/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ .equ PMU_BASE, 0x4200000 .equ PMU_STATUS_REG, (PMU_BASE + 0xF00) .equ PMU_SCRATCHPAD0, (PMU_BASE + 0xF04) .equ PMU_SCRATCHPAD1, (PMU_BASE + 0xF08) .equ PMU_PG_EN_REG, (PMU_BASE + 0xF10) .equ PMU_STATUS_PG, (1 << 4) .equ PMU_STATUS_PG_AON, (1 << 5) .equ PMU_PG_EN, (1 << 0) .equ PMU_PG_EXIT_COMPLETE, (1 << 8) .equ FWST_AON_STATE_MASK, (0x7 << 24) .equ FWST_AON_STATE_HALT, (0x2 << 24) .equ EFLAGS_NT, (1 << 14) .equ TSS_ESP0_OFFSET, 0x4 .equ TSS_LDT_SEG_SEL_OFFSET, 0x60 .equ AON_CS, 0x4 .equ AON_DS, 0xc .global ipapg ipapg: push %ebp push %edi push %esi push %ebx mov %cr0, %eax push %eax mov %cr4, %eax push %eax clts #write down return address for ROM movl $(PMU_STATUS_PG|PMU_STATUS_PG_AON), PMU_STATUS_REG movl $out_of_pg, %eax movl %eax, PMU_SCRATCHPAD0 movl (%eax), %eax movl %eax, PMU_SCRATCHPAD1 #enable IPAPG, we will actually enter PG on the next halt movl $(PMU_PG_EN|PMU_PG_EXIT_COMPLETE), PMU_PG_EN_REG #save esp so we can restore stack after returning from ROM lea aon_tss, %eax movl %esp, TSS_ESP0_OFFSET(%eax) sti hlt #unreachable #got out of IPAPG, jumped here from ROM if there was no abort condition out_of_pg: cli #restore stack lea aon_tss, %eax movl TSS_ESP0_OFFSET(%eax), %esp #set the nested task bit in eflags pushfl orl $EFLAGS_NT, (%esp) popfl clts fninit #restore non-volatile registers and CR0 & CR4 pop %eax mov %eax, %cr4 pop %eax mov %eax, %cr0 pop %ebx pop %esi pop %edi pop %ebp #check if we're indeed after IPAPG exit testl $PMU_STATUS_PG, PMU_STATUS_REG jz after_pg #we didn't go through ROM, clear PG_EN bit and return an abort condition to AON movl $0, PMU_PG_EN_REG movl $0, %eax jmp return_to_aon after_pg: #return to caller that we got ouf of PG movl $1, %eax return_to_aon: movl $0, PMU_STATUS_REG #return to AON task (still with ROM GDT and segments in case of PG exit) ret .global pg_exit_save_ctx pg_exit_save_ctx: sgdtl mainfw_gdt str tr ret .global pg_exit_restore_ctx pg_exit_restore_ctx: #load RTOS GDT and AON task lgdtl mainfw_gdt ltr tr #load AON LDT and segments lea aon_tss, %eax lldt TSS_LDT_SEG_SEL_OFFSET(%eax) mov $AON_DS, %ax mov %ax, %ds mov %ax, %es mov %ax, %fs mov %ax, %gs mov %ax, %ss ljmpl $AON_CS, $cont cont: nop ret