* \file cy_tdm.h
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* The header file of the Audio TDM driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \addtogroup group_tdm
* \{
* \note IP Supported: TDM
* \note Device Categories: CAT1B. Please refer Device Catalog.
* Configures audio TDM/I2S.
* The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_tdm.h.
* You can include cy_pdl.h (ModusToolbox only) to get access to all functions
* and declarations in the PDL.
* Features:
* * Supports I2S mode and TDM mode.
* * Master and slave functionality.
* * Full-duplex transmitter and receiver operation.
* * Support for up to 32 channels.
* * Programmable channel size (up to 32 bits)
* * Programmable channel delay of 0 or 1 bit.
* * Delayed sampling support.
* * Programmable PCM sample formatting (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 32 bits).
* * Programmable synchronization pulse type.
* * Left-aligned and right-aligned sample formatting.
* * 128 entry TX FIFO with interrupt and trigger support.
* * 128 entry RX FIFO with interrupt and trigger support.
* \section group_tdm_configuration Configuration Considerations
* To set up a TDM driver, initialize the TDM Transmitter module in accordance with a configuration structure.
* * Each TDM/I2S (TX, RX) pair consists of a TDM/I2S transmitter and a TDM/I2S receiver.
* * The transmitter and receiver can function simultaneously and have dedicated clock control.
* * The transmitter and receiver have dedicated MMIO registers and a dedicated FIFO.
* * The transmitter and receiver have a dedicated FIFO interrupt and FIFO trigger.
* * The transmitter trigger is activated when a programmable number of PCM data slots is available in the TX FIFO.
* * The receiver trigger is activated when a programmable number of PCM data words is received into the RX FIFO.
* To set up TDM, provide the configuration parameters in the
* \ref cy_stc_tdm_config_t structure.
* For example, for Tx configuration, set txEnabled to true, configure
* txDmaTrigger (depending on whether DMA is going to be used or not), set
* extClk (if an external clock is used), provide clkDiv, masterMode,
* sckPolarity, fsyncPolarity, channelSize, wordSize,
* either i2sMode or TDM (based on Mode setting),
* fifoTriggerLevel (when the Trig interrupt will be used) and format
* A similar setup is for the Rx configuration.
* To initialize the TDM block, call the \ref Cy_AudioTDM_Init function, providing the
* filled \ref cy_stc_tdm_config_t structure.
* Before starting the transmission, enable the Tx \ref Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTx, then
* fill the first Tx data frame by calling \ref Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData. Then
* call the \ref Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateTx.
* For the reception the sequence is the same except for filling the first data
* frame.
* For example:
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_Init
* If you use a DMA, the DMA channel should be previously configured. The TDM interrupts
* (if applicable) can be enabled by calling \ref Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterruptMask.
* For example, if the trigger interrupt is used during operation, the ISR
* should call the \ref Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData as many times as required for your
* FIFO payload, but not more than the FIFO size. Then call \ref Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxInterrupt
* with appropriate parameters.
* If a DMA is used and the DMA channel is properly configured - no CPU activity
* (or any application code) is needed for I2S/TDM operation.
* The I2S frame appears as:
* \image html i2s_frame.png
* This is an example for the channel length = 32. A similar case exists for the rest
* channel length configuration, with one limitation: the word length should be less than or equal
* to the channel length. See the datasheet of your device for more details.
* \section group_tdm_MISRA MISRA-C Compliance
* The TDM driver has the following specific deviations:
* MISRA Rule |
* Rule Class (Required/Advisory) |
* Rule Description |
* Description of Deviation(s) |
* 10.3 |
* R |
* A composite expression of the "essentially unsigned" type is being
* cast to a different type category. |
* The value got from the bitfield physically cannot exceed the enumeration
* that describes this bitfield. So, the code is safe by design. |
* 11.4 |
* A |
* A cast should not be performed between a pointer to object type and
* a different pointer to object type. |
* 20.3 |
* R |
* The validity of values passed to library functions shall be checked. |
* This violation is not caused by code changes, i.e. is not a regression. |
* \section group_tdm_changelog Changelog
* Version | Changes | Reason for Change |
* 1.0 |
* Initial version |
* |
* \defgroup group_tdm_i2s_macros_interrupt_masks Interrupt Masks
* \defgroup group_tdm_data_structures Data Structures
* \defgroup group_tdm_enums Enumerated Types
* \defgroup group_tdm_macros Macros
* \defgroup group_tdm_functions Functions
#if !defined (CY_TDM_H)
#define CY_TDM_H
#include "cy_device.h"
#if defined (CY_IP_MXTDM)
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
'Checked manually, passed true or false in _BOOL2FLD for appropriate functionality.')
