/** * @file lv_flex.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "../lv_layouts.h" #if LV_USE_FLEX /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ typedef struct { lv_flex_align_t main_place; lv_flex_align_t cross_place; lv_flex_align_t track_place; uint8_t row : 1; uint8_t wrap : 1; uint8_t rev : 1; } flex_t; typedef struct { lv_obj_t * item; lv_coord_t min_size; lv_coord_t max_size; lv_coord_t final_size; uint32_t grow_value; uint32_t clamped : 1; } grow_dsc_t; typedef struct { lv_coord_t track_cross_size; lv_coord_t track_main_size; /*For all items*/ lv_coord_t track_fix_main_size; /*For non grow items*/ uint32_t item_cnt; grow_dsc_t * grow_dsc; uint32_t grow_item_cnt; uint32_t grow_dsc_calc : 1; } track_t; /********************** * GLOBAL PROTOTYPES **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static void flex_update(lv_obj_t * cont, void * user_data); static int32_t find_track_end(lv_obj_t * cont, flex_t * f, int32_t item_start_id, lv_coord_t max_main_size, lv_coord_t item_gap, track_t * t); static void children_repos(lv_obj_t * cont, flex_t * f, int32_t item_first_id, int32_t item_last_id, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t max_main_size, lv_coord_t item_gap, track_t * t); static void place_content(lv_flex_align_t place, lv_coord_t max_size, lv_coord_t content_size, lv_coord_t item_cnt, lv_coord_t * start_pos, lv_coord_t * gap); static lv_obj_t * get_next_item(lv_obj_t * cont, bool rev, int32_t * item_id); /********************** * GLOBAL VARIABLES **********************/ uint16_t LV_LAYOUT_FLEX; lv_style_prop_t LV_STYLE_FLEX_FLOW; lv_style_prop_t LV_STYLE_FLEX_MAIN_PLACE; lv_style_prop_t LV_STYLE_FLEX_CROSS_PLACE; lv_style_prop_t LV_STYLE_FLEX_TRACK_PLACE; lv_style_prop_t LV_STYLE_FLEX_GROW; /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ /*===================== * Setter functions *====================*/ void lv_flex_init(void) { LV_LAYOUT_FLEX = lv_layout_register(flex_update, NULL); LV_STYLE_FLEX_FLOW = lv_style_register_prop(LV_STYLE_PROP_FLAG_NONE); LV_STYLE_FLEX_MAIN_PLACE = lv_style_register_prop(LV_STYLE_PROP_LAYOUT_REFR); LV_STYLE_FLEX_CROSS_PLACE = lv_style_register_prop(LV_STYLE_PROP_LAYOUT_REFR); LV_STYLE_FLEX_TRACK_PLACE = lv_style_register_prop(LV_STYLE_PROP_LAYOUT_REFR); LV_STYLE_FLEX_GROW = lv_style_register_prop(LV_STYLE_PROP_LAYOUT_REFR); } void lv_obj_set_flex_flow(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_flex_flow_t flow) { lv_obj_set_style_flex_flow(obj, flow, 0); lv_obj_set_style_layout(obj, LV_LAYOUT_FLEX, 0); } void lv_obj_set_flex_align(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_flex_align_t main_place, lv_flex_align_t cross_place, lv_flex_align_t track_place) { lv_obj_set_style_flex_main_place(obj, main_place, 0); lv_obj_set_style_flex_cross_place(obj, cross_place, 0); lv_obj_set_style_flex_track_place(obj, track_place, 0); lv_obj_set_style_layout(obj, LV_LAYOUT_FLEX, 0); } void lv_obj_set_flex_grow(lv_obj_t * obj, uint8_t grow) { lv_obj_set_style_flex_grow(obj, grow, 0); lv_obj_mark_layout_as_dirty(lv_obj_get_parent(obj)); } void lv_style_set_flex_flow(lv_style_t * style, lv_flex_flow_t value) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t)value }; lv_style_set_prop(style, LV_STYLE_FLEX_FLOW, v); } void lv_style_set_flex_main_place(lv_style_t * style, lv_flex_align_t value) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t)value }; lv_style_set_prop(style, LV_STYLE_FLEX_MAIN_PLACE, v); } void lv_style_set_flex_cross_place(lv_style_t * style, lv_flex_align_t value) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t)value }; lv_style_set_prop(style, LV_STYLE_FLEX_CROSS_PLACE, v); } void lv_style_set_flex_track_place(lv_style_t * style, lv_flex_align_t value) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t)value }; lv_style_set_prop(style, LV_STYLE_FLEX_TRACK_PLACE, v); } void lv_style_set_flex_grow(lv_style_t * style, uint8_t value) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t)value }; lv_style_set_prop(style, LV_STYLE_FLEX_GROW, v); } void lv_obj_set_style_flex_flow(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_flex_flow_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t) value }; lv_obj_set_local_style_prop(obj, LV_STYLE_FLEX_FLOW, v, selector); } void lv_obj_set_style_flex_main_place(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_flex_align_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t) value }; lv_obj_set_local_style_prop(obj, LV_STYLE_FLEX_MAIN_PLACE, v, selector); } void lv_obj_set_style_flex_cross_place(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_flex_align_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t) value }; lv_obj_set_local_style_prop(obj, LV_STYLE_FLEX_CROSS_PLACE, v, selector); } void lv_obj_set_style_flex_track_place(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_flex_align_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t) value }; lv_obj_set_local_style_prop(obj, LV_STYLE_FLEX_TRACK_PLACE, v, selector); } void lv_obj_set_style_flex_grow(lv_obj_t * obj, uint8_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t) value }; lv_obj_set_local_style_prop(obj, LV_STYLE_FLEX_GROW, v, selector); } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ static void flex_update(lv_obj_t * cont, void * user_data) { LV_LOG_INFO("update %p container", (void *)cont); LV_UNUSED(user_data); flex_t f; lv_flex_flow_t flow = lv_obj_get_style_flex_flow(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); f.row = flow & _LV_FLEX_COLUMN ? 0 : 1; f.wrap = flow & _LV_FLEX_WRAP ? 1 : 0; f.rev = flow & _LV_FLEX_REVERSE ? 1 : 0; f.main_place = lv_obj_get_style_flex_main_place(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); f.cross_place = lv_obj_get_style_flex_cross_place(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); f.track_place = lv_obj_get_style_flex_track_place(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); bool rtl = lv_obj_get_style_base_dir(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) == LV_BASE_DIR_RTL ? true : false; lv_coord_t track_gap = !f.row ? lv_obj_get_style_pad_column(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) : lv_obj_get_style_pad_row(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t item_gap = f.row ? lv_obj_get_style_pad_column(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) : lv_obj_get_style_pad_row(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t max_main_size = (f.row ? lv_obj_get_content_width(cont) : lv_obj_get_content_height(cont)); lv_coord_t border_width = lv_obj_get_style_border_width(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t abs_y = cont->coords.y1 + lv_obj_get_style_pad_top(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) + border_width - lv_obj_get_scroll_y(cont); lv_coord_t abs_x = cont->coords.x1 + lv_obj_get_style_pad_left(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) + border_width - lv_obj_get_scroll_x(cont); lv_flex_align_t track_cross_place = f.track_place; lv_coord_t * cross_pos = (f.row ? &abs_y : &abs_x); lv_coord_t w_set = lv_obj_get_style_width(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t h_set = lv_obj_get_style_height(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); /*Content sized objects should squeezed the gap between the children, therefore any alignment will look like `START`*/ if((f.row && h_set == LV_SIZE_CONTENT && cont->h_layout == 0) || (!f.row && w_set == LV_SIZE_CONTENT && cont->w_layout == 0)) { track_cross_place = LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START; } if(rtl && !f.row) { if(track_cross_place == LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START) track_cross_place = LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END; else if(track_cross_place == LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END) track_cross_place = LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START; } lv_coord_t total_track_cross_size = 0; lv_coord_t gap = 0; uint32_t track_cnt = 0; int32_t track_first_item; int32_t next_track_first_item; if(track_cross_place != LV_FLEX_ALIGN_START) { track_first_item = f.rev ? cont->spec_attr->child_cnt - 1 : 0; track_t t; while(track_first_item < (int32_t)cont->spec_attr->child_cnt && track_first_item >= 0) { /*Search the first item of the next row*/ t.grow_dsc_calc = 0; next_track_first_item = find_track_end(cont, &f, track_first_item, max_main_size, item_gap, &t); total_track_cross_size += t.track_cross_size + track_gap; track_cnt++; track_first_item = next_track_first_item; } if(track_cnt) total_track_cross_size -= track_gap; /*No gap after the last track*/ /*Place the tracks to get the start position*/ lv_coord_t max_cross_size = (f.row ? lv_obj_get_content_height(cont) : lv_obj_get_content_width(cont)); place_content(track_cross_place, max_cross_size, total_track_cross_size, track_cnt, cross_pos, &gap); } track_first_item = f.rev ? cont->spec_attr->child_cnt - 1 : 0; if(rtl && !f.row) { *cross_pos += total_track_cross_size; } while(track_first_item < (int32_t)cont->spec_attr->child_cnt && track_first_item >= 0) { track_t t; t.grow_dsc_calc = 1; /*Search the first item of the next row*/ next_track_first_item = find_track_end(cont, &f, track_first_item, max_main_size, item_gap, &t); if(rtl && !f.row) { *cross_pos -= t.track_cross_size; } children_repos(cont, &f, track_first_item, next_track_first_item, abs_x, abs_y, max_main_size, item_gap, &t); track_first_item = next_track_first_item; lv_mem_buf_release(t.grow_dsc); t.grow_dsc = NULL; if(rtl && !f.row) { *cross_pos -= gap + track_gap; } else { *cross_pos += t.track_cross_size + gap + track_gap; } } LV_ASSERT_MEM_INTEGRITY(); if(w_set == LV_SIZE_CONTENT || h_set == LV_SIZE_CONTENT) { lv_obj_refr_size(cont); } lv_event_send(cont, LV_EVENT_LAYOUT_CHANGED, NULL); LV_TRACE_LAYOUT("finished"); } /** * Find the last item of a track */ static int32_t find_track_end(lv_obj_t * cont, flex_t * f, int32_t item_start_id, lv_coord_t max_main_size, lv_coord_t item_gap, track_t * t) { lv_coord_t w_set = lv_obj_get_style_width(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t h_set = lv_obj_get_style_height(cont, LV_PART_MAIN); /*Can't wrap if the size if auto (i.e. the size depends on the children)*/ if(f->wrap && ((f->row && w_set == LV_SIZE_CONTENT) || (!f->row && h_set == LV_SIZE_CONTENT))) { f->wrap = false; } lv_coord_t(*get_main_size)(const lv_obj_t *) = (f->row ? lv_obj_get_width : lv_obj_get_height); lv_coord_t(*get_cross_size)(const lv_obj_t *) = (!f->row ? lv_obj_get_width : lv_obj_get_height); t->track_main_size = 0; t->track_fix_main_size = 0; t->grow_item_cnt = 0; t->track_cross_size = 0; t->item_cnt = 0; t->grow_dsc = NULL; int32_t item_id = item_start_id; lv_obj_t * item = lv_obj_get_child(cont, item_id); while(item) { if(item_id != item_start_id && lv_obj_has_flag(item, LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLEX_IN_NEW_TRACK)) break; if(!lv_obj_has_flag_any(item, LV_OBJ_FLAG_IGNORE_LAYOUT | LV_OBJ_FLAG_HIDDEN | LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLOATING)) { uint8_t grow_value = lv_obj_get_style_flex_grow(item, LV_PART_MAIN); if(grow_value) { t->grow_item_cnt++; t->track_fix_main_size += item_gap; if(t->grow_dsc_calc) { grow_dsc_t * new_dsc = lv_mem_buf_get(sizeof(grow_dsc_t) * (t->grow_item_cnt)); LV_ASSERT_MALLOC(new_dsc); if(new_dsc == NULL) return