/* * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2023, Nordic Semiconductor ASA * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #if NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_ENABLED) #include #if !NRFX_FEATURE_PRESENT(NRFX_WDT, _ENABLED) #error "No enabled WDT instances. Check ." #endif #define NRFX_LOG_MODULE WDT #include // Control block - driver instance local data. typedef struct { nrfx_drv_state_t state; uint8_t alloc_index; #if !NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_CONFIG_NO_IRQ) nrfx_wdt_event_handler_t wdt_event_handler; #endif } wdt_control_block_t; static wdt_control_block_t m_cb[NRFX_WDT_ENABLED_COUNT]; static void wdt_configure(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance, nrfx_wdt_config_t const * p_config) { uint64_t ticks = (p_config->reload_value * 32768ULL) / 1000; NRFX_ASSERT(ticks <= UINT32_MAX); nrfy_wdt_config_t nrfy_conf = { .behaviour = p_config->behaviour, .reload_value = (uint32_t)ticks, }; nrfy_wdt_periph_configure(p_instance->p_reg, &nrfy_conf); #if !NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_CONFIG_NO_IRQ) wdt_control_block_t * p_cb = &m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx]; if (p_cb->wdt_event_handler) { nrfy_wdt_int_init(p_instance->p_reg, NRF_WDT_INT_TIMEOUT_MASK, p_config->interrupt_priority, true); } #endif } nrfx_err_t nrfx_wdt_init(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance, nrfx_wdt_config_t const * p_config, nrfx_wdt_event_handler_t wdt_event_handler) { NRFX_ASSERT(p_config); nrfx_err_t err_code; wdt_control_block_t * p_cb = &m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx]; #if NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_CONFIG_NO_IRQ) (void)wdt_event_handler; #else p_cb->wdt_event_handler = wdt_event_handler; #endif if (p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { p_cb->state = NRFX_DRV_STATE_INITIALIZED; } else { err_code = NRFX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; NRFX_LOG_WARNING("Function: %s, error code: %s.", __func__, NRFX_LOG_ERROR_STRING_GET(err_code)); return err_code; } if (p_config) { wdt_configure(p_instance, p_config); } err_code = NRFX_SUCCESS; NRFX_LOG_INFO("Function: %s, error code: %s.", __func__, NRFX_LOG_ERROR_STRING_GET(err_code)); return err_code; } nrfx_err_t nrfx_wdt_reconfigure(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance, nrfx_wdt_config_t const * p_config) { NRFX_ASSERT(p_config); wdt_control_block_t * p_cb = &m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx]; if (p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { return NRFX_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } if (p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_POWERED_ON) { return NRFX_ERROR_BUSY; } wdt_configure(p_instance, p_config); return NRFX_SUCCESS; } void nrfx_wdt_enable(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance) { wdt_control_block_t * p_cb = &m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx]; NRFX_ASSERT(p_cb->alloc_index != 0); NRFX_ASSERT(p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_INITIALIZED); nrfy_wdt_task_trigger(p_instance->p_reg, NRF_WDT_TASK_START); p_cb->state = NRFX_DRV_STATE_POWERED_ON; NRFX_LOG_INFO("Enabled."); } void nrfx_wdt_feed(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance) { wdt_control_block_t const * p_cb = &m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx]; NRFX_ASSERT(p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_POWERED_ON); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < p_cb->alloc_index; i++) { nrfy_wdt_reload_request_set(p_instance->p_reg, (nrf_wdt_rr_register_t)(NRF_WDT_RR0 + i)); } } nrfx_err_t nrfx_wdt_channel_alloc(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance, nrfx_wdt_channel_id * p_channel_id) { nrfx_err_t result; wdt_control_block_t * p_cb = &m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx]; NRFX_ASSERT(p_channel_id); NRFX_ASSERT(p_cb->state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_INITIALIZED); NRFX_CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER(); if (p_cb->alloc_index < NRF_WDT_CHANNEL_NUMBER) { *p_channel_id = (nrfx_wdt_channel_id)(NRF_WDT_RR0 + p_cb->alloc_index); p_cb->alloc_index++; nrfy_wdt_reload_request_enable(p_instance->p_reg, *p_channel_id); result = NRFX_SUCCESS; } else { result = NRFX_ERROR_NO_MEM; } NRFX_CRITICAL_SECTION_EXIT(); NRFX_LOG_INFO("Function: %s, error code: %s.", __func__, NRFX_LOG_ERROR_STRING_GET(result)); return result; } void nrfx_wdt_channel_feed(nrfx_wdt_t const * p_instance, nrfx_wdt_channel_id channel_id) { NRFX_ASSERT(m_cb[p_instance->drv_inst_idx].state == NRFX_DRV_STATE_POWERED_ON); nrfy_wdt_reload_request_set(p_instance->p_reg, channel_id); } #if !NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_CONFIG_NO_IRQ) static void irq_handler(NRF_WDT_Type * p_reg, wdt_control_block_t * p_cb) { /* Clearing timeout event also causes request status register to be cleared, so read it * before clearing. */ uint32_t requests = nrf_wdt_request_status_get(p_reg); uint32_t evt_mask = nrfy_wdt_events_process(p_reg, NRFY_EVENT_TO_INT_BITMASK(NRF_WDT_EVENT_TIMEOUT)); if (evt_mask & NRFY_EVENT_TO_INT_BITMASK(NRF_WDT_EVENT_TIMEOUT)) { p_cb->wdt_event_handler(requests); } } NRFX_INSTANCE_IRQ_HANDLERS(WDT, wdt) #endif // !NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_CONFIG_NO_IRQ) #endif // NRFX_CHECK(NRFX_WDT_ENABLED)