'Checked manually, passed true or false in _BOOL2FLD for appropriate functionality.')
* Macro definitions *
* \addtogroup group_tdm_macros
* \{
/** The driver major version */
/** The driver minor version */
/** The TDM driver identifier */
#define CY_TDM_ID (CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x50U))
/** \} group_tdm_macros */
* \addtogroup group_tdm_i2s_macros_interrupt_masks
* \{
/** Bit 0: Less entries in the TX FIFO than specified by Trigger Level. */
/** Bit 1: Attempt to write to a full TX FIFO. */
/** Bit 2: Attempt to read from an empty TX FIFO. */
/** Bit 8: Interface frequency is higher than PCM sample frequency. */
/** Bit 0: Less entries in the RX FIFO than specified by Trigger Level. */
/** Bit 1: Attempt to write to a full RX FIFO. */
/** Bit 2: Attempt to read from an empty RX FIFO. */
/** Bit 8: Interface frequency is higher than PCM sample frequency. */
/** \} group_tdm_i2s_macros_interrupt_masks */
* \addtogroup group_tdm_enums
* \{
/** cy_en_tdm_ws_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_SIZE_8 = 0U, /**< PCM word size:8bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_10 = 1U, /**< PCM word size:10bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_12 = 2U, /**< PCM word size:12bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_14 = 3U, /**< PCM word size:14bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_16 = 4U, /**< PCM word size:16bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_18 = 5U, /**< PCM word size:18bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_20 = 6U, /**< PCM word size:20bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_24 = 7U, /**< PCM word size:24bit. */
CY_TDM_SIZE_32 = 8U /**< PCM word size:32bit. */
} cy_en_tdm_ws_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_format_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_LEFT_DELAYED = 0, /**< Format is left aligned and delayed. */
CY_TDM_LEFT = 1, /**< Format is left aligned. */
CY_TDM_RIGHT_DELAYED = 2, /**< Format is right aligned and delayed. */
CY_TDM_RIGHT = 3 /**< Format is right aligned. */
} cy_en_tdm_format_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_DEVICE_SLAVE = 0U, /**< Device is configured as slave. */
CY_TDM_DEVICE_MASTER = 1U /**< Device is configured as master. */
} cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_word_extend_cfg_t */
typedef enum
CY_ZERO_EXTEND = 0U, /**< Zero extended. */
CY_SIGN_EXTEND = 1U /**< sign extended. */
} cy_en_tdm_word_extend_cfg_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_SEL_SRSS_CLK0 = 0U, /**< Interface clock is selected as clk_if_srss[0]. */
CY_TDM_SEL_SRSS_CLK1 = 1U, /**< Interface clock is selected as clk_if_srss[1]. */
CY_TDM_SEL_SRSS_CLK2 = 2U, /**< Interface clock is selected as clk_if_srss[2]. */
CY_TDM_SEL_SRSS_CLK3 = 3U, /**< Interface clock is selected as clk_if_srss[3]. */
CY_TDM_SEL_MCLK_IN = 4U /**< Interface clock is selected as tdm_tx/rx_mclk_in. */
} cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_CLK = 0U, /**< TDM Clock is used as is. */
CY_TDM_CLK_INVERTED = 1U /**< TDM Clock is inverted. */
} cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t*/
typedef enum
CY_TDM_SIGN = 0U, /**< TDM Sign is used as is. */
CY_TDM_SIGN_INVERTED = 1U /**< TDM Sign is inverted. */
} cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_BIT_PERIOD = 0U, /**< TDM Channel Synchronization is duration of a bit period. */
CY_TDM_CH_PERIOD = 1U /**< TDM Channel Synchronization is duration of a channel period. */
} cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t;
* TDM status definitions.