item_id; if(t->grow_dsc) { lv_memcpy(new_dsc, t->grow_dsc, sizeof(grow_dsc_t) * (t->grow_item_cnt - 1)); lv_mem_buf_release(t->grow_dsc); } new_dsc[t->grow_item_cnt - 1].item = item; new_dsc[t->grow_item_cnt - 1].min_size = f->row ? lv_obj_get_style_min_width(item, LV_PART_MAIN) : lv_obj_get_style_min_height(item, LV_PART_MAIN); new_dsc[t->grow_item_cnt - 1].max_size = f->row ? lv_obj_get_style_max_width(item, LV_PART_MAIN) : lv_obj_get_style_max_height(item, LV_PART_MAIN); new_dsc[t->grow_item_cnt - 1].grow_value = grow_value; new_dsc[t->grow_item_cnt - 1].clamped = 0; t->grow_dsc = new_dsc; } } else { lv_coord_t item_size = get_main_size(item); if(f->wrap && t->track_fix_main_size + item_size > max_main_size) break; t->track_fix_main_size += item_size + item_gap; } t->track_cross_size = LV_MAX(get_cross_size(item), t->track_cross_size); t->item_cnt++; } item_id += f->rev ? -1 : +1; if(item_id < 0) break; item = lv_obj_get_child(cont, item_id); } if(t->track_fix_main_size > 0) t->track_fix_main_size -= item_gap; /*There is no gap after the last item*/ /*If there is at least one "grow item" the track takes the full space*/ t->track_main_size = t->grow_item_cnt ? max_main_size : t->track_fix_main_size; /*Have at least one item in a row*/ if(item && item_id == item_start_id) { item = cont->spec_attr->children[item_id]; get_next_item(cont, f->rev, &item_id); if(item) { t->track_cross_size = get_cross_size(item); t->track_main_size = get_main_size(item); t->item_cnt = 1; } } return item_id; } /** * Position the children in the same track */ static void children_repos(lv_obj_t * cont, flex_t * f, int32_t item_first_id, int32_t item_last_id, lv_coord_t abs_x, lv_coord_t abs_y, lv_coord_t max_main_size, lv_coord_t item_gap, track_t * t) { void (*area_set_main_size)(lv_area_t *, lv_coord_t) = (f->row ? lv_area_set_width : lv_area_set_height); lv_coord_t (*area_get_main_size)(const lv_area_t *) = (f->row ? lv_area_get_width : lv_area_get_height); lv_coord_t (*area_get_cross_size)(const lv_area_t *) = (!f->row ? lv_area_get_width : lv_area_get_height); /*Calculate the size of grow items first*/ uint32_t i; bool grow_reiterate = true; while(grow_reiterate) { grow_reiterate = false; lv_coord_t grow_value_sum = 0; lv_coord_t grow_max_size = t->track_main_size - t->track_fix_main_size; for(i = 0; i < t->grow_item_cnt; i++) { if(t->grow_dsc[i].clamped == 0) { grow_value_sum += t->grow_dsc[i].grow_value; } else { grow_max_size -= t->grow_dsc[i].final_size; } } lv_coord_t grow_unit; for(i = 0; i < t->grow_item_cnt; i++) { if(t->grow_dsc[i].clamped == 0) { LV_ASSERT(grow_value_sum != 0); grow_unit = grow_max_size / grow_value_sum; lv_coord_t size = grow_unit * t->grow_dsc[i].grow_value; lv_coord_t size_clamp = LV_CLAMP(t->grow_dsc[i].min_size, size, t->grow_dsc[i].max_size); if(size_clamp != size) { t->grow_dsc[i].clamped = 1; grow_reiterate = true; } t->grow_dsc[i].final_size = size_clamp; grow_value_sum -= t->grow_dsc[i].grow_value; grow_max_size -= t->grow_dsc[i].final_size; } } } bool rtl = lv_obj_get_style_base_dir(cont, LV_PART_MAIN) == LV_BASE_DIR_RTL ? true : false; lv_coord_t main_pos = 0; lv_coord_t place_gap = 0; place_content(f->main_place, max_main_size, t->track_main_size, t->item_cnt, &main_pos, &place_gap); if(f->row && rtl) main_pos += lv_obj_get_content_width(cont); lv_obj_t * item = lv_obj_get_child(cont, item_first_id); /*Reposition the children*/ while(item && item_first_id != item_last_id) { if(lv_obj_has_flag_any(item, LV_OBJ_FLAG_IGNORE_LAYOUT | LV_OBJ_FLAG_HIDDEN | LV_OBJ_FLAG_FLOATING)) { item = get_next_item(cont, f->rev, &item_first_id); continue; } lv_coord_t grow_size = lv_obj_get_style_flex_grow(item, LV_PART_MAIN); if(grow_size) { lv_coord_t s = 0; for(i = 0; i < t->grow_item_cnt; i++) { if(t->grow_dsc[i].item == item) { s = t->grow_dsc[i].final_size; break; } } if(f->row) { item->w_layout = 1; item->h_layout = 0; } else { item->h_layout = 1; item->w_layout = 0; } if(s != area_get_main_size(&item->coords)) { lv_obj_invalidate(item); lv_area_t old_coords; lv_area_copy(&old_coords, &item->coords); area_set_main_size(&item->coords, s); lv_event_send(item, LV_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED, &old_coords); lv_event_send(lv_obj_get_parent(item), LV_EVENT_CHILD_CHANGED, item); lv_obj_invalidate(item); } } else { item->w_layout = 0; item->h_layout = 0; } lv_coord_t cross_pos = 0; switch(f->cross_place) { case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_CENTER: /*Round up the cross size to avoid rounding error when dividing by 2 *The issue comes up e,g, with column direction with center cross direction if an element's width changes*/ cross_pos = (((t->track_cross_size + 1) & (~1)) - area_get_cross_size(&item->coords)) / 2; break; case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END: cross_pos = t->track_cross_size - area_get_cross_size(&item->coords); break; default: break; } if(f->row && rtl) main_pos -= area_get_main_size(&item->coords); /*Handle percentage value of translate*/ lv_coord_t tr_x = lv_obj_get_style_translate_x(item, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t tr_y = lv_obj_get_style_translate_y(item, LV_PART_MAIN); lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_width(item); lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(item); if(LV_COORD_IS_PCT(tr_x)) tr_x = (w * LV_COORD_GET_PCT(tr_x)) / 100; if(LV_COORD_IS_PCT(tr_y)) tr_y = (h * LV_COORD_GET_PCT(tr_y)) / 100; lv_coord_t diff_x = abs_x - item->coords.x1 + tr_x; lv_coord_t diff_y = abs_y - item->coords.y1 + tr_y; diff_x += f->row ? main_pos : cross_pos; diff_y += f->row ? cross_pos : main_pos; if(diff_x || diff_y) { lv_obj_invalidate(item); item->coords.x1 += diff_x; item->coords.x2 += diff_x; item->coords.y1 += diff_y; item->coords.y2 += diff_y; lv_obj_invalidate(item); lv_obj_move_children_by(item, diff_x, diff_y, false); } if(!(f->row && rtl)) main_pos += area_get_main_size(&item->coords) + item_gap + place_gap; else main_pos -= item_gap + place_gap; item = get_next_item(cont, f->rev, &item_first_id); } } /** * Tell a start coordinate and gap for a placement type. */ static void place_content(lv_flex_align_t place, lv_coord_t max_size, lv_coord_t content_size, lv_coord_t item_cnt, lv_coord_t * start_pos, lv_coord_t * gap) { if(item_cnt <= 1) { switch(place) { case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_BETWEEN: case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_AROUND: case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_EVENLY: place = LV_FLEX_ALIGN_CENTER; break; default: break; } } switch(place) { case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_CENTER: *gap = 0; *start_pos += (max_size - content_size) / 2; break; case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_END: *gap = 0; *start_pos += max_size - content_size; break; case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_BETWEEN: *gap = (lv_coord_t)(max_size - content_size) / (lv_coord_t)(item_cnt - 1); break; case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_AROUND: *gap += (lv_coord_t)(max_size - content_size) / (lv_coord_t)(item_cnt); *start_pos += *gap / 2; break; case LV_FLEX_ALIGN_SPACE_EVENLY: *gap = (lv_coord_t)(max_size - content_size) / (lv_coord_t)(item_cnt + 1); *start_pos += *gap; break; default: *gap = 0; } } static lv_obj_t * get_next_item(lv_obj_t * cont, bool rev, int32_t * item_id) { if(rev) { (*item_id)--; if(*item_id >= 0) return cont->spec_attr->children[*item_id]; else return NULL; } else { (*item_id)++; if((*item_id) < (int32_t)cont->spec_attr->child_cnt) return cont->spec_attr->children[*item_id]; else return NULL; } } #endif /*LV_USE_FLEX*/