/*! * \file Region.h * * \brief Region implementation. * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013-2017 Semtech * * ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ * / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __| * \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _| * |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___| * embedded.connectivity.solutions=============== * * \endcode * * \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech ) * * \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) * * \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE ) * * \defgroup REGION Region implementation * This is the common API to access the specific * regional implementations. * * Preprocessor options: * - LoRaWAN regions can be activated by defining the related preprocessor * definition. It is possible to define more than one region. * The following regions are supported: * - #define REGION_AS923 * - #define REGION_AU915 * - #define REGION_CN470 * - #define REGION_CN779 * - #define REGION_EU433 * - #define REGION_EU868 * - #define REGION_KR920 * - #define REGION_IN865 * - #define REGION_US915 * - #define REGION_RU864 * * \{ */ #ifndef __REGION_H__ #define __REGION_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #include #include "utilities.h" #include "LoRaMac.h" #include "timer.h" #include "RegionCommon.h" /*! * Macro to compute bit of a channel index. */ #define LC( channelIndex ) ( uint16_t )( 1 << ( channelIndex - 1 ) ) #ifndef REGION_VERSION /*! * Regional parameters version definition. * RP002-1.0.3 */ #define REGION_VERSION 0x02010003 #endif /*! * Enumeration of phy attributes. */ typedef enum ePhyAttribute { /*! * Frequency. It is available * to perform a verification with RegionVerify(). */ PHY_FREQUENCY, /*! * Minimum RX datarate. */ PHY_MIN_RX_DR, /*! * Minimum TX datarate. */ PHY_MIN_TX_DR, /*! * Maximum RX datarate. */ PHY_MAX_RX_DR, /*! * Maximum TX datarate. */ PHY_MAX_TX_DR, /*! * TX datarate. * This is a parameter which can't be queried. It is available * to perform a verification with RegionVerify(). */ PHY_TX_DR, /*! * Default TX datarate. */ PHY_DEF_TX_DR, /*! * RX datarate. It is available * to perform a verification with RegionVerify(). */ PHY_RX_DR, /*! * Maximum TX power. */ PHY_MAX_TX_POWER, /*! * TX power. It is available * to perform a verification with RegionVerify(). */ PHY_TX_POWER, /*! * Default TX power. */ PHY_DEF_TX_POWER, /*! * Default ADR_ACK_LIMIT value. */ PHY_DEF_ADR_ACK_LIMIT, /*! * Default ADR_ACK_DELAY value. */ PHY_DEF_ADR_ACK_DELAY, /*! * Maximum payload possible. */ PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD, /*! * Duty cycle. */ PHY_DUTY_CYCLE, /*! * Maximum receive window duration. */ PHY_MAX_RX_WINDOW, /*! * Receive delay for window 1. */ PHY_RECEIVE_DELAY1, /*! * Receive delay for window 2. */ PHY_RECEIVE_DELAY2, /*! * Join accept delay for window 1. */ PHY_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1, /*! * Join accept delay for window 2. */ PHY_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2, /*! * Acknowledgement time out. */ PHY_RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT, /*! * Default datarate offset for window 1. */ PHY_DEF_DR1_OFFSET, /*! * Default receive window 2 frequency. */ PHY_DEF_RX2_FREQUENCY, /*! * Default receive window 2 datarate. */ PHY_DEF_RX2_DR, /*! * Channels mask. */ PHY_CHANNELS_MASK, /*! * Channels default mask. */ PHY_CHANNELS_DEFAULT_MASK, /*! * Maximum number of supported channels */ PHY_MAX_NB_CHANNELS, /*! * Channels. */ PHY_CHANNELS, /*! * Default value of the uplink dwell time. */ PHY_DEF_UPLINK_DWELL_TIME, /*! * Default value of the downlink dwell time. */ PHY_DEF_DOWNLINK_DWELL_TIME, /*! * Default value of the MaxEIRP. */ PHY_DEF_MAX_EIRP, /*! * Default value of the antenna gain. */ PHY_DEF_ANTENNA_GAIN, /*! * Next lower datarate. */ PHY_NEXT_LOWER_TX_DR, /*! * Beacon interval in ms. */ PHY_BEACON_INTERVAL, /*! * Beacon