typedef enum
CY_TDM_SUCCESS = 0x00UL, /**< Successful. */
CY_TDM_BAD_PARAM = CY_TDM_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x01UL /**< One or more invalid parameters. */
} cy_en_tdm_status_t;
/** cy_en_tdm_source_status_t */
typedef enum
CY_TDM_OK = 0x00UL, /**< Successful. */
CY_TDM_BAD = 0x01UL /**< Not Good */
} cy_en_tdm_source_status_t;
/** \} group_tdm_enums */
* \addtogroup group_tdm_data_structures
* \{
/** TDM Initialization configuration. */
typedef struct
bool enable; /**< Enables/Disables TDM TX */
cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t masterMode; /**< Master mode/Slave mode configuration. \ref cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t */
cy_en_tdm_ws_t wordSize; /**< TX word length. Channel size must be greater or equal to the word size.*/
cy_en_tdm_format_t format; /**< TX data format, \ref cy_en_tdm_format_t. */
uint16_t clkDiv; /**< Should be set to an even value ({2, 4, 6, ..., 256}), to ensure a 50/50% duty cycle clock. Only for Master Mode */
cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t clkSel; /**< Interface clock "clk_if" selection, \ref cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t. */
cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t sckPolarity; /**< TX clock polarity, 0: as is and 1: inverted \ref cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t */
cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t fsyncPolarity; /**< Synchronization polarity:0:as is 1:inverted. \ref cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t*/
cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t fsyncFormat; /**< Channel synchronization pulse format \ref cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t */
uint8_t channelNum; /**< Number of channels in the frame:
1 to 32 channels supported. In I2S mode number of channels should be 2. */
uint8_t channelSize; /**< Channel Size. Channel size must be greater or equal to the word size. */
uint8_t fifoTriggerLevel; /**< Trigger level. When the TX FIFO has less entries than the number of this field, a transmitter trigger event is generated. */
uint32_t chEn; /**< Channels enabled: channel i is controlled by bit chEn[i]. For example : In I2S mode for 2 channels the chEn will be 0x3 */
uint32_t signalInput; /**< Controls routing to the TX slave signaling inputs (FSYNC/SCK):
'0': TX slave signaling independent from RX signaling :
'1': TX slave signaling inputs driven by RX Slave:
'2': TX slave signaling inputs driven by RX Master: */
bool i2sMode; /**< IF set to 1 the IP is configured for I2S mode else for TDM mode */
/** cy_stc_tdm_config_rx_t */
typedef struct
bool enable; /**< Enables/Disables TDM RX */
cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t masterMode; /**< Master mode/Slave mode configuration. \ref cy_en_tdm_device_cfg_t */
cy_en_tdm_ws_t wordSize; /**< RX word length. Channel size must be greater or equal to the word size.*/
cy_en_tdm_word_extend_cfg_t signExtend; /**< Word extension \ref cy_en_tdm_word_extend_cfg_t */
cy_en_tdm_format_t format; /**< RX data format, \ref cy_en_tdm_format_t. */
uint16_t clkDiv; /**< Should be set to an even value ({2, 4, 6, ..., 256}), to ensure a 50/50% duty cycle clock. Only for Master Mode */
cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t clkSel; /**< Interface clock "clk_if" selection, \ref cy_en_tdm_clock_sel_t. */
cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t sckPolarity; /**< RX clock polarity, 0: as is and 1: inverted \ref cy_en_tdm_sckpolarity_t */
cy_en_tdm_fsyncpolarity_t fsyncPolarity; /**< Channel synchronization polarity:'false':used "as is". 'true': inverted. */
bool lateSample; /**< Interface late sample delay.
