/** * @file lv_draw_sdl_img.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "../../lv_conf_internal.h" #if LV_USE_GPU_SDL #include "../lv_draw_img.h" #include "../lv_img_cache.h" #include "../lv_draw_mask.h" #include "../../misc/lv_lru.h" #include "../../misc/lv_gc.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_img.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_utils.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_composite.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_rect.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_layer.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ typedef struct { lv_sdl_cache_key_magic_t magic; const SDL_Texture * texture; lv_coord_t w, h, radius; } lv_draw_img_rounded_key_t; enum { ROUNDED_IMG_PART_LEFT = 0, ROUNDED_IMG_PART_HCENTER = 1, ROUNDED_IMG_PART_RIGHT = 2, ROUNDED_IMG_PART_TOP = 3, ROUNDED_IMG_PART_VCENTER = 4, ROUNDED_IMG_PART_BOTTOM = 5, }; enum { ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_TOP_LEFT = 0, ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT = 1, ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 2, ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT = 3, }; /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static SDL_Texture * upload_img_texture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, lv_img_decoder_dsc_t * dsc); static SDL_Texture * upload_img_texture_fallback(SDL_Renderer * renderer, lv_img_decoder_dsc_t * dsc); static bool check_mask_simple_radius(const lv_area_t * coords, lv_coord_t * radius); static void draw_img_simple(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc, const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * clip); static void draw_img_rounded(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc, const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * clip, lv_coord_t radius); static SDL_Texture * img_rounded_frag_obtain(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, int w, int h, lv_coord_t radius, bool * in_cache); static lv_draw_img_rounded_key_t rounded_key_create(const SDL_Texture * texture, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_coord_t radius); static void calc_draw_part(SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * clip, SDL_Rect * clipped_src, SDL_Rect * clipped_dst); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ /********************** * MACROS **********************/ static void apply_recolor_opa(SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc); /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ lv_res_t lv_draw_sdl_img_core(lv_draw_ctx_t * draw_ctx, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc, const lv_area_t * coords, const void * src) { const lv_area_t * clip = draw_ctx->clip_area; lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx = (lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t *) draw_ctx; size_t key_size; lv_draw_sdl_cache_key_head_img_t * key = lv_draw_sdl_texture_img_key_create(src, draw_dsc->frame_id, &key_size); bool texture_found = false; lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header = NULL; SDL_Texture * texture = lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache_get_with_userdata(ctx, key, key_size, &texture_found, (void **) &header); bool texture_in_cache = false; if(!texture_found) { lv_draw_sdl_img_load_texture(ctx, key, key_size, src, draw_dsc->frame_id, &texture, &header, &texture_in_cache); } else { texture_in_cache = true; } SDL_free(key); if(!texture || !header) { return LV_RES_INV; } lv_area_t zoomed_cords; _lv_img_buf_get_transformed_area(&zoomed_cords, lv_area_get_width(coords), lv_area_get_height(coords), 0, draw_dsc->zoom, &draw_dsc->pivot); lv_area_move(&zoomed_cords, coords->x1, coords->y1); /* When in > 0, draw simple radius */ lv_coord_t radius = 0; /* Coords will be translated so coords will start at (0,0) */ lv_area_t t_coords = zoomed_cords, t_clip = *clip, apply_area; bool has_composite = false; if(!check_mask_simple_radius(&t_coords, &radius)) { has_composite = lv_draw_sdl_composite_begin(ctx, &zoomed_cords, clip, NULL, draw_dsc->blend_mode, &t_coords, &t_clip, &apply_area); } lv_draw_sdl_transform_areas_offset(ctx, has_composite, &apply_area, &t_coords, &t_clip); SDL_Rect clip_rect, coords_rect; lv_area_to_sdl_rect(&t_clip, &clip_rect); lv_area_to_sdl_rect(&t_coords, &coords_rect); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); if(radius > 