reserved time in ms. */ PHY_BEACON_RESERVED, /*! * Beacon guard time in ms. */ PHY_BEACON_GUARD, /*! * Beacon window time in ms. */ PHY_BEACON_WINDOW, /*! * Beacon window time in numer of slots. */ PHY_BEACON_WINDOW_SLOTS, /*! * Ping slot length time in ms. */ PHY_PING_SLOT_WINDOW, /*! * Default symbol timeout for beacons and ping slot windows. */ PHY_BEACON_SYMBOL_TO_DEFAULT, /*! * Maximum symbol timeout for beacons. */ PHY_BEACON_SYMBOL_TO_EXPANSION_MAX, /*! * Maximum symbol timeout for ping slots. */ PHY_PING_SLOT_SYMBOL_TO_EXPANSION_MAX, /*! * Symbol expansion value for beacon windows in case of beacon * loss in symbols. */ PHY_BEACON_SYMBOL_TO_EXPANSION_FACTOR, /*! * Symbol expansion value for ping slot windows in case of beacon * loss in symbols. */ PHY_PING_SLOT_SYMBOL_TO_EXPANSION_FACTOR, /*! * Maximum allowed beacon less time in ms. */ PHY_MAX_BEACON_LESS_PERIOD, /*! * Delay time for the BeaconTimingAns in ms. */ PHY_BEACON_DELAY_BEACON_TIMING_ANS, /*! * Beacon channel frequency. */ PHY_BEACON_CHANNEL_FREQ, /*! * The format of the beacon. */ PHY_BEACON_FORMAT, /*! * The beacon channel datarate. */ PHY_BEACON_CHANNEL_DR, /*! * The number of channels for the beacon reception. */ PHY_BEACON_NB_CHANNELS, /*! * The static offset for the downlink channel calculation. */ PHY_BEACON_CHANNEL_OFFSET, /*! * Ping slot channel frequency. */ PHY_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_FREQ, /*! * The datarate of a ping slot channel. */ PHY_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_DR, /*! * The number of channels for the ping slot reception. */ PHY_PING_SLOT_NB_CHANNELS, /*! * The equivalent spreading factor value from datarate */ PHY_SF_FROM_DR, /*! * The equivalent bandwith index from datarate */ PHY_BW_FROM_DR, }PhyAttribute_t; /*! * Enumeration of initialization types. */ typedef enum eInitType { /*! * Initializes the regional default settings for the band, * channel and default channels mask. Some regions also initiate * other default configurations. In general, this type is intended * to be called once during the initialization. */ INIT_TYPE_DEFAULTS, /*! * Resets the channels mask to the default channels. Deactivates * all other channels. */ INIT_TYPE_RESET_TO_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, /*! * Activates the default channels. Leaves all other active channels * active. */ INIT_TYPE_ACTIVATE_DEFAULT_CHANNELS }InitType_t; typedef enum eChannelsMask { /*! * The channels mask. */ CHANNELS_MASK, /*! * The channels default mask. */ CHANNELS_DEFAULT_MASK }ChannelsMask_t; /*! * Structure containing the beacon format */ typedef struct sBeaconFormat { /*! * Size of the beacon */ uint8_t BeaconSize; /*! * Size of the RFU 1 data field */ uint8_t Rfu1Size; /*! * Size of the RFU 2 data field */ uint8_t Rfu2Size; }BeaconFormat_t; /*! * Union for the structure uGetPhyParams */ typedef union uPhyParam { /*! * A parameter value. */ uint32_t Value; /*! * A floating point value. */ float fValue; /*! * Pointer to the channels mask. */ uint16_t* ChannelsMask; /*! * Pointer to the channels. */ ChannelParams_t* Channels; /*! * Beacon format */ BeaconFormat_t BeaconFormat; /*! * Duty Cycle Period */ TimerTime_t DutyCycleTimePeriod; }PhyParam_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionGetPhyParam. */ typedef struct sGetPhyParams { /*! * Setup the parameter to get. */ PhyAttribute_t Attribute; /*! * Datarate. * The parameter is needed for the following queries: * PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD, PHY_NEXT_LOWER_TX_DR, PHY_SF_FROM_DR, PHY_BW_FROM_DR. */ int8_t Datarate; /*! * Uplink dwell time. This parameter must be set to query: * PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD, PHY_MIN_TX_DR. * The parameter is needed for the following queries: * PHY_MIN_TX_DR, PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD, PHY_NEXT_LOWER_TX_DR. */ uint8_t UplinkDwellTime; /*! * Downlink dwell time. This parameter must be set