# Copy variable into project config.cmake to use software component #set.board.frdmmcxn947 # # description: Board_project_template frdmmcxn947 # set(CONFIG_USE_BOARD_Project_Template_frdmmcxn947 true) #set.board.mcxn9xxevk # # description: Board_project_template mcxn9xxevk # set(CONFIG_USE_BOARD_Project_Template_mcxn9xxevk true) #set.device.MCXN947 # # description: Middleware baremetal # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_baremetal true) # # description: Used to include slave core binary into master core binary. # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_incbin true) # # description: Utilities which is needed for particular toolchain like the SBRK function required to address limitation between HEAP and STACK in GCC toolchain library. # set(CONFIG_USE_utilities_misc_utilities true) # # description: Simple Unit Testing for C # set(CONFIG_USE_utilities_unity true) # # description: RTT template configuration # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_rtt_template true) # # description: Wi-Fi module Tx power limits # set(CONFIG_USE_component_wifi_bt_module_tx_pwr_limits true) # # description: Wi-Fi and BT module configs # set(CONFIG_USE_component_wifi_bt_module_config true) # # description: Driver phy-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_phy-common true) # # description: Driver pf3000 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_pf3000 true) # # description: Driver pf1550 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_pf1550 true) # # description: Driver p3t1755 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_p3t1755 true) # # description: Driver mx25r_flash # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mx25r_flash true) # # description: mflash common # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mflash_common true) # # description: Driver nand_flash-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_nand_flash-common true) # # description: Driver nor_flash-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_nor_flash-common true) # # description: Devices_project_template MCXN947 # set(CONFIG_USE_DEVICES_Project_Template_MCXN947 true) # # description: Device MCXN947_startup # set(CONFIG_USE_device_MCXN947_startup true) # # description: Device MCXN947_system # set(CONFIG_USE_device_MCXN947_system true) # # description: Device MCXN947_cmsis # set(CONFIG_USE_device_MCXN947_CMSIS true) # # description: Rte_device # set(CONFIG_USE_RTE_Device true) # # description: Component serial_manager_uart # set(CONFIG_USE_component_serial_manager_uart true) # # description: Utility debug_console_lite # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_debug_console_lite true) # # description: Clock Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_clock true) # # description: EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_edma4 true) # # description: EDMA SOC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_edma_soc true) # # description: FLEXIO MCULCD EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_mculcd_edma true) # # description: FLEXIO MCULCD SMARTDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_mculcd_smartdma true) # # description: TRDC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_trdc_1 true) # # description: SAI EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_sai_edma true) # # description: LPUART EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpuart_edma true) # # description: LPSPI EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpspi_edma true) # # description: LPI2C EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpi2c_edma true) # # description: LPUART CMSIS Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cmsis_lpuart true) # # description: LPSPI CMSIS Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cmsis_lpspi true) # # description: LPI2C CMSIS Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cmsis_lpi2c true) # # description: FLEXCAN Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexcan_edma true) # # description: FLEXIO SPI EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_spi_edma true) # # description: FLEXIO UART EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_uart_edma true) # # description: PDM EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_pdm_edma true) # # description: Utility notifier # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_notifier true) # # description: Inputmux_connections Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_inputmux_connections true) # # description: Power driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_power true) # # description: COMMON Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_common true) # # description: Utility assert # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_assert true) # # description: Utility assert_lite # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_assert_lite true) # # description: Utility str # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_str true) # # description: Utility debug_console # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_debug_console true) # # description: SEGGER Real Time Transfer(RTT) # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_rtt true) # # description: SINC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_sinc true) # # description: TDET Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_tdet true) # # description: GDET Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_gdet true) # # description: WWDT Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_wwdt true) # # description: WUU Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_wuu true) # # description: VREF Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_vref_1 true) # # description: UTICK Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_utick true) # # description: USDHC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_usdhc true) # # description: TSI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_tsi_v6 true) # # description: SYSPM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_syspm true) # # description: SMARTCARD PHY EMVSIM, use only one SMARTCARD PHY in the project # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_smartcard_phy_emvsim true) # # description: SMARTCARD EMVSIM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_smartcard_emvsim true) # # description: SEMA42 Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_sema42 true) # # description: SCT Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_sctimer true) # # description: SAI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_sai true) # # description: Reset Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_reset true) # # description: PWM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_pwm true) # # description: PUFv3 Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_puf_v3 true) # # description: POWERQUAD Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_powerquad true) # # description: CMSIS DSP functions based on POWERQUAD # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_powerquad_cmsis true) # # description: PORT Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_port true) # # description: PLU Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_plu true) # # description: PINT Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_pint true) # # description: PDM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_pdm true) # # description: OSTimer Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ostimer true) # # description: OPAMP Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_opamp true) # # description: MRT Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mrt true) # # description: MCX VBAT Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mcx_vbat true) # # description: MCX SPC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mcx_spc true) # # description: ROMAPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flashiap true) # # description: ROMAPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mem_interface true) # # description: ROMAPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_runbootloader true) # # description: MCX ENET Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mcx_enet true) # # description: MCX_CMC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mcx_cmc true) # # description: MAILBOX Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mailbox true) # # description: LPTMR Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lptmr true) # # description: LPUART Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpuart true) # # description: LPSPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpspi true) # # description: LPI2C Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpi2c true) # # description: LPFLEXCOMM LPUART FreeRTOS Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpflexcomm_lpuart_freertos true) # # description: LPFLEXCOMM LPSPI FreeRTOS Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpflexcomm_lpspi_freertos true) # # description: LPFLEXCOMM LPI2C FreeRTOS Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpflexcomm_lpi2c_freertos