Nordic Semiconductor Nordic nrf54l15_enga_application nrf54l 1 System-on-chip with a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M33 microcontroller Copyright (c) 2010 - 2023, Nordic Semiconductor ASA All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 8 32 32 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF NRF_ CM33 r0p4 little 1 1 3 0 176 4 system_nrf54l15_enga_application 480 GLOBAL_FICR_NS Factory Information Configuration Registers 0x00FFC000 FICR 0 0x1000 registers FICR 0x20 INFO Device info FICR_INFO read-write 0x300 CONFIGID Configuration identifier 0x000 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 HWID Identification number for the HW 0 15 0x2 0x4 DEVICEID[%s] Description collection: Device identifier 0x004 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 DEVICEID 64 bit unique device identifier 0 31 0x4 0x4 UUID[%s] Description collection: 128-bit Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID). 0x00C read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 UUID Device UUID [n]. 0 31 PART Part code 0x01C read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PART Part code 0 31 N54L15 nRF54L15 0x00054B15 Unspecified Unspecified 0xFFFFFFFF VARIANT Part Variant, Hardware version and Production configuration 0x020 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 VARIANT Part Variant, Hardware version and Production configuration, encoded as ASCII 0 31 Unspecified Unspecified 0xFFFFFFFF PACKAGE Package option 0x024 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PACKAGE Package option 0 31 Unspecified Unspecified 0xFFFFFFFF RAM RAM variant 0x028 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 RAM RAM variant 0 31 K256 256 kByte RAM 0x00000100 Unspecified Unspecified 0xFFFFFFFF RRAM RRAM variant 0x02C read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 RRAM RRAM variant 0 31 K1524 1524 KByte RRAM 0x000005F4 Unspecified Unspecified 0xFFFFFFFF 0x4 0x4 ER[%s] Description collection: Common encryption root key, word n 0x380 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 ER Encryption Root, word n 0 31 0x4 0x4 IR[%s] Description collection: Common identity root key, word n 0x390 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 IR Identity Root, word n 0 31 DEVICEADDRTYPE Device address type 0x3A0 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 DEVICEADDRTYPE Device address type 0 0 Public Public address 0x0 Random Random address 0x1 0x2 0x4 DEVICEADDR[%s] Description collection: Device address n 0x3A4 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 DEVICEADDR 48 bit device address 0 31 64 0x008 TRIMCNF[%s] Unspecified FICR_TRIMCNF read-write 0x400 ADDR Description cluster: Address of the register which will be written 0x000 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 Address Address 0 31 DATA Description cluster: Data to be written into the register 0x004 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 Data Data 0 31 NFC Unspecified FICR_NFC read-write 0x600 TAGHEADER0 Default header for NFC Tag. Software can read these values to populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. 0x000 read-only 0xFFFFFF5F 0x20 MFGID Default Manufacturer ID: Nordic Semiconductor ASA has ICM 0x5F 0 7 UD1 Unique identifier byte 1 8 15 UD2 Unique identifier byte 2 16 23 UD3 Unique identifier byte 3 24 31 TAGHEADER1 Default header for NFC Tag. Software can read these values to populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. 0x004 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 UD4 Unique identifier byte 4 0 7 UD5 Unique identifier byte 5 8 15 UD6 Unique identifier byte 6 16 23 UD7 Unique identifier byte 7 24 31 TAGHEADER2 Default header for NFC Tag. Software can read these values to populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. 0x008 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 UD8 Unique identifier byte 8 0 7 UD9 Unique identifier byte 9 8 15 UD10 Unique identifier byte 10 16 23 UD11 Unique identifier byte 11 24 31 TAGHEADER3 Default header for NFC Tag. Software can read these values to populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. 0x00C read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 UD12 Unique identifier byte 12 0 7 UD13 Unique identifier byte 13 8 15 UD14 Unique identifier byte 14 16 23 UD15 Unique identifier byte 15 24 31 XOSC32MTRIM XOSC32M capacitor selection trim values 0x620 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 SLOPE Slope trim factor on twos complement form 0 8 OFFSET Offset trim factor on integer form 16 25 XOSC32KTRIM XOSC32K capacitor selection trim values 0x624 read-only 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 SLOPE Slope trim factor on twos complement form 0 8 OFFSET Offset trim factor on integer form 16 25 GLOBAL_UICR_S User Information Configuration Registers 0x00FFD000 UICR 0 0x1000 registers UICR 0x20 1 0x020 APPROTECT[%s] Access Port Protection Registers UICR_APPROTECT read-writeonce 0x000 PROTECT0 Description cluster: Access port protection 0x000 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Blocks debugger read/write access to all CPU registers and memory mapped addresses, and locks TAMPC PROTECT.DOMAIN DBGEN and NIDEN signal protectors. 0x50FA50FA PROTECT1 Description cluster: Access port protection 0x01C read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Blocks debugger read/write access to all CPU registers and memory mapped addresses, and locks TAMPC PROTECT.DOMAIN DBGEN and NIDEN signal protectors. 0x50FA50FA 1 0x020 SECUREAPPROTECT[%s] Access Port Protection Registers UICR_SECUREAPPROTECT read-writeonce 0x020 PROTECT0 Description cluster: Access port protection 0x000 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Blocks debugger read/write access to all CPU registers and memory mapped addresses, and locks TAMPC PROTECT.DOMAIN SPIDEN and SPNIDEN signal protectors. 0x50FA50FA PROTECT1 Description cluster: Access port protection register 0x01C read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Blocks debugger read/write access to all CPU registers and memory mapped addresses, and locks TAMPC PROTECT.DOMAIN SPIDEN and SPNIDEN signal protectors. 0x50FA50FA 1 0x020 AUXAPPROTECT[%s] Access Port Protection Registers UICR_AUXAPPROTECT read-writeonce 0x040 PROTECT0 Description cluster: Access port protection 0x000 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Blocks debugger read/write access to all CPU registers and memory mapped addresses, and locks TAMPC PROTECT.AP[0] DBGEN signal protector. 0x50FA50FA PROTECT1 Description cluster: Access port protection register 0x01C read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Blocks debugger read/write access to all CPU registers and memory mapped addresses, and locks TAMPC PROTECT.AP[0] DBGEN signal protector. 0x50FA50FA 1 0x020 ERASEPROTECT[%s] Erase Protection Registers UICR_ERASEPROTECT read-writeonce 0x060 0x3 0x4 PROTECT0[%s] Description collection: Erase protection 0x004 read-writeonce 0x50FA50FA 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Protected, the device cannot be erased and TAMPC PROTECT.ERASEPROTECT signal protector is locked. 0x50FA50FA 0x3 0x4 PROTECT1[%s] Description collection: Erase protection 0x010 read-writeonce 0x50FA50FA 0x20 PALL 0 31 Protected Protected, the device cannot be erased and TAMPC PROTECT.ERASEPROTECT signal protector is locked. 0x50FA50FA BOOTCONF Immutable boot region configuration. 0x080 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 READ Read access 0 0 NotAllowed Reading from the region is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Reading from the region is allowed 0x1 WRITE Write access 1 1 NotAllowed Writing to the region is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Writing to the region is allowed 0x1 EXECUTE Execute access 2 2 NotAllowed Executing code from the region is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Executing code from the region is allowed 0x1 SECURE Secure access 3 3 NonSecure Both secure and non-secure access to region is allowed 0x0 Secure Only secure access to region is allowed 0x1 WRITEONCE Write-once 12 12 Disabled Write-once disabled 0x0 Enabled Write-once enabled 0x1 LOCK Enable lock of configuration register 13 13 Disabled Lock is disabled, and the RRAMC region configuration registers for the immutable boot region are writable. 0x0 Enabled Lock is enabled, and the RRAMC configuration registers for the immutable boot region are read-only. 0x1 SIZE Immutable boot region size 16 20 USER Unspecified UICR_USER read-writeonce 0x200 ROT Assets installed to establish initial Root of Trust in the device. UICR_USER_ROT read-writeonce 0x000 4 0x02C PUBKEY[%s] Unspecified UICR_USER_ROT_PUBKEY read-writeonce 0x000 0x8 0x4 DIGEST[%s] Description collection: First 256 bits of SHA2-512 digest over RoT public key generation [n]. 0x000 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 VALUE Value for word [o] in the key digest [n]. 0 31 0x3 0x4 REVOKE[%s] Description collection: Revocation status for RoT public key generation [n]. 0x020 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 STATUS Revocation status. 0 31 NotRevoked Key not revoked. 0xFFFFFFFF 4 0x02C AUTHOPKEY[%s] Unspecified UICR_USER_ROT_AUTHOPKEY read-writeonce 0x0B0 0x8 0x4 DIGEST[%s] Description collection: First 256 bits of SHA2-512 digest over RoT authenticated operation public key generation [n]. 0x000 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 VALUE Value for word [o] in the key digest [n]. 0 31 0x3 0x4 REVOKE[%s] Description collection: Revocation status for RoT authenticated operation public key generation [n]. 0x020 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 STATUS Revocation status. 0 31 NotRevoked Key not revoked. 0xFFFFFFFF 0x140 0x4 OTP[%s] Description collection: One time programmable memory 0x500 read-writeonce 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 OTP OTP word 0 31 GLOBAL_SICR_S Factory Information Configuration Registers 0x00FFE000 SICR 0 0x1000 registers SICR 0x20 UNUSED Unused. 0x000 0x00000000 read-only ICACHEDATA_S CACHEDATA 0x12F00000 CACHEDATA 0 0x1000 registers CACHEDATA 0x20 256 0x040 SET[%s] Unspecified CACHEDATA_SET read-write 0x0 2 0x020 WAY[%s] Unspecified CACHEDATA_SET_WAY read-write 0x0 4 0x008 DU[%s] Unspecified CACHEDATA_SET_WAY_DU read-write 0x0 0x2 0x4 DATA[%s] Description collection: Cache data bits for DATA[q] in DU[p] (DataUnit) of SET[n], WAY[o]. 0x0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 Data Data 0 31 read-only ICACHEINFO_S CACHEINFO 0x12F10000 CACHEINFO 0 0x1000 registers CACHEINFO 0x20 256 0x008 SET[%s] Unspecified CACHEINFO_SET read-write 0x0 2 0x004 WAY[%s] Unspecified CACHEINFO_SET_WAY read-write 0x0 INFO Description cluster: Cache information for SET[n], WAY[o]. 0x0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TAG Cache tag. 0 23 read-only DUV_0 Data unit valid info. 24 24 read-only Invalid Invalid data unit 0x0 Valid Valid data unit 0x1 DUV_1 Data unit valid info. 25 25 read-only Invalid Invalid data unit 0x0 Valid Valid data unit 0x1 DUV_2 Data unit valid info. 26 26 read-only Invalid Invalid data unit 0x0 Valid Valid data unit 0x1 DUV_3 Data unit valid info. 27 27 read-only Invalid Invalid data unit 0x0 Valid Valid data unit 0x1 V Line valid bit. 30 30 read-only Invalid Invalid cache line 0x0 Valid Valid cache line 0x1 MRU Most recently used way. 31 31 read-only Way0 Way0 was most recently used 0x0 Way1 Way1 was most recently used 0x1 GLOBAL_CRACENCORE_S CRACENCORE 0x51800000 CRACENCORE 0 0x1000 registers CRACENCORE 0x20 CRYPTMSTRDMA Unspecified CRACENCORE_CRYPTMSTRDMA read-write 0x000 FETCHADDRLSB Fetch Address Least Significant Bit 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FETCHADDRLSB 0 31 FETCHADDRMSB Fetch Address Most Significant Bit 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FETCHADDRMSB 0 31 FETCHLEN Fetch Length 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FETCHLEN 0 27 FETCHCSTADDR 28 28 FETCHREALIGN 29 29 FETCHZPADDING 30 30 FETCHTAG Fetch Tag 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FETCHTAG 0 31 PUSHADDRLSB Push Address Least Significant Bit 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PUSHADDRLSB 0 31 PUSHADDRMSB Push Address Most Significant Bit 0x014 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PUSHADDRMSB 0 31 PUSHLEN Push Length 0x018 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PUSHLEN 0 27 PUSHCSTADDR 28 28 PUSHREALIGN 29 29 PUSHDISCARD 30 30 INTEN Interrupt Enable 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTEN 0 5 INTENSET Interrupt Set 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTENSET 0 5 write-only INTENCLR Interrupt Clear 0x024 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTENCLR 0 5 write-only INTSTATRAW Interrupt Status Raw 0x028 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTSTATRAW 0 31 read-only INTSTAT Interrupt Status 0x02C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTSTAT 0 31 read-only INTSTATCLR Interrupt Status Clear 0x030 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTSTATCLR 0 31 write-only CONFIG Configuration 0x034 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FETCHCTRLINDIRECT 0 0 PUSHCTRLINDIRECT 1 1 FETCHSTOP 2 2 PUSHSTOP 3 3 SOFTRST 4 4 START Start 0x038 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTFETCH 0 0 write-only STARTPUSH 1 1 write-only STATUS Status 0x03C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FETCHBUSY 0 0 read-only PUSHBUSY 1 1 read-only FETCHNOTEMPTY 4 4 read-only PUSHWAITINGFIFO 5 5 read-only SOFTRSTBUSY 6 6 read-only PUSHNBDATA 16 31 read-only CRYPTMSTRHW Unspecified CRACENCORE_CRYPTMSTRHW read-write 0x400 INCLIPSHWCFG Incuded IPs Hardware configuration 0x00 read-write 0x00000771 0x20 BA411AESINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeAES value. 0 0 read-only BA415HPAESGCMINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeAESGCM value. 1 1 read-only BA416HPAESXTSINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeAESXTS value. 2 2 read-only BA412DESINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeDES value. 3 3 read-only BA413HASHINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeHASH value. 4 4 read-only BA417CHACHAPOLYINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeChachaPoly value. 5 5 read-only BA418SHA3INCLUDED Generic g_IncludeSHA3 value. 6 6 read-only BA421ZUCINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeZUC value. 7 7 read-only BA419SM4INCLUDED Generic g_IncludeSM4 value. 8 8 read-only BA414EPPKEINCLUDED Generic g_IncludePKE value. 9 9 read-only BA431NDRNGINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeNDRNG value. 10 10 read-only BA420HPCHACHAPOLYINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeHPChachaPoly value. 11 11 read-only BA423SNOW3GINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeSnow3G value. 12 12 read-only BA422KASUMIINCLUDED Generic g_IncludeKasumi value. 13 13 read-only BA411EAESHWCFG1 Generic g_AesModesPoss value. 0x004 read-write 0x070301FF 0x20 BA411EAESHWCFGMODE Generic g_AesModesPoss value. 0 8 read-only BA411EAESHWCFGCS Generic g_CS value. 16 16 read-only BA411EAESHWCFGMASKING Generic g_UseMasking value. 17 17 read-only BA411EAESHWCFGKEYSIZE Generic g_Keysize value. 24 26 read-only BA411EAESHWCFG2 Generic g_CtrSize value. 0x008 read-write 0x00000080 0x20 BA411EAESHWCFG2 Generic g_CtrSize value. 0 15 read-only BA413HASHHWCFG Generic g_Hash value 0x00C read-write 0x0003003F 0x20 BA413HASHHWCFGMASK Generic g_HashMaskFunc value. 0 6 read-only BA413HASHHWCFGPADDING Generic g_HashPadding value. 16 16 read-only BA413HASHHWCFGHMAC Generic g_HMAC_enabled value. 17 17 read-only BA413HASHHWCFGVERIFYDIGEST Generic g_HashVerifyDigest value. 18 18 read-only BA418SHA3HWCFG Generic g_Sha3CtxtEn value. 0x010 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 BA418SHA3HWCFG Generic g_Sha3CtxtEn value. 0 0 read-only BA419SM4HWCFG Generic g_SM4ModesPoss value. 0x014 read-write 0x000201FF 0x20 BA419SM4HWCFG Generic g_SM4ModesPoss value. 0 9 read-only USEMASKING Generic g_sm4UseMasking value. 17 17 read-only BA424ARIAHWCFG Generic g_aria_modePoss value. 0x018 read-write 0x0000017F 0x20 BA424ARIAHWCFG Generic g_aria_modePoss value. 0 8 read-only RNGCONTROL Unspecified CRACENCORE_RNGCONTROL read-write 0x1000 CONTROL Control register 0x000 read-write 0x00040000 0x20 ENABLE Enable the NDRNG. 0 0 LFSREN Select between the NDRNG with asynchronous free running oscillators (when 0) and the Pseudo-Random generator with synchronous oscillators for simulation purpose (when 1). 1 1 TESTEN Select input for conditioning function and continuous tests: 2 2 NORMAL Noise source (normal mode). 0x0 TEST Test data register (test mode). 0x1 CONDBYPASS Conditioning function bypass. 3 3 NORMAL the conditioning function is used (normal mode). 0x0 BYPASS the conditioning function is bypassed (to observe entropy source directly). 0x1 INTENREP Interrupt enable for Repetition Count Test failure. 4 4 INTENPROP Interrupt enable for Adaptive Proportion Test failure (1024-sample window). 5 5 INTENFULL Interrupt enable for FIFO full. 7 7 SOFTRST Software reset: 8 8 NORMAL Normal mode. 0x0 CTEST The continuous test, the conditioning function and the FIFO are reset. 0x1 INTENPRE Interrupt enable for AIS31 preliminary noise alarm. 9 9 INTENALM Interrupt enable for AIS31 noise alarm. 10 10 FORCEACTIVEROS Force oscillators to run when FIFO is full. 11 11 HEALTHTESTBYPASS Bypass NIST tests such that the results of the start-up and online test do not affect the FSM state. 12 12 AIS31BYPASS Bypass AIS31 tests such that the results of the start-up and online tests do not affect the FSM state. 13 13 HEALTHTESTSEL Select input to health test module: 14 14 BEFORE Before conditioning. 0x0 AFTER After conditioning. 0x1 AIS31TESTSEL Select input to the AIS31 test module: 15 15 BEFORE Before conditioning. 0x0 AFTER After conditioning. 0x1 NB128BITBLOCKS Number of 128 bit blocks used in AES-CBCMAC post-processing. 16 19 FIFOWRITESTARTUP Enable write of the samples in the FIFO during start-up. 20 20 FIFOLEVEL FIFO level register. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FIFOLEVEL Number of 32 bits words of random available in the FIFO. 0 31 FIFOTHRESHOLD FIFO threshold register. 0x008 read-write 0x00000003 0x20 FIFOTHRESHOLD FIFO level below which the module leaves the idle state to refill the FIFO, expressed in number of 128bit blocks. 0 2 FIFODEPTH FIFO depth register. 0x00C read-write 0x00000010 0x20 FIFODEPTH Maximum number of 32 bits words that can be stored in the FIFO: 2**g_fifodepth. 0 31 read-only 0x4 0x4 KEY[%s] Description collection: Key register. 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 KEY Key register. 0 31 TESTDATA Test data register. 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TESTDATA Test data register. 0 31 write-only REPEATTHRESHOLD Repetition Test Count Cut-Off value. 0x024 read-write 0x00000029 0x20 REPEATTHRESHOLD Repetition Test Count Cut-Off value. 0 5 PROPTHRESHOLD Adaptive Proportion Test (1024-sample window) Cut-Off value. 0x028 read-write 0x00000319 0x20 PROPTHRESHOLD Adaptive Proportion Test (1024-sample window) Cut-Off value. 0 9 STATUS Status register. 0x030 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TESTDATABUSY High when data written to TestData register is being processed. 0 0 read-only STATE State of the control FSM: 1 3 read-only RESET Reset 0x0 STARTUP Startup 0x1 IDLERON Idle (Rings On) 0x2 IDLEROFF Idle (Rings Off) 0x3 FILLFIFO Fill FIFO 0x4 ERROR Error 0x5 REPFAIL NIST-800-90B repetition Count Test interrupt status. 4 4 PROPFAIL NIST-800-90B adaptive Proportion Test (1024-sample window) interrupt status. 5 5 FULLINT FIFO full status. 7 7 PREINT AIS31 preliminary noise alarm interrupt status. 8 8 ALMINT AIS31 noise alarm interrupt status. 9 9 STARTUPFAIL Start-up test failure. 10 10 read-only FIFOACCFAIL Set when a FIFO data read is performed while the NDRNG is disabled AND has its FIFO empty (FIFOLevel = 0). 11 11 INITWAITVAL Initial wait counter value. 0x034 read-write 0x0000FFFF 0x20 INITWAITVAL Number of clock cycles to wait before sampling data from the noise source. 0 15 0x2 0x4 DISABLEOSC[%s] Description collection: Disable oscillator rings #n*32 to #((n+1)*32)-1. 0x038 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DISABLEOSC Disable oscillator rings #n*32 to #((n+1)*32)-1. 0 31 SWOFFTMRVAL Switch off timer value. 0x040 read-write 0x0000FFFF 0x20 SWOFFTMRVAL Number of clk cycles to wait before stopping the rings after the FIFO is full. 0 15 CLKDIV Sample clock divider. 0x044 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CLKDIV Sample clock divider. 0 7 AIS31CONF0 AIS31 configuration register 0. 0x048 read-write 0x43401040 0x20 STARTUPTHRESHOLD Start-up test threshold. 0 14 ONLINETHRESHOLD Online threshold. 16 30 AIS31CONF1 AIS31 configuration register 1. 0x04C read-write 0x03C00680 0x20 ONLINEREPTHRESHOLD Online repeat threshold. 0 14 HEXPECTEDVALUE Expected history value. 16 30 AIS31CONF2 AIS31 configuration register 2. 0x050 read-write 0x04400340 0x20 HMIN Minimum allowed history value. 0 14 HMAX Maximum allowed history value. 16 30 AIS31STATUS AIS31 status register. 0x054 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NUMPRELIMALARMS Number of preliminary noise alarms since counter was last cleared. 0 15 PRELIMNOISEALARMRNG Last preliminary noise alarm occurred due to history value out of range. 16 16 PRELIMNOISEALARMREP Last preliminary noise alarm occurred due to consecutive high Χ**2. 17 17 HWCONFIG Hardware configuration register. 0x058 read-write 0x00000337 0x20 NUMBOFRINGS Generic g_NumRings value. 0 7 read-only AIS31 Generic g_AIS31 value. 8 8 read-only AIS31FULL Generic g_AIS31Full value. 9 9 read-only 0x10 0x4 FIFO[%s] Description collection: FIFO data 0x080 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 DATA FIFO data 0 31 PK Unspecified CRACENCORE_PK read-write 0x2000 POINTERS Pointers register. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 OPPTRA When executing primitive arithmetic operations, this pointer defines where operand A is located in memory (location 0x0 to 0xF). 0 3 OPPTRB When executing primitive arithmetic operations, this pointer defines where operand B is located in memory (location 0x0 to 0xF). 8 11 OPPTRC When executing primitive arithmetic operations, this pointer defines the location (0x0 to 0xF) where the result will be stored in memory. 16 19 OPPTRN When executing primitive arithmetic operations, this pointer defines the location where the modulus is located in memory (location 0x0 to 0xF). 24 27 COMMAND Command register. 0x004 read-write 0x0000000F 0x20 OPEADDR This field defines the operation to be performed. 0 6 FIELDF 0: Field is GF(p) 1: Field is GF(2**m) 7 7 OPBYTESM1 This field defines the size (= number of bytes minus one) of the operands for the current operation. 8 17 RANDMOD Enable randomization of modulus (counter-measure). 19 19 SELCURVE Enable accelerator for specific curve modulus: 20 22 NOACCEL Unspecified 0x0 P256 Unspecified 0x1 P384 Unspecified 0x2 P521 Unspecified 0x3 P192 Unspecified 0x4 CURVE25519 Unspecified 0x5 ED25519 Unspecified 0x6 RANDKE Enable randomization of exponent/scalar (counter-measure). 24 24 RANDPROJ Enable randomization of projective coordinates (counter-measure). 25 25 EDWARDS Enable Edwards curve. 26 26 SWAPBYTES Swap the bytes on AHB interface: 28 28 NATIVE Native format (little endian). 0x0 SWAPPED Byte swapped (big endian). 0x1 FLAGA Flag A. 29 29 FLAGB Flag B. 30 30 CALCR2 This bit indicates if the IP has to calculate R**2 mod N for the next operation. 31 31 NRECALCULATE don't recalculate R² mod N 0x0 RECALCULATE re-calculate R² mod N 0x1 CONTROL Command register. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 START Writing a 1 starts the processing. 0 0 write-only CLEARIRQ Writing a 1 clears the IRQ output. 1 1 write-only STATUS Status register. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ERRORFLAGS These bits indicate an error condition. 4 15 read-only PKBUSY This bit reflects the BUSY output value. 16 16 read-only INTRPTSTATUS This bit reflects the IRQ output value. 17 17 read-only FAILPTR These bits indicate which data location generated the error flag. 24 28 read-only TIMER Timer register. 0x014 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TIMER Number of core clock cycles. 0 31 HWCONFIG Hardware configuration register. 0x018 read-write 0x01F72200 0x20 MAXOPSIZE Maximum operand size (number of bytes). 0 11 read-only NBMULT Number of multipliers: 12 15 read-only MULT1 1 multiplier 0x0 MULT4 4 multipliers 0x1 MULT16 16 multipliers 0x2 MULT64 64 multipliers 0x4 MULT256 256 multipliers 0x8 PRIMEFIELD Support prime field. 16 16 read-only BINARYFIELD Support binary field. 17 17 read-only ECC Support error correction. 18 18 read-only P256 Support ECC P256 acceleration. 20 20 read-only P384 Support ECC P384 acceleration. 21 21 read-only P521 Support ECC P521 acceleration. 22 22 read-only P192 Support ECC P192 acceleration. 23 23 read-only X25519 Support Curve25519/Ed25519 acceleration. 24 24 read-only AHBMASTER Memory access 25 25 read-only SLAVE Memory access through AHB Slave and internally in the PKE. 0x0 MASTER Memory access through AHB Master, outside the PKE. 0x1 DISABLESMX State of DisableSMx input (high when SM2/SM9 operations are disabled). 29 29 read-only DISABLECLRMEM State of DisableClrMem input (high when automatic clear of the RAM after reset is disabled). 30 30 read-only DISABLECM State of DisableCM input (high when counter-measures are disabled). 31 31 read-only OPSIZE Operand size register. 0x01C read-write 0x00001000 0x20 OPSIZE Operand size (number of bytes): This register is used when the memory is accessed via AHB Master 0 12 OPSIZE256 256 bytes. 0x0100 OPSIZE521 521 bytes. 0x0209 OPSIZE2048 2048 bytes. 0x0800 OPSIZE3072 3072 bytes. 0x0C00 OPSIZE4096 4096 bytes. 0x1000 RAMERRORINJECT RAM error injection register. 0x040 read-write 0x03FF03FF 0x20 BITERROR1 Bit position of first error 0 9 BITERROR2 Bit position of second error 16 25 RAMERRORSTATUS RAM error status register. 0x044 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RAMCORRECTION This bit indicates that a 1-bit error has been detected and corrected on RAM interface 0 0 read-only RAMFAILURE This bit indicates that an uncorrectable error has been detected on the data RAM interface 1 1 read-only IKG Unspecified CRACENCORE_IKG read-write 0x3000 START Start register. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 START Start the Isolated Key Generation. 0 0 write-only STATUS Status register. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SEEDERROR Seed Error during Isolated Key Generation. 0 0 read-only ENTROPYERROR Entropy Error during Isolated Key Generation. 1 1 read-only OKAY Isolated Key Generation is okay. 2 2 read-only CTRDRBGBUSY CTR_DRBG health test is busy (only when g_hw_health_test = true). 4 4 read-only CATASTROPHICERROR Catastrophic error during CTR_DRBG health test (only when g_hw_health_test = true). 5 5 read-only SYMKEYSTORED Symmetric Keys are stored. 6 6 read-only PRIVKEYSTORED Private Keys are stored. 7 7 read-only INITDATA InitData register. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INITDATA Writing a 1 initialise Nonce and Personalisation_String registers counters, i.e. start writing from the 32 LSB. 0 0 write-only NONCE Nonce register. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NONCE Nonce (write/read value 32-bit by 32-bit). 0 31 PERSONALISATIONSTRING Personalisation String register. 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PERSONALISATIONSTRING Personalisation String (write/read value 32-bit by 32-bit). 0 31 RESEEDINTERVALLSB Reseed Interval LSB register. 0x014 read-write 0x80000000 0x20 RESEEDINTERVALLSB Reseed Interval LSB. 0 31 RESEEDINTERVALMSB Reseed Interval MSB register. 0x018 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RESEEDINTERVALMSB Reseed Interval MSB. 0 15 PKECONTROL PKE Control register. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PKESTART Start the PKE operation or trigger for Secure mode exit. 0 0 write-only CLEARIRQ Clear the IRQ output. 1 1 write-only PKECOMMAND PKE Command register. 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECUREMODE Secure mode. 0 0 DEACTIVATED Unspecified 0x0 ACTIVATED Unspecified 0x1 SELECTEDKEY Select Generated Private Key for PKE operation. 4 7 OPSEL Select PKE operation with Isolated Key 8 9 PUBKEY Public Key Generation 0x0 ECDSA ECDSA Signature 0x1 PTMUL Point Multiplication 0x2 PKESTATUS PKE Status register. 0x024 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ERROR Error because either Private Keys are not stored or the operation is not defined. 0 0 read-only STARTERROR Error because a new operation is started while the previous one is still busy. 1 1 read-only IKGPKBUSY Busy, set when the operation starts and cleared when the operation is finished. 16 16 read-only IRQSTATUS IRQ, set when the operation is finished and cleared when the CPU writes the bit 1 of PKE_Control Register or a new operation is started. 17 17 read-only ERASEBUSY The PKE Data RAM is being erased. 18 18 read-only SOFTRST SoftRst register. 0x028 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SOFTRST Software reset: 0 0 NORMAL Normal mode. 0x0 KEY The Isolated Key Generation logic and the keys are reset. 0x1 HWCONFIG HwConfig register. 0x02C read-write 0xCC4C8312 0x20 NBSYMKEYS Number of Symmetric Keys generated. 0 3 read-only NBPRIVKEYS Number of Private Keys generated. 4 7 read-only IKGCM Countermeasures for IKG operations are implemented when 1. 8 8 read-only HWHEALTHTEST CTR_DRBG health test is implemented when 1. 9 9 read-only CURVE ECC curve for IKG (input). 10 11 read-only P256 P256. 0x0 P384 P384. 0x1 P521 P521. 0x2 DF Derivation function is implemented in the CTR_DRBG when 1. 12 12 read-only KEYSIZE AES Key Size support for the AES Core embedded in the CTR_DRBG. 13 15 read-only AES128 supports AES128 0x1 AES192 supports AES192 0x2 AES256 supports AES256 0x4 ENTROPYINPUTLENGTH Value of g_entropy_input_length/32. 16 19 read-only NONCELENGTH Value of g_nonce_length/32. 20 23 read-only PERSONALIZATIONSTRINGLENGTH Value of g_personalization_string_length/32. 24 27 read-only ADDITIONALINPUTLENGTH Value of g_additional_input_length/32. 28 31 read-only TPIU_NS Trace Port Interface Unit 0xE0040000 TPIU 0 0x1000 registers TPIU 0x20 SUPPORTEDPORTSIZES Each bit location is a single port size that is supported on the device. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PORT_SIZE_1 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 1-bit. 0 0 NotSupported Port size 1 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 1 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_2 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 2-bit. 1 1 NotSupported Port size 2 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 2 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_3 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 3-bit. 2 2 NotSupported Port size 3 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 3 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_4 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 4-bit. 3 3 NotSupported Port size 4 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 4 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_5 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 5-bit. 4 4 NotSupported Port size 5 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 5 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_6 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 6-bit. 5 5 NotSupported Port size 6 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 6 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_7 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 7-bit. 6 6 NotSupported Port size 7 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 7 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_8 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 8-bit. 7 7 NotSupported Port size 8 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 8 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_9 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 9-bit. 8 8 NotSupported Port size 9 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 9 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_10 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 10-bit. 9 9 NotSupported Port size 10 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 10 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_11 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 11-bit. 10 10 NotSupported Port size 11 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 11 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_12 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 12-bit. 11 11 NotSupported Port size 12 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 12 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_13 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 13-bit. 12 12 NotSupported Port size 13 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 13 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_14 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 14-bit. 13 13 NotSupported Port size 14 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 14 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_15 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 15-bit. 14 14 NotSupported Port size 15 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 15 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_16 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 16-bit. 15 15 NotSupported Port size 16 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 16 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_17 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 17-bit. 16 16 NotSupported Port size 17 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 17 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_18 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 18-bit. 17 17 NotSupported Port size 18 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 18 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_19 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 19-bit. 18 18 NotSupported Port size 19 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 19 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_20 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 20-bit. 19 19 NotSupported Port size 20 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 20 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_21 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 21-bit. 20 20 NotSupported Port size 21 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 21 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_22 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 22-bit. 21 21 NotSupported Port size 22 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 22 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_23 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 23-bit. 22 22 NotSupported Port size 23 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 23 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_24 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 24-bit. 23 23 NotSupported Port size 24 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 24 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_25 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 25-bit. 24 24 NotSupported Port size 25 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 25 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_26 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 26-bit. 25 25 NotSupported Port size 26 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 26 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_27 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 27-bit. 26 26 NotSupported Port size 27 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 27 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_28 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 28-bit. 27 27 NotSupported Port size 28 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 28 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_29 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 29-bit. 28 28 NotSupported Port size 29 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 29 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_30 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 30-bit. 29 29 NotSupported Port size 30 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 30 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_31 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 31-bit. 30 30 NotSupported Port size 31 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 31 is supported. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_32 Indicates whether the TPIU supports port size of 32-bit. 31 31 NotSupported Port size 32 is not supported. 0x0 Supported Port size 32 is supported. 0x1 CURRENTPORTSIZE Each bit location is a single port size. One bit can be set, and indicates the current port size. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PORT_SIZE_1 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 0 0 NotSelected Port size 1 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 1 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_2 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 1 1 NotSelected Port size 2 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 2 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_3 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 2 2 NotSelected Port size 3 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 3 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_4 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 3 3 NotSelected Port size 4 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 4 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_5 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 4 4 NotSelected Port size 5 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 5 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_6 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 5 5 NotSelected Port size 6 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 6 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_7 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 6 6 NotSelected Port size 7 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 7 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_8 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 7 7 NotSelected Port size 8 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 8 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_9 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 8 8 NotSelected Port size 9 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 9 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_10 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 9 9 NotSelected Port size 10 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 10 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_11 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 10 10 NotSelected Port size 11 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 11 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_12 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 11 11 NotSelected Port size 12 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 12 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_13 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 12 12 NotSelected Port size 13 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 13 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_14 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 13 13 NotSelected Port size 14 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 14 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_15 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 14 14 NotSelected Port size 15 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 15 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_16 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 15 15 NotSelected Port size 16 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 16 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_17 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 16 16 NotSelected Port size 17 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 17 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_18 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 17 17 NotSelected Port size 18 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 18 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_19 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 18 18 NotSelected Port size 19 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 19 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_20 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 19 19 NotSelected Port size 20 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 20 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_21 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 20 20 NotSelected Port size 21 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 21 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_22 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 21 21 NotSelected Port size 22 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 22 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_23 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 22 22 NotSelected Port size 23 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 23 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_24 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 23 23 NotSelected Port size 24 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 24 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_25 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 24 24 NotSelected Port size 25 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 25 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_26 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 25 25 NotSelected Port size 26 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 26 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_27 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 26 26 NotSelected Port size 27 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 27 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_28 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 27 27 NotSelected Port size 28 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 28 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_29 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 28 28 NotSelected Port size 29 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 29 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_30 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 29 29 NotSelected Port size 30 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 30 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_31 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 30 30 NotSelected Port size 31 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 31 is selected. 0x1 PORT_SIZE_32 Indicates which port size is currently selected. 31 31 NotSelected Port size 32 is not selected. 0x0 Selected Port size 32 is selected. 0x1 SUPPORTEDTRIGGERMODES The Supported_trigger_modes register indicates the implemented trigger counter multipliers and other supported features of the trigger system. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MULT_0 Indicates whether multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(0+1) is supported. 0 0 NotSelected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(0+1) is supported. 0x0 Selected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(0+1) is supported. 0x1 MULT_1 Indicates whether multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(1+1) is supported. 1 1 NotSelected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(1+1) is supported. 0x0 Selected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(1+1) is supported. 0x1 MULT_2 Indicates whether multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(2+1) is supported. 2 2 NotSelected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(2+1) is supported. 0x0 Selected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(2+1) is supported. 0x1 MULT_3 Indicates whether multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(3+1) is supported. 3 3 NotSelected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(3+1) is supported. 0x0 Selected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(3+1) is supported. 0x1 MULT_4 Indicates whether multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(4+1) is supported. 4 4 NotSelected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(4+1) is supported. 0x0 Selected Multiplying the trigger counter by 2^(4+1) is supported. 0x1 TCOUNT8 Indicates whether an 8-bit wide counter register is implemented. 8 8 NotImplemented An 8-bit wide counter register is implemented. 0x0 Implemented An 8-bit wide counter register is implemented. 0x1 TRIGGERED A trigger has occurred and the counter has reached 0. 16 16 NotOccured Trigger has not occurred. 0x0 Occured Trigger has occurred. 0x1 TRGRUN A trigger has occurred but the counter is not at 0. 17 17 NotOccured Either a trigger has not occurred or the counter is at 0. 0x0 Occured A trigger has occurred but the counter is not at 0. 0x1 TRIGGERCOUNTERVALUE The Trigger_counter_value register enables delaying the indication of triggers to any external connected trace capture or storage devices. 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TrigCount 8-bit counter value for the number of words to be output from the formatter before a trigger is inserted. 0 7 TRIGGERMULTIPLIER The Trigger_multiplier register contains the selectors for the trigger counter multiplier. 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MULT_0 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2^n. 0 0 Disabled Multiplier disabled. 0x0 Enabled Multiplier enabled. 0x1 MULT_1 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2^n. 1 1 Disabled Multiplier disabled. 0x0 Enabled Multiplier enabled. 0x1 MULT_2 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2^n. 2 2 Disabled Multiplier disabled. 0x0 Enabled Multiplier enabled. 0x1 MULT_3 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2^n. 3 3 Disabled Multiplier disabled. 0x0 Enabled Multiplier enabled. 0x1 MULT_4 Multiply the Trigger Counter by 2^n. 4 4 Disabled Multiplier disabled. 0x0 Enabled Multiplier enabled. 0x1 SUPPPORTEDTESTPATTERNMODES The Supported_test_pattern_modes register provides a set of known bit sequences or patterns that can be output over the trace port and can be detected by the TPA or other associated trace capture device. 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PATW1 Indicates whether the walking 1s pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 0 0 NotSupported Test pattern is not supported. 0x0 Supported Test pattern is supported. 0x1 PATW0 Indicates whether the walking 0s pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 1 1 NotSupported Test pattern is not supported. 0x0 Supported Test pattern is supported. 0x1 PATA5 Indicates whether the AA/55 pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 2 2 NotSupported Test pattern is not supported. 0x0 Supported Test pattern is supported. 0x1 PATF0 Indicates whether the FF/00 pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 3 3 NotSupported Test pattern is not supported. 0x0 Supported Test pattern is supported. 0x1 PTIMEEN Indicates whether timed mode is supported. 16 16 NotSupported Mode is not supported. 0x0 Supported Mode is supported. 0x1 PCONTEN Indicates whether continuous mode is supported. 17 17 NotSupported Mode is not supported. 0x0 Supported Mode is supported. 0x1 CURRENTTESTPATTERNMODES Current_test_pattern_mode indicates the current test pattern or mode selected. 0x204 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PATW1 Indicates whether the walking 1s pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 0 0 Disabled Test pattern is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Test pattern is enabled. 0x1 PATW0 Indicates whether the walking 0s pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 1 1 Disabled Test pattern is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Test pattern is enabled. 0x1 PATA5 Indicates whether the AA/55 pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 2 2 Disabled Test pattern is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Test pattern is enabled. 0x1 PATF0 Indicates whether the FF/00 pattern is supported as output over the trace port. 3 3 Disabled Test pattern is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Test pattern is enabled. 0x1 PTIMEEN Indicates whether timed mode is supported. 16 16 Disabled Mode is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Mode is enabled. 0x1 PCONTEN Indicates whether continuous mode is supported. 17 17 Disabled Mode is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Mode is enabled. 0x1 TPRCR The TPRCR register is an 8-bit counter start value that is decremented. A write sets the initial counter value and a read returns the programmed value. 0x208 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PATTCOUNT 8-bit counter value to indicate the number of traceclkin cycles for which a pattern runs before it switches to the next pattern. 0 7 FFSR The FFSR register indicates the current status of the formatter and flush features available in the TPIU. 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FLINPROG Flush in progress. 0 0 NotInProgress A flush is not in progress. 0x0 InProgress A flush is in progress. 0x1 FTSTOPPED The formatter has received a stop request signal and all trace data and post-amble is sent. Any additional trace data on the ATB interface is ignored and atreadys goes HIGH. 1 1 Running Formatter has not stopped. 0x0 Stopped Formatter has stopped. 0x1 TCPRESENT Indicates whether the TRACECTL pin is available for use. 2 2 NotPresent TRACECTL pin is not present. 0x0 Present TRACECTL pin is present. 0x1 FFCR The FFCR register controls the generation of stop, trigger, and flush events. 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENFTC Do not embed triggers into the formatted stream. Trace disable cycles and triggers are indicated by tracectl, where present. 0 0 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 ENFCONT Is embedded in trigger packets and indicates that no cycle is using sync packets. 1 1 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 FONFLIN Enables the use of the flushin connection. 4 4 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 FONTRIG Initiates a manual flush of data in the system when a trigger event occurs. 5 5 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 FONMANR Generates a flush. This bit is set to 0 when this flush is serviced. 6 6 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 FONMANW Generates a flush. This bit is set to 1 when this flush is serviced. 7 7 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 TRIGIN Indicates a trigger when trigin is asserted. 8 8 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 TRIGEVT Indicates a trigger on a trigger event. 9 9 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 TRIGFL Indicates a trigger when flush completion on afreadys is returned. 10 10 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 STOPFL Forces the FIFO to drain off any part-completed packets. 12 12 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 STOPTRIG Stops the formatter after a trigger event is observed. Reset to disabled or 0. 13 13 Disabled The formatting feature is disabled. 0x0 Enabled The formatting feature is enabled. 0x1 FSCR The FSCR register enables the frequency of synchronization information to be optimized to suit the Trace Port Analyzer (TPA) capture buffer size. 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CYCCOUNT 12-bit counter reload value. Indicates the number of complete frames between full synchronization packets. 0 11 EXTCTLINPORT Two ports can be used as a control and feedback mechanism for any serializers, pin sharing multiplexers, or other solutions that might be added to the trace output pins either for pin control or a high-speed trace port solution. 0x400 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EXTCTLIN_0 EXTCTL inputs. 0 0 Low Input EXTCTL0 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL0 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_1 EXTCTL inputs. 1 1 Low Input EXTCTL1 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL1 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_2 EXTCTL inputs. 2 2 Low Input EXTCTL2 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL2 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_3 EXTCTL inputs. 3 3 Low Input EXTCTL3 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL3 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_4 EXTCTL inputs. 4 4 Low Input EXTCTL4 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL4 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_5 EXTCTL inputs. 5 5 Low Input EXTCTL5 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL5 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_6 EXTCTL inputs. 6 6 Low Input EXTCTL6 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL6 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLIN_7 EXTCTL inputs. 7 7 Low Input EXTCTL7 is low. 0x0 High Input EXTCTL7 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUTPORT Two ports can be used as a control and feedback mechanism for any serializers, pin sharing multiplexers, or other solutions that might be added to the trace output pins either for pin control or a high speed trace port solution. These ports are raw register banks that sample or export the corresponding external pins. 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EXTCTLOUT_0 EXTCTL outputs. 0 0 Low Output EXTCTL0 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL0 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_1 EXTCTL outputs. 1 1 Low Output EXTCTL1 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL1 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_2 EXTCTL outputs. 2 2 Low Output EXTCTL2 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL2 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_3 EXTCTL outputs. 3 3 Low Output EXTCTL3 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL3 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_4 EXTCTL outputs. 4 4 Low Output EXTCTL4 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL4 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_5 EXTCTL outputs. 5 5 Low Output EXTCTL5 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL5 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_6 EXTCTL outputs. 6 6 Low Output EXTCTL6 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL6 is high. 0x1 EXTCTLOUT_7 EXTCTL outputs. 7 7 Low Output EXTCTL7 is low. 0x0 High Output EXTCTL7 is high. 0x1 ITTRFLINACK The ITTRFLINACK register enables control of the triginack and flushinack outputs from the TPIU. 0xEE4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGINACK Sets the value of triginack. 0 0 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 FLUSHINACK Sets the value of flushinack. 1 1 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ITTRFLIN The ITTRFLIN register contains the values of the flushin and trigin inputs to the TPIU. 0xEE8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGIN Reads the value of trigin. 0 0 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 FLUSHIN Reads the value of flushin. 1 1 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ITATBDATA0 The ITATBDATA0 register contains the value of the atdatas inputs to the TPIU. The values are valid only when atvalids is HIGH. 0xEEC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ATDATA_0 A read access returns the value of a pin on atdatas_x of the enabled port. A write access writes to the corresponding atdatam pin of the enabled port. 0 0 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ATDATA_1 A read access returns the value of a pin on atdatas_x of the enabled port. A write access writes to the corresponding atdatam pin of the enabled port. 1 1 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ATDATA_2 A read access returns the value of a pin on atdatas_x of the enabled port. A write access writes to the corresponding atdatam pin of the enabled port. 2 2 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ATDATA_3 A read access returns the value of a pin on atdatas_x of the enabled port. A write access writes to the corresponding atdatam pin of the enabled port. 3 3 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ATDATA_4 A read access returns the value of a pin on atdatas_x of the enabled port. A write access writes to the corresponding atdatam pin of the enabled port. 4 4 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ITATBCTR2 Enables control of the atreadys and afvalids outputs of the TPIU. 0xEF0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ATREADY Sets the value of afvalid. 0 0 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 AFVALID Sets the value of atready. 1 1 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ITATBCTR1 The ITATBCTR1 register contains the value of the atids input to the TPIU. This is only valid when atvalids is HIGH. 0xEF4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ATID Reads the value of atids. 0 6 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x00 High Pin is logic 1. 0x01 ITATBCTR0 The ITATBCTR0 register captures the values of the atvalids, afreadys, and atbytess inputs to the TPIU. To ensure the integration registers work correctly in a system, the value of atbytess is only valid when atvalids, bit[0], is HIGH. 0xEF8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ATVALID Reads the value of atvalids. 0 0 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 AFREADY Reads the value of afreadys. 2 2 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ATBYTES Reads the value of atbytess. 8 9 Low Pin is logic 0. 0x0 High Pin is logic 1. 0x1 ITCTRL Used to enable topology detection. This register enables the component to switch from a functional mode, the default behavior, to integration mode where the inputs and outputs of the component can be directly controlled for integration testing and topology solving. 0xF00 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTEGRATIONMODE Enables the component to switch from functional mode to integration mode and back. If no integration functionality is implemented, this register must read as zero. 0 0 Disabled Integration mode is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Integration mode is Enabled. 0x1 CLAIMSET Software can use the claim tag to coordinate application and debugger access to trace unit functionality. The claim tags have no effect on the operation of the component. The CLAIMSET register sets bits in the claim tag, and determines the number of claim bits implemented. 0xFA0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BIT_0 Set claim bit 0 and check if bit is implemented or not. 0 0 read NotImplemented Claim bit 0 is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented Claim bit 0 is implemented. 0x1 write Set Set claim bit 0. 0x1 BIT_1 Set claim bit 1 and check if bit is implemented or not. 1 1 read NotImplemented Claim bit 1 is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented Claim bit 1 is implemented. 0x1 write Set Set claim bit 1. 0x1 BIT_2 Set claim bit 2 and check if bit is implemented or not. 2 2 read NotImplemented Claim bit 2 is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented Claim bit 2 is implemented. 0x1 write Set Set claim bit 2. 0x1 BIT_3 Set claim bit 3 and check if bit is implemented or not. 3 3 read NotImplemented Claim bit 3 is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented Claim bit 3 is implemented. 0x1 write Set Set claim bit 3. 0x1 CLAIMCLR Software can use the claim tag to coordinate application and debugger access to trace unit functionality. The claim tags have no effect on the operation of the component. The CLAIMCLR register sets the bits in the claim tag to 0 and determines the current value of the claim tag. 0xFA4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BIT_0 Read or clear claim bit 0. 0 0 read Cleared Claim bit 0 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim bit 0 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim bit 0. 0x1 BIT_1 Read or clear claim bit 1. 1 1 read Cleared Claim bit 1 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim bit 1 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim bit 1. 0x1 BIT_2 Read or clear claim bit 2. 2 2 read Cleared Claim bit 2 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim bit 2 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim bit 2. 0x1 BIT_3 Read or clear claim bit 3. 3 3 read Cleared Claim bit 3 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim bit 3 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim bit 3. 0x1 LAR This is used to enable write access to device registers. 0xFB0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ACCESS A write of 0xC5ACCE55 enables further write access to this device. Any other write removes write access. 0 31 UnLock Unlock register interface. 0xC5ACCE55 LSR This indicates the status of the lock control mechanism. This lock prevents accidental writes by code under debug. Accesses to the extended stimulus port registers are not affected by the lock mechanism. This register must always be present although there might not be any lock access control mechanism. The lock mechanism, where present and locked, must block write accesses to any control register, except the Lock Access Register. For most components this covers all registers except for the Lock Access Register. 0xFB4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PRESENT Indicates that a lock control mechanism exists for this device. 0 0 NotImplemented No lock control mechanism exists, writes to the Lock Access Register are ignored. 0x0 Implemented Lock control mechanism is present. 0x1 LOCKED Returns the current status of the Lock. 1 1 UnLocked Write access is allowed to this device. 0x0 Locked Write access to the component is blocked. All writes to control registers are ignored. Reads are permitted. 0x1 TYPE Indicates if the Lock Access Register is implemented as 8-bit or 32-bit. 2 2 Bits32 This component implements a 32-bit Lock Access Register. 0x0 Bits8 This component implements an 8-bit Lock Access Register. 0x1 AUTHSTATUS Indicates the current level of tracing permitted by the system 0xFB8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NSID Non-secure Invasive Debug 0 1 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 NSNID Non-secure Non-Invasive Debug 2 3 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 SID Secure Invasive Debug 4 5 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 SNID Secure Non-Invasive Debug 6 7 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 DEVID Indicates the capabilities of the component. 0xFC8 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MUXNUM Indicates the hidden level of input multiplexing. When non-zero, this value indicates the type of multiplexing on the input to the ATB. Currently only 0x00 is supported, that is, no multiplexing is present. This value helps detect the ATB structure. 0 4 CLKRELAT Indicates the relationship between atclk and traceclkin. 5 5 Synchronous atclk and traceclkin are synchronous. 0x0 ASynchronous atclk and traceclkin are asynchronous. 0x1 FIFOSIZE FIFO size in powers of 2. 6 8 Entries4 FIFO size of 4 entries, that is, 16 bytes. 0x2 TCLKDATA Indicates whether trace clock plus data is supported. 9 9 Supported Trace clock and data is supported. 0x0 NotSupported Trace clock and data is not supported. 0x1 SWOMAN Indicates whether Serial Wire Output, Manchester encoded format, is supported. 10 10 NotSupported Serial Wire Output, Manchester encoded format, is not supported. 0x0 Supported Serial Wire Output, Manchester encoded format, is supported. 0x1 SWOUARTNRZ Indicates whether Serial Wire Output, UART or NRZ, is supported. 11 11 NotSupported Serial Wire Output, UART or NRZ, is not supported. 0x0 Supported Serial Wire Output, UART or NRZ, is supported. 0x1 DEVTYPE The DEVTYPE register provides a debugger with information about the component when the Part Number field is not recognized. The debugger can then report this information. 0xFCC read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MAJOR The main type of the component 0 3 TraceSource Peripheral is a trace sink. 0x1 SUB The sub-type of the component 4 7 TracePort Indicates that this component is a trace port component. 0x1 PIDR4 Coresight peripheral identification registers. 0xFD0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIDR_0 Coresight peripheral identification registers. 