/** * @file lv_draw_sdl_arc.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "../../lv_conf_internal.h" #if LV_USE_GPU_SDL #include "lv_draw_sdl.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_utils.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_texture_cache.h" #include "lv_draw_sdl_composite.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ /********************** * MACROS **********************/ static void dump_masks(SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_area_t * coords, const int16_t * ids, int16_t ids_count, const int16_t * caps); static void get_cap_area(int16_t angle, lv_coord_t thickness, uint16_t radius, const lv_point_t * center, lv_area_t * out); /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ void lv_draw_sdl_draw_arc(lv_draw_ctx_t * draw_ctx, const lv_draw_arc_dsc_t * dsc, const lv_point_t * center, uint16_t radius, uint16_t start_angle, uint16_t end_angle) { lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t * ctx = (lv_draw_sdl_ctx_t *) draw_ctx; lv_area_t area_out; area_out.x1 = center->x - radius; area_out.y1 = center->y - radius; area_out.x2 = center->x + radius - 1; /*-1 because the center already belongs to the left/bottom part*/ area_out.y2 = center->y + radius - 1; lv_area_t draw_area; if(!_lv_area_intersect(&draw_area, &area_out, draw_ctx->clip_area)) { return; } lv_area_t area_in; lv_area_copy(&area_in, &area_out); area_in.x1 += dsc->width; area_in.y1 += dsc->width; area_in.x2 -= dsc->width; area_in.y2 -= dsc->width; while(start_angle >= 360) start_angle -= 360; while(end_angle >= 360) end_angle -= 360; int16_t mask_ids[3] = {LV_MASK_ID_INV, LV_MASK_ID_INV, LV_MASK_ID_INV}, mask_ids_count = 1; int16_t cap_ids[2] = {LV_MASK_ID_INV, LV_MASK_ID_INV}; lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t mask_out_param; lv_draw_mask_radius_init(&mask_out_param, &area_out, LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE, false); mask_ids[0] = lv_draw_mask_add(&mask_out_param, NULL); lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t mask_in_param; if(lv_area_get_width(&area_in) > 0 && lv_area_get_height(&area_in) > 0) { lv_draw_mask_radius_init(&mask_in_param, &area_in, LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE, true); mask_ids[1] = lv_draw_mask_add(&mask_in_param, NULL); mask_ids_count++; } lv_draw_mask_angle_param_t mask_angle_param; if((start_angle - end_angle) % 360) { lv_draw_mask_angle_init(&mask_angle_param, center->x, center->y, start_angle, end_angle); mask_ids[2] = lv_draw_mask_add(&mask_angle_param, NULL); mask_ids_count++; } lv_draw_mask_radius_param_t cap_start_param, cap_end_param; if(mask_ids_count == 3 && dsc->rounded) { lv_area_t start_area, end_area; get_cap_area((int16_t) start_angle, dsc->width, radius, center, &start_area); get_cap_area((int16_t) end_angle, dsc->width, radius, center, &end_area); lv_draw_mask_radius_init(&cap_start_param, &start_area, dsc->width / 2, false); cap_ids[0] = lv_draw_mask_add(&cap_start_param, NULL); lv_draw_mask_radius_init(&cap_end_param, &end_area, dsc->width / 2, false); cap_ids[1] = lv_draw_mask_add(&cap_end_param, NULL); } lv_coord_t w = lv_area_get_width(&draw_area), h = lv_area_get_height(&draw_area); bool texture_cached = false; SDL_Texture * texture = lv_draw_sdl_composite_texture_obtain(ctx, LV_DRAW_SDL_COMPOSITE_TEXTURE_ID_STREAM1, w, h, &texture_cached); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); dump_masks(texture, &draw_area, mask_ids, mask_ids_count, cap_ids[0] != LV_MASK_ID_INV ? cap_ids : NULL); lv_draw_mask_remove_id(mask_ids[0]); lv_draw_mask_free_param(&mask_out_param); if(mask_ids_count > 1) { lv_draw_mask_remove_id(mask_ids[1]); lv_draw_mask_free_param(&mask_in_param); } if(mask_ids_count > 2) { lv_draw_mask_remove_id(mask_ids[2]); lv_draw_mask_free_param(&mask_angle_param); } if(cap_ids[0] != LV_MASK_ID_INV) { lv_draw_mask_remove_id(cap_ids[0]); lv_draw_mask_remove_id(cap_ids[1]); lv_draw_mask_free_param(&cap_start_param); lv_draw_mask_free_param(&cap_end_param); } SDL_Rect srcrect = {0, 0, w, h}, dstrect; lv_area_to_sdl_rect(&draw_area, &dstrect); SDL_Color color; lv_color_to_sdl_color(&dsc->color, &color); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture, color.r, color.g, color.b); SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture, dsc->opa); SDL_RenderCopy(ctx->renderer, texture, &srcrect, &dstrect); if(!texture_cached) { LV_LOG_WARN("Texture is not cached, this will impact performance."); SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); } } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ static void dump_masks(SDL_Texture * texture, const lv_area_t * coords, const int16_t * ids, int16_t ids_count, const int16_t * caps) { lv_coord_t w = lv_area_get_width(coords), h = lv_area_get_height(coords); SDL_assert(w > 0 && h > 0); SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, w, h}; uint8_t * pixels; int pitch; if(SDL_LockTexture(texture, &rect, (void **) &pixels, &pitch) != 0) return; lv_opa_t * line_buf = lv_mem_buf_get(rect.w); for(lv_coord_t y = 0; y < rect.h; y++) { lv_memset_ff(line_buf, rect.w); lv_coord_t abs_x = (lv_coord_t) coords->x1, abs_y = (lv_coord_t)(y + coords->y1), len = (lv_coord_t) rect.w; lv_draw_mask_res_t res; res = lv_draw_mask_apply_ids(line_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, ids, ids_count); if(res == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_TRANSP) { lv_memset_00(&pixels[y * pitch], 4 * rect.w); } else if(res == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER) { lv_memset_ff(&pixels[y * pitch], 4 * rect.w); } else { for(int x = 0; x < rect.w; x++) { uint8_t * pixel = &pixels[y * pitch + x * 4]; *pixel = line_buf[x]; pixel[1] = pixel[2] = pixel[3] = 0xFF; } } if(caps) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lv_memset_ff(line_buf, rect.w); res = lv_draw_mask_apply_ids(line_buf, abs_x, abs_y, len, &caps[i], 1); if(res == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_TRANSP) { /* Ignore */ } else if(res == LV_DRAW_MASK_RES_FULL_COVER) { lv_memset_ff(&pixels[y * pitch], 4 * rect.w); } else { for(int x = 0; x < rect.w; x++) { uint8_t * pixel = &pixels[y * pitch + x * 4]; uint16_t old_opa = line_buf[x] + *pixel; *pixel = LV_MIN(old_opa, 0xFF); pixel[1] = pixel[2] = pixel[3] = 0xFF; } } } } } lv_mem_buf_release(line_buf); SDL_UnlockTexture(texture); } static void get_cap_area(int16_t angle, lv_coord_t thickness, uint16_t radius, const lv_point_t * center, lv_area_t * out) { const uint8_t ps = 8; const uint8_t pa = 127; int32_t thick_half = thickness / 2; uint8_t thick_corr = (thickness & 0x01) ? 0 : 1; int32_t cir_x; int32_t cir_y; cir_x = ((radius - thick_half) * lv_trigo_sin((int16_t)(90 - angle))) >> (LV_TRIGO_SHIFT - ps); cir_y = ((radius - thick_half) * lv_trigo_sin(angle)) >> (LV_TRIGO_SHIFT - ps); /*Actually the center of the pixel need to be calculated so apply 1/2 px offset*/ if(cir_x > 0) { cir_x = (cir_x - pa) >> ps; out->x1 = cir_x - thick_half + thick_corr; out->x2 = cir_x + thick_half; } else { cir_x = (cir_x + pa) >> ps; out->x1 = cir_x - thick_half; out->x2 = cir_x + thick_half - thick_corr; } if(cir_y > 0) { cir_y = (cir_y - pa) >> ps; out->y1 = cir_y - thick_half + thick_corr; out->y2 = cir_y + thick_half; } else { cir_y = (cir_y + pa) >> ps; out->y1 = cir_y - thick_half; out->y2 = cir_y + thick_half - thick_corr; } lv_area_move(out, center->x, center->y); } #endif /*LV_USE_GPU_SDL*/