/** * @file lv_obj_style.c * */ /********************* * INCLUDES *********************/ #include "lv_obj.h" #include "lv_disp.h" #include "../misc/lv_gc.h" /********************* * DEFINES *********************/ #define MY_CLASS &lv_obj_class /********************** * TYPEDEFS **********************/ typedef struct { lv_obj_t * obj; lv_style_prop_t prop; lv_style_selector_t selector; lv_style_value_t start_value; lv_style_value_t end_value; } trans_t; typedef enum { CACHE_ZERO = 0, CACHE_TRUE = 1, CACHE_UNSET = 2, CACHE_255 = 3, CACHE_NEED_CHECK = 4, } cache_t; /********************** * GLOBAL PROTOTYPES **********************/ /********************** * STATIC PROTOTYPES **********************/ static lv_style_t * get_local_style(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_selector_t selector); static _lv_obj_style_t * get_trans_style(lv_obj_t * obj, uint32_t part); static lv_style_res_t get_prop_core(const lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t * v); static void report_style_change_core(void * style, lv_obj_t * obj); static void refresh_children_style(lv_obj_t * obj); static bool trans_del(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, lv_style_prop_t prop, trans_t * tr_limit); static void trans_anim_cb(void * _tr, int32_t v); static void trans_anim_start_cb(lv_anim_t * a); static void trans_anim_ready_cb(lv_anim_t * a); static lv_layer_type_t calculate_layer_type(lv_obj_t * obj); static void fade_anim_cb(void * obj, int32_t v); static void fade_in_anim_ready(lv_anim_t * a); /********************** * STATIC VARIABLES **********************/ static bool style_refr = true; /********************** * MACROS **********************/ /********************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS **********************/ void _lv_obj_style_init(void) { _lv_ll_init(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll), sizeof(trans_t)); } void lv_obj_add_style(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_t * style, lv_style_selector_t selector) { trans_del(obj, selector, LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY, NULL); uint32_t i; /*Go after the transition and local styles*/ for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_trans) continue; if(obj->styles[i].is_local) continue; break; } /*Now `i` is at the first normal style. Insert the new style before this*/ /*Allocate space for the new style and shift the rest of the style to the end*/ obj->style_cnt++; obj->styles = lv_mem_realloc(obj->styles, obj->style_cnt * sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); uint32_t j; for(j = obj->style_cnt - 1; j > i ; j--) { obj->styles[j] = obj->styles[j - 1]; } lv_memset_00(&obj->styles[i], sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); obj->styles[i].style = style; obj->styles[i].selector = selector; lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, selector, LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY); } void lv_obj_remove_style(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_t * style, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_state_t state = lv_obj_style_get_selector_state(selector); lv_part_t part = lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(selector); lv_style_prop_t prop = LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY; if(style && style->prop_cnt == 0) prop = LV_STYLE_PROP_INV; uint32_t i = 0; bool deleted = false; while(i < obj->style_cnt) { lv_state_t state_act = lv_obj_style_get_selector_state(obj->styles[i].selector); lv_part_t part_act = lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(obj->styles[i].selector); if((state != LV_STATE_ANY && state_act != state) || (part != LV_PART_ANY && part_act != part) || (style != NULL && style != obj->styles[i].style)) { i++; continue; } if(obj->styles[i].is_trans) { trans_del(obj, part, LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY, NULL); } if(obj->styles[i].is_local || obj->styles[i].is_trans) { lv_style_reset(obj->styles[i].style); lv_mem_free(obj->styles[i].style); obj->styles[i].style = NULL; } /*Shift