/* * Copyright 2019-2020 NXP * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "fsl_common.h" #include "clock_config.h" #include "fsl_audiomix.h" /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /* Fractional PLLs: Fout = ((mainDiv+dsm/65536) * refSel) / (preDiv * 2^ postDiv) */ /* AUDIO PLL1 configuration */ const ccm_analog_frac_pll_config_t g_audioPll1Config = { .refSel = kANALOG_PllRefOsc24M, /*!< PLL reference OSC24M */ .mainDiv = 262U, .dsm = 9437U, .preDiv = 2U, .postDiv = 3U, /*!< AUDIO PLL1 frequency = 393216000HZ */ }; /* AUDIO PLL2 configuration */ const ccm_analog_frac_pll_config_t g_audioPll2Config = { .refSel = kANALOG_PllRefOsc24M, /*!< PLL reference OSC24M */ .mainDiv = 361U, .dsm = 17511U, .preDiv = 3U, .postDiv = 3U, /*!< AUDIO PLL2 frequency = 361267200HZ */ }; /* AUDIOMIX SAI PLL configuration */ const ccm_analog_frac_pll_config_t g_saiPLLConfig = { .refSel = kANALOG_PllRefOsc24M, /*!< PLL reference OSC24M */ .mainDiv = 361U, .dsm = 17511U, .preDiv = 3U, .postDiv = 3U, /*!< SAI PLL frequency = 361267200HZ */ }; /* Integer PLLs: Fout = (mainDiv * refSel) / (preDiv * 2^ postDiv) */ /* SYSTEM PLL1 configuration */ const ccm_analog_integer_pll_config_t g_sysPll1Config = { .refSel = kANALOG_PllRefOsc24M, /*!< PLL reference OSC24M */ .mainDiv = 400U, .preDiv = 3U, .postDiv = 2U, /*!< SYSTEM PLL1 frequency = 800MHZ */ }; /* SYSTEM PLL2 configuration */ const ccm_analog_integer_pll_config_t g_sysPll2Config = { .refSel = kANALOG_PllRefOsc24M, /*!< PLL reference OSC24M */ .mainDiv = 250U, .preDiv = 3U, .postDiv = 1U, /*!< SYSTEM PLL2 frequency = 1000MHZ */ }; /* SYSTEM PLL3 configuration */ const ccm_analog_integer_pll_config_t g_sysPll3Config = { .refSel = kANALOG_PllRefOsc24M, /*!< PLL reference OSC24M */ .mainDiv = 300, .preDiv = 3U, .postDiv = 2U, /*!< SYSTEM PLL3 frequency = 600MHZ */ }; /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ void BOARD_BootClockRUN(void) { /* * The following steps just show how to configure the PLL clock sources using the clock driver on M7 core side . * Please note that the ROM has already configured the SYSTEM PLL1 to 800Mhz when power up the SOC, meanwhile A core * would enable SYSTEM PLL1, SYSTEM PLL2 and SYSTEM PLL3 by U-Boot. * Therefore, there is no need to configure the system PLL again on M7 side, otherwise it would have a risk to make * the SOC hang. */ /* switch AHB NOC root to 24M first in order to configure the SYSTEM PLL1. */ CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootAhb, kCLOCK_AhbRootmuxOsc24M); /* switch AXI M7 root to 24M first in order to configure the SYSTEM PLL2. */ CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootM7, kCLOCK_M7RootmuxOsc24M); // CLOCK_InitSysPll2(&g_sysPll2Config); /* init SYSTEM PLL2 run at 1000MHZ */ // CLOCK_InitSysPll3(&g_sysPll3Config); /* init SYSTEM PLL3 run at 600MHZ */ CLOCK_InitAudioPll1(&g_audioPll1Config); /* init AUDIO PLL1 run at 393216000HZ */ CLOCK_InitAudioPll2(&g_audioPll2Config); /* init AUDIO PLL2 run at 361267200HZ */ CLOCK_SetRootDivider(kCLOCK_RootM7, 1U, 1U); /* Set root clock to 800M */ CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootM7, kCLOCK_M7RootmuxSysPll1); /* switch cortex-m7 to SYSTEM PLL1 */ // CLOCK_SetRootDivider(kCLOCK_RootQspi, 1U, 2U); /* Set root clock to 800M */ // CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootM7, kCLOCK_M7RootmuxSysPll1); /* switch QSPI to SYSTEM PLL1 */ CLOCK_SetRootDivider(kCLOCK_RootAhb, 1U, 1U); /* Set root clock freq to 133M / 1= 133MHZ */ CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootAhb, kCLOCK_AhbRootmuxSysPll1Div6); /* switch AHB to SYSTEM PLL1 DIV6 */ CLOCK_SetRootDivider(kCLOCK_RootAudioAhb, 1U, 2U); /* Set root clock freq to 800MHZ/ 2= 400MHZ*/ CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootAudioAhb, kCLOCK_AudioAhbRootmuxSysPll1); /* switch AUDIO AHB to SYSTEM PLL1 */ CLOCK_SetRootMux(kCLOCK_RootUart4, kCLOCK_UartRootmuxSysPll1Div10); /* Set UART source to SysPLL1 Div10 80MHZ */ CLOCK_SetRootDivider(kCLOCK_RootUart4, 1U, 1U); /* Set root clock to 80MHZ/ 1= 80MHZ */ CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Rdc); /* Enable RDC clock */ CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Ocram); /* Enable Ocram clock */ CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Audio); /* Enable Audio clock to power on the audiomix domain*/ /* The purpose to enable the following modules clock is to make sure the M7 core could work normally when A53 core * enters the low power status.*/ CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Sim_m); CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Sim_main); CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Sim_s); CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Sim_wakeup); CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Debug); CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Dram); CLOCK_EnableClock(kCLOCK_Sec_Debug); /* Power up the audiomix domain by M7 core.*/ GPC->PGC_CPU_M7_MAPPING |= 1U << GPC_PGC_CPU_M7_MAPPING_AUDIOMIX_DOMAIN_SHIFT; /* Map the audiomix domain to M7 */ GPC->PU_PGC_SW_PUP_REQ |= 1U << GPC_PU_PGC_SW_PUP_REQ_AUDIOMIX_SW_PUP_REQ_SHIFT; /* Software request to trigger power up the domain */ while(GPC->PU_PGC_SW_PUP_REQ & (1U << GPC_PU_PGC_SW_PUP_REQ_AUDIOMIX_SW_PUP_REQ_SHIFT)); /* Waiting the GPC_PU_PGC_SW_PUP_REQ_AUDIOMIX_SW_PUP_REQ bit self-cleared after power up */ /* Do the handshake to make sure the NOC bus ready after power up the AUDIOMIX domain. */ GPC->PU_PWRHSK |= 1U << GPC_PU_PWRHSK_GPC_AUDIOMIX_NOC_PWRDNREQN_SHIFT; while(!(GPC->PU_PWRHSK & (1U << GPC_PU_PWRHSK_GPC_AUDIOMIX_PWRDNACKN_SHIFT))) ; AUDIOMIX_InitAudioPll(AUDIOMIX, &g_saiPLLConfig); /* init SAI PLL run at 361267200HZ */ /* Update core clock */ SystemCoreClockUpdate(); }