; VerifyOrExit(mState != OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED && Get().IsAttached()); VerifyOrExit(aForce /* if register by force */ || !Get().HasPrimary() /* if no available Backbone Router service */ || Get().GetServer16() == Get().GetRloc16() /* If the device itself should be BBR. */ ); serverData.SetSequenceNumber(mSequenceNumber); serverData.SetReregistrationDelay(mReregistrationDelay); serverData.SetMlrTimeout(mMlrTimeout); SuccessOrExit(error = Get().Add(serverData)); Get().HandleServerDataUpdated(); mIsServiceAdded = true; exit: LogBackboneRouterService("Add", error); return error; } void Local::RemoveService(void) { Error error; SuccessOrExit(error = Get().Remove()); Get().HandleServerDataUpdated(); mIsServiceAdded = false; exit: LogBackboneRouterService("Remove", error); } void Local::SetState(BackboneRouterState aState) { VerifyOrExit(mState != aState); if (mState == OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED) { // Update All Network Backbone Routers Multicast Address for both Secondary and Primary state. mAllNetworkBackboneRouters.SetMulticastNetworkPrefix(Get().GetMeshLocalPrefix()); } if (mState == OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_PRIMARY) { Get().RemoveUnicastAddress(mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc); } else if (aState == OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_PRIMARY) { // Add Primary Backbone Router Aloc for Primary Backbone Router. mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc.GetAddress().SetPrefix(Get().GetMeshLocalPrefix()); Get().AddUnicastAddress(mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc); } mState = aState; Get().Signal(kEventThreadBackboneRouterStateChanged); exit: return; } void Local::HandleBackboneRouterPrimaryUpdate(Leader::State aState, const BackboneRouterConfig &aConfig) { OT_UNUSED_VARIABLE(aState); VerifyOrExit(mState != OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_DISABLED && Get().IsAttached()); // Wait some jitter before trying to Register. if (aConfig.mServer16 == Mac::kShortAddrInvalid) { uint8_t delay = 1; if (!Get().IsLeader()) { delay += Random::NonCrypto::GetUint8InRange(0, mRegistrationJitter < 255 ? mRegistrationJitter + 1 : mRegistrationJitter); } // Here uses the timer resource in Mle. Get().SetBackboneRouterRegistrationDelay(delay); } else if (aConfig.mServer16 != Get().GetRloc16()) { Reset(); } else if (!mIsServiceAdded) { // Here original PBBR restores its Backbone Router Service from Thread Network, // Intentionally skips the state update as PBBR will refresh its service. mSequenceNumber = aConfig.mSequenceNumber + 1; mReregistrationDelay = aConfig.mReregistrationDelay; mMlrTimeout = aConfig.mMlrTimeout; Get().Signal(kEventThreadBackboneRouterLocalChanged); if (AddService(true /* Force registration to refresh and restore Primary state */) == kErrorNone) { Get().HandleServerDataUpdated(); } } else { SetState(OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_STATE_PRIMARY); } exit: return; } Error Local::GetDomainPrefix(NetworkData::OnMeshPrefixConfig &aConfig) { Error error = kErrorNone; VerifyOrExit(mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix().GetLength() > 0, error = kErrorNotFound); aConfig = mDomainPrefixConfig; exit: return error; } Error Local::RemoveDomainPrefix(const Ip6::Prefix &aPrefix) { Error error = kErrorNone; VerifyOrExit(aPrefix.GetLength() > 0, error = kErrorInvalidArgs); VerifyOrExit(mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix() == aPrefix, error = kErrorNotFound); if (IsEnabled()) { RemoveDomainPrefixFromNetworkData(); } mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix().SetLength(0); exit: return error; } Error Local::SetDomainPrefix(const NetworkData::OnMeshPrefixConfig &aConfig) { Error error = kErrorNone; VerifyOrExit(aConfig.IsValid(GetInstance()), error = kErrorInvalidArgs); if (IsEnabled()) { RemoveDomainPrefixFromNetworkData(); } mDomainPrefixConfig = aConfig; LogDomainPrefix("Set", kErrorNone); if (IsEnabled()) { AddDomainPrefixToNetworkData(); } exit: return error; } void Local::ApplyMeshLocalPrefix(void) { VerifyOrExit(IsEnabled()); Get().UnsubscribeMulticast(mAllNetworkBackboneRouters); mAllNetworkBackboneRouters.SetMulticastNetworkPrefix(Get().GetMeshLocalPrefix()); Get().SubscribeMulticast(mAllNetworkBackboneRouters); if (IsPrimary()) { Get().RemoveUnicastAddress(mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc); mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc.GetAddress().SetPrefix(Get().GetMeshLocalPrefix()); Get().AddUnicastAddress(mBackboneRouterPrimaryAloc); } exit: return; } void Local::HandleDomainPrefixUpdate(Leader::DomainPrefixState aState) { if (!IsEnabled()) { ExitNow(); } if (aState == Leader::kDomainPrefixRemoved || aState == Leader::kDomainPrefixRefreshed) { Get().UnsubscribeMulticast(mAllDomainBackboneRouters); } if (aState == Leader::kDomainPrefixAdded || aState == Leader::kDomainPrefixRefreshed) { mAllDomainBackboneRouters.SetMulticastNetworkPrefix(*Get().GetDomainPrefix()); Get().SubscribeMulticast(mAllDomainBackboneRouters); } if (mDomainPrefixCallback != nullptr) { switch (aState) { case Leader::kDomainPrefixAdded: mDomainPrefixCallback(mDomainPrefixCallbackContext, OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_DOMAIN_PREFIX_ADDED, Get().GetDomainPrefix()); break; case Leader::kDomainPrefixRemoved: mDomainPrefixCallback(mDomainPrefixCallbackContext, OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_DOMAIN_PREFIX_REMOVED, Get().GetDomainPrefix()); break; case Leader::kDomainPrefixRefreshed: mDomainPrefixCallback(mDomainPrefixCallbackContext, OT_BACKBONE_ROUTER_DOMAIN_PREFIX_CHANGED, Get().GetDomainPrefix()); break; default: break; } } exit: return; } void Local::RemoveDomainPrefixFromNetworkData(void) { Error error = kErrorNotFound; // only used for logging. if (mDomainPrefixConfig.mPrefix.mLength > 0) { error = Get().RemoveOnMeshPrefix(mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix()); } LogDomainPrefix("Remove", error); } void Local::AddDomainPrefixToNetworkData(void) { Error error = kErrorNotFound; // only used for logging. if (mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix().GetLength() > 0) { error = Get().AddOnMeshPrefix(mDomainPrefixConfig); } LogDomainPrefix("Add", error); } #if (OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL >= OT_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) && (OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LOG_BBR == 1) void Local::LogDomainPrefix(const char *aAction, Error aError) { otLogInfoBbr("%s Domain Prefix: %s, %s", aAction, mDomainPrefixConfig.GetPrefix().ToString().AsCString(), ErrorToString(aError)); } void Local::LogBackboneRouterService(const char *aAction, Error aError) { otLogInfoBbr("%s BBR Service: seqno (%d), delay (%ds), timeout (%ds), %s", aAction, mSequenceNumber, mReregistrationDelay, mMlrTimeout, ErrorToString(aError)); } #endif void Local::SetDomainPrefixCallback(otBackboneRouterDomainPrefixCallback aCallback, void *aContext) { mDomainPrefixCallback = aCallback; mDomainPrefixCallbackContext = aContext; } } // namespace BackboneRouter } // namespace ot #endif // OPENTHREAD_FTD && OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_BACKBONE_ROUTER_ENABLE