the styles after `i` by one*/ uint32_t j; for(j = i; j < (uint32_t)obj->style_cnt - 1 ; j++) { obj->styles[j] = obj->styles[j + 1]; } obj->style_cnt--; obj->styles = lv_mem_realloc(obj->styles, obj->style_cnt * sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); deleted = true; /*The style from the current `i` index is removed, so `i` points to the next style. *Therefore it doesn't needs to be incremented*/ } if(deleted && prop != LV_STYLE_PROP_INV) { lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, part, prop); } } void lv_obj_report_style_change(lv_style_t * style) { if(!style_refr) return; lv_disp_t * d = lv_disp_get_next(NULL); while(d) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < d->screen_cnt; i++) { report_style_change_core(style, d->screens[i]); } d = lv_disp_get_next(d); } } void lv_obj_refresh_style(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_selector_t selector, lv_style_prop_t prop) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(obj, MY_CLASS); if(!style_refr) return; lv_obj_invalidate(obj); lv_part_t part = lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(selector); bool is_layout_refr = lv_style_prop_has_flag(prop, LV_STYLE_PROP_LAYOUT_REFR); bool is_ext_draw = lv_style_prop_has_flag(prop, LV_STYLE_PROP_EXT_DRAW); bool is_inheritable = lv_style_prop_has_flag(prop, LV_STYLE_PROP_INHERIT); bool is_layer_refr = lv_style_prop_has_flag(prop, LV_STYLE_PROP_LAYER_REFR); if(is_layout_refr) { if(part == LV_PART_ANY || part == LV_PART_MAIN || lv_obj_get_style_height(obj, 0) == LV_SIZE_CONTENT || lv_obj_get_style_width(obj, 0) == LV_SIZE_CONTENT) { lv_event_send(obj, LV_EVENT_STYLE_CHANGED, NULL); lv_obj_mark_layout_as_dirty(obj); } } if((part == LV_PART_ANY || part == LV_PART_MAIN) && (prop == LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY || is_layout_refr)) { lv_obj_t * parent = lv_obj_get_parent(obj); if(parent) lv_obj_mark_layout_as_dirty(parent); } /*Cache the layer type*/ if((part == LV_PART_ANY || part == LV_PART_MAIN) && is_layer_refr) { lv_layer_type_t layer_type = calculate_layer_type(obj); if(obj->spec_attr) obj->spec_attr->layer_type = layer_type; else if(layer_type != LV_LAYER_TYPE_NONE) { lv_obj_allocate_spec_attr(obj); obj->spec_attr->layer_type = layer_type; } } if(prop == LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY || is_ext_draw) { lv_obj_refresh_ext_draw_size(obj); } lv_obj_invalidate(obj); if(prop == LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY || (is_inheritable && (is_ext_draw || is_layout_refr))) { if(part != LV_PART_SCROLLBAR) { refresh_children_style(obj); } } } void lv_obj_enable_style_refresh(bool en) { style_refr = en; } lv_style_value_t lv_obj_get_style_prop(const lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, lv_style_prop_t prop) { lv_style_value_t value_act; bool inheritable = lv_style_prop_has_flag(prop, LV_STYLE_PROP_INHERIT); lv_style_res_t found = LV_STYLE_RES_NOT_FOUND; while(obj) { found = get_prop_core(obj, part, prop, &value_act); if(found == LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND) break; if(!inheritable) break; /*If not found, check the `MAIN` style first*/ if(found != LV_STYLE_RES_INHERIT && part != LV_PART_MAIN) { part = LV_PART_MAIN; continue; } /*Check the parent too.*/ obj = lv_obj_get_parent(obj); } if(found != LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND) { if(part == LV_PART_MAIN && (prop == LV_STYLE_WIDTH || prop == LV_STYLE_HEIGHT)) { const lv_obj_class_t * cls = obj->class_p; while(cls) { if(prop == LV_STYLE_WIDTH) { if(cls->width_def != 0) break; } else { if(cls->height_def != 0) break; } cls = cls->base_class; } if(cls) { value_act.num = prop == LV_STYLE_WIDTH ? cls->width_def : cls->height_def; } else { value_act.num = 0; } } else { value_act = lv_style_prop_get_default(prop); } } return value_act; } void lv_obj_set_local_style_prop(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_t * style = get_local_style(obj, selector); lv_style_set_prop(style, prop, value); lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, selector, prop); } void