to query: * PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD, PHY_MIN_RX_DR. * The parameter is needed for the following queries: * PHY_MIN_RX_DR, PHY_MAX_PAYLOAD. */ uint8_t DownlinkDwellTime; /*! * Specification of the downlink channel. Used in Class B only. * The parameter is needed for the following queries: * PHY_BEACON_CHANNEL_FREQ, PHY_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_FREQ */ uint8_t Channel; }GetPhyParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionSetBandTxDone. */ typedef struct sSetBandTxDoneParams { /*! * Channel to update. */ uint8_t Channel; /*! * Joined Set to true, if the node has joined the network */ bool Joined; /*! * Last TX done time. */ TimerTime_t LastTxDoneTime; /*! * Time-on-air of the last transmission. */ TimerTime_t LastTxAirTime; /*! * Elapsed time since initialization. */ SysTime_t ElapsedTimeSinceStartUp; }SetBandTxDoneParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionInitDefaults. */ typedef struct sInitDefaultsParams { /*! * Pointer to region NVM group1. */ void* NvmGroup1; /*! * Pointer to region NVM group2. */ void* NvmGroup2; /*! * Pointer to common region band storage. */ void* Bands; /*! * Sets the initialization type. */ InitType_t Type; }InitDefaultsParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionVerify. */ typedef union uVerifyParams { /*! * Channel frequency to verify */ uint32_t Frequency; /*! * TX power to verify. */ int8_t TxPower; /*! * Set to true, if the duty cycle is enabled, otherwise false. */ bool DutyCycle; /*! * Datarate to verify. */ struct sDatarateParams { /*! * Datarate to verify. */ int8_t Datarate; /*! * The downlink dwell time. */ uint8_t DownlinkDwellTime; /*! * The up link dwell time. */ uint8_t UplinkDwellTime; }DatarateParams; }VerifyParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionApplyCFList. */ typedef struct sApplyCFListParams { uint8_t JoinChannel; /*! * Payload which contains the CF list. */ uint8_t* Payload; /*! * Size of the payload. */ uint8_t Size; }ApplyCFListParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionChanMaskSet. */ typedef struct sChanMaskSetParams { /*! * Pointer to the channels mask which should be set. */ uint16_t* ChannelsMaskIn; /*! * Pointer to the channels mask which should be set. */ ChannelsMask_t ChannelsMaskType; }ChanMaskSetParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionRxConfig. */ typedef struct sRxConfigParams { /*! * The RX channel. */ uint8_t Channel; /*! * RX datarate. */ int8_t Datarate; /*! * RX bandwidth. */ uint8_t Bandwidth; /*! * RX datarate offset. */ int8_t DrOffset; /*! * RX frequency. */ uint32_t Frequency; /*! * RX window timeout */ uint32_t WindowTimeout; /*! * RX window offset */ int32_t WindowOffset; /*! * Downlink dwell time. */ uint8_t DownlinkDwellTime; /*! * Set to true, if RX should be continuous. */ bool RxContinuous; /*! * Sets the RX window. */ LoRaMacRxSlot_t RxSlot; /*! * LoRaWAN Network End-Device Activation ( ACTIVATION_TYPE_NONE, ACTIVATION_TYPE_ABP * or ACTIVATION_TYPE_OTTA ) * * Related MIB type: \ref MIB_NETWORK_ACTIVATION */ ActivationType_t NetworkActivation; }RxConfigParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionTxConfig. */ typedef struct sTxConfigParams { /*! * The TX channel. */ uint8_t Channel; /*! * The TX datarate. */ int8_t Datarate; /*! * The TX power. */ int8_t TxPower; /*! * The Max EIRP, if applicable. */ float MaxEirp; /*! * The antenna gain, if applicable. */ float AntennaGain; /*! * Frame length to setup. */ uint16_t PktLen; }TxConfigParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionLinkAdrReq. */ typedef struct sLinkAdrReqParams { /*! * Current LoRaWAN Version */ Version_t Version; /*! * Pointer to the payload which contains the MAC commands. */ uint8_t* Payload; /*! * Size of the payload. */ uint8_t PayloadSize; /*! * Uplink dwell time. */ uint8_t UplinkDwellTime; /*! * Set to true, if ADR is enabled. */ bool AdrEnabled; /*! * The current