true) # # description: LPFLEXCOMM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpflexcomm true) # # description: LPCMP Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpcmp true) # # description: lpc_freqme Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpc_freqme true) # # description: LPADC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpadc true) # # description: itrc Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_itrc true) # # description: IRTC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_irtc true) # # description: INTM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_intm true) # # description: INPUTMUX Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_inputmux true) # # description: I3C EDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_i3c_edma true) # # description: I3C Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_i3c true) # # description: GPIO Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_gpio true) # # description: FLEXSPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexspi_dma3 true) # # description: FLEXSPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexspi true) # # description: FLEXIO UART Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_uart true) # # description: FLEXIO SPI Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_spi true) # # description: FLEXIO MCULCD Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_mculcd true) # # description: FLEXIO I2C Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio_i2c_master true) # # description: FLEXIO Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexio true) # # description: FLEXCAN Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_flexcan true) # # description: EWM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ewm true) # # description: EVTG Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_evtg true) # # description: ERM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_erm true) # # description: QDC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_qdc true) # # description: EIM Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_eim true) # # description: DAC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_dac_1 true) # # description: DAC14 Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_dac14 true) # # description: CTimer Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ctimer true) # # description: CRC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_crc true) # # description: cdog Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cdog true) # # description: CACHE Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cache_lpcac true) # # description: CACHE Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cache_cache64 true) # # description: SMARTDMA Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_lpc_smartdma true) # # description: TRDC SOC Driver # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_trdc_soc true) # # description: Component power manager core level # set(CONFIG_USE_component_power_manager_core true) # # description: Component power manager Device Level # set(CONFIG_USE_component_power_manager_MCXN94x true) # # description: Driver camera-receiver-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_camera-receiver-common true) # # description: Driver camera-device-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_camera-device-common true) # # description: Driver camera-device-sccb # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_camera-device-sccb true) # # description: Driver camera-device-ov7670 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_camera-device-ov7670 true) # # description: Driver camera-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_camera-common true) # # description: Driver video-common # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_video-common true) # # description: Driver dbi # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_dbi true) # # description: Driver dbi_flexio_edma # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_dbi_flexio_edma true) # # description: Driver dbi_flexio_smartdma # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_dbi_flexio_smartdma true) # # description: Component lpuart_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_lpuart_adapter true) # # description: Component lpuart_dma_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_lpuart_dma_adapter true) # # description: Component timer_manager # set(CONFIG_USE_component_timer_manager true) # # description: Component ctimer_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_ctimer_adapter true) # # description: Component lptmr_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_lptmr_adapter true) # # description: Component mrt_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mrt_adapter true) # # description: Component ostimer_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_ostimer_adapter true) # # description: Driver st7796s # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_st7796s true) # # description: Driver ssd1963 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ssd1963 true) # # description: Component lpspi_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_lpspi_adapter true) # # description: Driver silicon_id # set(CONFIG_USE_component_silicon_id true) # # description: Utility shell # set(CONFIG_USE_utility_shell true) # # description: Component serial_manager # set(CONFIG_USE_component_serial_manager true) # # description: Component serial_manager_spi # set(CONFIG_USE_component_serial_manager_spi true) # # description: Component serial_manager_usb_cdc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_serial_manager_usb_cdc true) # # description: Component serial_manager_virtual # set(CONFIG_USE_component_serial_manager_virtual true) # # description: Component serial_manager_swo # set(CONFIG_USE_component_serial_manager_swo true) # # description: Component software_rng_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_software_rng_adapter true) # # description: Component reset_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_reset_adapter true) # # description: Component pwm_ctimer_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_pwm_ctimer_adapter true) # # description: Driver phy-device-lan8741 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_phy-device-lan8741 true) # # description: Component panic # set(CONFIG_USE_component_panic true) # # description: Driver mma8652fc # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mma8652fc true) # # description: Driver mma8451q # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_mma8451q true) # # description: Component mem_manager # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mem_manager true) # # description: Component mem_manager_light # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mem_manager_light true) # # description: Component mem_manager_freertos # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mem_manager_freertos true) # # description: Component log # set(CONFIG_USE_component_log true) # # description: Component log backend debug console # set(CONFIG_USE_component_log_backend_debugconsole true) # # description: Component log backend debug console lite # set(CONFIG_USE_component_log_backend_debugconsole_lite true) # # description: Component log backend ring buffer # set(CONFIG_USE_component_log_backend_ringbuffer true) # # description: Component lists # set(CONFIG_USE_component_lists true) # # description: Component led # set(CONFIG_USE_component_led true) # # description: Driver ili9341 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ili9341 true) # # description: Component i3c_bus # set(CONFIG_USE_component_i3c_bus true) # # description: Component i3c_bus_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_i3c_bus_adapter true) # # description: Component lpi2c_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_lpi2c_adapter true) # # description: Component i3c_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_i3c_adapter true) # # description: Component gpio_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_gpio_adapter true) # # description: Driver fxos8700cq # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_fxos8700cq true) # # description: Driver ft6x06 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ft6x06 true) # # description: Driver gt911 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_gt911 true) # # description: Driver ft5406_rt # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ft5406_rt true) # # description: Driver ft5406 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_ft5406 true) # # description: mflash file # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mflash_file true) # # description: dummy file for overwriting mflash when dowloading # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mflash_dummy true) # # description: mflash mcxnx4x # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mflash_mcxnx4x_onchip true) # # description: mflash mcxnx4x # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mflash_mcxnx4x_onchip_fmu