0xFE0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIDR_1 Coresight peripheral identification registers. 0xFE4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIDR_2 Coresight peripheral identification registers. 0xFE8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIDR_3 Coresight peripheral identification registers. 0xFEC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CIDR_0 Coresight component identification registers. 0xFF0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CIDR_1 Coresight component identification registers. 0xFF4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CIDR_2 Coresight component identification registers. 0xFF8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CIDR_3 Coresight component identification registers. 0xFFC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ETM_NS Embedded Trace Macrocell 0xE0041000 ETM 0 0x1000 registers ETM 0x20 TRCPRGCTLR Enables the trace unit. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EN Trace unit enable bit 0 0 Disabled The trace unit is disabled. All trace resources are inactive and no trace is generated. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit is enabled. 0x1 TRCPROCSELR Controls which PE to trace. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Before writing to this register, ensure that TRCSTATR.IDLE == 1 so that the trace unit can synchronize with the chosen PE. Implemented if TRCIDR3.NUMPROC is greater than zero. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PROCSEL PE select bits that select the PE to trace. 0 4 TRCSTATR Idle status bit 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 IDLE Trace unit enable bit 0 0 NotIdle The trace unit is not idle. 0x0 Idle The trace unit is idle. 0x1 PMSTABLE Programmers' model stable bit 1 1 NotStable The programmers' model is not stable. 0x0 Stable The programmers' model is stable. 0x1 TRCCONFIGR Controls the tracing options This register must always be programmed as part of trace unit initialization. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LOADASP0INST Instruction P0 load field. This field controls whether load instructions are traced as P0 instructions. 1 1 No Do not trace load instructions as P0 instructions. 0x0 Yes Trace load instructions as P0 instructions. 0x1 STOREASP0INST Instruction P0 field. This field controls whether store instructions are traced as P0 instructions. 2 2 No Do not trace store instructions as P0 instructions. 0x0 Yes Trace store instructions as P0 instructions. 0x1 BB Branch broadcast mode bit. 3 3 Disabled Branch broadcast mode is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Branch broadcast mode is enabled. 0x1 CCI Cycle counting instruction trace bit. 4 4 Disabled Cycle counting in the instruction trace is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Cycle counting in the instruction trace is enabled. 0x1 CID Context ID tracing bit. 6 6 Disabled Context ID tracing is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Context ID tracing is enabled. 0x1 VMID Virtual context identifier tracing bit. 7 7 Disabled Virtual context identifier tracing is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Virtual context identifier tracing is enabled. 0x1 COND Conditional instruction tracing bit. 8 10 Disabled Conditional instruction tracing is disabled. 0x0 LoadOnly Conditional load instructions are traced. 0x1 StoreOnly Conditional store instructions are traced. 0x2 LoadAndStore Conditional load and store instructions are traced. 0x3 All All conditional instructions are traced. 0x7 TS Global timestamp tracing bit. 11 11 Disabled Global timestamp tracing is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Global timestamp tracing is enabled. 0x1 RS Return stack enable bit. 12 12 Disabled Return stack is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Return stack is enabled. 0x1 QE Q element enable field. 13 14 Disabled Q elements are disabled. 0x0 OnlyWithoutInstCounts Q elements with instruction counts are enabled. Q elements without instruction counts are disabled. 0x1 Enabled Q elements with and without instruction counts are enabled. 0x3 VMIDOPT Control bit to select the Virtual context identifier value used by the trace unit, both for trace generation and in the Virtual context identifier comparators. 15 15 VTTBR_EL2 VTTBR_EL2.VMID is used. If the trace unit supports a Virtual context identifier larger than the VTTBR_EL2.VMID, the upper unused bits are always zero. If the trace unit supports a Virtual context identifier larger than 8 bits and if the VTCR_EL2.VS bit forces use of an 8-bit Virtual context identifier, bits [15:8] of the trace unit Virtual context identifier are always zero. 0x0 CONTEXTIDR_EL2 CONTEXTIDR_EL2 is used. 0x1 DA Data address tracing bit. 16 16 Disabled Data address tracing is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Data address tracing is enabled. 0x1 DV Data value tracing bit. 17 17 Disabled Data value tracing is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Data value tracing is enabled. 0x1 TRCEVENTCTL0R Controls the tracing of arbitrary events. If the selected event occurs a trace element is generated in the trace stream according to the settings in TRCEVENTCTL1R.DATAEN and TRCEVENTCTL1R.INSTEN. 0x20 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENT Select which event should generate trace elements. 0 7 TRCEVENTCTL1R Controls the behavior of the events that TRCEVENTCTL0R selects. This register must always be programmed as part of trace unit initialization. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. 0x24 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INSTEN_0 Instruction event enable field. 0 0 Disabled The trace unit does not generate an Event element. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit generates an Event element for event 0, in the instruction trace stream. 0x1 INSTEN_1 Instruction event enable field. 1 1 Disabled The trace unit does not generate an Event element. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit generates an Event element for event 1, in the instruction trace stream. 0x1 INSTEN_2 Instruction event enable field. 2 2 Disabled The trace unit does not generate an Event element. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit generates an Event element for event 2, in the instruction trace stream. 0x1 INSTEN_3 Instruction event enable field. 3 3 Disabled The trace unit does not generate an Event element. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit generates an Event element for event 3, in the instruction trace stream. 0x1 DATAEN Data event enable bit. 4 4 Disabled The trace unit does not generate an Event element if event 0 occurs. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit generates an Event element in the data trace stream if event 0 occurs. 0x1 ATB AMBA Trace Bus (ATB) trigger enable bit. 11 11 Disabled ATB trigger is disabled. 0x0 Enabled ATB trigger is enabled. If a CoreSight ATB interface is implemented then when event 0 occurs the trace unit generates an ATB event. 0x1 LPOVERRIDE Low-power state behavior override bit. Controls how a trace unit behaves in low-power state. 12 12 Disabled Trace unit low-power state behavior is not affected. That is, the trace unit is enabled to enter low-power state. 0x0 Enabled Trace unit low-power state behavior is overridden. That is, entry to a low-power state does not affect the trace unit resources or trace generation. 0x1 TRCSTALLCTLR Enables trace unit functionality that prevents trace unit buffer overflows. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Must be programmed if TRCIDR3.STALLCTL == 1. 0x2C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LEVEL Threshold level field. If LEVEL is nonzero then a trace unit might suppress the generation of: Global timestamps in the instruction trace stream and the data trace stream. Cycle counting in the instruction trace stream, although the cumulative cycle count remains correct. 0 3 Min Zero invasion. This setting has a greater risk of a FIFO overflow 0x0 Max Maximum invasion occurs but there is less risk of a FIFO overflow. 0xF ISTALL Instruction stall bit. Controls if a trace unit can stall the PE when the instruction trace buffer space is less than LEVEL. 8 8 Disabled The trace unit must not stall the PE. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit can stall the PE. 0x1 DSTALL Data stall bit. Controls if a trace unit can stall the PE when the data trace buffer space is less than LEVEL. 9 9 Disabled The trace unit must not stall the PE. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit can stall the PE. 0x1 INSTPRIORITY Prioritize instruction trace bit. Controls if a trace unit can prioritize instruction trace when the instruction trace buffer space is less than LEVEL. 10 10 Disabled The trace unit must not prioritize instruction trace. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit can prioritize instruction trace. A trace unit might prioritize instruction trace by preventing output of data trace, or other means which ensure that the instruction trace has a higher priority than the data trace. 0x1 DATADISCARDLOAD Data discard field. Controls if a trace unit can discard data trace elements on a load when the data trace buffer space is less than LEVEL. 11 11 Disabled The trace unit must not discard any data trace elements. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit can discard P1 and P2 elements associated with data loads. 0x1 DATADISCARDSTORE Data discard field. Controls if a trace unit can discard data trace elements on a store when the data trace buffer space is less than LEVEL. 12 12 Disabled The trace unit must not discard any data trace elements. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit can discard P1 and P2 elements associated with data stores. 0x1 NOOVERFLOW Trace overflow prevention bit. 13 13 Disabled Trace overflow prevention is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Trace overflow prevention is enabled. This might cause a significant performance impact. 0x1 TRCTSCTLR Controls the insertion of global timestamps in the trace streams. When the selected event is triggered, the trace unit inserts a global timestamp into the trace streams. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Must be programmed if TRCCONFIGR.TS == 1. 0x30 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENT Select which event should generate time stamps. 0 7 TRCSYNCPR Controls how often trace synchronization requests occur. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. If writes are permitted then the register must be programmed. 0x34 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PERIOD Controls how many bytes of trace, the sum of instruction and data, that a trace unit can generate before a trace synchronization request occurs. The number of bytes is always a power of two, calculated by 2^PERIOD 0 4 Disabled Trace synchronization requests are disabled. This setting does not disable other types of trace synchronization request. 0x00 TRCCCCTLR Sets the threshold value for cycle counting. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Must be programmed if TRCCONFIGR.CCI==1. 0x38 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 THRESHOLD Sets the threshold value for instruction trace cycle counting. 0 11 TRCBBCTLR Controls which regions in the memory map are enabled to use branch broadcasting. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Must be programmed if TRCCONFIGR.BB == 1. 0x3C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RANGE_0 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[0] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 0. 0 0 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 0 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_1 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[1] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 1. 1 1 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 1 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_2 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[2] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 2. 2 2 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 2 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_3 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[3] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 3. 3 3 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 3 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_4 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[4] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 4. 4 4 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 4 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_5 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[5] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 5. 5 5 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 5 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_6 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[6] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 6. 6 6 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 6 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 RANGE_7 Address range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with branch broadcasting. Each field represents an address range comparator pair, so field[7] controls the selection of address range comparator pair 7. 7 7 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 7 defines, is not selected. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair n defines, is selected. 0x1 TRCTRACEIDR Sets the trace ID for instruction trace. If data trace is enabled then it also sets the trace ID for data trace, to (trace ID for instruction trace) + 1. This register must always be programmed as part of trace unit initialization. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. 0x40 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRACEID Trace ID field. Sets the trace ID value for instruction trace. Bit[0] must be zero if data trace is enabled. If data trace is enabled then a trace unit sets the trace ID for data trace, to TRACEID+1. 0 6 TRCQCTLR Controls when Q elements are enabled. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. This register must be programmed if it is implemented and TRCCONFIGR.QE is set to any value other than 0b00. 0x44 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RANGE_0 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 0 0 Disabled Address range comparator 0 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 0 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_1 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 1 1 Disabled Address range comparator 1 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 1 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_2 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 2 2 Disabled Address range comparator 2 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 2 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_3 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 3 3 Disabled Address range comparator 3 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 3 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_4 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 4 4 Disabled Address range comparator 4 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 4 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_5 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 5 5 Disabled Address range comparator 5 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 5 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_6 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 6 6 Disabled Address range comparator 6 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 6 is selected for use. 0x1 RANGE_7 Specifies the address range comparators to be used for controlling Q elements. 7 7 Disabled Address range comparator 7 is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Address range comparator 7 is selected for use. 0x1 MODE Selects whether the address range comparators selected by the RANGE field indicate address ranges where the trace unit is permitted to generate Q elements or address ranges where the trace unit is not permitted to generate Q elements: 8 8 Exclude Exclude mode. The address range comparators selected by the RANGE field indicate address ranges where the trace unit cannot generate Q elements. If no ranges are selected, Q elements are permitted across the entire memory map. 0x0 Include Include mode. The address range comparators selected by the RANGE field indicate address ranges where the trace unit can generate Q elements. If all the implemented bits in RANGE are set to 0 then Q elements are disabled. 0x1 TRCVICTLR Controls instruction trace filtering. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Only returns stable data when TRCSTATR.PMSTABLE == 1. Must be programmed, particularly to set the value of the SSSTATUS bit, which sets the state of the start/stop logic. 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENT_SEL Select which resource number should be filtered. 0 4 Disabled This event is not filtered. 0x00 Enabled This event is filtered. 0x01 SSSTATUS When TRCIDR4.NUMACPAIRS > 0 or TRCIDR4.NUMPC > 0, this bit returns the status of the start/stop logic. 9 9 Stopped The start/stop logic is in the stopped state. 0x0 Started The start/stop logic is in the started state. 0x1 TRCRESET Controls whether a trace unit must trace a Reset exception. 10 10 Disabled The trace unit does not trace a Reset exception unless it traces the exception or instruction immediately prior to the Reset exception. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit always traces a Reset exception. 0x1 TRCERR When TRCIDR3.TRCERR==1, this bit controls whether a trace unit must trace a System error exception. 11 11 Disabled The trace unit does not trace a System error exception unless it traces the exception or instruction immediately prior to the System error exception. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit always traces a System error exception, regardless of the value of ViewInst. 0x1 EXLEVEL0_S In Secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 0. 16 16 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 0. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 0. 0x0 EXLEVEL1_S In Secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 1. 17 17 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 1. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 1. 0x0 EXLEVEL2_S In Secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 2. 18 18 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 2. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 2. 0x0 EXLEVEL3_S In Secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 3. 19 19 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 3. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Secure state, for Exception level 3. 0x0 EXLEVEL0_NS In Non-secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 0. 20 20 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 0. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 0. 0x0 EXLEVEL1_NS In Non-secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 1. 21 21 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 1. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 1. 0x0 EXLEVEL2_NS In Non-secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 2. 22 22 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 2. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 2. 0x0 EXLEVEL3_NS In Non-secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding Exception level 3. 23 23 Disabled The trace unit does not generate instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 3. 0x1 Enabled The trace unit generates instruction trace, in Non-secure state, for Exception level 3. 0x0 TRCVIIECTLR ViewInst exclude control. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. This register must be programmed when one or more address comparators are implemented. 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INCLUDE_0 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 0 0 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 0 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 0 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_1 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 1 1 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 1 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 1 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_2 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 2 2 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 2 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 2 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_3 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 3 3 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 3 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 3 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_4 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 4 4 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 4 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 4 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_5 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 5 5 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 5 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 5 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_6 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 6 6 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 6 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 6 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_7 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst include control. 7 7 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 7 defines, is not selected for ViewInst include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 7 defines, is selected for ViewInst include control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_0 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 16 16 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 0 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 0 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_1 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 17 17 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 1 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 1 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_2 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 18 18 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 2 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 2 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_3 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 19 19 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 3 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 3 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_4 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 20 20 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 4 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 4 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_5 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 21 21 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 5 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 5 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_6 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 22 22 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 6 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 6 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_7 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewInst exclude control. 23 23 Disabled The address range that address range comparator pair 7 defines, is not selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator pair 7 defines, is selected for ViewInst exclude control. 0x1 TRCVISSCTLR Use this to set, or read, the single address comparators that control the ViewInst start/stop logic. The start/stop logic is active for an instruction which causes a start and remains active up to and including an instruction which causes a stop, and then the start/stop logic becomes inactive. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. If implemented then this register must be programmed. 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 START_0 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 0 0 Disabled The single address comparator 0, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 0, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_1 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 1 1 Disabled The single address comparator 1, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 1, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_2 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 2 2 Disabled The single address comparator 2, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 2, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_3 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 3 3 Disabled The single address comparator 3, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 3, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_4 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 4 4 Disabled The single address comparator 4, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 4, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_5 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 5 5 Disabled The single address comparator 5, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 5, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_6 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 6 6 Disabled The single address comparator 6, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 6, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_7 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace. 7 7 Disabled The single address comparator 7, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 7, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 STOP_0 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 16 16 Disabled The single address comparator 0, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 0, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_1 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 17 17 Disabled The single address comparator 1, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 1, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_2 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 18 18 Disabled The single address comparator 2, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 2, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_3 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 19 19 Disabled The single address comparator 3, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 3, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_4 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 20 20 Disabled The single address comparator 4, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 4, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_5 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 21 21 Disabled The single address comparator 5, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 5, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_6 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 22 22 Disabled The single address comparator 6, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 6, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_7 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace 23 23 Disabled The single address comparator 7, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 7, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 TRCVIPCSSCTLR Use this to set, or read, which PE comparator inputs can control the ViewInst start/stop logic. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. If implemented then this register must be programmed. 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 START_0 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 0 0 Disabled The single PE comparator input 0, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 0, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_1 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 1 1 Disabled The single PE comparator input 1, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 1, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_2 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 2 2 Disabled The single PE comparator input 2, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 2, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_3 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 3 3 Disabled The single PE comparator input 3, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 3, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_4 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 4 4 Disabled The single PE comparator input 4, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 4, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_5 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 5 5 Disabled The single PE comparator input 5, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 5, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_6 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 6 6 Disabled The single PE comparator input 6, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 6, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 START_7 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of starting trace 7 7 Disabled The single PE comparator input 7, is not selected as a start resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 7, is selected as a start resource. 0x1 STOP_0 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 16 16 Disabled The single PE comparator input 0, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 0, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_1 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 17 17 Disabled The single PE comparator input 1, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 1, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_2 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 18 18 Disabled The single PE comparator input 2, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 2, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_3 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 19 19 Disabled The single PE comparator input 3, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 3, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_4 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 20 20 Disabled The single PE comparator input 4, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 4, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_5 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 21 21 Disabled The single PE comparator input 5, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 5, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_6 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 22 22 Disabled The single PE comparator input 6, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 6, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 STOP_7 Selects which PE comparator inputs are in use with ViewInst start/stop control, for the purpose of stopping trace. 23 23 Disabled The single PE comparator input 7, is not selected as a stop resource. 0x0 Enabled The single PE comparator input 7, is selected as a stop resource. 0x1 TRCVDCTLR Controls data trace filtering. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. This register must be programmed when data tracing is enabled, that is, when either TRCCONFIGR.DA == 1 or TRCCONFIGR.DV == 1. 0x0A0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENT_0 Event unit enable bit. 0 0 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_1 Event unit enable bit. 1 1 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_2 Event unit enable bit. 2 2 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_3 Event unit enable bit. 3 3 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_4 Event unit enable bit. 4 4 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_5 Event unit enable bit. 5 5 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_6 Event unit enable bit. 6 6 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 EVENT_7 Event unit enable bit. 7 7 Disabled The trace event is not selected for trace filtering. 0x0 Enabled The trace event is selected for trace filtering. 0x1 SPREL Controls whether a trace unit traces data for transfers that are relative to the Stack Pointer (SP). 8 9 Enabled The trace unit does not affect the tracing of SP-relative transfers. 0x0 DataOnly The trace unit does not trace the address portion of SP-relative transfers. If data value tracing is enabled then the trace unit generates a P1 data address element. 0x2 Disabled The trace unit does not trace the address or value portions of SP-relative transfers. 0x3 PCREL Controls whether a trace unit traces data for transfers that are relative to the Program Counter (PC). 10 10 Enabled The trace unit does not affect the tracing of PC-relative transfers. 0x0 Disabled The trace unit does not trace the address or value portions of PC-relative transfers. 0x1 TBI Controls which information a trace unit populates in bits[63:56] of the data address. 11 11 SignExtend The trace unit assigns bits[63:56] to have the same value as bit[55] of the data address, that is, it sign-extends the value. 0x0 Copy The trace unit assigns bits[63:56] to have the same value as bits[63:56] of the data address. 0x1 TRCEXDATA Controls the tracing of data transfers for exceptions and exception returns on Armv6-M, Armv7-M, and Armv8-M PEs. 12 12 Disabled Exception and exception return data transfers are not traced. 0x0 Enabled Exception and exception return data transfers are traced if the other aspects of ViewData indicate that the data transfers must be traced. 0x1 TRCVDSACCTLR ViewData include / exclude control. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. This register must be programmed when one or more address comparators are implemented. 0x0A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INCLUDE_0 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 0 0 Disabled The single address comparator 0, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 0, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_1 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 1 1 Disabled The single address comparator 1, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 1, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_2 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 2 2 Disabled The single address comparator 2, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 2, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_3 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 3 3 Disabled The single address comparator 3, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 3, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_4 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 4 4 Disabled The single address comparator 4, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 4, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_5 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 5 5 Disabled The single address comparator 5, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 5, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_6 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 6 6 Disabled The single address comparator 6, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 6, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_7 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData include control. 7 7 Disabled The single address comparator 7, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 7, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_0 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 16 16 Disabled The single address comparator 0, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 0, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_1 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 17 17 Disabled The single address comparator 1, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 1, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_2 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 18 18 Disabled The single address comparator 2, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 2, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_3 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 19 19 Disabled The single address comparator 3, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 3, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_4 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 20 20 Disabled The single address comparator 4, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 4, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_5 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 21 21 Disabled The single address comparator 5, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 5, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_6 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 22 22 Disabled The single address comparator 6, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 6, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_7 Selects which single address comparators are in use with ViewData exclude control. 23 23 Disabled The single address comparator 7, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The single address comparator 7, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 TRCVDARCCTLR ViewData include / exclude control. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. This register must be programmed when one or more address comparators are implemented. 0x0A8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INCLUDE_0 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 0 0 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 0 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 0 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_1 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 1 1 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 1 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 1 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_2 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 2 2 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 2 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 2 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_3 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 3 3 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 3 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 3 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_4 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 4 4 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 4 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 4 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_5 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 5 5 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 5 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 5 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_6 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 6 6 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 6 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 6 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 INCLUDE_7 Include range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData include control. 7 7 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 7 defines, is not selected for ViewData include control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 7 defines, is selected for ViewData include control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_0 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 16 16 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 0 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 0 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_1 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 17 17 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 1 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 1 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_2 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 18 18 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 2 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 2 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_3 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 19 19 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 3 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 3 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_4 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 20 20 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 4 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 4 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_5 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 21 21 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 5 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 5 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_6 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 22 22 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 6 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 6 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 EXCLUDE_7 Exclude range field. Selects which address range comparator pairs are in use with ViewData exclude control. 23 23 Disabled The address range that address range comparator 7 defines, is not selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x0 Enabled The address range that address range comparator 7 defines, s selected for ViewData exclude control. 0x1 0x3 0x4 TRCSEQEVR[%s] Description collection: Moves the sequencer state according to programmed events. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. When the sequencer is used, all sequencer state transitions must be programmed with a valid event. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 F_0 Forward field. 0 0 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_1 Forward field. 1 1 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_2 Forward field. 2 2 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_3 Forward field. 3 3 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_4 Forward field. 4 4 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_5 Forward field. 5 5 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_6 Forward field. 6 6 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 F_7 Forward field. 7 7 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n to state n+1. 0x1 B_0 Backward field. 8 8 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_1 Backward field. 9 9 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_2 Backward field. 10 10 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_3 Backward field. 11 11 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_4 Backward field. 12 12 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_5 Backward field. 13 13 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_6 Backward field. 14 14 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 B_7 Backward field. 15 15 Disabled The trace event does not affect the sequencer. 0x0 Enabled When the event occurs then the sequencer state moves from state n+1 to state n. 0x1 TRCSEQRSTEVR Moves the sequencer to state 0 when a programmed event occurs. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. When the sequencer is used, all sequencer state transitions must be programmed with a valid event. 0x118 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENT Select which event should reset the sequencer. 0 7 TRCSEQSTR Use this to set, or read, the sequencer state. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Only returns stable data when TRCSTATR.PMSTABLE == 1. When the sequencer is used, all sequencer state transitions must be programmed with a valid event. 0x11C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STATE Sets or returns the state of the sequencer. 0 1 State0 The sequencer is in state 0. 0x0 State1 The sequencer is in state 1. 0x1 State2 The sequencer is in state 2. 0x2 State3 The sequencer is in state 3. 0x3 TRCEXTINSELR Use this to set, or read, which external inputs are resources to the trace unit. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. Only returns stable data when TRCSTATR.PMSTABLE == 1. When the sequencer is used, all sequencer state transitions must be programmed with a valid event. 0x120 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SEL_0 Each field in this collection selects an external input as a resource for the trace unit. 0 7 SEL_1 Each field in this collection selects an external input as a resource for the trace unit. 8 15 SEL_2 Each field in this collection selects an external input as a resource for the trace unit. 16 23 SEL_3 Each field in this collection selects an external input as a resource for the trace unit. 24 31 0x4 0x4 TRCCNTRLDVR[%s] Description collection: This sets or returns the reload count value for counter n. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. 0x140 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE Contains the reload value for counter n. When a reload event occurs for counter n then the trace unit copies the VALUEn field into counter n. 0 15 0x4 0x4 TRCCNTCTLR[%s] Description collection: Controls the operation of counter n. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. 0x150 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CNTEVENT Selects an event, that when it occurs causes counter n to decrement. 0 7 RLDEVENT Selects an event, that when it occurs causes a reload event for counter n. 8 15 RLDSELF Controls whether a reload event occurs for counter n, when counter n reaches zero. 16 16 Disabled The counter is in Normal mode. 0x0 Enabled The counter is in Self-reload mode. 0x1 CNTCHAIN For TRCCNTCTLR3 and TRCCNTCTLR1, this bit controls whether counter n decrements when a reload event occurs for counter n-1. 17 17 Disabled Counter n does not decrement when a reload event for counter n-1 occurs. 0x0 Enabled Counter n decrements when a reload event for counter n-1 occurs. This concatenates counter n and counter n-1, to provide a larger count value. 0x1 0x4 0x4 TRCCNTVR[%s] Description collection: This sets or returns the value of counter n. The count value is only stable when TRCSTATR.PMSTABLE == 1. If software uses counter n then it must write to this register to set the initial counter value. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. 0x160 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE Contains the count value of counter n. 0 15 0x1E 0x4 TRCRSCTLR[%s] Description collection: Controls the selection of the resources in the trace unit. Might ignore writes when the trace unit is enabled or not idle. If software selects a non-implemented resource then CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE behavior of the resource selector occurs, so the resource selector might fire unexpectedly or might not fire. Reads of the TRCRSCTLRn might return UNKNOWN. 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EN Trace unit enable bit 0 0 Disabled The trace unit is disabled. All trace resources are inactive and no trace is generated. 0x0 Enabled The trace unit is enabled. 0x1 TRCSSCCR0 Controls the single-shot comparator. 0x280 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RST Enables the single-shot comparator resource to be reset when it occurs, to enable another comparator match to be detected 24 24 Disabled Multiple matches can not be detected. 0x0 Enabled Multiple matches can occur. 0x1 TRCSSCSR0 Indicates the status of the single-shot comparators. TRCSSCSR0 is sensitive toinstruction addresses. 0x2A0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INST Instruction address comparator support 0 0 False Single-shot instruction address comparisons not supported. 0x0 True Single-shot instruction address comparisons supported. 0x1 DA Data address comparator support 1 1 False Data address comparisons not supported. 0x0 True Data address comparisons supported. 0x1 DV Data value comparator support 2 2 False Data value comparisons not supported. 0x0 True Data value comparisons supported. 0x1 PC Process counter value comparator support 3 3 False Process counter value comparisons not supported. 0x0 True Process counter value comparisons supported. 0x1 STATUS Single-shot status. This indicates whether any of the selected comparators have matched. 31 31 NoMatch Match has not occurred. 0x0 Match Match has occurred at least once. 0x1 TRCSSPCICR0 Selects the processor comparator inputs for Single-shot control. 0x2C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PC_0 Selects processor comparator 0 inputs for Single-shot control 0 0 Disabled Processor comparator 0 is not selected for Single-shot control. 0x0 Enabled Processor comparator 0 is selected for Single-shot control. 0x1 PC_1 Selects processor comparator 1 inputs for Single-shot control 1 1 Disabled Processor comparator 1 is not selected for Single-shot control. 0x0 Enabled Processor comparator 1 is selected for Single-shot control. 0x1 PC_2 Selects processor comparator 2 inputs for Single-shot control 2 2 Disabled Processor comparator 2 is not selected for Single-shot control. 0x0 Enabled Processor comparator 2 is selected for Single-shot control. 0x1 PC_3 Selects processor comparator 3 inputs for Single-shot control 3 3 Disabled Processor comparator 3 is not selected for Single-shot control. 0x0 Enabled Processor comparator 3 is selected for Single-shot control. 0x1 TRCPDCR Controls the single-shot comparator. 0x310 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PU Power up request, to request that power to ETM and access to the trace registers is maintained. 24 24 Disabled Power not requested. 0x0 Enabled Power requested. 0x1 TRCPDSR Indicates the power down status of the ETM. 0x314 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 POWER Indicates ETM is powered up 0 0 NotPoweredUp ETM is not powered up. All registers are not accessible. 0x0 PoweredUp ETM is powered up. All registers are accessible. 0x1 STICKYPD Sticky power down state. This bit is set to 1 when power to the ETM registers is removed, to indicate that programming state has been lost. It is cleared after a read of the TRCPDSR 1 1 NotPoweredDown Trace register power has not been removed since the TRCPDSR was last read. 0x0 PoweredDown Trace register power has been removed since the TRCPDSR was last read. 0x1 TRCITATBIDR Sets the state of output pins. 0xEE4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ID_0 Drives the ATIDMI[0] output pin. 0 0 ID_1 Drives the ATIDMI[1] output pin. 1 1 ID_2 Drives the ATIDMI[2] output pin. 2 2 ID_3 Drives the ATIDMI[3] output pin. 3 3 ID_4 Drives the ATIDMI[4] output pin. 4 4 ID_5 Drives the ATIDMI[5] output pin. 5 5 ID_6 Drives the ATIDMI[6] output pin. 6 6 TRCITIATBINR Reads the state of the input pins. 0xEF4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ATVALID Returns the value of the ATVALIDMI input pin. 0 0 AFREADY Returns the value of the AFREADYMI input pin. 1 1 TRCITIATBOUTR Sets the state of the output pins. 0xEFC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ATVALID Drives the ATVALIDMI output pin. 0 0 AFREADY Drives the AFREADYMI output pin. 1 1 TRCITCTRL Enables topology detection or integration testing, by putting ETM-M33 into integration mode. 0xF00 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 IME Integration mode enable 0 0 Disabled ETM is not in integration mode. 0x0 Enabled ETM is in integration mode. 0x1 TRCCLAIMSET Sets bits in the claim tag and determines the number of claim tag bits implemented. 0xFA0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SET_0 Claim tag set register 0 0 read NotSet Claim tag 0 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 0 is set. 0x1 write Claim Set claim tag 0. 0x1 SET_1 Claim tag set register 1 1 read NotSet Claim tag 1 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 1 is set. 0x1 write Claim Set claim tag 1. 0x1 SET_2 Claim tag set register 2 2 read NotSet Claim tag 2 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 2 is set. 0x1 write Claim Set claim tag 2. 0x1 SET_3 Claim tag set register 3 3 read NotSet Claim tag 3 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 3 is set. 0x1 write Claim Set claim tag 3. 0x1 TRCCLAIMCLR Clears bits in the claim tag and determines the current value of the claim tag. 0xFA4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CLR_0 Claim tag clear register 0 0 read NotSet Claim tag 0 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 0 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim tag 0. 0x1 CLR_1 Claim tag clear register 1 1 read NotSet Claim tag 1 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 1 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim tag 1. 0x1 CLR_2 Claim tag clear register 2 2 read NotSet Claim tag 2 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 2 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim tag 2. 0x1 CLR_3 Claim tag clear register 3 3 read NotSet Claim tag 3 is not set. 0x0 Set Claim tag 3 is set. 0x1 write Clear Clear claim tag 3. 0x1 TRCAUTHSTATUS Indicates the current level of tracing permitted by the system 0xFB8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NSID Non-secure Invasive Debug 0 1 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 NSNID Non-secure Non-Invasive Debug 2 3 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 SID Secure Invasive Debug 4 5 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 SNID Secure Non-Invasive Debug 6 7 NotImplemented The feature is not implemented. 0x0 Implemented The feature is implemented. 0x1 TRCDEVARCH The TRCDEVARCH identifies ETM-M33 as an ETMv4.2 component 0xFBC read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ARCHID Architecture ID 0 15 ETMv42 Component is an ETMv4 component 0x4A13 REVISION Architecture revision 16 19 v2 Component is part of architecture 4.2 0x2 PRESENT This register is implemented 20 20 Absent The register is not implemented. 0x0 Present The register is implemented. 0x1 ARCHITECT Defines the architect of the component 21 31 Arm This peripheral was architected by Arm. 0x23B TRCDEVTYPE Controls the single-shot comparator. 0xFCC read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MAJOR The main type of the component 0 3 TraceSource Peripheral is a trace source. 0x3 SUB The sub-type of the component 4 7 ProcessorTrace Peripheral is a processor trace source. 0x1 0x8 0x4 TRCPIDR[%s] Description collection: Coresight peripheral identification registers. 0xFD0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 0x4 0x4 TRCCIDR[%s] Description collection: Coresight component identification registers. 0xFF0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CPUC_S CPU control 0xE0080000 CPUC 0 0x1000 registers CPUC 0x20 EVENTS_FPUIOC An invalid operation exception has occurred in the FPU. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FPUIOC An invalid operation exception has occurred in the FPU. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FPUDZC A floating-point divide-by-zero exception has occurred in the FPU. 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FPUDZC A floating-point divide-by-zero exception has occurred in the FPU. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FPUOFC A floating-point overflow exception has occurred in the FPU. 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FPUOFC A floating-point overflow exception has occurred in the FPU. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FPUUFC A floating-point underflow exception has occurred in the FPU. 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FPUUFC A floating-point underflow exception has occurred in the FPU. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FPUIXC A floating-point inexact exception has occurred in the FPU. 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FPUIXC A floating-point inexact exception has occurred in the FPU. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FPUIDC A floating-point input denormal exception has occurred in the FPU. 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FPUIDC A floating-point input denormal exception has occurred in the FPU. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FPUIOC Enable or disable interrupt for event FPUIOC 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FPUDZC Enable or disable interrupt for event FPUDZC 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FPUOFC Enable or disable interrupt for event FPUOFC 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FPUUFC Enable or disable interrupt for event FPUUFC 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FPUIXC Enable or disable interrupt for event FPUIXC 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FPUIDC Enable or disable interrupt for event FPUIDC 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FPUIOC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FPUIOC 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FPUDZC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FPUDZC 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FPUOFC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FPUOFC 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FPUUFC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FPUUFC 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FPUIXC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FPUIXC 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FPUIDC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FPUIDC 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FPUIOC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FPUIOC 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FPUDZC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FPUDZC 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FPUOFC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FPUOFC 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FPUUFC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FPUUFC 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FPUIXC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FPUIXC 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FPUIDC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FPUIDC 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 LOCK Register to lock the certain parts of the CPU from being modified. 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LOCKVTORAIRCRS Locks both the Vector table Offset Register (VTOR) and Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register (AIRCR) for secure mode. 0 0 NotLocked Both VTOR and AIRCR can be changed. 0x0 Locked Prevents changes to both VTOR and AIRCR. 0x1 LOCKVTORNS Locks the Vector table Offset Register (VTOR) for non-secure mode. 1 1 NotLocked VTOR can be changed. 0x0 Locked Prevents changes to VTOR. 0x1 LOCKMPUS Locks the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) for secure mode. 2 2 NotLocked MPU registers can be changed. 0x0 Locked Prevents changes to MPU registers. 0x1 LOCKMPUNS Locks the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) for non secure mode. 3 3 NotLocked MPU registers can be changed. 0x0 Locked Prevents changes to MPU registers. 0x1 LOCKSAU Locks the Security Attribution Unit (SAU) 4 4 NotLocked SAU registers can be changed. 0x0 Locked Prevents changes to SAU registers. 0x1 CPUID The identifier for the CPU in this subsystem. 0x504 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 CPUID The CPU identifier. 0 31 ICACHE_S Cache 0xE0082000 CACHE 0 0x1000 registers CACHE 0x20 TASKS_INVALIDATECACHE Invalidate the cache. 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_INVALIDATECACHE Invalidate the cache. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_INVALIDATELINE Invalidate the line. 0x014 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_INVALIDATELINE Invalidate the line. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_ERASE Erase the cache. 0x020 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_ERASE Erase the cache. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 STATUS Status of the cache activities. 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 READY Ready status. 0 0 Ready Activity is done and ready for the next activity. 0x0 Busy Activity is in progress. 0x1 ENABLE Enable cache. 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable cache 0 0 Disabled Disable cache 0x0 Enabled Enable cache 0x1 MODE Cache mode. 0x408 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MODE Cache mode 0 0 Cache Cache mode 0x0 Ram RAM mode 0x1 RAMSIZE RAM size 4 5 All All RAM is used for cache memory 0x0 Half Half of the RAM is used for cache memory 0x1 Quarter Quarter of the RAM is used for cache memory 0x2 None None of the RAM is used for cache memory 0x3 LINEADDR Memory address covered by the line to be maintained. 0x410 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDR Address. 0 31 PROFILING Unspecified CACHE_PROFILING read-write 0x414 ENABLE Enable the profiling counters. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable the profiling counters 0 0 Disable Disable profiling 0x0 Enable Enable profiling 0x1 CLEAR Clear the profiling counters. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 CLEAR Clearing the profiling counters 0 0 Clear Clear the profiling counters 0x1 HIT The cache hit counter for cache region. 0x008 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 HITS Number of cache hits 0 31 MISS The cache miss counter for cache region. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MISSES Number of cache misses 0 31 LMISS The cache line miss counter for cache region. 0x010 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 LMISSES Number of cache line misses 0 31 READS Number of reads for cache region. 0x014 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 READS Number of reads for cache region. 0 31 WRITES Number of writes for cache region. 0x018 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 WRITES Number of writes for cache region. 0 31 DEBUGLOCK Lock debug mode. 0x430 read-writeonce 0x00000000 0x20 DEBUGLOCK Lock debug mode 0 0 Unlocked Debug mode unlocked 0x0 Locked Debug mode locked. Ignores any other value written. 0x1 WRITELOCK Lock cache updates. 0x434 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 WRITELOCK Lock cache updates 0 0 Unlocked Cache updates unlocked 0x0 Locked Cache updates locked 0x1 SWI00_S Software interrupt 0 0x5001C000 SWI 0 0x1000 registers SWI00 28 SWI 0x20 UNUSED Unused. 0x000 0x00000000 read-only SWI01_S Software interrupt 1 0x5001D000 SWI01 29 SWI02_S Software interrupt 2 0x5001E000 SWI02 30 SWI03_S Software interrupt 3 0x5001F000 SWI03 31 GLOBAL_SPU00_S System protection unit 0 0x50040000 SPU 0 0x1000 registers SPU00 64 SPU 0x20 EVENTS_PERIPHACCERR A security violation has been detected on one or several peripherals 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PERIPHACCERR A security violation has been detected on one or several peripherals 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PERIPHACCERR Enable or disable interrupt for event PERIPHACCERR 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PERIPHACCERR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PERIPHACCERR 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PERIPHACCERR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PERIPHACCERR 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 PERIPHACCERR Read pending status of interrupt for event PERIPHACCERR 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PERIPHACCERR Unspecified SPU_PERIPHACCERR read-write 0x404 ADDRESS Address of the transaction that caused first error. 0x000 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Address 0 15 64 0x004 PERIPH[%s] Unspecified SPU_PERIPH read-write 0x500 PERM Description cluster: Get and set the applicable access permissions for the peripheral slave index n 0x000 read-write 0x8000000A 0x20 SECUREMAPPING Read capabilities for TrustZone Cortex-M secure attribute 0 1 read-only NonSecure This peripheral is always accessible as a non-secure peripheral 0x0 Secure This peripheral is always accessible as a secure peripheral 0x1 UserSelectable Non-secure or secure attribute for this peripheral is defined by the PERIPH[n].PERM register 0x2 Split This peripheral implements the split security mechanism. 0x3 DMA Read the peripheral DMA capabilities 2 3 read-only NoDMA Peripheral has no DMA capability 0x0 NoSeparateAttribute Peripheral has DMA and DMA transfers always have the same security attribute as assigned to the peripheral 0x1 SeparateAttribute Peripheral has DMA and DMA transfers can have a different security attribute than the one assigned to the peripheral 0x2 SECATTR Peripheral security mapping 4 4 Secure Peripheral is mapped in secure peripheral address space 0x1 NonSecure If SECUREMAPPING == UserSelectable: Peripheral is mapped in non-secure peripheral address space. If SECUREMAPPING == Split: Peripheral is mapped in non-secure and secure peripheral address space. 