* \file cy_sysfault.h
* \version 1.20
* \brief
* Provides an API declaration of the SysFault driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright (c) (2020-2022), Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
* an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \addtogroup group_sysfault
* \{
* The SysFault driver provides an API to configure the Fault reporting structure.
* The functions and other declarations used in this driver are in cy_sysfault.h.
* You can include cy_pdl.h to get access to all functions and declarations in the PDL.
* This driver is only available for CAT1C, CAT1D devices.
* The Fault subsystem contains information about faults that occur in the system.
* The fault subsystem captures only faults and it does not take any action to correct it.
* The subsystem can cause a reset, give a pulse indication, or trigger another peripheral.
* CAT1C, CAT1D uses a centralized fault report structure. The centralized nature allows for a
* system-wide consistent handling of faults, which simplifies software development as
* follows only a single fault interrupt handler is required. The fault report structure
* provides the fault source and additional fault-specific information from a single set
* of memory mapped input/output (MMIO) registers, no iterative search is required for
* the fault source and fault information.
* All pending faults are available from a single set of MMIO registers. Below is the block
* diagram.
* \image html fault.png
* Fault IP provides fault report structure. Fault report structures capture faults.
* The number of fault report structures is specified by a design time configuration
* parameter (FAULT_NR). In CAT1C, CAT1D there are two instances of fault structures, each fault
* report structure has a dedicated set of MMIO control and status registers and captures
* a single fault. A fault report structure provides the fault source and additional fault
* specific information from a single set of MMIO registers. The fault structures capture
* faults like MPU/SMPU/PPI protection violations, peripheral specific errors, memory
* controller specific errors. E.g., SRAM controller ECC errors,
* FLASH controller read while program and ECC errors, Processor tightly coupled
* memory (TCM) ECC errors.
* System fault will be captured by fault report structures. A fault report structure
* provides the fault source and additional fault specific information from a single
* set of MMIO registers.
* The captured fault information includes:
* * A validity bit field that indicates a fault is captured.
* * A fault index that identifies the fault source.
* * Additional fault information describing fault specifics.
* \section group_sysfault_configuration Configuration Considerations
* Fault configuration includes clearing the existing fault status, enabling fault source,
* setting interrupt mask, and fault initialization.
* Below is the code snippet for the fault configuration.
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Config
* Once the configured fault occurs, the interrupt handler will be triggered where the
* fault information can be captured.
* Below is the code snippet that can be part of a interrupt handler.
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
* \section group_sysfault_section_more_information More Information
* For more information on the System Fault, refer to the technical reference
* manual (TRM).
* \section group_sysfault_changelog Changelog
* Version | Changes | Reason for Change |
* 1.20 |
* Updated \ref Cy_SysFault_GetErrorSource API and added new macro |
* MISRA 10.8 fix and code enhancement |
* 1.10 |
* Updated macro related to driver enablement for CAT1C without any functional impact |
* Code Enhancement |
* 1.0 |
* Initial version |
* |
* \defgroup group_sysfault_macros Macros
* \defgroup group_sysfault_enums Enums
* \defgroup group_sysfault_data_structures Data Structures
* \defgroup group_sysfault_functions Functions
#if !defined(CY_SYSFAULT_H)
#include "cy_device.h"
#if defined(CY_IP_MXS40FAULT) || defined (CY_IP_MXFAULT)
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include "cy_device_headers.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined (CY_IP_MXS22SRSS)
#define cy_en_SysFault_source_t en_sysfault_source_t
* Function Constants
* \addtogroup group_sysfault_macros
* \{
/** Driver major version */
/** Driver minor version */
/** Driver ID */
/** \cond INTERNAL */
/* Macro to validate parameters in Cy_SysFault_GetFaultData() function */
#define CY_SYSFAULT_IS_DATA_SET_VALID(dataSet) (((dataSet) == CY_SYSFAULT_DATA0) || \
((dataSet) == CY_SYSFAULT_DATA1) || \
((dataSet) == CY_SYSFAULT_DATA2) || \
((dataSet) == CY_SYSFAULT_DATA3))
/* Macro to validate parameters in Cy_SysFault_GetPendingFault() function */
#define CY_SYSFAULT_IS_FAULT_SET_VALID(pendingFault) (((pendingFault) == CY_SYSFAULT_SET0) || \
((pendingFault) == CY_SYSFAULT_SET1) || \
((pendingFault) == CY_SYSFAULT_SET2))
/** \endcond */
/** \} group_sysfault_macros */
* \addtogroup group_sysfault_enums
* \{
* SysFault driver error codes
typedef enum
CY_SYSFAULT_SUCCESS = 0x0UL, /**< Returned successful */
CY_SYSFAULT_BAD_PARAM = CY_SYSFAULT_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x1UL, /**< Bad parameter was passed */
} cy_en_SysFault_status_t;
* SysFault pending Fault source set.