true) # # description: mflash mcxnx4x_flexspi # set(CONFIG_USE_component_mflash_mcxnx4x_flexspi true) # # description: Driver nand_flash-controller-flexspi # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_nand_flash-controller-flexspi true) # # description: Driver nor_flash-controller-flexspi # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_nor_flash-controller-flexspi true) # # description: Driver nor_flash-controller-lpspi # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_nor_flash-controller-lpspi true) # # description: Component crc_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_crc_adapter true) # # description: Component software_crc_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_software_crc_adapter true) # # description: Driver wm8960 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_wm8960 true) # # description: Driver wm8904 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_wm8904 true) # # description: Driver sgtl5000 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_sgtl5000 true) # # description: Component codec_i2c # set(CONFIG_USE_component_codec_i2c true) # # description: Driver dialog7212 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_dialog7212 true) # # description: Driver cs42888 # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_cs42888 true) # # description: Driver codec # set(CONFIG_USE_driver_codec true) # # description: Component codec adapters for multi codec # set(CONFIG_USE_component_codec_adapters true) # # description: Component wm8904 adapter for single codec # set(CONFIG_USE_component_wm8904_adapter true) # # description: Component wm8960 adapter for single codecs # set(CONFIG_USE_component_wm8960_adapter true) # # description: Component cs42888 adapter for single codec # set(CONFIG_USE_component_cs42888_adapter true) # # description: Component sgtl5000 adapter for single codec # set(CONFIG_USE_component_sgtl_adapter true) # # description: Component da7212 adapter for single codec # set(CONFIG_USE_component_da7212_adapter true) # # description: Component button # set(CONFIG_USE_component_button true) # # description: Component sai_edma_adapter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_audio_sai_edma_adapter true) # # description: BOARD_Project_Template frdmmcxn947_a8974 # set(CONFIG_USE_BOARD_Project_Template_frdmmcxn947_a8974 true) # # description: BOARD_Project_Template mcxn9xxevk_a8974 # set(CONFIG_USE_BOARD_Project_Template_mcxn9xxevk_a8974 true) #set.CMSIS # # description: CMSIS-CORE for Cortex-M, ARMv8-M, ARMv8.1-M # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Include_core_cm true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_USART.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_USART true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_CAN.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_CAN true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_ETH.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_Ethernet true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_ETH_MAC.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_Ethernet_MAC true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_ETH_PHY.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_Ethernet_PHY true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_Flash.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_Flash true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_I2C.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_I2C true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_MCI.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_MCI true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_NAND.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_NAND true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_SAI.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_SAI true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_SPI.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_SPI true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_USBD.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_USB_Device true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_USBH.h file for custom implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_USB_Host true) # # description: Access to #include Driver_WiFi.h file # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Driver_Include_WiFi true) # # description: Device interrupt controller interface # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Device_API_OSTick true) # # description: CMSIS-RTOS API for Cortex-M, SC000, and SC300 # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_Device_API_RTOS2 true) # # description: CMSIS-RTOS2 RTX5 for Cortex-M, SC000, C300 and Armv8-M (Library) # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_RTOS2_Secure true) # # description: CMSIS-RTOS2 RTX5 for Armv8-M Non-Secure Domain (Library) # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_RTOS2_NonSecure true) #set.CMSIS_DSP_Lib # # description: CMSIS-DSP Library Header # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_DSP_Include true) # # description: CMSIS-DSP Library # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_DSP_Source true) # # description: CMSIS-NN Library # set(CONFIG_USE_CMSIS_NN_Source true) #set.middleware.freertos-kernel # # description: FreeRTOS NXP extension # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_extension true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. Provides also memory allocator (heap_x), change variant if needed. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_template true) # # description: FreeRTOS kernel # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel true) # # description: FreeRTOS cm33 non trustzone port # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_cm33_non_trustzone true) # # description: FreeRTOS cm33 secure port # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_cm33_trustzone_non_secure true) # # description: FreeRTOS heap 1 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_heap_1 true) # # description: FreeRTOS heap 2 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_heap_2 true) # # description: FreeRTOS heap 3 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_heap_3 true) # # description: FreeRTOS heap 4 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_heap_4 true) # # description: FreeRTOS heap 5 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_heap_5 true) # # description: new V2 FreeRTOS MPU wrappers introduced in V10.6.0 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_mpu_wrappers_v2 true) # # description: old FreeRTOS MPU wrappers used before V10.6.0 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_mpu_wrappers true) # # description: FreeRTOS cm33 TrustZone secure port # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_cm33_trustzone_secure_context true) # # description: FreeRTOS Secure Context # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_freertos-kernel_cm33_trustzone_secure true) #set.middleware.usb # # description: USB device phydcd config header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_phydcd_config_header true) # # description: USB device hsdcd config header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_hsdcd_config_header true) # # description: Middleware usb host khci # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_khci true) # # description: Middleware usb host ehci # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_ehci true) # # description: Middleware usb host audio # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_audio true) # # description: Middleware usb host cdc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_cdc true) # # description: Middleware usb host cdc_ecm # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_cdc_ecm true) # # description: Middleware usb host cdc_rndis # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_cdc_rndis true) # # description: Middleware usb host hid # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_hid true) # # description: Middleware usb host msd # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_msd true) # # description: Middleware usb host video # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_video true) # # description: Middleware usb host phdc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_phdc true) # # description: Middleware usb host printer # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_printer true) # # description: Middleware usb host common_header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_common_header true) # # description: USB host khci config header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_khci_config_header true) # # description: USB host ehci config header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_ehci_config_header true) # # description: Middleware usb host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_host_stack true) # # description: USB device khci config header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_khci_config_header true) # # description: USB device ehci config