lv_obj_set_local_style_prop_meta(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_prop_t prop, uint16_t meta, lv_style_selector_t selector) { lv_style_t * style = get_local_style(obj, selector); lv_style_set_prop_meta(style, prop, meta); lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, selector, prop); } lv_style_res_t lv_obj_get_local_style_prop(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t * value, lv_style_selector_t selector) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_local && obj->styles[i].selector == selector) { return lv_style_get_prop(obj->styles[i].style, prop, value); } } return LV_STYLE_RES_NOT_FOUND; } bool lv_obj_remove_local_style_prop(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_selector_t selector) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(obj, MY_CLASS); uint32_t i; /*Find the style*/ for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_local && obj->styles[i].selector == selector) { break; } } /*The style is not found*/ if(i == obj->style_cnt) return false; lv_res_t res = lv_style_remove_prop(obj->styles[i].style, prop); if(res == LV_RES_OK) { lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, selector, prop); } return res; } void _lv_obj_style_create_transition(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, lv_state_t prev_state, lv_state_t new_state, const _lv_obj_style_transition_dsc_t * tr_dsc) { trans_t * tr; /*Get the previous and current values*/ obj->skip_trans = 1; obj->state = prev_state; lv_style_value_t v1 = lv_obj_get_style_prop(obj, part, tr_dsc->prop); obj->state = new_state; lv_style_value_t v2 = lv_obj_get_style_prop(obj, part, tr_dsc->prop); obj->skip_trans = 0; if(v1.ptr == v2.ptr && v1.num == v2.num && v1.color.full == v2.color.full) return; obj->state = prev_state; v1 = lv_obj_get_style_prop(obj, part, tr_dsc->prop); obj->state = new_state; _lv_obj_style_t * style_trans = get_trans_style(obj, part); lv_style_set_prop(style_trans->style, tr_dsc->prop, v1); /*Be sure `trans_style` has a valid value*/ if(tr_dsc->prop == LV_STYLE_RADIUS) { if(v1.num == LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE || v2.num == LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE) { lv_coord_t whalf = lv_obj_get_width(obj) / 2; lv_coord_t hhalf = lv_obj_get_height(obj) / 2; if(v1.num == LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE) v1.num = LV_MIN(whalf + 1, hhalf + 1); if(v2.num == LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE) v2.num = LV_MIN(whalf + 1, hhalf + 1); } } tr = _lv_ll_ins_head(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll)); LV_ASSERT_MALLOC(tr); if(tr == NULL) return; tr->start_value = v1; tr->end_value = v2; tr->obj = obj; tr->prop = tr_dsc->prop; tr->selector = part; lv_anim_t a; lv_anim_init(&a); lv_anim_set_var(&a, tr); lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, trans_anim_cb); lv_anim_set_start_cb(&a, trans_anim_start_cb); lv_anim_set_ready_cb(&a, trans_anim_ready_cb); lv_anim_set_values(&a, 0x00, 0xFF); lv_anim_set_time(&a, tr_dsc->time); lv_anim_set_delay(&a, tr_dsc->delay); lv_anim_set_path_cb(&a, tr_dsc->path_cb); lv_anim_set_early_apply(&a, false); #if LV_USE_USER_DATA a.user_data = tr_dsc->user_data; #endif lv_anim_start(&a); } lv_style_value_t _lv_obj_style_apply_color_filter(const lv_obj_t * obj, uint32_t part, lv_style_value_t v) { if(obj == NULL) return v; const lv_color_filter_dsc_t * f = lv_obj_get_style_color_filter_dsc(obj, part); if(f && f->filter_cb) { lv_opa_t f_opa = lv_obj_get_style_color_filter_opa(obj, part); if(f_opa != 0) v.color = f->filter_cb(f, v.color, f_opa); } return v; } _lv_style_state_cmp_t _lv_obj_style_state_compare(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_state_t state1, lv_state_t state2) { _lv_style_state_cmp_t res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_SAME; /*Are there any new styles for the new state?