0x0 DMASEC Security attribution for the DMA transfer 5 5 Secure DMA transfers initiated by this peripheral have the secure attribute set 0x1 NonSecure DMA transfers initiated by this peripheral have the non-secure attribute set 0x0 LOCK Register lock 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked This register can be updated 0x0 Locked The content of this register can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 PRESENT Indicates if a peripheral is present with peripheral slave index n 31 31 read-only NotPresent Peripheral is not present 0x0 IsPresent Peripheral is present 0x1 FEATURE Unspecified SPU_FEATURE read-write 0x600 DPPIC Unspecified SPU_FEATURE_DPPIC read-write 0x080 0x18 0x4 CH[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for channel n of DPPIC 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 0x8 0x4 CHG[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for channel group n of DPPIC 0x060 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 2 0x040 GPIOTE[%s] Unspecified GPIOTE read-write 0x100 0x8 0x4 CH[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for channel o of GPIOTE[n] 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 0x8 0x4 INTERRUPT[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for interrupt o of GPIOTE[n] 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 3 0x080 GPIO[%s] Unspecified GPIO read-write 0x200 0x20 0x4 PIN[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for GPIO[n] PIN[o] 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 CRACEN Unspecified CRACEN GPIO[%s] read-write 0x200 SEED Configuration for CRACEN SEED 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 GRTC Unspecified SPU_FEATURE_GRTC read-write 0x700 0x18 0x4 CC[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for CC n of GRTC 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 PWMCONFIG Configuration of feature for PWMCONFIG of GRTC 0x074 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 CLK Configuration of features for CLKOUT/CLKCFG of GRTC 0x078 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 SYSCOUNTER Configuration of features for SYSCOUNTERL/SYSCOUNTERH of GRTC 0x07C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 0x10 0x4 INTERRUPT[%s] Description collection: Configuration of features for interrupt n of GRTC 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECATTR SECATTR feature 4 4 NonSecure Feature is available for non-secure usage 0x0 Secure Feature is reserved for secure usage 0x1 LOCK LOCK feature 8 8 oneToSet Unlocked Feature permissions can be updated 0x0 Locked Feature permissions can not be changed until the next reset 0x1 GLOBAL_MPC00_S Memory Privilege Controller 0x50041000 MPC 0 0x1000 registers MPC00 65 MPC 0x20 EVENTS_MEMACCERR Memory Access Error event 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_MEMACCERR Memory Access Error event 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MEMACCERR Enable or disable interrupt for event MEMACCERR 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MEMACCERR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event MEMACCERR 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MEMACCERR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event MEMACCERR 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 MEMACCERR Memory Access Error status registers MPC_MEMACCERR read-write 0x400 ADDRESS Target Address of Memory Access Error. Register content won't be changed as long as MEMACCERR event is active. 0x000 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Target address for erroneous access 0 31 INFO Access information for the transaction that triggered a memory access error. Register content won't be changed as long as MEMACCERR event is active. 0x004 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 OWNERID Owner identifier of the erroneous access 0 3 MASTERPORT Master port where erroneous access is detected 4 8 READ Read bit of bus access 12 12 Set Read access bit was set 0x1 NotSet Read access bit was not set 0x0 WRITE Write bit of bus access 13 13 Set Write access bit was set 0x1 NotSet Write access bit was not set 0x0 EXECUTE Execute bit of bus access 14 14 Set Execute access bit was set 0x1 NotSet Execute access bit was not set 0x0 SECURE Secure bit of bus access 15 15 Set Secure access bit was set 0x1 NotSet Secure access bit was not set 0x0 ERRORSOURCE Source of memory access error 16 16 MPC Error was triggered by MPC module 0x1 Slave Error was triggered by an AXI slave 0x0 GLOBALSLAVE Global slave master port connection information MPC_GLOBALSLAVE read-write 0x410 MASTERPORT Global slave connection information for master port 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CONNECTION_0 Global slave connection information for master port 0 0 Disabled Master port 0 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 0 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_1 Global slave connection information for master port 1 1 Disabled Master port 1 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 1 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_2 Global slave connection information for master port 2 2 Disabled Master port 2 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 2 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_3 Global slave connection information for master port 3 3 Disabled Master port 3 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 3 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_4 Global slave connection information for master port 4 4 Disabled Master port 4 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 4 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_5 Global slave connection information for master port 5 5 Disabled Master port 5 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 5 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_6 Global slave connection information for master port 6 6 Disabled Master port 6 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 6 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_7 Global slave connection information for master port 7 7 Disabled Master port 7 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 7 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_8 Global slave connection information for master port 8 8 Disabled Master port 8 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 8 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_9 Global slave connection information for master port 9 9 Disabled Master port 9 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 9 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_10 Global slave connection information for master port 10 10 Disabled Master port 10 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 10 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_11 Global slave connection information for master port 11 11 Disabled Master port 11 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 11 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_12 Global slave connection information for master port 12 12 Disabled Master port 12 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 12 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_13 Global slave connection information for master port 13 13 Disabled Master port 13 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 13 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 CONNECTION_14 Global slave connection information for master port 14 14 Disabled Master port 14 connection to global slave is disabled 0x0 Enabled Master port 14 connection to global slave is enabled 0x1 LOCK Lock global slave registers 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LOCK Enable lock 0 0 Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 8 0x010 REGION[%s] Memory region to slave decoding table MPC_REGION read-write 0x600 CONFIG Description cluster: Slave region n Configuration register 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SLAVENUMBER Target slave number for region n accesses. Slave number 0 is reserved for default slave 0 4 LOCK Locks the region n setting 8 8 read-writeonce Unlocked Region n settings can be updated 0x0 Locked Region n settings can't be updated until next reset 0x1 ENABLE Region n enable 9 9 Disabled Region n is not used 0x0 Enabled Region n is used 0x1 READ Read access 12 12 NotAllowed Read access to region n is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Read access to region n is allowed 0x1 WRITE Write access 13 13 NotAllowed Write access to region n is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Write access to region n is allowed 0x1 EXECUTE Software execute 14 14 NotAllowed Software execution from region n is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Software execution from region n is allowed 0x1 SECATTR Memory security mapping 15 15 Secure Memory is mapped in secure memory address space 0x1 NonSecure Memory is mapped in non-secure memory address space 0x0 OWNERID Region owner identifier. 16 19 STARTADDR Description cluster: Region n start address 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTADDR Start address for memory region n 0 31 ADDRMASK Description cluster: Select which bits of the incoming address are compared against the STARTADDR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRMASK Address mask for memory region n 0 31 MASTERPORT Description cluster: Region n local master enable 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE0 Enable region n for master port 0 0 0 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 0 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 0 0x1 ENABLE1 Enable region n for master port 1 1 1 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 1 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 1 0x1 ENABLE2 Enable region n for master port 2 2 2 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 2 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 2 0x1 ENABLE3 Enable region n for master port 3 3 3 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 3 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 3 0x1 ENABLE4 Enable region n for master port 4 4 4 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 4 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 4 0x1 ENABLE5 Enable region n for master port 5 5 5 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 5 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 5 0x1 ENABLE6 Enable region n for master port 6 6 6 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 6 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 6 0x1 ENABLE7 Enable region n for master port 7 7 7 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 7 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 7 0x1 ENABLE8 Enable region n for master port 8 8 8 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 8 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 8 0x1 ENABLE9 Enable region n for master port 9 9 9 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 9 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 9 0x1 ENABLE10 Enable region n for master port 10 10 10 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 10 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 10 0x1 ENABLE11 Enable region n for master port 11 11 11 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 11 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 11 0x1 ENABLE12 Enable region n for master port 12 12 12 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 12 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 12 0x1 ENABLE13 Enable region n for master port 13 13 13 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 13 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 13 0x1 ENABLE14 Enable region n for master port 14 14 14 Disable Region n is disabled for master port 14 0x0 Enable Region n is enabled for master port 14 0x1 7 0x020 OVERRIDE[%s] Special privilege tables MPC_OVERRIDE read-write 0x800 CONFIG Description cluster: Override region n Configuration register 0x0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SLAVENUMBER Target slave number for override region n accesses. Slave number 0 is reserved for default slave 0 4 LOCK Lock Override region n 8 8 read-writeonce Unlocked Override region n settings can be updated 0x0 Locked Override region n settings can't be updated until next reset 0x1 ENABLE Enable Override region n 9 9 Disabled Override region n is not used 0x0 Enabled Override region n is used 0x1 SECUREMASK Secure mask enable for Override region n 12 12 read-only Disabled Mask is disabled for override region n 0x0 Enabled Mask is enabled for override region n 0x1 STARTADDR Description cluster: Override region n Start Address 0x4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTADDR Start address for override region n 0 31 ENDADDR Description cluster: Override region n End Address 0x8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENDADDR End address for override region n 0 31 PERM Description cluster: Permission settings for override region n 0x10 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READ Read access 0 0 NotAllowed Read access to override region n is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Read access to override region n is allowed 0x1 WRITE Write access 1 1 NotAllowed Write access to override region n is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Write access to override region n is allowed 0x1 EXECUTE Software execute 2 2 NotAllowed Software execution from override region n is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Software execution from override region n is allowed 0x1 SECATTR Security mapping 3 3 Secure Override region n is mapped in secure memory address space 0x1 NonSecure Override region n is mapped in non-secure memory address space 0x0 PERMMASK Description cluster: Masks permission setting fields from register OVERRIDE.PERM 0x14 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READ Read mask 0 0 Masked Permission setting READ in OVERRIDE register will not be applied 0x0 UnMasked Permission setting READ in OVERRIDE register will be applied 0x1 WRITE Write mask 1 1 Masked Permission setting WRITE in OVERRIDE register will not be applied 0x0 UnMasked Permission setting WRITE in OVERRIDE register will be applied 0x1 EXECUTE Execute mask 2 2 Masked Permission setting EXECUTE in OVERRIDE register will not be applied 0x0 UnMasked Permission setting EXECUTE in OVERRIDE register will be applied 0x1 SECATTR Security mapping mask 3 3 Masked Permission setting SECATTR in OVERRIDE register will not be applied 0x0 UnMasked Permission setting SECATTR in OVERRIDE register will be applied 0x1 OWNER Description cluster: Owner for override region 0x18 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 OWNERID owner identifier for override region n 0 3 MASTERPORT Description cluster: Override region n local master enable 0x1C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE0 Enable override 0 0 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 0 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 0 0x1 ENABLE1 Enable override 1 1 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 1 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 1 0x1 ENABLE2 Enable override 2 2 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 2 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 2 0x1 ENABLE3 Enable override 3 3 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 3 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 3 0x1 ENABLE4 Enable override 4 4 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 4 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 4 0x1 ENABLE5 Enable override 5 5 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 5 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 5 0x1 ENABLE6 Enable override 6 6 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 6 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 6 0x1 ENABLE7 Enable override 7 7 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 7 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 7 0x1 ENABLE8 Enable override 8 8 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 8 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 8 0x1 ENABLE9 Enable override 9 9 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 9 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 9 0x1 ENABLE10 Enable override 10 10 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 10 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 10 0x1 ENABLE11 Enable override 11 11 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 11 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 11 0x1 ENABLE12 Enable override 12 12 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 12 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 12 0x1 ENABLE13 Enable override 13 13 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 13 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 13 0x1 ENABLE14 Enable override 14 14 Disable Override region n is disabled for master port 14 0x0 Enable Override region n is enabled for master port 14 0x1 GLOBAL_DPPIC00_NS Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 0 0x40042000 DPPIC 0 0x1000 registers DPPIC 0x20 6 0x008 TASKS_CHG[%s] Channel group tasks DPPIC_TASKS_CHG write-only 0x000 EN Description cluster: Enable channel group n 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 EN Enable channel group n 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 DIS Description cluster: Disable channel group n 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 DIS Disable channel group n 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 6 0x008 SUBSCRIBE_CHG[%s] Subscribe configuration for tasks DPPIC_SUBSCRIBE_CHG read-write 0x080 EN Description cluster: Subscribe configuration for task CHG[n].EN 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CHG[n].EN will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 DIS Description cluster: Subscribe configuration for task CHG[n].DIS 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CHG[n].DIS will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 CHEN Channel enable register 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CH0 Enable or disable channel 0 0 0 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH1 Enable or disable channel 1 1 1 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH2 Enable or disable channel 2 2 2 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH3 Enable or disable channel 3 3 3 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH4 Enable or disable channel 4 4 4 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH5 Enable or disable channel 5 5 5 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH6 Enable or disable channel 6 6 6 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH7 Enable or disable channel 7 7 7 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH8 Enable or disable channel 8 8 8 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH9 Enable or disable channel 9 9 9 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH10 Enable or disable channel 10 10 10 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH11 Enable or disable channel 11 11 11 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH12 Enable or disable channel 12 12 12 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH13 Enable or disable channel 13 13 13 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH14 Enable or disable channel 14 14 14 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH15 Enable or disable channel 15 15 15 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH16 Enable or disable channel 16 16 16 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH17 Enable or disable channel 17 17 17 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH18 Enable or disable channel 18 18 18 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH19 Enable or disable channel 19 19 19 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH20 Enable or disable channel 20 20 20 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH21 Enable or disable channel 21 21 21 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH22 Enable or disable channel 22 22 22 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CH23 Enable or disable channel 23 23 23 Disabled Disable channel 0x0 Enabled Enable channel 0x1 CHENSET Channel enable set register 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 oneToSet 0x20 CH0 Channel 0 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 0 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH1 Channel 1 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 1 1 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH2 Channel 2 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 2 2 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH3 Channel 3 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 3 3 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH4 Channel 4 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 4 4 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH5 Channel 5 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 5 5 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH6 Channel 6 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 6 6 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH7 Channel 7 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 7 7 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH8 Channel 8 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 8 8 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH9 Channel 9 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 9 9 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH10 Channel 10 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 10 10 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH11 Channel 11 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 11 11 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH12 Channel 12 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 12 12 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH13 Channel 13 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 13 13 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH14 Channel 14 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 14 14 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH15 Channel 15 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 15 15 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH16 Channel 16 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 16 16 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH17 Channel 17 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 17 17 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH18 Channel 18 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 18 18 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH19 Channel 19 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 19 19 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH20 Channel 20 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 20 20 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH21 Channel 21 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 21 21 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH22 Channel 22 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 22 22 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CH23 Channel 23 enable set register. Writing 0 has no effect. 23 23 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Set Write: Enable channel 0x1 CHENCLR Channel enable clear register 0x508 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 CH0 Channel 0 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 0 0 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH1 Channel 1 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 1 1 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH2 Channel 2 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 2 2 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH3 Channel 3 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 3 3 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH4 Channel 4 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 4 4 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH5 Channel 5 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 5 5 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH6 Channel 6 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 6 6 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH7 Channel 7 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 7 7 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH8 Channel 8 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 8 8 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH9 Channel 9 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 9 9 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH10 Channel 10 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 10 10 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH11 Channel 11 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 11 11 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH12 Channel 12 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 12 12 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH13 Channel 13 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 13 13 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH14 Channel 14 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 14 14 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH15 Channel 15 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 15 15 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH16 Channel 16 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 16 16 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH17 Channel 17 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 17 17 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH18 Channel 18 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 18 18 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH19 Channel 19 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 19 19 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH20 Channel 20 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 20 20 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH21 Channel 21 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 21 21 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH22 Channel 22 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 22 22 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 CH23 Channel 23 enable clear register. Writing 0 has no effect. 23 23 read Disabled Read: Channel disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Channel enabled 0x1 write Clear Write: Disable channel 0x1 0x6 0x4 CHG[%s] Description collection: Channel group n Note: Writes to this register are ignored if either SUBSCRIBE_CHG[n].EN or SUBSCRIBE_CHG[n].DIS is enabled 0x800 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CH0 Include or exclude channel 0 0 0 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH1 Include or exclude channel 1 1 1 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH2 Include or exclude channel 2 2 2 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH3 Include or exclude channel 3 3 3 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH4 Include or exclude channel 4 4 4 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH5 Include or exclude channel 5 5 5 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH6 Include or exclude channel 6 6 6 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH7 Include or exclude channel 7 7 7 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH8 Include or exclude channel 8 8 8 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH9 Include or exclude channel 9 9 9 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH10 Include or exclude channel 10 10 10 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH11 Include or exclude channel 11 11 11 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH12 Include or exclude channel 12 12 12 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH13 Include or exclude channel 13 13 13 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH14 Include or exclude channel 14 14 14 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH15 Include or exclude channel 15 15 15 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH16 Include or exclude channel 16 16 16 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH17 Include or exclude channel 17 17 17 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH18 Include or exclude channel 18 18 18 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH19 Include or exclude channel 19 19 19 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH20 Include or exclude channel 20 20 20 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH21 Include or exclude channel 21 21 21 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH22 Include or exclude channel 22 22 22 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 CH23 Include or exclude channel 23 23 23 Excluded Exclude 0x0 Included Include 0x1 GLOBAL_DPPIC00_S Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 1 0x50042000 GLOBAL_PPIB00_NS PPIB APB registers 0 0x40043000 PPIB 0 0x1000 registers PPIB 0x20 0x20 0x4 TASKS_SEND[%s] Description collection: This task is unused, but the PPIB provides the SUBSCRIBE task to connect SEND [n] task. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SEND This task is unused, but the PPIB provides the SUBSCRIBE task to connect SEND [n] task. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x20 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_SEND[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task SEND[n] 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SEND[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x20 0x4 EVENTS_RECEIVE[%s] Description collection: This event is unused, but the PPIB provides the PUBLISH event to connect RECEIVE [n] event. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RECEIVE This event is unused, but the PPIB provides the PUBLISH event to connect RECEIVE [n] event. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x20 0x4 PUBLISH_RECEIVE[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event RECEIVE[n] 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RECEIVE[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 OVERFLOW Unspecified PPIB_OVERFLOW read-write 0x400 SEND The task overflow for SEND tasks using SUBSCRIBE_SEND. Write 0 to clear. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SEND_0 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[0]. 0 0 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_1 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[1]. 1 1 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_2 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[2]. 2 2 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_3 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[3]. 3 3 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_4 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[4]. 4 4 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_5 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[5]. 5 5 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_6 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[6]. 6 6 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_7 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[7]. 7 7 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_8 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[8]. 8 8 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_9 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[9]. 9 9 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_10 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[10]. 10 10 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_11 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[11]. 11 11 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_12 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[12]. 12 12 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_13 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[13]. 13 13 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_14 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[14]. 14 14 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_15 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[15]. 15 15 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_16 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[16]. 16 16 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_17 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[17]. 17 17 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_18 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[18]. 18 18 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_19 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[19]. 19 19 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_20 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[20]. 20 20 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_21 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[21]. 21 21 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_22 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[22]. 22 22 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_23 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[23]. 23 23 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_24 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[24]. 24 24 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_25 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[25]. 25 25 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_26 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[26]. 26 26 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_27 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[27]. 27 27 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_28 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[28]. 28 28 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_29 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[29]. 29 29 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_30 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[30]. 30 30 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 SEND_31 The status for tasks overflow at SUBSCRIBE_SEND[31]. 31 31 Overflow Task overflow is happened. 0x1 NoOverflow Task overflow is not happened. 0x0 GLOBAL_PPIB00_S PPIB APB registers 1 0x50043000 GLOBAL_PPIB01_NS PPIB APB registers 2 0x40044000 GLOBAL_PPIB01_S PPIB APB registers 3 0x50044000 GLOBAL_KMU_S Key management unit 0x50045000 KMU 0 0x1000 registers KMU 0x20 TASKS_PROVISION Provision key slot 0x0000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PROVISION Provision key slot 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PUSH Push key slot 0x0004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PUSH Push key slot 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_REVOKE Revoke key slot 0x0008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_REVOKE Revoke key slot 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_READMETADATA Read key slot metedata into METADATA register 0x000C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_READMETADATA Read key slot metedata into METADATA register 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PUSHBLOCK Block the PUSH operation of key slot, preventing the key slot being PUSH until next reset 0x0010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PUSHBLOCK Block the PUSH operation of key slot, preventing the key slot being PUSH until next reset 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 EVENTS_PROVISIONED Key slot successfully provisioned 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PROVISIONED Key slot successfully provisioned 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PUSHED Key slot successfully pushed 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PUSHED Key slot successfully pushed 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_REVOKED Key slot has been revoked and can no longer be used 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_REVOKED Key slot has been revoked and can no longer be used 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR Error during PROVISION, PUSH, or REVOKE operations 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR Error during PROVISION, PUSH, or REVOKE operations 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_METADATAREAD Key slot metedata has been read into METADATA register 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_METADATAREAD Key slot metedata has been read into METADATA register 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PUSHBLOCKED The PUSHBLOCK operation was succesful 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PUSHBLOCKED The PUSHBLOCK operation was succesful 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 STATUS KMU status register 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATUS KMU status 0 0 Ready KMU is ready for new operation 0x0 Busy KMU is busy, an operation is in progress 0x1 KEYSLOT Select key slot to operate on 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ID Select key slot ID to provision, read, or push when TASKS_PROVISION, TASKS_PUSH, TASKS_READMETADATA, or TASKS_REVOKE, is triggered. 0 7 SRC Source address for provisioning 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SRC Source address for TASKS_PROVISION. 0 31 METADATA Key slot metadata as read by TASKS_READMETADATA. 0x508 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 METADATA Read metadata. 0 31 GLOBAL_AAR00_NS Accelerated Address Resolver 0 0x40046000 AAR 0 0x1000 registers AAR00_CCM00 70 AAR 0x20 TASKS_START Start resolving addresses based on IRKs specified in the IRK data structure 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start resolving addresses based on IRKs specified in the IRK data structure 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop resolving addresses 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop resolving addresses 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_END Address resolution procedure complete 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END Address resolution procedure complete 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RESOLVED Address resolved 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RESOLVED Address resolved 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_NOTRESOLVED Address not resolved 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_NOTRESOLVED Address not resolved 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RESOLVED Publish configuration for event RESOLVED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RESOLVED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_NOTRESOLVED Publish configuration for event NOTRESOLVED 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event NOTRESOLVED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RESOLVED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RESOLVED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 NOTRESOLVED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event NOTRESOLVED 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RESOLVED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RESOLVED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 NOTRESOLVED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event NOTRESOLVED 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ENABLE Enable AAR 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable AAR 0 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x3 MAXRESOLVED Maximum number of IRKs to resolve 0x508 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 MAXRESOLVED The maximum number of IRKs to resolve 0 11 IN IN EasyDMA channel AAR_IN read-write 0x530 PTR Input pointer 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Points to a job list containing AAR data structure 0 31 OUT OUT EasyDMA channel AAR_OUT read-write 0x538 PTR Output pointer 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Output pointer 0 31 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction 0x004 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes written to memory after triggering the START task. 0 7 GLOBAL_CCM00_NS AES CCM Mode Encryption 0 0x40046000 GLOBAL_AAR00_NS CCM 0 0x1000 registers AAR00_CCM00 70 CCM 0x20 TASKS_START Start encryption/decryption. This operation will stop by itself when completed. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start encryption/decryption. This operation will stop by itself when completed. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop encryption/decryption 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop encryption/decryption 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RATEOVERRIDE Override DATARATE setting in MODE register with the contents of the RATEOVERRIDE register for any ongoing encryption/decryption 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RATEOVERRIDE Override DATARATE setting in MODE register with the contents of the RATEOVERRIDE register for any ongoing encryption/decryption 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RATEOVERRIDE Subscribe configuration for task RATEOVERRIDE 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RATEOVERRIDE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_END Encrypt/decrypt complete 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END Encrypt/decrypt complete 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR CCM error event 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR CCM error event 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ERROR Publish configuration for event ERROR 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ERROR 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ERROR 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 MACSTATUS MAC check result 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MACSTATUS The result of the MAC check performed during the previous decryption operation 0 0 CheckFailed MAC check failed 0x0 CheckPassed MAC check passed 0x1 ERRORSTATUS Error status 0x404 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ERRORSTATUS Error status when the ERROR event is generated 0 2 NoError No errors have occurred 0x0 PrematureInptrEnd End of INPTR job list before CCM data structure was read. 0x1 PrematureOutptrEnd End of OUTPTR job list before CCM data structure was read. 0x2 EncryptionTooSlow Encryption of the unencrypted CCM data structure did not complete in time. 0x3 DmaError Bus error during DMA access. 0x4 ENABLE Enable 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable CCM 0 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x2 MODE Operation mode 0x504 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 MODE The mode of operation to be used. The settings in this register apply when the CRYPT task is triggered. 0 1 Encryption AES CCM packet encryption mode 0x0 Decryption AES CCM packet decryption mode 0x1 FastDecryption AES fast decrypt mode. This mode will run CCM decryption as fast as possible, i.e. not locked to a radio data rate. This can be used when a packet has been completely received. 0x2 PROTOCOL Protocol and packet format selection 8 9 Ble Bluetooth Low Energy packet format 0x0 Ieee802154 802.15.4 packet format 0x1 DATARATE Radio data rate that the CCM shall run synchronous with 16 18 125Kbit 125 Kbps 0x0 250Kbit 250 Kbps 0x1 500Kbit 500 Kbps 0x2 1Mbit 1 Mbps 0x3 2Mbit 2 Mbps 0x4 4Mbit 4 Mbps 0x5 MACLEN CCM MAC length (bytes) 24 26 M0 M = 0 This is a special case for CCM* where encryption is required but not authentication 0x0 M4 M = 4 0x1 M6 M = 6 0x2 M8 M = 8 0x3 M10 M = 10 0x4 M12 M = 12 0x5 M14 M = 14 0x6 M16 M = 16 0x7 KEY Unspecified CCM_KEY read-write 0x510 0x4 0x4 VALUE[%s] Description collection: 128-bit AES key 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE AES 128-bit key value, bits (32*(i+1))-1 : (32*i) 0 31 NONCE Unspecified CCM_NONCE read-write 0x520 0x4 0x4 VALUE[%s] Description collection: 13-byte NONCE vector Only the lower 13 bytes are used 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE NONCE value, bits (32*(n+1))-1 : (32*n) 0 31 IN IN EasyDMA channel CCM_IN read-write 0x530 PTR Input pointer Points to a job list containing unencrypted CCM data structure in Encryption mode Points to a job list containing encrypted CCM data structure in Decryption mode 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Input pointer 0 31 OUT OUT EasyDMA channel CCM_OUT read-write 0x538 PTR Output pointer Points to a job list containing encrypted CCM data structure in Encryption mode Points to a job list containing decrypted CCM data structure in Decryption mode 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Output pointer 0 31 RATEOVERRIDE Data rate override setting. 0x544 read-write 0x00000002 0x20 RATEOVERRIDE Data rate override setting. 0 2 125Kbit 125 Kbps 0x0 500Kbit 500 Kbps 0x2 1Mbit 1 Mbps 0x3 2Mbit 2 Mbps 0x4 4Mbit 4 Mbps 0x5 ADATAMASK CCM adata mask. 0x548 read-write 0x000000E3 0x20 ADATAMASK CCM adata mask. 0 7 GLOBAL_AAR00_S Accelerated Address Resolver 1 0x50046000 AAR00_CCM00 70 GLOBAL_CCM00_S AES CCM Mode Encryption 1 0x50046000 GLOBAL_AAR00_S AAR00_CCM00 70 GLOBAL_ECB00_NS AES ECB Mode Encryption 0 0x40047000 ECB 0 0x1000 registers ECB00 71 ECB 0x20 TASKS_START Start ECB block encrypt 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start ECB block encrypt 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Abort a possible executing ECB operation 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Abort a possible executing ECB operation 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_END ECB block encrypt complete 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END ECB block encrypt complete 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR ECB block encrypt aborted because of a STOP task or due to an error 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR ECB block encrypt aborted because of a STOP task or due to an error 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ERROR Publish configuration for event ERROR 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ERROR 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ERROR 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 KEY Unspecified ECB_KEY read-write 0x510 0x4 0x4 VALUE[%s] Description collection: 128-bit AES key 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE AES 128-bit key value, bits (32*(n+1))-1 : (32*n) 0 31 IN IN EasyDMA channel ECB_IN read-write 0x530 PTR Input pointer 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Points to a job list containing unencrypted ECB data structure 0 31 OUT OUT EasyDMA channel ECB_OUT read-write 0x538 PTR Output pointer Points to a job list containing encrypted ECB data structure 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Output pointer 0 31 GLOBAL_ECB00_S AES ECB Mode Encryption 1 0x50047000 ECB00 71 GLOBAL_CRACEN_S CRACEN 0x50048000 CRACEN 0 0x1000 registers CRACEN 72 CRACEN 0x20 EVENTS_CRYPTOMASTER Event indicating that interrupt triggered at Cryptomaster 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CRYPTOMASTER Event indicating that interrupt triggered at Cryptomaster 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RNG Event indicating that interrupt triggered at RNG 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RNG Event indicating that interrupt triggered at RNG 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PKEIKG Event indicating that interrupt triggered at PKE or IKG 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PKEIKG Event indicating that interrupt triggered at PKE or IKG 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CRYPTOMASTER Enable or disable interrupt for event CRYPTOMASTER 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RNG Enable or disable interrupt for event RNG 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PKEIKG Enable or disable interrupt for event PKEIKG 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CRYPTOMASTER Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CRYPTOMASTER 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RNG Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RNG 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PKEIKG Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PKEIKG 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CRYPTOMASTER Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CRYPTOMASTER 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RNG Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RNG 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PKEIKG Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PKEIKG 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 CRYPTOMASTER Read pending status of interrupt for event CRYPTOMASTER 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 RNG Read pending status of interrupt for event RNG 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PKEIKG Read pending status of interrupt for event PKEIKG 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 ENABLE Enable CRACEN peripheral modules. 0x400 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CRYPTOMASTER Enable cryptomaster 0 0 Disabled Cryptomaster disabled. 0x0 Enabled Cryptomaster enabled. 0x1 RNG Enable RNG 1 1 Disabled RNG disabled. 0x0 Enabled RNG enabled. 0x1 PKEIKG Enable PKE and IKG 2 2 Disabled PKE and IKG disabled. 0x0 Enabled PKE and IKG enabled. 0x1 PROTECTEDRAMLOCK Lock the access to the protected RAM. 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable the lock 0 0 Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 SEEDRAMLOCK Lock the access to the RAM used for the seed. 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 PROTECTEDRAMLOCK 0x20 ENABLE Enable the lock 0 0 Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 0xC 0x4 SEED[%s] Description collection: Seed word [n] for symmetric and asymmetric key generation. This register is only writable from KMU. 0x408 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 VAL Seed value 0 31 GLOBAL_SPIM00_NS Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 0 0x4004A000 SPIM 0 0x1000 registers SERIAL00 74 SPIM 0x20 TASKS_START Start SPI transaction 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start SPI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop SPI transaction 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop SPI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend SPI transaction 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend SPI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RESUME Resume SPI transaction 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RESUME Resume SPI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DMA Peripheral tasks. SPIM_TASKS_DMA write-only 0x028 RX Peripheral tasks. SPIM_TASKS_DMA_RX write-only 0x008 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLEMATCH Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 DISABLEMATCH Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SUSPEND Subscribe configuration for task SUSPEND 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SUSPEND will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RESUME Subscribe configuration for task RESUME 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RESUME will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DMA Subscribe configuration for tasks SPIM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA read-write 0x0A8 RX Subscribe configuration for tasks SPIM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_RX read-write 0x008 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task ENABLEMATCH[n] 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ENABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task DISABLEMATCH[n] 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_STARTED SPI transaction has started 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STARTED SPI transaction has started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED SPI transaction has stopped 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED SPI transaction has stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_END End of RXD buffer and TXD buffer reached 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END End of RXD buffer and TXD buffer reached 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DMA Peripheral events. SPIM_EVENTS_DMA read-write 0x14C RX Peripheral events. SPIM_EVENTS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MATCH Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 TX Peripheral events. SPIM_EVENTS_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_STARTED Publish configuration for event STARTED 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DMA Publish configuration for events SPIM_PUBLISH_DMA read-write 0x1CC RX Publish configuration for events SPIM_PUBLISH_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event MATCH[n] 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event MATCH[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 TX Publish configuration for events SPIM_PUBLISH_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END_START Shortcut between event END and task START 17 17 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[1] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 21 21 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[2] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 22 22 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[3] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 23 23 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[0] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 24 24 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[0] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[0] 25 25 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[1] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[1] 26 26 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[2] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[2] 27 27 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[3] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[3] 28 28 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STARTED 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STARTED 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ENABLE Enable SPIM 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable SPIM 0 3 Disabled Disable SPIM 0x0 Enabled Enable SPIM 0x7 PRESCALER The prescaler is used to set the SPI frequency. 0x52C read-write 0x00000040 0x20 DIVISOR Core clock to SCK divisor 0 6 CONFIG Configuration register 0x554 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ORDER Bit order 0 0 MsbFirst Most significant bit shifted out first 0x0 LsbFirst Least significant bit shifted out first 0x1 CPHA Serial clock (SCK) phase 1 1 Leading Sample on leading edge of clock, shift serial data on trailing edge 0x0 Trailing Sample on trailing edge of clock, shift serial data on leading edge 0x1 CPOL Serial clock (SCK) polarity 2 2 ActiveHigh Active high 0x0 ActiveLow Active low 0x1 IFTIMING Unspecified SPIM_IFTIMING read-write 0x5AC RXDELAY Sample delay for input serial data on MISO 0x000 read-write 0x00000002 0x20 RXDELAY Sample delay for input serial data on MISO. The value specifies the number of SPIM core clock cycles delay from the the sampling edge of SCK (leading edge for CONFIG.CPHA = 0, trailing edge for CONFIG.CPHA = 1) until the input serial data is sampled. As en example, if RXDELAY = 0 and CONFIG.CPHA = 0, the input serial data is sampled on the rising edge of SCK. 0 2 CSNDUR Minimum duration between edge of CSN and edge of SCK. When SHORTS.END_START is used, this is also the minimum duration CSN must stay high between transactions. 0x004 read-write 0x00000002 0x20 CSNDUR Minimum duration between edge of CSN and edge of SCK. When SHORTS.END_START is used, this is the minimum duration CSN must stay high between transactions. The value is specified in number of SPIM core clock cycles. 0 7 DCXCNT DCX configuration 0x5B4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DCXCNT This register specifies the number of command bytes preceding the data bytes. The PSEL.DCX line will be low during transmission of command bytes and high during transmission of data bytes. Value 0xF indicates that all bytes are command bytes. 0 3 CSNPOL Polarity of CSN output 0x5B8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CSNPOL_0 Polarity of CSN output 0 0 LOW Active low (idle state high) 0x0 HIGH Active high (idle state low) 0x1 ORC Byte transmitted after TXD.MAXCNT bytes have been transmitted in the case when RXD.MAXCNT is greater than TXD.MAXCNT 0x5C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ORC Byte transmitted after TXD.MAXCNT bytes have been transmitted in the case when RXD.MAXCNT is greater than TXD.MAXCNT. 0 7 PSEL Unspecified SPIM_PSEL read-write 0x600 SCK Pin select for SCK 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 MOSI Pin select for MOSI signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 MISO Pin select for MISO signal 0x008 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DCX Pin select for DCX signal 0x00C read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 CSN Pin select for CSN 0x010 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DMA Unspecified SPIM_DMA read-write 0x700 RX Unspecified SPIM_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 LIST EasyDMA list type 0x014 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TYPE List type 0 2 Disabled Disable EasyDMA list 0x0 ArrayList Use array list 0x1 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 MATCH Registers to control the behavior of the pattern matcher engine SPIM_DMA_RX_MATCH read-write 0x024 CONFIG Configure individual match events 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE_0 Enable match filter 0 0 0 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_1 Enable match filter 1 1 1 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_2 Enable match filter 2 2 2 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_3 Enable match filter 3 3 3 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ONESHOT_0 Configure match filter 0 as one-shot or sticky 16 16 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_1 Configure match filter 1 as one-shot or sticky 17 17 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_2 Configure match filter 2 as one-shot or sticky 18 18 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_3 Configure match filter 3 as one-shot or sticky 19 19 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 0x4 0x4 CANDIDATE[%s] Description collection: The data to look for - any match will trigger the MATCH[n] event, if enabled. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data to look for 0 31 TX Unspecified SPIM_DMA_TX read-write 0x038 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 LIST EasyDMA list type 0x014 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TYPE List type 0 2 Disabled Disable EasyDMA list 0x0 ArrayList Use array list 0x1 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_SPIS00_NS SPI Slave 0 0x4004A000 GLOBAL_SPIM00_NS SPIS 0 0x1000 registers SERIAL00 74 SPIS 0x20 TASKS_ACQUIRE Acquire SPI semaphore 0x014 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_ACQUIRE Acquire SPI semaphore 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RELEASE Release SPI semaphore, enabling the SPI slave to acquire it 0x018 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RELEASE Release SPI semaphore, enabling the SPI slave to acquire it 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DMA Peripheral tasks. SPIS_TASKS_DMA write-only 0x028 RX Peripheral tasks. SPIS_TASKS_DMA_RX write-only 0x008 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLEMATCH Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 DISABLEMATCH Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_ACQUIRE Subscribe configuration for task ACQUIRE 0x094 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ACQUIRE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RELEASE Subscribe configuration for task RELEASE 0x098 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RELEASE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DMA Subscribe configuration for tasks SPIS_SUBSCRIBE_DMA read-write 0x0A8 RX Subscribe configuration for tasks SPIS_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_RX read-write 0x008 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task ENABLEMATCH[n] 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ENABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task DISABLEMATCH[n] 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_END Granted transaction completed 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END Granted transaction completed 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ACQUIRED Semaphore acquired 0x118 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ACQUIRED Semaphore acquired 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DMA Peripheral events. SPIS_EVENTS_DMA read-write 0x14C RX Peripheral events. SPIS_EVENTS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MATCH Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 TX Peripheral events. SPIS_EVENTS_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ACQUIRED Publish configuration for event ACQUIRED 0x198 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ACQUIRED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DMA Publish configuration for events SPIS_PUBLISH_DMA read-write 0x1CC RX Publish configuration for events SPIS_PUBLISH_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event MATCH[n] 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event MATCH[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 TX Publish configuration for events SPIS_PUBLISH_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END_ACQUIRE Shortcut between event END and task ACQUIRE 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[1] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 21 21 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[2] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 22 22 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[3] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 23 23 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[0] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 24 24 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 25 25 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 26 26 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 27 27 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 28 28 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ACQUIRED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ACQUIRED 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ACQUIRED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ACQUIRED 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SEMSTAT Semaphore status register 0x400 read-only 0x00000001 0x20 SEMSTAT Semaphore status 0 1 Free Semaphore is free 0x0 CPU Semaphore is assigned to CPU 0x1 SPIS Semaphore is assigned to SPI slave 0x2 CPUPending Semaphore is assigned to SPI but a handover to the CPU is pending 0x3 STATUS Status from last transaction 0x440 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 OVERREAD TX buffer over-read detected, and prevented 0 0 read NotPresent Read: error not present 0x0 Present Read: error present 0x1 write Clear Write: clear error on writing '1' 0x1 OVERFLOW RX buffer overflow detected, and prevented 1 1 read NotPresent Read: error not present 0x0 Present Read: error present 0x1 write Clear Write: clear error on writing '1' 0x1 ENABLE Enable SPI slave 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable SPI slave 0 3 Disabled Disable SPI slave 0x0 Enabled Enable SPI slave 0x2 CONFIG Configuration register 0x554 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ORDER Bit order 0 0 MsbFirst Most significant bit shifted out first 0x0 LsbFirst Least significant bit shifted out first 0x1 CPHA Serial clock (SCK) phase 1 1 Leading Sample on leading edge of clock, shift serial data on trailing edge 0x0 Trailing Sample on trailing edge of clock, shift serial data on leading edge 0x1 CPOL Serial clock (SCK) polarity 2 2 ActiveHigh Active high 0x0 ActiveLow Active low 0x1 DEF Default character. Character clocked out in case of an ignored transaction. 0x55C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DEF Default character. Character clocked out in case of an ignored transaction. 0 7 ORC Over-read character 0x5C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ORC Over-read character. Character clocked out after an over-read of the transmit buffer. 