* Slave configuration: "false": Sample PCM bit value on rising edge or falling edge of receiver "rx_sck_in
* "true": Sample PCM bit value on falling edge or rising edge of receiver "rx_sck_in" (half a cycle delay).
* Master configuration: "false": Sample PCM bit value on rising edge or falling edge of receiver "rx_sck_out".
* "true": Sample PCM bit value on falling edge or rising edge of receiver "rx_sck_out" (half a cycle delay). */
/**< RISING = 0 FALLING = 1 */
cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t fsyncFormat; /**< Channel synchronization pulse format \ref cy_en_tdm_fsyncformat_t */
uint8_t channelNum; /**< Number of channels in the frame:
1 to 32 channels supported. In I2S mode number of channels should be 2. */
uint8_t channelSize; /**< Channel Size. Channel size must be greater or equal to the word size. */
uint32_t chEn; /**< Channels enabled: channel i is controlled by bit chEn[i]. For example : In I2S mode for 2 channels the chEn will be 0x3 */
uint8_t fifoTriggerLevel; /**< Trigger level. When the TX FIFO has less entries than the number of this field, a transmitter trigger event is generated. */
uint32_t signalInput; /**< Controls routing to the RX slave signaling inputs (FSYNC/SCK):
'0': RX slave signaling independent from TX signaling :
'1': RX slave signaling inputs driven by TX Slave:
'2': RX slave signaling inputs driven by TX Master: */
bool i2sMode; /**< IF set to 1 the IP is configured for I2S mode else for TDM mode */
} cy_stc_tdm_config_rx_t;
/** cy_stc_tdm_config_t */
typedef struct
cy_stc_tdm_config_tx_t* tx_config; /**< TDM Initialization configuration for TX. */
cy_stc_tdm_config_rx_t* rx_config; /**< TDM Initialization configuration for RX. */
/** \} group_tdm_data_structures */
* \addtogroup group_tdm_macros
* \{
/** \cond INTERNAL */
/* Local definitions */
/* Non-zero default values for TX_CTL register */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_TX_STRUCT_TX_CTL_MS_DEFAULT (0x1U) /**< Default mode is selected as master */
/* Non-zero default values for TX_IF_CTL register */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_TX_STRUCT_TX_IF_CTL_CLOCK_DIV_DEFAULT (0x7U) /**< Default clock is clk_if/(CLOCK_DIV+1) */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_TX_STRUCT_TX_IF_CTL_CLOCK_SEL_DEFAULT (0x7U) /**< Default clock is selected as clk_if_srss[0], later it will be off */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_TX_STRUCT_TX_IF_CTL_CH_SIZE_DEFAULT (0x1FU) /**< Default channel size is 32 bits */
/* Non-zero default values for RX_CTL register */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_RX_STRUCT_RX_CTL_WORD_SIGN_EXTEND_DEFAULT (0x1U) /**< Default RX data word with sign extension */
/* Non-zero default values for RX_IF_CTL register */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_RX_STRUCT_RX_IF_CTL_CLOCK_DIV_DEFAULT (0x7U) /**< Default clock is clk_if/(CLOCK_DIV+1) */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_RX_STRUCT_RX_IF_CTL_CLOCK_SEL_DEFAULT (0x7U) /**< Default clock is selected as clk_if_srss[0], later it will be off */
#define CY_TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_RX_STRUCT_RX_IF_CTL_CH_SIZE_DEFAULT (0x1FU) /**< Default channel size is 32 bits */
/** \endcond */
/** TDM Macro */
#define CY_TDM_IS_CLK_DIV_VALID(clkDiv) (clkDiv <= 255U)
/** TDM Macro */
#define CY_TDM_IS_CHANNELS_VALID(channels) (((channels) > 0UL) && ((channels) <= 31UL))
/** TDM Macro */
#define CY_TDM_IS_CHANNEL_SIZE_VALID(channel_size) (((channel_size) > 2UL) && ((channel_size) <= 31UL))
/** TDM Macro */
#define CY_I2S_TDM_INTR_TX_MASK_VALID(interrupt) (0UL == ((interrupt) & ((uint32_t) ~CY_TDM_INTR_TX_MASK)))
/** TDM Macro */
#define CY_I2S_TDM_INTR_RX_MASK_VALID(interrupt) (0UL == ((interrupt) & ((uint32_t) ~CY_TDM_INTR_RX_MASK)))
/** TDM Macro */
#define CY_I2S_TDM_IS_INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_VALID(signalInput) (signalInput <= 2UL)
/** \} group_tdm_macros */
* \addtogroup group_tdm_functions
* \{
/* Global initialization functions */
cy_en_tdm_status_t Cy_AudioTDM_Init( TDM_STRUCT_Type * base, cy_stc_tdm_config_t const * config);
void Cy_AudioTDM_DeInit( TDM_STRUCT_Type * base);
/* Audio TDM Control and Status */
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t data);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_MuteTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ReplayTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxReadPointer( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxWritePointer( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTxTestMode( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTxTestMode( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_ReadRxData( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeRxFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeRxFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_ReadSilentRXFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInRxFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxReadPointer( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxWritePointer( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRxTestMode( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRxTestMode( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxInterrupt( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptStatusMasked( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxInterrupt( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptStatusMasked( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base);
/** \cond INTERNAL */
* These are legacy API for I2S.