header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_ehci_config_header true) # # description: Middleware usb common_header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_common_header true) # # description: Middleware usb device common_header # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_common_header true) # # description: Middleware usb device khci # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_khci true) # # description: Middleware usb device ehci # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_ehci true) # # description: Middleware usb phy # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_phy true) # # description: Middleware usb device stack external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_stack_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device audio external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_audio_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device cdc external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_cdc_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device cdc rndis external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_cdc_rndis_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device hid external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_hid_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device dfu external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_dfu_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device msd external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_msd_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device phdc external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_phdc_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device video external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_video_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device ccid external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_ccid_external true) # # description: Middleware usb device printer external # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_printer_external true) # # description: Middleware usb HSDCD (Select manually if needed) # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_hsdcd true) # # description: Middleware usb device controller driver # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_usb_device_controller_driver true) #set.middleware.sdmmc # # description: Middleware sdmmc common # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_common true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_sdhc_template true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_sdif_template true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_usdhc_template true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc osa_bm # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_osa_bm true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc osa_freertos # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_osa_freertos true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc osa_azurertos # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_osa_azurertos true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc sd # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_sd true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc mmc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_mmc true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc sdio # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_sdio true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc host usdhc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_host_usdhc true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc host usdhc freertos # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_host_usdhc_freertos true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc host usdhc interrupt # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_host_usdhc_interrupt true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc host usdhc polling # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_host_usdhc_polling true) # # description: Middleware sdmmc host usdhc azurertos # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_host_usdhc_azurertos true) # # description: SDMMC host controller cache dependency # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_sdmmc_host_usdhc_cache true) #set.middleware.multicore # # description: RPMsg-Lite BM environment sources # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_bm true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite FreeRTOS environment sources # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_freertos true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite XOS environment layer sources # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_xos true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite Azure RTOS environment sources # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_azurertos true) # # description: Multicore SDK # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite Zephyr environment sources # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_zephyr true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite for mcxnx10 baremetal application # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_mcxnx4x_bm true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite for mcxnx10 FreeRTOS application # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_mcxnx4x_freertos true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite baremetal for mcxnx10 boards # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_bm_config_mcxnx4x true) # # description: RPMsg-Lite FreeRTOS for mcxnx10 boards # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_rpmsg_lite_freertos_config_mcxnx4x true) # # description: MCMgr # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_mcmgr true) # # description: Multicore Manager for MCX NX4X board # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_mcmgr_mcxnx4x true) # # description: eRPC # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common true) # # description: eRPC_arbitrator # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_arbitrator true) # # description: eRPC_client # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_client true) # # description: eRPC_server # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_server true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_tty_rtos_remote_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_tty_rtos_remote_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_mu_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_mu_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_lite_master_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_lite_master_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_lite_remote_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_lite_remote_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_lite_rtos_master_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_lite_rtos_master_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_lite_rtos_remote_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_lite_rtos_remote_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_dspi_master_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_dspi_master_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_dspi_slave_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_dspi_slave_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_spi_master_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_spi_master_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_spi_slave_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_spi_slave_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_lpspi_slave_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_lpspi_slave_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_i2c_slave_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_i2c_slave_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_lpi2c_slave_c_wrapper # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_lpi2c_slave_c_wrapper true) # # description: eRPC_mu_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_mu_transport true) # # description: eRPC_mu_rtos_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_mu_rtos_transport true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_lite_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_lite_transport true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_lite_rtos_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_lite_rtos_transport true) # # description: eRPC_rpmsg_tty_rtos_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_rpmsg_tty_rtos_transport true) # # description: eRPC_uart_cmsis_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_uart_cmsis_transport true) # # description: eRPC_dspi_master_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_dspi_master_transport true) # # description: eRPC_dspi_slave_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_dspi_slave_transport true) # # description: eRPC_spi_master_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_spi_master_transport