0 7 PSEL Unspecified SPIS_PSEL read-write 0x600 SCK Pin select for SCK 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 MISO Pin select for MISO signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 MOSI Pin select for MOSI signal 0x008 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 CSN Pin select for CSN signal 0x010 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DMA Unspecified SPIS_DMA read-write 0x700 RX Unspecified SPIS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 MATCH Registers to control the behavior of the pattern matcher engine SPIS_DMA_RX_MATCH read-write 0x024 CONFIG Configure individual match events 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE_0 Enable match filter 0 0 0 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_1 Enable match filter 1 1 1 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_2 Enable match filter 2 2 2 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_3 Enable match filter 3 3 3 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ONESHOT_0 Configure match filter 0 as one-shot or sticky 16 16 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_1 Configure match filter 1 as one-shot or sticky 17 17 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_2 Configure match filter 2 as one-shot or sticky 18 18 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_3 Configure match filter 3 as one-shot or sticky 19 19 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 0x4 0x4 CANDIDATE[%s] Description collection: The data to look for - any match will trigger the MATCH[n] event, if enabled. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data to look for 0 31 TX Unspecified SPIS_DMA_TX read-write 0x038 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_UARTE00_NS UART with EasyDMA 0 0x4004A000 GLOBAL_SPIM00_NS UARTE 0 0x1000 registers SERIAL00 74 UARTE 0x20 TASKS_FLUSHRX Flush RX FIFO into RX buffer 0x01C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_FLUSHRX Flush RX FIFO into RX buffer 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DMA Peripheral tasks. UARTE_TASKS_DMA write-only 0x028 RX Peripheral tasks. UARTE_TASKS_DMA_RX write-only 0x000 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLEMATCH Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x018 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 DISABLEMATCH Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TX Peripheral tasks. UARTE_TASKS_DMA_TX write-only 0x028 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_FLUSHRX Subscribe configuration for task FLUSHRX 0x09C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task FLUSHRX will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DMA Subscribe configuration for tasks UARTE_SUBSCRIBE_DMA read-write 0x0A8 RX Subscribe configuration for tasks UARTE_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task ENABLEMATCH[n] 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ENABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task DISABLEMATCH[n] 0x018 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 TX Subscribe configuration for tasks UARTE_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_TX read-write 0x028 START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_CTS CTS is activated (set low). Clear To Send. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CTS CTS is activated (set low). Clear To Send. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_NCTS CTS is deactivated (set high). Not Clear To Send. 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_NCTS CTS is deactivated (set high). Not Clear To Send. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXDRDY Data sent from TXD 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXDRDY Data sent from TXD 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RXDRDY Data received in RXD (but potentially not yet transferred to Data RAM) 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXDRDY Data received in RXD (but potentially not yet transferred to Data RAM) 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR Error detected 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR Error detected 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RXTO Receiver timeout 0x124 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXTO Receiver timeout 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXSTOPPED Transmitter stopped 0x130 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXSTOPPED Transmitter stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DMA Peripheral events. UARTE_EVENTS_DMA read-write 0x14C RX Peripheral events. UARTE_EVENTS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MATCH Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 TX Peripheral events. UARTE_EVENTS_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FRAMETIMEOUT Timed out due to bus being idle while receiving data. 0x174 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FRAMETIMEOUT Timed out due to bus being idle while receiving data. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_CTS Publish configuration for event CTS 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CTS will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_NCTS Publish configuration for event NCTS 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event NCTS will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_TXDRDY Publish configuration for event TXDRDY 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TXDRDY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RXDRDY Publish configuration for event RXDRDY 0x190 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXDRDY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ERROR Publish configuration for event ERROR 0x194 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RXTO Publish configuration for event RXTO 0x1A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXTO will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_TXSTOPPED Publish configuration for event TXSTOPPED 0x1B0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TXSTOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DMA Publish configuration for events UARTE_PUBLISH_DMA read-write 0x1CC RX Publish configuration for events UARTE_PUBLISH_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event MATCH[n] 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event MATCH[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 TX Publish configuration for events UARTE_PUBLISH_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_FRAMETIMEOUT Publish configuration for event FRAMETIMEOUT 0x1F4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event FRAMETIMEOUT will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DMA_RX_END_DMA_RX_START Shortcut between event DMA.RX.END and task DMA.RX.START 5 5 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_END_DMA_RX_STOP Shortcut between event DMA.RX.END and task DMA.RX.STOP 6 6 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_TX_END_DMA_TX_STOP Shortcut between event DMA.TX.END and task DMA.TX.STOP 18 18 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[1] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 21 21 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[2] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 22 22 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[3] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 23 23 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[0] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 24 24 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 25 25 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 26 26 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 27 27 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 28 28 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 FRAMETIMEOUT_DMA_RX_STOP Shortcut between event FRAMETIMEOUT and task DMA.RX.STOP 29 29 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CTS Enable or disable interrupt for event CTS 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 NCTS Enable or disable interrupt for event NCTS 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TXDRDY Enable or disable interrupt for event TXDRDY 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RXDRDY Enable or disable interrupt for event RXDRDY 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RXTO Enable or disable interrupt for event RXTO 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TXSTOPPED Enable or disable interrupt for event TXSTOPPED 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FRAMETIMEOUT Enable or disable interrupt for event FRAMETIMEOUT 29 29 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CTS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CTS 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 NCTS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event NCTS 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXDRDY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXDRDY 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXDRDY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXDRDY 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXTO Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXTO 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXSTOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXSTOPPED 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FRAMETIMEOUT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FRAMETIMEOUT 29 29 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CTS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CTS 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 NCTS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event NCTS 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXDRDY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXDRDY 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXDRDY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXDRDY 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXTO Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXTO 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXSTOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXSTOPPED 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FRAMETIMEOUT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FRAMETIMEOUT 29 29 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERRORSRC Error source 0x480 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 OVERRUN Overrun error 0 0 read NotPresent Read: error not present 0x0 Present Read: error present 0x1 PARITY Parity error 1 1 read NotPresent Read: error not present 0x0 Present Read: error present 0x1 FRAMING Framing error occurred 2 2 read NotPresent Read: error not present 0x0 Present Read: error present 0x1 BREAK Break condition 3 3 read NotPresent Read: error not present 0x0 Present Read: error present 0x1 ENABLE Enable UART 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable UARTE 0 3 Disabled Disable UARTE 0x0 Enabled Enable UARTE 0x8 BAUDRATE Baud rate. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. 0x524 read-write 0x04000000 0x20 BAUDRATE Baud rate 0 31 Baud1200 1200 baud (actual rate: 1205) 0x0004F000 Baud2400 2400 baud (actual rate: 2396) 0x0009D000 Baud4800 4800 baud (actual rate: 4808) 0x0013B000 Baud9600 9600 baud (actual rate: 9598) 0x00275000 Baud14400 14400 baud (actual rate: 14401) 0x003AF000 Baud19200 19200 baud (actual rate: 19208) 0x004EA000 Baud28800 28800 baud (actual rate: 28777) 0x0075C000 Baud31250 31250 baud 0x00800000 Baud38400 38400 baud (actual rate: 38369) 0x009D0000 Baud56000 56000 baud (actual rate: 55944) 0x00E50000 Baud57600 57600 baud (actual rate: 57554) 0x00EB0000 Baud76800 76800 baud (actual rate: 76923) 0x013A9000 Baud115200 115200 baud (actual rate: 115108) 0x01D60000 Baud230400 230400 baud (actual rate: 231884) 0x03B00000 Baud250000 250000 baud 0x04000000 Baud460800 460800 baud (actual rate: 457143) 0x07400000 Baud921600 921600 baud (actual rate: 941176) 0x0F000000 Baud1M 1 megabaud 0x10000000 CONFIG Configuration of parity, hardware flow control, framesize, and packet timeout. 0x56C read-write 0x00001000 0x20 HWFC Hardware flow control 0 0 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 PARITY Parity 1 3 Excluded Exclude parity bit 0x0 Included Include even parity bit 0x7 STOP Stop bits 4 4 One One stop bit 0x0 Two Two stop bits 0x1 PARITYTYPE Even or odd parity type 8 8 Even Even parity 0x0 Odd Odd parity 0x1 FRAMESIZE Set the data frame size 9 12 9bit 9 bit data frame size. 9th bit is treated as address bit. 0x9 8bit 8 bit data frame size. 0x8 7bit 7 bit data frame size. 0x7 6bit 6 bit data frame size. 0x6 5bit 5 bit data frame size. 0x5 4bit 4 bit data frame size. 0x4 ENDIAN Select if data is trimmed from MSB or LSB end when the data frame size is less than 8. 13 13 MSB Data is trimmed from MSB end. 0x0 LSB Data is trimmed from LSB end. 0x1 FRAMETIMEOUT Enable packet timeout. 14 14 DISABLED Packet timeout is disabled. 0x0 ENABLED Packet timeout is enabled. 0x1 ADDRESS Set the address of the UARTE for RX when used in 9 bit data frame mode. 0x574 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Set address 0 7 FRAMETIMEOUT Set the number of UARTE bits to count before triggering packet timeout. 0x578 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 COUNTERTOP Number of UARTE bits before timeout. 0 9 PSEL Unspecified UARTE_PSEL read-write 0x604 TXD Pin select for TXD signal 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 CTS Pin select for CTS signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 RXD Pin select for RXD signal 0x008 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 RTS Pin select for RTS signal 0x0C read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DMA Unspecified UARTE_DMA read-write 0x700 RX Unspecified UARTE_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 MATCH Registers to control the behavior of the pattern matcher engine UARTE_DMA_RX_MATCH read-write 0x024 CONFIG Configure individual match events 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE_0 Enable match filter 0 0 0 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_1 Enable match filter 1 1 1 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_2 Enable match filter 2 2 2 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_3 Enable match filter 3 3 3 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ONESHOT_0 Configure match filter 0 as one-shot or sticky 16 16 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_1 Configure match filter 1 as one-shot or sticky 17 17 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_2 Configure match filter 2 as one-shot or sticky 18 18 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_3 Configure match filter 3 as one-shot or sticky 19 19 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 0x4 0x4 CANDIDATE[%s] Description collection: The data to look for - any match will trigger the MATCH[n] event, if enabled. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data to look for 0 31 TX Unspecified UARTE_DMA_TX read-write 0x038 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_SPIM00_S Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 1 0x5004A000 SERIAL00 74 GLOBAL_SPIS00_S SPI Slave 1 0x5004A000 GLOBAL_SPIM00_S SERIAL00 74 GLOBAL_UARTE00_S UART with EasyDMA 1 0x5004A000 GLOBAL_SPIM00_S SERIAL00 74 GLOBAL_GLITCHDET_S GLITCH detector 0x5004B000 GLITCHDET 0 0x1000 registers GLITCHDET 0x20 GLITCHDETECTOR Glitch detector GLITCHDET_GLITCHDETECTOR read-write 0x5A0 CONFIG Configuration for glitch detector 0x000 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 ENABLE Enable glitch detector 0 0 Disable Disable glitch detector 0x0 Enable Enable glitch detector 0x1 MODE Glitch detector mode 4 4 HighPassFilter High pass filter mode 0x0 CapDiv Cap divider mode 0x1 GLOBAL_RRAMC_S RRAM controller GLITCH detector 0x5004B000 GLOBAL_GLITCHDET_S RRAMC 0 0x1000 registers RRAMC 75 RRAMC 0x20 TASKS_WAKEUP Wakeup the RRAM from low power mode 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_WAKEUP Wakeup the RRAM from low power mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_COMMITWRITEBUF Commits the data stored in internal write-buffer to RRAM 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_COMMITWRITEBUF Commits the data stored in internal write-buffer to RRAM 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_WAKEUP Subscribe configuration for task WAKEUP 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task WAKEUP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_COMMITWRITEBUF Subscribe configuration for task COMMITWRITEBUF 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task COMMITWRITEBUF will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_WOKENUP RRAMC is woken up from low power mode 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_WOKENUP RRAMC is woken up from low power mode 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_READY RRAMC is ready 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READY RRAMC is ready 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_READYNEXT Ready to accept a new write operation 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READYNEXT Ready to accept a new write operation 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ACCESSERROR RRAM access error 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ACCESSERROR RRAM access error 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_WOKENUP Publish configuration for event WOKENUP 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event WOKENUP will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 WOKENUP Enable or disable interrupt for event WOKENUP 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 READY Enable or disable interrupt for event READY 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 READYNEXT Enable or disable interrupt for event READYNEXT 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ACCESSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event ACCESSERROR 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 WOKENUP Write '1' to enable interrupt for event WOKENUP 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 READYNEXT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READYNEXT 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ACCESSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ACCESSERROR 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 WOKENUP Write '1' to disable interrupt for event WOKENUP 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 READYNEXT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READYNEXT 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ACCESSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ACCESSERROR 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 WOKENUP Read pending status of interrupt for event WOKENUP 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 READY Read pending status of interrupt for event READY 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 READYNEXT Read pending status of interrupt for event READYNEXT 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 ACCESSERROR Read pending status of interrupt for event ACCESSERROR 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 READY RRAMC ready status 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 READY RRAMC is ready or busy 0 0 Busy RRAMC is busy 0x0 Ready The current RRAMC operation is completed and RRAMC is ready 0x1 READYNEXT Ready next flag 0x404 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 READYNEXT RRAMC can accept a new write operation 0 0 Busy RRAMC cannot accept any write operation now 0x0 Ready RRAMC is ready to accept a new write operation 0x1 ACCESSERRORADDR Address of the first access error 0x408 read-only 0x00FFFFFF 0x20 ADDRESS Access error address 0 31 BUFSTATUS Unspecified RRAMC_BUFSTATUS read-write 0x410 WRITEBUFEMPTY Internal write-buffer is empty 0x08 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 EMPTY 0 0 NotEmpty The internal write-buffer has data that needs committing 0x0 Empty The internal write-buffer is empty and has no content that needs to be committed 0x1 CONFIG Configuration register 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 WEN Write enable 0 0 Disabled Write is disabled 0x0 Enabled Write is enabled 0x1 WRITEBUFSIZE write-buffer size in number of 128-bit words 8 13 Unbuffered Disable buffering 0x00 READYNEXTTIMEOUT Configuration for ready next timeout counter, in units of AXI clock frequency 0x50C read-write 0x00000080 0x20 VALUE Preload value for waiting for a next write 0 11 EN Enable ready next timeout 31 31 Disable Disable ready next timeout 0x0 Enable Enable ready next timeout 0x1 POWER Unspecified RRAMC_POWER read-write 0x510 CONFIG Power configuration 0x000 read-write 0x00000100 0x20 ACCESSTIMEOUT Access timeout, in 31.25 ns units, used for going into standby power mode or remain active on wake up 0 15 POF Power on failure warning handling configuration 16 16 Wait Wait until the current RRAM write finishes 0x0 Abort Abort the current RRAM write 0x1 ERASE Unspecified RRAMC_ERASE read-write 0x540 ERASEALL Register for erasing whole RRAM main block, that includes the SICR and the UICR 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ERASE Erase whole RRAM main block 0 0 NoOperation No operation 0x0 Erase Start erase of chip 0x1 5 0x008 REGION[%s] Unspecified RRAMC_REGION read-write 0x550 ADDRESS Description cluster: Region address 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTADDR Start address of the region [n] 0 31 CONFIG Description cluster: Region configuration 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READ Read access 0 0 NotAllowed Read access to override region [n] is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Read access to override region [n] is allowed 0x1 WRITE Write access 1 1 NotAllowed Write access to override region [n] is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Write access to override region [n] is allowed 0x1 EXECUTE Execute access 2 2 NotAllowed Execute access to override region [n] is not allowed 0x0 Allowed Execute access to override region [n] is allowed 0x1 SECURE Secure access 3 3 NonSecure Both Secure and non-Secure access to override region [n] is allowed 0x0 Secure Only secure access to override region [n] is allowed 0x1 OWNER Owner ID 4 7 WRITEONCE Write-once 12 12 Disabled Write-once disabled 0x0 Enabled Write-once enabled 0x1 LOCK Enable lock 13 13 oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled for region [n] 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled for region [n] 0x1 SIZE Size in KBytes of region [n] 16 20 GLOBAL_VPR00_NS VPR peripheral registers 0 0x4004C000 VPR 0 0x1000 registers VPR00 76 VPR 0x20 0x20 0x4 TASKS_TRIGGER[%s] Description collection: VPR task [n] register 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_TRIGGER VPR task [n] register 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x20 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_TRIGGER[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task TASKS_TRIGGER[n] 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EN Subscription enable bit 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x20 0x4 EVENTS_TRIGGERED[%s] Description collection: VPR event [n] register 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TRIGGERED VPR event [n] register 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x20 0x4 PUBLISH_TRIGGERED[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event EVENTS_TRIGGERED[n] 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EN Publication enable bit 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED16 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[16] 16 16 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED17 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[17] 17 17 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED18 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[18] 18 18 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED19 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[19] 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED20 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[20] 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED21 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[21] 21 21 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED22 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[22] 22 22 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED23 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[23] 23 23 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED24 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[24] 24 24 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED25 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[25] 25 25 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED26 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[26] 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED27 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[27] 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED28 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[28] 28 28 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED29 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[29] 29 29 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED30 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[30] 30 30 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED31 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[31] 31 31 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED16 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[16] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED17 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[17] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED18 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[18] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED19 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[19] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED20 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[20] 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED21 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[21] 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED22 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[22] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED23 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[23] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED24 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[24] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED25 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[25] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED26 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[26] 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED27 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[27] 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED28 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[28] 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED29 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[29] 29 29 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED30 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[30] 30 30 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED31 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[31] 31 31 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED16 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[16] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED17 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[17] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED18 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[18] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED19 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[19] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED20 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[20] 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED21 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[21] 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED22 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[22] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED23 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[23] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED24 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[24] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED25 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[25] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED26 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[26] 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED27 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[27] 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED28 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[28] 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED29 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[29] 29 29 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED30 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[30] 30 30 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED31 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[31] 31 31 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED16 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[16] 16 16 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED17 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[17] 17 17 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED18 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[18] 18 18 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED19 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[19] 19 19 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED20 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[20] 20 20 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED21 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[21] 21 21 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED22 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[22] 22 22 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED23 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[23] 23 23 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED24 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[24] 24 24 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED25 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[25] 25 25 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED26 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[26] 26 26 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED27 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[27] 27 27 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED28 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[28] 28 28 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED29 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[29] 29 29 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED30 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[30] 30 30 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TRIGGERED31 Read pending status of interrupt for event TRIGGERED[31] 31 31 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DEBUGIF Unspecified VPR_DEBUGIF read-write 0x400 DATA0 Abstract Data 0. Read/write data for argument 0 0x10 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA0 Abstract Data 0 0 31 DATA1 Abstract Data 1. Read/write data for argument 1 0x14 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA1 Abstract Data 1 0 31 DMCONTROL Debug Module Control 0x40 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DMACTIVE Reset signal for the debug module. 0 0 Disabled Reset the debug module itself 0x0 Enabled Normal operation 0x1 NDMRESET Reset signal output from the debug module to the system. 1 1 Inactive Reset inactive 0x0 Active Reset active 0x1 CLRRESETHALTREQ Clear the halt on reset request. 2 2 write-only NoOperation No operation when written 0. 0x0 Clear Clears the halt on reset request 0x1 SETRESETHALTREQ Set the halt on reset request. 3 3 write-only NoOperation No operation when written 0. 0x0 Clear Sets the halt on reset request 0x1 HARTSELHI The high 10 bits of hartsel. 6 15 write-only HARTSELLO The low 10 bits of hartsel. 16 25 write-only HASEL Definition of currently selected harts. 26 26 write-only Single Single hart selected. 0x0 Multiple Multiple harts selected 0x1 ACKHAVERESET Clear the havereset. 28 28 write-only NoOperation No operation when written 0. 0x0 Clear Clears the havereset for selected harts. 0x1 HARTRESET Reset harts. 29 29 Deasserted Reset de-asserted. 0x0 Asserted Reset asserted. 0x1 RESUMEREQ Resume currently selected harts. 30 30 write-only NoOperation No operation when written 0. 0x0 Resumed Currently selected harts resumed. 0x1 HALTREQ Halt currently selected harts. 31 31 write-only Clear Clears halt request bit for all currently selected harts. 0x0 Halt Currently selected harts halted. 0x1 DMSTATUS Debug Module Status 0x44 read-only 0x00400082 0x20 VERSION Version of the debug module. 0 3 NotPresent Debug module not present. 0x0 V011 There is a Debug Module and it conforms to version 0.11 of this specifcation. 0x1 V013 There is a Debug Module and it conforms to version 0.13 of this specifcation. 0x2 NonConform There is a Debug Module but it does not conform to any available version of the spec. 0xF CONFSTRPTRVALID Configuration string. 4 4 NotRelevant The confstrptr0..confstrptr3 holds information which is not relevant to the configuration string. 0x0 Address The confstrptr0..confstrptr3 holds the address of the configuration string. 0x1 HASRESETHALTREQ Halt-on-reset support status. 5 5 No Halt-on-reset is supported. 0x0 Yes Halt-on-reset is not supported. 0x1 AUTHBUSY Authentication busy status. 6 6 No The authentication module is ready. 0x0 Yes The authentication module is busy. 0x1 AUTHENTICATED Authentication status. 7 7 No Authentication required before using the debug module. 0x0 Yes Authentication passed. 0x1 ANYHALTED Any currently selected harts halted status. 8 8 No None of the currently selected harts halted. 0x0 Yes Any of the currently selected harts halted. 0x1 ALLHALTED All currently selected harts halted status. 9 9 No Not all of the currently selected harts halted. 0x0 Yes All of the currently selected harts halted. 0x1 ANYRUNNING Any currently selected harts running status. 10 10 No None of the currently selected harts running. 0x0 Yes Any of the currently selected harts running. 0x1 ALLRUNNING All currently selected harts running status. 11 11 No Not all of the currently selected harts running. 0x0 Yes All of the currently selected harts running. 0x1 ANYUNAVAIL Any currently selected harts unavailable status. 12 12 No None of the currently selected harts unavailable. 0x0 Yes Any of the currently selected harts unavailable. 0x1 ALLUNAVAIL All currently selected harts unavailable status. 13 13 No Not all of the currently selected harts unavailable. 0x0 Yes All of the currently selected harts unavailable. 0x1 ANYNONEXISTENT Any currently selected harts nonexistent status. 14 14 No None of the currently selected harts nonexistent. 0x0 Yes Any of the currently selected harts nonexistent. 0x1 ALLNONEXISTENT All currently selected harts nonexistent status. 15 15 No Not all of the currently selected harts nonexistent. 0x0 Yes All of the currently selected harts nonexistent. 0x1 ANYRESUMEACK Any currently selected harts acknowledged last resume request. 16 16 No None of the currently selected harts acknowledged last resume request. 0x0 Yes Any of the currently selected harts acknowledged last resume request. 0x1 ALLRESUMEACK All currently selected harts acknowledged last resume 17 17 No Not all of the currently selected harts acknowledged last resume request. 0x0 Yes All of the currently selected harts acknowledged last resume request. 0x1 ANYHAVERESET Any currently selected harts have been reset and reset is not acknowledged. 18 18 No None of the currently selected harts have been reset and reset is not acknowledget. 0x0 Yes Any of the currently selected harts have been reset and reset is not acknowledge. 0x1 ALLHAVERESET All currently selected harts have been reset and reset is not acknowledge 19 19 No Not all of the currently selected harts have been reset and reset is not acknowledge. 0x0 Yes All of the currently selected harts have been reset and reset is not acknowledge. 0x1 IMPEBREAK Implicit ebreak instruction at the non-existent word immediately after the Program Buffer. 22 22 No No implicit ebreak instruction. 0x0 Yes Implicit ebreak instruction. 0x1 HARTINFO Hart Information 0x48 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATAADDR Data Address 0 11 read-only DATASIZE Data Size 12 15 read-only DATAACCESS Data Access 16 16 read-only No The data registers are shadowed in the hart by CSRs. Each CSR is DXLEN bits in size, and corresponds to a single argument. 0x0 Yes The data registers are shadowed in the hart's memory map. Each register takes up 4 bytes in the memory map. 0x1 NSCRATCH Number of dscratch registers 20 23 read-only HALTSUM1 Halt Summary 1 0x4C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HALTSUM1 Halt Summary 1 0 31 read-only HAWINDOWSEL Hart Array Window Select 0x50 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HAWINDOWSEL The high bits of this field may be tied to 0, depending on how large the array mask register is. E.g. on a system with 48 harts only bit 0 of this field may actually be writable. 0 14 read-only HAWINDOW Hart Array Window 0x54 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MASKDATA Mask data. 0 31 ABSTRACTCS Abstract Control and Status 0x58 read-write 0x01000002 0x20 DATACOUNT Number of data registers that are implemented as part of the abstract command interface. Valid sizes are 1..12. 0 3 read-only CMDERR Command error when the abstract command fails. 8 10 NoError No error. 0x0 Busy An abstract command was executing while command, abstractcs, or abstractauto was written, or when one of the data or progbuf registers was read or written. This status is only written if cmderr contains 0 0x1 NotSupported The requested command is notsupported, regardless of whether the hart is running or not. 0x2 Exception An exception occurred while executing the command (e.g. while executing theProgram Buffer). 0x3 HaltResume The abstract command couldn't execute because the hart wasn't in the required state (running/halted). or unavailable. 0x4 Bus The abstract command failed due to abus error (e.g. alignment, access size, or timeout). 0x5 Other The command failed for another reason. 0x7 BUSY Abstract command execution status. 12 12 read-only NotBusy Not busy. 0x0 Busy An abstract command is currently being executed. This bit is set as soon as command is written, and is not cleared until that command has completed. 0x1 PROGBUFSIZE Size of the Program Buffer, in 32-bit words. Valid sizes are 0 - 1. 24 28 read-only ABSTRACTCMD Abstract command 0x5C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 CONTROL This Field is interpreted in a command specific manner, described for each abstract command. 0 23 CMDTYPE The type determines the overall functionality of this abstract command. 24 31 REGACCESS Register Access Command 0x00 QUICKACCESS Quick Access Command 0x01 MEMACCESS Memory Access Command 0x02 ABSTRACTAUTO Abstract Command Autoexec 0x60 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 AUTOEXECDATA When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses to the corresponding data word cause the command in command to be executed again. 0 11 read-only AUTOEXECPROGBUF When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses to the corresponding progbuf word cause the command in command to be executed again. 16 31 read-only 0x4 0x4 CONFSTRPTR[%s] Description collection: Configuration String Pointer [n] 0x64 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDR Address 0 31 read-only NEXTDM Next Debug Module 0x74 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDR Address 0 31 read-only 0x10 0x4 PROGBUF[%s] Description collection: Program Buffer [n] 0x80 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data 0 31 read-only AUTHDATA Authentication Data 0xC0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data 0 31 read-only HALTSUM2 Halt Summary 2 0xD0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HALTSUM2 Halt Summary 2 0 31 read-only HALTSUM3 Halt Summary 3 0xD4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HALTSUM3 Halt Summary 3 0 31 read-only SBADDRESS3 System Bus Addres 127:96 0xDC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Accesses bits 127:96 of the physical address in sbaddress (if the system address bus is that wide). 0 31 read-only SBCS System Bus Access Control and Status 0xE0 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 SBACCESS8 0 0 read-only sbaccess8 8-bit system bus accesses are supported. 0x1 SBACCESS16 1 1 read-only sbaccess16 16-bit system bus accesses are supported. 0x1 SBACCESS32 2 2 read-only sbaccess32 32-bit system bus accesses are supported. 0x1 SBACCESS64 3 3 read-only sbaccess64 64-bit system bus accesses are supported. 0x1 SBACCESS128 4 4 read-only sbaccess128 128-bit system bus accesses are supported. 0x1 SBASIZE Width of system bus addresses in bits. (0 indicates there is no bus access support.) 5 11 read-only SBERROR 12 14 read-only Normal There was no bus error. 0x0 Timeout There was a timeout. 0x1 Address A bad address was accessed. 0x2 Alignment There was an alignment error. 0x3 Size An access of unsupported size was requested. 0x4 Other Other. 0x7 SBREADONDATA 15 15 read-only sbreadondata Every read from sbdata0 automatically triggers a system bus read at the (possibly autoincremented) address. 0x1 SBAUTOINCREMENT 16 16 read-only sbautoincrement sbaddress is incremented by the access size (in bytes) selected in sbaccess after every system bus access. 0x1 SBACCESS 17 19 read-only size8 8-bit. 0x0 size16 16-bit. 0x1 size32 32-bit. 0x2 size64 64-bit. 0x3 size128 128-bit. 0x4 SBREADONADDR 20 20 read-only sbreadonaddr Every write to sbaddress0 automatically triggers a system bus read at the new address. 0x1 SBBUSY 21 21 read-only notbusy System bus master is not busy. 0x0 busy System bus master is busy. 0x1 SBBUSYERROR 22 22 read-only noerror No error. 0x0 error Debugger access attempted while one in progress. 0x1 SBVERSION 29 31 read-only version0 The System Bus interface conforms to mainline drafts of thia RISC-V External Debug Support spec older than 1 January, 2018. 0x0 version1 The System Bus interface conforms to RISC-V External Debug Support version 0.14.0-DRAFT. Other values are reserved for future versions. 0x1 SBADDRESS0 System Bus Addres 31:0 0xE4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Accesses bits 31:0 of the physical address in sbaddress. 0 31 read-only SBADDRESS1 System Bus Addres 63:32 0xE8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Accesses bits 63:32 of the physical address in sbaddress (if the system address bus is that wide). 0 31 read-only SBADDRESS2 System Bus Addres 95:64 0xEC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Accesses bits 95:64 of the physical address in sbaddress (if the system address bus is that wide). 0 31 read-only SBDATA0 System Bus Data 31:0 0xF0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Accesses bits 31:0 of sbdata 0 31 read-only SBDATA1 System Bus Data 63:32 0xF4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Accesses bits 63:32 of sbdata (if the system bus is that wide). 0 31 read-only SBDATA2 System Bus Data 95:64 0xF8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Accesses bits 95:64 of sbdata (if the system bus is that wide). 0 31 read-only SBDATA3 System Bus Data 127:96 0xFC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Accesses bits 127:96 of sbdata (if the system bus is that wide). 0 31 read-only HALTSUM0 Halt summary 0 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HALTSUM0 Halt summary 0 0 31 read-only CPURUN State of the CPU after a core reset 0x800 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EN Controls CPU running state after a core reset. 0 0 Stopped CPU stopped. If this is the CPU state after a core reset, setting this bit will change the CPU state to CPU running. 0x0 Running CPU running. If this is the CPU state after a core reset, clearing this bit will change the CPU state to CPU stopped after a core reset. 0x1 INITPC Initial value of the PC at CPU start. 0x808 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INITPC Initial value of the PC at CPU start. 0 31 GLOBAL_VPR00_S VPR peripheral registers 1 0x5004C000 VPR00 76 GLOBAL_P2_NS GPIO Port 0 0x40050400 GPIO 0 0x200 registers GPIO 0x20 OUT Write GPIO port 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN0 Pin 0 0 0 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN1 Pin 1 1 1 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN2 Pin 2 2 2 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN3 Pin 3 3 3 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN4 Pin 4 4 4 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN5 Pin 5 5 5 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN6 Pin 6 6 6 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN7 Pin 7 7 7 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN8 Pin 8 8 8 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN9 Pin 9 9 9 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN10 Pin 10 10 10 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN11 Pin 11 11 11 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN12 Pin 12 12 12 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN13 Pin 13 13 13 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN14 Pin 14 14 14 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN15 Pin 15 15 15 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN16 Pin 16 16 16 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN17 Pin 17 17 17 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN18 Pin 18 18 18 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN19 Pin 19 19 19 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN20 Pin 20 20 20 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN21 Pin 21 21 21 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN22 Pin 22 22 22 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN23 Pin 23 23 23 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN24 Pin 24 24 24 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN25 Pin 25 25 25 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN26 Pin 26 26 26 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN27 Pin 27 27 27 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN28 Pin 28 28 28 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN29 Pin 29 29 29 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN30 Pin 30 30 30 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 PIN31 Pin 31 31 31 Low Pin driver is low 0x0 High Pin driver is high 0x1 OUTSET Set individual bits in GPIO port 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToSet 0x20 PIN0 Pin 0 0 0 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN1 Pin 1 1 1 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN2 Pin 2 2 2 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN3 Pin 3 3 3 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN4 Pin 4 4 4 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN5 Pin 5 5 5 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN6 Pin 6 6 6 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN7 Pin 7 7 7 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN8 Pin 8 8 8 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN9 Pin 9 9 9 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN10 Pin 10 10 10 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN11 Pin 11 11 11 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN12 Pin 12 12 12 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN13 Pin 13 13 13 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN14 Pin 14 14 14 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN15 Pin 15 15 15 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN16 Pin 16 16 16 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN17 Pin 17 17 17 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN18 Pin 18 18 18 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN19 Pin 19 19 19 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN20 Pin 20 20 20 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN21 Pin 21 21 21 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN22 Pin 22 22 22 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN23 Pin 23 23 23 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN24 Pin 24 24 24 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN25 Pin 25 25 25 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN26 Pin 26 26 26 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN27 Pin 27 27 27 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN28 Pin 28 28 28 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN29 Pin 29 29 29 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN30 Pin 30 30 30 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN31 Pin 31 31 31 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets the pin high; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 OUTCLR Clear individual bits in GPIO port 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 PIN0 Pin 0 0 0 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN1 Pin 1 1 1 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN2 Pin 2 2 2 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN3 Pin 3 3 3 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN4 Pin 4 4 4 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN5 Pin 5 5 5 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN6 Pin 6 6 6 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN7 Pin 7 7 7 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN8 Pin 8 8 8 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN9 Pin 9 9 9 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN10 Pin 10 10 10 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN11 Pin 11 11 11 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN12 Pin 12 12 12 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN13 Pin 13 13 13 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN14 Pin 14 14 14 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN15 Pin 15 15 15 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN16 Pin 16 16 16 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN17 Pin 17 17 17 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN18 Pin 18 18 18 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN19 Pin 19 19 19 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN20 Pin 20 20 20 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN21 Pin 21 21 21 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN22 Pin 22 22 22 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN23 Pin 23 23 23 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN24 Pin 24 24 24 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN25 Pin 25 25 25 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN26 Pin 26 26 26 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN27 Pin 27 27 27 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN28 Pin 28 28 28 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN29 Pin 29 29 29 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN30 Pin 30 30 30 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN31 Pin 31 31 31 read Low Read: pin driver is low 0x0 High Read: pin driver is high 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets the pin low; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 IN Read GPIO port 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 PIN0 Pin 0 0 0 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN1 Pin 1 1 1 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN2 Pin 2 2 2 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN3 Pin 3 3 3 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN4 Pin 4 4 4 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN5 Pin 5 5 5 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN6 Pin 6 6 6 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN7 Pin 7 7 7 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN8 Pin 8 8 8 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN9 Pin 9 9 9 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN10 Pin 10 10 10 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN11 Pin 11 11 11 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN12 Pin 12 12 12 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN13 Pin 13 13 13 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN14 Pin 14 14 14 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN15 Pin 15 15 15 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN16 Pin 16 16 16 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN17 Pin 17 17 17 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN18 Pin 18 18 18 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN19 Pin 19 19 19 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN20 Pin 20 20 20 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN21 Pin 21 21 21 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN22 Pin 22 22 22 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN23 Pin 23 23 23 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN24 Pin 24 24 24 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN25 Pin 25 25 25 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN26 Pin 26 26 26 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN27 Pin 27 27 27 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN28 Pin 28 28 28 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN29 Pin 29 29 29 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN30 Pin 30 30 30 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 PIN31 Pin 31 31 31 Low Pin input is low 0x0 High Pin input is high 0x1 DIR Direction of GPIO pins 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN0 Pin 0 0 0 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN1 Pin 1 1 1 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN2 Pin 2 2 2 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN3 Pin 3 3 3 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN4 Pin 4 4 4 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN5 Pin 5 5 5 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN6 Pin 6 6 6 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN7 Pin 7 7 7 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN8 Pin 8 8 8 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN9 Pin 9 9 9 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN10 Pin 10 10 10 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN11 Pin 11 11 11 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN12 Pin 12 12 12 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN13 Pin 13 13 13 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN14 Pin 14 14 14 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN15 Pin 15 15 15 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN16 Pin 16 16 16 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN17 Pin 17 17 17 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN18 Pin 18 18 18 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN19 Pin 19 19 19 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN20 Pin 20 20 20 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN21 Pin 21 21 21 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN22 Pin 22 22 22 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN23 Pin 23 23 23 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN24 Pin 24 24 24 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN25 Pin 25 25 25 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN26 Pin 26 26 26 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN27 Pin 27 27 27 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN28 Pin 28 28 28 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN29 Pin 29 29 29 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN30 Pin 30 30 30 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 PIN31 Pin 31 31 31 Input Pin set as input 0x0 Output Pin set as output 0x1 DIRSET DIR set register 0x014 read-write 0x00000000 oneToSet 0x20 PIN0 Set as output pin 0 0 0 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN1 Set as output pin 1 1 1 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN2 Set as output pin 2 2 2 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN3 Set as output pin 3 3 3 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN4 Set as output pin 4 4 4 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN5 Set as output pin 5 5 5 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN6 Set as output pin 6 6 6 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN7 Set as output pin 7 7 7 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN8 Set as output pin 8 8 8 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN9 Set as output pin 9 9 9 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN10 Set as output pin 10 10 10 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN11 Set as output pin 11 11 11 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN12 Set as output pin 12 12 12 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN13 Set as output pin 13 13 13 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN14 Set as output pin 14 14 14 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN15 Set as output pin 15 15 15 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN16 Set as output pin 16 16 16 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN17 Set as output pin 17 17 17 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN18 Set as output pin 18 18 18 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN19 Set as output pin 19 19 19 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN20 Set as output pin 20 20 20 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN21 Set as output pin 21 21 21 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN22 Set as output pin 22 22 22 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN23 Set as output pin 23 23 23 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN24 Set as output pin 24 24 24 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN25 Set as output pin 25 25 25 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN26 Set as output pin 26 26 26 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN27 Set as output pin 27 27 27 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN28 Set as output pin 28 28 28 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN29 Set as output pin 29 29 29 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN30 Set as output pin 30 30 30 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN31 Set as output pin 31 31 31 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Set Write: writing a '1' sets pin to output; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 DIRCLR DIR clear register 0x018 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 PIN0 Set as input pin 0 0 0 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN1 Set as input pin 1 1 1 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN2 Set as input pin 2 2 2 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN3 Set as input pin 3 3 3 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN4 Set as input pin 4 4 4 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN5 Set as input pin 5 5 5 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN6 Set as input pin 6 6 6 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN7 Set as input pin 7 7 7 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN8 Set as input pin 8 8 8 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN9 Set as input pin 9 9 9 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN10 Set as input pin 10 10 10 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN11 Set as input pin 11 11 11 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN12 Set as input pin 12 12 12 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN13 Set as input pin 13 13 13 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN14 Set as input pin 14 14 14 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN15 Set as input pin 15 15 15 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN16 Set as input pin 16 16 16 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN17 Set as input pin 17 17 17 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN18 Set as input pin 18 18 18 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN19 Set as input pin 19 19 19 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN20 Set as input pin 20 20 20 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN21 Set as input pin 21 21 21 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN22 Set as input pin 22 22 22 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN23 Set as input pin 23 23 23 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN24 Set as input pin 24 24 24 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN25 Set as input pin 25 25 25 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN26 Set as input pin 26 26 26 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN27 Set as input pin 27 27 27 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN28 Set as input pin 28 28 28 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN29 Set as input pin 29 29 29 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN30 Set as input pin 30 30 30 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 PIN31 Set as input pin 31 31 31 read Input Read: pin set as input 0x0 Output Read: pin set as output 0x1 write Clear Write: writing a '1' sets pin to input; writing a '0' has no effect 0x1 LATCH Latch register indicating what GPIO pins that have met the criteria set in the PIN_CNF[n].SENSE registers 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN0 Status on whether PIN0 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[0].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 0 0 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN1 Status on whether PIN1 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[1].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 1 1 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN2 Status on whether PIN2 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[2].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 2 2 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN3 Status on whether PIN3 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[3].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 3 3 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN4 Status on whether PIN4 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[4].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 4 4 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN5 Status on whether PIN5 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[5].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 5 5 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN6 Status on whether PIN6 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[6].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 6 6 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN7 Status on whether PIN7 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[7].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 7 7 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN8 Status on whether PIN8 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[8].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 8 8 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN9 Status on whether PIN9 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[9].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 9 9 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN10 Status on whether PIN10 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[10].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 10 10 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN11 Status on whether PIN11 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[11].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 11 11 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN12 Status on whether PIN12 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[12].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 12 12 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN13 Status on whether PIN13 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[13].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 13 13 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN14 Status on whether PIN14 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[14].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 14 14 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN15 Status on whether PIN15 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[15].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 15 15 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN16 Status on whether PIN16 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[16].