# LoRaWAN end-device stack implementation and example projects ______ _ / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2013-2022 Semtech ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __| \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _| |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___| embedded.connectivity.solutions=============== ## Introduction The aim of this project is to show an example of an end-device LoRaWAN stack implementation. This project has 2 active branches in place. | Branch | L2 spec | RP spec | Tag/Milestone | Class | Comments | | ------------- |:-------------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:--------------| | | [1.0.4](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/ts001-1-0-4-lorawan-l2-1-0-4-specification) / [1.1.0](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/lorawan-specification-v1-1) + [FCntDwn ERRATA](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/fopts-encryption-usage-of-fcntdwn-errata-on-the-lorawan-l2-1-1-specification) | [2-1.0.3](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/rp2-1-0-3-lorawan-regional-parameters) | [v4.7.0](https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/releases/tag/v4.7.0) | A/B/C | LoRaWAN L2 1.0.4 - **_Released_** | | [master](https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/tree/master) | [1.0.4](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/ts001-1-0-4-lorawan-l2-1-0-4-specification) / [1.1.0](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/lorawan-specification-v1-1) + [FCntDwn ERRATA](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/fopts-encryption-usage-of-fcntdwn-errata-on-the-lorawan-l2-1-1-specification) | [2-1.0.3](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/rp2-1-0-3-lorawan-regional-parameters) | [v4.7.0](https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/milestone/10) | A/B/C | LoRaWAN L2 1.0.4 / 1.1.0 | | [v5.0.0-branch](https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/tree/v5.0.0-branch) | [1.0.4](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/ts001-1-0-4-lorawan-l2-1-0-4-specification) / [1.1.0](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/lorawan-specification-v1-1) + [FCntDwn ERRATA](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/fopts-encryption-usage-of-fcntdwn-errata-on-the-lorawan-l2-1-1-specification) | [2-1.0.3](https://resources.lora-alliance.org/technical-specifications/rp2-1-0-3-lorawan-regional-parameters) | [M 5.0.0](https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/milestone/11) | A/B/C | LoRaWAN L2 1.0.4 / 1.1.0 - Adds support for LR-FHSS modulation | This project fully implements ClassA, ClassB and ClassC end-device classes and it also provides SX1272/73, SX1276/77/78/79, SX1261/2 and LR1110 radio drivers. For each currently supported platform example applications are provided. * **LoRaMac/fuota-test-01**: FUOTA test scenario 01 end-device example application. (Based on provided application common packages) * **LoRaMac/periodic-uplink-lpp**: ClassA/B/C end-device example application. Periodically uplinks a frame using the Cayenne LPP protocol. (Based on provided application common packages) * **ping-pong**: Point to point RF link example application. * **rx-sensi**: Example application useful to measure the radio sensitivity level using an RF generator. * **tx-cw**: Example application to show how to generate an RF Continuous Wave transmission. **Note**: *Each LoRaWAN application example (LoRaMac/\*) includes an implementation of the LoRa-Alliance; LoRaWAN certification protocol.