/*! * \file utilities.h * * \brief Helper functions implementation * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013-2017 Semtech * * \endcode * * \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech ) * * \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) */ #ifndef __UTILITIES_H__ #define __UTILITIES_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include /*! * LMN (LoRaMac-node) status */ typedef enum LmnStatus_e { LMN_STATUS_ERROR = 0, LMN_STATUS_OK = !LMN_STATUS_ERROR } LmnStatus_t; /*! * \brief Returns the minimum value between a and b * * \param [IN] a 1st value * \param [IN] b 2nd value * \retval minValue Minimum value */ #ifndef MIN #define MIN( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) < ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) ) #endif /*! * \brief Returns the maximum value between a and b * * \param [IN] a 1st value * \param [IN] b 2nd value * \retval maxValue Maximum value */ #ifndef MAX #define MAX( a, b ) ( ( ( a ) > ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) ) #endif /*! * \brief Returns 2 raised to the power of n * * \param [IN] n power value * \retval result of raising 2 to the power n */ #define POW2( n ) ( 1 << n ) /*! * Version */ typedef union Version_u { struct Version_s { uint8_t Revision; uint8_t Patch; uint8_t Minor; uint8_t Major; }Fields; uint32_t Value; }Version_t; /*! * \brief Initializes the pseudo random generator initial value * * \param [IN] seed Pseudo random generator initial value */ void srand1( uint32_t seed ); /*! * \brief Computes a random number between min and max * * \param [IN] min range minimum value * \param [IN] max range maximum value * \retval random random value in range min..max */ int32_t randr( int32_t min, int32_t max ); /*! * \brief Copies size elements of src array to dst array * * \remark STM32 Standard memcpy function only works on pointers that are aligned * * \param [OUT] dst Destination array * \param [IN] src Source array * \param [IN] size Number of bytes to be copied */ void memcpy1( uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint16_t size ); /*! * \brief Copies size elements of src array to dst array reversing the byte order * * \param [OUT] dst Destination array * \param [IN] src Source array * \param [IN] size Number of bytes to be copied */ void memcpyr( uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, uint16_t size ); /*! * \brief Set size elements of dst array with value * * \remark STM32 Standard memset function only works on pointers that are aligned * * \param [OUT] dst Destination array * \param [IN] value Default value * \param [IN] size Number of bytes to be copied */ void memset1( uint8_t *dst, uint8_t value, uint16_t size ); /*! * \brief Converts a nibble to an hexadecimal character * * \param [IN] a Nibble to be converted * \retval hexChar Converted hexadecimal character */ int8_t Nibble2HexChar( uint8_t a ); /*! * \brief Computes a CCITT 32 bits CRC * * \param [IN] buffer Data buffer used to compute the CRC * \param [IN] length Data buffer length * * \retval crc The computed buffer of length CRC */ uint32_t Crc32( uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length ); /*! * \brief Computes the initial value of the CCITT 32 bits CRC. This function * can be used with functions \ref Crc32Update and \ref Crc32Finalize. * * \retval crc Initial crc value. */ uint32_t Crc32Init( void ); /*! * \brief Updates the value of the crc value. * * \param [IN] crcInit Previous or initial crc value. * \param [IN] buffer Data pointer. * \param [IN] length Length of the data. * * \retval crc Updated crc value. */ uint32_t Crc32Update( uint32_t crcInit, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length ); /*! * \brief Finalizes the crc value after the calls to \ref Crc32Update. * * \param [IN] crc Recent crc value. * * \retval crc Updated crc value. */ uint32_t Crc32Finalize( uint32_t crc ); /*! * Begins critical section */ #define CRITICAL_SECTION_BEGIN( ) uint32_t mask; BoardCriticalSectionBegin( &mask ) #define CRITICAL_SECTION_BEGIN_REPEAT( ) BoardCriticalSectionBegin( &mask ) /*! * Ends critical section */ #define CRITICAL_SECTION_END( ) BoardCriticalSectionEnd( &mask ) /* * ============================================================================ * Following functions must be implemented inside the specific platform * board.c file. * ============================================================================ */ /*! * Disable interrupts, begins critical section * * \param [IN] mask Pointer to a variable where to store the CPU IRQ mask */ void BoardCriticalSectionBegin( uint32_t *mask ); /*! * Ends critical section * * \param [IN] mask Pointer to a variable where the CPU IRQ mask was stored */ void BoardCriticalSectionEnd( uint32_t *mask ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __UTILITIES_H__