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 16 16 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN17 Status on whether PIN17 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[17].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 17 17 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN18 Status on whether PIN18 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[18].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 18 18 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN19 Status on whether PIN19 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[19].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 19 19 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN20 Status on whether PIN20 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[20].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 20 20 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN21 Status on whether PIN21 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[21].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 21 21 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN22 Status on whether PIN22 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[22].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 22 22 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN23 Status on whether PIN23 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[23].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 23 23 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN24 Status on whether PIN24 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[24].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 24 24 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN25 Status on whether PIN25 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[25].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 25 25 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN26 Status on whether PIN26 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[26].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 26 26 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN27 Status on whether PIN27 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[27].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 27 27 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN28 Status on whether PIN28 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[28].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 28 28 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN29 Status on whether PIN29 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[29].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 29 29 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN30 Status on whether PIN30 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[30].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 30 30 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 PIN31 Status on whether PIN31 has met criteria set in PIN_CNF[31].SENSE register. Write '1' to clear. 31 31 NotLatched Criteria has not been met 0x0 Latched Criteria has been met 0x1 DETECTMODE Select between default DETECT signal behavior and LDETECT mode 0x024 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DETECTMODE Select between default DETECT signal behavior and LDETECT mode 0 0 Default DETECT directly connected to PIN DETECT signals 0x0 LDETECT Use the latched LDETECT behavior 0x1 0x20 0x4 PIN_CNF[%s] Description collection: Pin n configuration of GPIO pin 0x080 read-write 0x00000002 0x20 DIR Pin direction. Same physical register as DIR register 0 0 Input Configure pin as an input pin 0x0 Output Configure pin as an output pin 0x1 INPUT Connect or disconnect input buffer 1 1 Connect Connect input buffer 0x0 Disconnect Disconnect input buffer 0x1 PULL Pull configuration 2 3 Disabled No pull 0x0 Pulldown Pull down on pin 0x1 Pullup Pull up on pin 0x3 DRIVE0 Drive configuration for '0' 8 9 S0 Standard '0' 0x0 H0 High drive '0' 0x1 D0 Disconnect '0'(normally used for wired-or connections) 0x2 E0 Extra high drive '0' 0x3 DRIVE1 Drive configuration for '1' 10 11 S1 Standard '1' 0x0 H1 High drive '1' 0x1 D1 Disconnect '1'(normally used for wired-or connections) 0x2 E1 Extra high drive '1' 0x3 SENSE Pin sensing mechanism 16 17 Disabled Disabled 0x0 High Sense for high level 0x2 Low Sense for low level 0x3 CTRLSEL Select which module has direct control over this pin 28 30 GPIO GPIO or peripherals with PSEL registers 0x0 VPR VPR processor 0x1 GRTC GRTC peripheral 0x4 TND Trace and Debug Subsystem 0x7 GLOBAL_P2_S GPIO Port 1 0x50050400 GLOBAL_CTRLAP_NS Control access port 0 0x40052000 CTRLAPPERI 0 0x1000 registers CTRLAP 82 CTRLAPPERI 0x20 EVENTS_RXREADY RXSTATUS is changed to DataPending. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXREADY RXSTATUS is changed to DataPending. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXDONE TXSTATUS is changed to NoDataPending. 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXDONE TXSTATUS is changed to NoDataPending. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event RXREADY 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TXDONE Enable or disable interrupt for event TXDONE 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXREADY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXDONE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXDONE 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXREADY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXDONE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXDONE 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RXREADY Read pending status of interrupt for event RXREADY 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 TXDONE Read pending status of interrupt for event TXDONE 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 MAILBOX Unspecified CTRLAPPERI_MAILBOX read-write 0x400 RXDATA Data sent from the debugger to the CPU. 0x000 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RXDATA Data received from debugger. 0 31 RXSTATUS Status to indicate if data sent from the debugger to the CPU has been read. 0x004 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RXSTATUS Status of data in register RXDATA. 0 0 NoDataPending No data is pending in register RXDATA. 0x0 DataPending Data is pending in register RXDATA. 0x1 TXDATA Data sent from the CPU to the debugger. 0x80 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TXDATA Data sent to debugger. 0 31 TXSTATUS Status to indicate if data sent from the CPU to the debugger has been read. 0x84 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 TXSTATUS Status of data in register TXDATA. 0 0 NoDataPending No data is pending in register TXDATA. 0x0 DataPending Data is pending in register TXDATA. 0x1 ERASEPROTECT Unspecified CTRLAPPERI_ERASEPROTECT read-write 0x500 LOCK This register locks the ERASEPROTECT.DISABLE register from being written until next reset. 0x000 read-writeonce 0x00000000 0x20 LOCK Lock ERASEPROTECT.DISABLE register from being written until next reset. 0 0 Unlocked Register ERASEPROTECT.DISABLE is writeable. 0x0 Locked Register ERASEPROTECT.DISABLE is read-only. 0x1 DISABLE This register disables the ERASEPROTECT register and performs an ERASEALL operation. 0x004 writeonce 0x00000000 0x20 KEY The ERASEALL sequence is initiated if the value of the KEY fields are non-zero and the KEY fields match on both the CPU and debugger sides. 0 31 RESET System reset request. 0x520 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 RESET Reset request 0 2 NoReset No reset is generated 0x0 SoftReset Perform a device soft reset 0x1 HardReset Perform a device hard reset 0x2 PinReset Perform a device pin reset 0x4 GLOBAL_CTRLAP_S Control access port 1 0x50052000 CTRLAP 82 GLOBAL_TAD_NS Trace and debug control 0 0x40053000 TAD 0 0x1000 registers TAD 0x20 SYSPWRUPREQ System power-up request 0x400 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ACTIVE Activate power-up request 0 0 NotActive Power-up request not active 0x0 Active Power-up request active 0x1 DBGPWRUPREQ Debug power-up request 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ACTIVE Activate power-up request 0 0 NotActive Power-up request not active 0x0 Active Power-up request active 0x1 ENABLE Enable debug domain and aquire selected GPIOs 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 DISABLED Disable debug domain and release selected GPIOs 0x0 ENABLED Enable debug domain and aquire selected GPIOs 0x1 TRACEPORTSPEED Trace port speed 0x518 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRACEPORTSPEED Trace port speed is divided from CPU clock. The TRACECLK pin output will be divided again by two from the trace port clock. 0 1 DIV1 Trace port speed equals CPU clock 0x0 DIV2 Trace port speed equals CPU clock divided by 2 0x1 DIV4 Trace port speed equals CPU clock divided by 4 0x2 DIV32 Trace port speed equals CPU clock divided by 32 0x3 TINSTANCE SW-DP Target instance 0x520 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TINSTANCE TINSTANCE bits are used in the SW-DP DLPIDR.TINSTANCE field. 0 3 GLOBAL_TAD_S Trace and debug control 1 0x50053000 GLOBAL_TIMER00_NS Timer/Counter 0 0x40055000 TIMER 0 0x1000 registers TIMER00 85 TIMER 0x20 TASKS_START Start Timer 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start Timer 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop Timer 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop Timer 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_COUNT Increment Timer (Counter mode only) 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_COUNT Increment Timer (Counter mode only) 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CLEAR Clear time 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CLEAR Clear time 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SHUTDOWN Deprecated register - Shut down timer 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SHUTDOWN Deprecated field - Shut down timer 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x8 0x4 TASKS_CAPTURE[%s] Description collection: Capture Timer value to CC[n] register 0x040 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CAPTURE Capture Timer value to CC[n] register 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_COUNT Subscribe configuration for task COUNT 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task COUNT will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CLEAR Subscribe configuration for task CLEAR 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CLEAR will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SHUTDOWN Deprecated register - Subscribe configuration for task SHUTDOWN 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SHUTDOWN will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x8 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_CAPTURE[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task CAPTURE[n] 0x0C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CAPTURE[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x8 0x4 EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] Description collection: Compare event on CC[n] match 0x140 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_COMPARE Compare event on CC[n] match 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x8 0x4 PUBLISH_COMPARE[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event COMPARE[n] 0x1C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event COMPARE[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[0] and task CLEAR 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE1_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[1] and task CLEAR 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE2_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[2] and task CLEAR 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE3_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[3] and task CLEAR 3 3 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE4_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[4] and task CLEAR 4 4 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE5_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[5] and task CLEAR 5 5 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE6_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[6] and task CLEAR 6 6 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE7_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[7] and task CLEAR 7 7 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE0_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[0] and task STOP 16 16 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE1_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[1] and task STOP 17 17 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE2_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[2] and task STOP 18 18 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE3_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[3] and task STOP 19 19 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE4_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[4] and task STOP 20 20 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE5_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[5] and task STOP 21 21 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE6_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[6] and task STOP 22 22 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE7_STOP Shortcut between event COMPARE[7] and task STOP 23 23 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 21 21 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 22 22 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 23 23 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 MODE Timer mode selection 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MODE Timer mode 0 1 Timer Select Timer mode 0x0 Counter Deprecated enumerator - Select Counter mode 0x1 LowPowerCounter Select Low Power Counter mode 0x2 BITMODE Configure the number of bits used by the TIMER 0x508 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BITMODE Timer bit width 0 1 16Bit 16 bit timer bit width 0x0 08Bit 8 bit timer bit width 0x1 24Bit 24 bit timer bit width 0x2 32Bit 32 bit timer bit width 0x3 PRESCALER Timer prescaler register 0x510 read-write 0x00000004 0x20 PRESCALER Prescaler value 0 3 0x8 0x4 CC[%s] Description collection: Capture/Compare register n 0x540 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CC Capture/Compare value 0 31 0x8 0x4 ONESHOTEN[%s] Description collection: Enable one-shot operation for Capture/Compare channel n 0x580 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ONESHOTEN Enable one-shot operation 0 0 Disable Disable one-shot operation 0x0 Enable Enable one-shot operation 0x1 GLOBAL_TIMER00_S Timer/Counter 1 0x50055000 TIMER00 85 GLOBAL_SPU10_S System protection unit 1 0x50080000 SPU10 128 GLOBAL_DPPIC10_NS Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 2 0x40082000 GLOBAL_DPPIC10_S Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 3 0x50082000 GLOBAL_PPIB10_NS PPIB APB registers 4 0x40083000 GLOBAL_PPIB10_S PPIB APB registers 5 0x50083000 GLOBAL_PPIB11_NS PPIB APB registers 6 0x40084000 GLOBAL_PPIB11_S PPIB APB registers 7 0x50084000 GLOBAL_TIMER10_NS Timer/Counter 2 0x40085000 TIMER10 133 GLOBAL_TIMER10_S Timer/Counter 3 0x50085000 TIMER10 133 GLOBAL_RTC10_NS Real-time counter 0 0x40086000 RTC 0 0x1000 registers RTC10 134 RTC 0x20 TASKS_START Start RTC counter 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start RTC counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop RTC counter 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop RTC counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CLEAR Clear RTC counter 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CLEAR Clear RTC counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_TRIGOVRFLW Set counter to 0xFFFFF0 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_TRIGOVRFLW Set counter to 0xFFFFF0 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 TASKS_CAPTURE[%s] Description collection: Capture RTC counter to CC[n] register 0x040 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CAPTURE Capture RTC counter to CC[n] register 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CLEAR Subscribe configuration for task CLEAR 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CLEAR will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_TRIGOVRFLW Subscribe configuration for task TRIGOVRFLW 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task TRIGOVRFLW will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_CAPTURE[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task CAPTURE[n] 0x0C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CAPTURE[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_TICK Event on counter increment 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TICK Event on counter increment 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_OVRFLW Event on counter overflow 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_OVRFLW Event on counter overflow 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] Description collection: Compare event on CC[n] match 0x140 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_COMPARE Compare event on CC[n] match 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_TICK Publish configuration for event TICK 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TICK will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_OVRFLW Publish configuration for event OVRFLW 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event OVRFLW will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 PUBLISH_COMPARE[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event COMPARE[n] 0x1C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event COMPARE[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[0] and task CLEAR 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE1_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[1] and task CLEAR 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE2_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[2] and task CLEAR 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 COMPARE3_CLEAR Shortcut between event COMPARE[3] and task CLEAR 3 3 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TICK Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TICK 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 OVRFLW Write '1' to enable interrupt for event OVRFLW 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TICK Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TICK 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 OVRFLW Write '1' to disable interrupt for event OVRFLW 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 EVTEN Enable or disable event routing 0x340 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TICK Enable or disable event routing for event TICK 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 OVRFLW Enable or disable event routing for event OVRFLW 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE0 Enable or disable event routing for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Enable or disable event routing for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Enable or disable event routing for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Enable or disable event routing for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 EVTENSET Enable event routing 0x344 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TICK Write '1' to enable event routing for event TICK 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 OVRFLW Write '1' to enable event routing for event OVRFLW 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable event routing for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable event routing for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable event routing for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable event routing for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 EVTENCLR Disable event routing 0x348 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TICK Write '1' to disable event routing for event TICK 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 OVRFLW Write '1' to disable event routing for event OVRFLW 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable event routing for event COMPARE[0] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable event routing for event COMPARE[1] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable event routing for event COMPARE[2] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable event routing for event COMPARE[3] 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COUNTER Current counter value 0x504 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 COUNTER Counter value 0 23 PRESCALER 12-bit prescaler for counter frequency (32768 / (PRESCALER + 1)). Must be written when RTC is stopped. 0x508 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PRESCALER Prescaler value 0 11 0x4 0x4 CC[%s] Description collection: Compare register n 0x540 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE Compare value 0 23 GLOBAL_RTC10_S Real-time counter 1 0x50086000 RTC10 134 GLOBAL_EGU10_NS Event generator unit 0 0x40087000 EGU 0 0x1000 registers EGU10 135 EGU 0x20 0x10 0x4 TASKS_TRIGGER[%s] Description collection: Trigger n for triggering the corresponding TRIGGERED[n] event 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_TRIGGER Trigger n for triggering the corresponding TRIGGERED[n] event 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x10 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_TRIGGER[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task TRIGGER[n] 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task TRIGGER[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x10 0x4 EVENTS_TRIGGERED[%s] Description collection: Event number n generated by triggering the corresponding TRIGGER[n] task 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TRIGGERED Event number n generated by triggering the corresponding TRIGGER[n] task 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x10 0x4 PUBLISH_TRIGGERED[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event TRIGGERED[n] 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TRIGGERED[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Enable or disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TRIGGERED0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED8 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED9 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED10 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED11 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED12 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[12] 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED13 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[13] 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED14 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[14] 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TRIGGERED15 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TRIGGERED[15] 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 GLOBAL_EGU10_S Event generator unit 1 0x50087000 EGU10 135 GLOBAL_RADIO_NS 2.4 GHz radio 0 0x4008A000 RADIO 0 0x2000 registers RADIO_0 138 RADIO_1 139 RADIO 0x20 TASKS_TXEN Enable RADIO in TX mode 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_TXEN Enable RADIO in TX mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RXEN Enable RADIO in RX mode 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RXEN Enable RADIO in RX mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_START Start RADIO 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start RADIO 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop RADIO 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop RADIO 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DISABLE Disable RADIO 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_DISABLE Disable RADIO 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RSSISTART Start the RSSI and take one single sample of the receive signal strength 0x014 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RSSISTART Start the RSSI and take one single sample of the receive signal strength 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_BCSTART Start the bit counter 0x018 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_BCSTART Start the bit counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_BCSTOP Stop the bit counter 0x01C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_BCSTOP Stop the bit counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_EDSTART Start the energy detect measurement used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode 0x020 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_EDSTART Start the energy detect measurement used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_EDSTOP Stop the energy detect measurement 0x024 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_EDSTOP Stop the energy detect measurement 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CCASTART Start the clear channel assessment used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode 0x028 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CCASTART Start the clear channel assessment used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CCASTOP Stop the clear channel assessment 0x02C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CCASTOP Stop the clear channel assessment 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SOFTRESET Reset all public registers, but with these exceptions: DMA registers and EVENT/INTEN/SUBSCRIBE/PUBLISH registers. Only to be used in DISABLED state. 0x0A4 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SOFTRESET Reset all public registers, but with these exceptions: DMA registers and EVENT/INTEN/SUBSCRIBE/PUBLISH registers. Only to be used in DISABLED state. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_TXEN Subscribe configuration for task TXEN 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task TXEN will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RXEN Subscribe configuration for task RXEN 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RXEN will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DISABLE Subscribe configuration for task DISABLE 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RSSISTART Subscribe configuration for task RSSISTART 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RSSISTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_BCSTART Subscribe configuration for task BCSTART 0x118 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task BCSTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_BCSTOP Subscribe configuration for task BCSTOP 0x11C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task BCSTOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_EDSTART Subscribe configuration for task EDSTART 0x120 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task EDSTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_EDSTOP Subscribe configuration for task EDSTOP 0x124 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task EDSTOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CCASTART Subscribe configuration for task CCASTART 0x128 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CCASTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CCASTOP Subscribe configuration for task CCASTOP 0x12C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CCASTOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SOFTRESET Subscribe configuration for task SOFTRESET 0x1A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SOFTRESET will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_READY RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READY RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXREADY RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started TX path 0x204 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXREADY RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started TX path 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RXREADY RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started RX path 0x208 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXREADY RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started RX path 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ADDRESS Address sent or received 0x20C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ADDRESS Address sent or received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FRAMESTART IEEE 802.15.4 length field received 0x210 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FRAMESTART IEEE 802.15.4 length field received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PAYLOAD Packet payload sent or received 0x214 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PAYLOAD Packet payload sent or received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_END Packet sent or received 0x218 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END Packet sent or received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PHYEND The last bit is sent on air or last bit is received 0x21C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PHYEND The last bit is sent on air or last bit is received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DISABLED RADIO has been disabled 0x220 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DISABLED RADIO has been disabled 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DEVMATCH A device address match occurred on the last received packet 0x224 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DEVMATCH A device address match occurred on the last received packet 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DEVMISS No device address match occurred on the last received packet 0x228 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DEVMISS No device address match occurred on the last received packet 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CRCOK Packet received with CRC ok 0x22C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CRCOK Packet received with CRC ok 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CRCERROR Packet received with CRC error 0x230 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CRCERROR Packet received with CRC error 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_BCMATCH Bit counter reached bit count value 0x238 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_BCMATCH Bit counter reached bit count value 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_EDEND Sampling of energy detection complete (a new ED sample is ready for readout from the RADIO.EDSAMPLE register) 0x23C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_EDEND Sampling of energy detection complete (a new ED sample is ready for readout from the RADIO.EDSAMPLE register) 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_EDSTOPPED The sampling of energy detection has stopped 0x240 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_EDSTOPPED The sampling of energy detection has stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CCAIDLE Wireless medium in idle - clear to send 0x244 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CCAIDLE Wireless medium in idle - clear to send 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CCABUSY Wireless medium busy - do not send 0x248 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CCABUSY Wireless medium busy - do not send 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CCASTOPPED The CCA has stopped 0x24C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CCASTOPPED The CCA has stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RATEBOOST Ble_LR CI field received, receive mode is changed from Ble_LR125Kbit to Ble_LR500Kbit 0x250 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RATEBOOST Ble_LR CI field received, receive mode is changed from Ble_LR125Kbit to Ble_LR500Kbit 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_MHRMATCH MAC header match found 0x254 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_MHRMATCH MAC header match found 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_SYNC Initial sync detected 0x258 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SYNC Initial sync detected 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CTEPRESENT CTEInfo byte is received 0x25C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CTEPRESENT CTEInfo byte is received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_TXREADY Publish configuration for event TXREADY 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TXREADY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RXREADY Publish configuration for event RXREADY 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXREADY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ADDRESS Publish configuration for event ADDRESS 0x30C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ADDRESS will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_FRAMESTART Publish configuration for event FRAMESTART 0x310 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event FRAMESTART will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_PAYLOAD Publish configuration for event PAYLOAD 0x314 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event PAYLOAD will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x318 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_PHYEND Publish configuration for event PHYEND 0x31C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event PHYEND will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DISABLED Publish configuration for event DISABLED 0x320 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DISABLED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DEVMATCH Publish configuration for event DEVMATCH 0x324 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DEVMATCH will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DEVMISS Publish configuration for event DEVMISS 0x328 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DEVMISS will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CRCOK Publish configuration for event CRCOK 0x32C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CRCOK will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CRCERROR Publish configuration for event CRCERROR 0x330 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CRCERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_BCMATCH Publish configuration for event BCMATCH 0x338 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BCMATCH will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_EDEND Publish configuration for event EDEND 0x33C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event EDEND will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_EDSTOPPED Publish configuration for event EDSTOPPED 0x340 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event EDSTOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CCAIDLE Publish configuration for event CCAIDLE 0x344 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CCAIDLE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CCABUSY Publish configuration for event CCABUSY 0x348 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CCABUSY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CCASTOPPED Publish configuration for event CCASTOPPED 0x34C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CCASTOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RATEBOOST Publish configuration for event RATEBOOST 0x350 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RATEBOOST will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_MHRMATCH Publish configuration for event MHRMATCH 0x354 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event MHRMATCH will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_SYNC Publish configuration for event SYNC 0x358 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SYNC will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CTEPRESENT Publish configuration for event CTEPRESENT 0x35C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CTEPRESENT will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x400 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY_START Shortcut between event READY and task START 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DISABLED_TXEN Shortcut between event DISABLED and task TXEN 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DISABLED_RXEN Shortcut between event DISABLED and task RXEN 3 3 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 ADDRESS_RSSISTART Shortcut between event ADDRESS and task RSSISTART 4 4 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 END_START Shortcut between event END and task START 5 5 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 ADDRESS_BCSTART Shortcut between event ADDRESS and task BCSTART 6 6 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 RXREADY_CCASTART Shortcut between event RXREADY and task CCASTART 10 10 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 CCAIDLE_TXEN Shortcut between event CCAIDLE and task TXEN 11 11 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 CCABUSY_DISABLE Shortcut between event CCABUSY and task DISABLE 12 12 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 FRAMESTART_BCSTART Shortcut between event FRAMESTART and task BCSTART 13 13 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 READY_EDSTART Shortcut between event READY and task EDSTART 14 14 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 EDEND_DISABLE Shortcut between event EDEND and task DISABLE 15 15 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 CCAIDLE_STOP Shortcut between event CCAIDLE and task STOP 16 16 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 TXREADY_START Shortcut between event TXREADY and task START 17 17 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 RXREADY_START Shortcut between event RXREADY and task START 18 18 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 PHYEND_DISABLE Shortcut between event PHYEND and task DISABLE 19 19 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 PHYEND_START Shortcut between event PHYEND and task START 20 20 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTENSET00 Enable interrupt 0x488 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXREADY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXREADY 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ADDRESS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ADDRESS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FRAMESTART Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PAYLOAD Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PAYLOAD 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PHYEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PHYEND 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DISABLED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DISABLED 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DEVMATCH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DEVMATCH 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DEVMISS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DEVMISS 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CRCOK Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CRCOK 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CRCERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CRCERROR 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 BCMATCH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event BCMATCH 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 EDEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event EDEND 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 EDSTOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event EDSTOPPED 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CCAIDLE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CCAIDLE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CCABUSY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CCABUSY 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CCASTOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CCASTOPPED 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RATEBOOST Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RATEBOOST 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 MHRMATCH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event MHRMATCH 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SYNC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SYNC 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CTEPRESENT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CTEPRESENT 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENSET01 Enable interrupt 0x48C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTENCLR00 Disable interrupt 0x490 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXREADY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXREADY 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ADDRESS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ADDRESS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FRAMESTART Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PAYLOAD Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PAYLOAD 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PHYEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PHYEND 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DISABLED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DISABLED 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DEVMATCH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DEVMATCH 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DEVMISS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DEVMISS 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CRCOK Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CRCOK 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CRCERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CRCERROR 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 BCMATCH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event BCMATCH 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 EDEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event EDEND 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 EDSTOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event EDSTOPPED 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CCAIDLE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CCAIDLE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CCABUSY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CCABUSY 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CCASTOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CCASTOPPED 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RATEBOOST Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RATEBOOST 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 MHRMATCH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event MHRMATCH 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SYNC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SYNC 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CTEPRESENT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CTEPRESENT 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTENCLR01 Disable interrupt 0x494 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTENSET10 Enable interrupt 0x4A8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXREADY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXREADY 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ADDRESS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ADDRESS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FRAMESTART Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PAYLOAD Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PAYLOAD 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PHYEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PHYEND 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DISABLED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DISABLED 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DEVMATCH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DEVMATCH 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DEVMISS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DEVMISS 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CRCOK Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CRCOK 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CRCERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CRCERROR 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 BCMATCH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event BCMATCH 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 EDEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event EDEND 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 EDSTOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event EDSTOPPED 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CCAIDLE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CCAIDLE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CCABUSY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CCABUSY 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CCASTOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CCASTOPPED 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RATEBOOST Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RATEBOOST 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 MHRMATCH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event MHRMATCH 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SYNC Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SYNC 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CTEPRESENT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CTEPRESENT 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENSET11 Enable interrupt 0x4AC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 INTENCLR10 Disable interrupt 0x4B0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXREADY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXREADY 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ADDRESS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ADDRESS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FRAMESTART Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PAYLOAD Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PAYLOAD 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PHYEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PHYEND 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DISABLED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DISABLED 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DEVMATCH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DEVMATCH 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DEVMISS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DEVMISS 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CRCOK Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CRCOK 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CRCERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CRCERROR 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 BCMATCH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event BCMATCH 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 EDEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event EDEND 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 EDSTOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event EDSTOPPED 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CCAIDLE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CCAIDLE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CCABUSY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CCABUSY 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CCASTOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CCASTOPPED 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RATEBOOST Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RATEBOOST 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 MHRMATCH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event MHRMATCH 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SYNC Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SYNC 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CTEPRESENT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CTEPRESENT 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTENCLR11 Disable interrupt 0x4B4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MODE Data rate and modulation 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MODE Radio data rate and modulation setting. The radio supports frequency-shift keying (FSK) modulation. 0 3 Nrf_1Mbit 1 Mbps Nordic proprietary radio mode 0x0 Nrf_2Mbit 2 Mbps Nordic proprietary radio mode 0x1 Ble_1Mbit 1 Mbps BLE 0x3 Ble_2Mbit 2 Mbps BLE 0x4 Ble_LR125Kbit Long range 125 kbps TX, 125 kbps and 500 kbps RX 0x5 Ble_LR500Kbit Long range 500 kbps TX, 125 kbps and 500 kbps RX 0x6 Nrf_4Mbit0_5 4 Mbps Nordic proprietary radio mode (BT=0.5/h=0.5) 0x9 Nrf_4Mbit0_25 4 Mbps Nordic proprietary radio mode (BT=0.5/h=0.25) 0xA Ieee802154_250Kbit IEEE 802.15.4-2006 250 kbps 0xF STATE Current radio state 0x520 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATE Current radio state 0 3 Disabled RADIO is in the Disabled state 0x0 RxRu RADIO is in the RXRU state 0x1 RxIdle RADIO is in the RXIDLE state 0x2 Rx RADIO is in the RX state 0x3 RxDisable RADIO is in the RXDISABLED state 0x4 TxRu RADIO is in the TXRU state 0x9 TxIdle RADIO is in the TXIDLE state 0xA Tx RADIO is in the TX state 0xB TxDisable RADIO is in the TXDISABLED state 0xC EDCTRL IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect control 0x530 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 EDCNT IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect loop count 0 20 EDSAMPLE IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect level 0x534 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 EDLVL IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect level 0 7 CCACTRL IEEE 802.15.4 clear channel assessment control 0x538 read-write 0x052D0000 0x20 CCAMODE CCA mode of operation 0 2 EdMode Energy above threshold 0x0 CarrierMode Carrier seen 0x1 CarrierAndEdMode Energy above threshold AND carrier seen 0x2 CarrierOrEdMode Energy above threshold OR carrier seen 0x3 EdModeTest1 Energy above threshold test mode that will abort when first ED measurement over threshold is seen. No averaging. 0x4 CCAEDTHRES CCA energy busy threshold. Used in all the CCA modes except CarrierMode. 8 15 CCACORRTHRES CCA correlator busy threshold. Only relevant to CarrierMode, CarrierAndEdMode, and CarrierOrEdMode. 16 23 CCACORRCNT Limit for occurances above CCACORRTHRES. When not equal to zero the corrolator based signal detect is enabled. 24 31 DATAWHITEIV Data whitening initial value 0x540 read-write 0x00000040 0x20 DATAWHITEIV Data whitening initial value. Bit 6 is hardwired to '1', writing '0' to it has no effect, and it will always be read back and used by the device as '1'. 0 6 TIMING Timing 0x704 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 RU Ramp-up time 0 0 Legacy Legacy ramp-up time 0x0 Fast Fast ramp-up (default) 0x1 FREQUENCY Frequency 0x708 read-write 0x00000002 0x20 FREQUENCY Radio channel frequency. Frequency = 2400 + FREQUENCY (MHz). 0 6 MAP Channel map selection. 0: Channel map between 2400 MHZ to 2500 MHz, Frequency = 2400 + FREQUENCY (MHz). 1: Channel map between 2360 MHZ to 2460 MHz, Frequency = 2360 + FREQUENCY (MHz). 8 8 TXPOWER Output power 0x710 read-write 0x00000013 0x20 TXPOWER RADIO output power 0 8 Pos8dBm +8 dBm 0x033 Pos7dBm +7 dBm 0x02D Pos6dBm +6 dBm 0x028 Pos5dBm +5 dBm 0x023 Pos4dBm +4 dBm 0x01F Pos3dBm +3 dBm 0x01B Pos2dBm +2 dBm 0x018 Pos1dBm +1 dBm 0x015 0dBm 0 dBm 0x013 Neg1dBm -1 dBm 0x011 Neg2dBm -2 dBm 0x00F Neg3dBm -3 dBm 0x00D Neg4dBm -4 dBm 0x00B Neg5dBm -5 dBm 0x00A Neg6dBm -6 dBm 0x009 Neg7dBm -7 dBm 0x008 Neg8dBm -8 dBm 0x007 Neg9dBm -9 dBm 0x006 Neg10dBm -10 dBm 0x005 Neg12dBm -12 dBm 0x004 Neg14dBm -14 dBm 0x003 Neg16dBm -16 dBm 0x002 Neg20dBm -20 dBm 0x001 Neg26dBm -26 dBm 0x000 Neg40dBm -40 dBm 0x130 Neg46dBm -46 dBm 0x110 TIFS Interframe spacing in us 0x714 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TIFS Interframe spacing in us. Interframe space is the time interval between two consecutive packets. It is defined as the time, in microseconds, from the end of the last bit of the previous packet to the start of the first bit of the subsequent packet. 0 9 RSSISAMPLE RSSI sample 0x718 read-only 0x0000007F 0x20 RSSISAMPLE RSSI sample result. The value of this register is read as a positive value while the actual received signal strength is a negative value. Actual received signal strength is therefore as follows: received signal strength = -A dBm. 0 6 FECONFIG Config register 0x908 read-write 0x10800005 0x20 SCALERMODE Mode for narrow scaling output. 20 20 Disabled Classic log based scaling mode. 0x0 Enabled LUT based scaling mode. 0x1 DFEMODE Whether to use Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) or Angle-of-Departure (AOD) 0xD00 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DFEOPMODE Direction finding operation mode 0 1 Disabled Direction finding mode disabled 0x0 AoD Direction finding mode set to AoD 0x2 AoA Direction finding mode set to AoA 0x3 DFESTATUS DFE status information 0xD04 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 SWITCHINGSTATE Internal state of switching state machine 0 2 Idle Switching state Idle 0x0 Offset Switching state Offset 0x1 Guard Switching state Guard 0x2 Ref Switching state Ref 0x3 Switching Switching state Switching 0x4 Ending Switching state Ending 0x5 SAMPLINGSTATE Internal state of sampling state machine 4 4 Idle Sampling state Idle 0x0 Sampling Sampling state Sampling 0x1 DFECTRL1 Various configuration for Direction finding 0xD10 read-write 0x00023282 0x20 NUMBEROF8US Length of the AoA/AoD procedure in number of 8 us units 0 5 DFEINEXTENSION Add CTE extension and do antenna switching/sampling in this extension 7 7 CRC AoA/AoD procedure triggered at end of CRC 0x1 Payload Antenna switching/sampling is done in the packet payload 0x0 TSWITCHSPACING Interval between every time the antenna is changed in the SWITCHING state 8 10 4us 4us 0x1 2us 2us 0x2 1us 1us 0x3 TSAMPLESPACINGREF Interval between samples in the REFERENCE period 12 14 4us 4us 0x1 2us 2us 0x2 1us 1us 0x3 500ns 0.5us 0x4 250ns 0.25us 0x5 125ns 0.125us 0x6 SAMPLETYPE Whether to sample I/Q or magnitude/phase 15 15 IQ Complex samples in I and Q 0x0 MagPhase Complex samples as magnitude and phase 0x1 TSAMPLESPACING Interval between samples in the SWITCHING period when CTEINLINECTRLEN is 0 16 18 4us 4us 0x1 2us 2us 0x2 1us 1us 0x3 500ns 0.5us 0x4 250ns 0.25us 0x5 125ns 0.125us 0x6 REPEATPATTERN Repeat every antenna pattern N times. 20 23 NoRepeat Do not repeat (1 time in total) 0x0 AGCBACKOFFGAIN Gain will be lowered by the specified number of gain steps at the start of CTE 24 27 DFECTRL2 Start offset for Direction finding 0xD14 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TSWITCHOFFSET Signed value offset after the end of the CRC before starting switching in number of 16M cycles 0 12 TSAMPLEOFFSET Signed value offset before starting sampling in number of 16M cycles relative to the beginning of the REFERENCE state - 12 us after switching start 16 27 SWITCHPATTERN GPIO patterns to be used for each antenna 0xD28 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SWITCHPATTERN Fill array of GPIO patterns for antenna control 0 7 CLEARPATTERN Clear the GPIO pattern array for antenna control 0xD2C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 CLEARPATTERN Clear the GPIO pattern array for antenna control Behaves as a task register, but does not have PPI nor IRQ 0 0 PSEL Unspecified RADIO_PSEL read-write 0xD30 0x8 0x4 DFEGPIO[%s] Description collection: Pin select for DFE pin n 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 8 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DFEPACKET DFE packet EasyDMA channel RADIO_DFEPACKET read-write 0xD50 PTR Data pointer 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 OFFSET Data pointer 0 15 BASE 29 29 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes to transfer 0x004 read-write 0x00004000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes to transfer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction 0x008 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction 0 15 CURRENTAMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the current transaction 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the current transaction. Continuously updated. 0 15 CRCSTATUS CRC status 0xE0C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 CRCSTATUS CRC status of packet received 0 0 CRCError Packet received with CRC error 0x0 CRCOk Packet received with CRC ok 0x1 RXMATCH Received address 0xE10 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RXMATCH Received address 0 2 RXCRC CRC field of previously received packet 0xE14 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RXCRC CRC field of previously received packet 0 23 DAI Device address match index 0xE18 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 DAI Device address match index 0 2 PDUSTAT Payload status 0xE1C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 PDUSTAT Status on payload length vs. PCNF1.MAXLEN 0 0 LessThan Payload less than PCNF1.MAXLEN 0x0 GreaterThan Payload greater than PCNF1.MAXLEN 0x1 CISTAT Status on what rate packet is received with in Long Range 1 2 LR125kbit Frame is received at 125 kbps 0x0 LR500kbit Frame is received at 500 kbps 0x1 PCNF0 Packet configuration register 0 0xE20 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LFLEN Length on air of LENGTH field in number of bits. 0 3 S0LEN Length on air of S0 field in number of bytes. 8 8 S1LEN Length on air of S1 field in number of bits. 16 19 S1INCL Include or exclude S1 field in RAM 20 21 Automatic Include S1 field in RAM only if S1LEN > 0 0x0 Include Always include S1 field in RAM independent of S1LEN 0x1 CILEN Length of code indicator - long range 22 23 PLEN Length of preamble on air. Decision point: TASKS_START task 24 25 8bit 8-bit preamble 0x0 16bit 16-bit preamble 0x1 32bitZero 32-bit zero preamble - used for IEEE 802.15.4 0x2 LongRange Preamble - used for BLE long range 0x3 CRCINC Indicates if LENGTH field contains CRC or not 26 26 Exclude LENGTH does not contain CRC 0x0 Include LENGTH includes CRC 0x1 TERMLEN Length of TERM field in Long Range operation 29 30 PCNF1 Packet configuration register 1 0xE28 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXLEN Maximum length of packet payload. If the packet payload is larger than MAXLEN, the radio will truncate the payload to MAXLEN. 0 7 STATLEN Static length in number of bytes 8 15 BALEN Base address length in number of bytes 16 18 ENDIAN On-air endianness of packet, this applies to the S0, LENGTH, S1, and the PAYLOAD fields. 24 24 Little Least significant bit on air first 0x0 Big Most significant bit on air first 0x1 WHITEEN Enable or disable packet whitening 25 25 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BASE0 Base address 0 0xE2C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BASE0 Base address 0 0 31 BASE1 Base address 1 0xE30 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BASE1 Base address 1 0 31 PREFIX0 Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 0-3 0xE34 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 AP0 Address prefix 0 0 7 AP1 Address prefix 1 8 15 AP2 Address prefix 2 16 23 AP3 Address prefix 3 24 31 PREFIX1 Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 4-7 0xE38 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 AP4 Address prefix 4 0 7 AP5 Address prefix 5 8 15 AP6 Address prefix 6 16 23 AP7 Address prefix 7 24 31 TXADDRESS Transmit address select 0xE3C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TXADDRESS Transmit address select 0 2 RXADDRESSES Receive address select 0xE40 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDR0 Enable or disable reception on logical address 0 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR1 Enable or disable reception on logical address 1 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR2 Enable or disable reception on logical address 2 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR3 Enable or disable reception on logical address 3 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR4 Enable or disable reception on logical address 4 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR5 Enable or disable reception on logical address 5 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR6 Enable or disable reception on logical address 6 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ADDR7 Enable or disable reception on logical address 7 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CRCCNF CRC configuration 0xE44 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LEN CRC length in number of bytes. 0 1 Disabled CRC length is zero and CRC calculation is disabled 0x0 One CRC length is one byte and CRC calculation is enabled 0x1 Two CRC length is two bytes and CRC calculation is enabled 0x2 Three CRC length is three bytes and CRC calculation is enabled 0x3 SKIPADDR Include or exclude packet address field out of CRC calculation. 8 9 Include CRC calculation includes address field 0x0 Skip CRC calculation does not include address field. The CRC calculation will start at the first byte after the address. 0x1 Ieee802154 CRC calculation as per 802.15.4 standard. Starting at first byte after length field. 0x2 CRCPOLY CRC polynomial 0xE48 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CRCPOLY CRC polynomial 0 23 CRCINIT CRC initial value 0xE4C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CRCINIT CRC initial value 0 23 0x8 0x4 DAB[%s] Description collection: Device address base segment n 0xE50 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DAB Device address base segment n 0 31 0x8 0x4 DAP[%s] Description collection: Device address prefix n 0xE70 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DAP Device address prefix n 0 15 DACNF Device address match configuration 0xE90 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENA0 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 0 0 0 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA1 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 1 1 1 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA2 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 2 2 2 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA3 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 3 3 3 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA4 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 4 4 4 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA5 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 5 5 5 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA6 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 6 6 6 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ENA7 Enable or disable device address matching using device address 7 7 7 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 TXADD0 TxAdd for device address 0 8 8 TXADD1 TxAdd for device address 1 9 9 TXADD2 TxAdd for device address 2 10 10 TXADD3 TxAdd for device address 3 11 11 TXADD4 TxAdd for device address 4 12 12 TXADD5 TxAdd for device address 5 13 13 TXADD6 TxAdd for device address 6 14 14 TXADD7 TxAdd for device address 7 15 15 BCC Bit counter compare 0xE94 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BCC Bit counter compare 0 31 CTESTATUS CTEInfo parsed from received packet 0xEA4 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 CTETIME CTETime parsed from packet 0 4 RFU RFU parsed from packet 5 5 CTETYPE CTEType parsed from packet 6 7 MHRMATCHCONF Search pattern configuration 0xEB4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MHRMATCHCONF Search pattern configuration 0 31 MHRMATCHMASK Pattern mask 0xEB8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MHRMATCHMASK Pattern mask 0 31 SFD IEEE 802.15.4 start of frame delimiter 0xEBC read-write 0x000000A7 0x20 SFD IEEE 802.15.4 start of frame delimiter. Note: the least significant 4 bits of the SFD cannot all be zeros. 