/*! * \file main.c * * \brief Performs a periodic uplink * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013-2018 Semtech * * \endcode * * \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech ) */ /*! \file periodic-uplink/SKiM880B/main.c */ #include #include "../firmwareVersion.h" #include "../../common/githubVersion.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "board.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "uart.h" #include "RegionCommon.h" #include "cli.h" #include "Commissioning.h" #include "LmHandler.h" #include "LmhpCompliance.h" #include "CayenneLpp.h" #include "LmHandlerMsgDisplay.h" #ifndef ACTIVE_REGION #warning "No active region defined, LORAMAC_REGION_EU868 will be used as default." #define ACTIVE_REGION LORAMAC_REGION_EU868 #endif /*! * LoRaWAN default end-device class */ #ifndef LORAWAN_DEFAULT_CLASS #define LORAWAN_DEFAULT_CLASS CLASS_A #endif /*! * Defines the application data transmission duty cycle. 5s, value in [ms]. */ #define APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE 5000 /*! * Defines a random delay for application data transmission duty cycle. 1s, * value in [ms]. */ #define APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND 1000 /*! * LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate * * \remark Please note that when ADR is enabled the end-device should be static */ #define LORAWAN_ADR_STATE LORAMAC_HANDLER_ADR_ON /*! * Default datarate * * \remark Please note that LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE is used only when ADR is disabled */ #define LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE DR_0 /*! * LoRaWAN confirmed messages */ #define LORAWAN_DEFAULT_CONFIRMED_MSG_STATE LORAMAC_HANDLER_UNCONFIRMED_MSG /*! * User application data buffer size */ #define LORAWAN_APP_DATA_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE 242 /*! * LoRaWAN ETSI duty cycle control enable/disable * * \remark Please note that ETSI mandates duty cycled transmissions. Use only for test purposes */ #define LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON true /*! * LoRaWAN application port * @remark The allowed port range is from 1 up to 223. Other values are reserved. */ #define LORAWAN_APP_PORT 3 /*! * */ typedef enum { LORAMAC_HANDLER_TX_ON_TIMER, LORAMAC_HANDLER_TX_ON_EVENT, }LmHandlerTxEvents_t; /*! * User application data */ static uint8_t AppDataBuffer[LORAWAN_APP_DATA_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE]; /*! * User application data structure */ static LmHandlerAppData_t AppData = { .Buffer = AppDataBuffer, .BufferSize = 0, .Port = 0, }; /*! * Specifies the state of the application LED */ static bool AppLedStateOn = false; /*! * Timer to handle the application data transmission duty cycle */ static TimerEvent_t TxTimer; /*! * Timer to handle the state of LED4 */ static TimerEvent_t Led4Timer; /*! * Timer to handle the state of LED2 */ static TimerEvent_t Led2Timer; /*! * Timer to handle the state of LED beacon indicator */ static TimerEvent_t LedBeaconTimer; static void OnMacProcessNotify( void ); static void OnNvmDataChange( LmHandlerNvmContextStates_t state, uint16_t size ); static void OnNetworkParametersChange( CommissioningParams_t* params ); static void OnMacMcpsRequest( LoRaMacStatus_t status, McpsReq_t *mcpsReq, TimerTime_t nextTxIn ); static void OnMacMlmeRequest( LoRaMacStatus_t status, MlmeReq_t *mlmeReq, TimerTime_t nextTxIn ); static void OnJoinRequest( LmHandlerJoinParams_t* params ); static void OnTxData( LmHandlerTxParams_t* params ); static void OnRxData( LmHandlerAppData_t* appData, LmHandlerRxParams_t* params ); static void OnClassChange( DeviceClass_t deviceClass ); static void OnBeaconStatusChange( LoRaMacHandlerBeaconParams_t* params ); #if( LMH_SYS_TIME_UPDATE_NEW_API == 1 ) static void OnSysTimeUpdate( bool isSynchronized, int32_t timeCorrection ); #else static void OnSysTimeUpdate( void ); #endif static void PrepareTxFrame( void ); static void StartTxProcess( LmHandlerTxEvents_t txEvent ); static void UplinkProcess( void ); static void OnTxPeriodicityChanged( uint32_t periodicity ); static void OnTxFrameCtrlChanged( LmHandlerMsgTypes_t isTxConfirmed ); static void OnPingSlotPeriodicityChanged( uint8_t pingSlotPeriodicity ); /*! * Function executed on TxTimer event */ static void OnTxTimerEvent( void* context ); /*! * Function executed on Led 4 Timeout event */ static void OnLed4TimerEvent( void* context ); /*! * Function executed on Led 2 Timeout event */ static void OnLed2TimerEvent( void* context ); /*! * \brief Function executed on Beacon timer Timeout event */ static void OnLedBeaconTimerEvent( void* context ); static LmHandlerCallbacks_t LmHandlerCallbacks = { .GetBatteryLevel = BoardGetBatteryLevel, .GetTemperature = NULL, .GetRandomSeed = BoardGetRandomSeed, .OnMacProcess = OnMacProcessNotify, .OnNvmDataChange = OnNvmDataChange, .OnNetworkParametersChange = OnNetworkParametersChange, .OnMacMcpsRequest = OnMacMcpsRequest, .OnMacMlmeRequest = OnMacMlmeRequest, .OnJoinRequest = OnJoinRequest, .OnTxData = OnTxData, .OnRxData = OnRxData, .OnClassChange= OnClassChange, .OnBeaconStatusChange = OnBeaconStatusChange, .OnSysTimeUpdate = OnSysTimeUpdate, }; static LmHandlerParams_t LmHandlerParams = { .Region = ACTIVE_REGION, .AdrEnable = LORAWAN_ADR_STATE, .IsTxConfirmed = LORAWAN_DEFAULT_CONFIRMED_MSG_STATE, .TxDatarate = LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE, .PublicNetworkEnable = LORAWAN_PUBLIC_NETWORK, .DutyCycleEnabled = LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON, .DataBufferMaxSize = LORAWAN_APP_DATA_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, .DataBuffer = AppDataBuffer, .PingSlotPeriodicity = REGION_COMMON_DEFAULT_PING_SLOT_PERIODICITY, }; static LmhpComplianceParams_t LmhpComplianceParams = { .FwVersion.Value = FIRMWARE_VERSION, .OnTxPeriodicityChanged = OnTxPeriodicityChanged, .OnTxFrameCtrlChanged = OnTxFrameCtrlChanged, .OnPingSlotPeriodicityChanged = OnPingSlotPeriodicityChanged, }; /*! * Indicates if LoRaMacProcess call is pending. * * \warning If variable is equal to 0 then the MCU can be set in low power mode */ static volatile uint8_t IsMacProcessPending = 0; static volatile uint8_t IsTxFramePending = 0; static volatile uint32_t TxPeriodicity = 0; /*! * LED GPIO pins objects */ extern Gpio_t Led4; // Tx extern Gpio_t Led2; // Rx and blinks every 5 seconds when beacon is acquired extern Gpio_t Led3; // App /*! * UART object used for command line interface handling */ extern Uart_t Uart1; /*! * Main application entry point. */ int main( void ) { BoardInitMcu( ); BoardInitPeriph( ); TimerInit( &Led4Timer, OnLed4TimerEvent ); TimerSetValue( &Led4Timer, 25 ); TimerInit( &Led2Timer, OnLed2TimerEvent ); TimerSetValue( &Led2Timer, 25 ); TimerInit( &LedBeaconTimer, OnLedBeaconTimerEvent ); TimerSetValue( &LedBeaconTimer, 5000 ); // Initialize transmission periodicity variable TxPeriodicity = APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE + randr( -APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND, APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND ); const Version_t appVersion = { .Value = FIRMWARE_VERSION }; const Version_t gitHubVersion = { .Value = GITHUB_VERSION }; DisplayAppInfo( "periodic-uplink-lpp", &appVersion, &gitHubVersion ); if ( LmHandlerInit( &LmHandlerCallbacks, &LmHandlerParams ) != LORAMAC_HANDLER_SUCCESS ) { printf( "LoRaMac wasn't properly initialized\n" ); // Fatal error, endless loop. while ( 1 ) { } } // Set system maximum tolerated rx error in milliseconds LmHandlerSetSystemMaxRxError( 20 ); // The LoRa-Alliance Compliance protocol package should always be // initialized and activated. LmHandlerPackageRegister( PACKAGE_ID_COMPLIANCE, &LmhpComplianceParams ); LmHandlerJoin( ); StartTxProcess( LORAMAC_HANDLER_TX_ON_TIMER ); while( 1 ) { // Process characters sent over the command line interface CliProcess( &Uart1 ); // Processes the LoRaMac events LmHandlerProcess( ); // Process application uplinks management UplinkProcess( ); CRITICAL_SECTION_BEGIN( ); if( IsMacProcessPending == 1 ) { // Clear flag and prevent MCU to go into low power modes. IsMacProcessPending = 0; } else { // The MCU wakes up through events BoardLowPowerHandler( ); } CRITICAL_SECTION_END( ); } } static void OnMacProcessNotify( void ) { IsMacProcessPending = 1; } static void OnNvmDataChange( LmHandlerNvmContextStates_t state, uint16_t size ) { DisplayNvmDataChange( state, size ); } static void OnNetworkParametersChange( CommissioningParams_t* params ) { DisplayNetworkParametersUpdate( params ); } static void OnMacMcpsRequest( LoRaMacStatus_t status, McpsReq_t *mcpsReq, TimerTime_t nextTxIn ) { DisplayMacMcpsRequestUpdate( status, mcpsReq, nextTxIn ); } static void OnMacMlmeRequest( LoRaMacStatus_t status, MlmeReq_t *mlmeReq, TimerTime_t nextTxIn ) { DisplayMacMlmeRequestUpdate( status, mlmeReq, nextTxIn ); } static void OnJoinRequest( LmHandlerJoinParams_t* params ) { DisplayJoinRequestUpdate( params ); if( params->Status == LORAMAC_HANDLER_ERROR ) { LmHandlerJoin( ); } else { LmHandlerRequestClass( LORAWAN_DEFAULT_CLASS ); } } static void OnTxData( LmHandlerTxParams_t* params ) { DisplayTxUpdate( params ); } static void OnRxData( LmHandlerAppData_t* appData, LmHandlerRxParams_t* params ) { DisplayRxUpdate( appData, params ); switch( appData->Port ) { case 1: // The application LED can be controlled on port 1 or 2 case LORAWAN_APP_PORT: { AppLedStateOn = appData->Buffer[0] & 0x01; GpioWrite( &Led3, ( ( AppLedStateOn & 0x01 ) != 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ); } break; default: break; } // Switch LED 2 ON for each received downlink GpioWrite( &Led2, 1 ); TimerStart( &Led2Timer ); } static void OnClassChange( DeviceClass_t deviceClass ) { DisplayClassUpdate( deviceClass ); // Inform the server as soon as possible that the end-device has switched to ClassB LmHandlerAppData_t appData = { .Buffer = NULL, .BufferSize = 0, .Port = 0, }; LmHandlerSend( &appData, LORAMAC_HANDLER_UNCONFIRMED_MSG ); } static void OnBeaconStatusChange( LoRaMacHandlerBeaconParams_t* params ) { switch( params->State ) { case LORAMAC_HANDLER_BEACON_RX: { TimerStart( &LedBeaconTimer ); break; } case LORAMAC_HANDLER_BEACON_LOST: case LORAMAC_HANDLER_BEACON_NRX: { TimerStop( &LedBeaconTimer ); break; } default: { break; } } DisplayBeaconUpdate( params ); } #if( LMH_SYS_TIME_UPDATE_NEW_API == 1 ) static void OnSysTimeUpdate( bool isSynchronized, int32_t timeCorrection ) { } #else static void OnSysTimeUpdate( void ) { } #endif /*! * Prepares the payload of the frame and transmits it. */ static void PrepareTxFrame( void ) { if( LmHandlerIsBusy( ) == true ) { return; } uint8_t channel = 0; AppData.Port = LORAWAN_APP_PORT; CayenneLppReset( ); uint8_t potiPercentage = 0; uint16_t vdd = 0; // Read the current potentiometer setting in percent potiPercentage = BoardGetPotiLevel( ); // Read the current voltage level BoardGetBatteryLevel( ); // Updates the value returned by BoardGetBatteryVoltage( ) function. vdd = BoardGetBatteryVoltage( ); CayenneLppAddDigitalInput( channel++, AppLedStateOn ); CayenneLppAddAnalogInput( channel++, BoardGetBatteryLevel( ) * 100 / 254 ); CayenneLppAddAnalogInput( channel++, potiPercentage ); CayenneLppAddAnalogInput( channel++, vdd ); CayenneLppCopy( AppData.Buffer ); AppData.BufferSize = CayenneLppGetSize( ); if( LmHandlerSend( &AppData, LmHandlerParams.IsTxConfirmed ) == LORAMAC_HANDLER_SUCCESS ) { // Switch LED 4 ON GpioWrite( &Led4, 1 ); TimerStart( &Led4Timer ); } } static void StartTxProcess( LmHandlerTxEvents_t txEvent ) { switch( txEvent ) { default: // Intentional fall through case LORAMAC_HANDLER_TX_ON_TIMER: { // Schedule 1st packet transmission TimerInit( &TxTimer, OnTxTimerEvent ); TimerSetValue( &TxTimer, TxPeriodicity ); OnTxTimerEvent( NULL ); } break; case LORAMAC_HANDLER_TX_ON_EVENT: { } break; } } static void UplinkProcess( void ) { uint8_t isPending = 0; CRITICAL_SECTION_BEGIN( ); isPending = IsTxFramePending; IsTxFramePending = 0; CRITICAL_SECTION_END( ); if( isPending == 1 ) { PrepareTxFrame( ); } } static void OnTxPeriodicityChanged( uint32_t periodicity ) { TxPeriodicity = periodicity; if( TxPeriodicity == 0 ) { // Revert to application default periodicity TxPeriodicity = APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE + randr( -APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND, APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND ); } // Update timer periodicity TimerStop( &TxTimer ); TimerSetValue( &TxTimer, TxPeriodicity ); TimerStart( &TxTimer ); } static void OnTxFrameCtrlChanged( LmHandlerMsgTypes_t isTxConfirmed ) { LmHandlerParams.IsTxConfirmed = isTxConfirmed; } static void OnPingSlotPeriodicityChanged( uint8_t pingSlotPeriodicity ) { LmHandlerParams.PingSlotPeriodicity = pingSlotPeriodicity; } /*! * Function executed on TxTimer event */ static void OnTxTimerEvent( void* context ) { TimerStop( &TxTimer ); IsTxFramePending = 1; // Schedule next transmission TimerSetValue( &TxTimer, TxPeriodicity ); TimerStart( &TxTimer ); } /*! * Function executed on Led 4 Timeout event */ static void OnLed4TimerEvent( void* context ) { TimerStop( &Led4Timer ); // Switch LED 4 OFF GpioWrite( &Led4, 0 ); } /*! * Function executed on Led 2 Timeout event */ static void OnLed2TimerEvent( void* context ) { TimerStop( &Led2Timer ); // Switch LED 2 OFF GpioWrite( &Led2, 0 ); } /*! * \brief Function executed on Beacon timer Timeout event */ static void OnLedBeaconTimerEvent( void* context ) { GpioWrite( &Led2, 1 ); TimerStart( &Led2Timer ); TimerStart( &LedBeaconTimer ); }