* **Note**: *The LoRaWAN stack API documentation can be found at: http://stackforce.github.io/LoRaMac-doc/* ## Supported platforms This project currently provides support for the below platforms. This project can be ported to other platforms using different MCU than the ones currently supported. The [Porting Guide](https://stackforce.github.io/LoRaMac-doc/LoRaMac-doc-v4.7.0/_p_o_r_t_i_n_g__g_u_i_d_e.html) document provides guide lines on how to port the project to other platforms. * NAMote72 * [NAMote72 platform documentation](doc/NAMote72-platform.md) * NucleoLxxx - Discovery kit * [NucleoLxxx and Discovery kit platforms documentation](doc/NucleoLxxx-platform.md) * SKiM880B, SKiM980A, SKiM881AXL * [SKiM88xx platforms documentation](doc/SKiM88xx-platform.md) * SAMR34 * [SAMR34 platform documentation](doc/SAMR34-platform.md) ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites Please follow instructions provided by [Development environment](doc/development-environment.md) document. ### Cloning the repository Clone the repository from GitHub ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/lora-net/loramac-node.git loramac-node ``` LoRaMac-node project contains Git submodules that must be initialized ```bash $ cd loramac-node $ git submodule update --init ``` ### Secure-element commissioning This project currently supports 3 different secure-elements `soft-se`, `lr1110-se` and `atecc608a-tnglora-se` implementations. In order to personalize the MCU binary file with LoRaWAN EUIs or/and AES128 keys one must follow the instructions provided by [soft-se](####soft-se), [lr1110-se](####lr1110-se) and [atecc608a-tnglora-se](####atecc608a-tnglora-se) chapters #### soft-se *soft-se* is a pure software emulation of a secure-element. It means that everything is located on the host MCU memories. The `DevEUI`, `JoinEUI` and `AES128 keys` may be stored on a non-volatile memory through dedicated APIs. In order to update the end-device identity (`DevEUI`, `JoinEUI` and `AES128 keys`) one must update the `se-identity.h` file located under `./src/peripherals/soft-se/` directory. **Note:** In previous versions of this project this was done inside `Commissioning.h` files located under each provided example directory. #### lr1110-se *lr1110-se* abstraction implementation handles all the required exchanges with the LR1110 radio crypto-engine. All LR1110 radio chips are pre-provisioned out of factory in order to be used with [LoRa Cloud Device Join Service](https://www.loracloud.com/documentation/join_service). In case other Join Servers are to be used the `DevEUI`, `Pin`, `JoinEUI` and `AES128 keys` can be updated by following the instructions provided on chapter "13. LR1110 Provisioning" of the [LR1110 User Manual](https://semtech.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#E0000000JelG/a/2R000000Q2PM/KGm1YHDoHhtaicNYHCIAnh0CbG3yodEuWWJ2WrFRafM). When the compile option `SECURE_ELEMENT_PRE_PROVISIONED` is set to `ON` the *lr1110-se* will use the factory provisioned data (`DevEUI`, `JoinEUI` and `AES128 keys`). When the compile option `SECURE_ELEMENT_PRE_PROVISIONED` is set to `OFF` the *lr1110-se* has to be provisioned by following one of the methods described on chapter "13. LR1110 Provisioning" of the [LR1110 User Manual](https://semtech.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#E0000000JelG/a/2R000000Q2PM/KGm1YHDoHhtaicNYHCIAnh0CbG3yodEuWWJ2WrFRafM). The `DevEUI`, `Pin` and `JoinEUI` can be changed by editing the `se-identity.h` file located in `./src/peripherals/lr1110-se/` directory. #### atecc608a-tnglora-se The *atecc608a-tnglora-se* abstraction implementation handles all the required exchanges with the ATECC608A-TNGLORA and ATECC608B-TNGLORA secure-elements. This secure-element is always pre-provisioned and its contents can't be changed. ### Building Process #### Command line **periodic-uplink-lpp** example for NucleoL476 platform with LR1110MB1DIS MBED shield and using LR1110 pre-provisioned secure-element ```bash $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DTOOLCHAIN_PREFIX="<replace by toolchain path>" \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../cmake/toolchain-arm-none-eabi.cmake" \ -DAPPLICATION="LoRaMac" \ -DSUB_PROJECT="periodic-uplink-lpp" \ -DCLASSB_ENABLED="ON" \ -DACTIVE_REGION="LORAMAC_REGION_EU868" \ -DREGION_EU868="ON" \ -DREGION_US915="OFF" \ -DREGION_CN779="OFF" \ -DREGION_EU433="OFF" \ -DREGION_AU915="OFF" \ -DREGION_AS923="OFF" \ -DREGION_CN470="OFF" \ -DREGION_KR920="OFF" \ -DREGION_IN865="OFF" \ -DREGION_RU864="OFF" \ -DBOARD="NucleoL476" \ -DMBED_RADIO_SHIELD="LR1110MB1XXS" \ -DSECURE_ELEMENT="LR1110_SE" \ -DSECURE_ELEMENT_PRE_PROVISIONED="ON" \ -DUSE_RADIO_DEBUG="ON" .. $ make ``` **ping-pong** example using LoRa modulation for NucleoL476 platform with LR1110MB1DIS MBED shield ```bash $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DTOOLCHAIN_PREFIX="<replace by toolchain path>" \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../cmake/toolchain-arm-none-eabi.cmake" \ -DAPPLICATION="ping-pong" \ -DMODULATION:"LORA" \ -DREGION_EU868="ON" \ -DREGION_US915="OFF" \ -DREGION_CN779="OFF" \ -DREGION_EU433="OFF" \ -DREGION_AU915="OFF" \ -DREGION_AS923="OFF" \ -DREGION_CN470="OFF" \ -DREGION_KR920="OFF" \ -DREGION_IN865="OFF" \ -DREGION_RU864="OFF" \ -DBOARD="NucleoL476" \ -DMBED_RADIO_SHIELD="LR1110MB1XXS" \ -DUSE_RADIO_DEBUG="ON" .. $ make ``` #### VSCode **periodic-uplink-lpp** example for NucleoL476 platform with LR1110MB1DIS MBED shield and using LR1110 pre-provisioned secure-element * Please edit .vscode/settings.json file <details> <summary>Click to expand!</summary> <p> ```json // Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings. { "cmake.configureSettings": { // In case your GNU ARM-Toolchain is not installed under the default // path: // Windows : No default path. Specify the path where the // toolchain is installed. i.e: // "C:/PROGRA~2/GNUTOO~1/92019-~1". // Linux : /usr // OSX : /usr/local // It is required to uncomment and to fill the following line. "TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX":"/path/to/toolchain", // In case your OpenOCD is not installed under the default path: // Windows : C:/openocd/bin/openocd.exe // Linux : /usr/bin/openocd // OSX : /usr/local/bin/openocd // Please uncomment the following line and fill it accordingly. //"OPENOCD_BIN":"C:/openocd/bin/openocd.exe", // Specifies the path to the CMAKE toolchain file. "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE":"cmake/toolchain-arm-none-eabi.cmake", // Determines the application. You can choose between: // LoRaMac (Default), ping-pong, rx-sensi, tx-cw. "APPLICATION":"LoRaMac", // Select LoRaMac sub project. You can choose between: // periodic-uplink-lpp, fuota-test-01. "SUB_PROJECT":"periodic-uplink-lpp", // Switch for Class B support of LoRaMac: "CLASSB_ENABLED":"ON", // Select the active region for which the stack will be initialized. // You can choose between: // LORAMAC_REGION_EU868, LORAMAC_REGION_US915, .. "ACTIVE_REGION":"LORAMAC_REGION_EU868", // Select the type of modulation, applicable to the ping-pong or // rx-sensi applications. You can choose between: // LORA or FSK "MODULATION":"LORA", // Target board, the following boards are supported: // NAMote72, NucleoL073 (Default), NucleoL152, NucleoL476, SAMR34, SKiM880B, SKiM980A, SKiM881AXL, B-L072Z-LRWAN1. "BOARD":"NucleoL476", // MBED Radio shield selection. (Applies only to Nucleo platforms) // The following shields are supported: // SX1272MB2DAS, SX1276MB1LAS, SX1276MB1MAS, SX1261MBXBAS(Default), SX1262MBXCAS, SX1262MBXDAS, LR1110MB1XXS. "MBED_RADIO_SHIELD":"LR1110MB1XXS", // Secure element type selection the following are supported // SOFT_SE(Default), LR1110_SE, ATECC608A_TNGLORA_SE "SECURE_ELEMENT":"LR1110_SE", // Secure element is pre-provisioned "SECURE_ELEMENT_PRE_PROVISIONED":"ON", // Region support activation, Select the ones you want to support. // By default only REGION_EU868 support is enabled. "REGION_EU868":"ON", "REGION_US915":"OFF", "REGION_CN779":"OFF", "REGION_EU433":"OFF", "REGION_AU915":"OFF", "REGION_AS923":"OFF", "REGION_CN470":"OFF", "REGION_KR920":"OFF", "REGION_IN865":"OFF", "REGION_RU864":"OFF", "USE_RADIO_DEBUG":"ON" } } ``` </p> </details> * Click on "CMake: Debug: Ready" and select build type Debug or Release.  * Wait for configuration process to finish * Click on "Build" to build the project.  * Wait for build process to finish * Binary files will be available under `./build/src/apps/LoRaMac/` * LoRaMac-periodic-uplink-lpp - elf format * LoRaMac-periodic-uplink-lpp.bin - binary format * LoRaMac-periodic-uplink-lpp.hex - hex format **ping-pong** example using LoRa modulation for NucleoL476 platform with LR1110MB1DIS MBED shield * Please edit .vscode/settings.json file <details> <summary>Click to expand!