0 7 CTEINLINECONF Configuration for CTE inline mode 0xEC0 read-write 0x00002800 0x20 CTEINLINECTRLEN Enable parsing of CTEInfo from received packet in BLE modes 0 0 Enabled Parsing of CTEInfo is enabled 0x1 Disabled Parsing of CTEInfo is disabled 0x0 CTEINFOINS1 CTEInfo is S1 byte or not 3 3 InS1 CTEInfo is in S1 byte (data PDU) 0x1 NotInS1 CTEInfo is NOT in S1 byte (advertising PDU) 0x0 CTEERRORHANDLING Sampling/switching if CRC is not OK 4 4 Yes Sampling and antenna switching also when CRC is not OK 0x1 No No sampling and antenna switching when CRC is not OK 0x0 CTETIMEVALIDRANGE Max range of CTETime 6 7 20 20 in 8us unit (default) Set to 20 if parsed CTETime is larger han 20 0x0 31 31 in 8us unit 0x1 63 63 in 8us unit 0x2 CTEINLINERXMODE1US Spacing between samples for the samples in the SWITCHING period when CTEINLINEMODE is set 10 12 4us 4us 0x1 2us 2us 0x2 1us 1us 0x3 500ns 0.5us 0x4 250ns 0.25us 0x5 125ns 0.125us 0x6 CTEINLINERXMODE2US Spacing between samples for the samples in the SWITCHING period when CTEINLINEMODE is set 13 15 4us 4us 0x1 2us 2us 0x2 1us 1us 0x3 500ns 0.5us 0x4 250ns 0.25us 0x5 125ns 0.125us 0x6 S0CONF S0 bit pattern to match 16 23 S0MASK S0 bit mask to set which bit to match 24 31 PACKETPTR Unspecified 0xED0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 OFFSET 0 15 BASE 29 29 CSTONES Unspecified RADIO_CSTONES read-write 0x1000 MODE Selects the mode(s) that are activated on the start signal 0x000 read-write 0x00000003 0x20 TPM Enable or disable TPM 0 0 Disabled TPM is disabled 0x0 Enabled TPM is enabled 0x1 TFM Enable or disable TFM 1 1 Disabled TFM is disabled 0x0 Enabled TFM is enabled 0x1 NUMSAMPLES Number of input samples at 2MHz sample rate 0x004 read-write 0x000000A0 0x20 NUMSAMPLES Maximum value supported is 160 0 7 NEXTFREQUENCY The value of FREQUENCY that will be used in the next step 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NEXTFREQUENCY Frequency = 2400 + FREQUENCY (MHz) 0 6 FFOIN Override value of FFO (Fractional Frequency Offset) if not to be based on the frequency estimate derived from CnAcc (autocorrelation of the scaled input signal) value 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FFFIN Units 62.5 ppb. Max range +/-100 ppm plus margin. 0 11 FFOSOURCE Source of FFO 0x010 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 FFOSOURCE 0: Use FFOIN 1: Calc FFO from CnAcc 0 0 FAEPEER FAEPEER (Frequency Actuation Error) of peer if known. Used during Mode 0 steps. 0x014 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FAEPEER Units 31.25 ppb. 0 7 PHASESHIFT Parameter used in TPM, provided by software 0x018 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PHASESHIFT Phase shift used in TPM calculation 0 15 NUMSAMPLESCOEFF Parameter used in TPM, provided by software 0x01C read-write 0x0000199A 0x20 NUMSAMPLESCOEFF Coefficient 1/(numSamples/16) in Q1.15 format (Default numsamples value is 160) 0 15 PCT16 Mean magnitude and mean phase converted to IQ 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 PCT16I Inphase 0 15 PCT16Q Quadrature 16 31 MAGPHASEMEAN Mean magnitude and phase of the signal before it is converted to PCT16 0x024 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 PHASE Mean phase 0 15 MAG Mean magnitude 16 31 IQRAWMEAN Mean of IQ values 0x028 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 IQRAWMEANI Inphase 0 15 IQRAWMEANQ Quadrature 16 31 MAGSTD Magnitude standard deviation approximation 0x02C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MAGSTD Magnitude standard deviation approximation 0 15 CNACC Output of the autocorrelation of the accumulated IQ signal 0x030 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 CNACCI 0 15 CNACCQ 16 31 FFOEST FFO estimate 0x034 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 FFOEST Units 62.5 ppb. Max range +/-100 ppm plus margin. 0 11 FINETUNENEXT Number of full ADPLL finetune steps 0x03C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 FINETUNENEXT Units of 488.28125 Hz 0 12 CFOPHASE Cordic output of CnAcc 0x040 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 CFOPHASE 0 15 FREQOFFSET Frequency offset estimate 0x044 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 FREQOFFSET 0 13 PCT11 Mean magnitude and mean phase converted to IQ. IQ values limited to [-1024,1023]. 0x048 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 PCT11I Inphase 0 10 PCT11Q Quadrature 11 21 LFAENEXT Quantization error between ADPLL frequency and the desired value of FFO * RF Frequency. Values limited to [-64,63] with units 7.6294 Hz. 0x04C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 LFAENEXT Inphase 0 6 RTT Unspecified RADIO_RTT read-write 0x1050 CONFIG RTT Config. 0x0000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EN Enable RTT Functionality. Only valid for BLE 1MBPS and 2MBPS mode 0 0 Disabled Disable RTT Block 0x0 Enabled Enable RTT Block 0x1 ENFULLAA Enabling/Disable ping over the entire access address. 1 1 Disabled Disable ping over the entire access address, i.e., enable only over the first 16-bit access address 0x0 Enabled Enable ping over the entire access address 0x1 ROLE Role as a Initiator or Reflector. 2 2 Initiator Initiator 0x0 Reflector Reflector 0x1 NUMSEGMENTS Number of 16bit payload segments available for ToA detection. Allowed values are 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8. 3 6 EFSDELAY Early Frame Sync Delay, i.e., number of cycles to wait for access address to anchor correctly. For 2MBPSBLE mode, the EFSDELAY value is 64 (2us) and for 1MBPSBLE mode, it can be 256 (8us). 8 16 SEGMENT01 RTT segments 0 and 1 0x0004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data Bits 31 - 0 0 31 SEGMENT23 RTT segments 2 and 3 0x0008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data Bits 63 - 32 0 31 SEGMENT45 RTT segments 4 and 5 0x000C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data Bits 95 - 64 0 31 SEGMENT67 RTT segments 6 and 7 0x0010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data Bits 127 - 96 0 31 GLOBAL_RADIO_S 2.4 GHz radio 1 0x5008A000 RADIO_0 138 RADIO_1 139 GLOBAL_SPU20_S System protection unit 2 0x500C0000 SPU20 192 GLOBAL_DPPIC20_NS Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 4 0x400C2000 GLOBAL_DPPIC20_S Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 5 0x500C2000 GLOBAL_PPIB20_NS PPIB APB registers 8 0x400C3000 GLOBAL_PPIB20_S PPIB APB registers 9 0x500C3000 GLOBAL_PPIB21_NS PPIB APB registers 10 0x400C4000 GLOBAL_PPIB21_S PPIB APB registers 11 0x500C4000 GLOBAL_PPIB22_NS PPIB APB registers 12 0x400C5000 GLOBAL_PPIB22_S PPIB APB registers 13 0x500C5000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_NS Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 2 0x400C6000 SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_SPIS20_NS SPI Slave 2 0x400C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_NS SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_TWIM20_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 0 0x400C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_NS TWIM 0 0x1000 registers SERIAL20 198 TWIM 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop TWI transaction. Must be issued while the TWI master is not suspended. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop TWI transaction. Must be issued while the TWI master is not suspended. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend TWI transaction 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend TWI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RESUME Resume TWI transaction 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RESUME Resume TWI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DMA Peripheral tasks. TWIM_TASKS_DMA write-only 0x028 RX Peripheral tasks. TWIM_TASKS_DMA_RX write-only 0x000 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLEMATCH Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x018 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 DISABLEMATCH Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TX Peripheral tasks. TWIM_TASKS_DMA_TX write-only 0x028 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 STOP Stops operation using easyDMA. This does not trigger an END event. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SUSPEND Subscribe configuration for task SUSPEND 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SUSPEND will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RESUME Subscribe configuration for task RESUME 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RESUME will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DMA Subscribe configuration for tasks TWIM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA read-write 0x0A8 RX Subscribe configuration for tasks TWIM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task ENABLEMATCH[n] 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ENABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task DISABLEMATCH[n] 0x018 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 TX Subscribe configuration for tasks TWIM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_TX read-write 0x028 START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED TWI stopped 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED TWI stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR TWI error 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR TWI error 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_SUSPENDED SUSPEND task has been issued, TWI traffic is now suspended. 0x128 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SUSPENDED SUSPEND task has been issued, TWI traffic is now suspended. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_LASTRX Byte boundary, starting to receive the last byte 0x134 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_LASTRX Byte boundary, starting to receive the last byte 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_LASTTX Byte boundary, starting to transmit the last byte 0x138 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_LASTTX Byte boundary, starting to transmit the last byte 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DMA Peripheral events. TWIM_EVENTS_DMA read-write 0x14C RX Peripheral events. TWIM_EVENTS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MATCH Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 TX Peripheral events. TWIM_EVENTS_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ERROR Publish configuration for event ERROR 0x194 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_SUSPENDED Publish configuration for event SUSPENDED 0x1A8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SUSPENDED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_LASTRX Publish configuration for event LASTRX 0x1B4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event LASTRX will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_LASTTX Publish configuration for event LASTTX 0x1B8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event LASTTX will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DMA Publish configuration for events TWIM_PUBLISH_DMA read-write 0x1CC RX Publish configuration for events TWIM_PUBLISH_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event MATCH[n] 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event MATCH[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 TX Publish configuration for events TWIM_PUBLISH_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LASTTX_DMA_RX_START Shortcut between event LASTTX and task DMA.RX.START 7 7 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 LASTTX_SUSPEND Shortcut between event LASTTX and task SUSPEND 8 8 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 LASTTX_STOP Shortcut between event LASTTX and task STOP 9 9 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 LASTRX_DMA_TX_START Shortcut between event LASTRX and task DMA.TX.START 10 10 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[1] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 20 20 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[2] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 21 21 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[3] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 22 22 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[0] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 23 23 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 24 24 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 25 25 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 26 26 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 27 27 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Enable or disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SUSPENDED Enable or disable interrupt for event SUSPENDED 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 LASTRX Enable or disable interrupt for event LASTRX 13 13 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 LASTTX Enable or disable interrupt for event LASTTX 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SUSPENDED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SUSPENDED 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 LASTRX Write '1' to enable interrupt for event LASTRX 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 LASTTX Write '1' to enable interrupt for event LASTTX 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SUSPENDED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SUSPENDED 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 LASTRX Write '1' to disable interrupt for event LASTRX 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 LASTTX Write '1' to disable interrupt for event LASTTX 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERRORSRC Error source 0x4C4 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 OVERRUN Overrun error 0 0 NotReceived Error did not occur 0x0 Received Error occurred 0x1 ANACK NACK received after sending the address (write '1' to clear) 1 1 NotReceived Error did not occur 0x0 Received Error occurred 0x1 DNACK NACK received after sending a data byte (write '1' to clear) 2 2 NotReceived Error did not occur 0x0 Received Error occurred 0x1 ENABLE Enable TWIM 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable TWIM 0 3 Disabled Disable TWIM 0x0 Enabled Enable TWIM 0x6 FREQUENCY TWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. 0x524 read-write 0x04000000 0x20 FREQUENCY TWI master clock frequency 0 31 K100 100 kbps 0x01980000 K250 250 kbps 0x04000000 K400 400 kbps 0x06400000 K1000 1000 kbps 0x0FF00000 ADDRESS Address used in the TWI transfer 0x588 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS Address used in the TWI transfer 0 6 PSEL Unspecified TWIM_PSEL read-write 0x600 SCL Pin select for SCL signal 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 SDA Pin select for SDA signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DMA Unspecified TWIM_DMA read-write 0x700 RX Unspecified TWIM_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 MATCH Registers to control the behavior of the pattern matcher engine TWIM_DMA_RX_MATCH read-write 0x024 CONFIG Configure individual match events 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE_0 Enable match filter 0 0 0 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_1 Enable match filter 1 1 1 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_2 Enable match filter 2 2 2 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_3 Enable match filter 3 3 3 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ONESHOT_0 Configure match filter 0 as one-shot or sticky 16 16 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_1 Configure match filter 1 as one-shot or sticky 17 17 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_2 Configure match filter 2 as one-shot or sticky 18 18 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_3 Configure match filter 3 as one-shot or sticky 19 19 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 0x4 0x4 CANDIDATE[%s] Description collection: The data to look for - any match will trigger the MATCH[n] event, if enabled. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data to look for 0 31 TX Unspecified TWIM_DMA_TX read-write 0x038 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_TWIS20_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 0 0x400C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_NS TWIS 0 0x1000 registers SERIAL20 198 TWIS 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop TWI transaction 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop TWI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend TWI transaction 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SUSPEND Suspend TWI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RESUME Resume TWI transaction 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RESUME Resume TWI transaction 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PREPARERX Prepare the TWI slave to respond to a write command 0x020 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PREPARERX Prepare the TWI slave to respond to a write command 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PREPARETX Prepare the TWI slave to respond to a read command 0x024 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PREPARETX Prepare the TWI slave to respond to a read command 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DMA Peripheral tasks. TWIS_TASKS_DMA write-only 0x030 RX Peripheral tasks. TWIS_TASKS_DMA_RX write-only 0x000 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLEMATCH Enables the MATCH[n] event by setting the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 DISABLEMATCH Disables the MATCH[n] event by clearing the ENABLE[n] bit in the CONFIG register. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SUSPEND Subscribe configuration for task SUSPEND 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SUSPEND will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RESUME Subscribe configuration for task RESUME 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RESUME will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_PREPARERX Subscribe configuration for task PREPARERX 0x0A0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task PREPARERX will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_PREPARETX Subscribe configuration for task PREPARETX 0x0A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task PREPARETX will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DMA Subscribe configuration for tasks TWIS_SUBSCRIBE_DMA read-write 0x0B0 RX Subscribe configuration for tasks TWIS_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 0x4 0x4 ENABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task ENABLEMATCH[n] 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ENABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x4 0x4 DISABLEMATCH[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task DISABLEMATCH[n] 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLEMATCH[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED TWI stopped 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED TWI stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR TWI error 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR TWI error 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_WRITE Write command received 0x13C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_WRITE Write command received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_READ Read command received 0x140 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READ Read command received 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DMA Peripheral events. TWIS_EVENTS_DMA read-write 0x14C RX Peripheral events. TWIS_EVENTS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MATCH Pattern match is detected on the DMA data bus. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 TX Peripheral events. TWIS_EVENTS_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ERROR Publish configuration for event ERROR 0x194 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_WRITE Publish configuration for event WRITE 0x1BC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event WRITE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_READ Publish configuration for event READ 0x1C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READ will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DMA Publish configuration for events TWIS_PUBLISH_DMA read-write 0x1CC RX Publish configuration for events TWIS_PUBLISH_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 MATCH[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event MATCH[n] 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event MATCH[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 TX Publish configuration for events TWIS_PUBLISH_DMA_TX read-write 0x01C END Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 WRITE_SUSPEND Shortcut between event WRITE and task SUSPEND 13 13 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 READ_SUSPEND Shortcut between event READ and task SUSPEND 14 14 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[1] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 21 21 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[2] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 22 22 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[3] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 23 23 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_ENABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.ENABLEMATCH[0] Allows daisy-chaining match events. 24 24 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH0_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH0 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 25 25 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH1_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH1 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 26 26 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH2_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH2 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 27 27 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_RX_MATCH3_DMA_RX_DISABLEMATCH3 Shortcut between event DMA.RX.MATCH[n] and task DMA.RX.DISABLEMATCH[n] 28 28 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Enable or disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 WRITE Enable or disable interrupt for event WRITE 15 15 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 READ Enable or disable interrupt for event READ 16 16 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Enable or disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 WRITE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event WRITE 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 READ Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READ 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ERROR 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 WRITE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event WRITE 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 READ Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READ 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXEND 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXREADY 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXBUSERROR 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[0] 22 22 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[1] 23 23 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[2] 24 24 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMARXMATCH3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMARXMATCH[3] 25 25 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXEND 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXREADY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXREADY 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMATXBUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMATXBUSERROR 28 28 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERRORSRC Error source 0x4D0 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 OVERFLOW RX buffer overflow detected, and prevented 0 0 NotDetected Error did not occur 0x0 Detected Error occurred 0x1 DNACK NACK sent after receiving a data byte 2 2 NotReceived Error did not occur 0x0 Received Error occurred 0x1 OVERREAD TX buffer over-read detected, and prevented 3 3 NotDetected Error did not occur 0x0 Detected Error occurred 0x1 MATCH Status register indicating which address had a match 0x4D4 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 MATCH Indication of which address in ADDRESS that matched the incoming address 0 0 ENABLE Enable TWIS 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable TWIS 0 3 Disabled Disable TWIS 0x0 Enabled Enable TWIS 0x9 0x2 0x4 ADDRESS[%s] Description collection: TWI slave address n 0x588 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS TWI slave address 0 6 CONFIG Configuration register for the address match mechanism 0x594 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 ADDRESS0 Enable or disable address matching on ADDRESS[0] 0 0 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ADDRESS1 Enable or disable address matching on ADDRESS[1] 1 1 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 ORC Over-read character. Character sent out in case of an over-read of the transmit buffer. 0x5C0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ORC Over-read character. Character sent out in case of an over-read of the transmit buffer. 0 7 PSEL Unspecified TWIS_PSEL read-write 0x600 SCL Pin select for SCL signal 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 SDA Pin select for SDA signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DMA Unspecified TWIS_DMA read-write 0x700 RX Unspecified TWIS_DMA_RX read-write 0x000 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 MATCH Registers to control the behavior of the pattern matcher engine TWIS_DMA_RX_MATCH read-write 0x024 CONFIG Configure individual match events 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE_0 Enable match filter 0 0 0 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_1 Enable match filter 1 1 1 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_2 Enable match filter 2 2 2 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ENABLE_3 Enable match filter 3 3 3 Disabled Match filter disabled 0x0 Enabled Match filter enabled 0x1 ONESHOT_0 Configure match filter 0 as one-shot or sticky 16 16 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_1 Configure match filter 1 as one-shot or sticky 17 17 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_2 Configure match filter 2 as one-shot or sticky 18 18 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 ONESHOT_3 Configure match filter 3 as one-shot or sticky 19 19 Continuous Match filter stays enabled until disabled by task 0x0 Oneshot Match filter stays enabled until next data word is received 0x1 0x4 0x4 CANDIDATE[%s] Description collection: The data to look for - any match will trigger the MATCH[n] event, if enabled. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATA Data to look for 0 31 TX Unspecified TWIS_DMA_TX read-write 0x038 PTR RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_UARTE20_NS UART with EasyDMA 2 0x400C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_NS SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_SPIM20_S Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 3 0x500C6000 SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_SPIS20_S SPI Slave 3 0x500C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_S SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_TWIM20_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 1 0x500C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_S SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_TWIS20_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 1 0x500C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_S SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_UARTE20_S UART with EasyDMA 3 0x500C6000 GLOBAL_SPIM20_S SERIAL20 198 GLOBAL_SPIM21_NS Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 4 0x400C7000 SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_SPIS21_NS SPI Slave 4 0x400C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_NS SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_TWIM21_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 2 0x400C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_NS SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_TWIS21_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 2 0x400C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_NS SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_UARTE21_NS UART with EasyDMA 4 0x400C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_NS SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_SPIM21_S Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 5 0x500C7000 SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_SPIS21_S SPI Slave 5 0x500C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_S SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_TWIM21_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 3 0x500C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_S SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_TWIS21_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 3 0x500C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_S SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_UARTE21_S UART with EasyDMA 5 0x500C7000 GLOBAL_SPIM21_S SERIAL21 199 GLOBAL_SPIM22_NS Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 6 0x400C8000 SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_SPIS22_NS SPI Slave 6 0x400C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_NS SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_TWIM22_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 4 0x400C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_NS SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_TWIS22_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 4 0x400C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_NS SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_UARTE22_NS UART with EasyDMA 6 0x400C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_NS SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_SPIM22_S Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 7 0x500C8000 SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_SPIS22_S SPI Slave 7 0x500C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_S SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_TWIM22_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 5 0x500C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_S SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_TWIS22_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 5 0x500C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_S SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_UARTE22_S UART with EasyDMA 7 0x500C8000 GLOBAL_SPIM22_S SERIAL22 200 GLOBAL_EGU20_NS Event generator unit 2 0x400C9000 EGU20 201 GLOBAL_EGU20_S Event generator unit 3 0x500C9000 EGU20 201 GLOBAL_TIMER20_NS Timer/Counter 4 0x400CA000 TIMER20 202 GLOBAL_TIMER20_S Timer/Counter 5 0x500CA000 TIMER20 202 GLOBAL_TIMER21_NS Timer/Counter 6 0x400CB000 TIMER21 203 GLOBAL_TIMER21_S Timer/Counter 7 0x500CB000 TIMER21 203 GLOBAL_TIMER22_NS Timer/Counter 8 0x400CC000 TIMER22 204 GLOBAL_TIMER22_S Timer/Counter 9 0x500CC000 TIMER22 204 GLOBAL_TIMER23_NS Timer/Counter 10 0x400CD000 TIMER23 205 GLOBAL_TIMER23_S Timer/Counter 11 0x500CD000 TIMER23 205 GLOBAL_TIMER24_NS Timer/Counter 12 0x400CE000 TIMER24 206 GLOBAL_TIMER24_S Timer/Counter 13 0x500CE000 TIMER24 206 GLOBAL_MEMCONF_NS Memory configuration 0 0x400CF000 MEMCONF 0 0x1000 registers MEMCONF 0x20 2 0x010 POWER[%s] Unspecified MEMCONF_POWER read-write 0x500 CONTROL Description cluster: RAM/ROM[n] power control register. 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 MEM0 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[0] on or off when in System ON mode. 0 0 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM1 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[1] on or off when in System ON mode. 1 1 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM2 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[2] on or off when in System ON mode. 2 2 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM3 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[3] on or off when in System ON mode. 3 3 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM4 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[4] on or off when in System ON mode. 4 4 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM5 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[5] on or off when in System ON mode. 5 5 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM6 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[6] on or off when in System ON mode. 6 6 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM7 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[7] on or off when in System ON mode. 7 7 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM8 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[8] on or off when in System ON mode. 8 8 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM9 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[9] on or off when in System ON mode. 9 9 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM10 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[10] on or off when in System ON mode. 10 10 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM11 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[11] on or off when in System ON mode. 11 11 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM12 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[12] on or off when in System ON mode. 12 12 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM13 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[13] on or off when in System ON mode. 13 13 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM14 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[14] on or off when in System ON mode. 14 14 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM15 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[15] on or off when in System ON mode. 15 15 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM16 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[16] on or off when in System ON mode. 16 16 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM17 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[17] on or off when in System ON mode. 17 17 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM18 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[18] on or off when in System ON mode. 18 18 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM19 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[19] on or off when in System ON mode. 19 19 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM20 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[20] on or off when in System ON mode. 20 20 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM21 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[21] on or off when in System ON mode. 21 21 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM22 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[22] on or off when in System ON mode. 22 22 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM23 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[23] on or off when in System ON mode. 23 23 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM24 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[24] on or off when in System ON mode. 24 24 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM25 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[25] on or off when in System ON mode. 25 25 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM26 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[26] on or off when in System ON mode. 26 26 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM27 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[27] on or off when in System ON mode. 27 27 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM28 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[28] on or off when in System ON mode. 28 28 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM29 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[29] on or off when in System ON mode. 29 29 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM30 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[30] on or off when in System ON mode. 30 30 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 MEM31 Keep the RAM/ROM block MEM[31] on or off when in System ON mode. 31 31 Off Power down 0x0 On Power up 0x1 RET Description cluster: RAM retention for RAM [n]. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MEM0 Keep the RAM block MEM[0] retained when in System OFF mode. 0 0 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM1 Keep the RAM block MEM[1] retained when in System OFF mode. 1 1 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM2 Keep the RAM block MEM[2] retained when in System OFF mode. 2 2 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM3 Keep the RAM block MEM[3] retained when in System OFF mode. 3 3 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM4 Keep the RAM block MEM[4] retained when in System OFF mode. 4 4 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM5 Keep the RAM block MEM[5] retained when in System OFF mode. 5 5 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM6 Keep the RAM block MEM[6] retained when in System OFF mode. 6 6 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM7 Keep the RAM block MEM[7] retained when in System OFF mode. 7 7 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM8 Keep the RAM block MEM[8] retained when in System OFF mode. 8 8 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM9 Keep the RAM block MEM[9] retained when in System OFF mode. 9 9 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM10 Keep the RAM block MEM[10] retained when in System OFF mode. 10 10 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM11 Keep the RAM block MEM[11] retained when in System OFF mode. 11 11 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM12 Keep the RAM block MEM[12] retained when in System OFF mode. 12 12 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM13 Keep the RAM block MEM[13] retained when in System OFF mode. 13 13 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM14 Keep the RAM block MEM[14] retained when in System OFF mode. 14 14 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM15 Keep the RAM block MEM[15] retained when in System OFF mode. 15 15 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM16 Keep the RAM block MEM[16] retained when in System OFF mode. 16 16 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM17 Keep the RAM block MEM[17] retained when in System OFF mode. 17 17 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM18 Keep the RAM block MEM[18] retained when in System OFF mode. 18 18 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM19 Keep the RAM block MEM[19] retained when in System OFF mode. 19 19 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM20 Keep the RAM block MEM[20] retained when in System OFF mode. 20 20 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM21 Keep the RAM block MEM[21] retained when in System OFF mode. 21 21 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM22 Keep the RAM block MEM[22] retained when in System OFF mode. 22 22 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM23 Keep the RAM block MEM[23] retained when in System OFF mode. 23 23 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM24 Keep the RAM block MEM[24] retained when in System OFF mode. 24 24 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM25 Keep the RAM block MEM[25] retained when in System OFF mode. 25 25 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM26 Keep the RAM block MEM[26] retained when in System OFF mode. 26 26 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM27 Keep the RAM block MEM[27] retained when in System OFF mode. 27 27 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM28 Keep the RAM block MEM[28] retained when in System OFF mode. 28 28 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM29 Keep the RAM block MEM[29] retained when in System OFF mode. 29 29 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM30 Keep the RAM block MEM[30] retained when in System OFF mode. 30 30 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM31 Keep the RAM block MEM[31] retained when in System OFF mode. 31 31 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 RET2 Description cluster: RAM retention for the second bank in the RAM block 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MEM0 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[0] retained when in System OFF mode. 0 0 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM1 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[1] retained when in System OFF mode. 1 1 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM2 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[2] retained when in System OFF mode. 2 2 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM3 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[3] retained when in System OFF mode. 3 3 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM4 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[4] retained when in System OFF mode. 4 4 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM5 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[5] retained when in System OFF mode. 5 5 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM6 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[6] retained when in System OFF mode. 6 6 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM7 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[7] retained when in System OFF mode. 7 7 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM8 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[8] retained when in System OFF mode. 8 8 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM9 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[9] retained when in System OFF mode. 9 9 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM10 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[10] retained when in System OFF mode. 10 10 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM11 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[11] retained when in System OFF mode. 11 11 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM12 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[12] retained when in System OFF mode. 12 12 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM13 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[13] retained when in System OFF mode. 13 13 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM14 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[14] retained when in System OFF mode. 14 14 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM15 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[15] retained when in System OFF mode. 15 15 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM16 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[16] retained when in System OFF mode. 16 16 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM17 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[17] retained when in System OFF mode. 17 17 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM18 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[18] retained when in System OFF mode. 18 18 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM19 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[19] retained when in System OFF mode. 19 19 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM20 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[20] retained when in System OFF mode. 20 20 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM21 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[21] retained when in System OFF mode. 21 21 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM22 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[22] retained when in System OFF mode. 22 22 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM23 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[23] retained when in System OFF mode. 23 23 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM24 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[24] retained when in System OFF mode. 24 24 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM25 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[25] retained when in System OFF mode. 25 25 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM26 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[26] retained when in System OFF mode. 26 26 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM27 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[27] retained when in System OFF mode. 27 27 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM28 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[28] retained when in System OFF mode. 28 28 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM29 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[29] retained when in System OFF mode. 29 29 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM30 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[30] retained when in System OFF mode. 30 30 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 MEM31 Keep the second bank in RAM block MEM[31] retained when in System OFF mode. 31 31 Off Retention off 0x0 On Retention on 0x1 GLOBAL_MEMCONF_S Memory configuration 1 0x500CF000 GLOBAL_PWM20_NS Pulse width modulation unit 0 0x400D2000 PWM 0 0x1000 registers PWM20 210 PWM 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stops PWM pulse generation on all channels at the end of current PWM period, and stops sequence playback 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stops PWM pulse generation on all channels at the end of current PWM period, and stops sequence playback 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_NEXTSTEP Steps by one value in the current sequence on all enabled channels if DECODER.MODE=NextStep. Does not cause PWM generation to start if not running. 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_NEXTSTEP Steps by one value in the current sequence on all enabled channels if DECODER.MODE=NextStep. Does not cause PWM generation to start if not running. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DMA Peripheral tasks. PWM_TASKS_DMA write-only 0x010 2 0x004 SEQ[%s] Peripheral tasks. PWM_TASKS_DMA_SEQ write-only 0x000 START Description cluster: Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 START Starts operation using easyDMA to load the values. See peripheral description for operation using easyDMA. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_NEXTSTEP Subscribe configuration for task NEXTSTEP 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task NEXTSTEP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DMA Subscribe configuration for tasks PWM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA read-write 0x090 2 0x004 SEQ[%s] Subscribe configuration for tasks PWM_SUBSCRIBE_DMA_SEQ read-write 0x000 START Description cluster: Subscribe configuration for task START 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED Response to STOP task, emitted when PWM pulses are no longer generated 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED Response to STOP task, emitted when PWM pulses are no longer generated 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x2 0x4 EVENTS_SEQSTARTED[%s] Description collection: First PWM period started on sequence n 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SEQSTARTED First PWM period started on sequence n 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x2 0x4 EVENTS_SEQEND[%s] Description collection: Emitted at end of every sequence n, when last value from RAM has been applied to wave counter 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SEQEND Emitted at end of every sequence n, when last value from RAM has been applied to wave counter 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND Emitted at the end of each PWM period 0x118 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND Emitted at the end of each PWM period 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_LOOPSDONE Concatenated sequences have been played the amount of times defined in LOOP.CNT 0x11C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_LOOPSDONE Concatenated sequences have been played the amount of times defined in LOOP.CNT 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RAMUNDERFLOW Emitted when retrieving from RAM does not complete in time for the PWM module 0x120 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RAMUNDERFLOW Emitted when retrieving from RAM does not complete in time for the PWM module 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DMA Peripheral events. PWM_EVENTS_DMA read-write 0x124 2 0x00C SEQ[%s] Peripheral events. PWM_EVENTS_DMA_SEQ read-write 0x000 END Description cluster: Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 END Generated after all MAXCNT bytes have been transferred 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 READY Description cluster: Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Generated when EasyDMA has buffered the .PTR and .MAXCNT registers for the channel, allowing them to be written to prepare for the next sequence. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 BUSERROR Description cluster: An error occured during the bus transfer. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 BUSERROR An error occured during the bus transfer. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x4 0x4 EVENTS_COMPAREMATCH[%s] Description collection: This event is generated when the compare matches for the compare channel [n]. 0x13C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_COMPAREMATCH This event is generated when the compare matches for the compare channel [n]. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x2 0x4 PUBLISH_SEQSTARTED[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event SEQSTARTED[n] 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SEQSTARTED[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x2 0x4 PUBLISH_SEQEND[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event SEQEND[n] 0x190 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SEQEND[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_PWMPERIODEND Publish configuration for event PWMPERIODEND 0x198 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event PWMPERIODEND will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_LOOPSDONE Publish configuration for event LOOPSDONE 0x19C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event LOOPSDONE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RAMUNDERFLOW Publish configuration for event RAMUNDERFLOW 0x1A0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RAMUNDERFLOW will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DMA Publish configuration for events PWM_PUBLISH_DMA read-write 0x1A4 2 0x00C SEQ[%s] Publish configuration for events PWM_PUBLISH_DMA_SEQ read-write 0x000 END Description cluster: Publish configuration for event END 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 READY Description cluster: Publish configuration for event READY 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 BUSERROR Description cluster: Publish configuration for event BUSERROR 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event BUSERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 0x4 0x4 PUBLISH_COMPAREMATCH[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event COMPAREMATCH[n] 0x1BC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event COMPAREMATCH[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SEQEND0_STOP Shortcut between event SEQEND[n] and task STOP 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 SEQEND1_STOP Shortcut between event SEQEND[n] and task STOP 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 LOOPSDONE_STOP Shortcut between event LOOPSDONE and task STOP 4 4 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 RAMUNDERFLOW_STOP Shortcut between event RAMUNDERFLOW and task STOP 5 5 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_SEQ0_BUSERROR_STOP Shortcut between event DMA.SEQ[n].BUSERROR and task STOP 6 6 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DMA_SEQ1_BUSERROR_STOP Shortcut between event DMA.SEQ[n].BUSERROR and task STOP 7 7 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Enable or disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SEQSTARTED0 Enable or disable interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[0] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SEQSTARTED1 Enable or disable interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[1] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SEQEND0 Enable or disable interrupt for event SEQEND[0] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SEQEND1 Enable or disable interrupt for event SEQEND[1] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Enable or disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 LOOPSDONE Enable or disable interrupt for event LOOPSDONE 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RAMUNDERFLOW Enable or disable interrupt for event RAMUNDERFLOW 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMASEQ0END Enable or disable interrupt for event DMASEQ0END 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMASEQ0READY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMASEQ0READY 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMASEQ0BUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMASEQ0BUSERROR 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMASEQ1END Enable or disable interrupt for event DMASEQ1END 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMASEQ1READY Enable or disable interrupt for event DMASEQ1READY 13 13 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DMASEQ1BUSERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event DMASEQ1BUSERROR 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH0 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[0] 15 15 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH1 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[1] 16 16 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH2 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[2] 17 17 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH3 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[3] 18 18 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SEQSTARTED0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[0] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SEQSTARTED1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[1] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SEQEND0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SEQEND[0] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SEQEND1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SEQEND[1] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 LOOPSDONE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event LOOPSDONE 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RAMUNDERFLOW Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RAMUNDERFLOW 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMASEQ0END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMASEQ0END 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMASEQ0READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMASEQ0READY 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMASEQ0BUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMASEQ0BUSERROR 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMASEQ1END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMASEQ1END 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMASEQ1READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMASEQ1READY 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DMASEQ1BUSERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DMASEQ1BUSERROR 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[0] 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[1] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[2] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[3] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SEQSTARTED0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[0] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SEQSTARTED1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[1] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SEQEND0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SEQEND[0] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SEQEND1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SEQEND[1] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 LOOPSDONE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event LOOPSDONE 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RAMUNDERFLOW Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RAMUNDERFLOW 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMASEQ0END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMASEQ0END 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMASEQ0READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMASEQ0READY 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMASEQ0BUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMASEQ0BUSERROR 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMASEQ1END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMASEQ1END 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMASEQ1READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMASEQ1READY 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DMASEQ1BUSERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DMASEQ1BUSERROR 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[0] 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[1] 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[2] 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPAREMATCH3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[3] 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STOPPED Read pending status of interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SEQSTARTED0 Read pending status of interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[0] 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SEQSTARTED1 Read pending status of interrupt for event SEQSTARTED[1] 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SEQEND0 Read pending status of interrupt for event SEQEND[0] 4 4 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SEQEND1 Read pending status of interrupt for event SEQEND[1] 5 5 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Read pending status of interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 6 6 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 LOOPSDONE Read pending status of interrupt for event LOOPSDONE 7 7 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 RAMUNDERFLOW Read pending status of interrupt for event RAMUNDERFLOW 8 8 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DMASEQ0END Read pending status of interrupt for event DMASEQ0END 9 9 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DMASEQ0READY Read pending status of interrupt for event DMASEQ0READY 10 10 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DMASEQ0BUSERROR Read pending status of interrupt for event DMASEQ0BUSERROR 11 11 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DMASEQ1END Read pending status of interrupt for event DMASEQ1END 12 12 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DMASEQ1READY Read pending status of interrupt for event DMASEQ1READY 13 13 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DMASEQ1BUSERROR Read pending status of interrupt for event DMASEQ1BUSERROR 14 14 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPAREMATCH0 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[0] 15 15 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPAREMATCH1 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[1] 16 16 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPAREMATCH2 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[2] 17 17 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPAREMATCH3 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPAREMATCH[3] 18 18 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 ENABLE PWM module enable register 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable PWM module 0 0 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 MODE Selects operating mode of the wave counter 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 UPDOWN Selects up mode or up-and-down mode for the counter 0 0 Up Up counter, edge-aligned PWM duty cycle 0x0 UpAndDown Up and down counter, center-aligned PWM duty cycle 0x1 COUNTERTOP Value up to which the pulse generator counter counts 0x508 read-write 0x000003FF 0x20 COUNTERTOP Value up to which the pulse generator counter counts. This register is ignored when DECODER.MODE=WaveForm and only values from RAM are used. 0 14 PRESCALER Configuration for PWM_CLK 0x50C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PRESCALER Prescaler of PWM_CLK 0 2 DIV_1 Divide by 1 (16 MHz) 0x0 DIV_2 Divide by 2 (8 MHz) 0x1 DIV_4 Divide by 4 (4 MHz) 0x2 DIV_8 Divide by 8 (2 MHz) 0x3 DIV_16 Divide by 16 (1 MHz) 0x4 DIV_32 Divide by 32 (500 kHz) 0x5 DIV_64 Divide by 64 (250 kHz) 0x6 DIV_128 Divide by 128 (125 kHz) 0x7 DECODER Configuration of the decoder 0x510 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LOAD How a sequence is read from RAM and spread to the compare register 0 1 Common 1st half word (16-bit) used in all PWM channels 0..3 0x0 Grouped 1st half word (16-bit) used in channel 0..1; 2nd word in channel 2..3 0x1 Individual 1st half word (16-bit) in ch.0; 2nd in ch.1; ...; 4th in ch.3 0x2 WaveForm 1st half word (16-bit) in ch.0; 2nd in ch.1; ...; 4th in COUNTERTOP 0x3 MODE Selects source for advancing the active sequence 8 8 RefreshCount SEQ[n].REFRESH is used to determine loading internal compare registers 0x0 NextStep NEXTSTEP task causes a new value to be loaded to internal compare registers 0x1 LOOP Number of playbacks of a loop 0x514 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CNT Number of playbacks of pattern cycles 0 15 Disabled Looping disabled (stop at the end of the sequence) 0x0000 IDLEOUT Configure the output value on the PWM channel during idle 0x518 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VAL_0 Idle output value for PWM channel [0] 0 0 VAL_1 Idle output value for PWM channel [1] 1 1 VAL_2 Idle output value for PWM channel [2] 2 2 VAL_3 Idle output value for PWM channel [3] 3 3 2 0x020 SEQ[%s] Unspecified PWM_SEQ read-write 0x520 REFRESH Description cluster: Number of additional PWM periods between samples loaded into compare register 0x008 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 CNT Number of additional PWM periods between samples loaded into compare register (load every REFRESH.CNT+1 PWM periods) 0 23 Continuous Update every PWM period 0x000000 ENDDELAY Description cluster: Time added after the sequence 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CNT Time added after the sequence in PWM periods 0 23 PSEL Unspecified PWM_PSEL read-write 0x560 0x4 0x4 OUT[%s] Description collection: Output pin select for PWM channel n 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DMA Unspecified PWM_DMA read-write 0x700 2 0x024 SEQ[%s] Unspecified PWM_DMA_SEQ read-write 0x000 PTR Description cluster: RAM buffer start address 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR RAM buffer start address for this EasyDMA channel. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 MAXCNT Description cluster: Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of bytes in channel buffer 0 15 AMOUNT Description cluster: Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction, updated after the END event. Also updated after each MATCH event. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction. In case of NACK error, includes the NACK'ed byte. 0 15 CURRENTAMOUNT Description cluster: Number of bytes transferred in the current transaction 0x010 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of bytes transferred in the current transaction. Continuously updated. 0 15 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Description cluster: Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Description cluster: Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x020 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_PWM20_S Pulse width modulation unit 1 0x500D2000 PWM20 210 GLOBAL_PWM21_NS Pulse width modulation unit 2 0x400D3000 PWM21 211 GLOBAL_PWM21_S Pulse width modulation unit 3 0x500D3000 PWM21 211 GLOBAL_PWM22_NS Pulse width modulation unit 4 0x400D4000 PWM22 212 GLOBAL_PWM22_S Pulse width modulation unit 5 0x500D4000 PWM22 212 GLOBAL_SAADC_NS Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x400D5000 SAADC 0 0x1000 registers SAADC 213 SAADC 0x20 TASKS_START Start the ADC and prepare the result buffer in RAM 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start the ADC and prepare the result buffer in RAM 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SAMPLE Take one ADC sample, if scan is enabled all channels are sampled. This task requires that SAADC has started, i.e. EVENTS_STARTED was set and EVENTS_STOPPED was not. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SAMPLE Take one ADC sample, if scan is enabled all channels are sampled. This task requires that SAADC has started, i.e. EVENTS_STARTED was set and EVENTS_STOPPED was not. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop the ADC and terminate any on-going conversion 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop the ADC and terminate any on-going conversion 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CALIBRATEOFFSET Starts offset auto-calibration 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CALIBRATEOFFSET Starts offset auto-calibration 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SAMPLE Subscribe configuration for task SAMPLE 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SAMPLE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CALIBRATEOFFSET Subscribe configuration for task CALIBRATEOFFSET 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CALIBRATEOFFSET will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_STARTED The ADC has started 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STARTED The ADC has started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_END The ADC has filled up the Result buffer 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_END The ADC has filled up the Result buffer 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DONE A conversion task has been completed. Depending on the mode, multiple conversions might be needed for a result to be transferred to RAM. 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DONE A conversion task has been completed. Depending on the mode, multiple conversions might be needed for a result to be transferred to RAM. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RESULTDONE A result is ready to get transferred to RAM. 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RESULTDONE A result is ready to get transferred to RAM. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CALIBRATEDONE Calibration is complete 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CALIBRATEDONE Calibration is complete 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED The ADC has stopped 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED The ADC has stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 8 0x008 EVENTS_CH[%s] Peripheral events. SAADC_EVENTS_CH read-write 0x118 LIMITH Description cluster: Last results is equal or above CH[n].LIMIT.HIGH 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LIMITH Last results is equal or above CH[n].LIMIT.HIGH 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 LIMITL Description cluster: Last results is equal or below CH[n].LIMIT.LOW 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LIMITL Last results is equal or below CH[n].LIMIT.LOW 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_STARTED Publish configuration for event STARTED 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_END Publish configuration for event END 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event END will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DONE Publish configuration for event DONE 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DONE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RESULTDONE Publish configuration for event RESULTDONE 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RESULTDONE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CALIBRATEDONE Publish configuration for event CALIBRATEDONE 0x190 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CALIBRATEDONE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x194 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 8 0x008 PUBLISH_CH[%s] Publish configuration for events SAADC_PUBLISH_CH read-write 0x198 LIMITH Description cluster: Publish configuration for event CH[n].LIMITH 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CH[n].LIMITH will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 LIMITL Description cluster: Publish configuration for event CH[n].LIMITL 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CH[n].LIMITL will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTED Enable or disable interrupt for event STARTED 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 END Enable or disable interrupt for event END 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DONE Enable or disable interrupt for event DONE 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RESULTDONE Enable or disable interrupt for event RESULTDONE 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CALIBRATEDONE Enable or disable interrupt for event CALIBRATEDONE 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 STOPPED Enable or disable interrupt for event STOPPED 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH0LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH0LIMITH 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH0LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH0LIMITL 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH1LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH1LIMITH 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH1LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH1LIMITL 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH2LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH2LIMITH 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH2LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH2LIMITL 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH3LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH3LIMITH 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH3LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH3LIMITL 13 13 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH4LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH4LIMITH 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH4LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH4LIMITL 15 15 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH5LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH5LIMITH 16 16 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH5LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH5LIMITL 17 17 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH6LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH6LIMITH 18 18 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH6LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH6LIMITL 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH7LIMITH Enable or disable interrupt for event CH7LIMITH 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CH7LIMITL Enable or disable interrupt for event CH7LIMITL 21 21 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STARTED 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 END Write '1' to enable interrupt for event END 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DONE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DONE 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RESULTDONE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RESULTDONE 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CALIBRATEDONE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CALIBRATEDONE 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH0LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH0LIMITH 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH0LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH0LIMITL 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH1LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH1LIMITH 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH1LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH1LIMITL 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH2LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH2LIMITH 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH2LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH2LIMITL 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH3LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH3LIMITH 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH3LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH3LIMITL 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH4LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH4LIMITH 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH4LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH4LIMITL 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH5LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH5LIMITH 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH5LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH5LIMITL 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH6LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH6LIMITH 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH6LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH6LIMITL 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH7LIMITH Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH7LIMITH 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CH7LIMITL Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CH7LIMITL 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 STARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STARTED 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 END Write '1' to disable interrupt for event END 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DONE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DONE 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RESULTDONE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RESULTDONE 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CALIBRATEDONE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CALIBRATEDONE 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH0LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH0LIMITH 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH0LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH0LIMITL 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH1LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH1LIMITH 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH1LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH1LIMITL 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH2LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH2LIMITH 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH2LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH2LIMITL 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH3LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH3LIMITH 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH3LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH3LIMITL 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH4LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH4LIMITH 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH4LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH4LIMITL 15 15 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH5LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH5LIMITH 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH5LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH5LIMITL 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH6LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH6LIMITH 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH6LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH6LIMITL 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH7LIMITH Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH7LIMITH 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CH7LIMITL Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CH7LIMITL 21 21 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STATUS Status 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATUS Status 0 0 Ready ADC is ready. No on-going conversion. 0x0 Busy ADC is busy. Single conversion in progress. 0x1 TRIM Unspecified SAADC_TRIM read-write 0x440 0x6 0x4 LINCALCOEFF[%s] Description collection: Linearity calibration coefficient 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VAL value 0 15 ENABLE Enable or disable ADC 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable ADC 0 0 Disabled Disable ADC 0x0 Enabled Enable ADC 0x1 8 0x010 CH[%s] Unspecified SAADC_CH read-write 0x510 PSELP Description cluster: Input positive pin selection for CH[n] 0x0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN Analog positive input pin select 0 4 PORT GPIO Port selection 8 11 CONNECT Connection 30 31 NC Not connected 0x0 AnalogInput Select analog input 0x1 PSELN Description cluster: Input negative pin selection for CH[n] 0x4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN Analog negative input pin select 0 4 PORT GPIO Port selection 8 11 CONNECT Connection 30 31 NC Not connected 0x0 AnalogInput Select analog input 0x1 CONFIG Description cluster: Input configuration for CH[n] 0x008 read-write 0x00020000 0x20 GAIN Gain control 8 9 Gain2 2 0x0 Gain1 1 0x1 Gain2_3 2/3 0x2 Gain2_4 2/4 0x3 Gain2_5 2/5 0x4 Gain2_6 2/6 0x5 Gain2_7 2/7 0x6 Gain2_8 2/8 0x7 BURST Enable burst mode 11 11 Disabled Burst mode is disabled (normal operation) 0x0 Enabled Burst mode is enabled. SAADC takes 2^OVERSAMPLE number of samples as fast as it can, and sends the average to Data RAM. 0x1 REFSEL Reference control 12 12 Internal Internal reference (1.024 V) 0x0 External External reference given at PADC_EXT_REF_1V2 0x1 MODE Enable differential mode 15 15 SE Single ended, PSELN will be ignored, negative input to ADC shorted to GND 0x0 Diff Differential 0x1 TACQ Acquisition time, the time the ADC uses to sample the input voltage. Resulting acquistion time is ((TACQ+1) x 125 ns) 16 24 TCONV Conversion time. Resulting conversion time is ((TCONV+1) x 250 ns) 28 30 LIMIT Description cluster: High/low limits for event monitoring a channel 0x00C read-write 0x7FFF8000 0x20 LOW Low level limit 0 15 HIGH High level limit 16 31 RESOLUTION Resolution configuration 0x5F0 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 VAL Set the resolution 0 2 8bit 8 bit 0x0 10bit 10 bit 0x1 12bit 12 bit 0x2 14bit 14 bit 0x3 OVERSAMPLE Oversampling configuration. OVERSAMPLE should not be combined with SCAN. The RESOLUTION is applied before averaging, thus for high OVERSAMPLE a higher RESOLUTION should be used. 0x5F4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 OVERSAMPLE Oversample control 0 3 Bypass Bypass oversampling 0x0 Over2x Oversample 2x 0x1 Over4x Oversample 4x 0x2 Over8x Oversample 8x 0x3 Over16x Oversample 16x 0x4 Over32x Oversample 32x 0x5 Over64x Oversample 64x 0x6 Over128x Oversample 128x 0x7 Over256x Oversample 256x 0x8 SAMPLERATE Controls normal or continuous sample rate 0x5F8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CC Capture and compare value. Sample rate is 16 MHz/CC 0 10 MODE Select mode for sample rate control 12 12 Task Rate is controlled from SAMPLE task 0x0 Timers Rate is controlled from local timer (use CC to control the rate) 0x1 RESULT RESULT EasyDMA channel SAADC_RESULT read-write 0x62C PTR Data pointer 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Data pointer 0 31 MAXCNT Maximum number of buffer bytes to transfer 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Maximum number of buffer bytes to transfer 0 14 AMOUNT Number of buffer bytes transferred since last START, updated after the END or STOPPED events 0x008 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of buffer bytes transferred since last START, updated after the END or STOPPED events. 0 14 CURRENTAMOUNT Number of buffer bytes transferred since last START, continuously updated 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 AMOUNT Number of buffer bytes transferred since last START, continuously updated. 0 14 NOISESHAPE Enable noise shaping 0x654 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NOISESHAPE Enable noise shaping 0 1 Disable Disable noiseshaping. Oversampling based on accumulate and average. 0x0 Audio Noiseshaping and decimating. Larger passband. Provides a 50kS/s cut off frequency, 8x the oversampling ratio. See design description for more information 0x1 Accuracy Noiseshaping and decimating. Smaller passband. Recommended resolution setting is 14 bits. Provides 1 5kS/s cut off frequency, 32x the oversampling ratio. See design description for more information 0x2 Stage1 Result from common 1st stage filter. For debugging only 0x3 GLOBAL_SAADC_S Analog to Digital Converter 1 0x500D5000 SAADC 213 GLOBAL_NFCT_NS NFC-A compatible radio NFC-A compatible radio 0 0x400D6000 NFCT 0 0x1000 registers NFCT 214 NFCT 0x20 TASKS_ACTIVATE Activate NFCT peripheral for incoming and outgoing frames, change state to activated 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_ACTIVATE Activate NFCT peripheral for incoming and outgoing frames, change state to activated 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_DISABLE Disable NFCT peripheral 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_DISABLE Disable NFCT peripheral 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SENSE Enable NFC sense field mode, change state to sense mode 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SENSE Enable NFC sense field mode, change state to sense mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STARTTX Start transmission of an outgoing frame, change state to transmit 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STARTTX Start transmission of an outgoing frame, change state to transmit 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOPTX Stops an issued transmission of a frame 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOPTX Stops an issued transmission of a frame 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_ENABLERXDATA Initializes the EasyDMA for receive. 0x01C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_ENABLERXDATA Initializes the EasyDMA for receive. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_GOIDLE Force state machine to IDLE state 0x024 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_GOIDLE Force state machine to IDLE state 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_GOSLEEP Force state machine to SLEEP_A state 0x028 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_GOSLEEP Force state machine to SLEEP_A state 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_ACTIVATE Subscribe configuration for task ACTIVATE 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ACTIVATE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_DISABLE Subscribe configuration for task DISABLE 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task DISABLE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SENSE Subscribe configuration for task SENSE 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SENSE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STARTTX Subscribe configuration for task STARTTX 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STARTTX will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOPTX Subscribe configuration for task STOPTX 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOPTX will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_ENABLERXDATA Subscribe configuration for task ENABLERXDATA 0x09C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task ENABLERXDATA will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_GOIDLE Subscribe configuration for task GOIDLE 0x0A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task GOIDLE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_GOSLEEP Subscribe configuration for task GOSLEEP 0x0A8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task GOSLEEP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_READY The NFCT peripheral is ready to receive and send frames 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READY The NFCT peripheral is ready to receive and send frames 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FIELDDETECTED Remote NFC field detected 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FIELDDETECTED Remote NFC field detected 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FIELDLOST Remote NFC field lost 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FIELDLOST Remote NFC field lost 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXFRAMESTART Marks the start of the first symbol of a transmitted frame 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXFRAMESTART Marks the start of the first symbol of a transmitted frame 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXFRAMEEND Marks the end of the last transmitted on-air symbol of a frame 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXFRAMEEND Marks the end of the last transmitted on-air symbol of a frame 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RXFRAMESTART Marks the end of the first symbol of a received frame 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXFRAMESTART Marks the end of the first symbol of a received frame 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RXFRAMEEND Received data has been checked (CRC, parity) and transferred to RAM, and EasyDMA has ended accessing the RX buffer 0x118 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXFRAMEEND Received data has been checked (CRC, parity) and transferred to RAM, and EasyDMA has ended accessing the RX buffer 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ERROR NFC error reported. The ERRORSTATUS register contains details on the source of the error. 0x11C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ERROR NFC error reported. The ERRORSTATUS register contains details on the source of the error. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_RXERROR NFC RX frame error reported. The FRAMESTATUS.RX register contains details on the source of the error. 0x128 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXERROR NFC RX frame error reported. The FRAMESTATUS.RX register contains details on the source of the error. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ENDRX RX buffer (as defined by PACKETPTR and MAXLEN) in Data RAM full. 0x12C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ENDRX RX buffer (as defined by PACKETPTR and MAXLEN) in Data RAM full. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ENDTX Transmission of data in RAM has ended, and EasyDMA has ended accessing the TX buffer 0x130 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ENDTX Transmission of data in RAM has ended, and EasyDMA has ended accessing the TX buffer 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_AUTOCOLRESSTARTED Auto collision resolution process has started 0x138 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_AUTOCOLRESSTARTED Auto collision resolution process has started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_COLLISION NFC auto collision resolution error reported. 0x148 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_COLLISION NFC auto collision resolution error reported. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_SELECTED NFC auto collision resolution successfully completed 0x14C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SELECTED NFC auto collision resolution successfully completed 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_STARTED EasyDMA is ready to receive or send frames. 0x150 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STARTED EasyDMA is ready to receive or send frames. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_FIELDDETECTED Publish configuration for event FIELDDETECTED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event FIELDDETECTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_FIELDLOST Publish configuration for event FIELDLOST 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event FIELDLOST will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_TXFRAMESTART Publish configuration for event TXFRAMESTART 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TXFRAMESTART will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_TXFRAMEEND Publish configuration for event TXFRAMEEND 0x190 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TXFRAMEEND will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RXFRAMESTART Publish configuration for event RXFRAMESTART 0x194 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXFRAMESTART will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RXFRAMEEND Publish configuration for event RXFRAMEEND 0x198 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXFRAMEEND will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ERROR Publish configuration for event ERROR 0x19C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_RXERROR Publish configuration for event RXERROR 0x1A8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXERROR will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ENDRX Publish configuration for event ENDRX 0x1AC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ENDRX will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ENDTX Publish configuration for event ENDTX 0x1B0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ENDTX will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_AUTOCOLRESSTARTED Publish configuration for event AUTOCOLRESSTARTED 0x1B8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event AUTOCOLRESSTARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_COLLISION Publish configuration for event COLLISION 0x1C8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event COLLISION will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_SELECTED Publish configuration for event SELECTED 0x1CC read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SELECTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_STARTED Publish configuration for event STARTED 0x1D0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FIELDDETECTED_ACTIVATE Shortcut between event FIELDDETECTED and task ACTIVATE 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 FIELDLOST_SENSE Shortcut between event FIELDLOST and task SENSE 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 TXFRAMEEND_ENABLERXDATA Shortcut between event TXFRAMEEND and task ENABLERXDATA 5 5 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Enable or disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FIELDDETECTED Enable or disable interrupt for event FIELDDETECTED 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FIELDLOST Enable or disable interrupt for event FIELDLOST 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TXFRAMESTART Enable or disable interrupt for event TXFRAMESTART 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TXFRAMEEND Enable or disable interrupt for event TXFRAMEEND 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RXFRAMESTART Enable or disable interrupt for event RXFRAMESTART 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RXFRAMEEND Enable or disable interrupt for event RXFRAMEEND 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event ERROR 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 RXERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event RXERROR 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ENDRX Enable or disable interrupt for event ENDRX 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 ENDTX Enable or disable interrupt for event ENDTX 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 AUTOCOLRESSTARTED Enable or disable interrupt for event AUTOCOLRESSTARTED 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COLLISION Enable or disable interrupt for event COLLISION 18 18 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SELECTED Enable or disable interrupt for event SELECTED 19 19 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 STARTED Enable or disable interrupt for event STARTED 20 20 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FIELDDETECTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FIELDDETECTED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FIELDLOST Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FIELDLOST 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXFRAMESTART Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXFRAMESTART 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXFRAMEEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXFRAMEEND 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXFRAMESTART Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXFRAMESTART 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXFRAMEEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXFRAMEEND 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ERROR 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 RXERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXERROR 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ENDRX Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ENDRX 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ENDTX Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ENDTX 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 AUTOCOLRESSTARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event AUTOCOLRESSTARTED 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COLLISION Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COLLISION 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SELECTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SELECTED 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STARTED 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FIELDDETECTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FIELDDETECTED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FIELDLOST Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FIELDLOST 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXFRAMESTART Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXFRAMESTART 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXFRAMEEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXFRAMEEND 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXFRAMESTART Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXFRAMESTART 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXFRAMEEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXFRAMEEND 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ERROR 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RXERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXERROR 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ENDRX Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ENDRX 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ENDTX Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ENDTX 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 AUTOCOLRESSTARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event AUTOCOLRESSTARTED 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COLLISION Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COLLISION 18 18 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SELECTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SELECTED 19 19 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STARTED 20 20 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ERRORSTATUS NFC Error Status register 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 FRAMEDELAYTIMEOUT No STARTTX task triggered before expiration of the time set in FRAMEDELAYMAX 0 0 FRAMESTATUS Unspecified NFCT_FRAMESTATUS read-write 0x40C RX Result of last incoming frame 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 CRCERROR No valid end of frame (EoF) detected 0 0 CRCCorrect Valid CRC detected 0x0 CRCError CRC received does not match local check 0x1 PARITYSTATUS Parity status of received frame 2 2 ParityOK Frame received with parity OK 0x0 ParityError Frame received with parity error 0x1 OVERRUN Overrun detected 3 3 NoOverrun No overrun detected 0x0 Overrun Overrun error 0x1 NFCTAGSTATE Current operating state of NFC tag 0x410 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 NFCTAGSTATE NfcTag state 0 2 Disabled Disabled or sense 0x0 RampUp RampUp 0x2 Idle Idle 0x3 Receive Receive 0x4 FrameDelay FrameDelay 0x5 Transmit Transmit 0x6 SLEEPSTATE Sleep state during automatic collision resolution 0x420 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 SLEEPSTATE Reflects the sleep state during automatic collision resolution. Set to IDLE by a GOIDLE task. Set to SLEEP_A when a valid SLEEP_REQ frame is received or by a GOSLEEP task. 0 0 Idle State is IDLE. 0x0 SleepA State is SLEEP_A. 0x1 FIELDPRESENT Indicates the presence or not of a valid field 0x43C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 FIELDPRESENT Indicates if a valid field is present. Available only in the activated state. 0 0 NoField No valid field detected 0x0 FieldPresent Valid field detected 0x1 LOCKDETECT Indicates if the low level has locked to the field 1 1 NotLocked Not locked to field 0x0 Locked Locked to field 0x1 FRAMEDELAYMIN Minimum frame delay 0x504 read-write 0x00000480 0x20 FRAMEDELAYMIN Minimum frame delay in number of 13.56 MHz clock cycles 0 15 FRAMEDELAYMAX Maximum frame delay 0x508 read-write 0x00001000 0x20 FRAMEDELAYMAX Maximum frame delay in number of 13.56 MHz clock cycles 0 19 FRAMEDELAYMODE Configuration register for the Frame Delay Timer 0x50C read-write 0x00000001 0x20 FRAMEDELAYMODE Configuration register for the Frame Delay Timer 0 1 FreeRun Transmission is independent of frame timer and will start when the STARTTX task is triggered. No timeout. 0x0 Window Frame is transmitted between FRAMEDELAYMIN and FRAMEDELAYMAX 0x1 ExactVal Frame is transmitted exactly at FRAMEDELAYMAX 0x2 WindowGrid Frame is transmitted on a bit grid between FRAMEDELAYMIN and FRAMEDELAYMAX 0x3 PACKETPTR Packet pointer for TXD and RXD data storage in Data RAM 0x510 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PTR Packet pointer for TXD and RXD data storage in Data RAM. This address is a byte-aligned RAM address. 0 31 MAXLEN Size of the RAM buffer allocated to TXD and RXD data storage each 0x514 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXLEN Size of the RAM buffer allocated to TXD and RXD data storage each 0 8 TXD Unspecified NFCT_TXD read-write 0x518 FRAMECONFIG Configuration of outgoing frames 0x000 read-write 0x00000017 0x20 PARITY Indicates if parity is added to the frame 0 0 NoParity Parity is not added to TX frames 0x0 Parity Parity is added to TX frames 0x1 DISCARDMODE Discarding unused bits at start or end of a frame 1 1 DiscardEnd Unused bits are discarded at end of frame (EoF) 0x0 DiscardStart Unused bits are discarded at start of frame (SoF) 0x1 SOF Adding SoF or not in TX frames 2 2 NoSoF SoF symbol not added 0x0 SoF SoF symbol added 0x1 CRCMODETX CRC mode for outgoing frames 4 4 NoCRCTX CRC is not added to the frame 0x0 CRC16TX 16 bit CRC added to the frame based on all the data read from RAM that is used in the frame 0x1 AMOUNT Size of outgoing frame 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TXDATABITS Number of bits in the last or first byte read from RAM that shall be included in the frame (excluding parity bit). 0 2 TXDATABYTES Number of complete bytes that shall be included in the frame, excluding CRC, parity, and framing. 3 11 RXD Unspecified NFCT_RXD read-write 0x520 FRAMECONFIG Configuration of incoming frames 0x000 read-write 0x00000015 0x20 PARITY Indicates if parity expected in RX frame 0 0 NoParity Parity is not expected in RX frames 0x0 Parity Parity is expected in RX frames 0x1 SOF SoF expected or not in RX frames 2 2 NoSoF SoF symbol is not expected in RX frames 0x0 SoF SoF symbol is expected in RX frames 0x1 CRCMODERX CRC mode for incoming frames 4 4 NoCRCRX CRC is not expected in RX frames 0x0 CRC16RX Last 16 bits in RX frame is CRC, CRC is checked and CRCSTATUS updated 0x1 AMOUNT Size of last incoming frame 0x004 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RXDATABITS Number of bits in the last byte in the frame, if less than 8 (including CRC, but excluding parity and SoF/EoF framing). 0 2 RXDATABYTES Number of complete bytes received in the frame (including CRC, but excluding parity and SoF/EoF framing) 3 11 MODULATIONCTRL Enables the modulation output to a GPIO pin which can be connected to a second external antenna. 0x52C read-write 0x00000001 0x20 MODULATIONCTRL Configuration of modulation control. 0 1 Invalid Invalid, defaults to same behaviour as for Internal 0x0 Internal Use internal modulator only 0x1 ModToGpio Output digital modulation signal to a GPIO pin. 0x2 InternalAndModToGpio Use internal modulator and output digital modulation signal to a GPIO pin. 0x3 MODULATIONPSEL Pin select for Modulation control 0x538 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 6 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 MODE Configure EasyDMA mode 0x550 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 LPOP Enable low-power operation, or use low-latency 0 1 LowLat Low-latency operation 0x0 LowPower Low-power operation 0x1 FullLowPower Full Low-power operation 0x3 NFCID1 Unspecified NFCT_NFCID1 read-write 0x590 LAST Last NFCID1 part (4, 7 or 10 bytes ID) 0x000 read-write 0x00006363 0x20 Z NFCID1 byte Z (very last byte sent) 0 7 Y NFCID1 byte Y 8 15 X NFCID1 byte X 16 23 W NFCID1 byte W 24 31 SECONDLAST Second last NFCID1 part (7 or 10 bytes ID) 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 V NFCID1 byte V 0 7 U NFCID1 byte U 8 15 T NFCID1 byte T 16 23 THIRDLAST Third last NFCID1 part (10 bytes ID) 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 S NFCID1 byte S 0 7 R NFCID1 byte R 8 15 Q NFCID1 byte Q 16 23 AUTOCOLRESCONFIG Controls the auto collision resolution function. This setting must be done before the NFCT peripheral is activated. 0x59C read-write 0x00000002 0x20 MODE Enables/disables auto collision resolution 0 0 Enabled Auto collision resolution enabled 0x0 Disabled Auto collision resolution disabled 0x1 SENSRES NFC-A SENS_RES auto-response settings 0x5A0 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 BITFRAMESDD Bit frame SDD as defined by the b5:b1 of byte 1 in SENS_RES response in the NFC Forum, NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification 0 4 SDD00000 SDD pattern 00000 0x00 SDD00001 SDD pattern 00001 0x01 SDD00010 SDD pattern 00010 0x02 SDD00100 SDD pattern 00100 0x04 SDD01000 SDD pattern 01000 0x08 SDD10000 SDD pattern 10000 0x10 RFU5 Reserved for future use. Shall be 0. 5 5 NFCIDSIZE NFCID1 size. This value is used by the auto collision resolution engine. 6 7 NFCID1Single NFCID1 size: single (4 bytes) 0x0 NFCID1Double NFCID1 size: double (7 bytes) 0x1 NFCID1Triple NFCID1 size: triple (10 bytes) 0x2 PLATFCONFIG Tag platform configuration as defined by the b4:b1 of byte 2 in SENS_RES response in the NFC Forum, NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification 8 11 RFU74 Reserved for future use. Shall be 0. 12 15 SELRES NFC-A SEL_RES auto-response settings 0x5A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RFU10 Reserved for future use. Shall be 0. 0 1 CASCADE Cascade as defined by the b3 of SEL_RES response in the NFC Forum, NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification (controlled by hardware, shall be 0) 2 2 RFU43 Reserved for future use. Shall be 0. 3 4 PROTOCOL Protocol as defined by the b7:b6 of SEL_RES response in the NFC Forum, NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification 5 6 RFU7 Reserved for future use. Shall be 0. 7 7 PADCONFIG NFC pad configuration 0x6D4 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 ENABLE Enable NFC pads 0 0 Disabled NFC pads are used as GPIO pins 0x0 Enabled The NFC pads are configured as NFC antenna pins 0x1 GLOBAL_NFCT_S NFC-A compatible radio NFC-A compatible radio 1 0x500D6000 NFCT 214 GLOBAL_TEMP_NS Temperature Sensor 0 0x400D7000 TEMP 0 0x1000 registers TEMP 215 TEMP 0x20 TASKS_START Start temperature measurement 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start temperature measurement 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop temperature measurement 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop temperature measurement 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_DATARDY Temperature measurement complete, data ready 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DATARDY Temperature measurement complete, data ready 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_DATARDY Publish configuration for event DATARDY 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DATARDY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATARDY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DATARDY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DATARDY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DATARDY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TEMP Temperature in degC (0.25deg steps) 0x508 read-only 0x00000000 int32_t 0x20 TEMP Temperature in degC (0.25deg steps) 0 31 A0 Slope of 1st piece wise linear function 0x520 read-write 0x000002C4 0x20 A0 Slope of 1st piece wise linear function 0 11 A1 Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function 0x524 read-write 0x000002FB 0x20 A1 Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function 0 11 A2 Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function 0x528 read-write 0x00000328 0x20 A2 Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function 0 11 A3 Slope of 4th piece wise linear function 0x52C read-write 0x00000377 0x20 A3 Slope of 4th piece wise linear function 0 11 A4 Slope of 5th piece wise linear function 0x530 read-write 0x000003DD 0x20 A4 Slope of 5th piece wise linear function 0 11 A5 Slope of 6th piece wise linear function 0x534 read-write 0x0000046F 0x20 A5 Slope of 6th piece wise linear function 0 11 A6 Slope of 7th piece wise linear function 0x538 read-write 0x0000055A 0x20 A6 Slope of 7th piece wise linear function 0 11 B0 y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function 0x540 read-write 0x00000072 0x20 B0 y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function 0 11 B1 y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function 0x544 read-write 0x0000000E 0x20 B1 y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function 0 11 B2 y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function 0x548 read-write 0x00000FEA 0x20 B2 y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function 0 11 B3 y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function 0x54C read-write 0x00000FEA 0x20 B3 y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function 0 11 B4 y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function 0x550 read-write 0x0000004A 0x20 B4 y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function 0 11 B5 y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function 0x554 read-write 0x00000134 0x20 B5 y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function 0 11 B6 y-intercept of 7th piece wise linear function 0x558 read-write 0x000002C0 0x20 B6 y-intercept of 7th piece wise linear function 0 11 T0 End point of 1st piece wise linear function 0x560 read-write 0x000000D8 0x20 T0 End point of 1st piece wise linear function 0 7 T1 End point of 2nd piece wise linear function 0x564 read-write 0x000000EC 0x20 T1 End point of 2nd piece wise linear function 0 7 T2 End point of 3rd piece wise linear function 0x568 read-write 0x000000FF 0x20 T2 End point of 3rd piece wise linear function 0 7 T3 End point of 4th piece wise linear function 0x56C read-write 0x0000001C 0x20 T3 End point of 4th piece wise linear function 0 7 T4 End point of 5th piece wise linear function 0x570 read-write 0x0000003C 0x20 T4 End point of 5th piece wise linear function 0 7 T5 End point of 6th piece wise linear function 0x574 read-write 0x00000052 0x20 T5 End point of 6th piece wise linear function 0 7 GLOBAL_TEMP_S Temperature Sensor 1 0x500D7000 TEMP 215 GLOBAL_P1_NS GPIO Port 2 0x400D8200 GLOBAL_P1_S GPIO Port 3 0x500D8200 GLOBAL_GPIOTE20_NS GPIO Tasks and Events 0 0x400DA000 GPIOTE 0 0x1000 registers GPIOTE20_0 218 GPIOTE20_1 219 GPIOTE 0x20 0x8 0x4 TASKS_OUT[%s] Description collection: Task for writing to pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is configured in CONFIG[n].POLARITY. 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_OUT Task for writing to pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is configured in CONFIG[n].POLARITY. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x8 0x4 TASKS_SET[%s] Description collection: Task for writing to pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is to set it high. 0x030 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SET Task for writing to pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is to set it high. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x8 0x4 TASKS_CLR[%s] Description collection: Task for writing to pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is to set it low. 0x060 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CLR Task for writing to pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is to set it low. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0x8 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_OUT[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task OUT[n] 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task OUT[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x8 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_SET[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task SET[n] 0x0B0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SET[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x8 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_CLR[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task CLR[n] 0x0E0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CLR[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0x8 0x4 EVENTS_IN[%s] Description collection: Event from pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_IN Event from pin specified in CONFIG[n].PSEL 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 1 0x008 EVENTS_PORT[%s] Peripheral events. GPIOTE_EVENTS_PORT read-write 0x140 NONSECURE Description cluster: Non-secure port event from owner n 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 NONSECURE Non-secure port event from owner n 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 SECURE Description cluster: Secure port event from owner n 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SECURE Secure port event from owner n 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0x8 0x4 PUBLISH_IN[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event IN[n] 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event IN[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 1 0x008 PUBLISH_PORT[%s] Publish configuration for events GPIOTE_PUBLISH_PORT read-write 0x1C0 NONSECURE Description cluster: Publish configuration for event PORT[n].NONSECURE 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event PORT[n].NONSECURE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SECURE Description cluster: Publish configuration for event PORT[n].SECURE 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event PORT[n].SECURE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTENSET0 Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 IN0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PORT0NONSECURE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PORT0NONSECURE 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PORT0SECURE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PORT0SECURE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR0 Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 IN0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PORT0NONSECURE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PORT0NONSECURE 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PORT0SECURE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PORT0SECURE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTENSET1 Enable interrupt 0x314 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 IN0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 IN7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event IN[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PORT0NONSECURE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PORT0NONSECURE 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PORT0SECURE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PORT0SECURE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR1 Disable interrupt 0x318 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 IN0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 IN7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event IN[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PORT0NONSECURE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PORT0NONSECURE 16 16 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PORT0SECURE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PORT0SECURE 17 17 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 0x8 0x4 CONFIG[%s] Description collection: Configuration for OUT[n], SET[n], and CLR[n] tasks and IN[n] event 0x510 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MODE Mode 0 1 Disabled Disabled. Pin specified by PSEL will not be acquired by the GPIOTE module. 0x0 Event Event mode 0x1 Task Task mode 0x3 PSEL GPIO number associated with SET[n], CLR[n], and OUT[n] tasks and IN[n] event 4 8 PORT Port number 9 12 POLARITY When In task mode: Operation to be performed on output when OUT[n] task is triggered. When In event mode: Operation on input that shall trigger IN[n] event. 16 17 None Task mode: No effect on pin from OUT[n] task. Event mode: no IN[n] event generated on pin activity. 0x0 LoToHi Task mode: Set pin from OUT[n] task. Event mode: Generate IN[n] event when rising edge on pin. 0x1 HiToLo Task mode: Clear pin from OUT[n] task. Event mode: Generate IN[n] event when falling edge on pin. 0x2 Toggle Task mode: Toggle pin from OUT[n]. Event mode: Generate IN[n] when any change on pin. 0x3 OUTINIT When in task mode: Initial value of the output when the GPIOTE channel is configured. When in event mode: No effect. 20 20 Low Task mode: Initial value of pin before task triggering is low 0x0 High Task mode: Initial value of pin before task triggering is high 0x1 GLOBAL_GPIOTE20_S GPIO Tasks and Events 1 0x500DA000 GPIOTE20_0 218 GPIOTE20_1 219 GLOBAL_TAMPC_S Tamper controller 0x500DC000 TAMPC 0 0x1000 registers TAMPC 220 TAMPC 0x20 EVENTS_TAMPER Tamper controller detected an error. 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TAMPER Tamper controller detected an error. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_WRITEERROR Attempt to write a VALUE in PROTECT registers without clearing the WRITEPROTECT. 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_WRITEERROR Attempt to write a VALUE in PROTECT registers without clearing the WRITEPROTECT. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TAMPER Enable or disable interrupt for event TAMPER 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 WRITEERROR Enable or disable interrupt for event WRITEERROR 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TAMPER Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TAMPER 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 WRITEERROR Write '1' to enable interrupt for event WRITEERROR 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TAMPER Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TAMPER 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 WRITEERROR Write '1' to disable interrupt for event WRITEERROR 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 TAMPER Read pending status of interrupt for event TAMPER 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 WRITEERROR Read pending status of interrupt for event WRITEERROR 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 STATUS The tamper controller status. 0x400 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ACTIVESHIELD Active shield detector detected an error. 0 0 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 TAMPERSWITCH External tamper switch detector detected an error. 1 1 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 PROTECT Error detected for the protected signals. 4 4 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 CRACENTAMP CRACEN detected an error. 5 5 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 GLITCHSLOWDOMAIN_0 Slow domain glitch detector 0 detected an error. 8 8 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 GLITCHFASTDOMAIN_0 Fast domain glitch detector 0 detected an error. 12 12 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 GLITCHFASTDOMAIN_1 Fast domain glitch detector 1 detected an error. 13 13 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 GLITCHFASTDOMAIN_2 Fast domain glitch detector 2 detected an error. 14 14 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 GLITCHFASTDOMAIN_3 Fast domain glitch detector 3 detected an error. 15 15 NotDetected Not detected. 0x0 Detected Detected. 0x1 ACTIVESHIELD Unspecified TAMPC_ACTIVESHIELD read-write 0x404 CHEN Active shield detector channel enable register. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CH_0 Enable or disable active shield channel 0. 0 0 Disabled Disable channel. 0x0 Enabled Enable channel. 0x1 CH_1 Enable or disable active shield channel 1. 1 1 Disabled Disable channel. 0x0 Enabled Enable channel. 0x1 CH_2 Enable or disable active shield channel 2. 2 2 Disabled Disable channel. 0x0 Enabled Enable channel. 0x1 CH_3 Enable or disable active shield channel 3. 3 3 Disabled Disable channel. 0x0 Enabled Enable channel. 0x1 PROTECT Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT read-write 0x500 STRUCT0 Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0 read-write 0x000 1 0x020 DOMAIN[%s] Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_DOMAIN read-write 0x000 DBGEN Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_DOMAIN_DBGEN read-write 0x000 CTRL Description cluster: Control register for invasive (halting) debug enable for the local debug components within domain n. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of dbgen signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Description cluster: Status register for invasive (halting) debug enable for domain n. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 NIDEN Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_DOMAIN_NIDEN read-write 0x008 CTRL Description cluster: Control register for non-invasive debug enable for the local debug components within domain n. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of niden signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Description cluster: Status register for non-invasive debug enable for domain n. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 SPIDEN Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_DOMAIN_SPIDEN read-write 0x010 CTRL Description cluster: Control register for secure priviliged invasive (halting) debug enable for the local debug components within domain n. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of spiden signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Description cluster: Status register for secure priviliged invasive (halting) debug enable for domain n. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 SPNIDEN Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_DOMAIN_SPNIDEN read-write 0x018 CTRL Description cluster: Control register for secure priviliged non-invasive debug enable for the local debug components within domain n. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of spniden signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Description cluster: Status register for secure priviliged non-invasive debug enable for domain n. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 1 0x010 AP[%s] Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_AP read-write 0x020 DBGEN Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_AP_DBGEN read-write 0x000 CTRL Description cluster: Control register to enable invasive (halting) debug in domain n's access port. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of dbgen signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Description cluster: Status register for invasive (halting) debug enable for domain n's access port. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 SPIDEN Unspecified TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_AP_SPIDEN read-write 0x008 CTRL Description cluster: Control register to enable secure priviliged invasive (halting) debug in domain n's access port. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of spiden signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Description cluster: Status register for secure priviliged invasive (halting) debug enable for domain n's access port. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 ACTIVESHIELD Enable active shield detector. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_ACTIVESHIELD read-write 0x400 CTRL Control register for active shield detector enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of active shield enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for active shield detector enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 TAMPERSWITCH Enable tamper switch detector. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_TAMPERSWITCH read-write 0x408 CTRL Control register for external tamper switch enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of tamper switch enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for external tamper switch detector enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 CRACENTAMP Enable tamper detector from CRACEN. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_CRACENTAMP read-write 0x438 CTRL Control register for CRACEN tamper detector enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000011 0x20 VALUE Set value of CRACEN tamper detector enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for CRACEN tamper detector enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 GLITCHSLOWDOMAIN Enable slow domain glitch detectors. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_GLITCHSLOWDOMAIN read-write 0x440 CTRL Control register for slow domain glitch detectors enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000011 0x20 VALUE Set value of slow domain glitch detectors enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for slow domain glitch detectors enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 GLITCHFASTDOMAIN Enable fast domain glitch detectors. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_GLITCHFASTDOMAIN read-write 0x448 CTRL Control register for fast domain glitch detectors enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000011 0x20 VALUE Set value of fast domain glitch detector's enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for fast domain glitch detectors enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 EXTRESETEN Trigger a reset when tamper is detected by the active shield or tamper switch detector. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_EXTRESETEN read-write 0x470 CTRL Control register for external tamper reset enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of external tamper reset enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for external tamper reset enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 INTRESETEN Trigger a reset when tamper is detected by the glitch detectors, signal protector or CRACEN tamper detector. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_INTRESETEN read-write 0x478 CTRL Control register for internal tamper reset enable signal. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of internal tamper reset enable signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for internal tamper reset enable signal. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 ERASEPROTECT Device erase protection. TAMPC_PROTECT_STRUCT0_ERASEPROTECT read-write 0x480 CTRL Control register for erase protection. 0x000 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 VALUE Set value of eraseprotect signal. 0 0 Low Signal is logic 0. 0x0 High Signal is logic 1. 0x1 LOCK Lock this register to prevent changes to the VALUE field until next reset. 1 1 writeonce oneToSet Disabled Lock disabled. 0x0 Enabled Lock enabled. 0x1 WRITEPROTECTION The write protection must be cleared to allow updates to the VALUE field. 4 7 Disabled Read: Write protection is disabled. 0x0 Enabled Read: Write protection is enabled. 0x1 Clear Write: Value to clear write protection. 0xF KEY Required write key for upper 16 bits. Must be included in all register write operations. 16 31 write-only KEY Write key value. 0x50FA STATUS Status register for eraseprotect. 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 oneToClear 0x20 ERROR Error detection status. 0 0 NoError No error detected. 0x0 Error Error detected. 0x1 GLOBAL_I2S20_NS Inter-IC Sound 0 0x400DD000 I2S 0 0x1000 registers I2S20 221 I2S 0x20 TASKS_START Starts continuous I2S transfer. Also starts MCK generator when this is enabled 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Starts continuous I2S transfer. Also starts MCK generator when this is enabled 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stops I2S transfer and MCK generator. Triggering this task will cause the event STOPPED to be generated. 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stops I2S transfer and MCK generator. Triggering this task will cause the event STOPPED to be generated. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_RXPTRUPD The RXD.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers. When the I2S module is started and RX is enabled, this event will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words received on the SDIN pin. 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_RXPTRUPD The RXD.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers. When the I2S module is started and RX is enabled, this event will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words received on the SDIN pin. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED I2S transfer stopped. 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED I2S transfer stopped. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_TXPTRUPD The TDX.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers. When the I2S module is started and TX is enabled, this event will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words that are sent on the SDOUT pin. 0x114 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TXPTRUPD The TDX.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers. When the I2S module is started and TX is enabled, this event will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words that are sent on the SDOUT pin. 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_FRAMESTART Frame start event, generated on the active edge of LRCK 0x11C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_FRAMESTART Frame start event, generated on the active edge of LRCK 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_RXPTRUPD Publish configuration for event RXPTRUPD 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event RXPTRUPD will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_TXPTRUPD Publish configuration for event TXPTRUPD 0x194 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TXPTRUPD will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_FRAMESTART Publish configuration for event FRAMESTART 0x19C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event FRAMESTART will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXPTRUPD Enable or disable interrupt for event RXPTRUPD 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 STOPPED Enable or disable interrupt for event STOPPED 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 TXPTRUPD Enable or disable interrupt for event TXPTRUPD 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 FRAMESTART Enable or disable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXPTRUPD Write '1' to enable interrupt for event RXPTRUPD 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 TXPTRUPD Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TXPTRUPD 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 FRAMESTART Write '1' to enable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXPTRUPD Write '1' to disable interrupt for event RXPTRUPD 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 TXPTRUPD Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TXPTRUPD 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 FRAMESTART Write '1' to disable interrupt for event FRAMESTART 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ENABLE Enable I2S module 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable I2S module 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CONFIG Unspecified I2S_CONFIG read-write 0x504 MODE I2S mode 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MODE I2S mode 0 0 Master Master mode. SCK and LRCK generated from internal master clcok (MCK) and output on pins defined by 0x0 Slave Slave mode. SCK and LRCK generated by external master and received on pins defined by 0x1 RXEN Reception (RX) enable 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RXEN Reception (RX) enable 0 0 Disabled Reception disabled and now data will be written to the RXD.PTR address. 0x0 Enabled Reception enabled. 0x1 TXEN Transmission (TX) enable 0x008 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 TXEN Transmission (TX) enable 0 0 Disabled Transmission disabled and now data will be read from the RXD.TXD address. 0x0 Enabled Transmission enabled. 