true) # # description: eRPC_spi_slave_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_spi_slave_transport true) # # description: eRPC_lpspi_slave_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_lpspi_slave_transport true) # # description: eRPC_i2c_slave_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_i2c_slave_transport true) # # description: eRPC_lpi2c_slave_transport # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_lpi2c_slave_transport true) # # description: eRPC_port_freertos # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_port_freertos true) # # description: eRPC_port_stdlib # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_eRPC_port_stdlib true) # # description: erpc_doc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_doc true) # # description: erpc_zephyr # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_zephyr true) # # description: erpc_java # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_java true) # # description: erpc_examples # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_examples true) # # description: eRPC # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc true) # # description: erpc multiprocessor examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_multiprocessor true) # # description: erpc multiprocessor matrix_multiply_client examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_multiprocessor_matrix_multiply_client true) # # description: erpc multiprocessor matrix_multiply_server examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_multiprocessor_matrix_multiply_server true) # # description: erpc examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_multicore true) # # description: erpc matrix_multiply_client examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_multicore_matrix_multiply_client true) # # description: erpc matrix_multiply_server examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_multicore_matrix_multiply_server true) # # description: erpc erpc_two_way_rpc_core0 examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_two_way_rpc_core0 true) # # description: erpc erpc_two_way_rpc_core1 examples common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_multicore_erpc_common_two_way_rpc_core1 true) #set.middleware.mcuboot # # description: mcuboot # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mcuboot true) # # description: TinyCrypt fork in MCUBoot repository # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mcuboot_tinycrypt true) # # description: Encrypted XIP abstraction for MCUBoot # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mcuboot_encrypted_xip true) # # description: MCUBoot's subset of MbedTLS for ASN.1 parsing # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mcuboot_mbedtls-asn1 true) # # description: mcuboot # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mcuboot_bootutil true) #set.middleware.mbedtls # # description: mbedTLS Template # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls_template true) # # description: els_pkc config # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls_els_pkc_config true) # # description: mbedTLS test suite # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls_tests true) # # description: mbedTLS 3rdparty code # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls_3rdparty true) # # description: mbedTLS port library for ELS and PKC # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls_port_els_pkc true) # # description: mbedTLS port library for ELS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls_port_els true) # # description: mbedTLS library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_mbedtls true) #set.middleware.maestro_framework # # description: maestro_framework template # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_template true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Doc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_doc true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Codecs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_codecs true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Streamer Core # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Opus # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_opus true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Opusfile # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_opusfile true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Ogg # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_ogg true) # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework ASRC # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_maestro_framework_asrc true) #set.middleware.lwip # # description: lwIP Template # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_template true) # # description: Empty ethernet interface # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_empty_ethernetif true) # # description: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP Stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip true) # # description: EtherCAT EOE ethernet interface # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_eoe_ethernetif true) # # description: MCX ethernet interface # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_mcx_ethernetif true) # # description: USB network layer # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_usb_ethernetif true) # # description: lwIP HTTP Daemon Implementation Support Files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_httpd_support true) # # description: lwIP HTTP Daemon # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_httpd true) # # description: lwIP HTTP Server Implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_httpsrv true) # # description: lwIP HTTPS Server Implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_httpssrv true) # # description: lwIP mDNS Implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_mdns true) # # description: lwIP IPERF Implementation # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_lwiperf true) # # description: lwIP MQTT Client # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_mqtt true) # # description: lwIP SNTP # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_apps_sntp true) # # description: lwIP Ping Sender contrib # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_contrib_ping true) # # description: lwIP TCP Echo contrib # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_contrib_tcpecho true) # # description: lwIP TCP Echo Raw API contrib # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_contrib_tcpecho_raw true) # # description: lwIP UDP Echo contrib # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_contrib_udpecho true) # # description: lwIP UDP Echo Raw API contrib # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_lwip_contrib_udpecho_raw true) #set.middleware.littlefs # # description: littlefs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_littlefs true) #set.middleware.wifi # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_wifi_bt_config_template true) # # description: NXP Wi-Fi Interface Abstraction Layer # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_fwdnld_intf_abs true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_template true) # # description: NXP WLAN OSA # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_osa_free_rtos true) # # description: NXP WLAN OSA # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_osa_thread true) # # description: NXP WLAN OSA # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_osa true) # # description: NXP WLAN common files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_common_files true) # # description: NXP WLAN f/w dnld driver # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_fwdnld true) # # description: NXP WLAN OSA # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_net_free_rtos true) # # description: NXP WLAN OSA # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_net_thread true) # # description: NXP WLAN OSA # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_net true) # # description: NXP Wi-Fi driver # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_wifidriver true) # # description: NXP Wi-Fi functionality enables customers to quickly develop applications of interest to add connectivity to different sensors and appliances # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi true) # # description: NXP Wi-Fi SDIO driver # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_sdio true) # # description: NXP Wi-Fi SDIO driver # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_mlan_sdio true) # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi CLI # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_cli true) # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi WMCRYPTO # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_wmcrypto true) # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi WMTIME # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_wmtime true) # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi WPS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_wps true) # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi NCP_SUPP_WMCRYPTO # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_ncp_supp_wmcrypto true) # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi Location Service # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wifi_wls true) # # description: Edgefast Wi-Fi NXP is a blocking layer for Wi-Fi NXP # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_wifi_nxp true) #set.component.osa # # description: Component osa_zephyr # set(CONFIG_USE_component_osa_zephyr true) # # description: Component osa_bm # set(CONFIG_USE_component_osa_bm true) # # description: Component osa_free_rtos # set(CONFIG_USE_component_osa_free_rtos true) # # description: Component osa # set(CONFIG_USE_component_osa true) # # description: Component osa interface # set(CONFIG_USE_component_osa_interface true) # # description: Component osa thread # set(CONFIG_USE_component_osa_thread true) # # description: Component common_task # set(CONFIG_USE_component_common_task true) #set.component.psa_crypto_driver # # description: OS Abstraction Layer for PSA crypto driver # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_osal true) # # description: Oracle of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_els_pkc_oracle true) # # description: Common files of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_els_pkc_common true) # # description: Transparent part of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_els_pkc_transparent true) # # description: Opaque part of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_els_pkc_opaque true) # # description: Common files of PSA crypto driver for ele_s200 # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_ele_s200_common true) # # description: Transparent part of PSA crypto driver for ele_s200 # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_ele_s200_transparent true) # # description: OS Abstraction Layer for PSA crypto driver on FreeRTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_osal_frtos true) # # description: OS Abstraction Layer for PSA crypto driver on bare metal # set(CONFIG_USE_component_psa_crypto_driver_osal_baremetal true) #set.component.els_pkc # # description: Component els_pkc.core # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_core true) # # description: Component els_header_only # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_els_header_only true) # # description: Component els_pkc.pre_processor # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_pre_processor true) # # description: Component els_pkc.data_integrity # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_data_integrity true) # # description: Component els_pkc.secure_counter # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_secure_counter true) # # description: Component els_pkc toolchain # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_toolchain true) # # description: Component els_pkc.doc.mcxn # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_doc_mcxn true) # # description: Component els_pkc static_lib MCXN # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_static_lib_mcxn true) # # description: Component els pkc common # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_common true) # # description: Component els_pkc.aead # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_aead true) # # description: Component els_pkc.aead_modes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_aead_modes true) # # description: Component aes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_aes true) # # description: Component buffer # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_buffer true) # # description: Component els_pkc.cipher # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_cipher true) # # description: Component els_pkc.cipher # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_cipher_modes true) # # description: Component crc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_crc true) # # description: Component els_pkc.ecc_deterministic # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_ecc_deterministic true) # # description: Component els_pkc.ecc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_ecc true) # # description: Component els_pkc els_common # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_els_common true) # # description: Component els_pkc standalone_gdet # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_standalone_gdet true) # # description: Component els # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_els true) # # description: Component glikey # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_glikey true) # # description: Component els_pkc.hash # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_hash true) # # description: Component els_pkc.hashmodes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_hashmodes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.hmac # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_hmac true) # # description: Component els_pkc.key_derivation # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_key_derivation true) # # description: Component els_pkc.key # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_key true) # # description: Component els_pkc.mac # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_mac true) # # description: Component els_pkc.mac_modes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_mac_modes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.math # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_math true) # # description: Component els_pkc.memory # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_memory true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_aeadmodes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_aeadmodes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_ciphermodes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_ciphermodes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_macmodes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_macmodes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_pkc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_pkc true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_randommodes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_randommodes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_safo # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_safo true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_sm2 # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_sm2 true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_sm3 # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_sm3 true) # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_sm4 # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_oscca_sm4 true) # # description: Component els_pkc.padding # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_padding true) # # description: Component pkc # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_pkc true) # # description: Component prng # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_prng true) # # description: Component els_pkc_psa_driver # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_psa_driver true) # # description: Component els_pkc.random # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_random true) # # description: Component els_pkc.random_modes_hmacdrbg # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_random_modes_hmacdrbg true) # # description: Component els_pkc.random_modes # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_random_modes true) # # description: Component els_pkc.random_modes_ctr # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_random_modes_ctr true) # # description: Component els_pkc.rsa_oaep # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_rsa_oaep true) # # description: Component els_pkc.rsa # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_rsa true) # # description: Component els_pkc.session # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_session true) # # description: Component els_pkc.signature # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_signature true) # # description: Component els_pkc.trng # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_trng true) # # description: Component els_pkc.trng.type_els # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_trng_type_els true) # # description: Component els_pkc.trng.type_rng4 # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_trng_type_rng4 true) # # description: Component els_pkc.flow_protection # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_flow_protection true) # # description: Component els_pkc.param_integrity # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_param_integrity true) # # description: Component els_pkc of Crypto Lib # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc true) # # description: Component els_pkc_mcxn # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_platform_mcxn true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_memory true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_flow_protection true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_rsa