* for backward compatibility.
* Do not use them in new designs.
#define Cy_AudioI2S_Init Cy_AudioTDM_Init
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DeInit Cy_AudioTDM_DeInit
#define Cy_AudioI2S_EnableTx Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DisableTx Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_EnableRx Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DisableRx Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_WriteTxData Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData
#define Cy_AudioI2S_FreezeTxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeTxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_UnfreezeTxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeTxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_MuteTxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_MuteTxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ActivateTx Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateTx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DeActivateTx Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateTx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ReplayTxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_ReplayTxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetNumInTxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInTxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetTxReadPointer Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxReadPointer
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetTxWritePointer Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxWritePointer
#define Cy_AudioI2S_EnableTxTestMode Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTxTestMode
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DisableTxTestMode Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTxTestMode
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ReadRxData Cy_AudioTDM_ReadRxData
#define Cy_AudioI2S_FreezeRxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeRxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_UnfreezeRxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeRxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ActivateRx Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateRx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DeActivateRx Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateRx
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ReadSilentRXFifo Cy_AudioTDM_ReadSilentRXFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetNumInRxFifo Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInRxFifo
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetRxReadPointer Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxReadPointer
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetRxWritePointer Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxWritePointer
#define Cy_AudioI2S_EnableRxTestMode Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRxTestMode
#define Cy_AudioI2S_DisableRxTestMode Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRxTestMode
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ClearTxInterrupt Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxInterrupt
#define Cy_AudioI2S_SetTxInterrupt Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetTxInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_SetTxInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetTxInterruptStatusMasked Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptStatusMasked
#define Cy_AudioI2S_SetTxTriggerInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxTriggerInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ClearTxTriggerInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxTriggerInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ClearRxInterrupt Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxInterrupt
#define Cy_AudioI2S_SetRxInterrupt Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetRxInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_SetRxInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_GetRxInterruptStatusMasked Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptStatusMasked
#define Cy_AudioI2S_SetRxTriggerInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxTriggerInterruptMask
#define Cy_AudioI2S_ClearRxTriggerInterruptMask Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxTriggerInterruptMask
/** \endcond */
/** \} group_tdm_functions */
* \addtogroup group_tdm_functions
* \{
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTx
* Starts an I2S/TDM transmission. Interrupt enabling (by the
* \ref Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt) is required after this function call, in case
* if any I2S/TDM interrupts are used in the application.
* \pre Cy_AudioTDM_Init() must be called before.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTx
* Stops an I2S/TDM transmission.
* \pre TX interrupt disabling (by the \ref Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt) is required
* prior to this function call, in case any TX I2S/TDM interrupts are used.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRx
* Starts an I2S/TDM transmission. Interrupt enabling (by the
* \ref Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt) is required after this function call, in case
* if any I2S/TDM interrupts are used in the application.
