/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __| \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _| |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___| embedded.connectivity.solutions=============== Description: LoRa MAC commands License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project Maintainer: Miguel Luis ( Semtech ), Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE ), Johannes Bruder ( STACKFORCE ) */ #include #include "utilities.h" #include "LoRaMacCommands.h" #include "LoRaMacConfirmQueue.h" #ifndef NUM_OF_MAC_COMMANDS /*! * Number of MAC Command slots */ #define NUM_OF_MAC_COMMANDS 32 #endif /*! * Size of the CID field of MAC commands */ #define CID_FIELD_SIZE 1 /*! * Mac Commands list structure */ typedef struct sMacCommandsList { /* * First element of MAC command list. */ MacCommand_t* First; /* * Last element of MAC command list. */ MacCommand_t* Last; } MacCommandsList_t; /*! * LoRaMac Commands Context structure */ typedef struct sLoRaMacCommandsCtx { /* * List of MAC command elements */ MacCommandsList_t MacCommandList; /* * Buffer to store MAC command elements */ MacCommand_t MacCommandSlots[NUM_OF_MAC_COMMANDS]; /* * Size of all MAC commands serialized as buffer */ size_t SerializedCmdsSize; } LoRaMacCommandsCtx_t; /*! * Non-volatile module context. */ static LoRaMacCommandsCtx_t CommandsCtx; /* Memory management functions */ /*! * \brief Determines if a MAC command slot is free * * \param[IN] slot - Slot to check * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool IsSlotFree( const MacCommand_t* slot ) { uint8_t* mem = ( uint8_t* )slot; for( uint16_t size = 0; size < sizeof( MacCommand_t ); size++ ) { if( mem[size] != 0x00 ) { return false; } } return true; } /*! * \brief Allocates a new MAC command memory slot * * \retval - Pointer to slot */ static MacCommand_t* MallocNewMacCommandSlot( void ) { uint8_t itr = 0; while( IsSlotFree( ( const MacCommand_t* )&CommandsCtx.MacCommandSlots[itr] ) == false ) { itr++; if( itr == NUM_OF_MAC_COMMANDS ) { return NULL; } } return &CommandsCtx.MacCommandSlots[itr]; } /*! * \brief Free memory slot * * \param[IN] slot - Slot to free * * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool FreeMacCommandSlot( MacCommand_t* slot ) { if( slot == NULL ) { return false; } memset1( ( uint8_t* )slot, 0x00, sizeof( MacCommand_t ) ); return true; } /* Linked list functions */ /*! * \brief Initialize list * * \param[IN] list - List that shall be initialized * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool LinkedListInit( MacCommandsList_t* list ) { if( list == NULL ) { return false; } list->First = NULL; list->Last = NULL; return true; } /*! * \brief Add an element to the list * * \param[IN] list - List where the element shall be added. * \param[IN] element - Element to add * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool LinkedListAdd( MacCommandsList_t* list, MacCommand_t* element ) { if( ( list == NULL ) || ( element == NULL ) ) { return false; } // Check if this is the first entry to enter the list. if( list->First == NULL ) { list->First = element; } // Check if the last entry exists and update its next point. if( list->Last ) { list->Last->Next = element; } // Update the next point of this entry. element->Next = NULL; // Update the last entry of the list. list->Last = element; return true; } /*! * \brief Return the previous element in the list. * * \param[IN] list - List * \param[IN] element - Element where the previous element shall be searched * \retval - Status of the operation */ static MacCommand_t* LinkedListGetPrevious( MacCommandsList_t* list, MacCommand_t* element ) { if( ( list == NULL ) || ( element == NULL ) ) { return NULL; } MacCommand_t* curElement; // Start at the head of the list curElement = list->First; // When current element is the first of the list, there's no previous element so we can return NULL immediately. if( element != curElement ) { // Loop through all elements until the end is reached or the next of current is the current element. while( ( curElement != NULL ) && ( curElement->Next != element ) ) { curElement = curElement->Next; } } else { curElement = NULL; } return curElement; } /*! * \brief Remove an element from the list * * \param[IN] list - List where the element shall be removed from. * \param[IN] element - Element to remove * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool LinkedListRemove( MacCommandsList_t* list, MacCommand_t* element ) { if( ( list == NULL ) || ( element == NULL ) ) { return false; } MacCommand_t* PrevElement = LinkedListGetPrevious( list, element ); if( list->First == element ) { list->First = element->Next; } if( list->Last == element ) { list->Last = PrevElement; } if( PrevElement != NULL ) { PrevElement->Next = element->Next; } element->Next = NULL; return true; } /* * \brief Determines if a MAC command is sticky or not * * \param[IN] cid - MAC command identifier * * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool IsSticky( uint8_t cid ) { switch( cid ) { case MOTE_MAC_RESET_IND: case MOTE_MAC_REKEY_IND: case MOTE_MAC_DEVICE_MODE_IND: case MOTE_MAC_DL_CHANNEL_ANS: case MOTE_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_ANS: case MOTE_MAC_RX_TIMING_SETUP_ANS: case MOTE_MAC_TX_PARAM_SETUP_ANS: case MOTE_MAC_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_ANS: return true; default: return false; } } /* * \brief Determines if a MAC command requires an explicit confirmation * * \param[IN] cid - MAC command identifier * * \retval - Status of the operation */ static bool IsConfirmationRequired( uint8_t cid ) { switch( cid ) { case MOTE_MAC_RESET_IND: case MOTE_MAC_REKEY_IND: case MOTE_MAC_DEVICE_MODE_IND: return true; default: return false; } } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsInit( void ) { // Initialize with default memset1( ( uint8_t* )&CommandsCtx, 0, sizeof( CommandsCtx ) ); LinkedListInit( &CommandsCtx.MacCommandList ); return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsAddCmd( uint8_t cid, uint8_t* payload, size_t payloadSize ) { if( payload == NULL ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_NPE; } MacCommand_t* newCmd; // Allocate a memory slot newCmd = MallocNewMacCommandSlot( ); if( newCmd == NULL ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_MEMORY; } // Add it to the list of Mac commands if( LinkedListAdd( &CommandsCtx.MacCommandList, newCmd ) == false ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR; } // Set Values newCmd->CID = cid; newCmd->PayloadSize = payloadSize; memcpy1( ( uint8_t* )newCmd->Payload, payload, payloadSize ); newCmd->IsSticky = IsSticky( cid ); newCmd->IsConfirmationRequired = IsConfirmationRequired( cid ); CommandsCtx.SerializedCmdsSize += ( CID_FIELD_SIZE + payloadSize ); return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsRemoveCmd( MacCommand_t* macCmd ) { if( macCmd == NULL ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_NPE; } // Remove the Mac command element from MacCommandList if( LinkedListRemove( &CommandsCtx.MacCommandList, macCmd ) == false ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND; } CommandsCtx.SerializedCmdsSize -= ( CID_FIELD_SIZE + macCmd->PayloadSize ); // Free the MacCommand Slot if( FreeMacCommandSlot( macCmd ) == false ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR; } return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsGetCmd( uint8_t cid, MacCommand_t** macCmd ) { MacCommand_t* curElement; // Start at the head of the list curElement = CommandsCtx.MacCommandList.First; // Loop through all elements until we find the element with the given CID while( ( curElement != NULL ) && ( curElement->CID != cid ) ) { curElement = curElement->Next; } // Update the pointer anyway *macCmd = curElement; // Handle error in case if we reached the end without finding it. if( curElement == NULL ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_FOUND; } return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsRemoveNoneStickyCmds( void ) { MacCommand_t* curElement; MacCommand_t* nexElement; // Start at the head of the list curElement = CommandsCtx.MacCommandList.First; // Loop through all elements while( curElement != NULL ) { if( curElement->IsSticky == false ) { nexElement = curElement->Next; LoRaMacCommandsRemoveCmd( curElement ); curElement = nexElement; } else { curElement = curElement->Next; } } return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsRemoveStickyAnsCmds( void ) { MacCommand_t* curElement; MacCommand_t* nexElement; // Start at the head of the list curElement = CommandsCtx.MacCommandList.First; // Loop through all elements while( curElement != NULL ) { nexElement = curElement->Next; if( ( IsSticky( curElement->CID ) == true ) && ( IsConfirmationRequired( curElement->CID ) == false ) ) { LoRaMacCommandsRemoveCmd( curElement ); } curElement = nexElement; } return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsGetSizeSerializedCmds( size_t* size ) { if( size == NULL ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_NPE; } *size = CommandsCtx.SerializedCmdsSize; return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } LoRaMacCommandStatus_t LoRaMacCommandsSerializeCmds( size_t availableSize, size_t* effectiveSize, uint8_t* buffer ) { MacCommand_t* curElement = CommandsCtx.MacCommandList.First; MacCommand_t* nextElement; uint8_t itr = 0; if( ( buffer == NULL ) || ( effectiveSize == NULL ) ) { return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_ERROR_NPE; } // Loop through all elements which fits into the buffer while( curElement != NULL ) { // If the next MAC command still fits into the buffer, add it. if( ( availableSize - itr ) >= ( CID_FIELD_SIZE + curElement->PayloadSize ) ) { buffer[itr++] = curElement->CID; memcpy1( &buffer[itr], curElement->Payload, curElement->PayloadSize ); itr += curElement->PayloadSize; } else { break; } curElement = curElement->Next; } // Remove all commands which do not fit into the buffer while( curElement != NULL ) { // Store the next element before removing the current one nextElement = curElement->Next; LoRaMacCommandsRemoveCmd( curElement ); curElement = nextElement; } // Fetch the effective size of the mac commands LoRaMacCommandsGetSizeSerializedCmds( effectiveSize ); return LORAMAC_COMMANDS_SUCCESS; } uint8_t LoRaMacCommandsGetCmdSize( uint8_t cid ) { uint8_t cidSize = 0; // Decode Frame MAC commands switch( cid ) { case SRV_MAC_RESET_CONF: { // cid + Serv_LoRaWAN_version cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_LINK_CHECK_ANS: { // cid + Margin + GwCnt cidSize = 3; break; } case SRV_MAC_LINK_ADR_REQ: { // cid + DataRate_TXPower + ChMask (2) + Redundancy cidSize = 5; break; } case SRV_MAC_DUTY_CYCLE_REQ: { // cid + DutyCyclePL cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_RX_PARAM_SETUP_REQ: { // cid + DLsettings + Frequency (3) cidSize = 5; break; } case SRV_MAC_DEV_STATUS_REQ: { // cid cidSize = 1; break; } case SRV_MAC_NEW_CHANNEL_REQ: { // cid + ChIndex + Frequency (3) + DrRange cidSize = 6; break; } case SRV_MAC_RX_TIMING_SETUP_REQ: { // cid + Settings cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_TX_PARAM_SETUP_REQ: { // cid + EIRP_DwellTime cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_DL_CHANNEL_REQ: { // cid + ChIndex + Frequency (3) cidSize = 5; break; } case SRV_MAC_REKEY_CONF: { // cid + Serv_LoRaWAN_version cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_ADR_PARAM_SETUP_REQ: { // cid + ADRparam cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_FORCE_REJOIN_REQ: { // cid + Payload (2) cidSize = 3; break; } case SRV_MAC_REJOIN_PARAM_REQ: { // cid + Payload (1) cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_DEVICE_MODE_CONF: { // cid + Class cidSize = 2; break; } case SRV_MAC_DEVICE_TIME_ANS: { // cid + Seconds (4) + Fractional seconds (1) cidSize = 6; break; } case SRV_MAC_PING_SLOT_INFO_ANS: { // cid cidSize = 1; break; } case SRV_MAC_PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_REQ: { // cid + Frequency (3) + DR cidSize = 5; break; } case SRV_MAC_BEACON_TIMING_ANS: { // cid + TimingDelay (2) + Channel cidSize = 4; break; } case SRV_MAC_BEACON_FREQ_REQ: { // cid + Frequency (3) cidSize = 4; break; } default: { // Unknown command. ABORT MAC commands processing break; } } return cidSize; }