typedef enum
CY_SYSFAULT_SET0 = 0UL, /**< Set of Faults in the range of 0-31 Fault ID */
CY_SYSFAULT_SET1 = 1UL, /**< Set of Faults in the range of 32-63 Fault ID */
CY_SYSFAULT_SET2 = 2UL, /**< Set of Faults in the range of 64-95 Fault ID */
} cy_en_SysFault_Set_t;
* Instances of Fault data register.
typedef enum
CY_SYSFAULT_DATA0 = 0UL, /**< Used to get the Fault data for DATA0 register */
CY_SYSFAULT_DATA1= 1UL, /**< Used to get the Fault data for DATA1 register */
CY_SYSFAULT_DATA2 = 2UL, /**< Used to get the Fault data for DATA2 register */
CY_SYSFAULT_DATA3= 3UL, /**< Used to get the Fault data for DATA3 register */
} cy_en_SysFault_Data_t;
/** \} group_sysfault_enums */
* Configuration Structure
* \addtogroup group_sysfault_data_structures
* \{
* Configuration structure for a Fault control register.
typedef struct {
bool TriggerEnable; /**< Enables the trigger output when it is True */
bool OutputEnable; /**< Enables the output signal when it is True */
bool ResetEnable; /**< Enables the Reset request when it is True */
} cy_stc_SysFault_t;
/** \} group_sysfault_data_structures */
* Function Prototypes
* \addtogroup group_sysfault_functions
* \{
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_Init
* \brief
* Initializes the SysFault for recording faults.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \param config
* The pointer to a Configuration structure.
* \return
* Fault status. Refer \ref cy_en_SysFault_status_t
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Config
cy_en_SysFault_status_t Cy_SysFault_Init(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base, cy_stc_SysFault_t *config);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_ClearStatus
* \brief
* Clears status register.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Config
void Cy_SysFault_ClearStatus(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_GetErrorSource
* \brief
* Returns the source of error for the Fault.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* Fault source.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
cy_en_SysFault_source_t Cy_SysFault_GetErrorSource(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_GetFaultData
* \brief
* Returns the Fault information for the provided dataSet.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \param dataSet
* Instance of data register.
* \return
* Fault information.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
uint32_t Cy_SysFault_GetFaultData(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base, cy_en_SysFault_Data_t dataSet);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_GetPendingFault
* \brief
* Returns the sources of pending fault that are not captured.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \param pendingFault
* Instance of PENDING register. PENDING0 returns the occurred pending Faults in the range of 0-31 Fault ID.
* \return
* The status of pending Faults.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_PendingFault
uint32_t Cy_SysFault_GetPendingFault(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base, cy_en_SysFault_Set_t pendingFault);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_SetMaskByIdx
* \brief
* Enable the Fault to be captured.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \param idx
* The Fault id to be set in the mask register.
* \return
* None.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Config
void Cy_SysFault_SetMaskByIdx(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base, cy_en_SysFault_source_t idx);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_ClearMaskByIdx
* \brief
* Disable the faults to be captured.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \param idx
* The fault id to be cleared in the mask register.
* \return
* None.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_PendingFault
void Cy_SysFault_ClearMaskByIdx(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base, cy_en_SysFault_source_t idx);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_GetInterruptStatus
* \brief
* Returns the status of the interrupt.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* Interrupt status.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
uint32_t Cy_SysFault_GetInterruptStatus(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_ClearInterrupt
* \brief
* Clears Active Interrupt Source.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* None.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
void Cy_SysFault_ClearInterrupt(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_SetInterrupt
* \brief
* Triggers an interrupt via a software write.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* None.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Config
void Cy_SysFault_SetInterrupt(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_SetInterruptMask
* \brief
* Sets an interrupt mask.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* None.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Config
void Cy_SysFault_SetInterruptMask(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_ClearInterruptMask
* \brief
* Clears an interrupt mask.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* None.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
void Cy_SysFault_ClearInterruptMask(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_GetInterruptMask
* \brief Returns the interrupt mask.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* Interrupt Mask.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
uint32_t Cy_SysFault_GetInterruptMask(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
* Function Name: Cy_SysFault_GetInterruptStatusMasked
* \brief
* Returns whether masked interrupt triggered the interrupt.
* \param base
* The pointer to a Fault structure instance.
* \return
* Interrupt Mask.
* \funcusage
* \snippet sysfault/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_SysFault_Handle_Fault
uint32_t Cy_SysFault_GetInterruptStatusMasked(FAULT_STRUCT_Type *base);
/** \} group_sysfault_functions */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* CY_IP_M7CPUSS */
#endif /* CY_SYSFAULT_H */
/** \} group_sysfault */
/* [] END OF FILE */