* \pre Cy_AudioTDM_Init() must be called before.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRx
* Stops an I2S/TDM transmission.
* \pre TX interrupt disabling (by the \ref Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt) is required
* prior to this function call, in case any TX I2S/TDM interrupts are used.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData
* Writes data to the TX FIFO. Increases the TX FIFO level.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param data Data to be written to the TX FIFO.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_WriteTxData( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t data)
TDM_STRUCT_TX_FIFO_WR(base) = data;
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeTxFifo
* Freezes the TX FIFO. This function is for debug purposes.
* HW uses a constant PCM data value of "0" or the previous channel PCM data is replayed.
* Freeze does not advance the FIFO read pointer (the FIFO data is not used).
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeTxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeTxFifo
* Unfreezes the TX FIFO. This function is for debug purposes.
* HW uses TX FIFO data and advances the FIFO read pointer.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_UnFreezeTxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_MuteTxFifo */
* Mutes the TX FIFO.
* HW uses a constant PCM data value of "0". Mute does advance the FIFO read pointer.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_MuteTxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_MuteTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateTx */
* Activate/start the TX FIFO.
* This will set the transmitter state to on.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateTx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateTx */
* Stop the TX FIFO.
* This will set the transmitter state to off.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateTx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateTx( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ReplayTxFifo */
* Replay functionality (used when FREEZE is '1' or in case of a FIFO underflow event).
* HW uses the previous PCM data value.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
//data replay
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ReplayTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInTxFifo */
* Gets the number of used words in the TX FIFO.,
* Number of used/occupied entries in the TX FIFO. The field value is in the range [0, 128].
* When "0", the FIFO is empty. When "128", the FIFO is full.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \return The current number of used words in the TX FIFO.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInTxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInTxFifo( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxReadPointer */
* Get the TX FIFO Read Pointer.
* TX FIFO read pointer: FIFO location from which a data is read.
* This functionality is intended for debugging purposes.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxReadPointer
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxReadPointer( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
uint32_t reg_value;
return ((uint8_t)(reg_value >> TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_TX_STRUCT_TX_FIFO_STATUS_RD_PTR_Pos));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxWritePointer */
* Get the TX FIFO Write Pointer.
* TX FIFO write pointer: FIFO location at which a new data is written by the hardware.
* This functionality is intended for debugging purposes.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxWritePointer
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxWritePointer( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
uint32_t reg_value;
return ((uint8_t)(reg_value >> TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_TX_STRUCT_TX_FIFO_STATUS_WR_PTR_Pos));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTxTestMode */
* Enables the test mode. Used for debugging purposes only.
* Tx and Rx test modes cannot be enabled simultaneously.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableTxTestMode( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTxTestMode */
* Disables Test mode.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableTxTestMode( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ReadRxData */
* Read Rx data from the Rx FIFO.
* Data (PCM sample) read from the RX FIFO. Reading removes the data from the RX FIFO.
* Reading from an empty RX FIFO activates FIFO_UNDERFLOW interrupt.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_ReadRxData
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_ReadRxData( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
return (TDM_STRUCT_RX_FIFO_RD(base));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeRxFifo */
* Freeze RX FIFO.
* HW writes from the RX FIFO have no effect: freeze will not advance the FIFO write pointer.
* This functionality is intended for debugging purposes.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeRxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_FreezeRxFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeRxFifo */
* UnFreeze Rx FIFO.
* HW writes to the RX FIFO and advances the FIFO write pointer.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeRxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_UnfreezeRxFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateRx */
* Start Rx FIFO.
* Sets Receiver state to on.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateRx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ActivateRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateRx */
* Stop Rx FIFO.
* Sets Receiver state to off.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateRx
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DeActivateRx( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ReadSilentRXFifo */
* When the RX FIFO is empty, a read from this register returns "0".
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_ReadSilentRXFifo
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_ReadSilentRXFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInRxFifo */
* Reads RX FIFO status.
* Number of used/occupied entries in the RX FIFO. The field value is in the range [0, 128].