</summary> <p> ```json // Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings. { "cmake.configureSettings": { // In case your GNU ARM-Toolchain is not installed under the default // path: // Windows : No default path. Specify the path where the // toolchain is installed. i.e: // "C:/PROGRA~2/GNUTOO~1/92019-~1". // Linux : /usr // OSX : /usr/local // It is required to uncomment and to fill the following line. "TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX":"/path/to/toolchain", // In case your OpenOCD is not installed under the default path: // Windows : C:/openocd/bin/openocd.exe // Linux : /usr/bin/openocd // OSX : /usr/local/bin/openocd // Please uncomment the following line and fill it accordingly. //"OPENOCD_BIN":"C:/openocd/bin/openocd.exe", // Specifies the path to the CMAKE toolchain file. "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE":"cmake/toolchain-arm-none-eabi.cmake", // Determines the application. You can choose between: // LoRaMac (Default), ping-pong, rx-sensi, tx-cw. "APPLICATION":"ping-pong", // Select LoRaMac sub project. You can choose between: // periodic-uplink-lpp, fuota-test-01. "SUB_PROJECT":"periodic-uplink-lpp", // Switch for Class B support of LoRaMac: "CLASSB_ENABLED":"ON", // Select the active region for which the stack will be initialized. // You can choose between: // LORAMAC_REGION_EU868, LORAMAC_REGION_US915, .. "ACTIVE_REGION":"LORAMAC_REGION_EU868", // Select the type of modulation, applicable to the ping-pong or // rx-sensi applications. You can choose between: // LORA or FSK "MODULATION":"LORA", // Target board, the following boards are supported: // NAMote72, NucleoL073 (Default), NucleoL152, NucleoL476, SAMR34, SKiM880B, SKiM980A, SKiM881AXL, B-L072Z-LRWAN1. "BOARD":"NucleoL476", // MBED Radio shield selection. (Applies only to Nucleo platforms) // The following shields are supported: // SX1272MB2DAS, SX1276MB1LAS, SX1276MB1MAS, SX1261MBXBAS(Default), SX1262MBXCAS, SX1262MBXDAS, LR1110MB1XXS. "MBED_RADIO_SHIELD":"SX1261MBXBAS", // Secure element type selection the following are supported // SOFT_SE(Default), LR1110_SE, ATECC608A_TNGLORA_SE "SECURE_ELEMENT":"SOFT_SE", // Secure element is pre-provisioned "SECURE_ELEMENT_PRE_PROVISIONED":"ON", // Region support activation, Select the ones you want to support. // By default only REGION_EU868 support is enabled. "REGION_EU868":"ON", "REGION_US915":"OFF", "REGION_CN779":"OFF", "REGION_EU433":"OFF", "REGION_AU915":"OFF", "REGION_AS923":"OFF", "REGION_CN470":"OFF", "REGION_KR920":"OFF", "REGION_IN865":"OFF", "REGION_RU864":"OFF", "USE_RADIO_DEBUG":"ON" } } ``` </p> </details> * Click on "CMake: Debug: Ready" and select build type Debug or Release.  * Wait for configuration process to finish * Click on "Build" to build the project.  * Wait for build process to finish * Binary files will be available under `./build/src/apps/ping-pong/` * ping-pong - elf format * ping-pong.bin - binary format * ping-pong.hex - hex format ### Serial console NVM management The `periodic-uplink-lpp` and `fuota-test-01` examples allow to reset the NVM storage through the serial interface. In order to reset the NVM contents one must hit `ESC` + `N` keyboard keys on a serial terminal. The serial terminal will show the following after `ESC` + `N` keyboard keys are hit. After reseting the end-device the clean NVM will be used. ```text ESC + N NVM factory reset succeed PLEASE RESET THE END-DEVICE ``` ## Acknowledgments * The mbed (https://mbed.org/) project was used at the beginning as source of inspiration. * This program uses the AES algorithm implementation (http://www.gladman.me.uk/) by Brian Gladman. * This program uses the CMAC algorithm implementation (http://www.cse.chalmers.se/research/group/dcs/masters/contikisec/) by Lander Casado, Philippas Tsigas. * [The Things Industries](https://www.thethingsindustries.com/) for providing Microchip/Atmel SAMR34 platform and ATECC608A-TNGLORA secure-element support. * Tencent Blade Team for security breach findings and solving propositions.