0) { draw_img_rounded(ctx, texture, header, draw_dsc, &t_coords, &t_clip, radius); } else { draw_img_simple(ctx, texture, header, draw_dsc, &t_coords, &t_clip); } lv_draw_sdl_composite_end(ctx, &apply_area, draw_dsc->blend_mode); if(!texture_in_cache) { LV_LOG_WARN("Texture is not cached, this will impact performance."); if(!header->managed) { SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); } lv_mem_free(header); } return LV_RES_OK; } static void calc_draw_part(SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * clip, SDL_Rect * clipped_src, SDL_Rect * clipped_dst) { double x = 0, y = 0, w, h; if(SDL_RectEmpty(&header->rect)) { Uint32 format = 0; int access = 0, tw, th; SDL_QueryTexture(texture, &format, &access, &tw, &th); w = tw; h = th; } else { x = header->rect.x; y = header->rect.y; w = header->rect.w; h = header->rect.h; } if(clip) { lv_area_t clipped_area; _lv_area_intersect(&clipped_area, coords, clip); lv_area_to_sdl_rect(&clipped_area, clipped_dst); } else { lv_area_to_sdl_rect(coords, clipped_dst); } lv_coord_t coords_w = lv_area_get_width(coords), coords_h = lv_area_get_height(coords); clipped_src->x = (int)(x + (clipped_dst->x - coords->x1) * w / coords_w); clipped_src->y = (int)(y + (clipped_dst->y - coords->y1) * h / coords_h); clipped_src->w = (int)(w - (coords_w - clipped_dst->w) * w / coords_w); clipped_src->h = (int)(h - (coords_h - clipped_dst->h) * h / coords_h); } bool lv_draw_sdl_img_load_texture(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, lv_draw_sdl_cache_key_head_img_t * key, size_t key_size, const void * src, int32_t frame_id, SDL_Texture ** texture, lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t ** header, bool * texture_in_cache) { _lv_img_cache_entry_t * cdsc = _lv_img_cache_open(src, lv_color_white(), frame_id); lv_draw_sdl_cache_flag_t tex_flags = 0; SDL_Rect rect; SDL_memset(&rect, 0, sizeof(SDL_Rect)); if(cdsc) { lv_img_decoder_dsc_t * dsc = &cdsc->dec_dsc; if(dsc->user_data && SDL_memcmp(dsc->user_data, LV_DRAW_SDL_DEC_DSC_TEXTURE_HEAD, 8) == 0) { lv_draw_sdl_dec_dsc_userdata_t * ptr = (lv_draw_sdl_dec_dsc_userdata_t *) dsc->user_data; *texture = ptr->texture; rect = ptr->rect; if(ptr->texture_managed) { tex_flags |= LV_DRAW_SDL_CACHE_FLAG_MANAGED; } ptr->texture_referenced = true; } else { *texture = upload_img_texture(ctx->renderer, dsc); } #if LV_IMG_CACHE_DEF_SIZE == 0 lv_img_decoder_close(dsc); #endif } if(texture && cdsc) { *header = lv_mem_alloc(sizeof(lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t)); SDL_memcpy(&(*header)->base, &cdsc->dec_dsc.header, sizeof(lv_img_header_t)); (*header)->rect = rect; (*header)->managed = (tex_flags & LV_DRAW_SDL_CACHE_FLAG_MANAGED) != 0; *texture_in_cache = lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache_put_advanced(ctx, key, key_size, *texture, *header, SDL_free, tex_flags); return true; } else { *texture_in_cache = lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache_put(ctx, key, key_size, NULL); return false; } } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ static SDL_Texture * upload_img_texture(SDL_Renderer * renderer, lv_img_decoder_dsc_t * dsc) { if(!dsc->img_data) { return upload_img_texture_fallback(renderer, dsc); } bool chroma_keyed = dsc->header.cf == (uint32_t) LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_CHROMA_KEYED; int h = (int) dsc->header.h; int w = (int) dsc->header.w; void * data = (void *) dsc->img_data; Uint32 rmask = 0x00FF0000; Uint32 gmask = 0x0000FF00; Uint32 bmask = 0x000000FF; Uint32 amask = 0xFF000000; if(chroma_keyed) { amask = 0x00; } SDL_Surface * surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(data, w, h, LV_COLOR_DEPTH, w * LV_COLOR_DEPTH / 8, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); SDL_SetColorKey(surface, chroma_keyed, lv_color_to32(LV_COLOR_CHROMA_KEY)); SDL_Texture * texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); return texture; } static SDL_Texture * upload_img_texture_fallback(SDL_Renderer * renderer, lv_img_decoder_dsc_t * dsc) { lv_coord_t h = (lv_coord_t) dsc->header.h; lv_coord_t w = (lv_coord_t) dsc->header.w; uint8_t * data = lv_mem_buf_get(w * h * sizeof(lv_color_t)); for(lv_coord_t y = 0; y < h; y++) { lv_img_decoder_read_line(dsc, 0, y, w, &data[y * w * sizeof(lv_color_t)]); } Uint32 rmask = 0x00FF0000; Uint32 gmask = 0x0000FF00; Uint32 bmask = 0x000000FF; Uint32 amask = 0xFF000000; SDL_Surface * surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(data, w, h, LV_COLOR_DEPTH, w * LV_COLOR_DEPTH / 8, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); SDL_SetColorKey(surface, SDL_TRUE, lv_color_to32(LV_COLOR_CHROMA_KEY)); SDL_Texture * texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); lv_mem_buf_release(data); return texture; } /** * Check if there is only one radius mask * @param radius Set to radius value if the only mask is a radius mask * @return true if the only mask is a radius mask */ static bool check_mask_simple_radius(const lv_area_t * coords, lv_coord_t * radius) { if(lv_draw_mask_get_cnt() != 1) return false; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < _LV_MASK_MAX_NUM; i++) { _lv_draw_mask_common_dsc_t * param = LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_draw_mask_list[i]).param; if(param->type == LV_DRAW_MASK_TYPE_RADIUS) { lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t * rparam = (lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t *) param; if(rparam->cfg.outer) return false; if(!_lv_area_is_equal(&rparam->cfg.rect, coords)) return false; *radius = rparam->cfg.radius; return true; } } return false; } static void draw_img_simple(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc, const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * clip) { apply_recolor_opa(texture, draw_dsc); SDL_Point pivot = {.x = draw_dsc->pivot.x, .y = draw_dsc->pivot.y}; /*Image needs to be rotated, so we have to use clip rect which is slower*/ if(draw_dsc->angle != 0) { /* No radius, set clip here */ SDL_Rect clip_rect; lv_area_to_sdl_rect(clip, &clip_rect); SDL_RenderSetClipRect(ctx->renderer, &clip_rect); } SDL_Rect src_rect, dst_rect; calc_draw_part(texture, header, coords, clip, &src_rect, &dst_rect); SDL_RenderCopyEx(ctx->renderer, texture, &src_rect, &dst_rect, draw_dsc->angle, &pivot, SDL_FLIP_NONE); if(draw_dsc->angle != 0) { SDL_RenderSetClipRect(ctx->renderer, NULL); } } static void draw_img_rounded(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc, const lv_area_t * coords, const lv_area_t * clip, lv_coord_t radius) { const int w = lv_area_get_width(coords), h = lv_area_get_height(coords); lv_coord_t real_radius = LV_MIN3(radius, w, h); bool frag_in_cache = false; SDL_Texture * frag = img_rounded_frag_obtain(ctx, texture, header, w, h, real_radius, &frag_in_cache); apply_recolor_opa(frag, draw_dsc); lv_draw_sdl_rect_bg_frag_draw_corners(ctx, frag, real_radius, coords, clip, true); apply_recolor_opa(texture, draw_dsc); SDL_Rect src_rect, dst_rect; /* Draw 3 parts */ lv_area_t clip_tmp, part; calc_draw_part(texture, header, coords, NULL, &src_rect, &dst_rect); for(int i = w > h ? ROUNDED_IMG_PART_LEFT : ROUNDED_IMG_PART_TOP, j = i + 3; i <= j; i++) { switch(i) { case ROUNDED_IMG_PART_LEFT: lv_area_set(&part, coords->x1, coords->y1 + radius, coords->x1 + radius - 1, coords->y2 - radius); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_PART_HCENTER: lv_area_set(&part, coords->x1 + radius, coords->y1, coords->x2 - radius, coords->y2); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_PART_RIGHT: lv_area_set(&part, coords->x2 - radius + 1, coords->y1 + radius, coords->x2, coords->y2 - radius); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_PART_TOP: lv_area_set(&part, coords->x1 + radius, coords->y1, coords->x2 - radius, coords->y1 + radius - 1); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_PART_VCENTER: lv_area_set(&part, coords->x1 + radius, coords->y2 - radius + 1, coords->x2 - radius, coords->y2); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_PART_BOTTOM: lv_area_set(&part, coords->x1, coords->y1 + radius, coords->x2, coords->y2 - radius); break; default: break; } if(!_lv_area_intersect(&clip_tmp, &part, clip)) continue; SDL_Rect clip_rect; lv_area_to_sdl_rect(&clip_tmp, &clip_rect); SDL_RenderSetClipRect(ctx->renderer, &clip_rect); SDL_RenderCopy(ctx->renderer, texture, &src_rect, &dst_rect); } SDL_RenderSetClipRect(ctx->renderer, NULL); if(!frag_in_cache) { LV_LOG_WARN("Texture is not cached, this will impact performance."); SDL_DestroyTexture(frag); } } static void apply_recolor_opa(SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_img_dsc_t * draw_dsc) { if(draw_dsc->recolor_opa > LV_OPA_TRANSP) { /* Draw with mixed recolor */ lv_color_t recolor = lv_color_mix(draw_dsc->recolor, lv_color_white(), draw_dsc->recolor_opa); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture, recolor.ch.red, recolor.ch.green, recolor.ch.blue); } else { /* Draw with no recolor */ SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); } SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture, draw_dsc->opa); } static SDL_Texture * img_rounded_frag_obtain(lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx, SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_draw_sdl_img_header_t * header, int w, int h, lv_coord_t radius, bool * in_cache) { lv_draw_img_rounded_key_t key = rounded_key_create(texture, w, h, radius); bool mask_frag_in_cache = false; SDL_Texture * mask_frag = lv_draw_sdl_rect_bg_frag_obtain(ctx, radius, &mask_frag_in_cache); SDL_Texture * img_frag = lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache_get(ctx, &key, sizeof(key), NULL); if(img_frag == NULL) { const lv_coord_t full_frag_size = radius * 2 + 3; img_frag = SDL_CreateTexture(ctx->renderer, LV_DRAW_SDL_TEXTURE_FORMAT, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, full_frag_size, full_frag_size); SDL_assert(img_frag); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(img_frag, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_Texture * old_target = SDL_GetRenderTarget(ctx->renderer); SDL_SetRenderTarget(ctx->renderer, img_frag); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(ctx->renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* SDL_RenderClear is not working properly, so we overwrite the target with solid color */ SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(ctx->renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_RenderFillRect(ctx->renderer, NULL); SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(ctx->renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); lv_area_t coords = {0, 0, w - 1, h - 1}; lv_area_t frag_coords = {0, 0, full_frag_size - 1, full_frag_size - 1}; lv_draw_sdl_rect_bg_frag_draw_corners(ctx, mask_frag, radius, &frag_coords, NULL, false); SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture, 0xFF); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); #if LV_GPU_SDL_CUSTOM_BLEND_MODE SDL_BlendMode blend_mode = SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode(SDL_BLENDFACTOR_ONE, SDL_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO, SDL_BLENDOPERATION_ADD, SDL_BLENDFACTOR_DST_ALPHA, SDL_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO, SDL_BLENDOPERATION_ADD); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, blend_mode); #else SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD); #endif SDL_Rect srcrect, cliprect, dstrect = {0, 0, radius, radius}; cliprect.w = cliprect.h = radius; for(int i = 0; i <= ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT; i++) { switch(i) { case ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_TOP_LEFT: cliprect.x = 0; cliprect.y = 0; lv_area_align(&frag_coords, &coords, LV_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT, 0, 0); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT: cliprect.x = full_frag_size - radius; cliprect.y = 0; lv_area_align(&frag_coords, &coords, LV_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT, 0, 0); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT: cliprect.x = full_frag_size - radius; cliprect.y = full_frag_size - radius; lv_area_align(&frag_coords, &coords, LV_ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0, 0); break; case ROUNDED_IMG_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT: cliprect.x = 0; cliprect.y = full_frag_size - radius; lv_area_align(&frag_coords, &coords, LV_ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT, 0, 0); break; default: break; } calc_draw_part(texture, header, &coords, NULL, &srcrect, &dstrect); SDL_RenderSetClipRect(ctx->renderer, &cliprect); SDL_RenderCopy(ctx->renderer, texture, &srcrect, &dstrect); } SDL_RenderSetClipRect(ctx->renderer, NULL); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderTarget(ctx->renderer, old_target); *in_cache = lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache_put(ctx, &key, sizeof(key), img_frag); } else { *in_cache = true; } if(!mask_frag_in_cache) { LV_LOG_WARN("Texture is not cached, this will impact performance."); SDL_DestroyTexture(mask_frag); } return img_frag; } static lv_draw_img_rounded_key_t rounded_key_create(const SDL_Texture * texture, lv_coord_t w, lv_coord_t h, lv_coord_t radius) { lv_draw_img_rounded_key_t key; SDL_memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); key.magic = LV_GPU_CACHE_KEY_MAGIC_IMG_ROUNDED_CORNERS; key.texture = texture; key.w = w; key.h = h; key.radius = radius; return key; } #endif /*LV_USE_GPU_SDL*/