* When "0", the FIFO is empty. When "128", the FIFO is full.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInRxFifo
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetNumInRxFifo( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxReadPointer */
* Reads RX FIFO Read Pointer
* RX FIFO read pointer: FIFO location from which a data is read.
* This functionality is intended for debugging purposes.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \return The current RX Read pointer value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxReadPointer
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxReadPointer( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
uint32_t reg_value;
return ((uint8_t)(reg_value >> TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_RX_STRUCT_RX_FIFO_STATUS_RD_PTR_Pos));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxWritePointer */
* Reads RX FIFO Write Pointer
* RX FIFO write pointer: FIFO location at which a new data is written by the hardware.
* This functionality is intended for debugging purposes.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \return The current RX Write pointer value.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxWritePointer
__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxWritePointer( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
uint32_t reg_value;
return ((uint8_t)(reg_value >> TDM_TDM_STRUCT_TDM_RX_STRUCT_RX_FIFO_STATUS_WR_PTR_Pos));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRxTestMode */
* Enables Test mode (intended to be used with (master transmitter, slave receiver) configuration).
* Both TX and RX should not be set in Test mode simultaneously.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_EnableRxTestMode( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRxTestMode */
* Disable RX test mode
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_DisableRxTestMode( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxInterrupt */
* Clear TX interrupt
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param interrupt interrupt
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxInterrupt
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxInterrupt( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt)
TDM_STRUCT_TX_INTR_TX(base) = interrupt;
/* This dummy reading is necessary here. It provides a guarantee that interrupt is cleared at returning from this function. */
(void) TDM_STRUCT_TX_INTR_TX(base);
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt */
* Set the Tx Interrupt
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param interrupt interrupts to set.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterrupt( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt)
TDM_STRUCT_TX_INTR_TX_SET(base) = interrupt;
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptMask */
* Get TX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptMask
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
return (TDM_STRUCT_TX_INTR_TX_MASK(base));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterruptMask */
* Set TX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param interrupt interrupt
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterruptMask
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt)
TDM_STRUCT_TX_INTR_TX_MASK(base) = interrupt;
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptStatusMasked */
* Reflects a bitwise AND between the INTR_TX and INTR_TX_MASK registers.
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetTxInterruptStatusMasked( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxTriggerInterruptMask */
* Sets TX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetTxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxTriggerInterruptMask */
* Clears TX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearTxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_TX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxInterrupt */
* Clears RX interrupt
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param interrupt interrupt
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxInterrupt
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxInterrupt( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt)
TDM_STRUCT_RX_INTR_RX(base) = interrupt;
/* This dummy reading is necessary here. It provides a guarantee that interrupt is cleared at returning from this function. */
(void) TDM_STRUCT_RX_INTR_RX(base);
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt */
* Sets RX interrupt
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param interrupt interrupt
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterrupt( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt)
TDM_STRUCT_RX_INTR_RX_SET(base) = interrupt;
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptMask */
* Returns RX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptMask
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
return (TDM_STRUCT_RX_INTR_RX_MASK(base));
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterruptMask */
* Sets RX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \param interrupt interrupt
* \funcusage
* \snippet tdm/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterruptMask
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base, uint32_t interrupt)
TDM_STRUCT_RX_INTR_RX_MASK(base) = interrupt;
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptStatusMasked */
* Returns a bitwise AND between the INTR_RX and INTR_RX_MASK registers
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
* \return The interrupt bit mask(s).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_AudioTDM_GetRxInterruptStatusMasked( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxTriggerInterruptMask */
* Sets Rx Interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_SetRxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/* Function Name: Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxTriggerInterruptMask */
* Clear RX interrupt Mask
* \param base The pointer to the I2S/TDM instance address.
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_AudioTDM_ClearRxTriggerInterruptMask( TDM_RX_STRUCT_Type * base)
/** \} group_tdm_functions */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* (CY_TDM_H) */
/** \} group_tdm */
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 10.1')
CY_MISRA_BLOCK_END('MISRA C-2012 Rule 14.3')
#endif /* CY_IP_MXTDM */
/* [] END OF FILE */