*/ uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_trans) continue; lv_state_t state_act = lv_obj_style_get_selector_state(obj->styles[i].selector); /*The style is valid for a state but not the other*/ bool valid1 = state_act & (~state1) ? false : true; bool valid2 = state_act & (~state2) ? false : true; if(valid1 != valid2) { lv_style_t * style = obj->styles[i].style; lv_style_value_t v; /*If there is layout difference on the main part, return immediately. There is no more serious difference*/ bool layout_diff = false; if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_PAD_TOP, &v))layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_PAD_BOTTOM, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_PAD_LEFT, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_PAD_RIGHT, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_PAD_COLUMN, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_PAD_ROW, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_LAYOUT, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSLATE_X, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSLATE_Y, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_WIDTH, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_HEIGHT, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_MIN_WIDTH, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_MAX_WIDTH, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_MIN_HEIGHT, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_MAX_HEIGHT, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_BORDER_WIDTH, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSFORM_ANGLE, &v)) layout_diff = true; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSFORM_ZOOM, &v)) layout_diff = true; if(layout_diff) { return _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_LAYOUT; } /*Check for draw pad changes*/ if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSFORM_WIDTH, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSFORM_HEIGHT, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSFORM_ANGLE, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_TRANSFORM_ZOOM, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_OUTLINE_OPA, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_OUTLINE_PAD, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_OUTLINE_WIDTH, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_SHADOW_WIDTH, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_SHADOW_OPA, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_SHADOW_OFS_X, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_SHADOW_OFS_Y, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_SHADOW_SPREAD, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(lv_style_get_prop(style, LV_STYLE_LINE_WIDTH, &v)) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_DRAW_PAD; else if(res == _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_SAME) res = _LV_STYLE_STATE_CMP_DIFF_REDRAW; } } return res; } void lv_obj_fade_in(lv_obj_t * obj, uint32_t time, uint32_t delay) { lv_anim_t a; lv_anim_init(&a); lv_anim_set_var(&a, obj); lv_anim_set_values(&a, 0, LV_OPA_COVER); lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, fade_anim_cb); lv_anim_set_ready_cb(&a, fade_in_anim_ready); lv_anim_set_time(&a, time); lv_anim_set_delay(&a, delay); lv_anim_start(&a); } void lv_obj_fade_out(lv_obj_t * obj, uint32_t time, uint32_t delay) { lv_anim_t a; lv_anim_init(&a); lv_anim_set_var(&a, obj); lv_anim_set_values(&a, lv_obj_get_style_opa(obj, 0), LV_OPA_TRANSP); lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, fade_anim_cb); lv_anim_set_time(&a, time); lv_anim_set_delay(&a, delay); lv_anim_start(&a); } lv_state_t lv_obj_style_get_selector_state(lv_style_selector_t selector) { return selector & 0xFFFF; } lv_part_t lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(lv_style_selector_t selector) { return selector & 0xFF0000; } lv_text_align_t lv_obj_calculate_style_text_align(const struct _lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, const char * txt) { lv_text_align_t align = lv_obj_get_style_text_align(obj, part); lv_base_dir_t base_dir = lv_obj_get_style_base_dir(obj, part); lv_bidi_calculate_align(&align, &base_dir, txt); return align; } lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_opa_recursive(const lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part) { lv_opa_t opa_obj = lv_obj_get_style_opa(obj, part); if(opa_obj <= LV_OPA_MIN) return LV_OPA_TRANSP; lv_opa_t opa_final = LV_OPA_COVER; if(opa_obj < LV_OPA_MAX) { opa_final = ((uint32_t)opa_final * opa_obj) >> 8; } if(part != LV_PART_MAIN) { part = LV_PART_MAIN; } else { obj = lv_obj_get_parent(obj); } while(obj) { opa_obj = lv_obj_get_style_opa(obj, part); if(opa_obj <= LV_OPA_MIN) return LV_OPA_TRANSP; if(opa_obj < LV_OPA_MAX) { opa_final = ((uint32_t)opa_final * opa_obj) >> 8; } obj = lv_obj_get_parent(obj); } if(opa_final <= LV_OPA_MIN) return LV_OPA_TRANSP; if(opa_final >= LV_OPA_MAX) return LV_OPA_COVER; return opa_final; } /********************** * STATIC FUNCTIONS **********************/ /** * Get the local style of an object for a given part and for a given state. * If the local style for the part-state pair doesn't exist allocate and return it. * @param obj pointer to an object * @param selector OR-ed value of parts and state for which the style should be get * @return pointer to the local style */ static lv_style_t * get_local_style(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_selector_t selector) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_local && obj->styles[i].selector == selector) { return obj->styles[i].style; } } obj->style_cnt++; obj->styles = lv_mem_realloc(obj->styles, obj->style_cnt * sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); LV_ASSERT_MALLOC(obj->styles); for(i = obj->style_cnt - 1; i > 0 ; i--) { /*Copy only normal styles (not local and transition). *The new local style will be added as the last local style*/ if(obj->styles[i - 1].is_local || obj->styles[i - 1].is_trans) break; obj->styles[i] = obj->styles[i - 1]; } lv_memset_00(&obj->styles[i], sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); obj->styles[i].style = lv_mem_alloc(sizeof(lv_style_t)); lv_style_init(obj->styles[i].style); obj->styles[i].is_local = 1; obj->styles[i].selector = selector; return obj->styles[i].style; } /** * Get the transition style of an object for a given part and for a given state. * If the transition style for the part-state pair doesn't exist allocate and return it. * @param obj pointer to an object * @param selector OR-ed value of parts and state for which the style should be get * @return pointer to the transition style */ static _lv_obj_style_t * get_trans_style(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_style_selector_t selector) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_trans && obj->styles[i].selector == selector) break; } /*Already have a transition style for it*/ if(i != obj->style_cnt) return &obj->styles[i]; obj->style_cnt++; obj->styles = lv_mem_realloc(obj->styles, obj->style_cnt * sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); for(i = obj->style_cnt - 1; i > 0 ; i--) { obj->styles[i] = obj->styles[i - 1]; } lv_memset_00(&obj->styles[0], sizeof(_lv_obj_style_t)); obj->styles[0].style = lv_mem_alloc(sizeof(lv_style_t)); lv_style_init(obj->styles[0].style); obj->styles[0].is_trans = 1; obj->styles[0].selector = selector; return &obj->styles[0]; } static lv_style_res_t get_prop_core(const lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t * v) { uint8_t group = 1 << _lv_style_get_prop_group(prop); int32_t weight = -1; lv_state_t state = obj->state; lv_state_t state_inv = ~state; lv_style_value_t value_tmp; bool skip_trans = obj->skip_trans; uint32_t i; lv_style_res_t found; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { _lv_obj_style_t * obj_style = &obj->styles[i]; if(obj_style->is_trans == false) break; if(skip_trans) continue; lv_part_t part_act = lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(obj->styles[i].selector); if(part_act != part) continue; if((obj_style->style->has_group & group) == 0) continue; found = lv_style_get_prop(obj_style->style, prop, &value_tmp); if(found == LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND) { *v = value_tmp; return LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND; } else