0x1 MCKEN Master clock generator enable 0x00C read-write 0x00000001 0x20 MCKEN Master clock generator enable 0 0 Disabled Master clock generator disabled and PSEL.MCK not connected(available as GPIO). 0x0 Enabled Master clock generator running and MCK output on PSEL.MCK. 0x1 MCKFREQ I2S clock generator control 0x010 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 MCKFREQ I2S MCK frequency configuration NOTE: Enumerations are deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. NOTE: The 12 least significant bits of the register are ignored and shall be set to zero. 0 31 32MDIV2 32 MHz / 2 = 16.0 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x80000000 32MDIV3 32 MHz / 3 = 10.6666667 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x50000000 32MDIV4 32 MHz / 4 = 8.0 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x40000000 32MDIV5 32 MHz / 5 = 6.4 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x30000000 32MDIV6 32 MHz / 6 = 5.3333333 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x28000000 32MDIV8 32 MHz / 8 = 4.0 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x20000000 32MDIV10 32 MHz / 10 = 3.2 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x18000000 32MDIV11 32 MHz / 11 = 2.9090909 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x16000000 32MDIV15 32 MHz / 15 = 2.1333333 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x11000000 32MDIV16 32 MHz / 16 = 2.0 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x10000000 32MDIV21 32 MHz / 21 = 1.5238095 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x0C000000 32MDIV23 32 MHz / 23 = 1.3913043 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x0B000000 32MDIV30 32 MHz / 30 = 1.0666667 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x08800000 32MDIV31 32 MHz / 31 = 1.0322581 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x08400000 32MDIV32 32 MHz / 32 = 1.0 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x08000000 32MDIV42 32 MHz / 42 = 0.7619048 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x06000000 32MDIV63 32 MHz / 63 = 0.5079365 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x04100000 32MDIV125 32 MHz / 125 = 0.256 MHz Deprecated, use MCKFREQ equation. 0x020C0000 RATIO MCK / LRCK ratio 0x014 read-write 0x00000006 0x20 RATIO MCK / LRCK ratio 0 3 32X LRCK = MCK / 32 0x0 48X LRCK = MCK / 48 0x1 64X LRCK = MCK / 64 0x2 96X LRCK = MCK / 96 0x3 128X LRCK = MCK / 128 0x4 192X LRCK = MCK / 192 0x5 256X LRCK = MCK / 256 0x6 384X LRCK = MCK / 384 0x7 512X LRCK = MCK / 512 0x8 SWIDTH Sample width 0x018 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 SWIDTH Sample and half-frame width 0 2 8Bit 8 bit sample. 0x0 16Bit 16 bit sample. 0x1 24Bit 24 bit sample. 0x2 32Bit 32 bit sample. 0x3 8BitIn16 8 bit sample in a 16-bit half-frame. 0x4 8BitIn32 8 bit sample in a 32-bit half-frame. 0x5 16BitIn32 16 bit sample in a 32-bit half-frame. 0x6 24BitIn32 24 bit sample in a 32-bit half-frame. 0x7 ALIGN Alignment of sample within a frame 0x01C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ALIGN Alignment of sample within a frame 0 0 Left Left-aligned. 0x0 Right Right-aligned. 0x1 FORMAT Frame format 0x020 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 FORMAT Frame format 0 0 I2S Original I2S format. 0x0 Aligned Alternate (left- or right-aligned) format. 0x1 CHANNELS Enable channels 0x024 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHANNELS Enable channels 0 1 Stereo Stereo. 0x0 Left Left only. 0x1 Right Right only. 0x2 RXD Unspecified I2S_RXD read-write 0x538 PTR Receive buffer RAM start address. 0x000 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR Receive buffer Data RAM start address. When receiving, words containing samples will be written to this address. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 TXD Unspecified I2S_TXD read-write 0x540 PTR Transmit buffer RAM start address 0x000 read-write 0x20000000 0x20 PTR Transmit buffer Data RAM start address. When transmitting, words containing samples will be fetched from this address. This address is a word aligned Data RAM address. 0 31 RXTXD Unspecified I2S_RXTXD read-write 0x550 MAXCNT Size of RXD and TXD buffers 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 MAXCNT Size of RXD and TXD buffers in number of 32 bit words 0 13 PSEL Unspecified I2S_PSEL read-write 0x560 MCK Pin select for MCK signal 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 SCK Pin select for SCK signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 LRCK Pin select for LRCK signal 0x008 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 SDIN Pin select for SDIN signal 0x00C read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 SDOUT Pin select for SDOUT signal 0x010 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 2 0x008 CHANNEL[%s] Unspecified I2S_CHANNEL read-write 0x580 TERMINATEONBUSERROR Description cluster: Terminate the transaction if a BUSERROR event is detected. 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 BUSERRORADDRESS Description cluster: Address of transaction that generated the last BUSERROR event. 0x004 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ADDRESS 0 31 GLOBAL_I2S20_S Inter-IC Sound 1 0x500DD000 I2S20 221 GLOBAL_QDEC20_NS Quadrature Decoder 0 0x400E0000 QDEC 0 0x1000 registers QDEC20 224 QDEC 0x20 TASKS_START Task starting the quadrature decoder 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Task starting the quadrature decoder 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Task stopping the quadrature decoder 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Task stopping the quadrature decoder 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_READCLRACC Read and clear ACC and ACCDBL 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_READCLRACC Read and clear ACC and ACCDBL 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RDCLRACC Read and clear ACC 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RDCLRACC Read and clear ACC 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_RDCLRDBL Read and clear ACCDBL 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_RDCLRDBL Read and clear ACCDBL 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_READCLRACC Subscribe configuration for task READCLRACC 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task READCLRACC will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RDCLRACC Subscribe configuration for task RDCLRACC 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RDCLRACC will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_RDCLRDBL Subscribe configuration for task RDCLRDBL 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task RDCLRDBL will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_SAMPLERDY Event being generated for every new sample value written to the SAMPLE register 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SAMPLERDY Event being generated for every new sample value written to the SAMPLE register 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_REPORTRDY Non-null report ready 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_REPORTRDY Non-null report ready 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_ACCOF ACC or ACCDBL register overflow 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_ACCOF ACC or ACCDBL register overflow 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DBLRDY Double displacement(s) detected 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DBLRDY Double displacement(s) detected 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED QDEC has been stopped 0x110 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED QDEC has been stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_SAMPLERDY Publish configuration for event SAMPLERDY 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SAMPLERDY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_REPORTRDY Publish configuration for event REPORTRDY 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event REPORTRDY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_ACCOF Publish configuration for event ACCOF 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event ACCOF will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DBLRDY Publish configuration for event DBLRDY 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DBLRDY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x190 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 REPORTRDY_READCLRACC Shortcut between event REPORTRDY and task READCLRACC 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 SAMPLERDY_STOP Shortcut between event SAMPLERDY and task STOP 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 REPORTRDY_RDCLRACC Shortcut between event REPORTRDY and task RDCLRACC 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 REPORTRDY_STOP Shortcut between event REPORTRDY and task STOP 3 3 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DBLRDY_RDCLRDBL Shortcut between event DBLRDY and task RDCLRDBL 4 4 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DBLRDY_STOP Shortcut between event DBLRDY and task STOP 5 5 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 SAMPLERDY_READCLRACC Shortcut between event SAMPLERDY and task READCLRACC 6 6 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SAMPLERDY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SAMPLERDY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 REPORTRDY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event REPORTRDY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 ACCOF Write '1' to enable interrupt for event ACCOF 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DBLRDY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DBLRDY 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SAMPLERDY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SAMPLERDY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 REPORTRDY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event REPORTRDY 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ACCOF Write '1' to disable interrupt for event ACCOF 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DBLRDY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DBLRDY 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 ENABLE Enable the quadrature decoder 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable the quadrature decoder 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 LEDPOL LED output pin polarity 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 LEDPOL LED output pin polarity 0 0 ActiveLow Led active on output pin low 0x0 ActiveHigh Led active on output pin high 0x1 SAMPLEPER Sample period 0x508 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SAMPLEPER Sample period. The SAMPLE register will be updated for every new sample 0 3 128us 128 us 0x0 256us 256 us 0x1 512us 512 us 0x2 1024us 1024 us 0x3 2048us 2048 us 0x4 4096us 4096 us 0x5 8192us 8192 us 0x6 16384us 16384 us 0x7 32ms 32768 us 0x8 65ms 65536 us 0x9 131ms 131072 us 0xA SAMPLE Motion sample value 0x50C read-only 0x00000000 int32_t 0x20 SAMPLE Last motion sample 0 31 REPORTPER Number of samples to be taken before REPORTRDY and DBLRDY events can be generated 0x510 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 REPORTPER Specifies the number of samples to be accumulated in the ACC register before the REPORTRDY and DBLRDY events can be generated. 0 3 10Smpl 10 samples/report 0x0 40Smpl 40 samples/report 0x1 80Smpl 80 samples/report 0x2 120Smpl 120 samples/report 0x3 160Smpl 160 samples/report 0x4 200Smpl 200 samples/report 0x5 240Smpl 240 samples/report 0x6 280Smpl 280 samples/report 0x7 1Smpl 1 sample/report 0x8 ACC Register accumulating the valid transitions 0x514 read-only 0x00000000 int32_t 0x20 ACC Register accumulating all valid samples (not double transition) read from the SAMPLE register. 0 31 ACCREAD Snapshot of the ACC register, updated by the READCLRACC or RDCLRACC task 0x518 read-only 0x00000000 int32_t 0x20 ACCREAD Snapshot of the ACC register. 0 31 PSEL Unspecified QDEC_PSEL read-write 0x51C LED Pin select for LED signal 0x000 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 A Pin select for A signal 0x004 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 B Pin select for B signal 0x008 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 PIN Pin number 0 4 PORT Port number 5 7 CONNECT Connection 31 31 Disconnected Disconnect 0x1 Connected Connect 0x0 DBFEN Enable input debounce filters 0x528 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 DBFEN Enable input debounce filters 0 0 Disabled Debounce input filters disabled 0x0 Enabled Debounce input filters enabled 0x1 LEDPRE Time period the LED is switched ON prior to sampling 0x540 read-write 0x00000010 0x20 LEDPRE Period in us the LED is switched on prior to sampling 0 8 ACCDBL Register accumulating the number of detected double transitions 0x544 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ACCDBL Register accumulating the number of detected double or illegal transitions. ( SAMPLE = 2 ). 0 3 ACCDBLREAD Snapshot of the ACCDBL, updated by the READCLRACC or RDCLRDBL task 0x548 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 ACCDBLREAD Snapshot of the ACCDBL register. This field is updated when the READCLRACC or RDCLRDBL task is triggered. 0 3 GLOBAL_QDEC20_S Quadrature Decoder 1 0x500E0000 QDEC20 224 GLOBAL_QDEC21_NS Quadrature Decoder 2 0x400E1000 QDEC21 225 GLOBAL_QDEC21_S Quadrature Decoder 3 0x500E1000 QDEC21 225 GLOBAL_GRTC_NS Global Real-time counter 0 0x400E2000 GRTC 0 0x1000 registers GRTC_0 226 GRTC_1 227 GRTC_2 228 GRTC_3 229 GRTC 0x20 0xC 0x4 TASKS_CAPTURE[%s] Description collection: Capture the counter value to CC[n] register 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CAPTURE Capture the counter value to CC[n] register 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_START Start the counter 0x060 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start the counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop the counter 0x064 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop the counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CLEAR Clear the counter 0x068 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CLEAR Clear the counter 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PWMSTART Start the PWM 0x06C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PWMSTART Start the PWM 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PWMSTOP Stop the PWM 0x070 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PWMSTOP Stop the PWM 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 0xC 0x4 SUBSCRIBE_CAPTURE[%s] Description collection: Subscribe configuration for task CAPTURE[n] 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CAPTURE[n] will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 0xC 0x4 EVENTS_COMPARE[%s] Description collection: Compare event on CC[n] match 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_COMPARE Compare event on CC[n] match 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_SYSCOUNTERVALID The SYSCOUNTER is in active state and value is valid 0x168 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SYSCOUNTERVALID The SYSCOUNTER is in active state and value is valid 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND Event on end of each PWM period 0x16C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND Event on end of each PWM period 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 0xC 0x4 PUBLISH_COMPARE[%s] Description collection: Publish configuration for event COMPARE[n] 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event COMPARE[n] will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RTCOMPARE_CLEAR Shortcut between event RTCOMPARE and task CLEAR 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN0 Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Enable or disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Enable or disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET0 Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR0 Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND0 Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE1 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE2 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE3 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE4 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE5 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE6 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE7 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE8 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE9 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE10 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE11 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Read pending status of interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Read pending status of interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 INTEN1 Enable or disable interrupt 0x310 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Enable or disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Enable or disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET1 Enable interrupt 0x314 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR1 Disable interrupt 0x318 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND1 Pending interrupts 0x31C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE1 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE2 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE3 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE4 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE5 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE6 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE7 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE8 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE9 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE10 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE11 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Read pending status of interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Read pending status of interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 INTEN2 Enable or disable interrupt 0x320 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Enable or disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Enable or disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET2 Enable interrupt 0x324 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR2 Disable interrupt 0x328 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND2 Pending interrupts 0x32C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE1 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE2 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE3 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE4 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE5 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE6 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE7 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE8 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE9 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE10 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE11 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Read pending status of interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Read pending status of interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 INTEN3 Enable or disable interrupt 0x330 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Enable or disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Enable or disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Enable or disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET3 Enable interrupt 0x334 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to enable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR3 Disable interrupt 0x338 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE1 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE2 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE3 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE4 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE5 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE6 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE7 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE8 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE9 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE10 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 COMPARE11 Write '1' to disable interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND3 Pending interrupts 0x33C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARE0 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[0] 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE1 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[1] 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE2 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[2] 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE3 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[3] 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE4 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[4] 4 4 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE5 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[5] 5 5 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE6 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[6] 6 6 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE7 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[7] 7 7 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE8 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[8] 8 8 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE9 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[9] 9 9 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE10 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[10] 10 10 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 COMPARE11 Read pending status of interrupt for event COMPARE[11] 11 11 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 SYSCOUNTERVALID Read pending status of interrupt for event SYSCOUNTERVALID 26 26 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PWMPERIODEND Read pending status of interrupt for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 EVTEN Enable or disable event routing 0x400 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PWMPERIODEND Enable or disable event routing for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 EVTENSET Enable event routing 0x404 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to enable event routing for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 EVTENCLR Disable event routing 0x408 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PWMPERIODEND Write '1' to disable event routing for event PWMPERIODEND 27 27 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 MODE Counter mode selection 0x510 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 AUTOEN Automatic enable to keep the SYSCOUNTER active. 0 0 Default Default configuration to keep the SYSCOUNTER active. 0x0 CpuActive In addition to the above mode, any local CPU that is not sleeping keep the SYSCOUNTER active. 0x1 SYSCOUNTEREN Enable the SYSCOUNTER 1 1 Disabled SYSCOUNTER disabled 0x0 Enabled SYSCOUNTER enabled 0x1 12 0x010 CC[%s] Unspecified GRTC_CC read-write 0x520 CCL Description cluster: The lower 32-bits of Capture/Compare register CC[n] 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CCL Capture/Compare low value in 1 us 0 31 CCH Description cluster: The higher 32-bits of Capture/Compare register CC[n] 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CCH Capture/Compare high value in 1 us 0 19 CCADD Description cluster: Count to add to CC[n] when this register is written. 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE Count to add to CC[n] 0 30 REFERENCE Configure the Capture/Compare register 31 31 SYSCOUNTER Adds SYSCOUNTER value. 0x0 CC Adds CC value. 0x1 CCEN Description cluster: Configure Capture/Compare register CC[n] 0x00C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ACTIVE Configure the Capture/Compare register 0 0 Disable Capture/Compare register CC[n] Disabled. 0x0 Enable Capture/Compare register CC[n] enabled. 0x1 KEEPRUNNING Request to keep the SYSCOUNTER in the active state and prevent going to sleep 0x6A0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 REQUEST_0 Request from index [0] 0 0 NotActive Allow SYSCOUNTER to go to sleep 0x0 Active Keep SYSCOUNTER active 0x1 REQUEST_1 Request from index [1] 1 1 NotActive Allow SYSCOUNTER to go to sleep 0x0 Active Keep SYSCOUNTER active 0x1 REQUEST_2 Request from index [2] 2 2 NotActive Allow SYSCOUNTER to go to sleep 0x0 Active Keep SYSCOUNTER active 0x1 REQUEST_3 Request from index [3] 3 3 NotActive Allow SYSCOUNTER to go to sleep 0x0 Active Keep SYSCOUNTER active 0x1 TIMEOUT Timeout after all CPUs gone into sleep state to stop the SYSCOUNTER 0x6A4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE Number of 32Ki cycles 0 15 INTERVAL Count to add to CC[0] when the event EVENTS_COMPARE[0] triggers. 0x6A8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE Count to add to CC[0] 0 15 WAKETIME GRTC wake up time. 0x6AC read-write 0x00000001 0x20 VALUE Number of LFCLK clock cycles to wake up before the next scheduled EVENTS_COMPARE event 0 7 PWMCONFIG PWM configuration. 0x710 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 COMPAREVALUE The PWM compare value 0 7 CLKOUT Configuration of clock output 0x714 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CLKOUT32K Enable 32Ki clock output on pin 0 0 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 CLKOUTFAST Enable fast clock output on pin 1 1 Disabled Disabled 0x0 Enabled Enabled 0x1 CLKCFG Clock Configuration 0x718 read-write 0x00010001 0x20 CLKFASTDIV Fast clock divisor value of clock output 0 7 CLKSEL GRTC LFCLK clock source selection 16 17 LFXO GRTC LFCLK clock source is LFXO 0x0 SystemLFCLK GRTC LFCLK clock source is system LFCLK 0x1 4 0x010 SYSCOUNTER[%s] Unspecified GRTC_SYSCOUNTER read-write 0x720 SYSCOUNTERL Description cluster: The lower 32-bits of the SYSCOUNTER for index [n] 0x000 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 VALUE The lower 32-bits of the SYSCOUNTER value. 0 31 SYSCOUNTERH Description cluster: The higher 20-bits of the SYSCOUNTER for index [n] 0x004 read-only 0x40000000 0x20 VALUE The higher 20-bits of the SYSCOUNTER value. 0 19 BUSY SYSCOUNTER busy status 30 30 Ready SYSCOUNTER is ready for read 0x0 Busy SYSCOUNTER is busy, so not ready for read (value returned in the VALUE field of this register is not valid) 0x1 OVERFLOW The SYSCOUNTERL overflow indication after reading it. 31 31 NoOverflow SYSCOUNTERL is not overflown 0x0 Overflow SYSCOUNTERL overflown 0x1 ACTIVE Description cluster: Request to keep the SYSCOUNTER in the active state and prevent going to sleep for index [n] 0x008 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ACTIVE Keep SYSCOUNTER in active state 0 0 NotActive Allow SYSCOUNTER to go to sleep 0x0 Active Keep SYSCOUNTER active 0x1 GLOBAL_GRTC_S Global Real-time counter 1 0x500E2000 GRTC_0 226 GRTC_1 227 GRTC_2 228 GRTC_3 229 GLOBAL_SPU30_S System protection unit 3 0x50100000 SPU30 256 GLOBAL_DPPIC30_NS Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 6 0x40102000 GLOBAL_DPPIC30_S Distributed programmable peripheral interconnect controller 7 0x50102000 GLOBAL_PPIB30_NS PPIB APB registers 14 0x40103000 GLOBAL_PPIB30_S PPIB APB registers 15 0x50103000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_NS Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 8 0x40104000 SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_SPIS30_NS SPI Slave 8 0x40104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_NS SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_TWIM30_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 6 0x40104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_NS SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_TWIS30_NS I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 6 0x40104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_NS SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_UARTE30_NS UART with EasyDMA 8 0x40104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_NS SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_SPIM30_S Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 9 0x50104000 SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_SPIS30_S SPI Slave 9 0x50104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_S SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_TWIM30_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 7 0x50104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_S SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_TWIS30_S I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 7 0x50104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_S SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_UARTE30_S UART with EasyDMA 9 0x50104000 GLOBAL_SPIM30_S SERIAL30 260 GLOBAL_RTC30_NS Real-time counter 2 0x40105000 RTC30 261 GLOBAL_RTC30_S Real-time counter 3 0x50105000 RTC30 261 GLOBAL_COMP_NS Comparator 0 0x40106000 COMP 0 0x1000 registers COMP_LPCOMP 262 COMP 0x20 TASKS_START Start comparator 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start comparator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop comparator 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop comparator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SAMPLE Sample comparator value. This task requires that COMP has been started by the START Task. 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SAMPLE Sample comparator value. This task requires that COMP has been started by the START Task. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SAMPLE Subscribe configuration for task SAMPLE 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SAMPLE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_READY COMP is ready and output is valid 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READY COMP is ready and output is valid 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DOWN Downward crossing 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DOWN Downward crossing 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_UP Upward crossing 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_UP Upward crossing 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CROSS Downward or upward crossing 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CROSS Downward or upward crossing 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DOWN Publish configuration for event DOWN 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DOWN will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_UP Publish configuration for event UP 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event UP will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CROSS Publish configuration for event CROSS 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CROSS will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY_SAMPLE Shortcut between event READY and task SAMPLE 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 READY_STOP Shortcut between event READY and task STOP 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DOWN_STOP Shortcut between event DOWN and task STOP 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 UP_STOP Shortcut between event UP and task STOP 3 3 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 CROSS_STOP Shortcut between event CROSS and task STOP 4 4 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Enable or disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DOWN Enable or disable interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 UP Enable or disable interrupt for event UP 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CROSS Enable or disable interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DOWN Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 UP Write '1' to enable interrupt for event UP 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CROSS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DOWN Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 UP Write '1' to disable interrupt for event UP 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CROSS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 READY Read pending status of interrupt for event READY 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DOWN Read pending status of interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 UP Read pending status of interrupt for event UP 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 CROSS Read pending status of interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 RESULT Compare result 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RESULT Result of last compare. Decision point SAMPLE task. 0 0 Below Input voltage is below the threshold (VIN+ < VIN-) 0x0 Above Input voltage is above the threshold (VIN+ > VIN-) 0x1 ENABLE COMP enable 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable COMP 0 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x2 PSEL Pin select 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN Analog pin select 0 4 PORT GPIO Port selection 8 11 REFSEL Reference source select for single-ended mode 0x508 read-write 0x00000004 0x20 REFSEL Reference select 0 2 Int1V2 VREF = internal 1.2 V reference 0x0 VDD VREF = VDD 0x4 ARef VREF = AREF 0x5 EXTREFSEL External reference select 0x50C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN External analog reference pin select 0 4 PORT GPIO Port selection 8 11 TH Threshold configuration for hysteresis unit 0x530 read-write 0x00002020 0x20 THDOWN VDOWN = (THDOWN+1)/64*VREF 0 5 THUP VUP = (THUP+1)/64*VREF 8 13 MODE Mode configuration 0x534 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SP Speed and power modes 0 1 Low Low-power mode 0x0 Normal Normal mode 0x1 High High-speed mode 0x2 MAIN Main operation modes 8 8 SE Single-ended mode 0x0 Diff Differential mode 0x1 HYST Comparator hysteresis enable 0x538 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HYST Comparator hysteresis 0 0 NoHyst Comparator hysteresis disabled 0x0 Hyst40mV Comparator hysteresis enabled 0x1 ISOURCE Current source select on analog input 0x53C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ISOURCE Current source select on analog input 0 1 Off Current source disabled 0x0 Ien2uA5 Current source enabled (+/- 2.5 uA) 0x1 Ien5uA Current source enabled (+/- 5 uA) 0x2 Ien10uA Current source enabled (+/- 10 uA) 0x3 GLOBAL_LPCOMP_NS Low-power comparator 0 0x40106000 GLOBAL_COMP_NS LPCOMP 0 0x1000 registers COMP_LPCOMP 262 LPCOMP 0x20 TASKS_START Start comparator 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start comparator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop comparator 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop comparator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_SAMPLE Sample comparator value. This task requires that LPCOMP has been started by the START task. 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_SAMPLE Sample comparator value. This task requires that LPCOMP has been started by the START task. 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_SAMPLE Subscribe configuration for task SAMPLE 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task SAMPLE will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_READY LPCOMP is ready and output is valid 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_READY LPCOMP is ready and output is valid 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DOWN Downward crossing 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DOWN Downward crossing 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_UP Upward crossing 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_UP Upward crossing 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_CROSS Downward or upward crossing 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_CROSS Downward or upward crossing 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_READY Publish configuration for event READY 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event READY will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DOWN Publish configuration for event DOWN 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DOWN will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_UP Publish configuration for event UP 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event UP will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_CROSS Publish configuration for event CROSS 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event CROSS will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 SHORTS Shortcuts between local events and tasks 0x200 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY_SAMPLE Shortcut between event READY and task SAMPLE 0 0 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 READY_STOP Shortcut between event READY and task STOP 1 1 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 DOWN_STOP Shortcut between event DOWN and task STOP 2 2 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 UP_STOP Shortcut between event UP and task STOP 3 3 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 CROSS_STOP Shortcut between event CROSS and task STOP 4 4 Disabled Disable shortcut 0x0 Enabled Enable shortcut 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Enable or disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DOWN Enable or disable interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 UP Enable or disable interrupt for event UP 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 CROSS Enable or disable interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to enable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DOWN Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 UP Write '1' to enable interrupt for event UP 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 CROSS Write '1' to enable interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 READY Write '1' to disable interrupt for event READY 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DOWN Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 UP Write '1' to disable interrupt for event UP 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 CROSS Write '1' to disable interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 READY Read pending status of interrupt for event READY 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DOWN Read pending status of interrupt for event DOWN 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 UP Read pending status of interrupt for event UP 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 CROSS Read pending status of interrupt for event CROSS 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 RESULT Compare result 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RESULT Result of last compare. Decision point SAMPLE task. 0 0 Below Input voltage is below the reference threshold (VIN+ < VIN-) 0x0 Above Input voltage is above the reference threshold (VIN+ > VIN-) 0x1 ENABLE Enable LPCOMP 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ENABLE Enable or disable LPCOMP 0 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PSEL Input pin select 0x504 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN Analog pin select 0 4 PORT GPIO Port selection 8 11 REFSEL Reference select 0x508 read-write 0x00000004 0x20 REFSEL Reference select 0 3 Ref1_8Vdd VDD * 1/8 selected as reference 0x0 Ref2_8Vdd VDD * 2/8 selected as reference 0x1 Ref3_8Vdd VDD * 3/8 selected as reference 0x2 Ref4_8Vdd VDD * 4/8 selected as reference 0x3 Ref5_8Vdd VDD * 5/8 selected as reference 0x4 Ref6_8Vdd VDD * 6/8 selected as reference 0x5 Ref7_8Vdd VDD * 7/8 selected as reference 0x6 ARef External analog reference selected 0x7 Ref1_16Vdd VDD * 1/16 selected as reference 0x8 Ref3_16Vdd VDD * 3/16 selected as reference 0x9 Ref5_16Vdd VDD * 5/16 selected as reference 0xA Ref7_16Vdd VDD * 7/16 selected as reference 0xB Ref9_16Vdd VDD * 9/16 selected as reference 0xC Ref11_16Vdd VDD * 11/16 selected as reference 0xD Ref13_16Vdd VDD * 13/16 selected as reference 0xE Ref15_16Vdd VDD * 15/16 selected as reference 0xF EXTREFSEL External reference select 0x50C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 PIN External analog reference pin select 0 4 PORT GPIO Port selection 8 11 ANADETECT Analog detect configuration 0x520 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 ANADETECT Analog detect configuration 0 1 Cross Generate ANADETECT on crossing, both upward crossing and downward crossing 0x0 Up Generate ANADETECT on upward crossing only 0x1 Down Generate ANADETECT on downward crossing only 0x2 HYST Comparator hysteresis enable 0x538 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 HYST Comparator hysteresis enable 0 0 Disabled Comparator hysteresis disabled 0x0 Enabled Comparator hysteresis enabled 0x1 GLOBAL_COMP_S Comparator 1 0x50106000 COMP_LPCOMP 262 GLOBAL_LPCOMP_S Low-power comparator 1 0x50106000 GLOBAL_COMP_S COMP_LPCOMP 262 GLOBAL_WDT30_S Watchdog Timer 0 0x50108000 WDT 0 0x1000 registers WDT30 264 WDT 0x20 TASKS_START Start WDT 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_START Start WDT 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_STOP Stop WDT 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_STOP Stop WDT 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_START Subscribe configuration for task START 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task START will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_STOP Subscribe configuration for task STOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task STOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_TIMEOUT Watchdog timeout 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_TIMEOUT Watchdog timeout 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_STOPPED Watchdog stopped 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_STOPPED Watchdog stopped 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_TIMEOUT Publish configuration for event TIMEOUT 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event TIMEOUT will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_STOPPED Publish configuration for event STOPPED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event STOPPED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TIMEOUT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TIMEOUT 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TIMEOUT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TIMEOUT 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 NMIENSET Enable interrupt 0x324 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TIMEOUT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event TIMEOUT 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 NMIENCLR Disable interrupt 0x328 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 TIMEOUT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event TIMEOUT 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 STOPPED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event STOPPED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 RUNSTATUS Run status 0x400 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 RUNSTATUSWDT Indicates whether or not WDT is running 0 0 NotRunning Watchdog is not running 0x0 Running Watchdog is running 0x1 REQSTATUS Request status 0x404 read-only 0x00000001 0x20 RR0 Request status for RR[0] register 0 0 DisabledOrRequested RR[0] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[0] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR1 Request status for RR[1] register 1 1 DisabledOrRequested RR[1] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[1] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR2 Request status for RR[2] register 2 2 DisabledOrRequested RR[2] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[2] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR3 Request status for RR[3] register 3 3 DisabledOrRequested RR[3] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[3] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR4 Request status for RR[4] register 4 4 DisabledOrRequested RR[4] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[4] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR5 Request status for RR[5] register 5 5 DisabledOrRequested RR[5] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[5] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR6 Request status for RR[6] register 6 6 DisabledOrRequested RR[6] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[6] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 RR7 Request status for RR[7] register 7 7 DisabledOrRequested RR[7] register is not enabled, or are already requesting reload 0x0 EnabledAndUnrequested RR[7] register is enabled, and are not yet requesting reload 0x1 CRV Counter reload value 0x504 read-write 0xFFFFFFFF 0x20 CRV Counter reload value in number of cycles of the 32.768 kHz clock 0 31 RREN Enable register for reload request registers 0x508 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 RR0 Enable or disable RR[0] register 0 0 Disabled Disable RR[0] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[0] register 0x1 RR1 Enable or disable RR[1] register 1 1 Disabled Disable RR[1] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[1] register 0x1 RR2 Enable or disable RR[2] register 2 2 Disabled Disable RR[2] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[2] register 0x1 RR3 Enable or disable RR[3] register 3 3 Disabled Disable RR[3] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[3] register 0x1 RR4 Enable or disable RR[4] register 4 4 Disabled Disable RR[4] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[4] register 0x1 RR5 Enable or disable RR[5] register 5 5 Disabled Disable RR[5] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[5] register 0x1 RR6 Enable or disable RR[6] register 6 6 Disabled Disable RR[6] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[6] register 0x1 RR7 Enable or disable RR[7] register 7 7 Disabled Disable RR[7] register 0x0 Enabled Enable RR[7] register 0x1 CONFIG Configuration register 0x50C read-write 0x00000001 0x20 SLEEP Configure WDT to either be paused, or kept running, while the CPU is sleeping 0 0 Pause Pause WDT while the CPU is sleeping 0x0 Run Keep WDT running while the CPU is sleeping 0x1 HALT Configure WDT to either be paused, or kept running, while the CPU is halted by the debugger 3 3 Pause Pause WDT while the CPU is halted by the debugger 0x0 Run Keep WDT running while the CPU is halted by the debugger 0x1 STOPEN Allow stopping WDT 6 6 Disable Do not allow stopping WDT 0x0 Enable Allow stopping WDT 0x1 TSEN Task stop enable 0x520 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TSEN Allow stopping WDT 0 31 Enable Value to allow stopping WDT 0x6E524635 0x8 0x4 RR[%s] Description collection: Reload request n 0x600 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 RR Reload request register 0 31 Reload Value to request a reload of the watchdog timer 0x6E524635 GLOBAL_WDT31_NS Watchdog Timer 1 0x40109000 WDT31 265 GLOBAL_WDT31_S Watchdog Timer 2 0x50109000 WDT31 265 GLOBAL_P0_NS GPIO Port 4 0x4010A000 GLOBAL_P0_S GPIO Port 5 0x5010A000 GLOBAL_GPIOTE30_NS GPIO Tasks and Events 2 0x4010C000 GPIOTE30_0 268 GPIOTE30_1 269 GLOBAL_GPIOTE30_S GPIO Tasks and Events 3 0x5010C000 GPIOTE30_0 268 GPIOTE30_1 269 GLOBAL_CLOCK_NS Clock management 0 0x4010E000 CLOCK 0 0x1000 registers CLOCK_POWER 270 CLOCK 0x20 TASKS_XOSTART Start crystal oscillator 0x000 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_XOSTART Start crystal oscillator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_XOSTOP Stop crystal oscillator 0x004 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_XOSTOP Stop crystal oscillator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PLLSTART Start PLL and keep it running, regardless of the automatic clock requests 0x008 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PLLSTART Start PLL and keep it running, regardless of the automatic clock requests 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_PLLSTOP Stop PLL 0x00C write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_PLLSTOP Stop PLL 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_LFCLKSTART Start LFCLK source as selected in LFCLK.SRC 0x010 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_LFCLKSTART Start LFCLK source as selected in LFCLK.SRC 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_LFCLKSTOP Stop LFCLK source 0x014 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_LFCLKSTOP Stop LFCLK source 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_CAL Start calibration of LFRC oscillator 0x018 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CAL Start calibration of LFRC oscillator 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_XOSTART Subscribe configuration for task XOSTART 0x080 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task XOSTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_XOSTOP Subscribe configuration for task XOSTOP 0x084 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task XOSTOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_PLLSTART Subscribe configuration for task PLLSTART 0x088 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task PLLSTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_PLLSTOP Subscribe configuration for task PLLSTOP 0x08C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task PLLSTOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_LFCLKSTART Subscribe configuration for task LFCLKSTART 0x090 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task LFCLKSTART will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_LFCLKSTOP Subscribe configuration for task LFCLKSTOP 0x094 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task LFCLKSTOP will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CAL Subscribe configuration for task CAL 0x098 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CAL will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_XOSTARTED Crystal oscillator has started 0x100 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_XOSTARTED Crystal oscillator has started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_PLLSTARTED PLL started 0x104 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_PLLSTARTED PLL started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED LFCLK source started 0x108 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED LFCLK source started 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_DONE Calibration of LFRC oscillator complete event 0x10C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_DONE Calibration of LFRC oscillator complete event 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_XOSTARTED Publish configuration for event XOSTARTED 0x180 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event XOSTARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_PLLSTARTED Publish configuration for event PLLSTARTED 0x184 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event PLLSTARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_LFCLKSTARTED Publish configuration for event LFCLKSTARTED 0x188 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event LFCLKSTARTED will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_DONE Publish configuration for event DONE 0x18C read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event DONE will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 XOSTARTED Enable or disable interrupt for event XOSTARTED 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 PLLSTARTED Enable or disable interrupt for event PLLSTARTED 1 1 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 LFCLKSTARTED Enable or disable interrupt for event LFCLKSTARTED 2 2 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 DONE Enable or disable interrupt for event DONE 3 3 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 XOSTARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event XOSTARTED 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 PLLSTARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event PLLSTARTED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 LFCLKSTARTED Write '1' to enable interrupt for event LFCLKSTARTED 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 DONE Write '1' to enable interrupt for event DONE 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 XOSTARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event XOSTARTED 0 0 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 PLLSTARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event PLLSTARTED 1 1 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 LFCLKSTARTED Write '1' to disable interrupt for event LFCLKSTARTED 2 2 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 DONE Write '1' to disable interrupt for event DONE 3 3 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 INTPEND Pending interrupts 0x30C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 XOSTARTED Read pending status of interrupt for event XOSTARTED 0 0 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 PLLSTARTED Read pending status of interrupt for event PLLSTARTED 1 1 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 LFCLKSTARTED Read pending status of interrupt for event LFCLKSTARTED 2 2 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 DONE Read pending status of interrupt for event DONE 3 3 read NotPending Read: Not pending 0x0 Pending Read: Pending 0x1 XO Unspecified CLOCK_XO read-write 0x400 RUN Indicates that XOSTART task was triggered 0x008 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATUS XOSTART task triggered or not 0 0 NotTriggered Task not triggered 0x0 Triggered Task triggered 0x1 STAT XO status 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATE XO state (Running between START task and STOPPED event) 16 16 NotRunning XO is not running 0x0 Running XO is running 0x1 PLL Unspecified CLOCK_PLL read-write 0x420 RUN Indicates that PLLSTART task was triggered 0x008 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATUS PLLSTART task triggered or not 0 0 NotTriggered Task not triggered 0x0 Triggered Task triggered 0x1 STAT Which PLL settings were selected when triggering START task 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATE PLL state (Running between START task and STOPPED event) 16 16 NotRunning PLL is not running 0x0 Running PLL is running 0x1 LFCLK Unspecified CLOCK_LFCLK read-write 0x440 SRC Clock source for LFCLK 0x000 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SRC Select which LFCLK source is started by the LFCLKSTART task 0 1 LFRC 32.768 kHz RC oscillator 0x0 LFXO 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator 0x1 LFSYNT 32.768 kHz synthesized from HFCLK 0x2 RUN Indicates that LFCLKSTART task was triggered 0x008 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 STATUS LFCLKSTART task triggered or not 0 0 NotTriggered Task not triggered 0x0 Triggered Task triggered 0x1 STAT Copy of LFCLK.SRCCOPY register, set when LFCLKSTARTED event is triggered. 0x00C read-only 0x00000000 0x20 SRC Value of LFCLK.SRCCOPY register when LFCLKSTARTED event was triggered 0 1 LFRC 32.768 kHz RC oscillator 0x0 LFXO 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator 0x1 LFSYNT 32.768 kHz synthesized from HFCLK 0x2 ALWAYSRUNNING ALWAYSRUN activated 4 4 NotRunning Automatic clock control enabled 0x0 Running Oscillator is always running 0x1 STATE LFCLK state (Running between START task and STOPPED event) 16 16 NotRunning LFCLK not running 0x0 Running LFCLK running 0x1 SRCCOPY Copy of LFCLK.SRC register, set when LFCLKSTART task is triggered 0x010 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 SRC Value of LFCLK.SRC register when LFCLKSTART task was triggered 0 1 LFRC 32.768 kHz RC oscillator 0x0 LFXO 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator 0x1 LFSYNT 32.768 kHz synthesized from HFCLK 0x2 GLOBAL_POWER_NS Power control 0 0x4010E000 GLOBAL_CLOCK_NS POWER 0 0x1000 registers CLOCK_POWER 270 POWER 0x20 TASKS_CONSTLAT Enable Constant Latency mode 0x30 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_CONSTLAT Enable Constant Latency mode 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 TASKS_LOWPWR Enable Low-power mode (variable latency) 0x34 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 TASKS_LOWPWR Enable Low-power mode (variable latency) 0 0 Trigger Trigger task 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_CONSTLAT Subscribe configuration for task CONSTLAT 0xB0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task CONSTLAT will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 SUBSCRIBE_LOWPWR Subscribe configuration for task LOWPWR 0xB4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that task LOWPWR will subscribe to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable subscription 0x0 Enabled Enable subscription 0x1 EVENTS_POFWARN Power failure warning 0x130 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_POFWARN Power failure warning 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_SLEEPENTER CPU entered WFI/WFE sleep 0x134 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SLEEPENTER CPU entered WFI/WFE sleep 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT CPU exited WFI/WFE sleep 0x138 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT CPU exited WFI/WFE sleep 0 0 NotGenerated Event not generated 0x0 Generated Event generated 0x1 PUBLISH_POFWARN Publish configuration for event POFWARN 0x1B0 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event POFWARN will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_SLEEPENTER Publish configuration for event SLEEPENTER 0x1B4 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SLEEPENTER will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 PUBLISH_SLEEPEXIT Publish configuration for event SLEEPEXIT 0x1B8 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 CHIDX DPPI channel that event SLEEPEXIT will publish to 0 7 EN 31 31 Disabled Disable publishing 0x0 Enabled Enable publishing 0x1 INTEN Enable or disable interrupt 0x300 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 POFWARN Enable or disable interrupt for event POFWARN 12 12 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SLEEPENTER Enable or disable interrupt for event SLEEPENTER 13 13 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 SLEEPEXIT Enable or disable interrupt for event SLEEPEXIT 14 14 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 INTENSET Enable interrupt 0x304 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 POFWARN Write '1' to enable interrupt for event POFWARN 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SLEEPENTER Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SLEEPENTER 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 SLEEPEXIT Write '1' to enable interrupt for event SLEEPEXIT 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Set Enable 0x1 INTENCLR Disable interrupt 0x308 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 POFWARN Write '1' to disable interrupt for event POFWARN 12 12 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SLEEPENTER Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SLEEPENTER 13 13 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 SLEEPEXIT Write '1' to disable interrupt for event SLEEPEXIT 14 14 read Disabled Read: Disabled 0x0 Enabled Read: Enabled 0x1 write Clear Disable 0x1 0x2 0x4 GPREGRET[%s] Description collection: General purpose retention register 0x500 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 GPREGRET General purpose retention register 0 7 GLOBAL_RESET_NS Reset control 0 0x4010E000 GLOBAL_CLOCK_NS RESET 0 0x1000 registers RESET 0x20 RESETREAS Reset reason 0x600 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 RESETPIN Reset from pin reset detected 0 0 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 DOG0 Reset from watchdog timer 0 detected 1 1 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 DOG1 Reset from watchdog timer 1 detected 2 2 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 CTRLAPSOFT Soft reset from CTRL-AP detected 3 3 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 CTRLAPHARD Reset due to CTRL-AP hard reset 4 4 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 CTRLAPPIN Reset due to CTRL-AP pin reset 5 5 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 SREQ Reset from soft reset detected 6 6 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 LOCKUP Reset from CPU lockup detected 7 7 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 OFF Reset due to wakeup from System OFF mode when wakeup is triggered by DETECT signal from GPIO 8 8 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 LPCOMP Reset due to wakeup from System OFF mode when wakeup is triggered by ANADETECT signal from LPCOMP 9 9 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 DIF Reset due to wakeup from System OFF mode when wakeup is triggered by entering the Debug Interface mode 10 10 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 GRTC Reset due to wakeup from GRTC 11 11 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 NFC Reset after wakeup from System OFF mode due to NFC field being detected 12 12 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 SECTAMPER Reset due to illegal tampering of the device 13 13 NotDetected Not detected 0x0 Detected Detected 0x1 GLOBAL_CLOCK_S Clock management 1 0x5010E000 CLOCK_POWER 270 GLOBAL_POWER_S Power control 1 0x5010E000 GLOBAL_CLOCK_S CLOCK_POWER 270 GLOBAL_RESET_S Reset control 1 0x5010E000 GLOBAL_CLOCK_S GLOBAL_OSCILLATORS_NS Oscillator control 0 0x40120000 OSCILLATORS 0 0x1000 registers OSCILLATORS 0x20 XOSC32M 32 MHz oscillator control OSCILLATORS_XOSC32M read-write 0x700 CLOCKQUALITY Clock quality indicator 0x10 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 INDICATOR 0 1 NoStatus XOSC32M status is not defined 0x0 Starting XOSC32M has started but has not yet reached the specified frequency tolerance requirement fTOL_HFXO 0x1 Started XOSC32M has started and is operating with the specified frequency tolerance requirement fTOL_HFXO 0x3 CONFIG Unspecified OSCILLATORS_XOSC32M_CONFIG read-write 0x14 INTCAP Crystal load capacitor as seen by the crystal across its terminals, including pin capacitance but excluding PCB stray capacitance. 0x08 read-write 0x00000024 0x20 VAL 0 5 PLL Oscillator control OSCILLATORS_PLL read-write 0x800 FREQ CPU frequency 0x00 read-write 0x00000003 0x20 FREQ Select CPU speed 0 1 CK128M 128 MHz 0x1 CK64M 64 MHz 0x3 CURRENTFREQ Current CPU frequency 0x04 read-only 0x00000003 0x20 CURRENTFREQ Active CPU speed 0 1 CK128M 128 MHz 0x1 CK64M 64 MHz 0x3 XOSC32KI 32 kHz oscillator control OSCILLATORS_XOSC32KI read-write 0x900 INTCAP Programmable capacitance of XL1 and XL2 0x004 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VAL Crystal load capacitor as seen by the crystal across its terminals, including pin capacitance but excluding PCB stray capacitance. 0 5 GLOBAL_REGULATORS_NS Voltage regulators 0 0x40120000 GLOBAL_OSCILLATORS_NS REGULATORS 0 0x1000 registers REGULATORS 0x20 VREGM Medium Voltage Regulator REGULATORS_VREGM read-write 0x400 ENABLE Enable register for VREGM 0x000 read-write 0x00000001 0x20 ENABLE Enable the regulator 0 0 Disabled Disable the regulator 0x0 Enabled Enable the regulator 0x1 SYSTEMOFF System OFF register 0x500 write-only 0x00000000 0x20 SYSTEMOFF Enable System OFF mode 0 0 Enter Enable System OFF mode 0x1 POFCON Power-fail comparator configuration 0x530 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 POF Enable or disable power-fail comparator 0 0 Disabled Disable 0x0 Enabled Enable 0x1 THRESHOLD Power-fail comparator threshold setting 1 4 V17 Set threshold to 1.7 V 0x0 V18 Set threshold to 1.8 V 0x1 V19 Set threshold to 1.9 V 0x2 V20 Set threshold to 2.0 V 0x3 V21 Set threshold to 2.1 V 0x4 V22 Set threshold to 2.2 V 0x5 V23 Set threshold to 2.3 V 0x6 V24 Set threshold to 2.4 V 0x7 V25 Set threshold to 2.5 V 0x8 V26 Set threshold to 2.6 V 0x9 V27 Set threshold to 2.7 V 0xA V28 Set threshold to 2.8 V 0xB EVENTDISABLE Disable the POFWARN power-fail warning event 7 7 Enabled POFWARN event is generated 0x0 Disabled POFWARN event is not generated 0x1 POFSTAT Power-fail comparator status register 0x534 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 COMPARATOR Power-fail comparator status 0 0 Above Voltage detected above VPOF threshold 0x0 Below Voltage detected below VPOF threshold 0x1 VREGMAIN Main voltage regulator REGULATORS_VREGMAIN read-write 0x600 DCDCEN Enable DC/DC converter for better power efficiency 0x00 read-write 0x00000000 0x20 VAL Enable DC/DC converter 0 0 Disabled Disable DC/DC converter and use LDO 0x0 Enabled Enable DC/DC converter 0x1 INDUCTORDET VREGMAIN inductor detection 0x04 read-only 0x00000000 0x20 DETECTED 0 0 InductorNotDetected VREGMAIN inductor not detected 0x0 InductorDetected VREGMAIN inductor detected 0x1 GLOBAL_OSCILLATORS_S Oscillator control 1 0x50120000 GLOBAL_REGULATORS_S Voltage regulators 1 0x50120000 GLOBAL_OSCILLATORS_S