; ; You can setup `custom_nanopb_protos` `nanopb_options` vars to generate code from proto files ; ; Generator will use next folders: ; ; `$BUILD_DIR/nanopb/generated-src` - `*.pb.h` and `*.pb.c` files ; `$BUILD_DIR/nanopb/md5` - MD5 files to track changes in source .proto/.options ; ; Compiled `.pb.o` files will be located under `$BUILD_DIR/nanopb/generated-build` ; ; Example: [env:pio_with_options] platform = native lib_deps = Nanopb src_filter = + ; All path are relative to the `$PROJECT_DIR` custom_nanopb_protos = + custom_nanopb_options = --error-on-unmatched [env:pio_without_options] platform = native lib_deps = Nanopb src_filter = + ; All path are relative to the `$PROJECT_DIR` custom_nanopb_protos = + [env:pio_esp32_idf] platform = espressif32 board = firebeetle32 framework = espidf lib_deps = Nanopb ; Warning: the 'src_filter' option cannot be used with ESP-IDF. Select source files to build in the project CMakeLists.txt file. ; So, we specified source files in src/CMakeLists.txt custom_nanopb_protos = +