datarate. */ int8_t CurrentDatarate; /*! * The current TX power. */ int8_t CurrentTxPower; /*! * The current number of repetitions. */ uint8_t CurrentNbRep; }LinkAdrReqParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionRxParamSetupReq. */ typedef struct sRxParamSetupReqParams { /*! * The datarate to setup. */ int8_t Datarate; /*! * Datarate offset. */ int8_t DrOffset; /*! * The frequency to setup. */ uint32_t Frequency; }RxParamSetupReqParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionNewChannelReq. */ typedef struct sNewChannelReqParams { /*! * Pointer to the new channels. */ ChannelParams_t* NewChannel; /*! * Channel id. */ int8_t ChannelId; }NewChannelReqParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionTxParamSetupReq. */ typedef struct sTxParamSetupReqParams { /*! * Uplink dwell time. */ uint8_t UplinkDwellTime; /*! * Downlink dwell time. */ uint8_t DownlinkDwellTime; /*! * Max EIRP. */ uint8_t MaxEirp; }TxParamSetupReqParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionDlChannelReq. */ typedef struct sDlChannelReqParams { /*! * Channel Id to add the frequency. */ uint8_t ChannelId; /*! * Alternative frequency for the Rx1 window. */ uint32_t Rx1Frequency; }DlChannelReqParams_t; /*! * Enumeration of alternation type */ typedef enum eAlternateDrType { /*! * Type to use for an alternation */ ALTERNATE_DR, /*! * Type to use to restore one alternation */ ALTERNATE_DR_RESTORE }AlternateDrType_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionNextChannel. */ typedef struct sNextChanParams { /*! * Aggregated time-off time. */ TimerTime_t AggrTimeOff; /*! * Time of the last aggregated TX. */ TimerTime_t LastAggrTx; /*! * Current datarate. */ int8_t Datarate; /*! * Set to true, if the node has already joined a network, otherwise false. */ bool Joined; /*! * Set to true, if the duty cycle is enabled, otherwise false. */ bool DutyCycleEnabled; /*! * Elapsed time since the start of the node. */ SysTime_t ElapsedTimeSinceStartUp; /*! * Joined Set to true, if the last uplink was a join request */ bool LastTxIsJoinRequest; /*! * Payload length of the next frame */ uint16_t PktLen; }NextChanParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionChannelsAdd. */ typedef struct sChannelAddParams { /*! * Pointer to the new channel to add. */ ChannelParams_t* NewChannel; /*! * Channel id to add. */ uint8_t ChannelId; }ChannelAddParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionChannelsRemove. */ typedef struct sChannelRemoveParams { /*! * Channel id to remove. */ uint8_t ChannelId; }ChannelRemoveParams_t; /*! * Parameter structure for the function RegionRxBeaconSetup */ typedef struct sRxBeaconSetupParams { /*! * Symbol timeout. */ uint16_t SymbolTimeout; /*! * Receive time. */ uint32_t RxTime; /*! * The frequency to setup. */ uint32_t Frequency; }RxBeaconSetup_t; /*! * \brief The function verifies if a region is active or not. If a region * is not active, it cannot be used. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \retval Return true, if the region is supported. */ bool RegionIsActive( LoRaMacRegion_t region ); /*! * \brief The function gets a value of a specific phy attribute. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] getPhy Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns a structure containing the PHY parameter. */ PhyParam_t RegionGetPhyParam( LoRaMacRegion_t region, GetPhyParams_t* getPhy ); /*! * \brief Updates the last TX done parameters of the current channel. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] txDone Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionSetBandTxDone( LoRaMacRegion_t region, SetBandTxDoneParams_t* txDone ); /*! * \brief Initializes the channels masks and the channels. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] params Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionInitDefaults( LoRaMacRegion_t region, InitDefaultsParams_t* params ); /*! * \brief Verifies a parameter. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] verify Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [IN] type Sets the initialization type. * * \retval Returns true, if the parameter is valid. */ bool RegionVerify( LoRaMacRegion_t region, VerifyParams_t* verify, PhyAttribute_t phyAttribute ); /*! * \brief The function parses the input buffer and sets up the channels of the * CF list. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] applyCFList Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionApplyCFList( LoRaMacRegion_t region, ApplyCFListParams_t* applyCFList ); /*! * \brief Sets a channels mask. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] chanMaskSet Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns true, if the channels mask could be set. */ bool RegionChanMaskSet( LoRaMacRegion_t region, ChanMaskSetParams_t* chanMaskSet ); /*! * \brief Configuration of the RX windows. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] rxConfig Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [OUT] datarate The datarate index which was set. * * \retval Returns true, if the configuration was applied successfully. */ bool RegionRxConfig( LoRaMacRegion_t region, RxConfigParams_t* rxConfig, int8_t* datarate ); /* * Rx window precise timing * * For more details please consult the following document, chapter 3.1.2. * https://www.semtech.com/uploads/documents/SX1272_settings_for_LoRaWAN_v2.0.pdf * or * https://www.semtech.com/uploads/documents/SX1276_settings_for_LoRaWAN_v2.0.pdf * * Downlink start: T = Tx + 1s (+/- 20 us) * | * TRxEarly | TRxLate * | | | * | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * | | | Latest Rx window | * | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * | | | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * | Earliest Rx window | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ *Downlink preamble 8 symbols | | | | | | | | | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * * Worst case Rx window timings * * TRxLate = DEFAULT_MIN_RX_SYMBOLS * tSymbol - RADIO_WAKEUP_TIME * TRxEarly = 8 - DEFAULT_MIN_RX_SYMBOLS * tSymbol - RxWindowTimeout - RADIO_WAKEUP_TIME * * TRxLate - TRxEarly = 2 * DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR * * RxOffset = ( TRxLate + TRxEarly ) / 2 * * RxWindowTimeout = ( 2 * DEFAULT_MIN_RX_SYMBOLS - 8 ) * tSymbol + 2 * DEFAULT_SYSTEM_MAX_RX_ERROR * RxOffset = 4 * tSymbol - RxWindowTimeout / 2 - RADIO_WAKE_UP_TIME * * Minimal value of RxWindowTimeout must be 5 symbols which implies that the system always tolerates at least an error of 1.5 * tSymbol */ /*! * Computes the Rx window timeout and offset. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] datarate Rx window datarate index to be used * * \param [IN] minRxSymbols Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame. * * \param [IN] rxError System maximum timing error of the receiver. In milliseconds * The receiver will turn on in a [-rxError : +rxError] ms * interval around RxOffset * * \param [OUT]rxConfigParams Returns updated WindowTimeout and WindowOffset fields. */ void RegionComputeRxWindowParameters( LoRaMacRegion_t region, int8_t datarate, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, RxConfigParams_t *rxConfigParams ); /*! * \brief TX configuration. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] txConfig Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [OUT] txPower The tx power index which was set. * * \param [OUT] txTimeOnAir The time-on-air of the frame. * * \retval Returns true, if the configuration was applied successfully. */ bool RegionTxConfig( LoRaMacRegion_t region, TxConfigParams_t* txConfig, int8_t* txPower, TimerTime_t* txTimeOnAir ); /*! * \brief The function processes a Link ADR Request. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] linkAdrReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [OUT] drOut The datarate which was applied. * * \param [OUT] txPowOut The TX power which was applied. * * \param [OUT] nbRepOut The number of repetitions to apply. * * \param [OUT] nbBytesParsed The number bytes which were parsed. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ uint8_t RegionLinkAdrReq( LoRaMacRegion_t region, LinkAdrReqParams_t* linkAdrReq, int8_t* drOut, int8_t* txPowOut, uint8_t* nbRepOut, uint8_t* nbBytesParsed ); /*! * \brief The function processes a RX Parameter Setup Request. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] rxParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ uint8_t RegionRxParamSetupReq( LoRaMacRegion_t region, RxParamSetupReqParams_t* rxParamSetupReq ); /*! * \brief The function processes a New Channel Request. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] newChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ int8_t RegionNewChannelReq( LoRaMacRegion_t region, NewChannelReqParams_t* newChannelReq ); /*! * \brief The function processes a TX ParamSetup Request. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] txParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. * Returns -1, if the functionality is not implemented. In this case, the end node * shall ignore the command. */ int8_t RegionTxParamSetupReq( LoRaMacRegion_t region, TxParamSetupReqParams_t* txParamSetupReq ); /*! * \brief The function processes a DlChannel Request. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] dlChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ int8_t RegionDlChannelReq( LoRaMacRegion_t region, DlChannelReqParams_t* dlChannelReq ); /*! * \brief Alternates the datarate of the channel for the join request. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] currentDr Current datarate. * * \param [IN] type Alternation type. * * \retval Datarate to apply. */ int8_t RegionAlternateDr( LoRaMacRegion_t region, int8_t currentDr, AlternateDrType_t type ); /*! * \brief Searches and set the next random available channel * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [OUT] channel Next channel to use for TX. * * \param [OUT] time Time to wait for the next transmission according to the duty * cycle. * * \param [OUT] aggregatedTimeOff Updates the aggregated time off. * * \retval Function status [1: OK, 0: Unable to find a channel on the current datarate]. */ LoRaMacStatus_t RegionNextChannel( LoRaMacRegion_t region, NextChanParams_t* nextChanParams, uint8_t* channel, TimerTime_t* time, TimerTime_t* aggregatedTimeOff ); /*! * \brief Adds a channel. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] channelAdd Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Status of the operation. */ LoRaMacStatus_t RegionChannelAdd( LoRaMacRegion_t region, ChannelAddParams_t* channelAdd ); /*! * \brief Removes a channel. * * \param [IN] region LoRaWAN region. * * \param [IN] channelRemove Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns true, if the channel was removed successfully. */ bool RegionChannelsRemove( LoRaMacRegion_t region, ChannelRemoveParams_t* channelRemove ); /*! * \brief Computes new datarate according to the given offset * * \param [IN] downlinkDwellTime Downlink dwell time configuration. 0: No limit, 1: 400ms * * \param [IN] dr Current datarate * * \param [IN] drOffset Offset to be applied * * \retval newDr Computed datarate. */ uint8_t RegionApplyDrOffset( LoRaMacRegion_t region, uint8_t downlinkDwellTime, int8_t dr, int8_t drOffset ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio into beacon reception mode * * \param [IN] rxBeaconSetup Pointer to the function parameters * * \param [out] outDr Datarate used to receive the beacon */ void RegionRxBeaconSetup( LoRaMacRegion_t region, RxBeaconSetup_t* rxBeaconSetup, uint8_t* outDr ); /*! * \brief Gets the version of the regional parameters implementation. * * \retval Version of the regional parameters. */ Version_t RegionGetVersion( void ); /*! \} defgroup REGION */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __REGION_H__