true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_random_modes true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_mac_modes true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_key true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_hmac true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_hash_modes true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_els true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_ecc true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_aead true) # # description: Component els_pkc_test # set(CONFIG_USE_component_els_pkc_examples_cipher_modes true) #set.middleware.eiq # # description: Flatbuffers library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_flatbuffers true) # # description: Gemmlowp library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_gemmlowp true) # # description: Ruy library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_ruy true) # # description: General Purpose FFT (Fast Fourier/Cosine/Sine Transform) Package # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_fft2d true) # # description: A mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_kissfft true) # # description: CMSIS-NN library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_cmsis_nn true) # # description: TensorFlow Lite Micro library with reference kernel implementations # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_reference true) # # description: TensorFlow Lite Micro library with CMSIS-NN kernel implementations # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_cmsis_nn true) # # description: TensorFlow Lite Micro library binary with core specific kernel implementations # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_binary true) # # description: Neutron library binary # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_third_party_neutron_lib_binary true) # # description: Neutron kernel implementations for TensorFlow Lite Micro # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_neutron true) # # description: TensorFlow Lite Micro library header files # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_headers true) # # description: TensorFlow Lite Micro library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro true) # # description: TensorFlow Lite Micro word detection library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_tensorflow_lite_micro_examples_microspeech true) # # description: Multimedia Processing Pipelines Library # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_eiq_mpp true) #set.middleware.edgefast_bluetooth # # description: edgefast_bluetooth configuration template for LE audio # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_config_template true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.cap # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_cap true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.aics # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_aics true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.vocs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_vocs true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.csis # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_csip true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.ccid # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_ccid true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.baps # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_bap true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.has # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_has true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.tbs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_tbs true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.tmap # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_tmap true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.gmap # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_gmap true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.pbp # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_pbp true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL configuration template # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_config_template true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth ind_reset # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_controller_ind_reset true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth liblc3codec # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_liblc3codec true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth asrc_sw # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_asrc_sw true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_sdio_template_mcxn9xxevk true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_mcux_linker_template_mcxn9xxevk true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth Abstraction Layer # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_pal true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth HCI # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_common_ethermind_hci true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth HCI UART # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_common_ethermind_hci_uart true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_common_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_common_ethermind_lc3 true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth wifi_nxp controller # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_wifi_nxp_controller_base true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth configuration for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_config_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth extension for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_extension_common_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR and BLE) # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_btble_ethermind_cm33 true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BLE only) # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_ble_ethermind_cm33 true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR only) # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_br_ethermind_cm33 true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.vcs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_vcp true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.micp # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_micp true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.mcs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_mcs true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.mcc # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_mcc true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.mpl # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_mpl true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.bass # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_le_audio_bass true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile hrs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_hrs true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile bas # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_bas true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile dis # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_dis true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile hts # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_hts true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile ias # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_ias true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile hps # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_hps true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile pxr # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_pxr true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile ipsp # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_ipsp true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile ots # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_ots true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile wu # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_wu true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile fmp # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_fmp true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile tip # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_profile_tip true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL crypto support for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_pal_crypto_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL platform for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_pal_platform_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth host_msd_fatfs for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_pal_host_msd_fatfs_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth db_gen for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_pal_db_gen_ethermind true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.atomic # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_porting_atomic