if(found == LV_STYLE_RES_INHERIT) { return LV_STYLE_RES_INHERIT; } } for(; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if((obj->styles[i].style->has_group & group) == 0) continue; _lv_obj_style_t * obj_style = &obj->styles[i]; lv_part_t part_act = lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(obj->styles[i].selector); lv_state_t state_act = lv_obj_style_get_selector_state(obj->styles[i].selector); if(part_act != part) continue; /*Be sure the style not specifies other state than the requested. *E.g. For HOVER+PRESS object state, HOVER style only is OK, but HOVER+FOCUS style is not*/ if((state_act & state_inv)) continue; /*Check only better candidates*/ if(state_act <= weight) continue; found = lv_style_get_prop(obj_style->style, prop, &value_tmp); if(found == LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND) { if(state_act == state) { *v = value_tmp; return LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND; } if(weight < state_act) { weight = state_act; *v = value_tmp; } } else if(found == LV_STYLE_RES_INHERIT) { return LV_STYLE_RES_INHERIT; } } if(weight >= 0) { *v = value_tmp; return LV_STYLE_RES_FOUND; } else return LV_STYLE_RES_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Refresh the style of all children of an object. (Called recursively) * @param style refresh objects only with this * @param obj pointer to an object */ static void report_style_change_core(void * style, lv_obj_t * obj) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(style == NULL || obj->styles[i].style == style) { lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, LV_PART_ANY, LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY); break; } } uint32_t child_cnt = lv_obj_get_child_cnt(obj); for(i = 0; i < child_cnt; i++) { report_style_change_core(style, obj->spec_attr->children[i]); } } /** * Recursively refresh the style of the children. Go deeper until a not NULL style is found * because the NULL styles are inherited from the parent * @param obj pointer to an object */ static void refresh_children_style(lv_obj_t * obj) { uint32_t i; uint32_t child_cnt = lv_obj_get_child_cnt(obj); for(i = 0; i < child_cnt; i++) { lv_obj_t * child = obj->spec_attr->children[i]; lv_obj_invalidate(child); lv_event_send(child, LV_EVENT_STYLE_CHANGED, NULL); lv_obj_invalidate(child); refresh_children_style(child); /*Check children too*/ } } /** * Remove the transition from object's part's property. * - Remove the transition from `_lv_obj_style_trans_ll` and free it * - Delete pending transitions * @param obj pointer to an object which transition(s) should be removed * @param part a part of object or 0xFF to remove from all parts * @param prop a property or 0xFF to remove all properties * @param tr_limit delete transitions only "older" than this. `NULL` if not used */ static bool trans_del(lv_obj_t * obj, lv_part_t part, lv_style_prop_t prop, trans_t * tr_limit) { trans_t * tr; trans_t * tr_prev; bool removed = false; tr = _lv_ll_get_tail(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll)); while(tr != NULL) { if(tr == tr_limit) break; /*'tr' might be deleted, so get the next object while 'tr' is valid*/ tr_prev = _lv_ll_get_prev(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll), tr); if(tr->obj == obj && (part == tr->selector || part == LV_PART_ANY) && (prop == tr->prop || prop == LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY)) { /*Remove any transitioned properties from the trans. style *to allow changing it by normal styles*/ uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_trans && (part == LV_PART_ANY || obj->styles[i].selector == part)) { lv_style_remove_prop(obj->styles[i].style, tr->prop); } } /*Free the transition descriptor too*/ lv_anim_del(tr, NULL); _lv_ll_remove(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll), tr); lv_mem_free(tr); removed = true; } tr = tr_prev; } return removed; } static void trans_anim_cb(void * _tr, int32_t v) { trans_t * tr = _tr; lv_obj_t * obj = tr->obj; uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_trans == 0 || obj->styles[i].selector != tr->selector) continue; lv_style_value_t value_final; switch(tr->prop) { case LV_STYLE_BORDER_SIDE: case LV_STYLE_BORDER_POST: case LV_STYLE_BLEND_MODE: if(v < 255) value_final.num = tr->start_value.num; else value_final.num = tr->end_value.num; break; case LV_STYLE_TRANSITION: case LV_STYLE_TEXT_FONT: if(v < 255) value_final.ptr = tr->start_value.ptr; else value_final.ptr = tr->end_value.ptr; break; case LV_STYLE_COLOR_FILTER_DSC: if(tr->start_value.ptr == NULL) value_final.ptr = tr->end_value.ptr; else if(tr->end_value.ptr == NULL) value_final.ptr = tr->start_value.ptr; else if(v < 128) value_final.ptr = tr->start_value.ptr; else value_final.ptr = tr->end_value.ptr; break; case LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR: case LV_STYLE_BG_GRAD_COLOR: case LV_STYLE_BORDER_COLOR: case LV_STYLE_TEXT_COLOR: case LV_STYLE_SHADOW_COLOR: case LV_STYLE_OUTLINE_COLOR: case LV_STYLE_IMG_RECOLOR: if(v <= 0) value_final.color = tr->start_value.color; else if(v >= 255) value_final.color = tr->end_value.color; else value_final.color = lv_color_mix(tr->end_value.color, tr->start_value.color, v); break; default: if(v == 0) value_final.num = tr->start_value.num; else if(v == 255) value_final.num = tr->end_value.num; else value_final.num = tr->start_value.num + ((int32_t)((int32_t)(tr->end_value.num - tr->start_value.num) * v) >> 8); break; } lv_style_value_t old_value; bool refr = true; if(lv_style_get_prop(obj->styles[i].style, tr->prop, &old_value)) { if(value_final.ptr == old_value.ptr && value_final.color.full == old_value.color.full && value_final.num == old_value.num) { refr = false; } } lv_style_set_prop(obj->styles[i].style, tr->prop, value_final); if(refr) lv_obj_refresh_style(tr->obj, tr->selector, tr->prop); break; } } static void trans_anim_start_cb(lv_anim_t * a) { trans_t * tr = a->var; lv_part_t part = lv_obj_style_get_selector_part(tr->selector); tr->start_value = lv_obj_get_style_prop(tr->obj, part, tr->prop); /*Init prop to an invalid values to be sure `trans_del` won't delete this added `tr`*/ lv_style_prop_t prop_tmp = tr->prop; tr->prop = LV_STYLE_PROP_INV; /*Delete the related transitions if any*/ trans_del(tr->obj, part, prop_tmp, tr); tr->prop = prop_tmp; _lv_obj_style_t * style_trans = get_trans_style(tr->obj, tr->selector); lv_style_set_prop(style_trans->style, tr->prop, tr->start_value); /*Be sure `trans_style` has a valid value*/ } static void trans_anim_ready_cb(lv_anim_t * a) { trans_t * tr = a->var; lv_obj_t * obj = tr->obj; lv_style_prop_t prop = tr->prop; /*Remove the transitioned property from trans. style *if there no more transitions for this property *It allows changing it by normal styles*/ bool running = false; trans_t * tr_i; _LV_LL_READ(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll), tr_i) { if(tr_i != tr && tr_i->obj == tr->obj && tr_i->selector == tr->selector && tr_i->prop == tr->prop) { running = true; break; } } if(!running) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < obj->style_cnt; i++) { if(obj->styles[i].is_trans && obj->styles[i].selector == tr->selector) { _lv_ll_remove(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_obj_style_trans_ll), tr); lv_mem_free(tr); _lv_obj_style_t * obj_style = &obj->styles[i]; lv_style_remove_prop(obj_style->style, prop); if(lv_style_is_empty(obj->styles[i].style)) { lv_obj_remove_style(obj, obj_style->style, obj_style->selector); } break; } } } } static lv_layer_type_t calculate_layer_type(lv_obj_t * obj) { if(lv_obj_get_style_transform_angle(obj, 0) != 0) return LV_LAYER_TYPE_TRANSFORM; if(lv_obj_get_style_transform_zoom(obj, 0) != 256) return LV_LAYER_TYPE_TRANSFORM; if(lv_obj_get_style_opa_layered(obj, 0) != LV_OPA_COVER) return LV_LAYER_TYPE_SIMPLE; #if LV_DRAW_COMPLEX if(lv_obj_get_style_blend_mode(obj, 0) != LV_BLEND_MODE_NORMAL) return LV_LAYER_TYPE_SIMPLE; #endif return LV_LAYER_TYPE_NONE; } static void fade_anim_cb(void * obj, int32_t v) { lv_obj_set_style_opa(obj, v, 0); } static void fade_in_anim_ready(lv_anim_t * a) { lv_obj_remove_local_style_prop(a->var, LV_STYLE_OPA, 0); }