true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.list # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_porting_list true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.netbuf # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_porting_net true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.toolchain # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_porting_toolchain true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.work_queue # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_porting_work_queue true) # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_template true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_porting true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth shell # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_shell true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth shell # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_shell_le_audio true) # # description: edgefast_bluetooth shell_ble # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_shell_ble true) # # description: btble libraries for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_btble_ethermind_lib_cm33 true) # # description: BR libraries for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_br_ethermind_lib_cm33 true) # # description: BLE libraries for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_ble_ethermind_lib_cm33 true) # # description: btble libraries for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_btble_ethermind_lib_lc3_cm33 true) # # description: BR libraries for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_br_ethermind_lib_lc3_cm33 true) # # description: BLE libraries for bt_ble Host stack # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth_ble_ethermind_lib_lc3_cm33 true) #set.middleware.azure_rtos # # description: Azure RTOS Core # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx_template true) # # description: Azure RTOS Core # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx_mgr_template true) # # description: Real Time Operating System Kernel # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx_lib true) # # description: Real Time Operating System Kernel # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx_mgr_lib true) # # description: Real Time Operating System Kernel # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_txm_lib true) # # description: A file system based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_fx_template true) # # description: A file system based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_fx_lib true) # # description: A GUI library based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_gx_lib true) # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_nxd_template true) # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_nxd_lib true) # # description: A USB library based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_template true) # # description: Azure RTOS USBX Host Controller EHCI # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_ehci true) # # description: Azure RTOS USBX Host Controller OHCI # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_ohci true) # # description: Azure RTOS USBX Host Controller IP3516 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_ip3516 true) # # description: Azure RTOS USBX Device Controller IP3511 # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_ip3511 true) # # description: Azure RTOS USBX Device Controller for i.MX RT # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_dci true) # # description: A USB library based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_lib true) # # description: Azure RTOS Core # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx true) # # description: Azure RTOS Core # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx_mgr true) # # description: Azure RTOS Core # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_tx_sp true) # # description: A file system based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_fx true) # # description: A file system based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_fx_sp true) # # description: A GUI library based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_gx true) # # description: LevelX provides NAND and NOR flash wear leveling facilities to embedded applications # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_lx true) # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_nxd true) # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_nxd_sp true) # # description: Azure NetX Duo driver based on i.MXRT series # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_netxduo_imxrt true) # # description: A USB library based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux true) # # description: A USB library based on azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_ux_sp true) # # description: A software package that connects to the IoT Hub through Azure RTOS # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_azure_rtos_azure_iot true) #set.middleware.fatfs # # description: FatFs # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs true) # # description: FatFs_MMC # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_mmc true) # # description: FatFs_RAM # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_ram true) # # description: FatFs_SD # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_sd true) # # description: FatFs template MMC # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_template_mmc true) # # description: FatFs template RAM # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_template_ram true) # # description: FatFs template SD # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_template_sd true) # # description: FatFs template USB # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_template_usb true) # # description: FatFs_USB # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_fatfs_usb true) #set.middleware.wireless.wpa_supplicant # # description: Wpa supplicant rtos # set(CONFIG_USE_middleware_wireless_wpa_supplicant_rtos true) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/. ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../components/els_pkc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../components/osa ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../components/power_manager/devices/MCXN947 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../components/psa_crypto_driver ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/edgefast_bluetooth ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/eiq ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/fatfs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/littlefs ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/lwip ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/maestro ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/mbedtls ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/mcuboot_opensource ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/multicore ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/sdmmc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/usb ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/wifi_nxp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../middleware/wireless/wpa_supplicant-rtos ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../rtos/azure-rtos ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../rtos/freertos/freertos-kernel ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/drivers ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/project_template ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/template ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../CMSIS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../boards/frdmmcxn947 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../boards/mcxn9xxevk ) include(set_board_frdmmcxn947 OPTIONAL) include(set_device_MCXN947 OPTIONAL) include(set_board_mcxn9xxevk OPTIONAL) include(set_CMSIS_DSP_Lib OPTIONAL) include(set_CMSIS OPTIONAL) include(set_component_osa OPTIONAL) include(set_component_els_pkc OPTIONAL) include(set_component_psa_crypto_driver OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_azure_rtos OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_edgefast_bluetooth OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_wifi OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_eiq OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_fatfs OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_freertos-kernel OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_littlefs OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_lwip OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_maestro_framework OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_mbedtls OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_mcuboot OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_multicore OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_sdmmc OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_usb OPTIONAL) include(set_middleware_wireless_wpa_supplicant OPTIONAL)